What does it mean to feel a woman? "Sensual Woman: Who She Is



adj., used compare often

Morphology: sensual And sensual, sensual, sensually, sensual; more sensual; adv. sensually

1. Sensual world- these are all images, objects that we perceive and cognize with the help of the five senses.

2. Sensual call perception, cognition, etc. by a person or animal of the external world with the help of the five senses.

Sensory memory. | Sensual vision. | Sensory experience. | How many mysterious things remain to be discovered beyond the limits of sensory knowledge? | Animals are endowed by nature with the ability to sense perception.

3. Sensual love is a feeling that is focused on satisfying the physical desire of a man or woman.

Sensual attraction. | Experience sensual pleasure, pleasure. | In the poetry of the troubadours, love was sung as sensual joy.

4. Sensual man - this is a person who is inclined to satisfy physical desires, as well as one who has a heightened sensitivity to the influence of the outside world.

Sensual woman. | Sensual man suffers when his feelings are not given due attention, he wants those around him to empathize with his grief and joy.

5. If a person’s appearance creates impressions associated with physical pleasure among others, then it is called sensual.

Sensual beauty. | Sensual mouth. | Sensual lips.

6. If some action or phenomenon excites physical desire men or women, then it is called sensual.

Sensual kiss. | Sensual aroma. | Sensual African dances.

sensuality noun, and.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what “sensual” is in other dictionaries:

    Corporeal, carnal, erotic; lustful, voluptuous, voluptuous, lusty; oily; sensual, sexy, excitable, epicurean, qualitative, sensualistic, erotic, animal, excellent, priapic Dictionary of Russian... ... Synonym dictionary

    SENSUAL, sensual, sensual; sensual, sensual, sensual. 1. only full. Carried out through the senses. Sensory perception. || Concrete perceived by the senses (visible, tangible, olfactory, etc.; philosophical).... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Sensual- Sensual ♦ Sensible Endowed with the ability to feel, as well as perceived by the senses. In philosophy, the word is more often used in the second meaning. Thus, since the time of Plato, the sensory world has been contrasted with the supersensible... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    SENSUAL, oh, oh; vein, vein. 1. full Perceived by the senses (visible, audible, touchable, olfactory, tasted), pertaining to such perception. Sensory perception. 2. Carnal, with a strongly expressed sexual... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1) associated with feelings, mediated by feelings, perceived by feelings; 2) in ethics - prone to carnal pleasures. Accordingly, sensuality means: 1) the ability to sense perception; 2) a tendency towards sensual... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    sensual- sensual, brief. f. sensual and sensual, sensual, sensual, sensual. Pronounced [sensual]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Sensual- – 1. related to the senses. For example, sensory delusion or delusion of perception; 2. related to receiving pleasure from sensations, especially “carnal”, erotic ones. The sensations, we note, can also be unpleasant, for example, pain; 3.… … encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    Adj. 1. ratio with noun feeling associated with it 2. Carried out through the senses. 3. Perceptible by the senses (visible, touchable, olfactory, etc.); concrete, material. 4. Delivering physical pleasure; bodily, carnal. 5.… … Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

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The more sensual you are, the more difficult it becomes for you to find someone who wants to have a serious relationship with you.

You can go on many dates with your loved one, but at some certain point the relationship stops developing further, and the reason for this is precisely the depth of your feelings. Not every man is strong enough to cope with a sensual woman. And that's why:

1. Sensual women ask deep questions

A sensual woman will scrutinize your life and ask questions that you may not be ready to answer. Even on your first date, she will try to dig deeper and ask about something personal or philosophical. Such women do not accept empty chatter.

2. Sensual women are always honest

A sensual woman believes in honesty and integrity. If you ask her anything, she will answer the truth and expect you to do the same.

3. Sensual women know what they want.

Or whoever they want. A sensual woman knows for sure whether she likes you, and for this she does not need to date someone else to be sure of her feelings. Her heart beats only for a small number of people she knows well.

4. Sensual women want deep relationships.

She likes to talk at length about your life, she wants to hear as much as possible more stories about your past, to know your pain and bring something valuable into your life. She dreams of a real relationship that involves something more than just entertainment or going out together.

5. Sensual women are not afraid of intimacy

She is not afraid of intimacy and the accompanying risk of suffering. She doesn't think that this will somehow limit her freedom or make her vulnerable. Her depth of feeling and intimacy go hand in hand, and she always welcomes intimacy in a relationship.

6. Sensual women see right through you.

She sees your true nature and knows what makes you vulnerable. She will not hide from you that she sees right through you and that she knows your motives. And although this puts you in an awkward position, she wants you to know that she understands you and that you don’t have to pretend around her.

7. Sensual women crave consistency.

From impermanence and inappropriate behavior she feels uneasy. She craves serious and strong relationships and knows very well that they can only be built on consistency. A sensual woman will never participate in the dating game.

8. Sensual women are very active

The behavior of such a woman can be somewhat intimidating, since she is too active in everything she does. Her emotions are as strong as her thoughts. She will never show indifference to what is important to her. And in general there is no such person who could pacify her temper.

9. Only sensual women know what boundless love is.

If you don't love her enough, she will leave you. She doesn't know how you can just be friends with someone you love or someone she cares about. A sensual woman sees when someone does not want to meet her halfway and will gradually distance herself from everyone who is not ready to give her the true love she desires.

10. Sensual women don't wait

She won't wait until you get your thoughts in order or until you stop doubting her. She is strong and passionate, and therefore will not waste her emotions on someone who does not appreciate the depth of her feelings. And despite what she's looking for special love, women like her are not afraid of loneliness.

Sensuality - this is one of the components of a woman’s sexuality, its continuation. This is the ability to experience pleasure from skin-to-skin contact with a partner: from his touches, caresses and, directly, sexual intercourse. That is why this facet of femininity is important to understand, accept and develop. Very often, problems with sensuality in women arise due to the fact that they do not know how to surrender to their feelings and accept another.

There are many aspects to the concept of “sensuality”. The whole image of a woman or its individual aspects - gaze, lips, hands - can be perceived as sensual. Undoubtedly, the reaction of a sensual woman to touch or caress brings pleasure to her lover, increases his self-esteem and confidence in his beloved. By studying your body, its aspects, understanding your needs, you can easily explain to your partner what makes you happier. You will see how great relationships change when the pleasure is mutual.

But not every woman is born sensual. Many people lose this property as they grow older. Its presence or absence is influenced by tension at work, stress, family relationships, when psychological barriers associated with sexual relationships arise. As a result, the importance of this aspect sexual relations many women don't even know.

Love and feelings are not enough to make the sexual side of our being live in full force. Love for a man does not change the model of sexuality that we inherited from our mothers and grandmothers in the form of various prohibitions and complexes. But it is in early childhood our future ability to feel liberated in sex is being formed.

A 25-year-old girl, let’s call her Oksana, came to see a psychologist. She says that she feels almost nothing when the man she loves touches her. She has been dating him for six months and has been intimate more than once.

“I’m pleased, of course, when he touches me, but strong excitement I can not feel. I can’t understand why that is.”

In the process of working with a psychologist, it turned out that Oksana was raised only by her mother from childhood. She divorced her father because of his infidelity. And nothing good about him or other men in adolescence the girl didn't hear. That's why positive attitude She had not developed a relationship with men or intimacy with him.

After working with a specialist, the girl managed to get rid of psychological blocks and also develop her sensuality thanks to various sexological techniques.

How should one work with sensuality?

It is important to note that you need to develop your sensuality in different directions. Studying the sensations from external touches - to the skin in different parts of the body, and internal ones - to the muscles of the vagina. It is important to remember: sensuality is not a quality that is acquired in a day or two. This is a process of self-improvement that takes time and patience. Preparing yourself for pleasure is something we are usually not taught. But this is a whole art.

Study your body

Do this on your own and also with a partner. You can use the method with various items. To do this, prepare several objects of different textures - a piece of fabric, fur, a silk scarf, a leaf of any plant, a piece of soap. Next you need to retire, sit in comfortable position and relax. Move your hands over these objects for 10-15 minutes. You need to focus on your sensations from touch. If necessary, you can close your eyes. You can touch the object to different areas body, noting your sensations and remembering them.

You can conduct a similar experiment with your partner. He may also touch your skin with objects and then with his hands, while noting your reaction.

Go dancing

Dancing different directions help a woman relax, unwind, feel confident and attractive. In addition, many muscles are involved in the dance, as a result of which the body becomes more youthful, fit and sexy. In addition, certain areas train the internal muscles of the small pelvis very well. This, in turn, increases their sensitivity, bringing more pleasure to the woman during sexual intercourse.

Learn to talk about what and how you like sex

Although, of course, difficulties in terms of communication sexual themes common to many women. Largely due to the fact that they are shy and simply do not know how to talk about their preferences. Sometimes they are simply afraid to open up.

At the same time, it should be remembered that if such topics have not been discussed in a couple before, then shock your partner long stories not worth it. You can start with short comments about what you really liked. When talking about your sexual desires, talk specifically about feelings, and do not advise or criticize. Speak honestly and frankly, but not in an offensive manner, so as not to hurt the feelings of your loved one.

Develop a sense of confidence in yourself and your feelings

A woman’s inner confidence, which flows through every glance, gesture, and word, undoubtedly influences the perception of others around her. Loving yourself is one of the most important points in the acquisition of sensuality and the development of sexuality.

Love yourself, fill yourself with love. This means learning to take care of yourself, to have and fulfill your desires.

If there is a desire to compare myself with others or to gain their approval, if I cannot afford to make mistakes and engage in self-criticism, if I “know” how “worthless” I am and am very afraid that if everyone around me also “finds out”, then they will “expose me, despise me and turn away from me,” and then they will definitely not love me... In such reflections, a woman loses not only her sensuality, but also herself.

But putting aside fears and embarrassment and accepting openly, with pleasure, all the caresses that a man gives, is not always easy. After all, in the process of becoming, we are influenced by many sources of information and people. First of all - family, environment, television. As a result, as practice shows, many women have complexes, are embarrassed about their body and their sexual desires. They feel a sense of shame for their “promiscuity”, not realizing that sensuality is natural property women.

It happens that it can be quite difficult to “shed” the patina of all of the above and find yourself. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. They will be able to identify the causes of individual psychological blocks and help cope with them.

Give sexual energy the opportunity to be

It is important to give your sensuality and sexuality the importance it deserves and take time to think about it. We spend time going to the cinema, reading a book or meeting with friends. Pleasure also takes time. We need to prepare both our mind and body to accept the other. You need to tell your body that it is about to experience pleasure. For sex to have life-giving power, it must have its place in our lives.

Sexy woman - what is she like?

A sexy woman is not only sensual. She is well-groomed, stylish, and knows how to present herself. He knows his advantages and knows how to hide his shortcomings. She flirts easily with men, but does not cross the line beyond which vulgarity begins. At the same time, for everyone specific man sexy woman- this is your image. For some, appearance is important, others are turned on by intelligence and erudition. That's why, best option- look for yourself, and develop those qualities that your man likes, if you are already in a couple.

At the same time, it is important to remember physiological characteristics of your body. After all, sex drive is influenced by hormone levels. And the appearance changes over the years. And it’s better to be prepared for this.

So, from 20 to 30 years the girl is busy with her education, searching for herself in terms of appearance, general style, building a career. During this period, it is very important how quickly a woman finds her life partner. Sex life may be irregular. Or vice versa - just get on track.

By the age of 30 a woman, as a rule, already has sufficient sexual experience and knows what she wants and what she likes. This period marks the peak of sexuality, since hormone levels are low. high level and internally a woman is ready for innovation, experimentation and self-knowledge in this direction.

By the age of 40 the woman retains her sexuality. But after that, hormone levels begin to decrease and sexual desire may not be as strong as in previous years. However, sex life can be quite active.

By the age of 50 a woman enters menopause and may experience a sharp decrease in sexual desire. On the other hand, according to statistics, this is typical for approximately 40% of women. Although a woman may experience complexes about physiological changes, but she must understand that sex life does not end there. It may not be as rich as before, but you definitely shouldn’t give it up.

Thus, a woman’s sensuality and sexuality are multifaceted concepts. But these aspects of femininity can and should be studied and developed. Receiving pleasure from feeling like a woman, being in this state every second makes life bright, filling it with events and impressions. Being filled with this feeling, you will be able to share them, improving and making the man next to you happy.

What is your sensory world like? – Do you perceive the world with your senses? Do you get up in the morning and feel the freshness of the morning, renewal and joy of a new day? Do you feel like the next step you need to take? Do you feel your sensation change when you smile and straighten your back? Do you feel the bottomlessness of the sky? Is there a feeling of admiration when you are dressed up, ready to go somewhere and correcting the final touches of your image in front of the mirror? Do you feel proud when you have completed an important task? Do you feel a sense of pleasure when you are in a beautiful place?

Is your world filled with feelings? Is your life sensual? Or does it consist of thoughts, plans, what has been done/what remains to be done? what is so and what is not so? If you are in the mentality—you do a lot of thinking and processing—then often you get really tired because you are restricting the natural flow—the flow of feeling.

When you suppress this sensuality, when you block your feelings - physical and spiritual feelings - then this, in essence, blocks the flow of energy, vital energy, which comes into your life through feeling. And how much it can transform your life, help you become full, bright, diverse, changing and flowing, if you allow yourself to feel.

I offer to help several practical tools that will help you discover your ability to feel.

1. First and most important, allow yourself to feel.

Feel everything that you feel at the moment, without minimizing, but also without intensifying, without running away or replacing one feeling with another, honestly and very sincerely. Not only positive, but also negative.

As a rule, we run away from pain and suffering; we do not want to feel anything that is even closely related to pain, suffering or aggression. However, by doing this we are only delaying the inevitable - these feelings will still overtake us, but then it won’t seem enough. P please don't run away from negative feelings, not to pretend that they don’t exist, but to meet them face to face, recognize them and finally get liberation to experience more positive states, those positive feelings that we dream about.

Ask yourself what I feel? And at least for yourself, voice what you feel at different moments and allow yourself to live them, as it turns out, at the level that is available right now.

This will allow you to realize what is behind your feelings, what motivates you to different situations? This will allow you to understand your feelings rather than reject them. This will allow them to manifest naturally and freely, and not distorted, as often happens.

I often ask one question: what motivates you to move forward? What motivates you when you want to achieve something, do something? And think about what motivates you in life? – Your feelings can tell you the answer to this question (for example, you can run away from something unpleasant or chase something that seems important, but not live right now).

2. Allow yourself to go through the feeling of pain and vulnerability or through the feeling of fear of being hurt/fear of being vulnerable.

The moment we feel pain, we are vulnerable and defenseless. At this moment, you can receive another portion of pain from others - out of ignorance, “what’s best” or intentionally. Even the most in simple words- stop it, come on, well, anything can happen - in words that do not recognize what you feel at the moment. Often it is even more painful, much more painful, than the feeling itself that you experience. Because there is no sensitivity, no acceptance, no permission to live this and no respect for any feeling, there is no room. At such a moment, we cannot control either ourselves or others, but we can easily put on a mask and close ourselves off, not feel, freeze. But at the same time, we freeze for other feelings that are opposite to what causes pain and suffering - for love, joy, pleasure, happiness.

3. Allow yourself to want and desire.

I see how many women do not allow themselves to desire and want. Most often this is due to upbringing. How often has it been said: if you want a lot, you will get little; in order to get something you must first deserve it, and for this you need to work hard (learn all the lessons, etc.) and then maybe you will get what you want. Or maybe you were an obedient and comfortable child, and in order not to bother your mother unnecessarily, you didn’t ask for anything, you made do with what you had. Or maybe your stress level is so high that you don’t want anything anymore...

And most often it’s the good ones, well-mannered girls They don’t allow themselves to desire. Yes, they do a lot, a lot of good, good deeds. More often than not, they don’t even accept it for someone else first, but they don’t even allow themselves to want something.

And a dilemma arises: I don’t know what I want? But in life you need to know what you want, otherwise there is no direction where to move, no happiness and satisfaction from the fact that you follow your path and come to what you want.

Therefore, it is also important to be able to pronounce “I want”, “I would like”. For example, I learned to do this in life (before I couldn’t even turn my tongue). In relationships, I learned to talk about what I want. In cooperation, in food... In different areas. Clearly, distinctly, without understatement.

But until I said the first “I want” consciously, the desires were not fulfilled, they did not manifest themselves in life, or rather, the opportunities for their manifestation and implementation. And when I realized this, wanting and expressing my desires became much clearer and clearer.

Therefore, if you have problems expressing your desires, take note. If this is the case, allow yourself to say “I want...” throughout the day and then clearly state what you want...

4. Allow yourself to experience as much as possible. bodily sensations and pay attention to what is happening in the body.

Allow yourself to be touched. Touch your body more often. Give yourself a massage, just stroke yourself, stretch, feel the sweet tension in your muscles, feel how clothes fit your body, do your hair, feel the softness of your hair... - enjoy yourself. At the same time, give affection, hug more often, smile, kiss.

5. Return to your breathing.

When you come back and pay attention to how you breathe, your rhythm slows down, you are not only filled with oxygen, but you also become present in at this moment, the moment you take a breath, you are automatically transported into the world of body sensations and feelings. With conscious breathing, you allow yourself to feel and live from feelings.. This is the simplest practice of all, the most natural, because breathing is the basis of our life. Many people just forget.

6. Allow yourself at least one sensual pleasure a day.

It is important for a woman to feel the energy of pleasure, enjoyment, as well as lightness, in order to change the focus of perception of life, work, relationships, actions, etc. From “I’ll work it out” to “I’ll do it easily, with pleasure.”

So that your attitude towards life changes. For example, not “when I work through all the traumas / free myself from negativity / do my projects / improve relationships,” but even if something is wrong, I live, I enjoy what is and accept changes and opportunities to change what what’s wrong in my life, what I don’t like and don’t like. And do it with pleasure, even make efforts with pleasure (remember, like in training, a certain level of body tension causes pleasure).

Because pleasure, pleasure, joy involves you in the experience of life, at such moments we enjoy something, some experience, experience, action. And when a person gains experience of life, life becomes brighter, fuller and richer.

What makes pleasure? It launches a flow of energy, activates the sensory component, and connects us with the flow of life.

What can sensual pleasure be? – Anyone, you can make your favorite drink, and then take a sip of it, enjoying every sip, until the end, tasting, tasting, feeling the taste. Just? - What if I do?

7. Do something creative, what you like most and allow yourself to plunge into the creative process itself.

If you focus on the process, you will automatically switch to feeling. Or allow yourself to feel the process you are in.

For example, when I write, I no longer think about what will come out in the end, I don’t think that I need to send out an article and how it will be received, i.e. what result will I get, I just immerse myself in the process itself, let it unfold, and just feel for myself, feel what to write. If I feel that some phrase is inappropriate, I feel it and remove it. If I feel like I need to put it aside and then finish it because something is missing, then I do that. But I don’t think, I feel - and it seems to me that the creative process is based on this - on sensory creation in some process.

8. Communicate with the world around you through your senses and express your feelings to the world.

Pay attention to smells, sounds, sensations, energy, taste - everything that is part of sensory perception.

Can you smell the dish you cooked for dinner? When you eat, do you feel the taste of food? Do you allow yourself to feel when you are touched? How do you feel when you speak? What do you feel as a result of what you see, hear, when you touch a person, an inanimate object, an animal, a plant, anything else in your physical reality? – Are you responding to everything that allows you to feel?

And also express your feelings to the world - give your joy, warmth, if anger comes, then allow yourself to be angry. Do others know how you feel? Do you allow yourself to express yourself through your feelings?

9. Remember that you are a sexual being and allow yourself to express your sexuality.

It is natural for a woman and a man to be sexy. And this line - when sexuality is a natural radiation of energy, the natural flow of life through us, on the one hand it is important not to block it, on the other hand not to overdo it - it is important to feel it, but when you feel balance inside - it gives a huge sense of self-confidence as in a woman and allows you to reveal your sensuality.

How much energy does it take for you to control your sexuality? And how much energy does it take to allow yourself to manifest it, to launch this sensual flow of energy? What does it mean to you to be sexy, to express your sexuality? How would you like to do this? How would you do this if you were alone with yourself and only yourself? How would you be intimate with yourself?

10. Fill your sacral chakra with energy.

Responsible for sensuality, sexuality, creativity energy center– the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen. Perhaps the energy does not flow into this center in the required quantity. Then you can perform the following energy exercise.

Rub your palms well so that they become warm, spread them to the side, feel how the energy flows between them. And roll an energy ball of orange light with your hands and, like a ball, direct the energy to the sacral chakra and then again to your palms, then send this ball again to the sacral chakra and so on until you feel a little warmth and filling. Stop, that's enough for today. It is important to unwind the energy gradually if you have not done this before.

11. You can also perform such a short meditation on connecting with the source of sensuality (and essentially the flowing waters of life) in yourself.

Take a deep breath, relax your body and connect your consciousness with your sacral chakra. Imagine finding a majestic oasis of fresh clean water in the desolate space of your sacral chakra, a place where the water has been poisoned in the past or has dried up due to fear of feeling and lack of emotion, leading to obstacles that have blinded you from discovering this sacred oasis.

Enter this oasis of water, feel the coolness enveloping your body, immerse yourself completely in it and drink this sweet water until your thirst is completely quenched.

Continue to allow yourself to be in the water, swimming, diving, taking in every moment of this exquisite experience of feeling how this pure liquid envelops your body.

Now in your desert oasis, float on your back, soaking up the brilliance of the Sun as it shines down on you. Soak up the warmth of this powerful solar source of creation and empowerment.

Imagine your body becoming warmer, and as the temperature rises, you begin to shed the layers you have wrapped yourself in in an attempt to keep yourself warm. Allow these rays to penetrate your heart and your sacral chakra, freeing you from the isolation of your past and continue to peel away each layer until you are able to sit naked and feel pure feelings, completely pure feelings - without any toxicity or frozenness.

And as soon as you have had enough, as soon as you feel that you have opened at least a little and restored your ability to pure feelings and feel the flow of the waters of life, take a few deep breaths and exhale and come back.

12. And finally. Allow yourself to reduce the amount of toxic thoughts you have about yourself.

Yes, yes, exactly thoughts. Because they trigger the most unpleasant and toxic feelings towards yourself, which you don’t want to live, and therefore block your ability to feel. Who likes to feel unlucky, not what they should be, etc.? No one. But this feeling is caused by a thought. So be aware of what you think about yourself? And especially when you think that you are not good enough, smart enough or something completely negative about yourself. Do you really believe this? Can you really say this is true? Is this 100%, absolutely true? - No? – Then is it worth believing unconditionally in this thought, as if it were the only truth? Or should we choose other thoughts that are more true?

This is far from full list how you can reveal your sensuality.

Remember, just don’t resist going inward, exploring yourself and the world through your senses.

And after some time you find that something begins to change - you begin to catch to understand shades, nuances, changes, you begin to understand your feelings, the feelings of others, you begin to understand that the world is different, it has an unimaginable number of shades of colors, smells, sounds, tactile and taste sensations... it has an amazing variety of feelings that we can experience - in a word, you begin to live more deeply and fully, if you just allow , allow yourself to feel.

Do you allow yourself to feel? What is your sensory world? Which of the proposed ones will you take for yourself to further reveal your sensuality?? - Share in the comments below!

Good luck in everything, Evgenia Medvedeva

"Sensual Woman: Who is She?"

What is sensuality? First of all, it is complete openness to pleasure - not only in the sphere intimate relationships, but also in any aspect of everyday life. Sensual girls of any age embody natural femininity in all its splendor, charming those around them and blinding them with their inner beauty. It’s as if a fiery spark lives in them. They get the most out of life and calmly accept themselves as nature created them.

….The mystery of sensuality.

The most sensual women live in the moment, not allowing themselves to get stuck in the past or endlessly worry about the future. They enjoy existence in every single second, finding delight in the full perception of current reality. In essence, sensuality is the ability to receive incomparable pleasure from any experience, communication with people, intimacy, and most importantly - from myself

….Simple happiness.

The first guarantee of true sensuality is complete reunification with own emotions. At the same time, you should not drown in negative experiences; your goal should be happiness, joy and pleasure. What exactly brings you a feeling of indescribable delight? Tune in to regularly recharge with positivity and find an activity every day that will allow you to relax, take your mind off the seriousness of routine responsibilities and simply enjoy being. Joy leads to ecstasy. Turn on your favorite song and sing along with your chosen artist at the top of your lungs, if that's what your soul requires. Or forget about all your problems and start dancing, not paying attention to calendars, clocks and pain. A sensual woman is always energetic and full vitality and happy. You are able to enjoy emotional highs, passion and delight every day. By rejecting useless experiences and ceasing to frown, you will begin to radiate sensuality emanating from the depths of your feminine nature

….Natural feminine essence.

Sensual images of women are based on natural traits - flirtatiousness, playfulness and softness. You may have lost touch with these necessary qualities, but it's okay: the feminine essence still lives in your soul - you just need to hear it. You are a sparkling, amazing, priceless, magnificent diamond. Shining is your primary purpose. The energy of femininity is aimed at acceptance and reconnection with your feminine soul will allow you to open up to accepting pleasure in all its forms. Enjoy every moment of life; Having strengthened, your feminine nature will acquire a powerful magnetic force that attracts men to you, like honey attracts bees. What kind of woman is she not only sexy, but also sensual? This is a self-confident mistress of fate, accepting herself as she is, and not ashamed to accept her primordially feminine nature.

….Spiritual practices.

Popular spiritual practices will help you tune in to the right rhythm and feel a real thirst for life: yoga, meditation, massage, and special breathing techniques. Learn to breathe with your diaphragm so that your inhalation is as deep and full as possible. Think that every inhalation and exhalation is an opportunity to get the most out of the current moment you are experiencing. Considering that breathing is a primary need for every living being, awareness of such simple and necessary actions will help you feel better about being part of reality.

….Streams of thoughts.

Love with a sensual woman is an unforgettable experience for a man. It is not without reason that all sexologists agree that any problems in the intimate sphere are associated with complexes and incorrect attitudes in the heads of the fair sex. If you are not able to fully enjoy sex, are not ready to fully trust your partner, do not want to open up completely and demonstrate your own pleasure, perhaps you should pay attention to the peculiarities of your thinking. Many people are ashamed of their thoughts and random emotions, fleeting sensations and hidden intentions. Remember that your thoughts and emotions do not define your personality. This is just a kind of by-product of life, and you need to treat it from a neutral observer position. Analyze your thoughts, experience your emotions, but don’t let them control your personality. Don't forget: what goes on in a person's head defines him general state both moral and physical well-being. Do you focus on positive, uplifting thoughts, or do you allow yourself to wallow in sadness, despair, and resentment?


A sensual woman is, first of all, a lady who lives every moment of pleasure and is aimed at achieving even greater pleasures. This rule applies to all aspects of life, although it is most clearly manifested in the sphere of intimate relationships. Allow yourself to be yourself, accept your essence and your nature, forgive yourself for everything that weighs on you with an inescapable burden of guilt. This is not easy, it will take a lot of time and effort to fully get used to reality and understand your nature. But as you comprehend the mystery of your own sensuality, you will certainly begin to notice how the men around you give you more and more compliments and pay more and more attention. If you have a spouse or long-term partner, rest assured that you are firmly on the path to achieving perfect harmony in your life together.
