Mother's day - fun starts.docx - mother's day - fun starts. Scenario of fun starts dedicated to Mother's Day Scenario of fun starts to Mother's Day

Sports holiday "Together with mom is more fun!", dedicated to Mother's Day

Prepared by: Physical education instructor Olga Viktorovna Vinogradova State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 50 of a compensating type, Petrogradsky district 2015

Children of the middle group and their mothers take part in the holiday.

Participating teams: 7-8 people each

Purpose: Promotion of active forms of sports family recreation for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children and parents; strengthening emotionally positive interpersonal relationships between them; promoting the expansion of the horizons of pupils through sports.


Educational: to promote the formation of a healthy family lifestyle; practice in the performance of games and relay races, learn to follow the rules.

Developing: To improve the motor abilities of children; develop physical qualities: dexterity, strength, speed, orientation in space, speed of thinking and reaction, courage and ingenuity, resourcefulness and endurance.

Educational: to instill interest and love for physical education; to attract the attention of parents to sports forms of family leisure; create a festive sports mood in children, so that a joyful feeling accompanies them throughout the holiday;

instill in children respect and love for their mother.

Equipment: emblems, medals for children, certificates for awarding mothers, balls of different diameters, sports racks, sweets (from cardboard), wooden spoons,

2 frying pans, multi-colored ribbons, elements of costumes for a fairy tale "Turnip" ,

2 buckets, 2 brooms, 2 tennis rackets, gymnastic benches, hoops, balloons, music center, phonograms.

Preliminary work: a conversation about mothers, making gifts for mothers, an exhibition of drawings: "My lovely mum" . Project "Mothers Day" .

The children enter to the music. Each has a team emblem on their chest. Dance sketch with ribbons and balls.

Instructor: There are a lot of good words in the world,

But there is one kinder of all

Of two syllables simple: mother

And there is nothing more expensive than it!

Instructor: Good afternoon! Today we have gathered in this cozy hall to celebrate Mother's Day. We welcome all mothers who came to our holiday! We dedicated it to you: to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking and, of course, our most beautiful mothers.

1st CHILD:

Today is a holiday of bright colors,

He comes to us as a friend

Holiday of affection, holiday of a fairy tale,

Kind eyes and gentle hands.

2nd CHILD: This is a feast of obedience,

congratulations and flowers,

devotion, adoration,

A holiday of the most tender words.

3rd CHILD: Let the sun shine gently,

Let the birds greet the dawn!

About the most wonderful thing in the world

I'm talking about my mother.


Today we have real sports competitions, the results will be evaluated by the jury.

The composition of the jury is announced (FULL NAME.)

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle.

And now the participants of the holiday will introduce themselves. (Teams read mottos).

Team greetings.

Team "CUTIES" :

Motto: Mom is super, mom is class!

There is no better place in the world for us!

Team "CUTE" :

Motto: We are beautiful anywhere!

Moms always love us!

Instructor: What wonderful teams we have!

Tell me, please, how does the morning begin? (children's answers)

Morning starts with exercise!

Charging will make everyone warmer!

Muscles will play from charging

Everyone has more fun in the morning!

Everything is fine? Is everyone healthy?

Jump you friends, are you ready?

Well then pull up

Don't yawn, don't be lazy

Get on the charger!

"Charger" . (Children, together with their mothers, perform a warm-up to the music).

Instructor: The guys will now rest a little and take their places on the chairs, because mothers will participate in the next competition.

Moms from each team are invited, each participant will bring one extra point to her team.


I ate an omelet for breakfast

Five potato patties

And a bowl of semolina

I asked our mother.

1. Relay "Breakfast"

Moms take turns carrying a tennis ball in a spoon. Spread on the pan and return. The last mother takes the frying pan and brings it to the finish line.

2. Relay "Build a Tower"

Children from the modules lay out the tower.

3. Relay "Venikobol"

Moms need to circle the balloon between the skittles with a broom.

4. Relay "Bring Don't Drop" .

moms do "Armchair" from the clasped hands on which the child sits, move the child as quickly as possible to the line, and return back.

5. Relay competition "Turnip".

Instructor: Everyone knows this fairy tale! Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip ... We will walk and run scattered around the hall to the music. And when I say "Turnip!" , it is necessary to become one after another, as in a fairy tale.

Look, two turnips have grown in our garden at once. So we will have two teams of seven people - turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse. Let's see which team builds up faster. Dress up guys! (Details of costumes, masks, hats, etc. are used.)

Music intro: girls perform a dance composition

"We are little stars"

6. Relay "TIE THE BOW!"

Moms take ribbons and, on command, begin to tie a bow. Whose team to cope with the task quickly and deftly. If the mother has a son, then she also ties a bow on his head.

7. Relay "Pass Candy"

Relay, relay!

Instead of a stick - candy!

8. Relay with balls "Funny Penguins"

Moms jump with the ball between their knees up to the cube, back by running.

9. Relay "RIDE"

Many believe that carpets do not fly;

But he is not like that with us, he flies with us like an arrow

Mothers carry children on bedspreads.

10. Musical competition. To Russian folk music, mothers with headscarves perform a dance "Lady" . The jury evaluates the artistry of the participants.

Instructor: Our fun competitions have come to an end. I ask the teams to line up for the awards. We want to reward our participants for their active participation in our competitions.

Jury announces the results

Instructor: The floor is given to the head of the kindergarten Lyubeznova Galina Mikhailovna (presentation of diplomas and medals).

Under a cheerful march and applause, the teams solemnly pass through the hall.

Instructor: Our dear mothers! The guys have prepared gifts for you, please accept our congratulations.


Mommy, beloved

I give you my word:

Always be obedient

It doesn't matter that I'm naughty

I still love you!

Subject: "Fun Starts"

(devoted to Mother's Day)

Conduct form: sports festival

Organizer: Pryanichnikova Svetlana Nikolaevna,

work experience – 24 years

Number of students- 18, parents - 16 people.

Target: actualization of students' attention to the role of mother in a child's life; creating conditions for uniting the team of students and parents of the class; promotion of healthy lifestyles.


To develop the personality of each child through self-realization in the conditions of game and creative situations;

Develop children's initiative;

Create conditions for physical, intellectual and emotional rest of children;

Cultivate respect for family members;

Expand students' horizons

^ Event progress:

Children enter the hall to the music.

Leading: There are words in our life that do not change. For centuries, the attitude of people towards them is the same. The whole history of mankind shows that they are eternal. These are the words "Motherland" and "mother".

1. Russia ... like a word from a song,

birch young foliage,

Around forests, fields and mountains,

Expanse, Russian soul.

2. I love you, my Russia!

For the clear light of your eyes!

3. I love, deeply understand

Steppe pensive sadness!

I love everything they call

In one broad word "Rus".

Host: love for the motherland is understood as love for the mother. And a person begins with his relationship to his mother. And all the best that is in a person comes to him from his mother.

4. Mom and Motherland are very similar:

Mom is beautiful, Motherland too!

You look closely, mom's eyes

The colors are the same as the sky.

5. Mom's hair is like wheat,

What is earing in the endless fields.

Mom's hands are warm and tender,

They remind me of a ray of sunshine.

6. Oh, how beautiful this word is - mother!

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She us disobedient and stubborn,

She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.

7. Yes, the word "mother" has long been among the people

Rise above the brightest stars.

Dear mother, dear nanny,

We bring you flowers on holidays,

Both in the city and in a small village

You are dearest to us, only you.

8. I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know

Probably because I breathe and dream.

And I rejoice in the sun, and a bright day -

That's why I love you, my dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around ...

I love you mom, you are my best friend!

(Children give gifts to mothers).

Host: Today we have gathered not in the classroom, but in the gym, because our sports relay race is dedicated to Mother's Day. It's never too early to start healing and it's never too late for anyone. It is better to take this step today than tomorrow. Not only children, but also parents responded to the request to participate, so our holiday is not only sports, but also family.

(Choose the jury).

1 task. Teams in 7 minutes come up with a team name, choose a captain and emblem.

Presenter: presentation of teams (why they chose this name, emblem).

Our game has the most excellent jury. Welcome!

The hottest fans!

N. N. Bobrova, the chairman of the parent committee, is contacting you.

1 competition."Do as I do"

Mom number 1 shows the exercises, the children repeat exactly the same.

2 competition. relay race "Source of health"

Participants run in turn, passing the flag. Mom #2 starts.

3 competition."Beetle Run".

Mom #3 and #4 starts.

4 competition."Industrious Ants".

5 competition."Mom, find the babies."

6 competition. "We collect the baby on the street."

7 captains competition.

Push-ups from the floor (one boy each).

Entertaining pause "Game of snowballs."

8 competition."Tug of war". (Dad and children).

9 contest. "Collect the train." The train must not fall apart. Dads as a locomotive.

Summarizing. Prizes for children.

Host: Our competition has come to an end. But I think that this is only the beginning, a small step towards health and good mood. Thanks to our children, mothers and fathers for their participation in the holiday.

Thank you to everyone who came to our sporting event today. Many parents and children today looked at each other with completely different eyes. Good luck to everyone, good health and good mood!

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1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 295 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the physical direction of the development of children" Scenario of a sports holiday for Mother's Day, for children of the senior and preparatory groups "My mom is the most athletic" Purpose: familiarizing families of pupils with a healthy lifestyle life. Tasks: - to teach teamwork in a team of different ages; - improve motor skills and abilities; - educate value relationships Equipment: ribbons for weaving braids, two hoops, two buckets, cubes, ribbons according to the number of players in a team, two ropes, four balls of medium diameter and two balls of large diameter, cubes with glued letters, emblems, musical accompaniment. To the tune of the song "Smile", the children, together with their mothers, enter the hall and sit on the chairs. FC instructor: Hello dear guests, Welcome and long-awaited. A fairy tale is knocking to visit us, Let's tell a fairy tale come in, Everything can happen in a fairy tale, What will happen ahead? Shapoklyak enters to the music - preoccupied, Carlson flies in next. Face. Carlson. Phew, what are you doing here. Shapoklyak. I'm on my way to Mother's Day. I want to be famous for good deeds. Carlson. What I hear is to become famous for good deeds, apparently, I ate too much jam. Shapoklyak. But, but I'm also a woman, I'll be the host at the celebration. Are you in a hurry for another cake?

2 Carlson. The children called me to the holiday to play with them, they promised to treat me with sweets. Look, here they are. Shapoklyak: Good evening, dear friends, mothers and children! Today we have gathered to congratulate our dear mothers on Mother's Day. Today, our mothers are not only guests, but also the most active participants in the holiday. Carlson: In the world there is one word, the most dear, affectionate, warm, which is dear to each of us. That word is "MAMA". The word that the child says most often, the word at which the adult will smile. Because this word carries the warmth of mother's hands, mother's voice, mother's soul. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one? The song "Mom is the most faithful friend" sounds. 4-5 children come out and read poems about their mother. Mom is heaven! Mom is the light! Mom is a blessing! Mom is no better! Mom is a fairy tale! Mom is a laugh! Mom is a treat! Moms love everyone! Mom will smile, Mom will be sad, Mom will regret, Mom will forgive everything. Mom is golden autumn, Mom is the dearest, Mom is kindness, Mom will always help out! Mom, there is no dearer than you, Mom can do everything in the world, Congratulations to Mom today, We wish Mom happiness.

3 Shapoklyak: Different mothers are needed, but sports are important! As you may have guessed, today we have an unusual sports holiday. And we need two teams. (Mothers and their children are divided into an equal number of players in each team, and now we choose the team captain, of course, mother!) Mothers stand in two circles with children, one child reads a counting rhyme in a circle. On which mother the counting rhyme ends, she will be the captain of the team. And now the name of the team! Carlson: Team captains go to the center of the circle, and we offer them two envelopes to choose from. Team captains open the envelopes and read the name of the team out loud. In the envelope, the motto of the team, printed on a sheet, mothers read it out loud and in unison, as well as emblems on ribbons that they put on their necks. Team greetings. Team: "True friends" Motto: If a friend gives a word, He will never let you down. Team: "Rainbow" Motto: We are like rainbows of colors Never apart We will start our fun competitions with a "Warm-up". Shapoklyak and Carlson: When completing the next task, mothers and children need to be smart, resourceful, quick-witted and quickly give answers to unusual questions. Questions are asked to teams in turn. "INTELLECTUAL COMPETITION" - It takes 1 hour to cook 1 kg of meat. How many hours will it take to cook 2 kg of this meat? (also in 1 hour) - What mathematicians, drummers and hunters cannot do without? (without a fraction) - Think: what belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name) - 5 knots are tied on a rope. How many parts did the knots divide the rope into? (For 6 parts) - Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain? (Under the wet) - There were candies in a pile. Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother and granddaughter took sweets one by one, and this pile was gone. How many candies are in the pile? (3 candies) - When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open) - Where can you not find a dry stone? (in water)

4 - The thermometer shows 3 degrees of frost. How many degrees will two such thermometers show? (Also 3 degrees) - There were three glasses of cherries on the table. Kostya ate berries from one glass. How many glasses are left? (3 glasses) Carlson. Next competition for moms. Let's see how our mothers can quickly and beautifully weave a pigtail. COMPETITION "BRAID THE PITT" Four mothers are required from the team. Moms take ribbons and, on command, begin to weave a pigtail. It is taken into account whose team will cope with the task quickly and deftly. Shapoklyak: And now it's time to show your strength, courage, dexterity and skill. RELAY "RUNS WITH THE BALL" A participant with two balls in his hands runs around the racks set in a checkerboard pattern, goes around the landmark and also returns to the start line, passing the balls to the next participant. The team whose players finish the relay the fastest wins. RELAY "FAST RIDER" Players share pairs. Mom puts a hoop on her belt, holding it with both hands. The child takes the hoop with both hands from behind. On a signal, the first pair runs around the posts and returns in a straight line to the start line, passes the hoop to the next pair. The team whose players finish the relay the fastest wins. RELAY "CINDERELLA" With a bucket in hand, run to the hoop, pour items out of the bucket and return to the team, pass the bucket. The next player runs to the hoop, collects items. The team that finishes the relay first wins. The participants are seated. Carlson: You competed well, you did not give up until the end! Well done! Carlson: (asks the children) Have you forgotten why we have gathered today? (children's answer) And what is the best gift for mom? (children call as soon as one of the children says - flowers, the presenter announces) Every woman is pleased to receive flowers as a gift and now we will collect beautiful bouquets for our mothers. COMPETITION "BOUQUET FOR MOTHER" Flowers (artificial or made of cardboard) are arranged randomly around the hall. Players are invited from each team (children participate), who

5 stand in the middle of the hall. At the command of the host, “One, two, three, collect a bouquet,” children begin to quickly collect flowers and make bouquets of them. The winner is the player whose bouquet will consist of more flowers. Shapoklyak: In order to have a good rest today, we continue our wonderful path. RELAY "MOM'S MARATHON" The child turns to face his mother, puts his feet on his mother's feet and the couple runs to the chip, runs around it and returns, passes the baton to the next participants. RELAY "FLIGHT ON A BROOM" The child stands with his back to his mother, together they hold the broom between their legs. They run and go around the cone, the team that finishes the relay first wins. After the relay, everyone sits down. Shapoklyak and Carlson in turn. COMPETITION "MYSTERIES ABOUT MOM" Do you want to try on these balls on a thread? For any of your tastes In my mother's box (Beads) In my mother's ears they sparkle, They play with the color of the rainbow. Drops-crumbs are silvering Ornaments (Earrings) The edge of her name is fields, The top is decorated with flowers. Headdress is a riddle Our mother has (Hat) Name the dishes: The handle clung to the circle Damn, bake nonsense for her This is the same (Frying pan) In his belly, water Boiled from the heat. How an angry boss quickly boils (Teapot)

6 This food is for everyone Mom cooks for lunch. And the ladle is right there - It will pour into plates (Soup) It will find dust and swallow it in an instant - It brings cleanliness for you. A long hose, like a trunk-nose Cleans the rug (Vacuum cleaner) Irons dresses and shirts, Irons our pockets. He is a true friend in the household - His name is (Iron) Here is a cap on a light bulb Separates light and darkness. Along the edges of his openwork - This is a marvelous (Lampshade) Striped beast from his mother Saucer begging for sour cream. And after eating it a little, our (cat) Carlson purrs: And now I invite the teams to cheer for their captains, because the captains competition begins. COMPETITION "TRAP, TAKE THE TAPE" Trap mom (team captain) catches guys from the opposite team. The captain of the team who catches everyone in the least amount of time wins. Shapoklyak: I see you are eager to fight again! Then we will continue our sports competitions. FINAL RELAY "COLLECT THE WORD" The whole team participates. The participants of each team in turn must run to the basket with balls, find a cube with a letter, take it, put it in a hoop and run back and pass the baton. Then, together with the children, mothers lay out a word from the letters (the team that first laid out the word wins). Carlson: We are completing our holiday. I would like to thank the brave, dexterous and very beautiful mothers and children for their participation, patience, endurance, good mood. Sweet prizes are awarded to all participants of the competition.

7 Compiled and reworked the scenario plan for a sports and recreational event with children, an instructor in FC MBDOU 295 Abramova S.G. List of used literature: 1. Vavilova EN Strengthen the health of children: A guide for a kindergarten teacher. M: Enlightenment, Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A. Games and entertainment for children in the air. M.: Enlightenment, Selezneva E.V. Mom's book. M.: Ed. House of SMEs, Kharchenko T.E. Physical culture holidays in kindergarten. Scenarios of sports events and entertainment: A guide for preschool teachers. St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", Internet resources: Poems about mother

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Olga Rotar
Funny starts "My mom is the best", dedicated to Mother's Day

1. Involve parents in active participation in the sports life of the kindergarten.

2. Instill a love for physical education and sports.

3. To form in children respect and love for their mother.

Event progress:

1. Host

Hello dear guests, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our wonderful mothers. This is the most tender and most touching holiday for all.

2. Host:

We are all someone's children, for everyone sitting in this room, the word Mother, the most important and the most beautiful. So let's warm our hearts with our love mothers. From the bottom of our hearts, in simple words, let's friends congratulate our mothers. We want to give you a lot of pleasant minutes and get a good mood and positive emotions from our wonderful holiday.

Meet our dear mothers our children senior group"Matryoshka" prepared for you poems and a song.

Mom is the best in the world,

Hey I I dedicate these lines.

Mom I love you,

Thank you for everything!

Dear Mom,

You are unique.

Let every day just for you

There will always be sunshine!

I love my mom very much

I will give her flowers.

Kiss her on the cheek

To be proud of her daughter!

Today is Mother's Day!

I congratulate my mother soon!

I love you very much

You are the best for me!

Milan W.

Mother, mother dear,

I congratulate you today.

And I want to say now

What you our best!

Arseny T.

mothers better not to find,

Go around half the world.

My mother is the best,

And it will always be like this!

I'll draw the sun in the sky

I'll add a rainbow next to it.

And such beauty I

I will give to my beloved mother.

Today the sun shines brighter

Today everyone congratulates mom.

And I also hasten to congratulate my mother,

And I want to tell her: How much I love you!

I hasten to congratulate my mother

Happy holiday today.

And I wish, most importantly,

Good health.

Zakarya B.

Mother I congratulate you

Happy holiday.

And on a holiday I wish

To be happy every day!

The song sounds: "About Mom".

Attention! Attention! In our sports festival "Funny starts» , dedicated to Mother's Day, teams of children and their parents take part. Our competitions will be judged jury:….

For each victory in the competition, the team receives a star. Whoever has more stars - that team won.

And now let's start our competition.

I ask the teams to take their places:

1 team middle group. Team "Fixies"

Our motto:

"Friendship, dexterity and success, we will win today all» .

2 team senior group team"Rocket"

Our motto:

"We are ready, as always, to defeat you without difficulty".

During the relay races, music plays songs on the theme « Mother»

1. Warm up "passing the relay ball"- runs on signal Mother runs around it to the cone, passes the ball into the hands of the child, then the child runs.

2. "Penguins"- on signal mom takes the ball, pinches between the knees and jumps to the line start and back"kangaroo", the child jumps on the ball - jumper.

3. "Let's go for a walk"- on the opposite side there is a child next to him a chair with clothes, on a signal Mother runs to his child puts on a hat, scarf, jacket, mittens, takes a chair and runs with it to the line start leaves it there back runs after the child, run together before start and undress the child, hangs everything neatly on a chair, sits down on a chair and sits the child on his knees.

4. Relay "Harvesting"

Arrange nine small balls in hoops (in the middle of Hall). Team members run and carry 1 ball each into a bucket at the end of the site. The last participant runs, picks up the bucket at the end of the site and returns to the team, the team that finished the relay first wins.

While the jury will sum up the results of 4 competitions, children of the middle group will perform in front of you "Fidgets"

5. Relay: "Tumblers"

In four hoops lying on the floor, one pin is placed. The first participant in the relay runs, puts the pin on the floor with his hand, goes around the cube and returns in a straight line. The second member of the team runs and puts the skittles in the hoops, goes around the circle and returns in a straight line.


That's all, our competitions have come to an end, but for now, the panel of judges counts the points and allocates places to our teams from the bottom of our hearts, with love and joy, we give you these ditties.


I love my mom

And I will give her flowers.

My mom will be

She is the happiest!

And I'll help you in the kitchen

And I'll sweep the floors.

If only my mother

Never got tired!

I woke up early in the morning

I say - I want to eat!

A Mother without opening eyes

I'll take a little nap!

I ask my mother

Buy me a new game.

And for this I will

Get away for three days!

We lie on the sofa

We watch TV.

There's just one problem

The remote will never be whitewashed.

We sang ditties to you,

You clap for us!

After all, ditties are not simple,

And about our beloved mothers!


Well, now we sum up our fun starts called"My mom is the best» Presentation of certificates and medals

Dear women! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient, and your husbands attentive! Let your hearth always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love. Happiness!

See you soon!

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Scenario of entertainment "Merry Starts" dedicated to the International Mother's Day 1 led. Hello dear guests, fans and spectators! Today we have gathered in this hospitable hall for the sports competitions “Merry.

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Olga Krikun
Scenario of entertainment "Merry Starts" dedicated to the International Mother's Day

1 led. Hello dear guests, fans and spectators! Today we have gathered in this hospitable hall for sports competitions « Fun starts» .

2 led. These competitions are dedicate our dearest and closest people - our mothers!

1 led. With day mother of you, expensive!

May this holiday be bright

May the blue winds carry joy

Let sorrows go away and dreams come true

Let the people of the whole world give you smiles and flowers.

2 led. Happy day Congratulations mothers of all mothers,

We are loved ones we honor and praise mothers!

Intoxicated and captivated by the radiance of your eye:

With day mothers congratulations today!

1 led. Today we will have many competitions. Well, for starters, let's get to know each other.

2 led. Attention! Teams from six kindergartens in the village Staroshcherbinovskaya ready to enter the room. Greet them with loud applause.

1 led. So - we begin!

1. A team is invited to the hall "Nest" Municipal Preschool Educational Institution - Kindergarten No. 1

2. A team is invited to the hall "Rainbow" Development child - Kindergarten No. 5

3. A team is invited to the hall "Sun" Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Center Development child – Kindergarten No. 6

4. A team is invited to the hall "Firefly" Municipal Preschool Educational Institution - Kindergarten No. 7

5. A team is invited to the hall "Squirrel" Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Center Development child – Kindergarten No. 8

6. A team is invited to the hall "Bells" Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Center Development child – Kindergarten No. 9

1 led. We will be to the delight of mom

Hardened since childhood!

We'll grow up soon

Let's become champions!

2 led. At our holiday there are guests:

1. Stepanenko Natalya Mikhailovna - methodologist of the Municipal Institution "Methodical office" Municipal Formation Shcherbinovsky district.

2. Gritsuk Valentina Pavlovna - specialist of the 1st category, inspector for preschool education of the education department of the administration of the Municipal Formation of Shcherbinovsky district.

3. Belikov Aleksey Anatolyevich - Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of the Shcherbinovsky District.

4. Kurilo Valery Borisovich - Head of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of the Shcherbinovsky District.

5. Kharaman Yuri Gavrilovich - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory; Hero of Labor; Chairman of the SPK (collective farm) "Banner of Lenin"

6. Drygval

7. Koshtur Alexey

8. Andrey Vasilyevich Garkavy

1 led. Come to support our teams fans:

1. Fans of the team "Nest"

2. Fans of the team "Rainbow"

3. Fans of the team "Sun"

4. Fans of the team "Firefly"

5. Fans of the team "Squirrel"

6. Fans of the team "Bells"

2 led. And now let's ask all the fans and spectators to support our teams with loud applause!

1 led. Strong, skillful,

Fast and bold.

We go to the site

Charging starts

Step - in place, two - forward

And then vice versa.

2 led. And to start our competition, you need to warm up. We invite teams to the warm-up (dance “Booggy-woogie”)

1 led. Well, here's the workout.

Attention attention!

Let's start our competition. Teams take their places!

2 led. To grow and mature

Let's play sports

Temper kids

Good afternoon - Fizkult Children: "Hooray".

1 led. So, the first task! 1. Relay "Harvesting"

On a signal, the first participant runs to the hoop, takes one object, runs back to the team and passes the baton to the next participant.

GET READY! Whistle.

1 led. So let's continue! 2. Relay « funny hares» .

On a signal, the first participant runs to the hoops, jumps on two legs from hoop to hoop, runs to the landmark, returns to the team and passes the baton to the next participant.

GET READY! Whistle.

2 led. And now we invite the teams to rest, gain strength before the next task.

Guests came to us - hooray! Get out, kids!

1 led. You are welcomed by the guys from the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Center Development child - Kindergarten No. 6 and perform a dance number for you "Snow is spinning"

2 led. So that the hour the fun hasn't faded,

To make time go faster

Friends, we invite you

Hurry up to the relay!

1 led. Let's move on to the next task! 3. Relay "Naughty Bears"

On a signal, the first participant on high all fours runs to the hoop, climbs into it, runs to the landmark, returns to the team and passes the baton to the next participant.

GET READY! Whistle.

2 led. Now we invite both teams and fans to play.

Game with spectators

2 led. We have one game

Everyone will love her.

There are many sports

Don't even count them all.

Let's play now

Name the sports!

Fan teams take turns naming any sport.

1 led. We continue our competition! 4. Relay "Handed - sit down".

On a signal, the teacher throws the ball to the first participant, he must catch the ball, quickly return it to the teacher and sit down. The team that completes this task faster and more correctly wins.

GET READY! Whistle.

2 led. Now we bring to your attention an acrobatic sketch that will be performed for you by the guys from the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Center Development child – Kindergarten No. 8

1 led. And now the moment of the final relay has come "Gift for Mom".

5. Relay “Gift for Mom”

On a signal, the first participant runs to the first hoop, takes one flower, runs to the second hoop, puts the flower to the jug, runs back to the team and passes the baton to the next participant.

GET READY! Whistle.

2 led. Well done guys, you did a great job and while our jury is preparing to announce the results of the competition, we invite everyone present to play the game "Snowball"

1 led. And now we give the floor to our jury (rewarding teams)

Mothers - warmth, cordiality give us

And peace to the home.

Praise, relatives, to your hands

And a heart of gold.

And let the years run relentlessly back,

And you all have a lot of worries.

Honor, people, great word "mother"

And such a close, native word "Mother".

Happiness to you, warmth, kindness, good luck,

Joy, health, beauty,

So that the fire does not go out in the eyes of the burning

And the best dreams come true.

Let it be like flowers in the native land

Our boys are growing

Let them be stronger every day

And every year more beautiful!

Dear guys, our competitions are over and we ask the teams to take the lap of honor.

Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of the competition, which ensured success.

Now the moment of farewell has come, ours will be short speech:

We tell you "Goodbye, happy new meetings!"
