Where to pick up girls? Pick up a girl for the night. How to pick up a girl? Where and how to do it correctly Where can you pick up a girl

Permanent relationships are not easy; they require full commitment and often self-sacrifice. In addition, today it can be quite problematic to find that person who would meet all your ideas about an ideal partner. That is why many residents of our country today choose dating for one night without registration. If this is your first time hearing about this phenomenon, then you definitely need to try this option of expanding your circle of contacts in the very near future, especially since you won’t need anything unusual for this.

To access almost any thematic service dedicated to such dating, you only need to have a desktop computer or mobile gadget with a connection to the World Wide Web. Thus, you decide for yourself where and when you meet people, whether at home or on the street, at the workplace or on public transport. This is very convenient and significantly saves time. This accessibility has made specialized online platforms for quick dating one of the most popular methods of increasing the number of sexual contacts.

You can meet and chat with a wide variety of people at your leisure. The audience of these portals is diverse, which allows you to quickly select suitable guys and girls with whom you could spend the night. An important advantage of such projects is the fact that all users initially know about the main purpose of the correspondence, so no one will play hard to get and be embarrassed by overly frank proposals. Communicate the way you want with those interlocutors who fully meet your requirements.

Almost anyone can correspond on such websites. The only thing is that, due to the specific content, most of them can only be used by those who have reached the age of eighteen. Otherwise, you can freely visit the pages you like. In order for your dating for a fun night to be as effective as possible, it is recommended that you do not be lazy and properly fill out your personal profile. To do this, upload your photo and supplement it with personal data telling about your interests, hobbies and preferences in bed.

All other factors only help narrow down the search - the bar is cheaper there, the sound is better, face control is stricter, the lineup is more interesting - all this ultimately works on the quality and quantity of lonely hearts coming to the club.

The girls who come here to catch a glimpse are selective, smart, beautiful and elegant. Because they know that the half-closed PartiZen is teeming with princes on white horses, Lexuses and huge SUVs. The door to this bar is literally closed, and it is unlikely that outsiders will be allowed in. Inside, as one of my friends put it, “it’s very similar to the old Giusto - where we started, we came back to.” And really, why do it differently if the recipe has been found a long time ago?
Drink“Zhiguli bar” beer, 200 rub.
Age 20—30
pros Very beautiful girls
Minuses they don't really need you

A classic way to get drunk, dance and meet a desperate babe is to go see Sanchez on Thursday. The female contingent of “Propka” is renewed annually, going here is quite a “budget” event, and the face control, although not as fierce as 10 years ago, will definitely not let drunken rednecks through. Or a polite, strong guard will take him out. There is, of course, little space here, but the number of pretty smiling students per square meter is very large.
Drink Long Island Iced Tea, 270 rub.
Age 18—25
pros democracy and speed
Minuses cramped and stuffy
More ,

The club's policy is structured in such a way that eighteen-year-old hipsters, smart transvestites, old partygoers and young beauties are equally comfortable here. The “younger group” of Solyanka visitors, admittedly, have their own hangout with their own heroes, but this in no way detracts from their desire to have an affair with an interesting adult stranger. Or a little adventure. The main rule is not to give the girls a lot of strong alcohol, otherwise you will have to babysit a vomiting half-corpse.
Drink Naked Lunch (rum, white wine, mint leavs, spices, sprite, pomegrante), 390 rub.
Age 18—28
pros heterogeneity
Minuses reduced endurance of girls

Some go to clubs to relax, and some go to make useful and pleasant acquaintances with wealthy men. In modern Moscow, even among decent-looking girls, this is for some reason considered normal. At the same time, it must be admitted that the girls here are still purebred. Sometimes so much so that after a couple of hours your eyes get tired of looking at such beauty. But after a while you get hooked...
Drink“Whiskey-Cola”, 450 rub.
Age 22—27
pros you can stay here for a long time
Minuses bar prices

“Arma 17” is “a sailor’s happiness”; every room, nook and sofa is full of nice young ladies who came to hang out (and therefore, to illustrate the life saying “if you’re drunk, act approachable”). The genre range here is also wide: from office blondes in stiletto heels to pretty and still innocent students or hardened party girls with a twist - for sophisticated tastes. The main thing is to stand on your own feet and be able to connect at least a couple of words. Because if you don’t have the courage to approach, you shouldn’t be upset; local specimens can take the initiative.
Drink shot “Vodka-energy”, 150 rub.
Age 18—30
pros very comfortable toilets for quick sex
Minuses oddly enough, some ladies like to dance here more than communicate with annoying ladies' men

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Call girls have always been and will be in demand. Their willingness to indulge in pleasures “in an adult way”, to give themselves and receive caresses from you always awakens something primitive in every man. Would you like to use the services of a prostitute in Moscow? You've come to the right place. The intuitive interface of the site will make it possible to appreciate the rich selection of those who want to spend the evening not even boring.

It is easy to remove. It's easy to be excited with her. With her it is easy to experience new sensations and adopt hitherto unknown experiences. It's easy to communicate with her. She won't expect anything special from you, won't ask for a relationship or commitment. She, just like you, enjoys bodily pleasures, awakens motley and bright pictures in her fantasies. And, without complexes, completely relaxed, he brings them to life.

A whore can be ordered out. For a bachelor party or in person. You can ask her to diversify your marital intimate life. She can visit your beautiful home. Or a luxurious mansion. Or a cozy cottage. Come to the office and dispel the serious atmosphere that you have been creating there for years.

Everything is subject to her. When invited to a bathhouse or other place, do not forget to specify the use of condoms when meeting. After a good steam, your bodies will crave highs and lows, relaxation and excitement.

Having gone to the sauna with friends, choose available professionals who are looking at you from the personal pages of our website. They can work individually or in pairs. Capable of participating in lesbian games and making combinations of MFM and FFM. If you want new sensations or repetitions of extreme sports, you can turn to the services provided by Shemale, or take part in sadomasochistic games.

When you go out of town with one or more prostitutes, you can take sex toys with you or ask her to take with her an arsenal of her own. You may experience obsessive sex with a teacher since adolescence. Or “fry” a well-mannered and attractive flight attendant. Stay in bed with a charming nurse who can inspire desires with just one bend. Like a costume ball, your opportunity to role-play, transform, enjoy and rejoice will bring more and more fruits of pleasure.

Inexpensive whores are able to take you to the land of not the most intricate, but vivid and passionate fantasies. Their satiety with their bodies will give you the experience of new searches for options for arousal on the body, the experience of new types of pleasure for each other. You don't have to come up with a script. A prostitute, at your request, can offer her own fictitious evening, where bodies will be intertwined on any furniture, floor, and not just on a bed of passion.

The services of hetaeras are so replete with their variety that they will be like a wonderful menu of various restaurants, inviting you to their place to consume new “dishes” during private meetings.

Sex as an important facet of life will be fiery and passionate, tender and airy, with painful sensations or erotic massage without penetration. Whatever you want will be available in the company of a charming and experienced geisha in Moscow.

We promise that this leisure time will be unforgettable for you.

Dating at a party is considered one of the easiest, because initially most single girls go there in order to relax, have fun, have a good time and meet someone. And since it’s rare that a party goes without one or two cocktails, music and a dozen (and that’s at least) pretty and lonely girls, any pick-up artist can find both a victim and a goal there.

But don’t think that you will come to a club or your friend’s house, and within an hour you will be able to leave there ready for quick sex. Everything is not so simple, and that is why we will allow ourselves to talk about several strategies for parties, taking two models as a basis - home and club parties.

Club parties are the best place for this, since in the vast majority of cases you are not required to do anything other than look good and have enough money to buy yourself and the girl you like a drink. It will also be useful to be able to dance, because they will evaluate you only by external data, since because of the music you will hardly have the opportunity to prove yourself as an interesting and witty storyteller.

Therefore, first take care of looking good, and only then go to the club. After all, there you will find more than tough competition from other pick-up artists and lovers of quick sex. Namely, all club parties are famous for it, often ending in fights.

Once at the club, the first thing we do is mingle with the crowd at the bar, order ourselves a cocktail (not necessarily alcoholic) and carefully study the girls gathered in the club. They are all divided into three categories:




The first includes all those girls at the party who came here for fun and sex. They choose their own partners, evaluating them according to all the parameters we listed above: level of material security, visual attractiveness, stylishness. Having chosen a guy, they can approach him themselves, or with the help of glances and smiles they can make it clear that he can approach them. After this, events develop more than rapidly, often fitting into 10 dances, 5 toasts and 1 rapid sex, the place for which is chosen just as quickly - a smoking room, a toilet or a dark courtyard next to the club.

But with all the availability, you have little chance of picking up such a huntress if you are not the alpha pick-up artist of the evening and all the girls at the party are not looking only at you.

Therefore, without wasting time, we cut off the untouchables - the girls who came to the club in search of “high love”. They are waiting for the prince and show it with all their appearance. No, you can get to know them, and even take them home after the party. But there will be no sex, since the touchy-feely require a long period of courtship, beautiful words, going to the movies, phone calls... Having identified the touchy-feely, we cut them off and concentrate all our attention on the representatives of the third group, which we called “lucky/unlucky.”

These girls at a party They never meet first, but they are never against meeting guys. Come up, smile, joke, treat her to a drink, invite her to dance, because the main thing that such a girl wants is to have fun. But there is no talk about sex yet. And you must remember this. Of course, a girl can go overboard even then... But since we are adherents of a high pickup line, we do not even allow for the possibility that you will take advantage of the girl’s helplessness, and therefore we will not even discuss such options.

We need to act differently - after the party we undertake to accompany the girl in order to amuse her intensely in the first 15 minutes, and then gradually switch to a minor lyrical mode and start talking about tenderness and love. It is romance that will allow you not only to entice such a girl to kiss you, but will also give you the opportunity to have sex with her. Well, we will tell you how to create a romantic mood and talk about love correctly in the following articles on our site.

Now let's look at another option - a home party.

A home party differs from a club party in that at it we need to show ourselves in all our glory, otherwise the girls at the party will not pay any attention to us. And this is important, because girls are ready to study only with bright, interesting and outgoing guys. And according to statistics, this is precisely why every 3rd of them comes to a house party.

In order to make the right impression, you must, of course, look good, carry yourself decently and dance well. But a home party differs from a club party in that wit and the ability to maintain a cheerful conversation are much more valued here, and therefore this is what we focus on.

In addition - and this is important - we start preparing a girl for sex not after the party, but right at it. And slow dancing and solitude in the kitchen, balcony or entrance help us with this, which we use to create a romantic mood and to show the girl that we are in love. But before that, we do exactly the same as in a nightclub, dividing the girls into categories: huntresses, touchy ones, “lucky/unlucky.”

Just remember that it’s much easier to pick up a huntress at a house party. Firstly, you won’t have the same competition as in a club, and secondly, a house party does not require you to prove your financial solvency. That being said, it would be a very big mistake to seduce a huntress through “romance” and “love” - they don’t fall for such tricks, and if you try to use them, the huntresses will most likely laugh right in your face.

See also:

At least once in their lives, lonely young people wondered where they could pick up a girl for an interesting time. Now there are several methods of pickup, which differ from each other in time and financial costs.

If you need to pick up a girl for the night, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the options listed below for searching for sensual leisure.

Currently, finding a girl through dating sites is very popular. This method allows you to assess the appearance of the subject in advance. To bring it to life, you must register on the resource and indicate for what purposes you are looking for a companion. After this, the automatic search system will select several candidates for you. At the same time, you can agree with a girl to spend time together even for an hour, but it is better to discuss all these points before the meeting.

There are also reports now that pick-up artists have picked up a lot of girls using social networks. This method is good because the overwhelming number of young people have their own page on social networks. In this regard, the audience reach for the pickup is simply impressive.

However, in megacities and in particular in Moscow, nightclubs and discos are still the most popular places for filming. This search method has both its pros and cons. Its advantages include the fact that girls come there already loaded with pickup. There is a known case when, without waiting for an initiative from the stronger half of humanity, girls picked up a guy at a similar event and had a fun night.

Cons of a pickup truck

And now about the not-so-pleasant stuff.

Unfortunately, there are significantly fewer applicants for rent in clubs than on dating sites, so choosing a suitable candidate will be much more difficult. In addition, when promoting a girl to spend time together, you will probably need to spend money on food, and a positive result in this case is by no means guaranteed. However, there is no need to despair because of annoying misfires - be persistent, and you will definitely glue the beauty together for the night!

As before, pick-up artists do not miss the opportunity to pick up a girl on the street. In many patriarchal cities, including Minsk, there are special places where you can pick up a girl for an intimate pastime without much effort. However, determining the correct location for a pickup truck is only half the battle. In order to carry out the operation codenamed “pickup” without delay, the guy must make a strong impression on the girl.

  1. There are several ways to do this:
  2. Firstly, in this matter there is no need to skimp on show-offs. They allow you to pick up a girl in the shortest possible time. Fashionable clothes from famous designers and expensive accessories will certainly add to your popularity among the fair sex.

If you haven’t purchased a car yet, it’s not a disaster either! You can involve your friends in this matter, who will probably understand your situation and lend theirs for a day. If for some reason you were unable to get a car, then you will need to use all your artistic talent and order a taxi. For example, you can tell a girl that you don’t go to clubs in your Bentley because you’re afraid that someone will spoil her out of envy. In many cases it works!

Feel free to bring a variety of stylish trinkets with you in your pickup truck. The weaker sex invariably falls for these little things and it becomes easier to remove them. After which you need to unobtrusively attract the attention of the lady you are interested in. In case of skillful influence, half of it is already yours!

Many men are afraid to talk to girls first. No problem! Many ladies are not averse to starting a conversation themselves. Wait, and one, or even two girls will certainly approach you, and in the course of further conversation you can interest them. The main thing is to find topics that are interesting to her.

A very important thing in the art of seduction is not to forget to praise yourself. You can tell how cool you were while studying at a particular university. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and not look like a banal liar. Next, you should create an atmosphere of mystery so that the girl herself becomes interested in what you are doing now. On this basis, you can skillfully twist the removal process so that she doesn’t even feel it.

The final part of the pickup process is also very important. This may involve demonstrating the presence of more. However, if you only have 20 bucks in your pocket, you can create the illusion of this. So, for example, you can calmly tip the waiter 10 dollars, demonstrating in every possible way that it is worth nothing to you.

Girls adore wealthy and at the same time generous guys, so after this she will probably want to be alone with you. If not, then start meeting the next girl, the art of pickup rewards the most persistent! It will be much easier for a generous young man to pick up a girl.


Probably every guy dreams of finding a good girl for a relationship in just one hour. It would be great if you weren’t alone in bed today. But the reality is that few succeed. And you will have to try to achieve such a goal. Where to find a girl in 1 hour? The question is very complex, but you can try something and be satisfied with the result in most cases.

What's the difficulty?

One hour is really very little. First, let's decide on the place where you will look for a girl. What kind of place is this supposed to be?
  1. There should be tens, hundreds, thousands of girls here (it all depends on the size of your city).
  2. Girls should not be distracted by any other activities. They should not rush, they should be willing to communicate.
  3. They should consider you as their boyfriend.
  4. Each of them should be ready to start a relationship right now.
The description is very complex, and most likely not a single place that comes to mind fits it. What immediately comes to mind? Several potential places where you, in theory, usually meet girls. Read my article - the best places to meet a girl.

  • Street. Surely this is the first thing that came to your mind. But this is not a place where you can find a girl in 1 hour. Of course, you can say that your friend succeeded, but let’s not consider isolated cases. Why is this place not suitable for us? The fact is that although there are a lot of girls here, they are all in a hurry on business, going somewhere, they are not in the mood for making acquaintances, and therefore you have little chance.
  • Exhibitions, galleries, public spaces. Again, they are not suitable, since the girls here are not busy looking for a man for a relationship.
  • Clubs. Another place that might come to your mind. But it is not suitable for you either. The fact is that girls who come to clubs view guys as those who want a one-night stand. They don't consider clubs as a place to meet men. That is, they immediately accept you as a person who is not suitable for permanent partners, and this is a significant disadvantage. And even if you find a girl here in one hour, she is unlikely to be a worthwhile specimen, and you will regret your choice.
  • Social media. They are also not a place where you will find a girl in 1 hour. Why do girls visit social networks? To watch a video, scroll through your feed, upload new photos and have a good time. Again, they are not in the mood to meet men, and therefore in such a short time you will not find a girl here.
And so, it seems like we have looked at all the available options for dating places, but there is still one interesting place that completely fits our description. These are dating sites. Don’t rush to splutter and close the article. Then you will understand what's what.

Contradictions in choice

Just now you most likely thought that this was nonsense, that it didn’t work. But with the right approach, dozens of girls will write to you a day, and you will choose someone for a relationship.
Many people really dislike dating sites, and this is quite fair. Indeed, girls sit here in large numbers and are engaged in looking for men for relationships.

But why do many guys leave the idea of ​​dating sites at the development stage? There are several objective reasons.

  1. Think about it, what kind of girls are sitting here? Those who have problems meeting people in real life. Therefore, such girls either have an unremarkable appearance or have serious character problems that no normal guy would agree to tolerate.
  2. Many dating sites require payment for their services. This could be payment for unlimited messages or access to any information. This is a significant drawback, since a person does not have to pay for the opportunity to meet representatives of the opposite sex.
  3. Most men (namely 90%) are dissatisfied with the results they received on a dating site.
What does all of this mean? You must be among the 10% of those who are satisfied! And not because you demand little, but because you always get the desired result.

Now let’s talk about why a dating site is suitable for you in your circumstances. What problem conditions did you set when you typed the query into a search engine or simply opened this article? You asked where to find a girl in 1 hour. That's why there is only one answer, and it requires certain resources. Yes, you may have to spend money and time on your profile, but you can do it in just 1 hour and not spend that night alone.

Let's get down to implementation

In total, you are faced with two tasks. First, you need to get on a dating site. Secondly, you must present information about yourself so that every girl considers you as the best candidate for the role of her boyfriend. I wrote in more detail earlier about how to meet a guy on dating sites.

Let's deal with the first problem. Everything here is extremely simple. Getting on dating sites is very easy. You type a query into a search engine and see a ton of options. Then you register, get acquainted with the size of the audience regarding your city and make a decision about payment. You can use several sites at once to improve your results, but it will cost you more.

Now to the implementation of the second task. Now it seems incredibly complicated, but everything is much simpler than you think. Let's go with you from the opposite direction. You go to a dating site and see in front of you a lot of girls who write in their profiles something like the following: “I’m looking for a responsible, loyal, handsome man for a long-term relationship.” And after the tenth reading, you will no longer be interested in reading the profile, so you quickly scroll through it and concentrate only on the photographs. And then you make a decision whether to write or not, to date or not.

And then you see a questionnaire with a completely different content: “Hi, I don’t like long correspondence. If I like your photos, you can safely make an appointment with me, and I will come to it on the same day. I'm not one of those who will delay for long.

If you're really great, if you make a good impression on me, then be ready to take me into the bedroom and you'll have the best sex of your life that you'll want to repeat again and again." If you find such a profile, you will write to such a girl without wasting a minute. What's the point? You can do the same! All this can be used in reverse.

What profiles do men usually find on dating sites? They write openly about their merits, boldly show off their property in photographs, and so on. They try to attract attention with their merits, but do not highlight the main thing. A man must be truly original to please a girl.

Therefore, the photos you fill your profile with must be the best. There is no need to show off your property. Your appearance is your main trump card. And this includes emotionality, some interesting activities, funny situations, and so on.

The text of the questionnaire itself should become a container of specifics and a clear reflection of the essence. You must clearly and accurately reflect text with similar content to the one given above. You must let the girl know that you did not come here to chat, but to find your soulmate. Don’t smear vanilla snot all over your monitor, you need clear text without a single extra word.

Your choice of girl should be based on common sense. You don’t need to immediately demand a meeting from everyone who writes to you. Look at the photos, if it's fake, no dates. If a girl comes to you worse than in the photo, turn around and don’t waste time. This is the only way you will become one of the 10% of men who are satisfied with the results on dating sites.


Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a girl in 1 hour the first time. A lot depends on your individual characteristics. That's why experiment with the text and note positive or negative changes in dating. Gradually you will come to that golden mean, which will bring you dozens of girls a day. Try it and you will succeed!
