How to get rid of wax on clothes. How to remove wax or paraffin from clothes without a trace? Additional cleaning methods

Candles can be found in every household: stored in case of a power outage, a romantic evening or aromatherapy. Drops of wax sometimes end up on your favorite clothes. It is urgent to save the fabric if it becomes dirty, but dry cleaning is an expensive pleasure. Housewives know how to remove wax from clothes using improvised means - every woman has at least once removed the remnants of melted paraffin. There are two known methods for removing stains: cold and hot. Let's figure out how to get rid of greasy wax stains.

Wax on fabric: what you need to know

Before deciding how to remove wax from fabric, let's listen to some advice.

Most candles are made from paraffin, a colorless, odorless, fatty substance made chemically. The examples given primarily concern paraffin products.

  • Before removing wax from clothing, test the cleaning agent on a sample of the same fabric or an inconspicuous piece of soiled clothing. There are varieties of synthetics that are soluble in gasoline. It is used in one of the wax removal methods.
  • Pay attention to the fabric: only knowing exactly the characteristics of the material will you choose the right cleaning method. If you are not sure, it is better to use dry cleaning services. Professionals know how to remove wax from clothes. Otherwise, the company will compensate for damages for the damaged item.
  • It's easier to get rid of colorless paraffin. Dyed candles leave colored stains, so they require a different approach. The dye is absorbed into the fabric and is more difficult to wash off. Household chemicals will help remove wax from fabric.
  • Paraffin eats into fabric and leaves greasy traces of wax droplets on clothes. They are removed with gasoline and alcohol.
  • Fabrics that require careful handling and synthetics should not be heated too much. When working with delicate material, the aesthetic appearance will suffer, and synthetic fibers will spread. How to remove stains in such a situation? In both cases, chemicals are used to remove wax. facilities.
  • It is convenient to get rid of paraffin by heating. The wax that has not had time to harden is quickly blotted with a soft cloth.
  • Another way is to freeze it so that the stain hardens and the paraffin is easily removed.

Cleaning wax from different types of fabrics

Before removing wax from clothing, you should determine the type of fabric. The skin is least susceptible to the effects of a melted candle; paraffin is easy to remove from it. Leather clothes are wrinkled, crumbs of frozen wax are removed by shaking. If a candle stain has become embedded in the material, then laundry soap can deal with the greasy stain: you just need to wipe off the problem area of ​​the leather material with a moistened piece, and then wash it with water. Other fabrics require a more detailed analysis of methods than removing candle wax from clothing.

  • Denim causes the least concern - wax stains are easy to get rid of. We freeze the material and clean the wax. Then it remains to use napkins and an iron to remove the remains of the candle.
  • Synthetic materials (organza, wool, silk, satin, chiffon) are afraid of overheating. The maximum permissible washing temperature is indicated on the clothing label. Be gentle and leave the material in the hot water for a short time. Washing will continue to effectively remove wax stains.
  • If delicate fabrics that are prohibited from ironing are damaged, clean the wax with an organic solvent. Treat the problematic piece of clothing with a cotton swab containing the substance, then wash the item in warm water and rinse until clean.
  • Furs that have been stained with wax can be cleaned by placing them in the freezer and shaking off any hardened pieces of wax.
  • The suede fabric is covered with a paper napkin and heated with an iron for a few seconds. A solution that can be used to clean such stains: ammonia (35 ml), wine alcohol (10 ml) and gasoline (50 ml). An alternative recipe is an aqueous solution of ammonia. Dip the cotton wool and treat the affected area of ​​suede for a minute. Then wipe the clothes with a damp cloth. Hold over steam to restore structure.

How to remove wax stains from clothes made of cotton, calico, linen and other natural fabrics? 1. Clean off the top layer of dirt with a knife or spoon; 2. Place a cotton towel on the bottom of the fabric; 3. Cover the material with a paper towel; 4. Iron on top (50–70 °C). The melted paraffin will stick to the material. It may be necessary to carry out the procedure several times, but as a result the clothes will be saved.

Getting rid of greasy stains

It’s not enough to know how to remove wax from clothes; you need to properly clean the fabric from traces of melted candles. Paraffin leaves greasy stains that spoil the appearance of the material. If the hot and cold methods weren't enough, here are a few more ways to clean wax and grease stains from fabric:

  1. Liquid dishwashing detergent is something that can be used to easily remove grease. Gently rub the liquid into the damaged piece of clothing, leave for a couple of hours, and then rinse with water. The stain will disappear and the fabric will be saved.
  2. Here's how to remove stains using boiling water. Take a pan of hot water and place the material over the container in a taut state. Secure the fabric and pour boiling water over the contaminated area. Repeat the process and the wax stain will be over.
  3. Soak a piece of cloth in alcohol or gasoline. Then gently wipe away the stains from the candle. You will be able to both remove wax from clothes and remove greasy traces of paraffin.
  4. Treat stained clothing with hydrogen peroxide and cover with a plastic bag. Hide it in the closet. After an hour, you will be pleased with the result.

Use caution when cleaning material. Knowing how to remove candle stains from clothes will save you money on dry cleaning services and save your favorite item. Chemicals will come in handy - from dishwashing liquid to special stain removers. Consider the type of material and the possible effects of exposure of clothing to heat, cooling and chemicals. This way you will return your favorite item to its aesthetic appearance - there will be no trace left of stains. Now, with knowledge of the matter, you can give your friends advice on how to remove a stain from wax that accidentally dropped on clothes.

Burning candles can add a touch of romance and celebration to even the most ordinary dinner. But there is always a risk that melted wax will get on your clothes or tablecloth. However, it is quite easy to get rid of such contaminants.

Wax stain: how to clean clothes

Wax and paraffin stains are not among the stains that must be removed immediately, “hot on the heels.” You need to wait at least 10-15 minutes - during this time the wax on the fabric will cool and harden, and you can get rid of the stain without the risk of smearing it. Only after this can we begin to purify matter.

First stage: clean off the wax

As a rule, a drop of wax that gets on clothing is not completely absorbed into the fabric: a thin translucent film remains on top of the fabric. It must be removed mechanically: scraped off or carefully cut with a knife. The wax mark easily crumbles and comes off the fabric.

If you have dripped on thin silk trousers or a chiffon blouse and are afraid of damaging the delicate fabric, just rub the dirty area thoroughly and shake off the crumbled wax with a clothes brush

Second stage: reducing the stain

After this, place a white paper napkin, folded in several layers, or a paper towel under the contaminated area. You can also use regular stationery paper, but its absorbency is somewhat lower.

Cover the stained area with a thin cotton cloth (you can use a handkerchief for this purpose) and iron it several times. Under the influence of high temperature, the wax will melt and be absorbed into the paper.

Wax and paraffin melt at fairly low temperatures (about 60–80 degrees), so if you are afraid of burning delicate fabric while removing a stain, you can set the iron to minimum heat

Change the paper backing and iron the fabric again: all the wax may not melt out the first time, especially if you have dripped onto your clothes with a colored candle, such as a black or red candle. If, after several passes with the iron, an oil trace remains on the napkin, then the procedure must be repeated again.

Non-specific stains from paraffin (wax) on clothes appear infrequently, but they always cause confusion and the question of how to remove a candle stain from clothes without going to the dry cleaner. This process is not that complicated, so there is no need to rush to throw away the soiled item.

Before you look for different ways to remove candle wax stains from fabric surfaces, there is some information you need to consider. It is this knowledge that will help eliminate candle stains quickly and without causing subsequent problems with the fabric product itself.

How to remove a candle stain: what to remember

  1. The principles for eliminating paraffin or wax contamination in the classic format are identical, but it is important to take into account the specific features of the material and the contamination itself.
  2. Wax is a substance that melts at a temperature of 42-45 degrees. Therefore, the main way to remove a candle stain is based on thermal exposure.
  3. The specificity of contamination is based on the fact that paraffin not only leaves a greasy mark on the fabric, but also penetrates deep inside, collecting between the fibers of the fabric. Due to this feature, stain removal can occur not only through direct thermal influence, but also through heated steam.
  4. If the candle was not white, but aromatic, with coloring components, then the initial thermal effect is excluded. Otherwise, it will be possible to remove the greasy mark, but the dye will be “absorbed” into the fabric and it will be impossible to remove it. For such cases, it is worth using household chemicals that help eliminate colored stains.
  5. Various delicate fabrics (silk,), as well as synthetic materials, also cannot withstand heating. In the first option, the appearance of the material suffers; in the second, the fabric fibers themselves may melt. Therefore, for such products it is necessary to use either chemicals or a strong dishwashing detergent.
  6. Before using any chemical, you need to check how the clothing fabric reacts to it. For example, some types of synthetics, when reacting with gasoline components, can simply dissolve. It will be possible to remove a candle stain from such clothes, but after that you will have to mend the item.
  7. In addition to the fact that paraffin (wax) melts perfectly under the influence of not the highest temperatures, it hardens perfectly under certain conditions. By exposing your clothes to the cold, you can easily clean the top visible layer of dirt, after which all that remains is to remove the greasy stain.
  8. To get rid of waxy stains covering the fur, clothes should be placed in the cold for 1.5-2 hours, then rub the fur fibers with your fingers, shaking off the paraffin.

The option with heating the fabric is suitable only for dense, natural, undyed fabrics.

Additional recommendations before removing wax stains from clothes
  • If the wax (paraffin) has not yet hardened, it should be quickly blotted several times with a soft paper napkin. Do not press or rub the paper on the fabric. Otherwise, the area of ​​contamination will increase, and the substance itself will penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, becoming fixed inside.
  • If stains from a candle are noticed when they already have a completely hardened top layer, the hardened wax must be carefully scraped off the material using a plastic knife or any other devices at hand.
  • To effectively harden the paraffin, you can wrap the item in a plastic bag and leave it in the freezer for 30-40 minutes. When this is not possible, place an ice pack on the wax stains.
How to remove paraffin (wax) stains from clothes: aids
  1. Dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy, perfectly removes grease stains on delicate and velvet fabrics.
  2. Laundry soap, washing powder.
  3. The following chemicals help in the fight against such pollution:
    • ethanol;
    • ammonia diluted in water, as well as wine or table vinegar;
    • petrol;
    • acetone and acetone-containing liquids;
    • White Spirit;
    • bleaches of various brands, as well as stain removers.
The process of removing greasy marks after wax or paraffin can be done manually or using. When choosing the second option, you must add to the powder any bleach that is acceptable for use within the selected clothing fabric. In this case, it is better to set the washing mode to delicate for any material.

Before using aggressive chemicals, you must protect your skin and respiratory tract by wearing a mask and gloves. And when choosing the degree of thermal impact on clothing, you need to take into account the information located on the labels of things.

Removing wax stains using steam and heat

When deciding to remove candle stains that are present on thick, natural fabric without dyeing, you should resort to the simplest, “classic” cleaning option. It will not take more than half an hour and will not require any specific effects on the material.

  1. Spread the unwanted white fabric on a table or ironing board.
  2. Place napkins or paper towels on top. It is important that they are without patterns or pictures.
  3. Then place the affected clothing on top, covering the wax (paraffin) stains with a paper napkin (towel, just thin paper or toilet paper). To be safe, you can spread a piece of gauze on top.
  4. Turn the iron on no more than 50 degrees and wait for it to heat up. The steam function is not needed in this case. Then you need to iron the material in the contaminated area, replacing paper napkins on top and bottom from time to time.
  5. When the greasy noticeable stain disappears, the wax transfers to paper and other fabric, all that remains is to wash the clothes using laundry soap, powder or any other suitable product.
The second common option for removing wax (paraffin) marks from fabric is steam exposure. This method is especially relevant for suede fabrics, which may suffer during the smoothing process.

How to Remove Wax Marks Using Steam

Place clothes, cleaned of the top layer of dirt, over hot steam from an iron or boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash in the usual way or carefully wash only the areas of former contamination.

In addition to steam, it is also permissible to use simply heated air, for example, using a hair dryer.

Heating the stained area on clothing can also be done using regular hot water. This method of removing stains from wax or paraffin candles is suitable for various delicate fabrics that require careful handling.

The technique is very simple: It is necessary to hold the contaminated area of ​​the material under a powerful stream of boiling water so that the water seeps through the material and does not flow down it. 3-5 minutes of such exposure is enough, and after that you can wash the item by hand or in a machine.

Additional ways to clean clothes from paraffin (wax)

If the materials of the products do not require strong thermal exposure and the question of how to remove stains from the surface of clothing remains relevant, you can use the tips below.

Removing wax marks from wool and fine delicate fabrics

After removing the wax from above, drop a little dishwashing detergent onto the stained area. The fabric should first be slightly moistened. Next, you can either simply leave the detergent on the surface, or foam it with your fingers.

Exposure time: from 6 to 10 hours. After its expiration, the clothes are washed in the usual way using the necessary products (soap, powder).

For delicate materials, using ammonia solution is also suitable. For a liter of water you should take a teaspoon of this alcohol. Dissolve. Then pour the stained area and leave it for 40 minutes. Finally, the clothes are rinsed well in running water.

How to remove paraffin stains from velvet material, its analogues and synthetics

It is necessary to use the available chemical agent (gasoline, alcohol, turpentine, etc.). The solvent components present in the compositions of these liquids easily destroy traces of wax without damaging the fibers of the material.

Apply the required amount of chemical liquid to a piece of thick fabric or a cotton swab. Then rub the stained area and leave the cloth or cotton wool over the stain for 30-40 minutes. Then you just need to wash your clothes.

If you use gasoline, which has a strong odor, you need to wash the entire item using conditioner, which will drown out the unpleasant odor.

When using such recommendations for synthetic fabrics, it is prohibited to use gasoline, which is an excellent solvent for these materials. Other chemical liquids must be tested on a piece of material, monitoring the reaction of synthetics to such exposure. Only then follow the instructions given.

How to remove wax stains from skin

The easiest way to fix this problem is to:

  1. frozen paraffin is carefully cleaned off; It is not necessary to use knives or other devices; it is enough to simply knead the leather material well and then shake off the wax particles;
  2. if there is a visible greasy mark left, it should be wiped with cotton wool soaked in a solution of laundry soap, and then rinse the area with clean water.
Fighting colored spots from paraffin (wax)

When colored stains from a candle appear on your clothes, you need to act as follows:

  • wax is cleaned from the surface of the product;
  • clothes are soaked in warm water with a stain remover or bleach added to it; the choice is made based on the structure and color of the material;
  • then leave things soaked for 3-5 hours;
  • after time, the clothes are washed thoroughly with soap or powder;
  • the remaining greasy mark on the surface of the material is removed by any suitable method (iron, steam, chemical solvents), based on the characteristics of the fabric.
Two visual tips on how to get rid of unsightly wax stains on jeans or thin fabric are shown in the video:

Eliminating such a nuisance as contamination from candle wax is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Taking into account the characteristics of fabrics, choosing a suitable product and a convenient method will help not harm clothes, easily getting rid of unsightly stains.

Almost any stain on clothing can be easily cleaned and removed using modern laundry detergents. But if it’s candle wax, don’t even try to immediately wash it or rub it off with your hands or use a washing machine (delicate mode) - it’s to no avail. The waxy mixture will never dissolve with water, and detergents cannot remove it either. And also pay special attention that paraffin instantly eats into all the fibers of the material on both sides.

Basic methods

Note. If you want to remove traces of paraffin that have become embedded in trousers or another item of clothing, wait until the wax has completely hardened. Otherwise, the situation will not improve, but, on the contrary, will worsen. As a result, the problem spot will increase in size.


Using the hot method involves heating paraffin to its melting point and separating it from the fibers of the material. The ideal tool for this is an iron. When thermally treating a stain, it is important to heat the electrical appliance to eighty degrees. It is recommended to prematurely remove the steam function from the standard mode.

Step-by-step instructions for removing candle wax.

  1. Clean away traces of paraffin. To do this, take a kitchen spatula or nail scissors. Proceed with extreme caution so as not to deform the fibers.
  2. Prepare a napkin, cotton cloth, white A4 sheet.
  3. While the iron is heating up, place a napkin underneath and on top of the material. Cover the paraffin blot with a cloth and a sheet of paper. Start ironing the stain.
  4. After cleaning, be sure to hand wash the item. A stain remover will help get rid of greasy marks.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to iron synthetic fabrics at eighty degrees.
  6. Do not use an iron to remove stains from colored candles. The dye used for their production will only penetrate more deeply into the fibers of the fabric, and your favorite sweater will certainly deteriorate.

Steam to remove candle wax

To use this method, equip yourself with:

  • a piece of fabric made from natural fibers (an old T-shirt will do);
  • hairdryer or professional steamer.

Removal technology:

  • Cover the paraffin blot with a napkin and start heating it with steam;
  • under the influence of hot air, the stain will melt and be absorbed into the material;
  • If there is no proper result, you can repeat the procedure several times.

Important! If using a hairdryer does not bring the desired result, use a steamer. You just need to keep it at a distance of ten centimeters from the stain, otherwise you will ruin the fibers of the fabric.


This method will be most effective for the following materials: denim, leather, wool, products with pile.

To do this use:

  • freezer (hardened wax is quickly removed even from light dresses).
  • ice from the freezer;
  • ice or cold water;
  • toothbrush.

The result will be as fast as possible if the item is placed in the chamber immediately after the paraffin enters. This should be done quickly so that the wax does not absorb into the fibers.

IMPORTANT! This is the only way to save costume fabric.

If the clothing is made of thin, delicate material, use ice cubes to remove wax marks. Just apply them to the desired area, and after a few minutes, scrub the stain with a toothbrush.

Removing wax from clothes of different materials

You can remove paraffin stains and candle wax from denim fabrics using the freezing method.

More details:

  • wash away the stain;
  • After half an hour, wash the product, the dirt will immediately disappear.

This cleaning method is the best for home use.

We will also consider the following materials: silk, satin, organza, chiffon, wool.

These fabrics are not easy to clean because they warp when exposed to high temperatures. If you want to use the hot cleaning method, pay attention to the item's label and use only the temperature specified by the manufacturer for processing.

However, it is more rational to use a more gentle method of removing traces of paraffin - soak the item in water, and carefully, after a few minutes, remove the residue with a piece of natural fabric. A greasy deposit will remain at the spot, which can be easily removed with a stain remover.

There are also synthetic products that are prohibited from being processed at high temperatures, for example, a light “top” made of chiffon. In this case, traces of paraffin are removed with a cleaner: the product is applied to a sponge and the required area is treated. It is important to wash off any chemical residue.

Advice! Before using such a radical cleaning method, test the solvent on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. If it has damaged the fibers of the fabric or ruined its natural shade, take the product to the dry cleaner.

Woolen and silk items are also damaged by drops of paraffin. Regular dishwashing liquid will help remove it quickly. Apply a little product to the stain and leave for 12 hours. All that remains is to thoroughly wash the soap traces from the fibers.

To clean clothes from candle wax, take it out into the cold or put it in a chamber. Then carefully remove the marks with a wooden spatula. In this way, you can clean leather pants, a skirt, or even.

Often, events that use natural wax or paraffin candles can have unpleasant consequences in the form of difficult-to-remove stains on clothing.


Hardened wax stains, as luck would have it, end up on expensive clothes chosen for the occasion, made from various fabrics, including delicate ones.

To know how to remove wax from clothes and remove a stain painlessly from the fabric, it is enough to determine which method is best suited for a particular type of fabric and stain.

There are several methods for removing wax stains:

  • removing stains with heated steam;
  • hot wax removal with an iron;
  • cold removal of dirt by applying an ice pack to it or placing it in the freezer;
  • removing residual grease stains using special products.

Hot delete

This type of stain removal is suitable for cotton, linen, cotton fabrics and other materials that can be exposed to high temperatures.

To remove wax stains using an iron, you need to do the following:

  • Take two cotton napkins or two towels without a pattern.
  • Place one napkin under the cloth that needs to be cleaned. The second one is on top.
  • Take the iron and set the minimum temperature recommended for the fabric being cleaned. If desired, you can use a gentler hair dryer instead of an iron.
Iron the fabric through the napkin several times, changing it each time. The wax will melt and stick to the material being ironed through.

Cold removal

This stain removal option is chosen for fabrics that are not suitable for high temperatures, as well as for rough, thick materials such as jeans or leather.

When cold cleansing you need to follow these steps:

You can place a container of ice on the area that needs to be cleaned, or if the item is small, place it entirely in the freezer.

When the paraffin has hardened, you need to take a dull plastic knife or other blunt surface that will not damage the fabric and scrape off the stain.

If the fabric is thin, you can simply wrinkle it and the wax will crumble on its own.


It’s also worth considering how to remove wax from clothes when it comes to jeans.

This is the favorite and most worn item of clothing, which is more often than other things.

Jeans is a durable fabric that is resistant to shrinkage and deformation, so wax deposits can be removed either cold or with regular washing.

To do this, you need to soak the denim item in hot water (50-60 degrees) for half an hour, after adding powder. After this, you need to intensively wash the clothes by hand or in a washing machine.

Colored spots

Colored stains should not be removed using a hot iron, as the dye will penetrate into the fabric and stain it.

It is also better to remove such stains with alcohol, turpentine or purified gasoline.

But this method is only suitable if the use of the listed products is acceptable for the type of fabric from which the item is made. Otherwise, you need to clean the dirt by cooling the paraffin.

Delicate fabrics

Delicate fabrics that require very careful handling are usually dry cleaned. But if this is not possible, you can try using gentle methods of wax removal.

You need to select a cleaning method depending on the type of fabric:

It’s better to hold it over warm steam for a few minutes until the wax begins to melt and come off.
Place a few drops of any detergent on silk or wool and leave the clothes in this condition for at least 10 hours.

Then wash the items by selecting the desired mode for silk or wool in the machine.

Oily stains

Special products that can remove waxy greasy stains after hot or cold cleansing include:

  • kerosene;
  • White Spirit;
  • petrol;
  • acetone;
  • solvent;
  • synthetic detergent;
  • dishwashing liquid.

If the remaining stain does not come off after washing in the machine as usual, then it is better to remove it using special products.

Regular linen or cotton clothing can be washed at 60 degrees. For hope you should

To remove remaining oil stains from leather that cannot be washed, never use vodka or alcohol-containing liquids and solvents. It is enough to wipe the item with a soft sponge dipped in soapy water.

Residual oil stains on suede can be removed using the solvent properties of ammonia.

A few drops are dripped into a glass of water, a napkin is moistened in it and the cloth is wiped. Talc, which is applied to dry things, also absorbs grease quite well.

Before trying special products, you can test them on an inconspicuous piece of the same fabric. If deformation and damage to the fabric does not occur, you can safely use the item.

Considering the methods listed above, you can decide for yourself how to most effectively remove candle wax from clothes.

“And I removed the wax stain with a liquid that is used to remove wax during hair removal. The special oil cleaned my brand new shirt quite well.”

"I used the freezer to remove wax from a silk dress. There were no traces, the silk was perfectly preserved."

Just don't remove the wax with an iron. I keep an apiary, so I often get my overalls dirty. I wash it later at 60 degrees. I also advise you to put it in the freezer and then pick it out. The rest goes to the car. And from the iron you will be left with a greasy stain that will not be removed later.

“In church they dropped a candle on my jacket. To remove the wax, I put a cotton cloth under the item, not paper. The wax floated out and was absorbed into the cloth - no traces remained.”
