Spanish facial massage: step-by-step instructions and results. Spanish facial massage - a boost of youth and good mood Anti-cellulite massage Spanish technique

There are many methods for preserving beauty and youth: from unconventional to surgical. Massage is far from the last place on this list. After all, this procedure is not only effective (if performed correctly), but also absolutely safe. Relatively recently, beauty salons began to offer a service called “Spanish facial massage.” Let's figure out what the features and differences of this technique are.

It turns out that the technology of Spanish massage was invented almost 100 years ago. Its author is the Spaniard Enrique Garcia, who practices manual therapy. Taking chiromassage as a basis, he supplemented it with elements of yoga, Ayurveda and Tibetan practices. The resulting technology is called “hemolymphatic drainage”, since its main effect is on the intercellular fluid, lymph. As you know, this liquid plays a key role in metabolic processes. By correcting its movement, you can solve various skin and muscle problems.

Basic principles

Enrique, developing Spanish facial massage, relied on the following principles:

  • The technique contains about 100 massage movements, this guarantees a constant novelty of sensations when exposed.
  • An individual approach to everyone is required. This means that massage movements are selected depending on the tasks, the patient’s skin type, and the characteristics of his body.
  • You cannot use different techniques at the same time, as they can have completely opposite effects.
  • The techniques used in the Spanish technique require highly flexible hands from the specialist. Thanks to this, the massage is highly effective and painless.

It is very important that the client experiences pleasant sensations during the massage. The endorphins released during this process contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of not only the skin, but also the body as a whole.

Techniques used

All movements used in Spanish facial massage can be divided into groups depending on their purpose:

  • Increased elasticity of muscles and joints. These movements affect all muscle groups, joints and joints.
  • Strengthening the nervous system. This effect is achieved due to the contrast of sensations: for example, the transition from an intense effect to a relaxing one. To enhance the impact, feathers, special stones and other objects can be used.
  • Removal of accumulated liquid. Movements are carried out along the lymph flow zone, which helps get rid of excess water and toxins.
  • Strengthening the circulatory system, improving complexion.
  • Removing accumulated negative energy. Smooth movements are aimed at completely relaxing the body, getting rid of stress and apathy.

Facial massage is recommended after 30 years(however, as with any other effect aimed at rejuvenation). It is at this age that the first wrinkles appear, the color of the skin on the face may deteriorate, and skin turgor may decrease. Spanish facial massage will help solve problems such as:

  • swelling;
  • double chin;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • dullness and unevenness of the skin;
  • loss of lip volume;
  • rosacea;
  • dry skin.

This technique is aimed at deep modeling not only the face, but also the décolleté, neck, and shoulders.

Features of the event

The procedure is carried out accompanied by pleasant relaxing music and consists of several stages:

  1. Thorough makeup removal and cleansing of the face, neck, and décolleté.
  2. Applying a massage base (usually essential oils, which are selected individually depending on skin type).
  3. Relaxing massage movements allow you to achieve relaxation and prepare the body for the main effect.
  4. Work with muscles, joints, lymph. This is the main stage of the massage, during which all areas that need correction are affected.
  5. The procedure ends with smooth stroking movements.

Spanish massage can be done on both halves of the face, or only on one (if selective correction of some areas is necessary).

You can watch how a specialist performs a Spanish facial massage in this video:

Can I do it myself?

On the Internet you can find various video lessons that tell you how to do Spanish massage correctly. But they are rather intended for professionals in the field of massage, as additional knowledge.

Carrying out the procedure requires high qualifications and extensive experience, because the effect is quite deep, affecting the muscles and even the skeletal system.

In addition, massage movements are selected for each person individually. A non-professional can only make the problem worse.

How often should it be done?

To achieve the best results, it is recommended to go through course massage: usually these are 10 procedures, 2-3 times a week. You can take this course 2 times a year. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable after the first week: complexion, skin elasticity and overall well-being will improve.

The Spanish facial massage procedure leaves an extremely pleasant impression. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, it amazingly relaxes not only the face, but the whole body. A course of procedures allows you to get rid of accumulated muscle tension and gain vital energy. Moreover, the session is absolutely painless, provided that you get to a competent specialist. Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether the massage therapist has a certificate of training in Spanish facial and body massage.

Read in the article:

Spanish massage is a special technique, the principle of which is a variety of techniques for each system of the body.

With its help, you can achieve physical and psychological relaxation, eliminate swelling, normalize the functioning of internal organs, skin rejuvenation and figure correction.

Spanish massage: essence, benefits and effect

The essence of Spanish massage is to relax muscles as a result of the gentle influence of a specialist’s hands. When the client reaches a state of complete relaxation, soft touches are replaced by deeper ones, and here the most important changes begin: blood and lymph flow increases, muscles are toned, and when exposed to nerve endings, the patient feels the full effect of relaxation.

Advantages of the Spanish massage technique:

  • The ability to choose the path of influence for each client individually;
  • It can be used as a pre-workout warm-up for athletes;
  • Painless;
  • High efficiency.

Benefits of Spanish massage:

  • After the session, oxygen saturation of the skin increases;
  • During the procedure, the master selects creams in accordance with the client’s skin type - this helps to rejuvenate and improve the overall condition of the skin;
  • The aging process slows down;
  • The psychophysical state improves.


  • It cannot be used to influence the entire body, i.e. if lymphatic drainage massage is chosen to correct the figure and get rid of cellulite, then it is impossible to conduct a myotensive session at the same time - the effectiveness in this case will be close to zero;
  • Full results can only be achieved if the procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist.

The Spanish massage technique includes 3 main principles:

  • It is prohibited to use several massage techniques at the same time - one of them may exclude the other;
  • Due to hundreds of different techniques, each of them must be selected individually, in accordance with the specific characteristics of the client’s body;
  • Plastic movements should be deep, but painless.

Spanish body massage is created for those who want to achieve an ideal figure and skin texture. In addition, it promotes relaxation and improved well-being, improving the flexibility of muscles and joints.

Spanish massage of the face and neck is considered an anti-aging technique, the purpose of which is to get rid of wrinkles, tighten the skin, correct the shape of the face, start the process of natural self-rejuvenation, eliminate swelling and “bags” under the eyes.

Indications and contraindications for Spanish massage

Indications for Spanish massage:

  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Stressful state;
  • Lymphostasis;
  • Swelling;
  • Impaired nutrition of cells and tissues;
  • Hypertension;
  • Reduced skin elasticity;
  • Dry skin;
  • Age-related changes (wrinkles, drooping eyelids, sagging);
  • Cellulite.

Contraindications for Spanish massage:

  • Skin diseases;
  • Diseases in the acute stage;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma in May or June (during the flowering period).

How to do Spanish massage correctly: video, technique, description of massage movements

Spanish classic facial massage

Includes rubbing, patting, pinching, pressing and stroking. It can be carried out both in the salon and at home.


  • Before the procedure, do make-up removal, put your hair in a ponytail;
  • Lightly pinching the skin, apply massage cream;
  • When the foundation is applied to the face, proceed to the procedure itself.

Equipment and massage lines:

  • Start with the chin, running your fingertips from the dimple under it to the ear area. Movements should be soft but assertive. Do 10 times;
  • From the central point of the chin, smooth the skin to the sides, avoiding stretching. After smoothing, pinching is performed in the same direction;
  • Place 2 fingers on the corners of your lips and, pressing lightly, move them to your earlobes, then pinch in the opposite direction;
  • Massage the skin from the wings of the nose to the temporal area, movements should be deep. When returning back, gently rub the area. Do 7-8 times;
  • From the bridge of the nose to the hairline, “pinch” the skin, then smooth it back. Performed 8-10 times;
  • From the center of the forehead to the temples, knead the skin with your fingertips, then pinch, and finally stroke.

Spanish modeling facial massage

It is performed only in the salon, because its technique requires practical skills, knowledge of deep points of influence and, at a minimum, completed massage courses.

Preparation for the session includes cleansing the skin of impurities and cosmetics.

How it is carried out:

  • The client lies down on a comfortable couch;
  • A cream (for oily skin) or an oil preparation (for dry skin) is applied to the face in accordance with the skin type;
  • The master begins Enrique Garcia's Spanish massage with circular movements, and uses not only his fingertips, but also his palm, and weak pressures should alternate with strong ones. Such “simple” movements have a profound effect: the muscles contract, they relax and the rejuvenating process starts;
  • During the procedure, not only the face is affected, but also the neck and décolleté, and special attention is paid to areas with decreased tone;
  • At the client's request, soft, relaxing music can be played during the session (20-25 minutes).

Spanish chiromassage

Conducted exclusively in a salon or cosmetology clinic, it includes 4 types of equipment:

  • Myotensive – impact on joints through muscles. First, warm up and relax the muscles near the joint, then painlessly massage the joint itself;
  • Hemolymphatic drainage (impact on blood vessels). Can be used both on the body and face. Helps eliminate fluid stagnation in the body, reduce varicose veins, tighten muscles and tissues;
  • Neurophysiological. It is very similar to Chinese massage: it is also based on ideas about the life energy Qi flowing through the channels of the body. During the session, the client manages to relax, get rid of irritability and stress;
  • Metabolic (chiromassage). Relaxes muscles, makes them more mobile, improves metabolism, promotes the burning of fat cells and the removal of toxins, eliminates cellulite.

How it is carried out:

  • Makeup removal is done to the client;
  • Oil or cream is applied;
  • The procedure itself is carried out, during which the following techniques and movements are used: lightly stroking the entire face, massaging the nasolabial area, cheeks, eye area, lower face, décolleté and neck, tapping and gentle pinching with fingertips, relaxing monotonous movements, hemolymphatic drainage (pulsating and wave-like techniques).

Videos, reviews, results after Spanish massage

A full Enrique Garcia massage course consists of 15-20 procedures with a regularity of 2-3 times a week. Each session lasts from 20 to 90 minutes, depending on the area being treated and the problem that needs to be addressed.

The effect usually lasts 6-7 months, so 2 courses per year are required. To maintain the result, it is advisable to use rejuvenating and restorative creams and exfoliate with a scrub.

The results of Spanish chiromassage are remarkable:

  • Improved metabolism;
  • Weight loss;
  • Getting rid of cellulite;
  • Figure correction (formation of body contours);
  • Lifting and restoration of facial contours;
  • Improved skin color;
  • Swelling and wrinkles disappear;
  • Beautiful, elastic skin.
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Spanish massage, content:

The history of Spanish massage

Types of Spanish massage

1. Myostructuring (structural) Spanish massage

2. Somatoemotional Spanish massage

3. Neurosedative Spanish massage

4. Hemolymphatic Spanish massage

5. Anti-cellulite (sculpting) Spanish massage

Spanish massage: impact technique

Spanish massage: indications/contraindications

Preparation for the procedure

Waiting for the result

Spanish massage, reviews

Spanish massage fully took shape as a direction in the 20th century.
The article talks about its creators and the difficulties they experienced. Now a whole school has been created in which various methods of combining Western massage art with Eastern ones are explored. The article describes in detail the types of Spanish massage, indications/contraindications for its use, and provides recommendations for the use of various techniques. Particular attention is paid to facial massage and anti-cellulite treatment. It explains when to expect results if a professional takes on the matter. Reviews are given from some patients who have experienced the effect of such a massage.

The history of Spanish massage

Spanish body massage is a unique development of the Spanish doctor Enrique Garcia Castells, which the world learned about 30 years ago. He improved the chiromassage technique, which was proposed at the beginning of the 20th century by Dr. Ferrandis, his predecessor and founder of the Massage School of Spain. At that time, the Catholic Church, which had enormous influence in Spain, prohibited massage. So Ferrandis, who studied the works of Mozangella, Palmer, Mezger, as well as Kellogg’s technique, was able to open a school only during the period of the Spanish Republic (1936). In the 80s, his successor Castells popularized Spanish massage. First he opened the INTEMA school, and since 1990 he created the INMASTER Institute of Manual Therapy in Barcelona. Depending on the impact that the massage master intends to have on the body, special Spanish massage techniques are distinguished; information about them is provided below.

Castells set himself the goal of combining two directions in massage technique, that is, uniting the “incompatible” East and West with their fundamentally different approaches to the philosophy of massage. Since the times of ancient Greece and Rome, Western masters of this art have taken a materialistic position and based their technique only on knowledge of anatomy and physiology. But the eastern concept, which is also embedded in Spanish massage, developed on the teachings of QI energy, which:
- lies at the heart of life itself;
- permeates all living things;
- connects the subtle energy of the massage therapist and his patient.

Types of Spanish massage

1. Myostructuring (structural) Spanish massage. This technique includes all sorts of relaxing techniques that are done gently. Here are the characteristic features of this technique:
— individual muscle groups, even deeply located ones, relax;
- muscles become more elastic;
- blood circulation in soft tissues improves significantly;
— not only soft tissues are treated, joints and bones are also restored;
- the muscular-articular joint is brought to a normal state;
- spasms are eliminated;
— patients get rid of congestive manifestations;
- all metabolic processes are activated;
- pain in joints and muscles disappears, problems with the spine cease to bother you.

2. Somatoemotional Spanish massage. This massage technique helps to get rid of disorders of the nervous system and strengthens it. The creator of this technique based its action on the contrast of tactile perceptions. Relaxation techniques have the following features:
- have a deep impact;
— Spanish massage involves a slow pace;
- combined with an impact on important reflex areas, and the impact should be marked by intensity;
— correctly performed manipulations have a very noticeable anti-stress effect;
- a positive attitude is formed;
— the speed of performing techniques varies, as does their intensity;
- manipulations are performed in different directions;
— manual technique (using fingers, palms) is combined with the use of feathers and stones.

Sedative Spanish massage. When ordering such procedures from a professional massage therapist, you can note a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect. Thanks to the effects of this technique, it is possible to stimulate certain centers and parts of the brain. Neurosedative massage, performed using Spanish technology, consists of movements characterized by monotony, uniformity, rhythm, and slowness. The performed manipulations help to achieve general relaxation:
— the emotional background is regulated;
- increased resistance to stress;
- chronic back pain goes away;
— an analgesic effect is achieved in the area of ​​the limbs and neck;
— in stressful conditions, Spanish massage also shows an excellent effect;
- reduces general irritability;
- normalizes sleep;
- extinguishes attacks of unmotivated aggression;
- relieves a person from apathy;
- helps overcome angina pectoris and hypertension;
- treats skin diseases.

4. Hemolymphatic Spanish massage. It helps eliminate disorders in the cardiovascular system, accelerate blood circulation, increase the efficiency of lymph drainage, and solve many cosmetic problems associated with blood vessels.
By simulating lymphatic drainage and blood flow, the master frees tissues from waste products and excess fluid. Resulting in:
- blood pressure normalizes;
- tissues get rid of excess fluid, and toxins, waste, and other waste products go with it;
- metabolic processes are accelerated;
- swelling disappears;
- pressure returns to normal;
- hormonal levels are normalized;
— a rejuvenating effect is achieved;
- allergic symptoms disappear.

5. Anti-cellulite (sculpting) Spanish massage. It’s not for nothing that this technique is also called modeling. The technique, which combines many techniques, affects both the skin surface and the subcutaneous tissue, in which the fat layer is formed. This Spanish massage shows good results when it is combined with SPA, hydrotherapeutic, and physiotherapeutic procedures. This massage helps:
— correct lipodystrophic changes in the skin;
— correctly structure subcutaneous tissue;
— improve skin texture;
— revive its natural color;
— increase elasticity;
- reduce the obvious appearance of cellulite;
- get rid of excess weight;
- correct problem areas;
- prevent the possibility of stretch marks and sagging skin.

This special technique helps to relax various muscle groups in the face. Both light stroking movements and pinching kneading of deep muscle structures, as well as superficial ones, are used. This technique has the peculiarity that, although the effects are intense, the patient does not feel pain. This Spanish massage:
- stimulates lymphatic drainage and blood circulation;
— improves skin texture;
- makes it elastic;
— smooths out wrinkles;
- relieves swelling;
- removes dark circles around the eyes, especially noticeable under the eyes;
- saturates tissues with oxygen;
- restores the lost natural color of the skin, even for this reason many order a Spanish massage;
- promotes the appearance of a long-forgotten blush;
- prevents the appearance of acne;
- normalizes oily skin by affecting the sebaceous glands.

Due to the activation of regenerative processes, the skin is noticeably rejuvenated.
As the condition of the skin improves and muscle tension is eliminated, you feel a significant improvement in your psycho-emotional state. And the modeling effect that Spanish facial massage has is also obvious. It's easy to see how:
— the tone of facial muscles increases;
— facial contours are corrected;
- the nasolabial fold is smoothed out;
— the oval is tightened;
- lips become “silicone”, that is, without the use of drugs they become larger;
— the depth of purse-string and gravitational wrinkles is noticeably reduced;
- the upper eyelid is tightened;
— the shape of the eyebrows is corrected;
— the severity of the unpleasant double chin decreases;
- the skin becomes smooth.

Spanish massage: impact technique

According to Castells, a full effect can be achieved only with simultaneous effects on the lymphatic, circulatory, nervous systems, as well as muscles and joints. The Spanish massage technique is selected for each client on an individual basis. For one organism, the effect through the lymphatic system will be more effective, while for another, Spanish massage in the form of working out muscle tissue is more suitable.
The founder of this school of massage points out to his followers a number of essential principles that professional masters must adhere to:
- the patient should not experience even the slightest discomfort that interferes with relaxation;
— in one session it is unacceptable to combine two different techniques that are intended for different body systems;
— the use of mutually exclusive techniques leads to a negative result;
— a massage master needs to learn over 100 techniques and other original connecting elements;
- you can use the knuckles, their pads, the edge of the palm, its entire surface;
— Spanish massage stipulates that muscles should be kneaded and stretched, acting on them softly, smoothly, and not vigorously;
— the main techniques include relaxing movements, circular stroking;
- during a session, similar techniques are not repeated twice;
- you need to remember that repetition of techniques can lead to the adaptation of the peripheral nervous systems and the central nervous system to a certain effect, and then the negative effect of addiction can be noted after 4-5 sessions;
- when Spanish massage is used in the form of various massage techniques, new touches give new sensations;
- even a deep, very strong effect, which is shown by modeling, myostimulating, neurosedative techniques, should not lead to a feeling of discomfort or pain;
— only precise, flexible movements are used;
— the master takes into account the location of the nerve endings, which helps to eliminate pain;
- during the session, endorphins should be intensively produced - hormones of joy, pleasure, which tone the body, extinguish the sensation of pain, and help lift the mood.

Spanish massage: indications/contraindications

With Spanish massage you can achieve:
- improving blood circulation;
— productive treatment of lymphostasis;
— elimination of edema;
— effective treatment of varicose veins;
— strengthening the immune system;
- relieving nervous tension;
- getting rid of stress;
- restful sleep;
- eliminating headaches;
— strengthening the cardiovascular system;
— normalization of blood pressure (Spanish massage helps to achieve partial or complete relief from hypertension, hypotension);
— improving body contours, improving the figure;
- weight loss;
- eliminating muscle spasms;
- improved posture;
- increasing joint mobility;
— improving their flexibility;
— productive treatment of sprained ligaments and muscles;
- warning of possible stretching;
- acceleration of rehabilitation after the occurrence of injuries and in the postoperative period, this is also facilitated by Spanish massage;
— more effective treatment of patients who have been diagnosed with pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
- eliminating age-related changes and even preventing them;
- increasing the tone of facial muscles;
- getting rid of bags and darkening under the eyes;
- smoothing scars;
- elimination of acne;
- eliminating swelling during pregnancy.

However, it should be noted that any effective procedures, including Spanish massage, are not suitable for all people. If you feel or already know that you have a serious medical condition, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps the Spanish technique is not suitable for you, or perhaps any massage will not lead to results, since the organs are affected, and medical and sometimes surgical intervention is urgently required. Therefore, you cannot order a Spanish massage for those patients who are found to have:
- skin diseases;
— malignant neoplasms;
- benign neoplasms (it is unknown how they will behave);
- any exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- asthmatic manifestations (during exacerbation);
- heart disease;
— pathologies of an unknown nature (medical consultation is required).

Preparation for the procedure

Spanish massage helps to achieve complete muscle relaxation. A warm shower helps achieve this. The treated areas are covered with oil or massage cream so that the hands glide freely over the body. In addition, under the influence of massage, the skin more easily absorbs vitamins and other substances contained in the composition used. Depending on the purpose of the ordered procedures, you can use aromatic oils, or you can use cellulite cream. For example, during neurosedative massage it is customary to use aromatic oils that can have a calming effect and make the nervous system more resilient.

Before performing a Spanish facial massage, you will need to remove makeup and completely clean the skin. It is necessary that the skin becomes absolutely clean, since natural secretions and cosmetics will prevent the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin. To do this, use the appropriate lotion or special milk. Next, the massage therapist uses oil, which he covers both his hands and the patient’s skin. The oil used must be of natural origin only, without the addition of any chemicals or surrogates. It is made from seeds:
- grapes;
- cherries;
- almonds;
- apricot.

A master who is ordered a Spanish massage mainly works on the legs, back, abdominal area, and shoulders. If the classical technique involves first warming up the muscles, then the Spanish technique helps the muscles first completely relax. For this purpose, characteristic stroking movements are used (usually in the form of a figure eight, circular). The master must use his palms and forearms. And having completed the introductory part, you can move on to more in-depth techniques when:
- joints are affected;
- muscles warm up;
- the cardiovascular system is normalized;
— the nervous system calms down, which is also facilitated by a Spanish massage ordered from a professional.

Be sure to use techniques with neurorelaxation components, of which there are many. The master must use his palms, forearms, and fingers. First, the professional determines the type of massage to be performed, and then competently selects a specific set of manipulations. Spanish neck and face massage also requires the master to use different techniques. Treatment of the décolleté area is the beginning of a modeling massage. The technique of gripping with fingers and palm surfaces is used. Movements are from right to left and vice versa. This is followed by stroking with the palms in the direction of the shoulders from the middle of the sternum.

Now it's time to work on the neck area. Pinch movements are used using the index finger and thumb. So, gradually, the tweezers move to the lower jaw and chin. The next area of ​​influence is the nasolabial folds and upper lip. Next, the Spanish massage affects the cheeks and the side of the nose. A sequential transition to the eyes and stimulation of their circular muscles are carried out. With the help of a correctly performed movement in the lower eyelid area, you can gently work out each fold. At the end of the session, the thumb presses in the direction of the temple, the brow ridge is processed, the skin is stroked when the pad of the thumb is directed towards the temple.

Using massage movements around the forehead, you can stimulate the frontal muscles, in two directions and at the same time very deeply. The forehead massage is completed by stroking movements directed along the hairline. There is another technique for facial massage, when Spanish massage involves stroking movements with the ribs of the palms and the palms themselves, combining them with pinching and kneading. The Spanish massage technique used for the face is simple and effective, and can even be done independently. However, do not forget the indisputable truth: in order to do something on your own, you first need to seriously study it and practice for a long time under the supervision of a master.

Waiting for the result

You don't have to wait long. Literally all patients who turn to a good massage therapist note a positive result after the first session. However, it is too early to rejoice. The master, touching areas of the body and activating systems in which obvious stagnation is noted, immediately corrects the situation. But this is just the “tip of the iceberg” that Spanish massage shows. To achieve a long-lasting and stable effect, you will need to complete the full course. Then it will be possible to say with confidence:
— about eliminating edema;
- about the absence of pain;
— about increasing muscle elasticity;
- about restoring joint mobility.

You will feel the effect of neurosedative massage during the session. General relaxation, the use of properly selected oil and precise manipulations of the massage therapist’s hands (prerequisites for effective procedures) contribute to complete relaxation and achievement of emotional balance. As a result, to achieve modeling and anti-cellulite effects, a Spanish massage of 10-15 sessions will be required. But the decongestant effect of facial massage will be noted after the second or even the first procedure. However, to eliminate wrinkles, moderate facial contours and rejuvenate the skin, you will need to undergo a course of 10-20 procedures.

Engaging in self-massage or ordering procedures from random amateurs can sometimes even be dangerous; extremely undesirable consequences can occur. And not because of the massage itself, but because of its illiterate execution. If a Spanish massage is performed without prior preparation, bruises may form, capillary stars may appear (a real master will definitely determine if you have rosacea), new wrinkles may appear (if you stretch the skin), the condition of the skin may worsen if you use the wrong oil or even use it incorrectly. the required composition. The conclusion is simple: if you want to get rid of your problems forever, contact a professional!

Basic principles

Enrique, developing Spanish facial massage, relied on the following principles:

  • The technique contains about 100 massage movements, this guarantees a constant novelty of sensations when exposed.
  • An individual approach to everyone is required. This means that massage movements are selected depending on the tasks, the patient’s skin type, and the characteristics of his body.
  • You cannot use different techniques at the same time, as they can have completely opposite effects.
  • The techniques used in the Spanish technique require highly flexible hands from the specialist. Thanks to this, the massage is highly effective and painless.

It is very important that the client experiences pleasant sensations during the massage. The endorphins released during this process contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of not only the skin, but also the body as a whole.

Techniques used

All movements used in Spanish facial massage can be divided into groups depending on their purpose:

  • Increased elasticity of muscles and joints. These movements affect all muscle groups, joints and joints.
  • Strengthening the nervous system. This effect is achieved due to the contrast of sensations: for example, the transition from an intense effect to a relaxing one. To enhance the impact, feathers, special stones and other objects can be used.
  • Removal of accumulated liquid. Movements are carried out along the lymph flow zone, which helps get rid of excess water and toxins.
  • Strengthening the circulatory system, improving complexion.
  • Removing accumulated negative energy. Smooth movements are aimed at completely relaxing the body, getting rid of stress and apathy.

Facial massage is recommended after 30 years(however, as with any other effect aimed at rejuvenation). It is at this age that the first wrinkles appear, the color of the skin on the face may deteriorate, and skin turgor may decrease. Spanish facial massage will help solve problems such as:

  • swelling;
  • double chin;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • dullness and unevenness of the skin;
  • loss of lip volume;
  • rosacea;
  • dry skin.

This technique is aimed at deep modeling not only the face, but also the décolleté, neck, and shoulders.

Features of the event

The procedure is carried out accompanied by pleasant relaxing music and consists of several stages:

  1. Thorough makeup removal and cleansing of the face, neck, and décolleté.
  2. Applying a massage base (usually essential oils, which are selected individually depending on skin type).
  3. Relaxing massage movements allow you to achieve relaxation and prepare the body for the main effect.
  4. Work with muscles, joints, lymph. This is the main stage of the massage, during which all areas that need correction are affected.
  5. The procedure ends with smooth stroking movements.

Spanish massage can be done on both halves of the face, or only on one (if selective correction of some areas is necessary).

You can watch how a specialist performs a Spanish facial massage in this video:

Can I do it myself?

On the Internet you can find various video lessons that tell you how to do Spanish massage correctly. But they are rather intended for professionals in the field of massage, as additional knowledge.

Carrying out the procedure requires high qualifications and extensive experience, because the effect is quite deep, affecting the muscles and even the skeletal system.

In addition, massage movements are selected for each person individually. A non-professional can only make the problem worse.

How often should it be done?

To achieve the best results, it is recommended to go through course massage: usually these are 10 procedures, 2-3 times a week. You can take this course 2 times a year. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable after the first week: complexion, skin elasticity and overall well-being will improve.

The Spanish facial massage procedure leaves an extremely pleasant impression. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, it amazingly relaxes not only the face, but the whole body. A course of procedures allows you to get rid of accumulated muscle tension and gain vital energy. Moreover, the session is absolutely painless, provided that you get to a competent specialist. Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether the massage therapist has a certificate of training in Spanish facial and body massage.

Spanish body massage: what is the essence?

Spanish body massage– one of the most popular and sought-after massage techniques in Europe, well known also in Russia. The author of Spanish massage, naturopath and physiologist Vicente Ferrandis Garcia, created his technique about a hundred years ago. Garcia himself called it “chiromassage” (from the Greek chiro - “hand, manual”), but it gained fame and popularity under the name “Spanish massage”.

The uniqueness of Spanish body massage lies in the fact that Garcia managed to organically intertwine the Western approach to massage (namely, impeccable knowledge of the physiology of the human body, the basics of medicine and anatomy) and ancient Eastern practices, in which a fundamental place is given to qi energy. The author of chiromassage was convinced that it was the notorious vital energy qi, which permeates all living things, that is the main stimulus in the process of self-healing. Proper body massage can activate this energy in the human body.

Spanish body massage immediately affects four main systems of our body: muscles, joints, blood and lymph, and the nervous system. Garcia himself said: “These four systems are like four different doors opening into the same room.” He meant that in order to have the maximum healing effect during a Spanish body massage, you can use techniques that affect one of these four systems - the master himself must choose the most adequate path. It is advisable to work with one patient by influencing the lymph flow, with another by massaging the muscles, and so on. Each client has his own approach.

Spanish body massage: features and nuances

A Spanish body massage session is like a magical dance: a professional master deftly uses all the capabilities of his hands - he works with the pads of his fingers, his knuckles, the base of his palm, and even his elbows. Usually, if Spanish massage is used on the whole body, then two master massage therapists work with the client at the same time.

In the classic Spanish body massage there are more than a hundred unique techniques, and as the massage therapists themselves say, not a single session repeats the others. This is the advantage of the technique, since with a regular therapeutic massage, after 2-3 sessions the body “gets used” to monotonous movements, the sensitivity of the nerve endings is dulled, and the effectiveness sharply decreases. But the body cannot get used to a Spanish massage - after all, each session turns out to be unique.

Another striking distinctive characteristic of Spanish body massage is the soft, comfortable and pleasant sensations that accompany it. The touches of a chiromassage specialist are not only not painful, on the contrary, they are gentle, and often make the client fall asleep right during the session. Also, students of Garcia himself often claim that a true master of Spanish massage, working on the body, brings a person to such a relaxed state that he easily falls into a deep trance, as in meditation. And this state can activate the circulation of vital energy qi in a person, which is the main tool for self-healing.

Time passes, and the army of fans of Spanish massage is only growing. Even despite the attacks of critics from the camp of adherents of traditional massage techniques, in which knowledge of physiology and anatomy is at the forefront, and the theory about the existence of different types of energies in us is completely rejected, Spanish body massage is becoming more and more popular.

However, no stories can describe Spanish massage better than one session experienced firsthand. Try it and decide for yourself whether a massage that feels like a romantic dance is right for you, or whether you are still a supporter of more academic methods of massage.

More about Spanish massage

The technique of this massage was developed by the famous scientist Enrique Garcia during his time as a leader and was called “ hemolymphatic drainage" The main features of the procedure are a very specific and, at the same time, extremely positive effect on the entire human venous system, as well as interstitial fluid, which is vital for the normal flow of metabolism between the cells of the body’s tissues and the blood.

Interesting fact- Spanish massage is a very organic combination of progressive therapeutic and restorative techniques of Europe with the healing techniques of the East, and includes all the wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda medicine and Buddhist spiritual practice. It implies the deepest knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, and allows the patient to achieve the following results:

  • forget about irritability, depression, feelings of apathy,
  • cope with insomnia and get a good night's rest,
  • restore the functioning of the immune system,
  • get rid of the effects of stress,
  • significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin of the face and body,
  • get rid of age-related changes,
  • best way to correct the oval of the face,
  • relieve all symptoms of varicose veins,
  • eliminate swelling of the skin,
  • prevent such unpleasant phenomena as rosacea or facial wrinkles.

Please note the fact that the technology of Spanish massage is thought out literally to the smallest detail, and is based on a number of important rules. Thus, the number of techniques used in its implementation is more than a hundred - when selecting them, the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient are certainly taken into account, and the process of getting used to certain movements is completely excluded, since they are constantly changing. This approach contributes to the maximum effectiveness of the massage procedure.

It will be useful to take note that all traditional techniques of exotic Spanish massage are so flexible that the occurrence of pain or other unpleasant sensations is almost completely excluded. In addition, it provides a deep effect on the systems and tissues of the body, and significantly increases the production of endomorphins, which cause feelings of pleasure and joy in patients.

And a few more interesting points

Spanish massage is designed to strengthen human muscle tissue in every possible way and actively combat their possible pathologies. As you already know from the above, during the entire session, none of the techniques used on a particular patient is repeated. Carrying out chiromassage affects such areas of the human body as the legs, face and back - after all, these are the areas that, as a rule, are the most problematic for each of us. The beginning of the massage is not traditional warming up, but, on the contrary, complete relaxation. After this, a transition is made to deeper techniques - first of all, these are circular movements performed with the tips of the fingers or palms.

It should be noted that the world-famous Spanish massage today is based on several very effective techniques, including:

  1. Myotensive- designed to restore the natural elasticity of various muscles and joints.
  2. Somatoemotional- significantly strengthens the patient’s nervous system.

Interestingly, when using it, additional elements can be used - for example, bird feathers or stones.

  1. Lymphatic drainage- allows you to remove metabolic products from the body, as well as excess fluid from tissues.
  2. Hemolymphatic- helps normalize blood circulation, reduces both intracranial and blood pressure.

Neurosedative - ideal for normalizing sleep, relieving irritability and apathy.


The master himself called his technique chiromassage, but it became known in the world under the name of Spanish massage. According to the creator, for a full healing effect, massage should immediately affect the nervous system, muscles, joints, as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Moreover, each patient must have their own approach: for some it is more expedient to work through the lymphatic system, while for others the effect on the muscles is more effective.

In classic Spanish massage, about a hundred different techniques are used, which include impact with the pads of the fingers, knuckles, and the entire palm. During the session, the master intensively stretches and kneads all the muscles, and does not use intensive techniques for this: mainly stroking, circular relaxing movements.

Another feature of Spanish massage is that during the session the master does not repeat the same technique twice. Thanks to this approach, the human nervous system does not have time to adapt to a certain type of impact and therefore each touch is felt in a new way. One of the goals of such a massage is to achieve maximum relaxation for the patient - there are often cases when a person simply falls asleep during a massage. However, despite the apparent superficiality of the effect, the effect of such a massage is simply amazing!

We please the body

There are several types of Spanish body massage, including myostructuring, anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage. The first type is more aimed at restoring the functions of the musculoskeletal system, relieving pain in the muscles, joints and spine.

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Anti-cellulite massage is aimed at reducing the appearance of cellulite, weight loss, correcting problem areas of the body, preventing the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin, while lymphatic drainage will help remove stagnant fluid from the body, reduce swelling, and help get rid of toxins. Moreover, each type of massage has an excellent calming, relaxing effect, helps normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, and improves immunity.

Spanish facial massage has recently gained enormous popularity and this is not surprising. When performed correctly, it has a pronounced lifting effect, allows you to tighten the muscular frame of the face, stimulates the work of skin cells, helps increase skin elasticity, and returns it to a youthful, blooming appearance.

Massage of the face, neck and décolleté is performed even softer and lower, since the skin in these areas is very thin and sensitive. Spanish facial massage is suitable for women of all ages; it helps fight a number of age-related changes, helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and is recommended for pregnant women to relieve puffiness and swelling. It is also advisable to do facial massage as a course, undergoing 2 - 3 procedures per week.

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Spanish massage is a special massage technique that is very popular in Russia and Europe. About thirty years ago, a Spanish scientist, Professor Enrique Garcia Castells developed a unique massage method. The main objective of this was the interweaving of the European approach to massage with human anatomy, its physiological characteristics, in particular Eastern practice, in which qi energy is of great importance.

This method has proven itself only from the best side and has been effective and universal for many years. Thanks to a special massage technique, you can get rid of swelling and congestion, completely relax the body, normalize cellular respiration, rejuvenating and tightening the skin of the body.

The Spanish massage technique will perfectly relax you and give you an unforgettable experience.

Features of Spanish massage

This technique is also called “chiromassage”, but still the name “Spanish massage” is used much more often.

According to the creator, in order to get a full healing effect, you need to simultaneously influence the nervous system, joints, muscles, as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

For each patient, a different individual approach is selected: for one, the muscles should be thoroughly worked, for another, it should be worked through the lymphatic system.

The classic Spanish massage technique consists of many different techniques (there are about a hundred of them) - from the impact of the entire palm to the fingertips. During the massage, all muscles are very carefully worked out, stretched, and warmed up.

Another feature of this massage is that during the entire session the massage therapist does not repeat the same movement twice. Thanks to this, each new technique is felt with new emotions and feelings.

One of the main goals of massage is to maximize patient relaxation. There have been cases where people simply fell asleep during a session.

Spanish facial massage

Recently, the technique of Spanish facial massage has gained immense popularity. And this is not at all surprising. Every woman wants to look fresh, young and beautiful. If done correctly, you will achieve the desired effect: the muscular frame of the face will be tightened, the elasticity of the skin will increase, the work of skin cells will be stimulated, it will look young and toned.

The massage includes the décolleté area. The movements are performed very softly, carefully and accurately, since the skin in this area is thin and sensitive. It can be performed on women of different age groups, because its range of effects helps to cope with a number of problems: the appearance of the first wrinkles, puffiness, swelling, dull complexion, lethargy, and so on.

To get the most effective result and maintain it for a longer time, you should undergo a massage course, which includes 2-3 procedures per week. After the first session you will notice an improvement.

Spanish body massage

Today, there are several varieties of this procedure. I would like to highlight three types:

  1. anti-cellulite
  2. myostructuring
  3. lymphatic drainage

The technique is aimed at eliminating the first signs of cellulite, preventing it, reducing weight and correcting problem areas of the body. The procedure copes well with sagging skin and stretch marks.

Myostimulating massage is aimed at restoring and improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, as well as eliminating pain in the joints, muscles and spine.

Massage helps remove toxins, waste, stagnant fluid from the body, and relieves swelling.

I would like to note that any technique of this massage is primarily aimed at the whole body, at providing a calming effect, normalizing the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, thereby increasing immunity.


  • benign and malignant tumors
  • diseases in the acute stage
  • skin diseases
  • bronchial asthma

Massage is one of the oldest therapeutic techniques aimed at healing, rejuvenating and improving the strength of the entire body. And throughout the millennia, this method of caring for the face and body has not ceased to improve. At the beginning of the 20th century in Spain, a completely new method of rejuvenating the body was invented, which was introduced to the world by chiropractor Enrique Garcia. He called his technique “Hemolymphatic Drainage,” but it is better known as “Spanish Massage.”

New - well forgotten old

Many people know that almost 27-30% of our body consists of intercellular fluid. It plays a vital role in the life of the human body. With its help, a two-way exchange of various biologically active substances occurs between tissue cells and blood. It is this liquid medium that is the main influence during massage procedures. Garcia was able to combine the best techniques of ancient techniques:

  • thousand-year-old traditions of Tibet, its spiritual practices;
  • one of the oldest Ayurvedic medicine in the world;
  • The oldest Indian teaching of body control is yoga.

The main basis of Spanish massage was the chiromassage technique, aimed at strengthening and eliminating various deficiencies in muscle tissue. Enrique Garcia's massage procedures are considered one of the most effective among other types of massage techniques.

What is unique about massage?

Spanish facial massage is aimed at maximizing the restoration of elasticity of the tissues of the entire face, which occurs in the process of deep relaxation. Garcia identified several basic postulates and laws on which his massage therapy is based:

  1. It is unacceptable to use two or more techniques at the same time, as they may have opposite effects, which will negate the entire effect.
  2. When massaging, the characteristics of the individual’s body are carefully taken into account.
  3. During massage sessions, more than a hundred different techniques are used, which completely eliminates the body’s adaptation to the same effects (during the procedure, techniques are not repeated twice).
  4. All techniques are distinguished by unique plasticity, which makes the procedure completely painless and at the same time as deep as possible.

Garcia placed special emphasis on achieving a feeling of pleasure and delight for the patient during the massage. He believed that the appearance of endomorphins (hormones of joy) provides maximum healing and rejuvenating effect. The technique of Spanish facial massage itself is also unique, which includes several different practices:

Myotensive. Its goal is to strengthen the elasticity of the muscle-articular joint. Special relaxing movements affect each muscle group, carefully working out an individual joint and its articulation.

Somatoemotional. It is aimed at training the entire nervous system. This is achieved through contrasting sensations: from harsh impacts on certain areas to gentle, relaxing, stroking techniques. Feathers, oval stones, and threads are often used in massage.

Lymphatic drainage. Aimed at removing excess tissue fluid. Along with it, decay products, toxins and various impurities go away.

Hemolymphatic. A technique that works to strengthen and improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.

Neurosedative. Gently and very effectively relieves apathy, irritability, and stress. Stabilizes sleep and stimulates certain brain centers. This technique seems to transfer the patient to the state of intrauterine development. A physical “rebirth” of a person occurs.

Magical Possibilities

What is Spanish facial massage? This is the submission of time, effective rejuvenation of the epidermis. Thanks to a combination of unique techniques, a Spanish massage course greatly increases the elasticity of the epidermis, removes wrinkles, and reduces wrinkles. Improves the color and texture of the skin. During the sessions, deep modeling of the entire face occurs:

  • destruction of the “double chin”;
  • lifting the entire eye area, tightening the upper eyelid;
  • lip shape correction (“silicone effect”);
  • getting rid of the “Shar Pei effect” (deep face lift).

Spanish massage effectively rejuvenates not only the facial area, but also the neck and décolleté area. This technique is ideal even for pregnant women (which indicates its absolute safety). After a course of sessions, all cells of the epidermis will be filled with life-giving oxygen, facial sagging goes away, and bio- and photoaging of the epidermis slows down many times over. Spanish massage is very effective for the following problems:

  • decreased immunity;
  • facial lymphostasis (impaired lymph outflow);
  • changes in the nutritional function of epidermal tissues;
  • constant formation of swelling;
  • , varicose veins;
  • increased skin dryness.

The magic technique also has a number of contraindications. Spanish massage cannot be performed for cancerous tumors, infectious and fungal skin diseases, or exacerbation of asthma.

Massage technique

Spanish massage, unlike others, begins not with warming up the muscles, but with relaxation. Then the massage therapist gradually moves on to more intense techniques. Massage movements (almost all of them are circular) are performed with the fingertips or the entire palm. The work of a master massage therapist resembles an original dance of hands, when fluttering plastic movements with brushes turn into hard rubbing with the edge of the palm, and after a second into pinch effects and immediately become fluid again.

During the entire session, hypnotic musical accompaniment serves as the background, and specially selected aromatic oils and candles are used. Spanish modeling facial massage requires beauty in everything. Before lying on the massage therapist’s table, the face is thoroughly cleansed of all traces of makeup.

Question answer

“Can I give myself a Spanish massage?”

This science has been studied for many years. This practice requires the highest level of preparation (do not forget that Spanish massage is a serious impact that affects the deep muscles of the face and the skeletal system). An individual massage technique is developed for each client, taking into account the condition of the face, skin, and existing problems. The choice of necessary oils and creams also occurs strictly individually.

With a competent course of Spanish massage, you can solve almost all skin imperfections and appearance problems. Spanish massage has been compared to the work of an experienced plastic surgeon in terms of effectiveness and results. The effect of the procedures is observed after the first session.

“How often do Spanish massage sessions take place?”

Experts recommend performing sculptural massage procedures 2-3 times weekly. The full course is calculated personally for each patient (usually it includes 10 procedures). Spanish massage can be performed twice a year.

Video of Spanish facial massage:
