Do-it-yourself mosaic vase decor. DIY mosaic: Decorative vase with mosaic

Dear needlewomen) I suggest you, by means of decoration, easily transform an ordinary glass vase into an exclusive one. You can decorate vases by combining various techniques, it can be decoupage, felting, glass painting, paper art, egg crackle or, as in this version, mosaic. See how a nondescript flower vase can be decorated with mosaics. It turned out a very stylish vase that can decorate the interior of your home. Fortunately, in stores today you can buy ceramic or glass mosaics of different designs, shapes and colors. At the very bottom of the publication, I am attaching a video tutorial on creating a glass mosaic coffee panel. Enjoy watching and success in your work!

For work we need:

Mosaic - glass, different colors (in this version, gold and pastel colors are used)


Vinyl adhesive

Mosaic adhesive

Mosaic grout

Brush, sponge, paper towel, spatula

Before starting work, the vase must be cleaned and degreased, then apply mosaic glue

We glue the mosaic. If you want to make a pattern on a vase, you can first draw the desired design on paper and attach the template to the inside of the vase

Having finished gluing the mosaic, dilute with water, in accordance with the instructions, the grout for the mosaic

Apply grout with a spatula

Remove excess grout with a rag or paper towel.

That's all) Good luck in your work!

Decorating with glass mosaics can completely change the simplest vase and make it very beautiful, original and exclusive. In this vase decoration work, glass mosaic squares are used, which can be purchased in stores or ordered online. From glass, transparent and colored mosaics, you can add different patterns. The advantage of using this type of mosaic is that the gaps between the pieces of glass do not need to be grouted, they have their own shiny edges that enhance the impression of the exquisite beauty of the glass vase. Glass mosaics can be of different sizes, when combined, you can create complex and spectacular ornaments.

Work is possible with the following materials:

  • transparent glass mosaic
  • color glass mosaic
  • paper,
  • scotch,
  • pencil or marker (the marker must be washable, check it on the glass first),
  • scissors,
  • towel or cork pad
  • mosaic adhesive or universal transparent glass adhesive,
  • toothpick or skewers stick,
  • dry rag.

Let's get to work. We measure the volume of the vase in the place where we are going to decorate with mosaics. In accordance with the dimensions taken, we cut out a template from paper. We put a round paper template on a vase and draw patterns on it. We remove the template and cut out the patterns, then put the already finished stencil on the vase again, fix it in several places with adhesive tape, and draw around the contour with a marker or pencil.

We will need a stencil for further work, having laid it out on the table, we need to lay out a glass mosaic on it to make it easier to lay out the intended pattern on the vase. Next, we begin to glue the glass mosaic to the vase with mosaic glue or universal transparent glass glue. We set the vase on a towel or cork substrate so that it does not slip during work. In work, we use a toothpick or a kebab stick, adjust the glass with it so that all the gaps between the squares are the same.

, countertops, mirrors, floor coverings and other surfaces. Sometimes they turn out to be real works of art. Well, if you're into handicrafts, then mosaic decor is your element, which may turn into a regular hobby.


Your combat ammunition: a pencil, a clerical knife or a jigsaw (for cutting the base), liquid nails, wire cutters, putty grout for tiles, spatula, gloves, soft sponge and rags. You need to start with the selection of the foundation. Moisture resistant drywall(it is convenient to cut any shape from it according to a preliminary sketch), fiberboard or chipboard, OSB, plywood.

Then, with the help of liquid nails, a thin mirror sheet is glued to the surface of the base, so that there is a margin around framework 8-10 cm. Any ceramic shards, tiles, old crockery and different little shiny ones accessories from jewelry or children's sets. Important recommendation! Try not to use more than 4 shades in the design, otherwise you risk getting color dissonance.

A sketch is drawn with a pencil along the entire border of the base. You should not go too deep into painting, everything should be simple and schematic. Perhaps it will be some kind of curly floral pattern or geometric ornament. Then, depending on the traced details, large and small pieces of different colors are plucked from the ceramic raw material with wire cutters and laid out (without glue) on the base according to the sketch. When the drawing is laid out, you can apply glue. Acrylic-based liquid nails dry quickly enough, so after a few hours you can start grouting. For grouting, a gypsum mixture based on putty is used (it comes in different colors). We dilute the mixture with water in a ratio of 1: 1 to a creamy state, then evenly rub the seams with a spatula. With a damp sponge, remove the rest of the grout from the mosaic. The last step in the process is polishing the surface with a dry cloth. Everything. The finished mirror can be hung on the wall.

table top

In the same simple way, you can lay out the mosaic on the countertop, and when developing a sketch, ready-made templates on self-adhesive paper will help you. Upon completion of work for greater shine, you can rub the composition with wax. In practice, the uneven rough surface of the table is not always convenient, so the mosaic is often covered with a thick layer on top. glass. The glass "hood" will also hide any unevenness when using a mosaic of sea pebbles or CDs.

Mosaic on the wall

When laying the mosaic on the wall (in bathroom, on the kitchen as a working belt, for panels, in children's bedroom etc.) have their own characteristic nuances. Often, the mosaic is applied to the surface as a fragmentary finish, that is, with joint wall decor paint , plaster or tiles.

To simplify the process, you can use grid sheets (in the form of squares or rectangles) of bonded mosaics, such are sold in hardware stores with a ready-made pattern. The sheets are assembled like puzzles, and according to the technology they are laid like ordinary tiles. The question of price can be confusing. It's not cheap.

Before starting work, it is recommended to sort all stones in sizes and colors in boxes or containers to simplify further laying out. The mosaic requires a solid concrete base. Along the perimeter of the planned (excavation at a depth of up to 20 cm) and leveled (for this, a bubble level is used) area, formwork is laid out from a wooden bar.

The site is covered with a layer of sand, gravel and another layer of sand and compacted tightly so that there is no subsidence. Then dry concrete mixture is poured and leveled with a rule. The concrete layer should not be thick, otherwise the pebbles will displace too large residues with their mass. The mixture is evenly sprayed with water from a spray bottle until a mud-like mass is formed, and the contour of the future pattern is marked with a stick. First, large stones are laid along the lines, and small pebbles are already placed in the allocated space.

Remember that in the hot season, the concrete mortar dries quickly, so do not write off preparing too large an area for mosaics. Keep a screwdriver nearby for those cases when naughty stones begin to "sink" or somehow sit crookedly, so that the mixture does not grab them in time to correct them. Wipe the dried mosaic with a damp sponge to remove excess mortar, and then be sure to take a picture of your masterpiece on your smartphone and brag to your friends on social networks!

Decoration plays an important role in shaping the overall mood of the room. Proper design can emphasize the sophisticated style and create an organic look of the room. Creating a harmonious interior in the house is possible without impressive cash spending. One of the most popular home decorating methods is DIY vase decorating. There are many ideas for decorating, in this article we will look at the basic tips for decorating a flower vase.

The vase can be painted black with a golden hue

The newspaper can be used as a decorative element by making flowers out of it.

Artificial fruits with yellow leaves are perfect for vase decoration

With the help of simple improvised means from an ordinary vase, you can create a unique element of the interior. In order for decoration to bring pleasure and the expected result, it is important to follow your imagination, combining the incongruous and introducing the most unexpected solutions.

Vases in a marine style

What do we associate marine style with? With shells, sand, sea knots, waves, ships.

To implement the easiest way to create a marine-style vase, you will need:

  • Several vessels of various shapes
  • Twine or twine
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Fabric dye (or Easter egg dye)

The vase can be wrapped in beautiful paper, it will look very beautiful

An example of how to decorate a vase

round vase

Prepare the twine according to the height of the container. Apply glue. Glue the ends of the rope. Make sure the base of the twine is firmly fixed. Then start weaving a braid (see the figure below), not forgetting to coat the surface with glue as the rope is applied. Cover the remaining seam with a layer of rope with glue, securing them vertically to create a contrast with the weave.

Ribbons can be wrapped around a vase, this will give it softness

It doesn’t matter how to decorate a vase, the main thing is that the result is beautiful

You can put beads inside the vase

Vase "Ombre"

For this aesthetic option for decorating a vase with your own hands, you can use a vase of any shape. We recommend resorting to a cylindrical vase. Apply glue and start wrapping it with twine from the base to the very top. Wait until the glue firmly fixes the twine. Then place the bottom of the vase into the paint container. Saturation and consistency can be chosen independently. Leave the vase to dry. As soon as the vase dries, you can see the fruits of your efforts. A smooth transition of your favorite color on an exquisite vase.

It's time to run for flowers, isn't it?

Seashells can also be used for marine decor.

Or do not take any actions with the appearance and place marine elements in it instead of flowers.

If you have the ability to draw, you can beautifully decorate a vase

You can make covers for a vase, it will look very nice

Dot painting of a vase with your own hands

This type of design is quite complicated in execution, but it gives vent to imagination and allows you to bring ideas to life.

What you need for painting:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Brushes, toothpicks, sticks (anything that can be used to apply paint)

Apply convex dots with paint, take a ready-made drawing or style as a basis. Be careful not to touch the already applied layer. The most popular dot painting patterns are ethnic, Indian, tribal patterns. However, the flight of your imagination can take you much further!

Beads are perfect for decorating a vase

An ordinary glass bottle can be wrapped with a bright cloth and get a beautiful vase.

From an ordinary bottle you can make a beautiful vase

Decorating a vase with clothes

Dressing a vase in your clothes sounds ridiculous, but with this method you can quickly and beautifully decorate a vase.

  1. Decor with a sweater. If you have an unnecessary knitted sweater, then it is quite possible to decorate a vase with it. With the help of a piece of sweater and glue, you will get an original decor element. Just imagine what comfort you can create with it on a cold winter evening.
  2. Decoration with socks. Prepare a small container. Trim the bottom of the sock or gaiter above the heel. To determine the size of the base, use a sheet of A4 paper, circle the size of the base. According to the size of the bottom - cut a patch from the scraps of the sock. Sew the patch for the base with the sock and voila - the vase cover is ready!

Leaves in a vase will perfectly complement the interior

There are a very large number of ways to decorate a vase, choose what is closer to you

Working with floor vases

In interior design, floor models are often used, which give a special charm and fit perfectly into any design - be it minimalism, hi-tech or exquisite classics.

In order for the floor vase to sparkle with new colors, you should create an organic decor.

Cover the container with plain paint, and decorate the neck with twine or twine.

Feelings of organicity and unity with nature can be achieved with the help of cut branches carefully glued to the outer surface. Under the cuts, you can place pieces of paper in warm colors.

Floor vases are ideal for indoor decoration with stones, cereals, artificial flowers and other types of fillings.

A vase decorated with beads looks very aesthetically pleasing. In general, a creation created by one's own hands will fill the house with special energy!

You can make simple lines and it will look beautiful

Golden scuffs will add elegance to the vase

You can use stickers to decorate the vase

Marble vase

Decor with acrylic paint will help achieve the effect of "marble". For this you need a transparent container. The secret of the decor lies in the fact that the coloring will not be carried out on the outer surface, but from the inside.

  1. Rinse the vessel, degrease it.
  2. Prepare several shades of acrylic paints
  3. Do not add water to acrylic! It is necessary to rotate the vessel in a horizontal position, adding paint drop by drop
  4. After spreading a layer of one shade, add a couple of drops of a darker color to create a marble effect with paint.
  5. Turn the container over and place it on a towel or other cloth to drain excess paint.

Knitted covers for a vase perfectly complement its appearance

Beads can be very beautiful to decorate a vase

Glasses and stones

Using glass pebbles, you can unusually decorate the surface of the vase. To do this, you need a glue gun and PVA. You can use elements of different colors to make the decor even more original.

simple vase decor

We offer you to get acquainted with the ideas for decorating flower vases.

With the help of coarse threads, you can create a bright and cozy design for any kind of container.

Romance! Fill a vase with wine corks and artificial flowers.

For fall chic decor, use pine cones, twine, and fake flowers. Create a mood in the house!

Coloring the can with copper paint. The most unusual vase in the house. Decorating a room can be done with artificial flowers.

Don't throw away broken saucers! Apply a layer of painted gypsum and place the fragments of beautiful dishes in it. You can also use colored or glossy paper.
