How to hint to a guy what you want. How to unobtrusively hint a guy about a relationship: a step-by-step action plan

When it comes to the guy of her dreams, the girl involuntarily begins to feel shy. Without a doubt, this is exactly what you imagined in your dreams. But what if the object of sympathy does not show proper interest? Right! Take the first step. Not every woman can talk openly about falling in love. For this reason, there is a need for in sophisticated ways. All you have to do is give a guy a hint about a relationship, and then he will do everything on his own. Let's talk about women's tricks and give step-by-step instructions.

Step #1. Collect information about the young man

  1. It's hard to set traps if you don't have enough information about the guy. Maybe he will be the last villain who uses girls and dumps them in the first week. You should stay away from such men.
  2. First, study the young man’s profile on VKontakte. Carefully look through the photos, read the statuses. If there are platitudes and swear words on the wall, it is quite possible that the guy is not well-mannered.
  3. You can collect information from your mutual friends. Try to establish contact with the guy’s classmates or fellow students. Find out in more detail about the young man’s personal life, his hobbies, family and even pets.

Step #2. Assess the guy's intentions

  1. After you have surfed the page in in social networks, have learned a lot about the young man through friends, you can proceed to the next stage. Now you need to understand whether the young man has sympathy for you. This means not as a friend, but as a future life partner.
  2. In most cases, guys evaluate girls in one way or another when they first meet. One lady is suitable for intimacy, you can hang out with the second and joke, the third will become ideal wife. If a guy has already included you in the “Friends” category, it will be difficult to hint to him about a relationship.
  3. To evaluate true intentions, observe the behavior of the object of sympathy. Interested guy shortens the distance, tries to be closer to his passion. A man wants to be alone and communicate in every possible way. You will often catch his eye on you.
  4. In the case when the guy only glanced at you without paying attention, he is not interested in you. If everything goes well, proceed to active action.

Step #3. Look for a meeting with the object of sympathy

  1. If all the above signs indicate reciprocal love, you cannot hesitate. Go on the offensive, but don't overdo it. If you are too annoying, the young man will run away in the first week.
  2. Get yourself in order, review your wardrobe. Toss your sneakers aside and replace them with mid-heeled shoes. Create romantic curls and experiment with makeup.
  3. Try to catch the guy's eye more often. When you catch his eye, smile and say hello nicely. Be confident, but not cocky.
  4. Organize supposedly random encounters. Attend parties that he also goes to. Join the company of a young man, conquer him at school or college.
  5. Add the guy as a friend on a social network, start an active correspondence. Look for common ground and any reason to communicate. Invent original themes for conversation.

Step #4. Don't be afraid of skin-to-skin contact

  1. When you go out on new level and you will be able to talk calmly, joke more often. Use tactile contact. For example, you can lightly push a young man on the shoulder while having fun.
  2. Make fun of the guy. If he steps in a puddle, tell him that wet sneakers are in fashion now. The same can be said about a wrinkled shirt or an ugly tie.
  3. Stay close to the guy if possible. If he tells interesting story, lean your ear to his lips. Pretend that you didn’t hear the phrase well.
  4. If the object of sympathy adequately reacts to your manipulations, we can assume that the “fish” has taken the bait. Keep up the good work, but now try to be alone more often.

Step #5. Show weakness

  1. Call the young man under a plausible pretext, ask him for help. Let them know that you need to move furniture or run errands around the house. You can deliberately “destroy” the PC system, then say that it needs to be reinstalled.
  2. After the guy helps, treat him to tea. If the young man refuses, make it clear that this is not suitable for you. When he arrives, bake a pie or buy other sweets, and then pass them off as your own. Later, as the relationship develops, you will laugh together about Operation “Capture the Dream Guy.”
  3. You can demonstrate weakness in other ways, for example, in the cinema. If you are planning to attend a horror or thriller movie, act like you are scared. Look for his support in everything: walking on a slippery road, dark alley in the park.
  4. It is important to find any opportunity that will encourage the guy to cover you with a jacket, take you by the hand, and walk you to the entrance. Girls are supposed to be weak. In this way you will show the young man that you need him. The guy will take the hint.

Step #6. Take decisive action

  1. If a guy shows all the signs of attraction, don't be afraid to do more for him. Prepare a small present. You can knit a scarf or make a collage of photos. When relationships are growing quickly, create romantic atmosphere and invite young man to the picnic.
  2. You can bake a cake and then invite the object of your adoration for tea. Some ladies are more cunning. They buy a souvenir, after which they casually give it to the guy with the words: “I was walking along the alley and thought about you. Here you are!". Cute and nothing superfluous, take it into service.
  3. After such actions, disappear from sight for some time, do not visit the general company, do not appear on social networks. If the guy calls your phone, tell him that you are roaming. Let him be nervous.
  4. Find out from your friends if he was interested in you during his absence. If yes, the fish is on the hook. On at this stage it is necessary to convey to the young man that he is lonely without you. This fact will force a man to actively act, and not wait for the lady’s initiative.
  5. After this, appear on joint event In his best. Dress fashionably, do makeup, tidy up your nails and hair. Let the guy realize that he misses you. Invited to the cinema? Great, the hint of a relationship is clear!

What not to do

There are hints that a guy may not understand. In order not to scare off the young man, follow practical recommendations.

  1. If a young man has potential girls for further relations, don't ask about them. Try to reduce such conversations to “no”, and put yourself in the foreground. Also, you should not give a guy advice on how to behave with this or that lady. Otherwise, the man will add you to the “Friends” category.
  2. At the first stages of shaky communication, you should not tell what kind of husband you dream about, what wedding dress you wear, how many children you will give birth to. Such drastic statements will make the guy run away in an instant. It is important to convey that you are interested in the guy, and not in the desire to get married as soon as possible.
  3. If you have not yet reached a “high” relationship, do not try to bring a young man into the family and introduce him to his parents. First, resolve the issues between yourselves, make sure there is a strong connection, then go “matchmaking.” Otherwise, obsessive conversations from household members will cause the guy to run away.
  4. Guys love sexy girls only with their eyes, they take exemplary and caring women as wives. There is no need to openly show desire, climb into his crotch and demand tenderness. Try to hold back the attraction until the relationship is on a stable track. So both you and he will be confident in each other.
  5. Don't talk non-stop, learn the art of listening. Not every guy can stand it all the time talking girl next to you. Also, do not stalk the young man, leave him personal space. Don't try to control a man, let him make his own decisions.

Collect information about the guy through social networks or mutual friends. Make sure the sympathy is mutual. More often you are alone with the young man, give him a gift with your own hands. Don't be afraid to show weakness, move away a little and let him miss you.

Video: how to properly hint a guy about a relationship

Before you actively begin to turn your acquaintance into serious relationship, answer two questions for yourself. First: do you know this guy well enough, his habits and nuances of character? Perhaps, when you first met, he seemed like a fairy-tale prince to you, but during subsequent communication he will turn out to be rude, uncouth and “narrow-minded.” Second question: do you really want to reduce the distance between you by becoming his girlfriend? Imagine that the development of the relationship has taken place, you have become a couple, each has at least minimal responsibilities towards each other, responsibility towards each other. Are you sure that this guy is what you need, and you definitely don’t want to wait for the next prince? Then it's time to act.

Which guys need hints of a closer relationship?

Usually guys are quite active and are the first to propose a serious and closer relationship. But there are exceptions:

  • He is also not indifferent to you, but he is afraid to take the first step towards getting closer (kiss, write a letter, send a valentine or talk to you directly) because he does not want to lose you and is afraid of scaring you away. Usually he communicates nicely and kindly with you, doesn’t mind going somewhere together, is always ready to help, actively sets topics for conversation, and he definitely doesn’t have a girlfriend. If all this is about your potential boyfriend, then you can safely take the first step yourself, and then he will make sure that he likes you and take the initiative into his own hands. Note: guys of this type are afraid to scare away a girl because of their sympathy for her and strong attraction, they are afraid of losing “their only one,” since their natures themselves are romantic and faithful. Therefore, hint at relationships easily and delicately (more on this below we'll talk), avoid open pressure so that he doesn’t get scared of you and think that you want to “eat” him and are not at all the girl of his dreams. Act carefully and remain a princess at the same time.
  • "Brakes in life." This is the saddest type. Such guys make henpecked husbands, husbands who are not able to take responsibility for their family. They always need someone to push them and often hope that everything will sort itself out and work out on its own; they prefer to go with the flow. Often they are dependent on the opinions of relatives, friends and their mother, who protects them all their lives and does not let them go far from themselves.

Indecisive guys are often looking for a “mommy” girl who is ready to surround them with care so that they can continue to lead their measured existence. If you feel that your potential boyfriend is one of these, then think about whether you are ready to play the role of “I am both a woman and a man” for the rest of your life or the period of your relationship?

Which guys should you stay away from?

There are three types of guys you should be wary of and for whom hinting at a relationship is not only not worth it, but also useless. He is “hunting” for completely different girls than you, so he has not yet taken any active action:

  • The guy likes to "sail and throw." He does not perceive any girl as a future companion or wife. His goal is to seduce and disappear with minimal losses for himself and without falling into the mud in front of mutual acquaintances. There is no action in your direction because he doubts, does not know how to approach you, he is afraid that if you learn about the frivolity of his intentions, you will humiliate him in front of his friends, leaving him in the cold. Be wary if you know that he doesn’t have a girlfriend now, but just recently broke up with his 20th.
  • These guys like to “grin”, look at you meaningfully, sometimes take you by the hand and pretend to be a “modest” person who doesn’t dare to do more. And as soon as the girl takes the first step (and he is just waiting for this!), he will immediately say that you understood everything wrong, that he did not expect such a turn. You will feel humiliated. And the moral of this fable: all the girls hang themselves on him, he is the king and the king, but you are one of 100. These are very self-centered types.
  • He communicates with you often and in a friendly way, but he will never offer a relationship and you should not hint at it, because his interest is self-interest. This guy is for love “of convenience”, and you are not his cup of tea. Unfortunately, this type is by no means uncommon. Take a closer look: if he often talks about money, his expenses, inheritances, real estate, and likes to mention his influential relatives and acquaintances, then this is a reason for you to think.

Careless hints that will make a guy run away

There are three important points, which you should a priori observe if you want to have a serious relationship with a guy, and not scare him off:

  • Don't talk to him about his past or current (potential real) girlfriends. If he himself starts such conversations, then reduce them to nothing, avoid them. If you start supporting the topic of his “personal life”, giving advice on how to behave with one and the other, then he will perceive you only as a friend.
  • Don't tell him in all colors about what loving husband you dream about your future five children, about what Wedding Dress you want and what country you want to go to on your honeymoon. The guy may simply be afraid of your premature attempt to marry him or he will think that you are not in love with him, but are considering him as an option in order to quickly jump out of marriage, and it doesn’t matter to whom.
  • Don't introduce your parents. Before the explanation in high feelings happens between the two of you, meeting your parents is taboo. It is inappropriate and will be perceived as “attacking with complaints,” even if your parents are very gentle and cheerful in nature.
  • Do not approach him openly, showing your violent feelings and open sexuality. Normal guy will not build a serious relationship with a “sex bomb” who is ready for anything at once, because he is such a “cute”.

Remember that your boyfriend must conquer you himself. Your task is to gently and delicately hint to him that you are ready for this, that you expect steps towards rapprochement from him, and that you are very attracted to him.

  • Don't talk nonsense incessantly. Learn to listen to the guy, but don’t be silent in the conversation, keep the conversation going. At the same time, do not interrupt your interlocutor, let him speak, show genuine interest in everything the guy says. Girls who talk too much, incessantly, give the impression of hyperactive, restless people to be around. for a long time Not everyone can.
  • Don't chase him. Walking “on your heels” and “like a shadow” will only lead to him avoiding you.

10 ways to hint a guy about a relationship

  • Smile more often when talking to him. Don't whine, don't complain about life. Let him see the “light” in your eyes, joy, express sympathy and lightness. Smile and positive attitude- the most effective way to win someone over.
  • Unobtrusively find out: “How are you?” There is no need to ask this question every day, literally and directly. Intersect with him and find out “news” from his life. The main thing is to let him know that you care about his life, his affairs, his well-being, his mood.
  • Try to spend as much time with him as possible. Sign up for the same sports club as him, talk to him, find common interests, topics to continue the conversation. Each of your meetings should be more interesting than the previous one.
  • More humor: “as a joke,” ask him out on a date—what if he agrees? Try to laugh and joke (but not all the time, of course, in moderation). With "jokes" it will be easier to talk him into spending time together, and then it’s just a stone’s throw to the candy-bouquet stage.
  • During your joint trip somewhere (to an amusement park, just a walk, to a museum), casually take his hand. You can start with light, short touches “on occasion”: he helps you put on your coat, passes you a glass, holds your hand in cold weather, when it’s icy outside.
  • Take the two of you on a trip somewhere. If you don't dare invite him, make it seem like you're not going alone. Allegedly, this will be a joint trip to the cinema, but your friends will refuse to get as close to the point as possible - they will suddenly have urgent matters to attend to (agree in advance with your friends/acquaintances). And so you will find yourself in the cinema together, and after the screening, take a leisurely stroll through the park, perhaps he will offer to take you home.
  • It’s good to go out into nature together, maybe in the company of friends. The main thing is that you have the opportunity to communicate with him alone and that he sees you in an unusual, romantic and mysterious image: long dress, a wreath of wildflowers... Perhaps, after communicating in such an informal atmosphere, the guy himself will take steps towards getting closer and will no longer have to hint.
  • Through his friend. This is very effective way. Need good and confidential communication with a guy's friend. Tell him about your liking and, perhaps, a friend will let your potential boyfriend know that it’s time to act and his ears will buzz about what kind of you you are." cool girl"Just make sure in advance that your friend is an adequate person and will definitely not make you laugh.
  • Going to a disco. Alternatively, invite him to dance and charm him. But ideally, let everything work out by itself: a fiery dance at a disco or party will flow into a “white” dance, and after the waltz that you “suddenly” dance at your best friends’ wedding, he won’t want to let go of your hand.
  • Always keep yourself on your toes: neat look, well-groomed face, beautiful make-up(the latter is not necessary - depending on the situation). Let him notice that you always look beautiful, then the thought will flash through his mind that perhaps you are trying this way just for him.
  • "Freeze" at the display window with beautiful flowers during your walk together. This hint is very subtle, but perhaps the guy will guess and soon give you a bouquet and invite you to meet.
  • Tell him about your friend/acquaintance, to whom her boyfriend gave “such a bouquet!” Tell us about an “unforgettable” meeting between friends, oh romantic wedding the friend you visited. This is also a subtle hint, but you can guess the subtext.
  • Show that you are not comfortable/scared to be anywhere. Demonstrate that you are looking for protection and support: a dark park, a slippery path, heavy rain, or let’s say you have trouble seeing and literally broke your glasses an hour ago (any excuse is good). You need to show that you need to be “protected”: covered with a jacket, taken by the arm, escorted, covered with your umbrella...
  • Give a gift made with your own hands: knit a scarf, mittens, hat, bake cookies and bandage the box beautiful ribbon, give for Valentine's Day. Just carefully find out in advance what color the guy prefers, whether he wears knitted things at all and whether he eats sweets. Well, if he doesn’t eat sweets, you can also find a way out, for example, make apple pastille without sugar or give him dried fruit.
  • Remember that eyes are the mirror of the soul. Look into a guy's eyes, and they will say everything for you: about your feelings, about your sympathy for him. But the view must be supported common interests, regular communication. If you just look with your eyes wide open, it will be perceived as if you have a crush on him and are staring.
  • Ask him to help you, for example, with the computer (you yourself will mess something up in advance). He will come to your house, treat him to tea with what you baked yourself. Let him gradually get used to you, to your housekeeping, to the fact that you are nearby. If he likes this state of affairs, he will take further steps himself.

How to hint at a relationship - this question sooner or later arises for any person in love who wants to take communication with the object of their feelings to a qualitatively new level. Guys worry about how to hint a relationship to a girl, and girls worry about how to hint a relationship to a guy.

There are ten most simple ways. Five is for men who don’t know which way to approach women, and another five is for women who are racking their brains about how to hint to a man about a relationship.

Here important tips both for green youths and mature husbands.

The first method is to establish eye contact with the girl you like. It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. A glance can show a lot. It is important not to be shy and try to make eye contact with the girl of your dreams as often as possible in order to demonstrate to her your interest and willingness to get closer.

The second way is touch. Touch is an expression of tenderness, care and desire to be close. If an inadvertent touch of a girl’s hands or shoulders brought a smile to her face, then all doubts should be swept away - success lies ahead.

The third way can be a small present given to a girl for any occasion - both for Valentine's Day and in honor of the sunny weather outside the window. Beautiful unobtrusive gift- the best hint.

The fourth method is the correct use of body language: smiles, glances, friendly facial expressions, touches...

And the fifth, most daring way. You need to ask a girl out on a date. Anywhere, in a cafe, to the cinema, to a dance, to an exhibition or performance, or, if she suddenly loves snakes, to a terrarium.

It is necessary to proceed from the interests of the girl - and choose a type of entertainment that she will fully approve of. In the end, you just have to be natural: don’t scare the girl away expensive gifts and too intrusive touches, but attract with sincere attention and caring.

Girls appreciate authenticity.

And here are the five ways that will help a girl communicate with a guy she likes.

First of all, flirting. Laughing cutely in response to a joke, smiling coquettishly and batting your eyelashes a little naively - this is enough to charm any man. However, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to look stupid. From coquetry to falsehood - one step.

Secondly, physical contact. A girl who allows herself to briefly touch a guy during a conversation, hug him when meeting him, or even kiss him on the cheek goodbye, shows the guy more than just a friendly disposition.

Thirdly, smile. A smile makes a person beautiful, and even more so a girl. A smiling girl attracts glances. In order to show a guy your sincere affection, you need to smile often to prove to the object of your love how joyful and pleasant it is to be around him.

Fourthly, geographical proximity. In order to push a guy into a relationship, you need to try to spend as much time as possible next to him. Don’t run after him like a devoted dog, but “accidentally” catch his eye, find yourself at the same desk, at the same place with him. dining table, in one hobby group. Thus, the chance of a conversation, and then a date, increases significantly.

Fifthly, compliments. Who doesn't like compliments? Men, perhaps, love praise even more than women.

And you can play well on this: admire new haircut, a new shirt, or even better - some action. The main thing is not to embarrass, but only to demonstrate your sympathy. Here's a ten the right ways hint to a girl or guy about a relationship.

Of course, the approach to each person is individual, but this is a base that is usually difficult to do without, because these methods are drawn from thousands of years of experience in relations between a man and a woman. You need to be careful and gentle friend to friend.

You like the guy, but he doesn’t show signs of attention, and you just can’t wait for him to confess?

Is your chosen one unable to make up his mind, or is he constantly avoiding conversations? This means either he is indifferent to you or you are just a friend for him, or he does not know how to approach you and how to start courting you. Then, in this case, you will most likely have to take the first step forward. If you can’t confess to the guy directly, then you need to act in other ways.

To begin with, you can ask your friend to find out about his attitude towards you. And if the answer is positive, then you can start making light hints. You need to get to know his relatives or friends, leave information about yourself, good impression. So that his friends or relatives can speak well of you.

Show great interest in his hobbies and interests. Indeed, become interested in this, be well informed on this or that issue. So that he always has something to talk to you about.

You can also arouse interest in your person in such a way as to keep your eyes on your chosen one. This has always been a good opportunity to show a guy that you care about him.

What should I talk to him about?

Well, for starters, stop being just his friend. I mean, stop talking about other girls. Talk to him about everything, make him feel comfortable, make him feel that you are honest with him and close to him.

Flirt with him. Easy, unobtrusive, but flirt. Make jokes, laugh, inadvertently touch his hand, put your hand on his knee. Smile often, touch your hair. But be sure to do it naturally, guys feel such things very well.

How should you behave?

If you want to somehow hint to a guy that he is for you, then this can be done not only with words, but also with your behavior. Be sure to make it easy and comfortable for him to be with you. It will be good if it is his birthday, then you can express your sympathy through a gift.

Do not flirt with other guys under any circumstances, this will only push your chosen one away. If you are in a company, try to joke and smile more often. But don't forget to give more of your attention to the guy you like. He will understand that you are not breathing smoothly towards him.

You can resort to feminine tricks, for example, ask a friend to accidentally let it slip in the company of the guy you want that you like him. If the guy reacted normally after these words, then you can remain silent or continue the conversation on this topic. If you see that the guy felt awkward or even wants to leave, then turn it all into a joke.

You can also hint to a guy that you like him through correspondence on social networks. You can include a non-intrusive compliment in your message, or invite him for a walk. If you feel that the guy reciprocates your feelings, then you can confess your sympathy to him. But not sharply, but with the words “maybe” or “it seems so to me.”

Of course, girls cannot always even hint that they like a guy. Then you need to resort to all the tricks and methods so that he finds out about it himself. If you are a confident girl and are not afraid of rejection, then you can simply tell him how you feel. But, in frequent cases, girls feel the guy's sympathy for them, and then it's it will be easier. So, don’t be afraid of anything and take action. Perhaps in the future there will not be such a chance.

If, nevertheless, the guy does not reciprocate your feelings, do not despair. There's always another one good man who can win your heart. Who knows, maybe you won't have to take the first step, but just answer mutual feelings. And then you will understand that all your previous boyfriends were just guys.

While talking with friends, the guy of your dreams walks into the room. What should I do? Keep calm. Try to attract his attention: look into his eyes and smile, and then evaluate the opportunity for a face-to-face conversation. If you want to communicate everything directly or indirectly hint about sympathy, then use our tips and find out how mutual your feelings are.


Tell me straight

    Directly admit your sympathy. When you're in next time If you find yourself face to face with the object of your affection, try to gather your courage and say that you like him. If you are feeling anxious, you will experience incredible relief. This confession of yours should be appropriate. It's better to wait for the right moment, for example, talk about your feelings immediately after bursting with laughter or before leaving.

    Send a message if you are embarrassed to say it in person. Sometimes it's hard to muster the courage to admit it face to face. In this case, a text message will help you overcome awkwardness. Lay your cards on the table with these words: “Listen, I want to tell you that I like you,” or admit your sympathy indirectly: “You’re so cool! How come you still don’t have a girlfriend?!”

    Confess through your friends if you don’t know what to tell your guy. If you are embarrassed to pour out your soul to a guy, then try to find an intermediary among your mutual friends. Such an act can inspire a guy to take the first step if his friends are ready to work for you.

    • if you have mutual friends, then ask them to test the waters on your behalf: “I like Andrey, but I’m too worried to tell him about it. Could you find out what he thinks of me?”
    • If you don't have mutual friends, get creative. Did the object of your affection chat with his friend at a party? After a while, go up to him and say: "Do you know this guy? He's so cool."
  1. Pass the baton to the guy. When you reveal your feelings, the further answer will depend only on the guy, and you can relax after a confident and decisive confession. You can be proud of yourself regardless of the outcome of the situation.

    Start a conversation

    1. Approach the guy and start a conversation. Often the best method becomes a direct approach. This way of expressing your sympathy may seem impudent, but it will allow you to make strong first impression. Slowness and indecision may cost you the opportunity to get to know each other better.

      Focus the conversation on the guy. If you manage to strike up a conversation, start asking questions and show your interest in getting to know the guy better. This approach will help lay the foundation for a deeper connection between you.

      • Usually it’s enough to say: “Tell me about yourself” to get a guy to talk, but if you want to talk about something specific, then ask: “How do you know Oleg?”, “Were you born in this city?”, or: "Where do you work?".
      • Nod, use verbal confirmations like “Yeah” and “What, really?”, and ask follow-up questions to show your interest and attention.
    2. Look for common ground. When a guy talks about himself, his thoughts, feelings and views, try to find something in common with you in his words. Similarities will help you feel like you are like-minded people with common interests.

      • Emphasize these points of agreement with comments like, “Funny, I went to that camp when I was a kid!” or, “I love schnauzers, too. Because of this, many people think I’m strange!”
      • Sometimes you don't have to do the same thing, have common friends or interests to find common ground. Having the same view on a certain aspect or situation will show that you have a lot in common.
    3. Laugh at the guy's jokes. If he says something funny, please him with a laugh or a sincere smile. This will not only show your attraction, but will help the guy relax so that he can continue the conversation. Even a simple smile will give your interlocutor confidence.

      • Make sure that your behavior does not look forced. Insincere laughter is not difficult to recognize. It can often be perceived as pity rather than admiration.
    4. Playfully tease the guy. Nowadays, sarcasm and wit are considered very attractive quality. You can joke good-naturedly at the guy's expense, but don't say anything that could hurt his pride. Your barbs should be accompanied by a friendly smile and open language bodies to show interest rather than criticism.

      Try to flatter a little. Everyone loves praise. Complimenting a guy's appearance is one of the simplest and most obvious ways to communicate your liking. Try to praise the guy's smile or his physical fitness and ask how he trains.

      When you leave, say that you would be happy to talk again. When the time will come Go home, end the conversation with something like this: “It was very nice talking with you. I hope that we can continue the conversation the next time we meet.” Properly ending a conversation will keep a guy waiting. new meeting and will allow you to continue flirting at the next opportunity.

      • Use subtle ones nonverbal cues: Hold your gaze on the guy's eyes or touch his elbow before leaving to show your affection.
      • If you play all the cards correctly, he will ask for your phone number. If it is obvious that he liked you, but he is too shy, then take the initiative into your own hands.

    Use body language

    1. Use fleeting eye contact. Look the guy in the eyes, lower your gaze to the floor, and then slowly look at him again. This simple and shy step will show that you like him, even though you know that it is impolite to keep your eyes on the person. If everything is done correctly, the guy will certainly notice your interest.

      Give the guy a smile. Whether you are deep in conversation or simply exchanging glances from afar, your smile will be the most effective way show your sympathy. A sincere smile radiates warmth and openness, and also shows affection and willingness to communicate.

      • Smiling helps spark romantic interest, but it must be natural, otherwise it can inadvertently cause awkwardness.
    2. Use light touch. Don't underestimate the power of touch. Apply your whole body to the guy or stand close enough to barely touch him. This behavior will bridge the metaphorical distance between you and show your desire for some physical intimacy.

      Lean towards the guy while talking. Eliminate the literal distance between you and show that you want to get closer emotionally. You can also get rid of all distractions and create the feeling that there is no one else around except you. Behave naturally and without fanaticism so as not to scare the guy.

      Sensually cross and straighten your legs. Crossed legs are a bold and direct way to show your interest while also adding a touch of spice. Only use this trick with a guy you really like, as this gesture carries a slight sexual connotation.

      • Trying to draw attention to your feet can be very seductive, especially when paired with other confident body language.
      • There is no need to slouch, swing your knees, or otherwise show your excitement. The guy may take this as a sign of discomfort or his power over you.
    3. Play with your hair. During a conversation or eye contact run your fingers through your hair or brush a stray strand out of your face. If you straighten your hair, the guy will understand that you are worried because you liked him. In addition, you will look your best before meeting.

      • Just like crossing your legs, trying to play with your hair can be interpreted differently. Paying too much attention to your hair may signal that you are bored or appearance bothers you more than the guy's presence.
    4. Lick your lips. If you want to really reveal your feelings, run the tip of your tongue over your lips to make them plump, moist and pink. This is a 100% signal that the guy excites you. And if you are lucky enough to receive a goodbye kiss, your lips will be ready for it.
