How to get rid of the psychological problems of infertility. Mental trauma due to infertility

3 826 0 Women have a great mission - procreation. Where does the desire to have a tiny creature come from, which will be a combination of two personalities? It is impossible to answer a seemingly simple question in a few sentences. Apparently, in a certain period, the accumulated tenderness and affection is too overflowing and requires an object of attention.

It’s good when, after a family decision on an heir, the female body is ready to carry out the plan. And if all attempts to increase the family are equal to zero? What should be done in such cases and how, first of all, to deal with the idea of ​​infertility? How to respond to the sharp hints of parents about the upcoming retirement without little grandchildren?

Waiting is a very difficult task. It becomes offensive that, from a physiological point of view, all the prerequisites for conception are available, and the test result continues to loom in one stripe. Is measuring the temperature, scheduling, choosing the days for intimacy will remain a waste of time. Let's try to understand the causes and outline ways to overcome the situation.

idiopathic infertility

What it is? This is the inability to medically identify the true causes of a couple's infertility. Men are more susceptible to this disease than women.

Every third man is subject to idiopathic infertility. But the problem is not always in the strong half of humanity.

Causes of IS:

  • thickening of the walls of the ovary, which makes it difficult for sperm to pass;
  • unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits;
  • woman's age;

The treatment is usual: first, passing all the tests and identifying the physiological causes of the onset of the disease, and then correcting the lifestyle: diets, fitness, yoga, etc. If this does not help, then the appeal to assisted reproductive technologies.

But often, the causes of infertility lie on the surface and are associated with more mundane factors - psychological (not ready, I'm afraid, but what if ... etc.).

What is psychological infertility

In medicine, there is the concept of "psychological infertility". It is easy to decipher the name and guess the source of the disease. After repeated studies, doctors state their impotence and offer to use the services of psychotherapists who help to find the true cause. It turns out that it is not enough to have excellent physical data to enjoy maternal happiness.

Sometimes the slightest deviation of the body from the norm, added by the instability of the nervous system, turns into a grandiose problem. Gynecologists, having completed their task, shrug and advise to wait. Psychologists try to plunge into the past and find a clue to the current situation. The physiological level is more amenable to treatment than the psychological one.

Causes of psychological problems

Recognizing the symptoms is the beginning of a successful fight. Experts identify the most common psychological causes of infertility. This is, first of all:

  1. Fear of pregnancy and difficult childbirth.
  2. Unsaved conception and unsuccessful childbirth in the past.
  3. Disagreement in the family.
  4. Fear of remaining shapeless, losing a slender figure.
  5. Excessive desire to be a mother.
  6. Fear of missed time and childbearing opportunities.
  7. Constant pressure from loved ones.
  8. Fear of future pain and unforeseen injury.
  9. Uncertainty in the performance of maternal tasks.
  10. Psychological disorders from childhood.
  11. Fear of upcoming change.
  12. Negative experience with parents.
  13. Condemnation by society and friends of the appearance of the baby.

Problems and feelings

Failure leads to deterioration. There are serious infertility problems that drag negative feelings along with them:

  • Excessive depression;
  • Feelings of inferiority;
  • The failure of the feminine;
  • Lack of development and implementation of ideas.

Together, these feelings depress the psyche and become a barrier. Time moves inexorably forward, and traditional medicine with excellent equipment and diagnostics is powerless. What to do and where to find a magic wand that fulfills cherished desires? Many couples face psychological infertility.

The human body is not fully understood. During stressful situations, the nervous system blocks individual functions of organs, protecting them from excessive emotions, overstrain and excitement. It turns out that by turning off certain tasks, the body programs the reduction of congestion, creating the necessary balance.

Marvelous! There are inexplicable cases when a married couple who has adopted a child from an orphanage, after a while receives in addition to their own. Apparently worries about the baby overlap thoughts about pregnancy. There is peace and inner harmony.

The beginning of deliverance

Recognizing existing fears is the starting point. How to get rid of your own disappointment, insecurity. Before you go to a specialist, answer honestly the following questions:

  • What made you want to have a child?
  • What are the goals of having a baby?
  • What will a newborn bring into your life?

Psychologists say that women who are successful, loved, wealthy suffer from psychological infertility. They are too emotional. Relying only on their own strength, their worldview repels faith in God and excludes the sacrament. Using previous experience to achieve goals, they want to predict their lives.

Try to let go of thoughts about the child and switch to an interesting activity that can captivate for several months. The blockage will disappear by itself and the long-awaited cry of a newborn will sound for you. Until you are ready to become a mother, the time for change does not come.

If the desired pregnancy does not occur, seek help from a specialist. The psychologist, in collaboration with other doctors, will develop a number of measures to restore the body and direct its potential in the right direction. Tests, analyzes will do their job and find the key to solving the riddle.

How to get rid of the psychological causes of infertility - treatment methods

Perinatal psychology involves the correction of psychological failure for conception and pregnancy. How is the treatment going? What are the methods? First of all, it is:

  • Group auto-training. Collective meetings against the background of the same problem will create support and an opportunity to look at the situation from a different angle. Sometimes such a view helps to realistically assess the difficulties and gain confidence in the future. Team fighting is better than fighting alone.
  • self-hypnosis. Daily repeated phrases have fundamental power. The psychologist will definitely make the necessary proposals that give steadfast faith for the fulfillment of innermost desires.
  • Problem Visualization. The doctor invites the woman to imagine that the fetus is already inside her. Creating the appearance of conception, a person thinks through the sensations of joy and happiness. There is a suggestion and the brain begins to think in this direction in order to save the received emotions and impressions.
  • Stop paying attention to monthly cycles and enjoy sex and intimacy with your loved one. Time moves inexorably forward and after the birth of a baby, finding minutes and being together will not be easy.
  • Intimate relationships should be liberated, implying the transfer of tenderness and affection to each other. When you think about conception, there can be no talk of any kind of relaxation. The only thought in my head is: "We need a child."
  • Be romantic and give cute gifts. Surround family relationships with warmth. Spend more time together. Watch light films. Go out of town. Nature inspires and gives a flow of freshness.
  • Talk about your innermost desires and dreams without being afraid to look ridiculous and awkward. A family is created so that two completely different people unite and give the world a small miracle.

The experience of many women shows that as soon as they let go of the obsessive thought that they need to get pregnant, without self-deception, but really truly and sincerely admitting this to themselves, then pregnancy occurs in the near future.

Highlights of treatment

Psychological infertility in women in the majority is successfully treated and the help of specialists brings the cherished goal closer. A woman must understand the seriousness of the problem. If it is not addressed, uncertainty will overshadow the following tasks. And as the years go by, this accumulated lump will turn into a large lump, which, alas, is broken only by medicines.

Regular visits to consultations create hope for recovery. Do not miss classes with a psychologist who corrects your thoughts, views and desires. Relaxation techniques, simple exercises, yoga, meditation are many ways to overcome stress. You choose the most suitable for yourself.

Significant Infertility Factors

The psychological factor of infertility includes two levels: pregnancy - an obsession and unwillingness to be a mother.

Factor #1. A woman who is under the load of constant stressful situations acquires a disease called stress ovarian dysfunction. Failures at work and in personal life, great physical stress, an obsessive desire to give birth to a baby become the cause of infertility.

The ability of the fallopian tubes to contract is reduced. The egg does not mature and is not fertilized. Due to constant negative thoughts, the hormonal background is disrupted and a woman, experiencing failures, treats conception as a heavy duty.

Factor #2. Unpreparedness for motherhood provokes miscarriages. The body does not want to accept what it is ordered to reject. Observe your thoughts and statements about the birth of the baby.

The difference between male and female infertility

It is important to understand that the psychology of infertility in spouses is significantly different.



The body of a man produces its own antibodies. Spermatozoa lose their mobility if he is categorically against the child.Forcing her husband to worry, the wife tries to impose her own emotions, which are not characteristic of men.
On the days of a possible conception, the spouse suddenly disappears from the house, afraid to feel his failure.Women often lament for reasons beyond their control: age, changes in the body, discarding the true reasons: bad habits and the presence of stressful situations.
Men are afraid of change and violation of personal space.Women are very impatient and want results from the first days of treatment.

This table can be continued depending on the individual approach to each individual pair. Psychological infertility is an important problem. Take it seriously and responsibly. But at the same time, there is no need to panic, if it is difficult to cope with physiological problems, then psychological problems can and should be worked on, and it is better to start as early as possible!

We welcome your comments and feedback on the article.

Reasons, fears, consequences, about this next video.

This problem is familiar to a sufficient number of women firsthand. What to do if you want to give birth to a child, but you are unable to get pregnant or bear a child, although there are no problems with gynecological health? Most likely, it is a matter of psychological infertility ..

Marina, 30 years old:“I am 30 years old, I am absolutely healthy (I was examined), I have been married for five years, and all these years I have been unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant. Doctors say that this problem is more psychological than physiological. Help, I really want a child and I'm already desperate!

Lika, 25 years old:“I have already had 3 miscarriages, I am pregnant again and with horror I am waiting for the approach of the fatal period when the next pregnancy is interrupted. The doctors give me hope, but they say that I need to undergo psychotherapy.”

Larisa, 37 years old:“I’m already 37, but I’m very afraid of everything related to children: I can’t imagine myself pregnant, and childbirth generally scares me - what if something terrible happens? I'm perfectly healthy, but I'm thinking about ».

Modern medicine allows to solve many problems associated with infertility miscarriage, infant mortality, etc. At the same time, despite the absence of serious health problems, some women still cannot conceive and bear a child.

This is the so-called psychological infertility. To get rid of this diagnosis, it is often enough to simply identify and analyze the true causes of the psychological “pregnancy ban”.

Let's look at the main mechanisms of the formation of psychological infertility and understand how to solve this problem.

Society against motherhood?

Fears and prejudices

Already the third pregnancy of Sveta ended in a miscarriage. Desperate to find help from doctors, the girl turned to psychologist.

It turned out that fear is hidden deep in Sveta's subconscious, and the girl is afraid of the birth curse, which she heard about from her grandmother in deep childhood.

The family legend told that every time a child is born, one of the relatives dies! Although Sveta grew up a long time ago and did not remember this story at all, all the information did not disappear anywhere, but safely lived in her subconscious, interfering with normal the course of pregnancy.

Once upon a time, her brain concluded: pregnancy is a great danger to my family, therefore, you need to protect yourself from this danger.

Such blocks in our head arise unconsciously - as a reaction to some kind of psychological trauma. Moreover, our brain does not care whether the danger actually exists or not, it continues to protect, even if the event has lost its frightening significance for us.

Protective blocks can be formed not only on the basis of real events (for example, someone from acquaintances or family members died during childbirth or received serious illnesses, a child was born dead, etc.), but also against the background of information obtained from literature, television , acquaintances, the Internet.

For example, you once watched a movie in your childhood where the main character died during childbirth, and it shocked you so much that your brain created automatic protection against a critical situation: childbirth is dangerous, so it cannot be allowed. As a result, permanent miscarriages.

Typical fears also include fear of injury, pain during childbirth, helplessness, lack of professional assistance, fear of not financially providing for the child, etc.

Another of the psychological causes of infertility may be too strong a desire to have children, obsession with the dream of motherhood. - not the fear of getting pregnant, but, on the contrary, the fear of not getting pregnant.

This is what happened to Nina. She was brought up in a very prosperous family and therefore, having only positive experience in relationships, she got married early. Soon, parents began to literally demand grandchildren from a young couple.

Nina really wanted children, was absolutely healthy and could not understand why the desired pregnancy did not occur. The girl followed all the recommendations of the doctor and even took special means that accelerate conception. Everything is in vain.

The pressure of the parents led to the fact that the girl began to experience stress, she could not stand it, and, spitting on the prescriptions of the doctors, went into all serious trouble, completely forgetting about the reproduction of offspring.

Imagine her surprise when she found out she was pregnant! As soon as the tension from the oppressive sense of duty was removed, the desire came true by itself.

Personal problems and childhood trauma

Social prohibitions

Nowadays, society does not encourage early marriages and early motherhood. That is why many parents, trying from childhood to protect their daughters from such “fatal mistakes”, stubbornly scare them with terrible consequences.

And now adolescence is over, the danger has passed, higher education has been received, a prestigious job has been found, a marriage stamp has been put. And it seems that nothing prevents you from having offspring - but you can’t get children.

It's all the fault of the fear that has settled in the subconscious at the wrong time get pregnant rooted by family and school.

Also in our time, many women are prevented from conception by the fear of leaving social life, losing a prestigious and highly paid job, their business due to pregnancy and raising children.

Society in every possible way forms the image of a socially successful woman. And it turns out that now the role of the mother has faded into the background, because the most important thing is to be realized in a career and occupy your niche in society.

So it turns out that you seem to want children, but the fear of losing your position blocks this natural desire.

childhood trauma

There are families from which children leave with a lot of negativity, which creates big problems for them in adulthood.

The experience taken from the parental home can create a lot of reasons for the emergence of a "prohibition on the reproduction of one's own kind."

This can be both a conscious rejection of children and marriage, and unconscious attitudes towards infertility.

For example, Anya's parents divorced when the girl's mother was pregnant. Her mother raised her alone, exhausted. Despite a happy marriage in the present, already an adult girl is afraid that her husband will leave her and she will have to raise a child alone.

It is not surprising that for many years she has not been able to get pregnant - after all, her brain perceives pregnancy as nothing more than a direct threat to her family happiness!

Masha's parents always let her know that birth of a child- this is a big problem, and my father constantly repeated that if it were not for the children, he would have achieved a lot in life. Masha is making a successful career and has been treated for infertility for two years now.

Zhenya's family was poor, parents denied themselves everything, giving the best to their children. From all this, the girl concluded that children are a burden, and she will have to give up a lot for them.

The cult of beauty and youth, which is broadcast to fragile minds from TV screens and pages of magazines, for some becomes the ideal of life.

Consequently, everything related to children is dangerous, and therefore such a “beauty maniac” may well develop psychological infertility.

Another fear of this kind is the fear of losing a husband, especially if he fully provides for the family and is an enviable groom. “I will become unattractive, and young beauties are curling around him, who can take away the breadwinner,” the girl argues, while the brain, meanwhile, puts a ban on pregnancy.

After reading books, watching movies, talk shows and hearing scary stories from their girlfriends, many women are afraid that the child will disturb them. family life. That it will take a lot of time, and the couple will not have room for sex, communication and life for themselves.

Also, the reason may be the infantilism of the woman herself. Regardless of age, being herself still a child, she is not ready to be responsible for anyone.

Subconsciously, she is afraid that the child will be given more attention than her. Such a woman herself needs increased attention, and she receives it fanatically for years recovering from infertility.

Interestingly, both members of a couple can suffer from psychological infertility. Such people subconsciously strive for each other, although they could have children with other partners.

Relationship problems can contribute to a pregnancy ban. For example, one of the partners does not believe that the person with whom he would like to spend his whole life is next to him. He can declare his desire to have children as much as he wants, but with this partner everything will be in vain.

Psychologically infertile couples may even unconsciously prevent themselves from having children. For example, on the days of a possible conception, they suddenly begin to quarrel, urgent matters appear, business trips ... In general, anything, just to prevent intimacy.

By the way, a man’s body can produce antibodies to his own spermatozoa, reduce their mobility and worsen the quality sperm, if the representative of the stronger sex for some (albeit unconscious) reasons does not want to have children in general or from a specific woman.

It is also possible that a woman suffering from psychological infertility finds a truly infertile partner.

Sometimes for families in which relations are broken, infertility is the only factor of rallying: in other words, there is nothing in common between two people, they have cooled off towards each other, but they want children. They begin to work hard on this, it unites them, being a common goal. But if the result is achieved, nothing in common will remain, so pregnancy does not occur.

A simple exercise for those who want to get pregnant

Psychological infertility: how to get rid of?

1. Honestly admit to yourself why you need a child. If with the help of it you want to achieve some goals or get rid of life's boredom and emptiness, then think about whether you can achieve what you want in another way.

Never use the child as a way to solve problems. You have to want a child for its own sake. By solving your problems on your own and selflessly desiring to give birth to a child, you often bring its appearance closer.

2. Pass all the necessary tests to determine whether you really do not have serious physiological reasons for infertility. And also make sure that your partner is healthy and really wants to have children, and not to please you or circumstances.

3. Write down all the fears that come to mind when you think about pregnancy childbirth and children in general. Write down your partner's fears.

4. Analyze their causes. For example: “Fear of pain. Reason: I read a scary story on the Internet about someone giving birth.

5. Change minus to plus. For example: "Minus - I read a terrible story on the Internet, now I'm afraid to give birth" -> "Plus - There are a lot of friends around who gave birth normally in good maternity hospitals and agreed in advance on anesthesia.

There are many women who generally gave birth themselves without any anesthesia - and everything turned out well for them. Childbirth is a natural process, and a woman's body is specially adapted for this.

Or you are worried about the fear of losing beauty, work, etc. Pay attention to how many famous women who have several children, are happily married and work, hold high positions, are stars, etc. They did not interrupt their activities - but everyone has time.

Work through all your fears in this way.

Psychological infertility: training

Step 2
Remember the moment immediately after the appearance of fear (best of all, its first manifestation), when you have already calmed down. Place it in the form of a color freeze frame placed on the movie screen next to slide 1. This will be slide 2. We omit what was between them for now.

Step 3
Mentally stand behind you so you can see both the screen and yourself sitting in front of it.

Step 4
From this position, watch a black-and-white film (except for the last slide, which is in color), starting with slide 1 and ending with slide 2. Carefully note all the details and little things. Slightly increase the browsing speed. Watch this movie several times, constantly increasing its speed. When you realize that you have learned to watch a movie extremely quickly, move on to the next step.

Step 5
Watch this film again at top speed, and then literally jump into it, associating with color slide 2. Quickly relive all the events in reverse order - from slide 2 to slide 1. When you reach the first slide, jump out of the film and again take a position in the cinema hall . You need to see both the screen with slides and yourself sitting in front of the screen at the same time. The screen turns off.

Step 6
Step 5 should be repeated until you can do everything very quickly.

Step 7
Think about what used to make you fear. What feelings are you experiencing now? How will you react in the future to such situations, what will you do? How will you know when a situation is safe and when it's not?

In fact, fear is a powerful defensive reaction of the body, aimed at saving a person's life in situations that he cannot control. Understanding your fears, analyzing them, you can learn to control them and behave appropriately in previously frightening situations.

When fears are worked out, the "psychological prohibition on pregnancy" disappears - and the long-awaited conception occurs. The psyche is ready for the bearing and birth of a child, because now it does not perceive these events as a threat to the body.

Ekaterina GORSHKOVA,


Scientists from North Carolina recently stated that obesophobia, or the fear of gaining weight, can cause infertility. Ridiculous? Not at all. Any fear can close the door to happy motherhood. Even if you are young and healthy.

Idea fix

Marina and her husband have been unsuccessfully trying to have a child for five years. And then they realized that all their attempts are meaningless, and life passes by. Then the girl decided to take care of herself. Because of the manic desire to give birth, she abandoned everything: appearance, hobbies, life outside the near-pregnancy state. I cured my teeth, looked to the beautician for beauty injections. And she fulfilled her old dream: she jumped with a parachute. I used to be afraid - all because of the same obsession with getting pregnant at any cost.

Suddenly the baby is already in the stomach, and then such stress? she told her friends. - Another miscarriage at an early stage will happen!

She soon discovered that she was pregnant. Moreover, when she jumped from a height of several kilometers, did anesthesia at the dentist, a miracle had already happened. Marina habitually fell into a panic - to become pregnant at such an unfavorable moment! She ran for ultrasound twice a month, but when the doctors explained that everything was fine with the child, she calmed down. Now her son is three years old.

Elena Patrikeyeva, perinatal psychologist:

One of the difficulties couples face when trying to conceive for a long time without success is shifting the motive (becoming parents) to the goal (getting pregnant). The whole life of a man and a woman at some point begins to revolve around the date of ovulation, what the test will show, and all kinds of ways to increase the chances of conception. And all this does not add any good mood, no joy, no passion, but only nurtures a sense of anxiety and tension. Marina managed to let go of the situation, relax, and her body thanked her for that. I dare to suggest that during this period the couple's sexual relations also improved and ceased to resemble serving a duty on a strict schedule.

What if there's a war?

Julia and Serezha were married for a long time and dreamed of children. Rather, Seryozha really dreamed of a son and constantly put pressure on his wife.

Can we wait? Julia suggested. - There is no apartment, the car is old, and indeed the crisis in the country ...

The husband was adamant, begged, flooding with gifts and flowers, until the girl gave up. Almost like Jay Z - he even threatened Beyoncé with a divorce if she did not give birth to a second one.

But ... Two years have passed, pregnancy has not occurred. Surveys, of course. The doctors said: healthy, work on children. The guys began to swear and lash out at each other more often, and then they filed for divorce altogether. While paperwork was being processed and property was being divided, Yulia met Pasha, fell in love and… got pregnant! The wedding was cheerful, young people were happy, and the bride was pot-bellied.

Elena Patrikeyeva:

Conception, like childbirth, is a hormonal process. If we assess the situation as unsuitable for giving birth to children, alarming or dangerous, then the so-called stress response system is activated in the body. Hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and others suppress the production of hormones necessary for conception. Partner pressure, uncertainty about the future - these are fairly common risk factors for "psychological" infertility. When Julia met Pasha, a feeling flared up in her, and anxieties receded into the background. And the myth about the "incompatibility" of partners has nothing to do with it.

Judgment to myself

And if health problems still exist and infertility is not psychological at all? ..

Sonya could not have children due to hormonal problems. But she still managed to give birth to one child, a long-awaited son, and she could not do without treatment and expensive IVF. To the questions of ignorant acquaintances, “When will you go for the second one?” Sonya just frowned. She knew that this child was their first and only. Until one day her belly began to grow. I must say that he did not become flat even a year after giving birth, and now jeans have ceased to fasten. Sonia pumped the press in the morning and in the evening, signed up for fitness.

Do a test! - issued a friend, looking at the rounded Sonya over a cup of tea.

Are you kidding? Miracles do not happen, - Sonya laughed. But her girlfriend planted a seed of doubt in her. Sonya went to the pharmacy.

And so it happened - two stripes. And then there was an ultrasound and the words of a surprised doctor: “Congratulations! 16 weeks girl...

Now Sonya is the mother of two wonderful children. Happy.

Elena Patrikeyeva:

Another phenomenon is the feeling of one's own failure. With each new unsuccessful attempt to get pregnant, women are more and more convinced that nothing will work out. Lying in bed with her husband, she is almost sure that everything is in vain. And the brain receives the command "our efforts are useless, rest." And he is resting. And hormones are not produced. And having given birth to her first baby, Sonya gained a successful experience, everything worked out, she was able to. And even if it seemed to her that it would not work just like that to get pregnant a second time, the confidence that this was possible in principle dramatically increased the chances of success.

P.S. Let go and forget

If you are unable to become a mother, think about it: maybe you just don’t want to? Or do you want it too much? I like Faina Ranevskaya's joke: "You will succeed, you just have to lose your desire." In a situation with psychological infertility, it works one hundred percent. So, the best advice for you is to relax, let go of the situation and start enjoying life.

Despite the achievements of modern medicine, infertility problems do not lose their relevance. According to statistics, almost a quarter of couples have difficulty conceiving naturally.

During treatment, reproductive specialists, gynecologists and andrologists focus on the search and correction of anatomical, endocrine and immunological causes of infertility. But, unfortunately, even with the help of complex multi-stage therapeutic schemes, operations and assisted reproductive technologies, it is far from always possible to successfully cope with the problem.

The fact is that many people who are trying to conceive a child have psychological factors of infertility. They often neutralize all the efforts of doctors, despite the functional level of the resulting disorders.

What is called psychological infertility?

Psychological infertility is a condition when a person's unresolved internal conflicts and fears negatively affect his reproductive health. In this case, the patient has a reluctance to become pregnant and subsequently have a child. In most cases it is suppressed and not realized, but becomes the dominant program. The disturbances arising as a result of this are reversible and are caused by functional disorders involving various levels of regulation.

This form of infertility is characteristic mainly of women, and it can occur at almost any age within the fertile period. But the appearance of such problems in men is not excluded.

The psychological factor can be combined with other causes of infertility, which in most cases divert the attention of doctors to themselves. At the same time, spouses undergo numerous and often uncomfortable studies, take various drugs without much effect, and even undergo surgical interventions. The lack of the expected result from such treatment is another reason for the deterioration of the emotional state and the aggravation of existing internal conflicts.

In addition, the consequences of psychogeny can exacerbate endocrine disorders and even be the main cause of their occurrence. This situation often goes unnoticed. This contributes to the development of side effects from ongoing hormonal therapy, reduces the effectiveness of treatment, and can even lead to the termination of an early pregnancy.

Psychogenic infertility can be primary and secondary. The defining moment when using such terms is the presence in the past of pregnancies, even if they did not lead to the birth of a child. This takes into account the fertility of the spouses and with previous sexual partners.

Psychological problems and the reproductive system: how is it connected?

The pathogenesis of the psychogenic form of infertility is due to the neurohumoral regulation of the functioning of the ovaries and other reproductive organs. In fact, the violations arising from this are classified as psychosomatic disorders. This is the name of diseases for which the key pathogenetic factor is the transformation of unresolved psychological conflicts into a bodily form. This leads to the development of certain somatic disorders that dominate the clinical picture of the disease and determine the main treatment tactics.

The work of the reproductive system is a hormonally dependent process. In this case, the most important role in coordinating the functioning of the ovaries is played by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. This is a complex of deep brain structures responsible for the autonomic and higher neuroendocrine regulation of the work of all internal organs and peripheral endocrine glands.

Along with many others, the pituitary gland secretes gonadotropic hormones. In a woman, these are follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH), which provide active functioning and cyclic changes in ovarian tissue with follicle growth and subsequent ovulation. The production of female sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone) in the gonads is secondary, since it is also regulated by gonadotropic hormones.

The functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system is provided by feedback from the endocrine glands and the brain. Moreover, not only the general somatic, but also the psycho-emotional state is important.

Any positive or negative experiences, internal psychological conflicts, the creation of a behavioral dominant - all this is accompanied and provided by a change in the balance of many neurotransmitters in the brain.

This affects the level of excitation and secretory activity of the cells of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. And these formations act as a kind of translator in the human body, transforming emotions, motivation and behavioral dominants into changes at the somatic level. That is why the existing psychological block for reproduction is able to suppress a person's reproductive function even without the appearance of structural changes in the genitals.

How does it manifest itself?

It is worth thinking about the psychological aspects of infertility if the spouses have good reproductive health, but at the same time they fail to conceive a child for 12 or more months.

Possible signs of psychogenic disorders include miscarriages suffered by a woman during the current period of active planning, spontaneous abortions in the early stages, the so-called false pregnancy.

In addition, the psychological factor can cause insufficient effectiveness of the ongoing ovulation stimulation and hormonal correction of the menstrual cycle, the failure of attempts to get pregnant even with the use of assisted reproductive technologies.

In women, the clinical variants of psychogenic infertility are:

  • . In this case, the isolation and maturation of the dominant follicle does not occur, or at a certain stage it undergoes reverse development. It is also possible to suppress ovulation with the formation and death of a mature egg.
  • Dishormonal disorders leading to disruption of the process of proliferation of the functional layer of the endometrium in the follicular phase of the menstrual-ovarian cycle.
  • Insufficiency of the progesterone phase, which negatively affects the process of implantation of a fertilized egg and can provoke its rejection.
  • Changes in the structure and acidity of cervical mucus, which prevents the penetration of spermatozoa from the vagina into the uterine cavity.
  • Violation of the functional activity of the villous epithelium of the fallopian tubes while maintaining their patency. This hinders the natural migration of the ovulated egg into the uterine cavity and may adversely affect the progressive movement of spermatozoa.
  • Production of antisperm antibodies. But many experts do not attribute this cause of infertility to a truly psychogenic one, although the influence of a woman's neuroendocrine status on the pathological functioning of the immune system cannot be denied.
  • A change in the structure of the protein membrane around the ovulated egg, which significantly complicates the penetration of the spermatozoon and reduces the likelihood of fertilization.

In men, psychogenic infertility can be manifested by erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction, behavioral disorders with unconscious avoidance of sexual intercourse in the ovulatory phase of the partner. It is also possible a reversible deterioration in spermatogenesis under the influence of an altered hormonal background.

Causes of psychological infertility

What causes this problem in women?

The most common psychological causes of infertility in women are fears. It could be:

  • Fear of dying or being severely disturbed during childbirth. Such a phobia is often formed even before the onset of the reproductive period and is updated with the onset of sexual activity. The key to this is the girl's experience of watching age-inappropriate films, videos of real births, and pregnancy training programs. Misunderstanding of what is happening on the screen, the sight of blood and the sounds made during childbirth - all this frightens the child and creates the basis for the formation of a phobia. And the lack of adequate explanations from adults reinforces it.
  • Fear of unbearable labor pain. Such fears are also most often caused by receiving inadequate and untimely visual information, often in childhood or adolescence. Emotionally colored stories of close relatives or friends who have already given birth can also play a great role.
  • Fear of radical changes in the usual way of life. A woman may be afraid of “falling out of society”, incurring financial losses, losing her professional potential, “putting an end to her career” ... Fear can also apply to intra-family relationships. At the same time, there are concerns about the preservation of pleasant joint rituals and the so-called personal space after the birth of a child.
  • Fear of losing external attractiveness. A woman may be afraid of a pronounced postpartum weight gain, the appearance of stretch marks and age spots, changes in the shape of the breast and the general contours of the figure. To some, the increase in the abdomen and mammary glands characteristic of pregnancy seems extremely unattractive. The basis of such fear is usually doubts that a man will remain faithful when the appearance of his sexual partner / spouse changes. Women with demonstrative (hysterical) character traits or those who feel insecure about their own attractiveness, who have lost their obesity, are especially worried about their appearance.
  • Fear of a potential deterioration in the quality of sexual life due to stretching of the vaginal tissues during natural childbirth, as a result of an episiotomy in the straining period, or against the background of pronounced hormonal changes. At the same time, a woman can worry not only about her own feelings, but also about the satisfaction of her husband.

Fears are a very common and, at the same time, by no means always verbalized by patients, the reason for internal prohibitions on reproduction. But psychological infertility in women can be caused by other factors.

What else affects the possibility of conception?

Quite often there is a so-called dominant shift, when the desire to conceive and give birth to a child is actually not paramount. A woman may experience discomfort from the fact that pregnancy and the birth of a child will interfere with the implementation of some long-term plans that have already begun to be implemented. For example, to finish building a house, to take a certain position, to go on a long journey, to get a promising specialty ...

And such plans, forced to be postponed to the long term, do not always lose their relevance, and the voiced desire to get pregnant is not entirely sincere. A woman often unconsciously substitutes the concepts of “I want” and “necessary”.

She may be motivated to have a child by close relatives, family members, or psychological programs of social behavior laid down in childhood. At the same time, the woman formally tries to achieve her goal, but her body creates unconscious internal blocks, which prevents conception or contributes to the termination of the pregnancy that has come.

The insincere desire to give birth to a child with the development of psychological infertility can also be explained by the presence of hidden goals. For example, getting pregnant to go on a “long-term vacation” at an unloved job, to get a way to manipulate her husband and other people, to achieve a certain social status or the opportunity to qualify for the benefits provided.

The greatest problems arise when such rather materialistic interests and imposed motivation collide with suppressed unconscious fears. The accompanying affective and neurotic disorders exacerbate the situation.

There is also a special form of psychological infertility, when the dominant of reproduction that occurs in a woman is excessive and therefore unproductive. In everyday life, such a situation is denoted by the word "fixed".

The whole life of the spouses is devoted to trying to conceive a child. A special, often rather elaborate menu is observed, sexual intercourse is performed mechanically, by the clock and in strictly defined positions, basal temperature is measured with ovulation control using tests and even ultrasound monitoring. Each newly coming menstruation is almost equated to a disaster.

As a result, neurotic and polymorphic somatization disorders increase, an anxiety-depressive disorder develops, which by no means contributes to solving the problem. But it is not possible to “let go” of the situation by an effort of will.

Psychological causes of infertility in men

Men's psychological infertility is much less common than women's. It is also caused in most cases by unresolved internal conflicts. Secondarily, there are fears of change, possible financial insolvency, emotional rejection by the partner.

A man may also be afraid of not being able to cope with the role of a father, especially if he makes excessive demands on himself.

The most expected psychogenies are in men with infantile character traits and psychasthenics. Of great importance is also cyclothymia, a subclinical affective disorder with cyclic mood swings.

What to do?

Treatment of psychological infertility is not an easy task. At the same time, difficulties may arise already at the stage of diagnosis, because internal conflicts in most cases are suppressed and not recognized. Even fears are often hidden, especially if they are perceived by a person as a manifestation of weakness and personal failure. And the peremptory statement of the doctor about the presence of psychological conflicts in the spouses often leads to a reaction of denial and refusal of the offered help.

How to treat spouses with psychological infertility depends on the intensity and form of internal conflict, the severity of subconscious blocks and the willingness of patients to cooperate with a specialist. In some cases, it is quite competent, carefully planned and correct medical and educational work carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist or reproductologist. This allows you to deal with fears in women due to lack of awareness about the physiology of pregnancy and the birth process.

Sometimes psychological infertility resolves on its own, with a change in dominant or a decrease in the severity of external pressure on spouses from relatives eager for the birth of an heir.

It is not uncommon for a previously infertile woman to become pregnant after making a decision to conduct, use the services of a surrogate mother and adopt. Switching to the solution of a new task becomes a factor leveling the reproductive hyperdominance. This is also possible when attention is diverted to bright positive impressions - for example, as a result of relaxing in an unusual environment. This explains the frequent cases of conception of children during a joint vacation by the sea.

But spouses with psychological infertility may also need qualified assistance, since it is far from always possible to overcome existing internal conflicts and phobias on their own. And for the timely diagnosis and effective solution of such problems, the help of a psychologist or even a psychotherapist is sometimes necessary. The work of these specialists is aimed at identifying psychological blocks and deep conflicts, transferring them to a conscious level, deactivating or developing promising behavioral tactics.

Treatment in this case may include psycho-corrective, psycho-educational, psychoanalytic components, relaxation, body-oriented and behavioral techniques, visualization. The work is carried out both individually and within the framework of family psychotherapy. In some cases, group sessions become effective.

If there are indications, drugs are prescribed to correct existing affective and neurotic disorders. This necessarily takes into account their potential impact on the course of pregnancy and the presence of a teratogenic effect. The use of strong drugs may require temporary contraception.

Psychogenic infertility is becoming an increasingly common problem. This is due to the peculiarities of modern interpersonal and intra-family relations, the great importance of career growth and financial well-being.

At the same time, psychogenic infertility has a fairly good prognosis, because all the resulting changes relate to the functional level and can be resolved with the help of a specialist. Therefore, many modern reproductive centers have a medical psychologist on their staff, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment for infertility.
