How to calculate your astrological forecast. Individual horoscope online (free)

An astrological chart, or more precisely, a natal chart, is a symbolic designation of the planets, the Sun and the Moon at the time of a person's birth. Each planet occupies a specific zodiac sign at a specific point in time, and the interpretation of this location allows astrologers to understand the characteristics of human behavior. Since the astrological chart is based on facts such as the position celestial bodies(relative to the Moon) in a certain period of time, it is more related to astronomy than astrology. Next Tips help you create an astrological chart yourself.


Creating an astrological chart

    Using a compass, draw concentric circles on paper. The inner circle should be smaller than the outer circles.

    • Instead, you can get blank horoscope sheets from an astrologer or astrology shop. Much easier to draw circles by hand.
  1. Divide the space between the two outer circles into 12 equal parts. Each part symbolizes one of the 12 signs of the zodiac (Cancer, Libra, and so on).

    Label each part with a sign in the form of a zodiac symbol. If you designate one part as Leo, the next part should be Virgo, so that each zodiacal sign is designated in order of priority.

    • If you know the time of birth, determine the ascendant (zodiac constellation) before filling the chart with the signs of the zodiac.
    • If the horoscope is drawn up in accordance with north longitude, place the sign of the ascendant on the left side; this is the eastern part, pointing south from the north position. Then fill in the remaining characters counterclockwise.
    • If the position is relative south longitude, put the sign of the ascendant on the right side, while the rest of the signs should be located clockwise.
    • Strictly speaking: if the position is between 27.5° longitude, the deviation of the ascendant must be comparable to the longitude to determine its position in the north and south, that is, in which part it should be located. In practice, however, this is very rarely used, so you should follow the general instructions above!!
  2. Divide each part (sign) into 30 equal degrees. A whole circle equals 360 degrees, so each of the 12 parts equals 30 degrees. Using small marks on the second circle, mark each degree. You can only mark a few degrees, but remember that the angles between the points on the circle will play a decisive role in the interpretation of the map, so accuracy is important here.

    • If you're using a store-bought card, this has most likely already been done for you.
  3. Find the ascendant sign of the person you are interested in, depending on his or her date of birth and time on the astronomical table. The astronomical table is a map of the location of celestial bodies in certain time. You can buy such a card or find it in the library; you can also search on the internet. The ascendant is the sign of the zodiac that rises above the eastern horizon at a certain time (in this case, time of birth) in a certain place (place of birth of a person) on Earth. So, in order to make an accurate map, you need to know the longitude and latitude of the person’s place of birth (use an Internet search if you don’t have a reliable map on hand), as well as exact time and date. Free computer programs that can be found on the Internet can help you determine the ascendant if you make necessary information.

    Mark the sign of the ascendant on your map. The computer program or astronomical chart you use to determine the sign of the ascendant will show you the location (in degrees) of that sign, for example 12 degrees Virgo. To pinpoint the correct location, locate the sign of the zodiac (in this case, Virgo) on your map and, moving forward through the signs, count in degrees (in this case, 12) from the "original" angle of the sign. This example can be explained in another way. If you imagine the circle as a clock, where Virgo occupies the space between 9 and 8, the countdown is from 9 (not 8), and you need to count 12 degrees from point 9 to point 8 to determine the location of Virgo.

    Locate the positions of the Moon, Sun and planets and mark them on your map. Use the astronomical map again or computer program, to determine the location of the zodiac of the main celestial bodies, starting from the time, date and place of birth. In the case of the ascendant, these locations will be determined by the sign and degrees of the zodiac sign. Just like with the ascendant, you will need to determine the locations using an astronomical map, starting from the time and place of the person's birth. If you use a computer program instead of an astronomical map, all this will be done for you. Mark positions in the space between the two inner circles on your map. Mark positions with glyphs ( special characters used to represent each celestial body) and record the position of the sign in degrees next to the glyphs.

    Complete the astronomical pavilions. Pavilions are imaginary divisions (usually twelve of them), each of which denotes one aspect of a person's life (money, children, family, personality, and so on). They are located on a large area of ​​the map between the inner and second circles. The method of dividing the pavilions is quite controversial; there are several such methods. One of them (probably the simplest) is the method of equal pavilions, in which the width of each pavilion is 30 degrees. The "original" angle of the first pavilion is drawn near the ascendant. If the ascendant is 12 degrees Leo, then the first pavilion is located near 12 degrees Virgo, and the second is between 12 degrees Virgo and 12 degrees Libra, and so on. These pavilions are counted 1-12 counterclockwise.

    Consider aspects. An aspect is an angle formed between two celestial bodies with the Earth at the center (or apex) of the sign. You can appreciate the aspects just by looking at the map. For example, if you represent the map as a clock and assume that the Sun is at point 12 on the clock and Venus is at point 3, you will see that the angle between them is 90 degrees. For greater accuracy, you can calculate aspects using the degree readings available on the map. Remember that a whole circle equals 360 degrees, and each sign equals 30 degrees. You can draw aspects in the center circle as you wish.

    Review the book on the interpretation of the planets for each sign of the zodiac and pavilion, and draw conclusions about the behavior and personal characteristics person.

  • If all this seems too complicated for you, you can make a personal card in a few seconds by entering all the necessary information in free program compiling astrological charts on the Internet. If you are in doubt about the accuracy of a map, use several programs to compare the results. Even though it is faster to make a chart this way than by hand, you miss the chance to learn more about astrology.
  • You can create a natal chart without specifying the exact time and place of birth, but then it will not be as complete and less accurate.
  • If the date of birth of a person is on the polar cusp, from two to four days on both sides of the beginning of the zodiacal sign, personal qualities a person will be determined by both signs of the zodiac.
  • To estimate a person's ascendant sign without the help of an ascendant chart, you must calculate the time of sunrise on the person's birthday (follow the corresponding link to find additional parameters). If a person was born at sunrise, his or her ascendant sign will be the same as his or her sun sign (the sign that most people consider their "sign"). About every two hours (remember that times differ from sign to sign) after sunrise, the ascendant moves one sign forward (for example, from Leo to Virgo). So, if the sunrise on a person’s birthday and place of birth was at 6:15 am, but the person (Leo) was born at 11:15 am, the sign you need will be two signs ahead of Leo. Since a person was born more than 4 hours and less than 6 hours after sunrise, the ascendant will be the sign of Libra.
  • If you are checking the data on an astronomical chart, try to accurately determine the local time of birth of a person indicated in the astronomical chart. Astronomical charts usually provide information about the position of celestial bodies at midnight (00:00) GMT, so you do not need to interpolate the positions from the person's current time of birth; you will need to take into account the temporary difference and the transition to summer time if needed.
    • Remember that what is written above is just an approximate calculation, and the error in the data obtained can vary from 2 or more characters. The signs do not move at the same speed, since the angle of the equatorial ecliptic depends on the longitude of the area. If you take into account the above, the results will be more accurate.
  • Use a pencil when creating the map, as you may make mistakes in the calculations. You can erase the pencil marks later.
  • The time of birth is usually defined as the time the baby took its first breath. On birth certificates, the time of birth is usually rounded up to half an hour or fifteen minutes; thus, the present time of birth is not exactly known.

Individual horoscope online (free)

On this page you can build your individual birth horoscope (natal chart) online and get its computer interpretation for free. The interpretation of the horoscope, which you will receive by filling out the form below, can be considered the first approximation to the full interpretation of the individual horoscope.

To study your personal horoscope you can sign up for a consultation with an astrologer who will carefully examine your natal chart and draw up your astropsychological portrait, tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of your character. You will receive comprehensive information on how to use the potential of your personality to the maximum.

Now on the page you see the "Actual horoscope" - a map with the position of the planets on this moment time for Moscow.

To build a birth horoscope ( natal chart) enter your name, date and time of birth. The page defaults to setting the time in GMT (Universal Time) mode. If you are entering a local time of birth, be sure to toggle the checkbox to "local" time. Do not forget that the accuracy of the time of birth is very important for an individual horoscope! Permissible approximation - plus or minus 5 minutes.

Select from the list the country, region and city where you were born. You do not need to enter anything in the longitude and latitude boxes, they are filled in automatically! If your locality is not on the list, you can choose the city closest to your place of birth, but the horoscope will not be as accurate. Next, click the "Create Horoscope" button.

The "Natal horoscope" with your birth chart will appear on the page. To get free full interpretation Your individual horoscope, select "Interpretation" from the "Horoscope" drop-down menu.

Please be careful not to make mistakes when entering data.

Rising Sagittarius is a masculine and fire sign, symbolized by the archer. It indicates the active, direct and noble character of a person striving for a great goal or upholding some kind of good deed. Sagittarians are principled, they make good parents and teachers.

Usually they are healthy, cheerful, fair, serious and spiritual people, with an open soul, generous, working for the spiritual uplift of others. They have knowledge in the field of philosophy, have good foresight. They are modest, impulsive, enthusiastic, love to travel and hate hypocrisy.

Their appearance: full figure, happy smile, brown hair, elongated face, big nose and ears. The demeanor is restrained, consistent with generally accepted traditions, at the same time they are enterprising. They make good businessmen officials, as they strive for power, but do not allow dishonesty in its Use. They are able to overcome the resistance of their opponents. Sagittarius rising may sacrifice themselves for the good of others, find fortune abroad, or away from where they were born.

People belonging to this sign will know the laws and scriptures, they can become good leaders and guides for people, pure in heart. Often there are quarrels in their families, and they sacrifice their love of comfort for the sake of working for the benefit of mankind. They control themselves well, but lose their money. They are brave and virtuous but suffer opposition envious people. They are highly respected by scholars and noble people, they live long, and their life is pure.
