How to get rid of corns folk remedies. Aloe compress

1. Soda baths. This method of treatment will help get rid of hardened dry corns. Dissolve in 2 liters of water (temperature about 40 degrees) 2-2.5 teaspoons of soda. Thoroughly lather your feet and dip in a basin with a solution. Hold your feet until dry calluses or corns soften. Then clean off the formations with a pumice stone, wipe dry and treat with a nourishing cream. Usually, such an alternative treatment helps to completely remove dry corns or corns in a few times.

2. Film from the egg shell. Break the egg, separate the film and apply it to the wet callus, and after a couple of days of such treatment, there will be no place left for the callus. This folk remedy is used only for wet calluses on which a wound has formed.

3. Urine therapy. This folk remedy for the treatment of dry corns is rather unconventional, but very effective. Soak a small piece of gauze bandage in urine, apply to the affected area overnight, and in the morning remove the softened corn with a pumice stone or abrasive mixture. Wash your feet well and dry with a dry towel. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

4. An effective folk remedy for the treatment of dry corns or corns is bread. On a small piece of crumb (the size of an education), drop 1-2 drops of vinegar essence, knead and apply to the affected area, fixing the bread with a band-aid. After a couple of hours, the skin will begin to burn, this indicates the death of the corns. Remove the patch and wait for the complete exfoliation of the corn. This will happen in about 6-8 days, depending on the neglect and size of the lesion.

5. Money tree. Peel off the skin from the sheet of fat woman (official name) and attach the bare (inner) side to the corn. For a complete treatment with such a folk remedy, you usually need to repeat the procedure daily for 5 days. Apply the sheet for an hour and a half. And the corn will disappear.

6. To relieve pain from swollen, but still unexploded calluses, potassium permanganate will help. Dilute 1 drop of potassium permanganate in barely warm water (the water should acquire a pinkish tint), add 1/3 tablespoon of salt to 2 liters of water. Place your feet in a basin with a solution, the pain will gradually begin to subside.

7. Salicylic acid helps with internal calluses on the legs. The treatment procedure is similar to urine therapy. A bandage soaked in acid is applied at night, everything is washed off in the morning, the stratum corneum is peeled off.

8. Be afraid of corns and tomatoes. The tomato is pounded into gruel, put on fire. As soon as the pulp begins to boil, remove from the stove. A warm tomato mixture is applied to calluses or corns, secured with a bandage and plaster. With such alternative treatment, the procedure must be repeated until the rough skin is completely rejected.

9. Apply a ripe banana peel with the inside to a corn or corns and fix it. Wash off with warm water after 2-3 hours. Repeat 2 times a day until complete recovery. A good and proven folk remedy.

10. Place an egg (raw) in vinegar essence. It must be completely covered with acid. Leave for a week until completely dissolved. Apply the resulting ointment to dry calluses or corns. This is one of the most effective ways to treat corns with folk remedies at home. The neglected condition of the affected areas can be cured with 2-3 procedures.

Dry stemless corns do not pose a great danger to the body. Called corns, often occur between the toes. In the article, we will consider measures to get rid of such a nuisance.

It is perfectly acceptable to use home remedies to eliminate dry seals on the legs. Remember, the effects of substances on the body individually. Before using the chosen remedy for dry corns between the toes, do not forget to consult a doctor.

Habitual zealous hostess soda copes well with rough skin and can help toes. However, baking soda, used incorrectly, will do more harm than good - like any medicine.

Soda helps fight calluses and similar ailments:

  • toothache;
  • Harmful substances in the body (removes from the body);
  • Bone diseases, such as rheumatism, osteochondrosis, sciatica;
  • Cancer tumors (as a preventive measure).

To use baking soda to get rid of dry corns on the legs, it is useful to make soda baths. Pour hot water into a basin, stir two tablespoons of soda and sit for half an hour (or until the water cools down), placing your feet in a container with a solution. It does not hurt to add ammonia (on a similar scale) and crushed soap to the basin. Some people prefer to add herbs to the baths, it is required to add according to the rules.

To, it is permissible to do compresses and dressings. Mix two products - tomato and soda, in the same amount. The vegetable must be chopped until gruel is formed, mixed with baking soda and removed to infuse for 15 minutes. In the absence of tomatoes, it is possible to use onions or green onions.

Then cover the composition with a film, fix and leave for a while. An acceptable option is 8 hours. The method helps in a few weeks. A well-known product for cooking and mixing with soda is dry prunes. Dried fruit must be boiled to a degree of softness. Grind, mix with soda and make a compress.


Using onions, it is possible to strengthen the immune system from colds, improve digestion. Often onions are used to moisturize the skin, cleanse and strengthen the hair. Onions can easily be found in the composition of various cosmetic preparations.

Try using an onion as a remedy. Achievement of positive result is guaranteed! A number of options for preparing an onion compress are described:

Lubrication of corns with freshly squeezed onion juice will bring no less benefit. Remember, with any compress, the application will certainly need to be wrapped in cellophane or film, in order to achieve greater success, put on socks. Permissibly warm, at elevated temperatures the skin absorbs juice better.

If the onion smell causes tears, or the product cannot be used for reasons of an allergic reaction, it is possible to try a lot of other folk remedies that do not include the specified caustic vegetable in the composition.

Apple vinegar

An affordable product for corns is the familiar apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is mixed with other products that help soften dry soles, such as baking soda and sea salt. The method is suitable if corns constantly bother when walking.

If a corn forms on the finger, another solution has been developed - take a stale crust of bread, soak in apple cider vinegar, and apply to the corn. The use of vinegar with onions is not forbidden.

Use of salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is the main component of keratolytic drugs. Getting on the skin, it regenerates dead cells, softens the surface of corns, making seals vulnerable to removal (for example, using pumice).

The acid is sold as:

  • Ointments (used as a compress several times a day);
  • Plaster (preferably cut pieces of patches the size of corns);
  • Capel.

Doctors remind you to apply acid between your fingers very carefully: there is a risk of damaging healthy skin, for which corrosive acid is not useful at all. Acid can burn. The doctor will advise the patient on the number of times the drug is used per day. You can’t constantly drip acid on a corn, you need to know the established procedure.

It is forbidden to treat dry calluses between the toes if itching occurs. The sensation is associated with an allergic reaction or is an indicator of other unforeseen reactions of the body.


a plant with unique healing properties, at the same time capable of causing serious harm to a person if used carelessly and incorrectly. In small doses, celandine is useful for many diseases, including corns, but people often simply do not see the difference between an acceptable measure and excessive. Too much trouble starts.

Useful properties of celandine include:

  • Killing bacteria (if it bursts, the person will not have time to infect the infection);
  • Removal of inflammation (if the occurrence of corns is associated with inflammation, celandine will help stop the process);
  • Cleansing dry skin between the toes;
  • Removal of spasms (when celandine is applied inside).

The plant is often included in medicinal preparations. Before preparing your own medicine, think about it: it may be easier and safer to see a doctor for a prescription than to mess around with a poisonous plant with your own hands.

If you want to collect celandine yourself, look for a flower with a bright yellow bud and green leaves and stems. It grows more often in the shade, it is better to start the search from there. When in doubt about the choice, press on the flower so that the juice goes: celandine forms a juice that looks like an orange milky liquid. Be careful when cleaning the stems: celandine juice is extremely corrosive, it is impossible to remove the liquid from things. After cleaning the stem and leaves, grind to a pulp, attach to dry corn. To fix the compress, tie it with a plastic bag, it is recommended to pull socks on top. It is advisable to do a compress before going to bed, so that in the morning it remains only to calmly get up and treat the corn with pumice - the corns will definitely go away. After a week, the procedures are stopped.

It is required to prepare the tincture during the flowering of celandine - at the indicated moment, the juice is effective to the maximum. It is permissible to use a ready-made tincture of celandine for three years, but when getting rid of corns on the legs, it is advisable to take fresh tincture without fail. Trying not to make a mistake, consult a doctor.

Corn- this is some thickening of the skin itself, or rather its upper layers, after exposure to friction or pressure. There are wet corns and dry corns. But in any case, our proven and worthy recipes will definitely help anyone. Therefore, we will consider in detail folk remedies against corns.

The wet type appears in the form of wounds, and dry calluses are rather dense peculiar areas where the skin has already died. Proper treatment of corns, proper processing will certainly lead to their disappearance. Practice has shown quite minimal cases where surgical intervention may be required.

Chicken corn - This is a type of corns, which is a formation (benign) with a growth, where there are protruding and always rough places. In the skin itself, its unfavorable root is located quite deeply.

This view is formed from three different sequences. At the beginning, some compaction usually appears, then its dimensions are formed, and then growths of a rough type are noticed. But basically it indicates another problem, a serious one. It's almost impossible to figure it out on your own. Therefore, it will be recommended to contact a proven and competent specialist.

Folk remedies for calluses on the feet.


Effective for gradual but precise relief. The disadvantage of this therapy is that this treatment is best done only in the summer, because you will need the freshest medicinal celandine juice. Such juice is rubbed into the corn itself, exactly 2 times a day. You can fix any patch on top. This treatment can be carried out from a week to a month. Gradually, the chicken zholka will become soft and then it will need to be treated with a suitable pumice stone.

Important information!!! Make sure that this juice can not get on the skin itself. Its juice is very poisonous, and the acid adversely affects healthy skin. Daily alternation with garden potato juice is allowed.


The effect is also very significant. Table vinegar is able to cope with our illness as quickly as possible. It is applied with an ordinary pipette, or using plain cotton wool.

Important information!!! Such an acetic procedure is very painful. To relieve pain, it is allowed to soak green onions in vinegar and fix them overnight on chicken zholku. But all this will prolong the disappearance of the corn.

Banana or apple.

This is a long-term treatment, but it is allowed to be used in the correct treatment of chicken ass, even for children. Using the juice of a green apple, rub the corn that has arisen 3-4 times. In addition, fix the banana peel for up to 2 hours.

Treatment of corns with folk remedies.

Garlic. Dealt with problems proactively and effectively. Its liquid slurry should be applied to the site of the hearth, preferably before falling asleep. This recipe is also painful and can cause irritation or real burning sensations.

Aloe. The plant must be at least 3 years old. Cut a leaf of healing aloe and fix it well on the affected area. Everything needs to be removed in the morning. Treatment lasts until the complete disappearance of the existing callus.

To prevent the appearance of chicken skin, it is important to properly care for your skin. Keep the skin clean and avoid its significant dryness, make sure that it does not crack, do not forget about special creams. Those who have flat feet need to choose the right shoes for themselves with orthopedic insoles.

Who suffers from severe sweating, then use genuine leather. In this case, your skin will always breathe. Completely give up any other people's shoes, but don't go barefoot either, especially in pools, any baths or even water parks.

Treatment of chicken callus with folk remedies

To begin with, you need to accurately determine the type of your corn. Knowing that it will bring a lot of inconvenience, great discomfort, copious pain, you will in any case proceed to eliminate it. The main thing to know is that she does not pose a threat to healthy health, but her morbid condition will worsen the existing life.

It is advisable to show it to the right specialist, but in his absence, try to cure chicken corn with folk remedies. Any duration of treatment always depends on various factors. These are its dimensions, the area of ​​the body on which it was formed, from what time the real treatment began.

Cause of corn.

In fact, no shoes can provoke this callus. Always the real reason is the unfavorable papilloma virus. Such a virus is always embedded in any person. It is activated after a decrease in one's own immunity. Provoking factors are also dry skin, some damage, a foot in the process of its deformation and profuse sweating.

What does chicken corn look like?

At first glance, such a corn may look like another. But if you look at it well, you can see small processes, with noticeable black dots and some depression. If left untreated, new skin growths form. You can take an analysis for the virus itself, this will accurately determine its reality.

Callus on the foot treatment with folk remedies.


We note right away that this is a long way to recovery. Choose a healthy garden potato and peel it off your skin. Using a grater of the smallest caliber, grate it to a state of porridge. Attach it to the zholka, put ordinary gauze on top and be sure to fix it.

Soda and soap.

Using baking soda (1 tbsp. L), dissolve 25 grams of laundry soap. Always use warm water for this. Soak your feet in this solution for up to 45 minutes. Then try to remove the topmost layer of it every time. After that, try to lubricate it with celandine juice.

Onions and vinegar.

You will need to soak a feather from an ordinary garden onion in the vinegar itself. Then cut to the appropriate size and apply to the place of formation. It is desirable to fix the onion with a simple plaster and leave until the morning. The procedure is repeated until the corn completely falls off. After falling off, you will need to press the remaining wound with a leaf from healing aloe. This will greatly accelerate the desired healing and contribute to complete disinfection.

Potatoes and celandine.

Treatment is carried out sequentially. Start by processing the celandine juice obtained from the stems. Do not allow such juice to get on the skin, it can cause burns and other irritations. The next day, make abundant rubbing, using the peel itself, be sure to green potatoes. The alternation of procedures is changed daily.

The callus that has arisen in this place is of 2 types - it is soft (otherwise watery), dry or with a stem (otherwise growing).

In order for a soft corn to appear, it is enough to wear new purchased shoes for several hours. Just cover it with a band-aid and it will protect it from contact with the shoes, as well as prevent any dirt from getting in. It may even require up to 3 days of wearing the patch, because it will have to open on its own. When it dries, then try to just soak it and rub it with an ordinary pumice stone.

dry corn - this is the result of long-term wearing of inappropriate shoes. Such a dense formation (dry plaque) goes inside the skin itself, and this will certainly cause pain. In this case, the correct blood circulation of one's foot is sometimes disturbed and leads to a violation of the correct gait and a gradual curvature of the spine itself.

Here you can buy a special corn plaster in a good pharmacy and do not remove it for 2 whole days. After this time, you can carefully get rid of the patch. In this case, some part of it is usually removed. To remove the remaining part, you will need to steam your skin and apply a pumice stone.

Rod view - This is a seal of round diameter with a noticeable hole in the very center. Such a formation consists of a rod, skin and deep roots.

Vinegar together with garlic. Finely chop exactly 3 cloves and place in a container made of glass. Pour 3 small mugs of wine vinegar there. Leave this mixture to infuse for 21 calendar days, always without access to light. Moisten an ordinary bandage, apply it to your corns, fix it on top with any plastic thing and fix it with a bandage. Remove everything in the morning, and the sore is treated with pumice. Duration lasts until absolute disappearance.

A small seal that has arisen, even the size of an ordinary pea, can deliver a huge mass of adverse sensations and torment. If it has appeared recently, then try to remove it using a pumice stone. But this will help only at the very initial stage of development. The proposed folk remedies have passed the test of time and quantity, so they have proven their true effectiveness.

Onion plus vinegar.

Choose an onion of a rather large size, make identical small squares (1 cm each) from it and soak for 3 calendar days in vinegar (9%). Leave the bow until the end of the entire treatment. Before the necessary treatment, prepare the site. To do this, steam out the affected area a little, rub it with a pumice stone and attach our soaked onion. From above, we fix everything with a suitable adhesive plaster, and in the absence of a bandage. Remove the onion only after the next 20 hours, apply a bath. If possible, try to carefully scrape off your callus each time and reattach the bow. Some take up to 3 weeks to be permanently cured.


Medicinal dandelion juice is able to destroy the virus and is well suited to cure dry corn. It is recommended to use all parts of the summer dandelion and cook porridge from them. We attach this porridge 3 times a day, followed by fixation.


This is a fairly simple and effective way to rid yourself of dry corns. Cut a raw garden small potato into a suitable plate and attach it to the place of formation. Change the plate twice a day. After changing the plate, it is always required to soak it in the bathroom.

Effective warning.

Anyone who suffers from any allergy, has a variety of problems with their blood vessels and is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, it is better to refuse self-treatment, and take the advice of a trusted doctor. Some disappeared corns can leave a variety of scars, and especially women will not like it very much. And some scars can also cause great inconvenience. Always maintain proper hygiene and prevent additional infection.


Make a suitable hole in a regular adhesive plaster (like your own callus), attach the patch, lubricate with cream and drip only 1 pipette drop of essence. Severe pain is almost always present. When this wound begins to heal, it is replaced by a dry crust. This very crust should separate together with the root.


It is also effective for cracked heels. Mix the juice from the healing aloe and fish oil in absolutely equal proportions in volume. Soak a dry cloth and place it on the growth or cracks. Such a compress is done at night, and in the morning it is desirable to wash with a decoction made from useful chamomile.

Soap solution.

Calluses are very annoying corns that can reappear. In this case, you will have to steam your legs using only soapy water. But this folk method is very long in time.

folk method.

So that corns do not cause trouble, harm and pain, you can use the invented folk method. All shoes have insoles. You can cut a hole at the bottom, a little larger than your corn. When you wake up, the corn will fall into the cut gap. This will avoid pain and promote healing.


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Calluses on the feet are a common problem that does not pose a threat to human health, but causes physical and moral discomfort, and therefore requires treatment. They arise as a result of prolonged mechanical action (friction or pressure) on the skin area, in fact, this is a protective reaction of the skin to these factors. Calluses on the feet usually appear as a result of wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes. Perhaps every person at least once in his life faced with this problem when wearing new shoes.

What are corns

Depending on the structure and mechanism of formation, dry and wet corns are distinguished.

Both dry and wet calluses can form on the legs.

Dry corns are a strong thickening (accumulation of a large layer of keratinized cells) on a skin area. Unlike corns, calluses form a core of dead cells, which can be located quite deep in the skin. Outwardly, such a corn looks like a small funnel. Most often, such dry calluses form in obese people and in lovers of high-heeled shoes. These factors greatly increase the pressure on the skin of the foot, especially its lower part.

Wet calluses, often called blisters, are quite common in people of either sex. They are formed when rubbing wet skin; The first signs that a wet callus may appear on some area of ​​​​the skin are its redness and swelling. If the friction of the skin in this area does not stop, then a white bubble appears, filled with a clear liquid. If you leave a wet callus without treatment, then over time the bubble will burst on its own and a dry callus with a stem will begin to form in its place.

Blood calluses are considered a type of wet callus, only in this case the formation of a bubble occurred in the place where the blood vessel turned out, so the contents of the bubble are not a transparent liquid, but blood. Such corns heal for a very long time, in addition, when they are opened, an infection can get into the wound, so such corns should be taken seriously. If the contents of the bladder become purulent, then you need to consult a doctor; you should not open such calluses on your own.

Treatment of corns on the legs at home

You can get rid of corns at home, and it does not require large time and financial costs. For treatment, you can use both drugs sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and folk remedies, of which there are a great many.

Treatment of wet corns

The treatment of wet and dry corns is somewhat different, but in both cases it must begin with the elimination of the causative factor: you must stop wearing uncomfortable shoes, if necessary, purchase socks without seams, embroideries and other decorative elements that can rub or squeeze the skin. Despite the fact that a wet callus forms much faster than a dry one and causes more discomfort to a person, it is easier to cure it.

Wet corns should not be opened on their own and, moreover, cut off the skin over the wound surface (such actions can lead to infection in the wound). The bladder itself and the skin around it must be treated with alcohol, a solution of furacilin or hydrogen peroxide, it is advisable not to stick a band-aid on the corn (but if it is not possible to change rubbing shoes, then, of course, it is better to use a patch so as not to injure the corn even more). It is necessary to process the corn several times a day, and of course, its further injury should be excluded. Even after self-opening of the corn, you cannot remove the skin that has formed a bubble. The damaged area on the skin can be lubricated several times a day with salicylic ointment, which will help dry the corn and prevent infection from entering the wound.

For quick and effective treatment of wet corns, you can use a special corn patch, which should not be confused with a simple bactericidal patch. The Compid patch (Compeed) has proven itself well, which creates an optimal environment for wound healing.

Any means for the treatment of wet corns are applied to a clean, dry surface, so before applying the ointment or gluing the patches, you must wash your feet with soap and dry the skin well.

How to treat dry calluses on the legs?

Dry calluses on the feet can also be treated at home; if the corns are old, then more than one procedure may be needed. Dry corns are removed mechanically after they have been softened.

To soften the corns, you can use ointments and patches, which include substances with keratolytic properties. The simplest and most budgetary option is salicylic ointment or softening cream with urea, you can also purchase Super Antimozolin or Bensalitin creams at the pharmacy. The composition of these funds is somewhat different, but the principle of action and method of application are identical.

Ointments, creams, patches and other products are applied only to the corn itself! Before applying the preparations, it is recommended to steam the skin of the legs in a salt bath. In order to avoid getting drugs on healthy adjacent areas of the skin, you can stick a patch on the corn, in which a hole is pre-cut according to its size and shape. The required amount of ointment or cream is applied to the corn (according to the instructions for use of the drug), and then a whole piece of patch is glued on top. The softening agent is left under the patch for up to 12 hours (the time for which the medicine is applied is usually also indicated in the instructions for it), after which the softened keratinized tissues are removed mechanically (gently scraped off with a pumice stone or blade).

Also effective for removing dry corns is the Lekker-Stopmozol cosmetic liquid, which contains lactic acid in its composition, which helps to completely get rid of even old corns in a few days. In addition to creams, ointments and liquids used to treat dry corns, the Salipod corn adhesive plaster is very popular. It is very simple to use: a piece of plaster of the right size is glued to the steamed and dried corn for 1-2 days. After removing it, you should carry out all the same procedures as after using creams. If necessary, the patch is re-glued until the corn completely disappears.

There are countless folk remedies for the treatment of corns. After steaming the feet, it is recommended to apply chopped garlic, onion gruel, aloe leaves mixed with vinegar, lemon zest, etc. for several hours (preferably at night) to the corns. All these and similar remedies also help soften the corn, after which it is easier to remove. It is possible that folk remedies will not help get rid of corns as quickly as pharmacy preparations, however, they are suitable for people with sensitive skin (in rare cases, there are local reactions to pharmacy preparations for corns) and require almost no additional costs.


To prevent the formation of corns, you should provide proper care for your feet: do foot baths, remove dead skin, apply a softening cream.

In order to avoid the appearance of calluses on the feet, you should wear comfortable shoes, as well as take care of the skin of the feet, periodically doing foot baths, removing rough skin from the foot and applying emollient creams. If you notice that the corn has nevertheless begun to form, then it is better to start treating it as early as possible, because at the initial stage you can get rid of this problem much faster.

Which doctor to contact

For the treatment of corns, you can go to a dermatology office, where a dermatologist can make a differential diagnosis with other skin diseases. Removal of corns is possible with a beautician. In case of chronic calluses or purulent complications, you should consult a surgeon.

With the appearance of corns that form when wearing new or uncomfortable shoes, everyone has encountered in their lives. And if at a young age the problem is limited to a painful watery blister, then over the years, when metabolic processes begin to slow down and the skin becomes dry, keratinization occurs in places of rubbing, small cuts or injuries, which at first does not cause much inconvenience. However, if you do not get rid of such skin hardening immediately, they imperceptibly turn into the so-called dry callus.

may appear in various places, but still their favorite place is the feet and palms. Formed on the toes, heels and soles of the feet, with deep rods or in the form of corns, they give their owner a lot of inconvenience and suffering, both physical and aesthetic.

So, how to treat the unfortunate dry calluses and corns with folk remedies at home?

Dry corn is found in two types:

  • soft callus has a hard core, surrounded by not too coarsened tissue and extending rather deep, usually appears between the fingers
  • hard dry callus most often occurs on the outside of the fingers, on the soles of the feet, and has a radial hard thickening around the shaft

In addition to dry corns, the so-called calluses. They usually occur at fracture sites, regardless of their location. As a treatment, physiotherapy is prescribed. In extreme cases, resort to surgical intervention. In the presence of callus, physical activity, hypothermia and overheating are prohibited.

There are many ways to get rid of dry corns at home. To do this, you need to be patient and strictly follow all the procedures, since interrupted treatment drives the problem even deeper. Successful removal of dry calluses is possible in the early stages, while old calluses are successfully removed by laser, liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction), radio wave method or electrocoagulation in beauty salons and medical institutions. With concomitant fungal infection, cryo- and laser exposure are the most optimal. How to treat calluses on the legs in traditional ways.

Treatment of dry corns with folk remedies at home

The procedure for removing dry corns, in fact, comes down to extracting the rod. Since this is not easy to do, before applying any corn remedy, the problem area must be steamed well, and the softened cornification should be cut off with nail scissors or wiped off with a pumice stone.

During treatment, the dry callus stem is removed after 1-2 weeks of daily use of folk remedies at home, with noticeable relief, and in place of the former callus, a deep hole from the stem is visible, which tightens over time.


Modern pharmacology offers many effective keratolytic, disinfectant drugs that get rid of annoying dry corns and corns.

This and the well-known corn plaster "Salipod" and a patch for corns "Compeed", pasta "5 days", balm "Mountain celandine",Kolomak, 10% salicylic ointment in combination with benzoic acid and much more.

For the treatment of callus, it is necessary to steam the legs in hot water with the addition of a few drops. tea tree and a tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Dry the skin with a terry towel, then cut a hole the size of a corn in a regular adhesive plaster. Stick the patch on the corn, while the corn should be completely open. After the healthy tissue is isolated, salicylic ointment is applied to the corn, and another patch is sealed on top. After 8 hours, the patch is removed. The corn softens so much that it can be removed with ordinary pedicure tools. If necessary, the procedure is immediately repeated.

Folk remedies used at home are suitable for treating corns on any part of the legs: on the fingers and between the toes, on the foot, sole, heel and even on the little finger. Despite the abundance of pharmacy offers, these recipes are still very popular. Here are some of the most effective ways to remove dry calluses on your feet.

Soda soap baths. Dissolve a tablespoon of soda and the same amount of grated laundry soap in 1 liter of hot water. Steam hands or feet for 15-20 minutes, then remove softened excess skin with a pumice stone or manicure tools. Then the skin is dried with a soft towel and lubricated with a nourishing cream. Adding chamomile infusion to the bath noticeably speeds up the result, and 72% laundry soap also helps fight the fungus. Repeat the procedure daily until complete recovery.

Soda gum baths. A hot foot bath is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of water. A regular patch with a cut hole is applied to the dried, cleansed of excess skin, the diameter of which repeats our dry corn. Then 2-3 drops of fir resin are applied to the corn itself, sealed with another piece of adhesive tape on top. Repeat the procedure every other day until complete recovery.

Onion peel compress- the easiest and most popular method of getting rid of dry corns at home. Dry onion peel is poured with a table bite and infused for 2 weeks. Then the husk is applied to the steamed corn, smeared with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream and left overnight. The procedure is repeated every day until complete relief.

Vinegar baths. In very hot water mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (6%), steam the foot daily until the water has completely cooled, remembering to remove the softened part of the corn. Then dry the skin with a soft towel and lubricate the dry corn with 10% salicylic ointment. Cover the affected area with a napkin, fix with a bandage and put on a cotton sock. Repeat the procedure every day for 7-14 days.

Lemon compress. It is good to steam the legs, remove the keratinized excess with a pumice stone. Then put a piece of lemon peel on dry corn, press and bandage. Remove the bandage after a few days. The corn falls off on its own.

Pepper plaster. On the steamed and peeled dry corn, glue a pepper patch cut to the size of the corn, but 3-5 mm larger. Fix on top with a regular plaster. Do not remove for several days, then the corn should be torn off on its own. If this does not happen, repeat the procedure.

Compress with tea tree oil. Steam legs, clean, wipe dry. Prepare a mixture of 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon grated radish and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the gruel directly to the corn, covering healthy skin with a patch applicator. An insulating bandage is applied on top. In the morning everything is removed, the corn is cleaned. Repeat the procedure daily until complete cleansing of rough skin.

Propolis. A plate of natural propolis is applied to the steamed and cleaned problem area, fixed with adhesive tape. The procedure is repeated daily until complete healing.

Should be remembered: it is easier to prevent the disease than to fight it later. To prevent the appearance of corns and corns, you need to give preference to comfortable, loose shoes made from natural materials, stockings and socks should also be made from natural fibers. In addition, the skin of the hands and feet must be continuously looked after, softening creams should be used, and keratinized skin particles should be removed in a timely manner.
