If the guy is not in the mood. What to send to your loved one in WhatsApp to cheer him up? Submit your favorite song and learn about his musical preferences

A beloved guy, like any living person, cannot always have a good mood. He is prone to depression and stress. Of course, you don't want to leave it like this. Obviously, the question arises - how to cheer up a guy? There are several ways to please a loved one when you are near him or away from him.

What to write a nice guy? 5 ways

Due to a heavy work schedule, two people in love are forced to communicate by correspondence on a social network. And in this case, there are 5 sure ways that will help cheer up a young man:

  1. Try to make him laugh. Can't you do it yourself? The Internet will help you! Find a joke that you like in the vastness of the World Wide Web and send it to his wall;
  2. If your young man is a romantic, then send him a private message of your joint photo. Be sure to write how you love him and are happy that he appeared in your life. Wait for his answer, then remember together the best moments of your relationship. After a few minutes of such a dialogue, he will forget that he was recently in a bad mood;
  3. Do you know what your boyfriend likes to listen to or watch? Let this be your main "trump card" in an attempt to cheer him up. Send some compositions to his wall in VK or Fb favorite artist, movie with an idol or a selection of the best football goals;
  4. Arrange an erotic photo session at home. Send him the best shot in a private message. He will forget to think about his problems;
  5. Invite him for a walk and unwind, come up with an interesting program for him.

If you feel that your young man is in a bad mood, then do not try to find out what happened to him. Better distract him and make him forget about the problems.

How to cheer up by SMS?

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit a social network. In this case, it is enough to send one SMS to your beloved, she will make him take a different look at life. To achieve a good result, you need to use the right phrases. Here are a few of them:

  • “Come visit today, take a good mood with you. This will be the best gift for me”;
  • “Remember, beloved, your envious people are in a state of torment when they know that you are in a good mood. Give them no reason to rejoice”;
  • “Do you want me to smile today? Then give me your good mood!”;
  • “I love you madly when you are attractive. But you become like that only when you are in a good mood!”;
  • "You are the best man! Smile, because a smile suits you so much!
  • “Even if everything is bad for you now, remember, I will always be there”;
  • "Smile more often, then you will make me happy."

Be sure to add a lot of funny emoji to your message. You should not “throw” his phone with messages, one or two phrases are enough.

Phrases from the category of black humor

If your betrothed is all right with fantasy and humor, then you can use not the most banal phrases to cheer up:

  • “A nail is a strange thing. From the frequent change of holes, it bends, and, remaining in the same one, it will immediately rust”;
  • “Do you want your day to go smoothly? Eat raw toad in the morning. Trust me, it will be the worst thing that will happen to you today”;
  • “Even mice, when they are hurt, still continue to eat thorny plants”;
  • “Are you thinking or just a genius woke up in you?”;
  • “Nothing is known about the real truth, but there are rumors that it is definitely not at the feet.”

There are many more original phrases, but you should only use them if you are sure that your man is really gifted with a sense of humor.

How to cheer up a guy if he is around?

It is much easier to cheer up a loved one when he is nearby. But even here there are some peculiarities.

  • Do you think a man is a strong creature who does not need affection and care? You are wrong! If your lover is not feeling well, then just hug him and tell him how much you love him. Do it sincerely and sincerely;
  • Take advantage of your feminine sexuality. Seduce him, offer to play pranks. From such an offer, he will forget about a bad mood;
  • Men love to be admired. By reminding him of his virtues, you will instantly raise your self-esteem;
  • Plan an entertainment program for the two of you. It should include activities that are interesting to your soulmate. Does he love fishing? Great! Spend your Saturday evening by the water. Is your fiancé a football fan? A joint trip to a sports bar will give a lot of new emotions;
  • If a man likes to have fun, then create a party in his honor right at your place for no reason. Invite friends, set the table, in a big company he will forget about his problems;
  • Everyone already knows what the path to the heart of any male passes through. Prepare a delicious, romantic dinner with his favorite dishes. This, although not for a long time, will cheer him up, moreover, he will be able to feel the care of his beloved woman;
  • Surprise your loved one. Such a gift will bring a lot of positive emotions not only to him, but also to you.

It is strictly forbidden to leave a man alone when he is under stress. Of course, he will be able to cope with his problems on his own, but he will feel more comfortable with you.

How to cheer up on the phone?

Not only SMS or a post on the wall of a social network, but also a call on a mobile phone can cheer you up. Hearing your voice, a man will feel support and understanding from his beloved woman, this will undoubtedly cheer him up and make him look at his problems differently.

You should not impose yourself if you feel that your partner is trying to avoid this conversation, which means that at the current moment he is not yet ready to open up to you, you should wait a few days, after which you can repeat the call.

What to do to make your man always happy?

If your man often comes home from work or school in a depressed mood, then it's time to take action. There are several secrets, applying which, your man will always come home in a good mood:

  1. There should always be a calm and friendly atmosphere in the house. Men love silence, they have no desire to return after work to that house where there are always scandals;
  2. Your loved one should see that he is always expected and welcome, so always meet him with a smile and a light kiss;
  3. Before his arrival, you should prepare a delicious dinner and beautifully set the table. This will boost your partner's morale;
  4. Regular sex life is the key to a good mood for any man. Even if you are tired all day and you get up early, at night you need to allocate time for caresses for your partner;
  5. Plan an active weekend for your family. All week he will walk in a good mood, looking forward to the onset of happy days.

If you follow the rules above, then you will never be tormented by the question of how to cheer up a guy.

In this video, Ksenia will talk about 6 ways to cheer up your boyfriend and cheer him up:

Memes! Representatives of the younger generation will understand exactly what it is about. But seriously, do what you really love. Take a walk with headphones in your ears to indie pop, watch a new comedy, make new friends on dating sites, play with a cat or just have tea in a pleasant company.

Do you want to cheer up a guy or a girl from a distance? Send flowers, send some worthwhile funny videos via social media, call and cheer up your loved one. Options - a lot. But not all of them work. Next, we will talk about how to cheer yourself up and those around you, feeling the situation and analyzing the character of a depressed person.

Reasons for bad mood

The most common cause of a bad mood is the stress that we experience every day at work, at school and at home.

Negative grades, conflicts with superiors and colleagues, quarrels with loved ones, traffic jams, being late, terrible coffee in a coffee shop - all this is pure water stress. The second most common reason is failure. Something does not work, you are mistaken somewhere, you are doing something wrong. The third is fatigue, which can be short-term, cumulative, or chronic. In all these cases, it is worth raising your mood or a depressed relative, friend, colleague.

But there are cases when it is impossible to cheer up, and attempts to do this will only aggravate the situation, cause aggression and irritation. For example, grief. It is associated with serious dramatic and even tragic incidents - a break with a loved one, the death of a loved one, the collapse of hopes, and so on. In this case, it is useless to use standard methods: even if you or your counterpart laughs at a funny picture, the internal state will not undergo significant changes. It is more expedient to provide support - to talk, to be near, to provide all possible assistance, to show care.

Another situation in which it is useless to try to cheer up a loved one or loved one is depression.

She has a lot of signs, but it is difficult to determine it on her own, the help of a specialist is needed. It is important to understand that depression is not laziness, not innate pessimism and unwillingness to arouse pity. In 90% of cases, it is associated with impaired metabolism of neurotransmitters. It is treated with medication, rarely - therapeutically. Getting rid of depression with the help of demotivators, jokes and anecdotes will definitely not work.

How to cheer yourself up quickly and for free

If you buy a new car or go to Goa, then the internal state will certainly return to normal. But if you think about it in the absence of a budget and opportunities, it will become even worse. Therefore, we will consider only budgetary and affordable methods for everyone. First of all, determine the cause of despondency and choose the appropriate method to eliminate it. You know yourself like no one else - remember what you really like to do.

It could be:

  • Hobby or creativity.
  • Listening to music.
  • Watching films.
  • Reading the news of your favorite public on the social network.
  • Walking, talking with friends and so on ad infinitum.

It is worth trying to follow one simple rule - do what you like and don't do what you don't like. If your emotional state leaves much to be desired, postpone work, school, household chores and unpleasant meetings (if possible without serious consequences). Also avoid any conflicts, do not look for anyone to break loose. In the latter case, it is better to scream into the pillow - this usually helps to relieve stress and nervous tension.

Rating TOP-11 best online schools

International School of Foreign Languages ​​including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Also available are computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school to prepare for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that gives you the opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often skip school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest platform for online education. Allows you to get a sought-after online profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is not limited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

How to cheer up a friend or colleague at work

First of all, try to find out the reason for the bad mood. Perhaps something serious has happened. And here you are with jokes and jokes - awkward. If no tragedy has occurred, then start with a positive conversation. Say something funny, positive. Perhaps it will be a story about something good or some wildly funny fails - you know your friend or colleague, you can feel him and suggest a relevant topic for conversation.

Other ways that are commonly called "P-methods":

  • Bring coffee or something sweet.
  • Offer to go to your favorite cafe.
  • Call for a walk or a visit.
  • Play a joke, but without sarcasm and insults.
  • Give some funny souvenir.

The sixth “P” that can improve the emotional state of your friends and colleagues is help.

If they cannot cope with work or school, with some important task or with a difficult situation, help them to the best of your ability. This does not mean that you need to drop everything and do all the work for a depressed person. But it is still worth offering all possible help, assistance, a service.

How to cheer up your wife or husband

There are many reasons for the bad mood of your second half - problems at work, chronic fatigue, lack of money and serious unforeseen expenses, resentment towards you, in the end. A conversation does not always work here - during the conversation you can hear the usual “Everything is fine” and “Nothing happened”. At the same time, your partner may not be cunning, but really does not see the specific causes of a terrible emotional state.

What to do:

  • For spouse . Try to do what he wants the most right now. If a man needs to be alone, you should offer him something tasty for dinner and leave him alone. Not defiantly, but just to do some business, letting him relax, watch football, read a book, or maybe call or meet friends. If the spouse is disposed to communicate - spend time in an abstract conversation, arrange something romantic or erotic, go somewhere (but not shopping, do not make these mistakes).
  • For spouse . She, too, may want to be alone, but more often a woman likes attention. Take it away. Ask how you are, listen. If you have nothing to say or incites the desire to play a joke - just be silent. Do not try to level her problems, even if they seem to be nonsense. Invite your spouse to a restaurant, give her a pleasant surprise, arrange a romantic dinner. Lastly, give a sincere compliment. But, in no case, do not connect irony and sarcasm - this will only aggravate the situation.

How to cheer up a girl

Give flowers. This is a universal method that works in 99% of cases.

Your author knows only one girl who, just like Vanga, did not like flowers and metaphorically compared them with "torn off hands of children." Although there are doubts about her sincerity, because on her wedding day she held a bouquet of fresh flowers in her hands.

If your girlfriend is less categorical, the bouquet will become a universal and always the right decision. At the same time, you should choose it - pay attention to the beauty of the composition, the freshness of the flowers, and not take the first rose that comes across in a wrapper that shimmers with all the colors of an acid rainbow. A tasteless looking bouquet is unlikely to light a smile on a person's face.

More ways:

  • Invite the girl to a cafe or restaurant.
  • Make a pleasant surprise.
  • Confess your love in an original way.
  • Give a positive souvenir.
  • Go for a walk, to a club, to the cinema, to the theatre.

If everything is bad - try to find out the reason. Pay attention to your beloved girl, show sympathy and participation. In no case do not try to block her problems with your own, telling her that things are even worse for you. Listen, empathize, help. Try to distract the girl by immersing her in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.

How to cheer up a guy

In an attempt to set up a young man in a more positive way, girls often make many mistakes. The most common is to call a guy to a cafe or cinema to unwind. The problem is that most young people are used to paying for their companions. But they usually do not like to talk about their financial problems. It may turn out that the guy has problems with money, and you offer him to spend the last. In this case, the attempt will not succeed even with the best intentions.

It makes sense to start with a conversation - find out what happened to the young man. At the same time, try not to show unnecessary emotions: just listen and express interest.

Do not give advice if you do not have a specific way to solve the problem. Moreover, there is no need to make scandals because the young man does not want to share his experiences with you. Hugs, invitations to go for a walk and watching a movie together at home will be much more effective.

How to cheer up by texting

We communicate a lot online and often feel the negative emotional state of the interlocutor at a distance. Wherever you correspond - on VK, Facebook, in one of the popular instant messengers or on dating sites, there are many ways to cheer up a person. By tradition, we start with a conversation and find out what happened to your interlocutor. If nothing catastrophic, then it makes sense:

  • Move the dialogue in a more positive direction.
  • To captivate a person with a conversation, distracting from problems and thoughts.
  • Show funny videos, memes, pictures.
  • Offer to call and have a chat.
  • Invite to some fun online game.

There are a lot of sites and offers on the network that cannot but set you up in a more positive way. Surely many of our readers will remember the website, which offered to "quit business and dance with Moldovan migrant workers." There was nothing supernatural on it - just a funny animation with dancing builders and a player loaded with Moldovan music. But most viewers "stuck" for more than an hour.

Such resources are really fun - do not be too lazy to look for the best one and send the link to the interlocutor.

The best universal ways: TOP-10

They are suitable for people of all ages, regardless of their interests, profession and social status. With their help, you can improve your own emotional state. That is, if you want to improve the emotional state of a person - you present it, offer to do it, or do it. If you need to amuse yourself - you buy it, offer it to one of your relatives or friends, or do it accordingly.

How to cheer up when it's at zero:

  1. A walk is a change of scenery and oxygen that improves well-being.
  2. A fascinating abstract conversation about something bright and positive.
  3. An inexpensive but pleasant gift - flowers, a souvenir or a surprise.
  4. A pleasant evening in the company of loved ones, loved ones and friends.
  5. Acquisition - a purchase that you have been putting off for a long time.
  6. New hobby - dancing, climbing, hiking and others.
  7. Adrenaline - skydiving, rides.
  8. Delicious food - order what you like and enjoy in a pleasant environment.
  9. Relax watching your favorite movie or reading a book.
  10. Listening to invigorating or, on the contrary, relaxing music.

Another universal option is total rest. Sometimes, to improve the emotional state, you just need to change the situation, relax or just sleep.

By the way, lack of sleep is a common cause of blues. It is also worth paying tribute to external factors - perhaps you do not have enough vitamins or you have begun to finish off constant conflicts with one of your colleagues, relatives or friends. In this case, it is worth eliminating the external stimulus. That is, not a person, but contact with him.


Find out the reason for the bad mood of the interlocutor, try to feel it. Do not seek to switch it to more important problems, especially if these problems are yours. Do not aggravate the situation and even more so do not try to cheer up the person with conflicts. Show sincere participation, try to distract your counterpart. Invite for a walk or visit, present some nice little thing. But never finish him off with sarcastic snarky jokes and even more scandals.

We can not always be close to loved ones and friends, and in this case, modern technology helps to maintain communication. If a beloved or familiar guy is in trouble and you need to support him, cheer him up, send him a funny message. Below we will give examples of SMS to cheer up a man, maybe you will choose the appropriate option.

How to cheer up a man with a message?

To cheer up a person and “get to the point”, you need to know his sense of humor, which he will like. But in any case, avoid vulgar topics if the situation does not allow it.

You can write the following:

  • Everyone has their cockroaches, but yours are the most cockroaches;
  • Dear subscriber, if you do not smile now, I will switch you to the most expensive tariff;
  • Come visit, a good mood lives here;
  • Smile more often, make this world a happier place;
  • When it's bad, remember, this is the end of the black stripe, the white one will soon begin;
  • You look 20 years older when you frown;
  • It is only better for your enemies if you are sad, disappoint them;
  • Do you want ice cream?
  • It looks like you are facing jail, I wrote a statement to the police that you are sad now;
  • Smile urgently, otherwise I will come to visit and cheer you up;
  • Stop frowning, the weather is getting worse because of you;
  • I am sending you a sms-smile, if you are in a bad mood, read it and remember that there are friends nearby.

You can come up with these kinds of phrases yourself in accordance with the situation, or change these as you need.

From the category "black humor"

These jokes are suitable only for true connoisseurs of black humor, those who are able to smile from words that would be worth crying over:

  1. Do not be sad, otherwise you look like that acrobat who died on a trampoline, but continued to delight the audience for a long time;
  2. I understand that you want to kill everyone now, go to a psychologist, start with him;
  3. You're not all that bad yet. Here, my neighbor's husband went to the store for potatoes, and he was hit by a car and now she does not know what to cook: rice or buckwheat;
  4. Did you see the news today about the boy who hanged himself? I did not see, but he tried so hard;
  5. Don't worry, you'll get well soon. In this case, the doctor prescribed mud baths for me in order to develop a habit to the earth.

Of course, not every situation is suitable for black humor, but sometimes laughing at hopeless situations helps to perk up.

What to send to your loved one in WhatsApp to cheer him up?

In this case, the man is waiting for affectionate and gentle, erotic messages. It is the attention of a loved one that best lifts the mood:

  • You are so adorable that 100 pandas next to you can not be compared with you;
  • You've been frowning for 10 minutes, now you have 100 kisses;
  • I love you very much, because there is no other way;
  • Little kitty is looking for an affectionate cat, can you help?
  • You, like a bounty, are my piece of paradise;
  • Smile, I send you 5000 kisses;
  • Darling, leave my thoughts for at least 5 minutes, I can't work;
  • I used to think that there is nothing sweeter than honey, but your kisses are sweeter;
  • When we met, I went fishing, but ended up catching the most important fish of my life;
  • Come, I will cheer you up and everything that comes across.

Showing a sense of humor to each other helps to become closer, to learn to better understand a partner. Do not be afraid, joke and say nice things of any nature.

Funny SMS for a guy so that he does not feel sad

Sometimes with one successful phrase, you can change the mood of a person, both for the better and, of course, for the worse.

Our task cheer up a guy with a message:

  • There are 7 hours, 540 minutes and 28798 seconds left until we see each other;
  • Today we will spend the evening in an unusual way, we will play a prefix;
  • A hug and an incessant girl are waiting for you;
  • Let's update our relationship and start liking each other on VK again;
  • I want, I want so that there is no strength. I want to cheer you up;
  • You are my sunshine! You and I will not find cooler;
  • For your sake, I am ready to do anything, even to watch 22 men in shorts run after one ball across the field;
  • We will surely break through;
  • A good mood appears when you put everything on;
  • Stop existing, start living;
  • Whatever happens, be as hard as a vanilla cracker;
  • Your bunny missed her carrots.

SMS to cheer up

By giving a friend a little positive, you yourself will feel how pleasant it becomes in your soul. The day is not spent in vain if you helped someone cope with troubles at least with a good joke:

  • You have something that others don't have - me;
  • It's late, I see you can't sleep, my company will be useful to you now;
  • I give you permission to take off my skirt, t-shirt and panties today. Laundry has dried on the balcony, put it in the closet;
  • Congratulations! You now have me;
  • This message contains a virus. It lifts the spirits;
  • The stars bode well for you: beer, chips and my company;
  • I cry, tears flow like a river. I'm cooking soup, I got a hot onion;
  • Sometimes you become quite unbearable. I have to endure you, endure. But soon my patience will burst and ... I will endure again;
  • You can easily turn on anyone. Start my car too;
  • I know that you love fishing, cast your fishing rods to me today;
  • Hello! How is your condition: dizziness, palpitations, pressure, respiratory and circulatory systems? How are you?

Write kind, affectionate, erotic and funny messages more often. Let them help their loved ones "keep their tails on the gun."

We have given many SMS options to cheer up a man. Use them and let your dear husbands, boyfriends and friends smile more often.

Video: 20 interesting SMS for men

In this video, psychologist Irina Lomakova will tell you what creative messages can interest a man and kindle his attraction to you:


Laughter . To improve the condition of your loved one, tell him a funny story that happened to you, send a joke in SMS, send a funny video letter, remember a funny incident that happened to both of you. This will distract a person from unpleasant experiences.

Only try to be funny if you're sure your friend won't take it as an inattention to his problems.

sober look

Your dear person is in a depressed state, and for sure at the moment he is inclined to see the world in black. Try to help him, show that everything is not as bad as it seems to him. If your friend is a girl, say that he is smart and cute. Remind a friend who has been reprimanded by her boss about a successful project. This will allow people not to proclaim their imaginary shortcomings as the source of all troubles.

Sometimes it will be useful and a drop of flattery. Perhaps your friend really made a mistake, because of which she received a reprimand, but now she is crying, and you need to console her, and she will be able to make out her shortcoming on her own.


Online stores and delivery services are able to deliver the purchase within a couple of hours after the order. Take advantage of their services and please your loved one. Your gift doesn't have to be expensive. It can be a small bouquet of flowers, an accessory to your favorite gadget, or a fun little thing from a store selling costumes and accessories for the holidays. The main thing is that a person will feel your care, and this will cheer him up.

Personal presence

Unfortunately, sometimes troubles happen when neither a kind word from a friend, nor a funny anecdote, nor exhortations that everything will be fine will help to cheer you up. If you see that a misfortune has happened to a person, and it is very difficult for him, the best thing you can do is to come, provide all possible assistance and support him with your presence.

If you want your chosen one to cheer up from communicating with you, but you do not have the opportunity to call him or meet, then you can send SMS. Also, a text message would be appropriate if there is no special reason for the call, but you want to remind yourself.

To cheer up a man - write him a pleasant SMS

You can send short SMS to your loved one, but with meaning

Here are some examples of text messages that have a certain meaning. Surely, your chosen one will be pleased to receive one of these messages.
    “I want to always be the main reason for your happiness!” "Every time my phone rings, I hope it's you." Lovers are two happy people in a world of loneliness. And even though, sometimes, love takes away pride, but it gives wings. "If you lose heart, then in the appropriate embrace." "The heart does not choose anyone, it feels dear." “Sometimes it happens: the body is in one city, and the heart is in another” - It is appropriate to write when you and your boyfriend are in different cities. "Nothing warms you up on cold nights like the thought of you." “I don’t know what the end of our story will be, but I definitely like the plot.” "There's only room in my heart for one man and he's reading this text right now."
Please note that not all guys are used to sending SMS. If you sent a poetic message to your beloved, then do not expect that he will also answer you with similar lines - for some young people this is simply unusual. Remember that your goal is just to cheer up the chosen one, give him pleasant emotions, and not enter into a lengthy correspondence. That is why, if a guy answers dryly or completely leaves SMS unanswered, but at the same time he is friendly with you during real meetings, do not be offended by him - it is simply easier for him to express his emotions “live”. And, of course, this does not mean that your efforts are in vain - it is pleasant for anyone to read kind and gentle words, and if you just want to brighten up your beloved's day with tender confessions, then do it without expecting a similar step in response. Rest assured that your attention will be noticed.

Funny sms to cheer you up

Before writing funny sms, it is important to make sure that you have a similar sense of humor with a young man. At the first stages of communication, try to avoid vulgarity - you may not be so understood. Also, do not scribble such messages one after another - the guy may decide that you stumbled upon a newspaper with jokes, and now you are sending him SMS indiscriminately. It is better to send such messages periodically, not at the height of the working day, but when the man is most likely free.
    “Don't look for the perfect girl. I'm home". "A hundred cute pandas can't compare to you in charm!" “Cockroaches in the head, of course, everyone has, but yours are the cutest!” “Darling, if you don’t answer me in 5 seconds, then you will owe me 100 kisses when you meet. Well, I didn’t have time! ”I dedicate to you, my cat, these beautiful lines:“ Mur-muurr-meow, Mur-meow, Muuur! "Hello! I'm an SMS beggar! Write something cute to your beloved, she misses you!” “Dear subscriber! Your debt is 1000 kisses, please return. “Do you know why I love you so much? Because it doesn't work any other way." “A small, gentle hippo is looking for affection and something to eat ... Will you help me?” "Looks like you're facing jail time - someone stole my heart and you're the only suspect."

SMS to a man in your own words

We offer different options for SMS - some of them are quite appropriate to send at the initial stages of the novel, while others are suitable when the couple already has a very close and long-term relationship.
    Honey, could you at least for a couple of hours get out of my thoughts? I have to work, but I just can't concentrate! I don't have enough words to describe how wonderful you are! There is only one thing left - to wait for you, and show it with your kisses! Come quickly! I may not be a princess, but you turn my life into a real fairy tale! Thank you! Only recently I realized that I don’t care what the weather is like outside - thanks to you it’s always sunny in my life! You are like Bounty for me - my personal piece of paradise. I hope that today will bring you a lot of pleasant emotions! I love you! As a child, they told me that there is nothing sweeter than honey, but then I did not know about your kisses. When I met you, I realized that after all I was born under a lucky star. Darling! You intoxicate stronger than any alcohol! Smile! I send you a thousand kisses with this SMS, I really look forward to our meeting.
Of course, only you can know which SMS in your own words will be most relevant. Whatever it is, try to be sincere and don't be afraid that you will seem ridiculous or funny. If a guy is in love with you, then any of your messages will be pleasant to him, and especially if it turns out to be full of tenderness and various “favors”. It is appropriate to write such messages after successful dates - to consolidate the effect. Note that if you had only one or a few meetings, then most likely the guy is not yet sure what impression he makes on you, and whether you are generally interested. In this case, text messages can be very helpful - they will cheer up the young man and give him an impetus to follow-up actions. Surely, he will be pleased to receive an SMS after the meeting in which you write that you really liked the walk (dinner, going to the cinema), and you are still under a pleasant impression.

How to cheer up a guy who likes by correspondence on the Internet

Make someone laugh with funny pictures and videos

Sometimes, when communicating with a guy on the Web, a girl can come to the conclusion that the topics for communication have been exhausted, and in order to continue full-fledged communication, you often have to take a break for several days. Otherwise, the dialogue may simply become sluggish, which, of course, will not benefit the nascent relationship at all.

However, it is important to remember that when texting a guy, it is not at all necessary to stick to only serious and ordinary everyday topics. The Internet does not bring people closer, but it gives undeniable advantages in communication in the form of such bonuses as funny pictures and various videos. In various groups on social networks, no doubt, interesting memes come across your eyes every day, which simply cannot help but bring a smile. Save the most interesting of them and send them sometimes to the interlocutor - most likely, if you have a similar sense of humor, such messages will be able to cheer him up. It is important to note that if your relationship is not yet too close, then avoid vulgar videos and pictures - you may not be so understood. In particular, such material is inappropriate if in real life you are a very modest and calm girl. Also, do not send memes related to a topic that is unfamiliar to your interlocutor (about your favorite TV series, for example). Usually funny pictures with animals, or those that illustrate typical scenes between a guy and a girl, turn out to be a safe bet.

Cheer with emoticons and easy dialogue in VK

Sometimes, to cheer up a person, it’s enough just to chat with someone. If you suspect that your interlocutor is upset about something, then start an unobtrusive and easy distracting dialogue with him. You can talk about events that may be of interest to him - for example, an upcoming concert or the release of a certain film. You can tell that you attended some event, and you think that he would also be interested in being there - briefly tell us about where you were. React to his jokes vividly, send surprised or laughing emoticons in response. True, with the latter it is better not to overdo it. Sometimes emoticons become the end of any conversation, since not every interlocutor can navigate the answer. That is why emoticons should be used mainly in combination with some phrase. You can also cheer up a young man with a fresh anecdote found on the Internet.

Submit your favorite song and learn about his musical preferences

When interlocutors start looking for “common points”, they often try to find out more information about each other’s tastes, to determine in which areas they have the most in common. Of course, musical preferences are an important aspect of many people's lives, and for many it is indicative. Send the guy one of your favorite songs, accompanied by a question: “Do you like to listen to this or is it not your type?”. If it turns out that the young man likes this composition, then you can send something else in the same spirit. Also take an interest in what kind of music he prefers to listen to, show interest in his musical preferences! However, do not forget about politeness and a sense of tact - if a guy calls you groups or compositions that you don’t like at all, then you don’t need to answer something like: “Oh, I can’t imagine how you can listen to this” or “No, no, such horror is not for me!”. Be tolerant and respectful of other people's tastes, and in this situation you can answer like this: “Interesting music! I usually listen in a different style, but there's definitely something to these songs." Believe me, guys don't react very well when they start making fun of their tastes or anything related to them, however, neither do girls. If you really like the music that the young man is passionate about, feel free to write to him openly about it. Ask if there are any other similar compositions in his "arsenal". Later, you can mention that you listened to the songs that he sent you on the road and now often put them on “repeat” - such a confession will undoubtedly please any guy.
