European wedding. What is she? Ready-made scenario of exit theatrical registration: key points

wedding script in European style

At the beginning, the cars drive up to the groom's house, where a light buffet takes place. Then the wedding procession from the groom's house to the bride's house.

Arriving at the bride's house on the porch of the groom with friends, the bride's girlfriends meet. The girls take the groom by the arms and escort him to the hall of the house (apartment), where the young betrothed is waiting for his beloved. After about five minutes, the door of one of the rooms opens, and the bride's father brings his daughter to the groom. A young newlywed gets down on one knee, confesses his love to his betrothed and gives her bridal bouquet. Then the newlyweds and guests go to the central hall (room), where a light buffet awaits them.

The wedding cortege is sent from the bride's house to the Wedding Palace. Where does the wedding ceremony take place?

Friends, guests, and relatives congratulate the newlyweds, followed by a group photo, video interview, and a toast to the young family. Having sipped champagne, the newlyweds beat glasses for happiness and merge into gentle kiss. The groom carries the bride in his arms out of the Wedding Palace, and the guests applaud and shower "young" rice (or any grain white color).

After painting, the newlyweds go to the church or the Temple for the wedding ceremony.

Congratulations to the newlyweds (the same as in the Wedding Palace).

Wedding walk. IN warm time year, during the walk is selected a nice place where the wedding buffet is organized. You can invite one, two or three musicians to the wedding reception, who will perform romantic melodies and beautiful lyrical songs.

Buffet in the restaurant hall for guests waiting for the newlyweds.

Wedding banquet.

The wedding procession drives up to the place of celebration (restaurant, manor, outdoor banquet under an awning or in a tent). At the entrance to the restaurant, the newlyweds are greeted by guests who stand up in the form of a living corridor. The entertainer asks each of the guests to take a handful of white rose petals to shower the "young ones" and get ready for solemn meeting. The newlyweds get out of the car and go to the guests. Children, a boy and a girl, walk ahead and shower the path in front of the newlyweds with red rose petals.

Entertainer: Peace and harmony, (together with the guests), - love and happiness!

The newlyweds walk through a living corridor, and the guests shower them with rose petals. Then the "young" go to the lobby of the restaurant, where they are waiting for round table with pyramidal glasses of champagne. Enveloping fragrant smoke, soft pouring light on a pyramid of glasses, set a mysterious and romantic mood holiday. The newlyweds approach the table and pick up the two upper glasses tied with a ribbon.

Entertainer: Dear ladies, gentlemen, Dear friends, I ask you to come and congratulate the "young" family and raise glasses for the happiness of the newlyweds.

Guests take glasses of champagne, approach the newlyweds, congratulate the bride and groom, give flowers and gifts, and drink champagne for the happiness of the "new" family.
After the congratulations ceremony, the entertainer invites everyone to the buffet table and announces a musical pause. newlyweds during wedding reception, can put themselves in order, visit the men's and women's rooms, etc.

The entertainer invites the newlyweds and guests to wedding table(a presidium table and tables for guests for 6-8 seats are set separately). Cards with the names of the guests are laid out on the tables, according to which the guests find their places.

After the newlyweds and guests have taken their places, the entertainer continues: Any holiday begins with nice toast and especially the wedding! In ancient times, the sages compared the newlyweds to a small star in the family sky. Over time, having passed tests and cataclysms, the star becomes a warm and bright sun. I want to wish the newlyweds that their sun would warm, but not burn, shine, but not blind, and indicate only Right way their family happiness!

The guests raise their glasses, drink champagne and applaud the newlyweds.

Entertainer: And now a musical pause and everyone Bon appetit. Light music performed by a string quartet or a jazz ensemble sounds.

After a musical pause, the master of ceremonies gives the floor to the groom's parents, then the bride's parents.
The toast of the groom's parents, after a short pause - the toast of the bride's parents.

Entertainer: And now, dear friends, surprise! We meet a beauty from the heart of France, from Paris ... Charming "Miss Erotica"!

This number is a funny parody, performed by an extravagant life-size puppet, of the erotic show of the famous French ballets "Moulin Rouge" and "Lido".
Any other pop number is also possible.

Entertainer: And again, ladies and gentlemen, beautiful music continues our holiday and you have the opportunity to approach the heroes of the occasion, chat with them and drink a glass of champagne (20 minutes of light music).

Entertainer: And one more surprise for our guests! The next issue will touch on the wedding mystical theme. Meet Vampire Wedding!

A very dynamic number with an interesting storyline: In the hall under the march of Mendelssohn, a girl appears in the image of a bride and chooses her betrothed from the hall. The wedding ceremony begins, but suddenly ... the lights go out in the hall, and the bride turns into a vampire ... (pop numbers are chosen at the request of the newlyweds).

Entertainer: So, dear guests, we continue good tradition toasts and congratulations. And now I want to give the floor to the people who were present at the meeting of our newlyweds, these are close friends of the bride and groom (or just one person) - ... and ...

Friends toast.

Entertainer: Ladies and gentlemen, thanks to the friends of the bride and groom, we learned a lot of interesting things about the first meeting and acquaintance of the newlyweds, but do the newlyweds themselves remember their first meeting. So, just for today, wedding talk show "Romance Encounter."

The entertainer asks the bride 3 questions, the groom at this time listens to music on headphones, then he asks the same questions to the groom. Sample questions:
What were the bride and groom wearing on the day they met?
What song was playing that day?
With what words did your acquaintance begin?

After the talk show, applause is heard, and the song that sounded on the day they met is heard.

Entertainer: And now I want to announce the "dance of love", "dance of the newlyweds", applause! During the dance of the newlyweds, you can organize an ejection balloons. Hanging from the ceiling big ball filled with confetti and small balloons. At the climax of the dance, the big balloon explodes and small balloons and confetti fly out of it. The spectacle is truly very bright and colorful.
After the dance of the "young", the entertainer invites guests to a dance, musical break, and for those who are not yet ready for dancing - a buffet table.

Dance break.

The entertainer invites everyone to the festive table.

Serving hot snacks, light music sounds.

Toast guests (optional).

The entertainer conducts a talk show (competition) "Traditions of modern European wedding". Everyone who wishes to name and describe wedding traditions participates in the debate.

Entertainer: And again a surprise! Hot dance duo with the number "Brazilian Tango"!

Entertainer: And now, dear friends, from classical dances, we will move on to modern, dance tunes. So, we meet the guests of our wedding, the stars Russian stage, fashion group "..." (any youth, dance group).

The entertainer invites "young" and guests to the table. Serving hot meals. Light music is playing.

The entertainer asks the guests to draw a memorable portrait of the newlyweds. Each of the guests approaches the canvas and brings his own detail to the overall picture. Then the master of ceremonies shows the finished masterpiece and puts it up for auction among those present.


The entertainer announces the climax wedding celebration, the lights go out in the hall, solemn music sounds and they take out a wedding cake. In the center of the hall, around the cake, firecrackers of cold fire light up and form magic circle. The newlyweds enter the circle and cut the bottom tier of the cake. Applause is heard, the newlyweds kiss, and from under the dome of the restaurant, rose petals and balloons fall on the "young" and guests.
Then, the first piece of the cake is put up for auction by the entertainer.

Bride tossing the bridal bouquet unmarried girls, and the groom garter unmarried gentlemen

Entertainer: Dear newlyweds, and now I invite you to the "dance of desires", which will be a bright end to our wedding program. And I will ask you, dear ladies and gentlemen, to form a circle around the newlyweds and to each say a wish to the "young".

The newlyweds dance, the guests say wishes.

Solemn speech of the newlyweds, the end of the program.

Holding a European-style wedding will appeal to people with an impeccable sense of style, as the celebration combines elegance, grace and charm. There are no too pompous traditions and vulgarity on it, all elements are combined with each other and make up one of the most romantic themes.

Many are familiar with this style foreign films, in which the bride walks to the altar arm in arm with her father, and then the lovers make vows to each other about eternal love, respect and loyalty. The same atmosphere can be created without leaving the country, you just need to responsibly approach the organization process - choose appropriate place, decorate it, think over outfits, menus and other details.


The first feature of a European-style wedding is the lack of improvisation. Every minute of the holiday is adjusted to the smallest detail, and this despite the fact that it takes not 2, but only 1 day. The wedding should take place without fuss, so it is thought out in advance what time the guests should gather at the registry office, when they should arrive at the place of the banquet, how long it takes to congratulate each guest, etc.

As part of the European theme of the celebration, the future newlyweds will have to refuse the ransom of the bride, "salutes" of rice and coins, funny contests at the banquet and much more. Such a holiday involves an exceptionally intelligent pastime.

The tradition of holding stag and hen parties in their modern understanding also originates in Europe. These events are valued almost on a par with the wedding itself - they are also prepared for them, a photographer is invited to them, and the photographs taken are subsequently placed in the wedding album.

In most cases, the bride, along with her girlfriends and relatives, goes to the SPA-salon, where she orders massages, masks and other procedures for all participants of the bachelorette party. During pleasant procedures, the girls communicate, remember pleasant moments their friendship, together they think about what it means to be a wife. Sometimes, after the salon, everyone goes home to the bride, where they stay for the night and watch their favorite films while having intimate conversations. Or is the whole event

The groom on the same day, usually young people choose a golf or baseball course for a meeting place, after which they can look into a local bar and talk about wires bachelor life. Outside of Europe, men can go bowling or billiards, where the atmosphere will be heated by the excitement of the game.

wedding planner

Since a European wedding is very different from a Russian one, newlyweds need to consider whether this option would be appropriate for their relatives and friends. In some families, only established traditions are recognized.

Elena Sokolova


It is necessary to choose in advance the color scheme in which the celebration will take place and, when organizing, follow the chosen palette.

Svetlana Reznik

There are other features that should be considered when organizing a European-style wedding:

  • instead of a witness and a witness - friends of the groom and bridesmaid;
  • it is advisable to select outfits that are the same in model or shade for them;
  • Boys' costumes should be in harmony with girls' dresses in at least one detail.

The banquet lasts only a few hours, guests do not stay late. After the celebration is over, the newlyweds usually immediately go on their honeymoon trip. It is advisable to hire waiters for the celebration. They will be able to immediately refill drinks or replace empty plates with full ones so that guests do not experience inconvenience.

European-style wedding - no hand-made. All necessary elements for decoration are purchased in stores. Not a toastmaster, but a leader. Since the European wedding does not accept vulgarity, the wedding should be led by a professional who can organize a sophisticated celebration with romantic contests and entertainment.

Venue and decor

To begin with, the bride and groom should decide where they want to celebrate - in a banquet hall or on open nature. In good weather, it is better to give preference to an outdoor ceremony, and in the cold season, choose a suitable restaurant or banqueting hall hotel. The latter option is convenient if there are many guests from other cities.

If the solemn part of the wedding will take place indoors, then it is enough to choose an institution with a suitable interior, then you will need a minimum of decorations. If the banquet hall does not look the way the newlyweds would like, then it can be decorated with drapery made of thin, light fabrics desired shade, monochrome garlands and miniature bouquets.

Tables should be small, for 4-6 people, so that guests can move freely and do not interfere with each other. It is best to use plain tablecloths - white or any pastel shade that matches the overall design style. On each table it is desirable to place small bouquet, and serving must be done in accordance with all the rules. If the chairs do not look too presentable, you can put covers on them to match the tablecloths.

Important! At a European-style wedding, you should not focus on the table of the newlyweds with the help of an arch or balloons. It is enough that he will stand at the head of the room.

When choosing an outdoor ceremony, you need to consider the placement of each zone - for an official ceremony, for a banquet and for a photo session. The painting is usually carried out under the wedding arch.

European theme allows decorating the frame with flowers pastel shades or light fabrics. A path should lead to the arch, and chairs or benches for guests should be installed on both sides of it.

Banquet tables should be placed under a tent so that the vagaries of the weather cannot affect the celebration. The requirements for decorating and serving them are the same as for indoor celebrations. Decorative lanterns or planters with compact bouquets can be hung from the ceiling of the tent.

The photo zone must be organized depending on the characteristics of the area where the celebration will take place. In some cases, you can find picturesque places near the banquet tent, then you do not have to carry out additional preparation. You can organize a small thematic corner for photographs, for example, an elegant park table on which a tea set will stand.


The tradition of sending wedding invitations to guests also comes from Europe, so this attribute is required for a wedding in this style. Newlyweds need to think over the layout of the postcard in advance, and then send it to the printing house indicating the names and surnames of all the guests. The design of invitations should be discreet but elegant. White postcards with a photo of the future newlyweds on front side, text and pattern on another. Invitations are sent out 2-3 months before the wedding.

In addition to invitation cards can be ordered directly from the printer seating cards made in the same style. They are needed so that guests immediately know where they are sitting and do not lose their place during the whole holiday. You can go even further and order cards with warm words of gratitude to guests for making bonbonnieres. These are boxes or bags in which the bride and groom put a symbolic gift for each guest.

Outfits of the newlyweds and guests

For a European-style wedding, the bride can choose any style of dress to her liking, and the shade must be selected in accordance with the overall design palette. Most often, girls choose a classic snow-white shade that will look harmonious with any shades in the decor. The style of the outfit can be selected by examining last works wedding fashion designers in Europe. A long train and veil is welcome.

Hairstyle and accessories are matched directly to the dress. It is necessary to avoid only too pompous or, on the contrary, simple styling- in everything the refinement of the girl should be traced. If desired, you can replace the veil with a hat with a veil or a large hairpin.

Shoes need to be selected stable, with heels middle length. Make-up should be natural, discreet. It is better to order it from a stylist to get exactly the desired result. The base should not be noticeable, shadows are applied to the eyelids that are in harmony in shade with the dress, and on the lips you can make light accent matte lipstick. Manicure should also be without frills - plain varnish, natural form nails.

The bouquet must be made up of the so-called noble colors-, or The shade should contrast with the dress, but not be so bright as to draw all the attention to itself. You can also choose the shape at your discretion - a classic hemisphere, a bouquet on long stems, and a cascade will do.

The groom will not need to choose his suit just as scrupulously - any suit will do. classic version, lying on the figure and matching in color to the appearance. Standard "twos" and "threes" can be replaced with a tailcoat or tuxedo to make the couple look even more elegant. Shoes should be only classic, oxfords or derbies are suitable. should repeat the bride's bouquet both in shades and in components.

Guests can come to the wedding in any formal costumes. Women are suitable for evening or Cocktail Dresses that differ in hue from wedding dress bride. Men, like the groom, can wear any suitable classic suit. Some adjustments may be required due to the chosen colors celebrations, in which case guests must be notified in advance.


The night before the wedding, the bride and groom must spend in the homes of their parents. In the morning, at the appointed hour, the groom, together with the guests, for his part, sets off in a single cortege to the house of his beloved, where he once again solemnly asks her father for her hand and gives the girl a wedding bouquet. After that, the couple goes to the place of the official mural.

When the wedding took place, all the guests go to the place of celebration. The host introduces those present to each other in general terms, after which congratulations begin.

The European-style wedding scenario implies that first the parents of the bride and groom take the floor, then all relatives and distant relatives and then friends. When all congratulations are voiced, the newlyweds take a return speech, thank everyone for nice words and willingness to share this happy day with them.

After that solemn part can be considered closed, the rest of the evening, all those present will only need to enjoy. The host will hold contests to keep the guests from getting bored, symbolic prizes will be awarded for the victory. The evening ends with a dance of the young and wedding fireworks.

European-style wedding decoration will not tolerate inconsistencies, so you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. If you wish, you can hire professionals from a special agency to organize a celebration in at its best. If the newlyweds want to plan their own celebration, they need to additionally pay attention to the following details.

  • Love story. In Europe, it is customary to show on the big screen a video from joint photos and video of the newlyweds, from the moment they met and ending with the wedding.
  • Menu. There should not be an abundance of dishes at a banquet. There will be enough hot, a couple of salads and light snacks - this is European style.
  • Dessert, on the contrary, should be lush, multi-tiered, richly decorated. At the top you can place figurines of the bride and groom.
  • Tuple. It is advisable to select imported cars, you don’t need to decorate them abundantly, a slight hint of a wedding will be enough, for example, a compact bouquet.
  • Music. It's best to invite musical group so that they perform the selected compositions live, as is often the case at celebrations in Europe.


A European-style wedding, photos taken by a specialist, will delight every couple who has chosen this theme. By organizing a celebration, the newlyweds will receive many of the warmest and most romantic emotions that are still long years will delight them and all those present at the celebration. Subject requires close attention to every detail, so planning such a celebration on your own is not always easy. In order to achieve desired result, newlyweds need to share any ideas with each other and choose the most optimal solutions.

Weddings according to the European scenario are now in vogue, it is believed that such celebrations are more interesting and intelligent or something. Many customs - the official engagement, "hunting for a bouquet", a multi-tiered cake with candles, an outdoor ceremony and others have been successfully borrowed from Europe. So what is a European wedding like? - let's try to figure it out.

Our people are now greedy for everything "European", although they do not fully understand what they are getting into. Any repair of an average level is proudly called "European-quality repair", and any wedding outside the city is called European. In fact, each country located on this continent has its own rituals and traditions, and it is oh so problematic to transfer them to Russian soil - conservative guests will not understand them!

What should not be at a European wedding?

A wedding according to the European canons (let's call it that) should be thought out from “A” to “Z”, every little thing should be in its place, each performance should take place at its own time. This completely kills all the charm of improvisation, which we love so much. We will have to give up the theft and ransom of the bride, adhere to the rules of the buffet table, delete barbaric contests from the program, and so on. Traditions such as loaf, shedding grain or releasing doves into the sky simply do not fit into the canon of the celebration either. Oh yes, Uncle Vanya is also an accordion player, unfortunately, the evening will not diversify. If you are ready to go for it and have enlisted the understanding of relatives - then go ahead!

Bachelorette and bachelor parties

Yes, yes, these events also come from Europe. The traditional Russian bachelorette party is significantly different from the foreign one. Let's start with the fact that a lot of attention is paid to this evening: you can use the services of a photographer and make a photo story, which is on a par with wedding pictures decorate the album.

Parties for girlfriends are held in a hotel, spa or outside the city, ladies dedicate this evening to “cleaning feathers”: they do masks, manicures, pedicures and others necessary procedures. For the groom, friends prepare a picnic, go to tennis or baseball, so that the bathhouse, beloved by many, can be safely canceled. interesting idea going to the cinema or to the park, you can even come up with extreme entertainment like riding a hot-air balloon or skiing. The main thing is not to overestimate your strength, the bride or groom with plaster does not look the best!


The main difference between such a celebration is that the wedding takes place either in a church or outside the city. If we have field registrations they still require a subsequent trip to the registry office, since the book of records is not taken out of this glorious institution, then in Europe such a ceremony immediately takes effect. The ceremony is performed by a priest, but it is not necessary to adhere to all the canons - an aunt from the registry office is also quite suitable. After the exchange of rings, the time comes wedding vows- a very solemn moment, so the speech must be well prepared. One more thing: the bride is led to the altar by the father or the planted father, this is the ritual of transferring the daughter to another family, it is strictly observed.

An “auditorium” is organized for guests with comfortable benches and chairs, a corridor is left between the seats, along which the bride will pass. The “altar” zone is decorated with flowers, ribbons, fabrics, the notorious wedding arch came to us from Europe.

We will not talk about the outfits of the bride and groom, suffice it to say that elegance and compliance with the chosen theme should be at the forefront.

Witnesses and Witnesses at a European Wedding

It is more or less clear with the bridesmaids, especially since at every second wedding there is not one witness, but several. The groom's friends wear matching ties or boutonnieres to match the bridesmaids' dresses to match the style. Or come up with your own "trick".

The highlight of the European wedding - flower children, beautiful dressed up toddlers help with the ceremony. Girls shower the bride with rose petals or carry bouquets, while boys help support the train or bring a pillow with rings.

Banquet and festivities

It is not customary for Europeans to keep guests late, most often the wedding banquet lasts several hours, after which the newlyweds go on their honeymoon. At the festival, you will not find huge tables that are bursting with fatty homemade meals - light snacks, fruits, cold cuts, canapes, salads, cakes - that's what they feed at European weddings. Are you celebrating outdoors or out of town? - catering to help you, many companies provide this service.

The tables are small, designed for 4-5 people, you can seat guests in a chaotic manner, you can organize an "interest club". If desired, married couples can be accommodated in one half of the hall, and free guests in the other.

It will be better if there are waiters at the buffet table - they will be able to add drinks or treat a gaping guest with something tasty, and no one will crowd around the laid tables. The decoration will be the Candy-bar, which is beautifully designed - the dream of a sweet tooth, because it is there that they put a chocolate fountain, cap-cakes and other sweets.

The decoration of the halls is quite traditional - flowers, chair covers, candles, beautiful ribbons. No homemade cross-drawn posters or unevenly cut garlands are allowed. Popular design in several colors or a stylized wedding. On the table at the entrance, you can put a wish book, a seating plan for guests, and there are always cards with the names of the guests on the tables. Small bonuses are often practiced - bonbonnieres, as a gift to guests who came to the celebration. Commemorative badges, postcards, sweets, products self made, even a jar of fragrant jam - you can give everything.

The format of the event is closer to a social event than to a typical feast, so warn excessively violent friends and relatives in advance.

European-style wedding entertainment

As such, there is no toastmaster at the holiday, he is replaced by a host who announces the next competitions or numbers. Very important musical arrangement(live music is welcome), it would be nice to think over a suitable scenario, focusing on spectacular performances - pyrotechnics, musicians, magicians, dancers will perfectly diversify the celebration, however, such pleasure will cost a lot. It all starts with the traditional dance of the bride and groom, often slides are shown on the screens in the background. love story or fun family shots. Choose contests carefully: whoever drinks a bottle of beer faster or gets into a glass with a pen is not appropriate at such a wedding.

People often stand at the buffet, so if you have elderly people as guests, do not forget to take care of the seats. The buffet lasts 2-3 hours, after which the cake is taken out, and the guests go home.

Actually, the main points are considered, and what variation of the wedding you prefer is up to you!

We have all seen the European wedding scenario in a beautiful romantic movie and more than once were touched by the elegance and refinement of a foreign celebration. Thanks to modern development in the field of wedding services today and in our country, if you wish, you can arrange a wedding in the best European traditions.

The location of the celebration is a key moment

Key Ingredients wedding ceremony and a festive banquet for all Europeans are similar to Russian wedding traditions: White dress and a formal suit, witnesses of the groom and bridesmaid, exchange of rings, wedding cake and even throwing the bride's bouquet ... However, the European wedding scenario implies one global difference - this is the place where the wedding is celebrated, and often it is also the venue for the wedding ceremony. We traditionally have a registry office and a restaurant, they, as a rule, spend a holiday on fresh air: under open sky or under a light temporary canopy in case of bad weather. Often, the wedding venue is a garden or lawn near the bride's house, or any other picturesque corner of nature. Very often, according to the scenario of a European wedding, the marriage takes place in the same place where the festive banquet is scheduled, unless the couple is going to get married in a church. But even in cases where the marriage ceremony takes place outside the place of the banquet, preference is given to holding it in the bosom of nature. In our country, outdoor ceremonies are no longer a curiosity and provide an opportunity to arrange a wedding that is not inferior in beauty and splendor to the best Hollywood films. Information about the organizers of such events can be found on the pages of the Svadbagolik.Ru website.

The European wedding scenario does not include the ransom of the bride before marriage. As a rule, the bride is brought to the altar by the father, where he passes her to the groom, and only then the two of them become participants in a magical action... Surrounded by flowers and festive decorations, they walk along the red carpet, accompanied by live music, to the delightful beauty of the gazebo, where the priest awaits them who will pronounce solemn speech, declare them husband and wife, give parting advice and provide an opportunity to exchange marital promises. This is a very touching spiritual moment of the European wedding scenario, when lovers say to each other the most important words about love and fidelity, about their readiness to go a long way of life side by side, to share sorrows and joys...

It must be said that those young people who, arranging a wedding according to European traditions, wish to carry out the rite of redemption of the bride, beloved by many, will not allow any semantic contradiction. Let everything be as lovers want!

Another one distinguishing feature The European wedding scenario is the absence of witnesses to the marriage. Instead, there is a charming tradition to single out bridesmaids who help the girl with wedding decorations and other organizational moments. They dress up in the same exquisite dresses and accompany the bride to the celebration.

European wedding scenario insists on wedding celebration in the style of a social event: often this buffet tables with light snacks, a specially equipped dance floor with live music, waiters carrying glasses of champagne ... Even if seating is provided, it is not customary to install one large common table. They arrange small tables for 4-5 people around the stage, where there is a microphone for the presenter and everyone who wants to congratulate the newlyweds.

Unlike Russian traditions, the European wedding scenario does not imply a long stay of the newlyweds on the holiday. Accepting congratulations, performing the first a wedding dance and having cut a chic multi-tiered cake, the bride throws her wedding bouquet to the bridesmaids and, together with the groom, leave the banquet, going on a honeymoon trip.

Many couples today choose European style for their wedding celebration, preferring to do without the noisy fun and entertainment characteristic of "Russian-folk" traditions.

In organizing such a wedding, the emphasis is on a beautiful comfortable hall, high-quality (preferably live) music, light snacks and entertainment. . I. of course, preparing for such a wedding, both guests and newlyweds did not spare no effort and money to look stylish and flawless. At the same time, it is better to trust real professionals, and Wedding Dresses buy in salons with a proven reputation and the best deals, which can be found on the website

For management, they order not a toastmaster, but a wedding manager who will follow everything and unobtrusively organize congratulatory and solemn moments associated with registration, wedding, walk, meeting the newlyweds and the wedding banquet program.

Here are our tips on how arrange a wedding in European style:

Council number 1. How to arrange pre-banquet events in European style.

In European traditions, the time before wedding banquet takes place with different dynamics and according to a scenario somewhat different from the usual one in our country. Let's talk briefly about how it should go.

- At the groom's house. Events on the wedding day begin at the groom's house, where friends gather and give last parting words and congratulations to the newlyweds. After a snack, a car is brought to the groom's entrance, and he, along with his friends and a witness, goes to the bride's house (“with him” the groom only has a wedding bouquet for his future wife).

- At the bride's house. The groom and his motorcade are met directly at the entrance (if it happens in the city, or at the gate - if outside the city) by two or three bridesmaids, who, after a warm greeting of the groom and his friends, invite them to go into the house (no redemption will be made).

Entering the house, the groom remains to wait in the corridor (hall). Five minutes later, the father of the bride comes out to him. The groom introduces his companions to him in detail and speaks in restrained terms about how he treats his future wife like going to build with her life together than provide. The father of the bride has the right to ask relevant questions himself. In general, their conversation should be like a business conversation. Only after him does the father take his daughter out of the room. Then her mother shows up. The groom gives the betrothed a wedding bouquet, once again confesses his love to her and invites her to go with him to the Wedding Palace. (In Europe, brides are very sensitive to the ritual of dressing and gathering, it is even fashionable to rent a hotel room for this and gather all the girlfriends in it)

- in the registry office, by and large, everything goes on as usual: waiting for the ceremony, the wedding ceremony itself, then congratulations from those present, a light buffet and a small photo session - a common photo, a photo of the newlyweds together and with their parents. A very appropriate moment would be a short video recording of the newlyweds after the ceremony: let them say a few words about how they feel, if they consider it possible, then capture the first marital kiss on camera. You can also shoot a mini-interview with parents and wedding guests.

The exit of the newlyweds from the Wedding Palace (which can also be filmed) is very important: the newlyweds will certainly carry their spouse in their arms. Guests shower the newly-made husband and wife with rice, semolina or any other white cereal. After that, the entire wedding procession goes to the temple. in the temple it remains only to follow the established rules and rituals of the wedding.

After official ceremonies should wedding walk . A place for it should be chosen in advance - it would be good if it were not just a picturesque, but a clearing sheltered from the wind. In this case, a small table with light snacks, fruit and sparkling wine could be arranged here. Here you can also place accessories for photography. Pull up the awning. The highlight of this moment can be an invited musician (violinist, saxophonist, guitarist). The scheme of a picnic walk is something like this: arrival (of course, with music), congratulations and a photo session, a buffet table (always with music). The walk takes an hour and a half. Then everyone goes to a restaurant.

Council number 2. How to arrange a meeting of young people in European style.

While the newlyweds and friends are enjoying a walk, it would be nice for guests arriving in a rented hall to arrange a light buffet with unobtrusive music. An artist and a photographer can be invited to entertain guests.
