Interesting topics for pregnant women. Pregnancy

The feeling of future motherhood is inherent in every woman literally from childhood. There is such a wonderful children's game “Mothers and Daughters”, which almost every girl plays. Its meaning is simple and is explained by its simple name. Watch the little mother while playing: she affectionately calls the doll by name,

combs her hair, washes her in the bath, puts her to bed, takes her to kindergarten, reads bedtime stories, in short, behaves like a real experienced mother. However, having become an adult girl, she dreams of turning her childhood games into reality. And then, at one fine moment, a little life is born in her. It is then that the expectant mother begins to understand that she is now responsible for her unborn baby.

Pregnancy is a very responsible, but at the same time an amazing period in the life of every woman, and all expectant mothers perceive it completely differently: some happily await the birth of a little loved one, others with genuine fear try to understand: what should they do? further (although for many of them, undoubtedly, this child is very desirable).

In order for your pregnancy to be happy, bring you only joy and leave you with extremely pleasant memories, follow these simple steps: rules of behavior during pregnancy.

1. Don't think of pregnancy as some kind of duty, a difficult stage of your life with constant trips to the antenatal clinic and undergoing a huge number of tests. You must understand that medical supervision is necessary to monitor the development of your baby. A comprehensive examination helps assess the condition of the fetus, its location in the uterine cavity throughout pregnancy and immediately before birth.

2. Remember and memorize - for a happy pregnancy throughout its entire duration you can't think about bad things and ask yourself rhetorical questions of the following nature: “What if there are some deviations in the development of my child?”, “Will my pregnancy have an unfavorable outcome?”, “What if my baby suffers during childbirth?” You should not watch crime chronicles, much less TV shows about childhood illnesses, mortality during childbirth and horror films. All this provokes, at a minimum, negative emotions, fear, and sometimes even tears.

Undoubtedly, every expectant mother worries about her baby, whom she carries under her heart, and she is certainly interested in issues of intrauterine development of the fetus. In order to receive comprehensive information regarding your child’s health, you need to ask your doctor in detail about everything that worries you and do not hesitate to ask questions on topics of interest. Some mothers exhibit extremely dangerous behavior during pregnancy: they have an amazing ability to “twist” themselves and come up with “horror stories” related to pregnancy and childbirth. Remember: under no circumstances should you panic! After all, the baby clearly senses your mood. Pay attention to how the child behaves during your excitement, worry, and tears. He begins to move, push, and roll over much more actively. His “panic” very accurately reflects the mother’s bad mood; the baby is worried and worried along with you.

The following pattern associated with behavior during pregnancy has long been proven and is no secret to anyone: if the expectant mother is happy during pregnancy, behaves calmly, rejoices in her new state, perceives the world in bright colors and lovingly awaits the birth of her little one, then the child in most such cases is born with a good nervous system, sleeps soundly at night, well eats and gains weight; women who have been constantly experiencing nervous stress for nine months, are on the verge of a breakdown, cry a lot and worry, are faced with a very unpleasant surprise: their baby is capricious a lot with or without reason, he has a poor appetite, often such children are fearful and even begin to cry with a soft pop or click, their nervous excitability is extremely increased. So the choice is yours, dear mothers! What you want your future baby to be like is up to you to decide!

3. You must always remember that during pregnancy all diseases worsen. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, for a happy pregnancy before conception necessary undergo a thorough examination a dentist (if there are problems with teeth or gums, it is worth eliminating them before pregnancy), an ophthalmologist (the need to visit this specialist is to assess the risk of deterioration in visual acuity), a cardiologist (to be examined for diseases of the cardiovascular system), a urologist ( if kidney and urinary tract diseases were previously identified, they need to be cured now). You should definitely visit a gastroenterologist if you have a history of gastrointestinal diseases.

Over the course of all nine months, the uterus grows and, gradually reaching larger sizes, begins to put pressure on the digestive organs. As a consequence of this behavior during pregnancy: nausea, heartburn, pain in the epigastric region. In order not to encounter these problems, it is necessary to seek advice, and possibly a subsequent detailed examination, from a qualified specialist in the field of gastroenterology. In addition, before planning a happy pregnancy, you need to visit a gynecologist, and if you have any diseases, be sure to cure them. The fact is that during pregnancy a number of gynecological diseases are not recommended to be treated, due to the fact that some drugs can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

This is not the entire range of specialists who need to be contacted when planning and during pregnancy, if there are any diseases, and simply to clarify the state of your health. Dear mothers, for a happy pregnancy to become an indispensable attribute for you during this period, do not be afraid to contact specialized specialists who will definitely help you solve existing health problems.

4. Dear expectant mothers, do not forget that a pregnant woman is a woman with a capital letter, and her behavior during pregnancy must correspond to this status. Buy yourself beautiful clothes - they perfectly reflect your inner world and state. Don't be ashamed of your beautiful belly. Avoid dark tones of clothing. Let it be bright stylish suits, blouses, skirts.

Be sure to take care of the skin of your hands and face. Pay great attention to the skin of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen because it is the skin that is prone to the appearance of stretch marks. The simple truth is: it is easier to prevent stretch marks than to fight them later. Every day, lightly massage moisturizer onto your thighs, buttocks and abdomen. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive creams that are on the shelves of elite cosmetics stores. For this procedure, baby cream is quite suitable - the main thing is not the cost of the product, but the regularity of its use.

Don't forget about the daily hygiene. It is necessary to shower at least once every two days, and in the summer months, if possible, every day. Arrange air baths for your skin. And of course, pamper yourself with light makeup. Every day, look lovingly at your reflection in the mirror and repeat: “I am the most beautiful and happiest mother-to-be.”

5. Obstetrician-gynecologists never tire of repeating that movement is the key to easy, successful childbirth. Some women, having learned about their pregnancy, switch to so-called “bed rest”, explaining it this way: “Now I need to rest more.” They are partly right - indeed, expectant mothers need rest, but this does not mean at all that throughout the entire period of your happy pregnancy you need to spend most of the time in bed and sitting in front of the TV. Remember: pregnancy is not a disease, but a wonderful period to be enjoyed. Therefore, behavior during pregnancy should be different: physical activity, spend more time in the fresh air (especially in summer), walk, inhale the fragrant smell of nature.

6. Very often in domestic and foreign TV series you can hear the following phrase: “You are expecting a child, now you have to eat for two.” And women in position, in order to justify their insatiable appetite, blindly believe the heroes of soap operas. This is an extremely erroneous statement. Firstly, overeating can provoke a very large weight gain, which can cause serious complications during pregnancy: high blood pressure, edema and, as a result, gestosis. And this, in turn, is fraught with intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Secondly, having gained an excessive amount of kilograms, then (after childbirth) it will be quite difficult to get rid of them. So follow the rules of behavior during pregnancy: eat, but don't overeat!

These tips are far from being a guide to the topic “Pregnancy”. Here are just a few simple but important rules of behavior during pregnancy that, I hope, will help you perceive pregnancy as a gift from God! Believe me, this happy moment will “fly by” very quickly, and you will miss your tummy and your baby’s kicks. May these nine months bring you pleasure and leave only pleasant memories.

Your baby's birthday is approaching - it's time to give yourself a little exam and make sure that none of the questions that concern you are left unanswered.

When to go to the maternity hospital?
Every expectant mother asks this question. Don't worry, your first baby won't be born in five minutes, and you'll have time to prepare for the event. By certain signs you will understand that the moment of birth is approaching. The first of them is regular, gradually intensifying contractions that become more and more noticeable. Remember, you may have had similar sensations during pregnancy: placing your hand on your stomach, you could feel your uterus tightening. So, these contractions did not have a specific rhythm and frequency, and they did not cause unpleasant sensations. And with the onset of labor, contractions become regular and more intense. At first, the interval between them will be 20–30 minutes, and then gradually decrease. If contractions appear every 5 minutes for 2 hours (every 10 minutes for 1.5 hours, if you are not a “newbie”), it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.

The second sure sign of the onset of labor is the rupture of amniotic fluid. They can leave at any time - at home or already in the maternity hospital ward. In addition, amniotic fluid (as they are also called), which has neither color nor odor, can pour out in a “stream” and almost immediately or will flow out in small “portions” - and then the process will take some time. Those expectant mothers whose amount of amniotic fluid, according to ultrasound, exceeds the norm, need to lie down while it is pouring out: then the excess fluid will not prevent the baby’s head from inserting correctly into the woman’s pelvis, which will prevent the baby’s umbilical cord from falling out. This complication is dangerous because, once outside, the umbilical cord can become pinched, and then the child will suffer from a lack of oxygen.

So, with the onset of contractions and (or) the release of water, you need to go to the maternity hospital, and preferably by ambulance - a trip on specialized transport will save you from traffic jams and other adventures.
Is it possible to confuse the release of a mucus plug with the outpouring of water?

The mucus plug “clogs” the cervix for the entire duration of pregnancy and protects the baby from infections. It looks like a viscous clot of mucus, transparent or streaked with blood. To be fair, it must be said that sometimes it is liquid, and in this case its release can be mistaken for the outpouring of water. Only a doctor can resolve these doubts - he will examine you and determine whether the bladder is intact.

At what point does the mucus plug come off?
It's different for everyone. Its release means that the cervix has begun to change, in other words, to ripen. Separation of the mucus plug before the onset of contractions is not a reason to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

Is it possible to take a bath and eat before going to the hospital?
If your water breaks, take a shower to protect your baby from germs entering the uterus - this can happen if you decide to soak in the bath. But if the bladder is intact, a warm bath will help you relax and ease painful contractions. Don't overeat before going to the maternity hospital! The process of opening the cervix often causes a gag reflex, and nausea may occur later when you are given pain medication. In addition, emergency operations are performed only on an empty stomach! During labor, you can take a sip of water or wet your lips.

Who will meet me at the maternity hospital?
You arrive at the maternity hospital with an exchange card and passport in hand. You will be met by a midwife who will ask you to describe the rhythm of contractions, ask if your water has broken and if the baby is moving. To resolve controversial issues, she will call the doctor on duty. Then the midwife conducts the first examination: measures the pressure, takes a blood test to check the group and Rh factor. Next comes the time for the first examination: the midwife will palpate your abdomen, determining the height of the uterus, the position of the baby, measure the size of the pelvis, and listen to the baby’s heartbeat. If labor has already started, she will give you an enema. A vaginal examination is carried out by a doctor - this is how the phase of labor and the absence of deviations in its course are determined.

What are all these people doing?

She will meet you upon arrival at the maternity hospital, examine you and be with you until the very end of the process. If problems arise during labor, the midwife will call the doctor.

He observes the process of childbirth, examines the expectant mother from time to time, determines the need and time of administering anesthesia, performs large and small operations (caesarean section, episiotomy, applies forceps, stops bleeding), assists in complicated births when the baby walks, for example, with the butt or his shoulders are stuck.

With the help of a nurse, he gives the expectant mother anesthesia and checks how the patient tolerates it. If a woman is sent for an emergency caesarean section, he will select an appropriate anesthesia for her and will be with her throughout the entire operation.

You will meet with him only after the baby is born, unless his advice is needed during childbirth.

Pediatric nurse
She will take care of your baby and help you get used to your new responsibilities as a mother. Typically, a pediatric nurse is not present at birth, although in some institutions she participates in the first examination of the baby after birth.

Is shaving necessary?
Yes, definitely. There should be no hair on the pubis and perineum - their presence complicates examinations and is incompatible with surgery if it is suddenly required.
I have a slight fever, is this a problem?

Perhaps we are talking about an infection or the body’s reaction to the onset of labor. If necessary, you will be given antibiotics and antipyretics, and all necessary tests will be performed.
What is a heart monitor for?

This is a device connected to sensors that are attached to the expectant mother’s belly and transmit information about the strength and intensity of her contractions and the baby’s heartbeat in response to them. Typically, the expectant mother is connected to the monitor after she enters the maternity ward, and disconnected after the baby is born.

What methods of pain relief will I be offered until epidural anesthesia can be administered?
The midwife will be with you throughout the entire journey to support and help you breathe correctly. Deep and regular breathing allows a woman not to concentrate on the pain, and it seems less intense. In addition, thanks to proper breathing, both the baby and the muscles of the uterus are well supplied with oxygen. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe you painkillers, which are administered intravenously. In any case, don’t worry, you will definitely receive help at the right time, especially since modern methods of pain relief not only relieve a woman of unpleasant sensations, but also improve labor, speed up the opening of the cervix, and give mother and child the opportunity to gain strength for the important moment.

Is it possible to move during childbirth?
Until your water breaks, the heart monitor is not connected, the IV is not in place, you can walk around the ward or along the corridor - with the consent of the midwife, of course. If you get busy, time will go faster. In addition, the upright position of the mother will allow the baby to put more pressure on the cervix, which will help it open. In some maternity hospitals, expectant mothers will even be asked to move rather than lie down.

What do these terms mean?
Smoothing and dilation of the cervix

Under the influence of contractions, the cervix gradually shortens until it disappears completely. Experts call this process smoothing the cervix. Then, also under the influence of contractions, it begins to open. For those women who become mothers for the first time, the processes of smoothing and opening occur one after another, and for “experienced” parents - simultaneously.

This is the name given to the group of muscles covering the urethra, vagina and anus. They play an important role during labor by stretching and allowing the baby to get out.

This is a hormone produced by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, it stimulates contractions and is involved in milk production. Synthetic oxytocin is often used during labor to increase the frequency and intensity of contractions.

These biologically active substances, which are produced in the body of mother and baby, are involved in the initiation and regulation of the birth process. Their synthetic analogues are administered to expectant mothers in order to correct its development.

Fetal suffering
Experts judge the baby’s well-being by his heart rate, which is measured by a heart monitor. If it slows down at a rate of 120–160 beats per minute, the doctor makes a decision on the further course of events: either labor continues as usual, or the doctor uses obstetric forceps, or the expectant mother undergoes a cesarean section.

Expulsion of the placenta
After the baby is born, contractions resume to deliver the placenta. This event concludes the last stage of childbirth, which is called “expulsion of the placenta.”

What about the baby?
At first, he hardly feels the contractions, despite the fact that they push him down from the top of the uterus. At this time, her neck stretches, but, on the contrary, from the bottom up. The baby floats in the amniotic fluid and... for example, sleeps, which confirms the calm rhythm of his heartbeat. He still doesn't understand what will happen next. Since amniotic fluid acts as a shock absorber, it is very important that the amniotic sac functions as long as possible and that the little one gains strength before the difficult test.

What is false labor?
This is the name for sluggish and irregular contractions that do not change the condition of the cervix in any way, that is, they do not open it. When the expectant mother arrives at the maternity hospital, the doctor determines the maturity of the cervix, and if it turns out that she is not yet ready for the start of labor, the woman may be asked to return home or stay in the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists. It happens that preparatory, or false, contractions cause a lot of unpleasant sensations: they are painful, interfere with sleep and eating, make the baby quiet down or, on the contrary, move violently. In this case, the expectant mother will need the help of specialists, and if this is not provided, the birth process may take a much more difficult path.
What about the baby?
The contractions intensify and move the baby towards the exit of the pelvis through the opening of the cervix. The bubble passes into its opening and ruptures - now the muscles of the uterus tightly clasp the baby’s head, and it comes into contact with the bones of the mother’s small pelvis.

The cervix has dilated by 2 cm. What does this mean?

This means that the latent phase of labor has ended: now the cervix will begin to intensively shorten, smooth out and open further until it reaches 10 cm in diameter. This process can have a different pace: up to 4 cm, things go slower, and then much faster.

What is epidural anesthesia?

An anesthetic drug is injected into the epidural space, that is, between the vertebrae and the dura mater. After 15 minutes, the entire lower part of the body loses sensitivity - the expectant mother continues to feel only the tension of the uterus. Cases of refusal of a request to administer epidural anesthesia are very rare. It is not given to women who have bleeding disorders, those who have a fever, a skin infection, spinal deformities and diseases of the nervous system. And one more thing: if the cervix opens quickly, there is no need for epidural anesthesia: you will give birth faster than the medicine will take effect.

Is the birth of a small baby faster?

The duration of labor cannot be predicted: it all depends on the rate of dilatation of the cervix, the position of the baby and the speed of its movement through the mother’s small pelvis. It is only known that the second and third births proceed faster than the first.

They put me on an IV. What's in it?

Once you are in the delivery room, you will have an intravenous catheter inserted so that you can be connected to an IV with medication if necessary. The catheter will be removed at the end of the birth process before transfer to a regular ward.

How is a baby's head born?
Nature has made sure that the tissues of the woman’s birth canal are very elastic, and the bones of the baby’s skull are loose; their mobility facilitates the movement of the head forward, helping it adapt to the size of all planes of the mother’s bony pelvis. Since it will be easier to get into it with a bent head, the baby bends his neck and turns so as to get forward with its smallest circumference.

It must be said that expectant mothers are not always given an IV; this requires strict indications, and depending on how the process develops, oxytocin, prostaglandins can be added to its contents to intensify contractions, or nutritional drugs that will help the baby cope with the shortage oxygen if available.

How often will I be examined?
This is not done as often as is commonly thought: the first time - upon admission to the maternity hospital, then - after the water breaks, then - before the prescription of anesthesia and, finally, after it is administered. During an internal (vaginal) examination, the doctor determines the condition of the cervix according to several criteria: its position (posterior or central), length (already smoothed or not yet), consistency (hard or soft), degree of dilation (5 or 6 cm). A separate question is whether the baby’s head was inserted into the woman’s pelvis? In addition, every two hours the midwife measures the expectant mother's blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature. And finally, both the doctor and the midwife can monitor the development of the birth process based on the results of external examinations.

This hitch can occur if the process develops sluggishly or, conversely, rapidly or the muscles of the cervix are spasmed. Having determined the cause, the doctor will act according to the situation: if labor is weak, you can open the amniotic sac and inject oxytocin or prostaglandins into the woman through an IV, and spasm of the cervical muscles usually relieves pain.

How long do contractions last?

During the first birth – 10–12 hours, and during the second and third – 6–8. At first, when the cervix just begins to open, they occur every 5 minutes and last 30 seconds. Then contractions appear more often, because it is with their help that the cervix opens. By the time this happens, they occur every 2.5 minutes and last 1 minute.

Why is a urinary catheter needed?

During childbirth, the expectant mother is not always able to cope with such a delicate task herself, and a full bladder can prevent the baby from moving into the pelvis.

I feel nauseous, is this normal?

Yes, this sensation can occur while the cervix is ​​dilating. Another reason is the side effects of pain medications.

How long will it take me to give birth?

The first birth takes an average of 10–12 hours, the second and third – about 6–8. Expectant mothers usually think that they last longer, because for a woman everything begins with the appearance of the first contractions or with the rupture of the bladder at home - events that, strictly speaking, are not the beginning of the process. This is where stories of 24 hour labor come from! You shouldn’t believe those who “did it in 2 hours,” as those mothers say who did not feel the hidden phase of labor, but “caught” only its end.

How will I know when I need to push?

This desire appears in the expectant mother at the moment when the cervix dilates completely (10 cm), and the child descends into the pelvis and comes into contact with the muscles of the perineum. Under the pressure of his head, the latter begin to gradually stretch. In addition, the midwife, who will closely monitor developments, will definitely inform you that the time to push has come. This stage of labor, called expulsion of the baby, lasts from 5 to 30 minutes.

What are obstetric forceps used for?

They help bring the baby's head out. The doctor leading the birth uses them if the expectant mother cannot push or cannot do this for some other reason, and the child needs to be removed quickly, in his own interests. The tongs consist of two metal spoons that meet in the center. In the interval between contractions, the doctor places them on the baby’s head and pulls the arms, following the “route” of her movement.

How should I breathe?

At the beginning of a contraction, inhale deeply through your nose, then hold your breath and push. Repeat this cycle three times in 1 contraction. At the end of it, exhale smoothly and relax until the next “wave” appears.

Is it true that an unpleasant surprise can happen during pushing? To prevent this from happening at the most crucial moment, upon admission to the maternity hospital, expectant mothers must undergo a cleansing enema. The baby must be born in absolute purity!

Will I have an episiotomy?

Not at all necessary! Research shows that this manipulation does not always help to avoid perineal ruptures and urinary incontinence in patients in the future. Today, most doctors carry it out on a case-by-case basis if indications arise: a large baby is born, forceps had to be applied, the child walks bottom-first, he does not have enough oxygen, or labor began long before the scheduled date.

Do all children scream?

The baby reacts with a cry to a change in environment, although there are children who, in response, begin to cry quietly or remain silent at all.

What happens after the baby is born?

About a few minutes after the baby's birth, contractions begin again to expel the placenta and membranes surrounding the baby. Don’t worry, in most cases these contractions are mild and barely noticeable, and against the background of epidural anesthesia they are completely unnoticeable. This final stage of childbirth is scientifically called “expulsion of the placenta.”

Why does the midwife examine the placenta?

She checks whether its surface is intact to make sure that all the lobules of the placenta are in place and none of them remain in the uterus. Otherwise, in search of the “loss,” the doctor will have to examine its cavity manually.

Do I need to stay in the delivery room after everything is done?

You will be left under observation for another two hours: during this time, the midwife will visit you to check whether the uterus is contracting well after childbirth, determine the amount of blood loss, and measure your blood pressure, temperature, and pulse.

During pregnancy, women have many exciting new topics to talk about. Those who are not expecting a baby are reluctant to join in the discussions, but the expectant mothers themselves are always happy to chat with each other. At the same time, they have several favorite topics on which they are ready to talk for hours - with their girlfriends, female friends, and simply with unfamiliar interlocutors on various Internet forums. So what interests pregnant women most?

1. Well-being

Perhaps every woman feels unwell during pregnancy. Expectant mothers complain of weakness, headaches and dizziness, swelling throughout the body, pain in the abdomen, back, and heaviness in the legs. It happens that it suddenly stabs in one side, shoots in the other, and sometimes it all suddenly starts all at once.

Women are not limited to sharing symptoms with each other. Pregnant women can stay up late on the Internet searching for information about their ailments, and spend the rest of the night crying over severe and incurable pathologies that they themselves have identified. In the morning, the expectant mother will tell other pregnant women about her troubles, who will certainly find the same symptoms.

Of course, one cannot do without discussing doctors and their opinions. While some pregnant women tend to trust doctors, others question any of their recommendations; some were lucky with the doctor, while others were not so lucky. Every expectant mother is sure that she knows the best doctor or even clinic, which she recommends to everyone else.

2. Child development stages

3. Lifestyle

During pregnancy, women have many questions about nutrition, physical activity, and hobbies. Should I give up coffee and tea because they contain caffeine? Is it possible to ski, swim in the sea, play sports, work out the abs - all this is not dangerous for a pregnant woman? What about driving? What about flying on an airplane? Can I wear heels? What happens if the cat lies on its stomach?

Expectant mothers are looking for scientific answers to such questions, but it is no less interesting to find out what more experienced friends can say about all this.

4. Changes in weight and shape

Expectant mothers ask each other these questions endlessly: “How much weight have you gained already? What size are you wearing now? Are you on a diet and don't eat anything in the evening? Do you often arrange fasting days?” Most pregnant women are very worried about their weight and fear that after childbirth they will not be able to regain a slim and toned figure. Almost everyone is also sure that they are recovering too quickly, and their belly is growing by leaps and bounds. The positive thing is that the expectant mother’s breasts also increase in size. This, of course, cannot but rejoice. But this consolation is short-lived, because soon the stomach becomes larger than the enlarged breasts. And the most exciting and exciting pastime is to compare your changed forms with the figures of pregnant women at the same stage.

5. Choosing a name for the baby

There are parents who consider it bad luck to choose a name for a child before his birth. Still, most couples come up with it in advance or select a couple of options. A special pleasure for the expectant mother is to discuss the name for the baby with other pregnant women, learn about the statistics of the registry office, inquire about the meaning of names and their influence on fate, evaluate how the name sounds in combination with the middle name and surname.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

6. Signs

Whatever comes to mind for the expectant mother while she is anxiously awaiting the baby. Sometimes pregnant women begin to share with each other the signs that they have learned. Particularly popular are those related to the gender of the child. While the ultrasound does not show whether a boy or a girl is expected, you can try to determine this yourself. It will help to analyze what shape your abdomen has, at what frequency the fetal heart beats, what position you sleep in, what you like from food. Of course, all this just needs to be discussed with your friends.

7. Childbirth

The culmination of the conversation between pregnant women is the discussion of the upcoming birth. They are worried about how to choose a maternity hospital, how to understand that labor is starting, whether it is necessary to go to the hospital in advance or is it better to sit at home in comfort. At what stage are the first, second and subsequent children, boys and girls, usually born? Should I agree to epidural anesthesia? What is an episiotomy and who is at risk for it? What is the indication for cesarean section? How many hours does labor last and what generally happens during this time? Should I take my husband with me? Most often, expectant mothers tend to tell each other various horror stories about childbirth, but there is also room for pleasant conversations.

8. Shopping

All women love shopping, so shopping is a pleasant and positive topic of conversation for pregnant women. You can talk about clothes for expectant mothers, orthopedic pillows and mattresses, gadgets and accessories that you simply cannot do without before or after the birth of your baby. Particularly troubling is the discussion of a dowry for a baby, because it is often prepared before the baby is born. Expectant mothers can have endless conversations about discharge suits, clothes in sizes 50-56, bottles, pacifiers, cribs and cradles, changing tables, chaise lounges, rattles, music mobiles - it’s hard to think of another topic that will cause so many sighs of tenderness and gentle smiles. Discussing these things will lift the spirits of any pregnant woman.

So, I divided the topics for articles into categories:

Pregnancy and childbirth

  • Proper pregnancy planning
  • Hurray, I'm pregnant! What's next?
  • What should a pregnant woman watch? The best list of films about pregnancy and childbirth
  • 5 myths about pregnancy
  • How to hide your belly in a photo
  • Maternity hospital bag
  • One true pregnancy story
  • At what age is it better to give birth to your first child, and is there an ideal age for childbirth?
  • My birth story

Life on maternity leave

  • The last month of freedom, or what you need to do before giving birth
  • What to do on maternity leave before giving birth? 7 ideas for expectant mothers
  • How to manage everything with a small child
  • Bored of staying at home with your child? Make a schedule!
  • How and why to meet mothers on the playground
  • Our first trip to the country with a baby
  • What have I managed to do in six months of living with a child?
  • How not to go crazy while on maternity leave? Let's say no to depression and Groundhog Day!

Happy motherhood

  • Why family outings are so important
  • Why are children needed?
  • How the first minutes of a baby’s life affect the relationship between mother and child
  • Co-sleeping: for or against? Why I switched from opponents to supporters of co-sleeping
  • What is a sling, or how to become a mobile mother
  • How to bring romance back into a relationship after having a baby?
  • What does a baby's cry mean? Learning to understand the baby

Child development

  • Why does my child sleep poorly during the day?
  • How to put a child to sleep without motion sickness? The Lazy Mom Method
  • General massage for a 3 month old baby. Our results
  • How much does it cost, how long does it last and how many days does a massage course for infants last, and other questions
  • Sleep crisis at 4 months - what to do and how to help your baby
  • Baby's day schedule at 5 months
  • How much should a baby weigh? Table of weight norms for children under one year old
  • Age-related crises of child development. Growth spurt calendar up to a year
  • Crisis 26 weeks. What will a 6 month growth spurt bring?
  • Why children need to read books from birth

Child and finances

  • How much money do you need to have a child? List of necessary purchases for a newborn
  • Luzhkov payment: how much and how to get it
  • How much money do you need for your child's first year?
  • What benefits are paid for pregnancy and childbirth? Maximum amount and calculation of payments
  • Child care benefits for a working mother. Calculation example

Literature for parents

  • Secret support. Review
  • The art of breastfeeding. Review
  • What does your baby want? Review
  • Child in family and church. Review
  • The purpose of being a mother. Review


  • Breastfeeding - why is it so important to breastfeed your baby?
  • Is a diet necessary when breastfeeding?
  • Proper nutrition while breastfeeding. Menu for the week

I hope you will be interested in the proposed topics. I think that in the process they will be complemented, because motherhood opens up so many new things every day. If you have any other wishes, I will be glad to see them in the comments and add them to the list. See you on my blog!

For thousands of years, pregnancy has been considered one of the greatest mysteries of the universe.

But more and more new scientific research is revealing many secrets or allowing us to take a fresh look at what was previously considered understandable, ordinary and generally accepted, even if it concerns the birth of a new person. Is it worth discovering what nature has decided to leave secret?

It’s probably worth it, because this is the only way many women can experience the joy of motherhood, and many children can be born healthy. Modern research and observation programs for women who are expecting a child make it possible to debunk many myths that have appeared around pregnancy and sometimes draw unexpected conclusions. But the most important thing is that each new study reveals more and more new facts that allow us to better understand what is happening to the expectant mother and her future baby and how to maintain their health.

Australia. Study of folic acid and iron supplements in the diet of pregnant women

A study of including a certain amount of iron supplements in a pregnant woman's diet was conducted by Australian obstetricians and oncologists. The researchers were interested in what consequences such a change in diet has for the fetus and for the woman.

As a result of serious research and long-term observation of pregnant women, it has been reliably established that the inclusion in the diet of a pregnant woman of a small amount of folic acid and a certain amount of preparations containing iron significantly (several times) reduces the likelihood of the baby developing a very serious blood disease, which is known like acute leukemia.

Acute leukemia is extremely difficult to treat and often threatens the child’s life.

USA, South Carolina. Research on the effect of ultrasound on the pregnant woman and the fetus

Scientists from South Carolina have concluded that the popular should not be carried out too often. A group of scientists led by Professor J. Palmer observed several thousand pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy and after delivery of their babies.

As a result of observations that lasted several years, it turned out that too frequent examinations of the fetus using ultrasound (every month or more often) can have a negative impact on the child, slowing down his mental and physical development.

The researchers say that the results of their work do not deny the need for fetal ultrasound, since this study can indeed be considered one of the most informative diagnostic methods, however, such studies should not be carried out too often - ultrasound during pregnancy should be performed only in accordance with medical indications and only as prescribed by the attending physician.

USA. Studies that confirm the long-term negative consequences of abortion

American scientists, together with gynecologists, examined almost eleven thousand women who had ever had breast cancer. As a result of the observations, it turned out that artificial termination of pregnancy is never without negative consequences for the female body, and this is especially true for nulliparous women.

Among the long-term consequences of such an intervention, doctors name cervical pathologies, among which a significant place is occupied by cervical erosion, and hormonal imbalance in the female body. Researchers have found that hormonal imbalances resulting from abortion can lead to some genetic changes that are not well understood.

Also, scientists and doctors argue that artificial termination of pregnancy causes pathologies of the fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes), can lead to uterine infections and/or changes in the epithelial tissue that lines the uterine cavity, and all of these pathologies or any of them can lead to infertility , which is not amenable to any treatment.

Researchers also warn that as a result of an abortion, the female body is weakened, which leads to the activation of pathogenic microflora and a weakening of the immune system, as a result of which the woman begins to get sick more often and premature withering of the female body is observed.

United Kingdom. Study of the effect of iron supplements taken by the expectant mother during pregnancy

Research centers and clinics in the UK continued to study the effects of iron supplements taken by pregnant women throughout pregnancy.

As you know, expectant mothers are often prescribed multivitamin preparations that contain iron, or iron supplements, because as pregnancy progresses, the body absorbs more iron from food in order to satisfy the increased needs for this element.

Scientists suggest that more active food helps the body get enough of it. As is known, insufficient amounts of iron are replenished by taking iron supplements, but scientists say that taking iron supplements by pregnant women may be unsafe. The fact is that iron supplements can cause pathology of red blood cells (pathological increase in their size), as well as cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in constipation or diarrhea.

In addition, taking iron supplements can reduce the body's ability to absorb zinc, which is essential during pregnancy. Scientists recommend not to overuse the prescription of iron supplements for pregnant women. During research, it was found that the absorption of iron from iron-containing foods increases with the use of vitamin C, but such familiar drinks as tea and coffee do not allow iron to be absorbed.

Therefore, doctors recommend normalizing the intake of essential iron by additionally taking foods containing the necessary vitamin C, and by avoiding coffee and tea during pregnancy, and resorting to additional intake of iron supplements only in the most extreme cases.

Italy. Research on the meaning of a laboring woman's singing during childbirth

In the maternity ward of the city of Mantua, research continues on the role of the singing of a woman in labor during labor. The research is led by an obstetrician and at the same time a doctor of musicology, Elisa Benassi. The technique of childbirth using the singing of the woman in labor is being studied, since even in ancient Moroccan and Indian cultures, singing during childbirth was considered a way to reduce pain.

Researchers claim that during singing, the amount of endorphin, which is known as one of the hormones of pleasure and joy, increases in the body of a singing person. And the release of endorphins during childbirth has a calming effect on the body and reduces pain, which makes labor easier.

Professor Elisa Benassi states that during singing, vocal vibrations have a blocking effect on pain signals that are sent to the brain, and although this blocking is only partial, this makes labor easier, since the physical pain of the mother during labor and birth is reduced. Dr. Benassi points out that singing during labor helps to increase the breathing capacity of the woman in labor and also reduces muscle tension, which helps the body to completely relax.

Researchers on the role of singing during childbirth say that singing can be very quiet and the intensity of the sound in this case does not matter. However, it is very important what exactly the woman will sing during childbirth, since this song will be a kind of connecting link between mother and child.

Sweden. Study of the effect of ultrasound on left-handed births

At the Swedish Karolinska Institute, the largest medical university in Sweden and one of the largest medical universities in Europe, which is located in Stockholm, scientists wondered how ultrasound examination of the fetus could affect the condition of the born child.

A group of men whose mothers underwent ultrasound examinations during pregnancy and a control group were studied. The first group included seven thousand people, and the second - 172 thousand. Women did not participate in the study.

It turned out that in the first group there were more left-handed people, and it turned out that if the ultrasound was done repeatedly, the frequency of left-handed births increased by more than 30%. Now researchers want to understand why this happens, and suggest that the impact of ultrasonic vibrations on the fetal brain, although they are insignificant, may be important for the development of left-handedness.

However, this, according to the researchers, remains only an assumption and a hypothesis that requires further study.

USA. Study of the relationship between the risk of having babies with facial defects and the intake of folic acid by a pregnant woman

Researchers working at the Children's Hospital of the American city of Oakland studied the relationship between the risk of having babies with facial defects and the intake of folic acid by the expectant mother. As a result of observations, it was found that the risk of having a child with facial defects can be significantly reduced if the expectant mother takes folic acid before and after conception.

During the study, it was found that the risk of having babies with facial defects is reduced to 25% if the expectant mother started taking folic acid (multivitamin with folic acid, 0.4-0.8 mg) a month before the planned conception and continued to take these medications within two months after conception.

Also during the study, it turned out that if a woman gave birth to one child with facial defects, then the risk of having a second baby with such defects can be reduced by six times if the mother takes folic acid supplements (10 mg) and multivitamins.

USA. Research on the role of zinc supplementation in pregnant women to strengthen the fetal immune system

Several research medical centers in the United States have conducted studies examining the importance of pregnant women taking zinc-containing supplements to strengthen the fetal immune system.

During the study, it turned out that if a woman carrying a child takes multivitamin complexes containing zinc preparations, the fetal immunity increases significantly, and the child is born with a stronger immune system. Observations of newborns and children during the first seven years of life have shown that children whose mothers took zinc supplements during pregnancy practically do not get sick.

Also, these children do not experience diarrhea and dysentery, and the child’s weight at birth does not matter at all - even children born with low weight have high immunity.

USA, Colombia. Study of the impact of their fathers' smoking on children's health

At Columbia University (USA), scientists conducted research to identify the negative impact of smoking by men on the health of their children. During research, it turned out that carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke, which provoke cancer, can negatively affect male sperm, and DNA damage has especially negative consequences for future children.

Scientists have found that even smoking by a man before conceiving a child can have a negative impact on the health of the unborn baby. If a future father smoked a pack of cigarettes every day for five years before conceiving a child, then for his child the risk of developing cancer in early childhood increases by 70% compared to children of the same age whose fathers gave up the addiction in a timely manner.

Denmark, Copenhagen. Research into the effects of alcohol on conceiving a child

Gynecologists working at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, as a result of research and surveys, came to the conclusion that the traditional opinion about the absolute harm of alcohol for healthy conception can be questioned.

The study involved 40 thousand women who answered questions from scientists about alcohol consumption before pregnancy. According to the survey results, it turned out that if before pregnancy the expectant mother drank one or two glasses of dry red wine during the week, which corresponds to 190-400 grams, then her chances of getting pregnant increased.

It was also possible to find out that women who drank small amounts of dry wine before pregnancy had an easier pregnancy and fewer complications during pregnancy. Danish scientists cannot yet explain why this pattern is observed, but they suggest that small amounts of dry red wine can have a positive effect on the functioning of the female reproductive system, especially the uterus and ovaries.

It has also been found that small amounts of natural wine have a positive effect on the psychological state of a woman at the time of conception.

United Kingdom. Research into the possible impact of landfills on the health of pregnant women

A study was conducted in the UK that examined how landfills located near homes can affect a woman who is carrying a child.

British doctors found that if a woman lived near a landfill (within a radius of two kilometers) throughout her pregnancy or most of it, then the chance of having a child with various pathologies increases by one percent compared to women who lived away from any landfills.

However, if there are any substances with an increased level of toxicity in the landfill, then the chance of giving birth to a baby with developmental abnormalities increases to 7%. Of course, the harm from landfills located near housing is less than the harm from smoking, harm from STDs or harm from alcohol abuse, but when choosing housing, it is better to avoid places located near landfills.


Of course, research into pregnancy and the factors that accompany it and can influence it continues, because the birth of a new life always remains a great mystery. However, a woman who is preparing to become a mother should always be careful and think about the safety of her baby.
