Wheelie games. Wheelie machine games Cars - that's what they are

Living in the modern frantic pace, we often do not find time to rest. And if we have a free minute, sometimes we don’t know what exactly to do with ourselves. Do you prefer sleeping or reading a book? Meet with friends or is it better to watch a movie? Or you can sit down at the computer and play some game. It’s just the variety of games that makes your eyes run wide, and you don’t want to spend a lot of time searching among them for something truly worthy and interesting. So don't waste it! If you are not yet familiar with Willie's charming red car, then you absolutely need to get acquainted.

Willy is a little red car with a very big heart and a lot of ambition. Willie lives in a fabulous automobile town, among cars just like him. But unlike other residents of the city, Willie is always missing something. The craving for adventure prevents him from living a calm and measured life. Therefore, he constantly finds himself in various incredible situations from which you can help him get out. Willie is sweet, brave and just like alive. His charming face captivates with its ingenuousness and instantly puts you at ease. I want to make friends with him as soon as possible and find out where his fascinating story began and how it will end.

Meet the inimitable Willie

Both boys and girls like Willy the Car games. And even to many adults who want to immerse themselves in a fairy tale. After all, Willy’s fascinating world is colorful, full of adventures and puzzles. Yes, yes, despite the fact that the game is developed in the racing genre, it has plenty of logical tasks, riddles and puzzles. Often, at first glance, they seem simple, even childish, but once you start playing, it becomes clear that this is not so. The tasks in games about the red car Willie develop logic, memory and reaction. It is impossible to move to the next level without solving all the tasks in the current one, and there are about fifteen levels in each episode. With each level the tasks become more complicated, but this only makes the game more interesting. And the developers have provided hints for completing the game, so you don’t risk drinking valerian at the last level without completing the task. The controls in this game are also very simple - using the mouse, and the interface itself is fun, tireless and cheerful. Therefore, if you lack self-confidence today, then help Willie in solving difficult problems for him. You will definitely succeed and Willie’s red car will certainly become your friend.

In total, the developers have so far released 12 episodes about the adventures of Willy the Car. Each of them tells about a new incredible adventure in which the main character finds himself. The storylines are always new, the tasks in each episode are different, so you will not lose the desire to play until you finish going through the last episode. By going through all the levels in the episodes online, you will have to collect stars, bonuses and hidden elements that will increase your points, bringing you closer to receiving the winner's cup. You will need to interact with various objects, switch levers, run away from pursuers, and dodge objects flying at you at different speeds. In some places it will be necessary to complete tasks at speed, and in others you will have to pause and think about the next step. If the level turns out to be difficult, then with each loss you will return to the beginning and have the opportunity to think about your actions again. The musical score of the game Willie the Car deserves special attention. These incredibly positive melodies will distract you from your saddest thoughts, and one day you may find yourself whistling one of them while lost in thought.

The dizzying story of Willie the red car

Willie wasn't always a superhero. The adventures of Willie's red car begin in an ordinary car dealership. There's a little red car languishing there that no one wants to buy. Having lost faith that he will ever be able to sell this car, the owner of the car dealership decides to sell it for scrap. But Willie is still too young and has not accomplished anything at all in this life, so he decides to run away from the car dealership. The brave little car makes an unprecedented escape and faces a choice of what to do next. A crazy idea comes to his mind to take part in the race. In real racing, where all the cars inspire awe and awe at first sight. But participation in the race turns out to be a big question, because you still need to get to the place where it will take place, bypassing all the obstacles that Willie did not suspect about while standing in the car dealership. You will need to hide from video cameras, open secret doors and interact with various objects. Willie's dream at this stage is completely in your hands. Help him and move on to the next episode with a clear conscience.

Even girls will like the second episode, because it is all shrouded in romance. Having overcome all the difficulties and got to the race, Willie triumphantly decides to return to his native car dealership, where he discovers a charming girlfriend. A feeling flares up between the cars, but if everything were so simple, then the episode would end there. A buyer noticed Willie’s new girlfriend and loaded her onto a ship to deliver her to her new home. Warm-hearted Willie cannot afford to part with his girlfriend and must do everything in his power to prevent her from being transported. Of course, this story has a happy ending and Willie and his purple girlfriend, as expected in fairy tales, live happily ever after. Until she, like any girl at this stage of a relationship, asks for new glass slippers. That is, new wheels, of course. This is where the next episode begins, where our romantic hero, overcoming all possible and impossible obstacles, still finds what he needs.

After this, quite exhausted, our good-natured Willie decides to take some time for himself and goes to a tire shop, where he asks to repair a tire punctured in battle. It would even be strange if, as a result of this harmless procedure, Willie did not get into trouble. The protagonist of our epic saga turns into a time machine and is transported to an ancient world, where he runs out of energy. To return, he needs to find a source of energy, which he does in the fourth episode. The cycle of events is drawing our red friend in faster and faster and, finally returning to his world, the poor fellow discovers that his small town has been covered by the apocalypse. He urgently needs to get home, because his frightened lover is waiting for him there, but his path is blocked by traffic jams from cars rushing out of the city, meteorites, flooded rivers and the wreckage of destroyed buildings. Of course, everything will end well in the end if you help Willy, solve all the puzzles and be smart to move on to the next episode.

After life in the town gets better and everyone begins to live a peaceful life again, Willie and his friend go to the cinema to watch a new film in 3D. Inexplicably, Willie's red car turns out to be the main character of the film. Here he saves the princess, having dealt with the villains, and delivers her to the king. After going through six episodes with Willie, you are already getting used to the miracles happening to this brave red car. But how and why in the seventh episode Willy is transported from the cinema chair to the sultry desert remains a mystery. Only one thing is clear - the main character needs to return home again. He is being chased by hunters who want to destroy the stranger, and only your reaction speed and quick wits can help Willie escape. Over the course of seven episodes, Willie emerges victorious from all troubles only to end up in a landfill in the eighth episode, where armed bandits threw him in order to process him for scrap metal. Everything is just like in real life. The bad guys threaten our brave hero, but, seasoned in previous battles, he copes with this problem and gets out of the deadly dump. And suddenly a completely unexpected turn of events occurs. It turns out that Willie lives with a little boy who is very afraid of nightmares. He and you are forced to go to the land of dreams and help the boy overcome his fears. In his dream, Willie fights dangerous cars that, like in a classic horror movie, are chasing him.

Any dream ends and, upon returning, Willie finds himself in a real meat grinder. The police raid him at the garage. Law enforcement officers are pursuing poor Willie on all possible types of transport. After everything our brave protagonist has been through, ending up behind bars is the worst possible ending. Running away from the police becomes a matter of principle. The hot chase ends with Willie's victory and the triumph of justice. Having dealt with the police, Willy finally decides to return to fulfilling his blue dream, for which he ran away from the car dealership at the very beginning of the game. He returns to racing. And not just racing, but racing on powerful SUVs. His rivals are much stronger and more cunning, their cars are several times better prepared for off-road driving. But you will be helping handsome Willie, so they won’t have the slightest chance of winning. And in the last episode, Willie will continue his career by participating in winter racing. He was carefully prepared this time, but winter is treacherous, the track is covered with ice and only a true professional can keep the car on it. This episode is more similar than others to the familiar racing genre. Here you have the opportunity to show all your driving skills online, bringing Willie out of skids, trying to keep him on the icy track and, developing maximum speed, overtaking opponents.

Waiting for the continuation of the story about Willie's red car

This exciting story is like an action-packed series, the release of which is highly anticipated. This is where the story of Willie's red car ends for now. But the game has won its wide circle of fans and the development of a new episode will not be long in coming. Once you start playing for free once, you will hardly be able to limit yourself to completing one or two episodes. Each episode has its own unique features, thanks to which they are all completely different from each other. And Willie himself appears before us in different images every time. From a romantic, ready for any feat for the sake of his bride, to a fearless racer, rushing over potholes and bumps, not sparing the suspension. The controls also change a little as new episodes are released, the keyboard is used, making the gameplay even more exciting. Willie is a real charmer! Even just watching him is a pleasure. He can do a lot, he is kind and brave, capable of noble deeds and knows how to achieve his goal.

You can play games about Willie the Car for free, and therefore they are accessible to almost everyone. Another undeniable plus is that they are Russified, so even children can play them without any problems. Games about the adventures of Willy the Car have become so popular that a number of educational cartoons have been made based on this positive game.

Willie's world is bright and colorful. Having plunged into it once, you will want to return to it again to help save his beloved, receive the long-awaited cup for winning a race, or escape from his pursuers. Unlike many modern games, there is no place for rudeness and violence in Willy's world. You can safely allow your child to play this game. It will be an excellent trainer for logical thinking, ingenuity, intelligence and reaction. Don't delay for long, discover the fascinating story of Willie's red car, go through all the challenges with him, solve all the puzzles and, together with other fans, wait for the release of a new, breathtaking episode.

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Cars are always interesting

Anyone who has at least once watched a father choosing a toy car for his child was most likely able to notice how sensitively an adult man treats such a choice. And he is not interested in the color of the car itself, but in the totality of a mass of different characteristics. Boys have a love for cars in their blood, and this is partly a worthy explanation for why games about cars are so popular in the computer world. By the way, cars are found in offers of different directions. Many of the games are designed in the form of competitions with a lot of racing tracks, all sorts of obstacles and crowds of enthusiastic spectators, and there are also those in which cars literally have to be assembled piece by piece. Such games are reminiscent of a virtual car service and are also very interesting for young repairmen.

The youngest gamers will be attracted by bright and colorful coloring books or puzzles with pictures of cars, mahjongs, which allow them to develop memory and attention, and match-3 games. Among the offers with cars there are quite a lot of platformers, there are also quest games. Just imagine how long you can search for a particular part in a virtual workshop. A special place among proposals for cars is occupied by games in which the gamer does not watch the car from the side, but holds tightly to the steering wheel and sees a pseudo-reality around him, very reminiscent of the picture that the owner of a real car observes from the driver’s seat.

Virtual world racing cars

In numerous computer games, a variety of cars take part in racing events. There are a lot of hand-drawn cars driven by fairy-tale characters, for example, the cartoon Daddy Pig or the restless Smeshariki, here you can see the glamorous car of baby Barbie or a rarity driven by the Mario brothers. And there are also cars that look as cool as those in prestigious showrooms and the control panel is made masterfully like a real one. In any case, all these vehicles have one thing in common - each of them takes part in races. In general, you can choose machines for playing to suit every taste.

You can choose a wide variety of tracks in computer games. You can drive your chosen car around the city at night, or you can go to a world-scale rally and feel like a car pilot. You can organize cartoon competitions, or you can find a simulator for the game. It all depends on the taste of the gamer and his desires. If you want to watch the car from the side, please, if it is more cozy and comfortable behind the wheel, you are also welcome. It all depends on the desire and the chosen game.

Virtual service stations and features of their work

Sometimes you can watch with emotion how fascinated children are watching their father open the hood of the car. The boys simply dream of getting dirty in oil like dad, and if you allow them to hold some part, then their pride simply knows no bounds. Car games vary in their plot. In many of them, equipment has to be not only repaired, but also assembled piece by piece from a construction set. The work of a well-coordinated team of technicians will also be required during all kinds of racing events, because it is very important to change the tires on time and check the engine. All this will ultimately determine who comes to the finish line first.

Taking care of cars is fun and interesting. Agree that coming up with a car yourself, assembling it from scratch and making it drive is a very difficult task. This is where you can show not only your ingenuity, but also your design abilities.

Cars - that's what they are

You won't find any kind of machines on the Internet. There are even some among them that can be filled with milk instead of gasoline or even compote. Some cars can smile or wink and start intelligent conversations with each other. In principle, this is not surprising, since many of the games are created based on the stories of animators. For example, famous cars, all kinds of smiling trucks, tractors, taxis and other four-wheeled friends.

Some people may not believe it, but in the world of animation, even organizing a crossroads in the jungle is not a problem, which means that fans of computer games can easily choose an offer with such an unusual plot. If you have the desire, you can easily find a good game.
Hurry up to choose a four-wheeled friend and feel free to go on a variety of trips with it, remember that it will never let you down. And if you suddenly don’t manage to win the race the first time, don’t despair, because in the virtual world you can always start the race again.


Willy Games

Willie may be a machine, but he has a very kind heart, which is a motor. He helps his friends, helps out his beloved. Yes, yes, Willie has a favorite. But, like any good hero, Willie always has some troubles and always gets into incredible troubles.

Willie needs your help, so help him cope with difficulties. Other cars will also help you: someone will give you a lift, someone will transport you across the abyss; someone will have to be repaired so that he gives way. I will even try to kidnap our hero. But Willie does not give up, he will cope with all the troubles and difficulties, because he has you!

Hidden objects and achievements are hidden in the levels. This means that you not only need to complete each level, but also find these hidden stars.
If you encounter difficulties, you can always find a hint, because a video walkthrough is available in the game.

The game is very kind and colorful. Both adults and children will like it. In addition to a pleasant pastime, you can practice logic and ingenuity. You have the power to find a way out of any situation.

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The games "Willy's Car" are so diverse that everyone will find a plot to their liking. It is enough to play at least once to understand that you deserve this entertainment.

All parts of Wily's game are dedicated to one character. This is a nice red car - simple and even unpretentious. It's not perfect, and that's probably why no one wants to buy it. Unwilling to accept his fate, Willie goes to the big city. His goal is global - to change himself and become a wonderful racing car.

The path to victory is thorny and long. Willie will have to change the wheels, the engine, learn to drive fast... There are enough obstacles on the way to the goal, but the little red car does not give up. The kid knows that these are temporary difficulties, and soon he will achieve what he wants.

The path of a small car from a simple car dealership to racing rallies is thorny and is represented by many stories. Each player will find a suitable goal for himself and will definitely achieve it together with Willie while passing the game.

In the game "Willy's Car 12" you decide to take part in winter competitions, but as soon as you find yourself on the track, you understand that in order to become a champion you will have to work hard. The fact is that the track on which you have to drive your brand new jeep is very slippery and only the most experienced racer can handle it. Are you one of them? Then get behind the wheel as quickly as possible. Besides you, there will be four more cars on the road that you definitely need to overtake. If you can't do this, you won't win the gold cup. In order to become a winner, you must learn to deftly take turns, cope with car skidding that will occur at every turn, and of course, you must accelerate your jeep to the highest speed.

The entire gameplay is controlled using the keyboard. The top panel shows you how many laps you've completed and where you're sitting. If you cannot cope with the task, then you will have to repeat your attempt again and test your strength again. As soon as you manage to become the winner, you will go to the next race, where drivers will be waiting for you much more experienced than those you met earlier.
