How to respond to a kiss with tongue. Kiss with the tongue, suction with the tongue - what to do? French kiss - passionate tongue kiss

Without what it is impossible to imagine love? What precedes the beginning of a love relationship? Of course, we are talking about kisses. If there is no experience, you are interested in how to kiss with the tongue with a guy for the first time.

As practice shows, teenage girls draw the necessary information from books, magazines and the Internet. Guys, on the other hand, take this much easier and rely on intuition and nature.

A passionate kiss in a long-term relationship is different from the first kiss, which is timid and timid. In the article I will consider the features of kisses and tell you step by step tips.

Young people are afraid of the first kiss, but they are impatiently waiting for it. Such a kiss is accompanied by movements of the lips, because the time for tongue games has not yet come. According to young people, they do not know the kissing technique. This is a delusion, since a kiss is a natural ability of a person, and not a divine gift.

Action plan

  • If you haven't kissed before, practice. Practice your kissing technique by moving your lips in the air. It’s impossible to accurately simulate a kiss with a loved one. When the right moment arrives, rely on the sensations, feelings and emotions that will prompt the right path.
  • While kissing, touch your loved one and touch some parts of the body. Do not forget that the kiss should be romantic and tender. Don't try to set a record for the longest time.
  • Kissing is an incredibly pleasant process, but not everyone enjoys it. This is due to the fact that people pay a lot of attention to assessing the situation and actions. For a kiss to bring pleasure, forget about unnecessary thoughts and relax.
  • During a kiss, along with the blood, substances enter the brain that give energy and cheer up. Only a kiss with a loved one can provide such an effect. In this case, everything will be easy and pleasant, and the partner's lips will be delicious.
  • If you do not own art, do not be upset, but take note of the advice. During the next workout, gently move your tongue over your lips, fold it into a tube, breathe through your nose, or turn a lollipop in your mouth. Everything will work out.

Psychologists advise before starting the process to imagine everything in the imagination. This simple trick will have a positive effect on confidence.

Video tips

How to kiss with tongue

A kiss is an intimate intervention in a person's soul. This is where love begins. The right kiss helps to excite a partner and cheer up. Let's take a look at the tongue kissing technique.

Modern teenagers seeking to find a boyfriend or girlfriend are interested in the technique of French kissing. It is not surprising, since for them such a kiss is an adult manifestation of love. Experienced couples in love who are tired of the standard technique also want to master the art.

The kiss is based on mutual desire, complemented by passion. The level of pleasure received depends on the actions.

  1. Touch your partner's lips without opening your lips, and kiss gently. This is enough to kindle the flame of passion. Then, with the tip of your tongue, run over the lips of the second half. If in a moment she does the same, then she likes it.
  2. If everything went well, continue to explore the sensuality of a partner, but do not overdo it. Do not try to quickly stick your tongue entirely into your partner's mouth, otherwise he will consider this step disgusting.
  3. Try to keep the kiss gentle. By following your partner's desires, you will bring him pleasure. It is enough to gently caress the tongue of the halves with the tip of the tongue. Don't slobber, not everyone likes it.
  4. To continue the experiments, establish emotional contact. In this matter, heartfelt conversations will help. Emotional intimacy is important for a partner, especially when it comes to a girl.
  5. As you gain experience, master more advanced techniques using the language. Option - a stinging kiss. Initially, gently suck on the lips of the second half, and after a sharp movement, insert the tongue into the mouth.
  6. There is an inflaming kiss, which has an exciting effect on the partner. Gently lick your partner's lips and play a simple game. A spoonful of honey will help make the kiss unforgettable.
  7. Rotate your tongue in your partner's mouth, making slow and gentle movements. This kissing technique is called the "mill".
  8. If you want to shock your partner, use a sophisticated kiss. Gently touch his palate with your tongue. Do not overdo it, as a strong touch will cause tickling.

Remember, a kiss is a wonderful mutual feeling that can provide violent pleasure. Constantly practice and experiment, listen to the partner's opinion, and become an ace.

Fancy kisses

If you strive to learn how to kiss well, without biting and without leaving marks on the body of a partner, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the following material, in which I will consider unusual kisses.

  • vacuum kiss . It is short, so quickly but gently suck your partner's lips. After a moment, tear yourself away from the lips, doing it as slowly as possible. Otherwise, an unpleasant sound will be heard.
  • Marathon. It is a regular kiss, which is characterized by duration. Start such experiments when you have experience behind you.
  • Pinch. This technique combines a pleasant kiss with playfulness. Gently and gently pinch your partner's lips with your lips. Such a kiss brings a lot of pleasure.
  • Butterfly's kiss . To perform this kind of kiss, approach the partner's face so that the eyelashes tickle the skin. This technique will shock your partner. Just remember, the wrong execution will provide the effect of an annoying fly.
  • Electric Stingray . It is recommended to merge with a loved one in a kiss in the dark. Stop at a short distance from each other, lean slightly and touch your lips.
  • conversational kiss . During a conversation on an intimate topic, smoothly approach each other. Voicing the next portion of words, the lips of one partner will caress the lips of the other half. The main thing is that there is no bad breath.
  • French-English kiss . The struggle of languages. The goal of confrontation is the highest pleasure. Remember, wrong actions injure the tongue of a partner.

I know such unusual kisses. This knowledge is enough to diversify relationships and bring something new and unknown to them. Practice, develop your talents and share your experience with others.

How to freshen your breath before a kiss?

In conclusion, I will add that a kiss is an intimate act between people, which can be overshadowed by various things, including an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity. Improvised means will help freshen your breath. They will come to the rescue at a time when it is not possible to brush your teeth.

  • Mints and chewing gum . Stores sell packs of candy or chewing gum that focus on freshening breath. It takes a few minutes to get results. Although the choice of flavors is wide, mint solves the problem best. Use mint products carefully, the strong smell of menthol is unpleasant for the other person.
  • Apple. This healthy and tasty fruit eliminates the feeling of hunger, saturates the body with useful substances, removes plaque and freshens breath. Therefore, before intimate communication, it does not hurt to eat an apple.
  • bitter chocolate . Having eaten a small piece of delicacy, you will freshen your breath, provide your mouth with a light aftertaste that your soulmate will like.
  • Green tea. An effective remedy for bad breath. You can also solve the problem with herbal tea based on burdock, barberry or blackthorn. Grass pour boiling water from the kettle, wait a few minutes and after cooling, rinse your mouth.
  • Nutmeg . Chew a few kernels and hold in your mouth for a while. This will not only freshen your breath, but also bring some benefits to some organs, including the stomach and liver.
  • Parsley. Eat a few sprigs of parsley and after two or three minutes the mouth will be ready for a kiss.

If the funds listed do not work, go to the store and buy a special spray. With this tool you will freshen your breath,

The first kiss in a relationship means much more to partners than the first intimate experience. According to psychologists, it is at the moment of the fusion of our lips that the body can recognize the ideal life partner.

It is not surprising that inexperienced boys and girls are very worried before the first kiss. Learn how to kiss with your tongue and get unearthly pleasure from it!

Dizzy passion or How to kiss with the tongue

A deep, penetrating kiss with the tongue is also called French, and for good reason. The French are fluent in the art of love and know exactly how to kiss with the tongue. Before you surprise your partner, you need to prepare for an exciting moment. What is required - fresh breath, intimate atmosphere and romantic mood?

Of course, all circumstances are important for the first French kiss, but passion is the decisive criterion. If you and your partner are seized with passion and ready to get to know each other better, then it's time to connect in a kiss. It is difficult to miss this moment - usually a notorious spark jumps between a young man and a girl, silent consent is read in the eyes, and the lips of lovers rush towards each other ... It is simply impossible to forget your first French kiss and the emotions associated with it.

How to learn tongue kissing video

French kissing needs to be learned - this is what modern girls think. Instead of thinking, young women diligently master the technique of deep kissing. The time has passed when kissing was learned on tomatoes - now we have the Internet at our disposal. There are hundreds of instructional videos on the web on how to, for example, at home or video tutorials on the topic of French kissing. Perhaps, watching such a video is the best way to thoroughly study the question of interest to you.

French kiss: detailed instructions

Surely, your friends shared with you their impressions of how cool it is to kiss with the tongue! However, not every person can describe the process in detail, so we learn the French kiss according to detailed instructions:
So, you are left alone with your partner. Take a comfortable position (suddenly your kiss will last more than one minute) and look intently into the eyes of a young man. The young man perceives this as a signal for closer contact and becomes the initiator of the kiss. But what if the young man did not guess what was required of him? Then slightly tilt your head and slowly approach his lips, while slightly closing your eyelids.

Before kissing passionately with the tongue, you need a little foreplay. First, you should only touch your lover with your lips, and the movements should be smooth and careful. As you get excited, you should open your mouth slightly - if your partner longs for a deep kiss, then his tongue will slip over your teeth and the tip of your tongue. You can start the most interesting!
In a French kiss, the tongue plays a major role. Do not forget that this is the strongest muscle in the human body, and there are hundreds of nerve endings in the oral cavity, so all movements of the tongue must be accurate. You can lightly touch the tongues, slightly suck the tongue of the partner, lick the lips with teasing movements. It is difficult to describe all the actions of lovers at this moment, so you need to trust your intuition. At such an important moment, you should not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, for example,. Just enjoy the process!

During the kiss, try to control salivation - a kiss that is too “wet” may not please the partner. You should also not bite the guy's tongue or lips. The sensitivity of these organs is now increased to the limit, and any careless movement can result in painful sensations. It is not recommended to penetrate the tongue too deeply - this manipulation can provoke a gag reflex.

An important touch is the end of the French kiss. Do not sharply tear your lips away from your partner's mouth - the effect of surprise will work against you. It is best to kiss the guy with closed lips, then lean back slightly and return to reality. It is difficult to convey in words what kind of euphoria a girl and a young man are experiencing at this moment! According to psychologists, the best way, like the pain of parting, is a kiss with a new lover.

The most important thing is not to panic before the long-awaited French kiss, because you will not have to, but a very pleasant process. If the first kiss is successful, then you should practice this love technique more often. There are no two identical kisses - every time lovers have access to new sensations and the joy of intimacy with a desired partner. Kiss for health!

The first kiss both scares and attracts teenagers. This is quite normal and you shouldn't worry about it. People can learn to kiss already when they are already liberated in relationships and are not particularly shy. And the first kiss should always be gentle, timid and long-awaited.

No need to look for a huge number of videos and articles on how to kiss with the tongue correctly. You need to do it easier - trust your feelings and intuition. Guys, in principle, do just that, and girls try to learn as much as possible in this matter.

But you should not try to show your skills and abilities when you kiss a guy for the first time, just gently touch his lips with your lips and make pulling movements with them. At the same time, the location of your hands and the hands of a partner is also very important.

Do not just lower your arms, but put your arms around his shoulders. In turn, the guy can hug you gently around the waist and bring you closer to him. It is not very decent to give free rein to the hands in the first kiss, because it is not known how the girl will react to this. A man should be gentle and caring in these moments, but not insolent. It’s even nice when a guy gets a little shy at the first kiss, this is a good sign - it means he really has feelings for you and therefore worries about how everything will go.

Kissing Methods

When the first kiss has already been, and even more so with a loved one, you will remember it for a lifetime. But, as you know, people do not stop there, and want to improve themselves and their skills. This endeavor has always been commendable and, in the case of new ways of kissing, is also very useful.

You and your partner open up to each other not only through communication, but also through physical contact: hugs, kisses, and then sex. This way you get closer to each other and can determine if you and your partner are right for you.

tongue kissing technique

  • Don't set a time record. The first kiss should not be too long. Time in a kiss is not the main thing, the main thing is tenderness and feelings.
  • Don't worry or worry about not knowing how to kiss. This is a completely normal and common thing. No training or theory is needed, just give in to your emotions and then you can have fun. But it comes only when your kiss happens with a loved one. You will be able to get pleasant sensations even at the first kiss, it is only necessary that the thoughts in your head be ordered, and you feel more than you think.
  • Body movements during a kiss should be gentle, romantic, maybe even a little timid, but not at all relaxed and rude. A kiss in an embrace is the best thing that can connect two young people.
  • You can get rid of anxiety about the first kiss by visualizing this process. Just imagine in your head how your kiss will go, what the movements and emotions will be, and when this happens in reality, you will no longer worry so much.
  • When watching movies, pay attention to how the actors who play the roles of lovers kiss. Basically, these will be melodramas and family films with beautiful love and tenderness. You can remember the movements of the hands and head that the girl makes, as well as the lips. Then you will already decide for yourself what your first kiss will be.

How to kiss with tongue

The kiss with the tongue is very passionate and so loved by people in love from all over the world. It is called French because France is considered a country of lovers, and only a truly loving couple can be ready for this kiss.

How to kiss lessons

  • Fresh breath is the key to a good kiss. Make sure that oral hygiene is at the highest level, it is very easy to do this - everyone can have chewing gum or mint candy in their pocket.
  • Bad breath makes a kiss unpleasant from the very beginning and can put an end to relationships if they are recent.
  • You need to make sure that your partner wants such a kiss. To do this, when kissing, open your lips a little more than usual and try to touch the edge of your tongue to the partner's lips several times, if he answers you the same, then you can try to run your tongue a little further, just do it very gently and slowly. The tongue is a very sensitive organ and strong, so don't try to use force. This can make the kiss rough and unpleasant. Be relaxed
  • Moisturizing the lips while kissing is a good way to set yourself and your partner up for this action. Run your tongue over your lips and your partner's, only softer.
  • Then you can gradually increase the duration of the kiss, working your tongue in different directions, but gently and gently, you can suck your lips, fold your tongue into a tube, move up and down, from side to side and all this will be very pleasant.
  • When kissing with your tongue, be careful with your teeth, in no case should you bite your partner’s tongue, otherwise everything will come to naught, because against the background of tenderness and softness, biting your teeth will seem like a very ardent gesture on your part.

Remember that a kiss is a manifestation of a feeling of love for a person who means a lot to you and leaves a significant imprint on your life. Love is spiritual, but it is reinforced by physical contacts that send impulses to the human brain and he feels joy, euphoria, happiness and experiences pleasure incomparable.

The main thing for a couple is not to be afraid to experiment and find more and more new ways of kissing in order to receive not only spiritual, but also physical pleasure from love. Experiment in all areas of your life and then you will not regret that you did not do something out of fear.

In a relationship, you should always discuss those issues that concern one of the partners. It is important that your first love and first kiss coincide and be remembered for a lifetime as a bright and romantic feeling, and the person with whom it was connected remains a friend or husband for you.

Before the first kiss

Usually, failures during the first kiss happen due to the fact that people constantly think about it, they are afraid to leave an unpleasant impression or seem incompetent, or, conversely, they show themselves too actively, trying to show themselves to be all capable and experienced. So don't get hung up on it.

During the kiss, try to relax and enjoy. Forget about memorized movements, rely only on your sensations and feelings.

However, it is worth remembering that your partner also wants to be kissed. At the same time, it is very important that your jaws move in sync, try to get in time with the movements of your loved one, do not immediately seize the initiative, a little later you yourself will be able to set the rhythm.

When kissing, do not be afraid to touch your partner, you can stroke his hair, face, shoulders, etc.

All your actions should be gentle and relaxed.

Try not to rush and not drag out the first kiss too much, it is better if it is short-lived.

Not everyone manages to enjoy a kiss for the first time. This is due to the fact that most of the attention is paid to assessing the situation, as well as one's own actions. But as soon as you manage to get rid of these thoughts, relax and completely surrender to the process, you will understand how pleasant it is to kiss.

Kiss on the lips

There is nothing incomprehensible and complicated in the art of kissing, everyone can learn how to do it right. First of all, you need to make sure that you are ready for the kiss. No unpleasant odors should come from your mouth, as they can repel even the most passionate lover. You should also keep your teeth and tongue clean. To achieve this, in addition to toothpaste, use special fresheners and rinses for the oral cavity.

Now you can consider in detail the process of kissing:

Waiting for the right moment, you can start the kiss. To do this, slowly begin to tilt your head towards your partner until the lips touch. At the same time, pull your lips slightly forward so that they remain relaxed. After contact, close your eyes and focus on the sensations.

Without haste, gently kiss one of your partner's lips with your two lips, ideally it should be between your lips. At the same time, slightly compress your lips. To determine the strength of compression and practice, you can squeeze your index finger with your lips. Such a kiss should last approximately 2-4 seconds.

After that, lean back about 4 centimeters, open your eyes and look at your loved one. This point should be given special attention, as it will help you determine whether to continue or better to stop. Follow the reaction of the partner, if it is positive, you can move on.

Start kissing one of the lips of your loved one again, then move to the other and back. At the same time, you can lightly suck on it or drive it with your tongue. You can also use your teeth and start to lightly bite your lip, but here you should be very careful not to hurt your loved one. When kissing, be sure to follow the reaction of the partner and give him the opportunity to kiss you too.

French Kiss

This is a very intimate kind of kiss, in which one partner touches the lips, mouth and tongue of the other partner with their tongue. Usually it becomes a continuation of a kiss on the lips, but it can also occur separately. If you and your lover have never kissed in this way, you don’t need to immediately stick your tongue into his mouth, try to act gradually and tactfully, taking into account the situation and the partner’s reaction.

Where to begin:

So, first you need to know the reaction of your partner. Therefore, start with a simple kiss, then open your mouth and run the tip of your tongue over the lips of your beloved and wait until he answers you. In this case, the guy himself can go to action. If he does not dare, then open your lips a little wider and very slowly part his lips with your tongue. Then slightly move your tongue back and wait for his reaction. Repeat this action until your tongues touch.

French kiss technique

Try to behave naturally, relax, discard shyness and excitement.

You can make any movements with your tongue: suck easily, move from side to side, touch a little audibly, etc., the main thing is that your loved one likes it. Explore, add new movements, and you can easily determine his tastes. Just remember that when kissing, all manipulations of the tongue must be done smoothly and with moderate force, so as not to cause discomfort to the partner.

To begin with, you can run your tongue along the inside of the lips, men really like this, because one of the erogenous zones is located there.

Sucking tongue. While kissing, you can lightly suck your partner's tongue. It may be difficult for you to catch him right away, but soon you will learn how to do it quickly. Suck the guy's tongue like a cocktail tube. At the same time, you may need to snuggle closer to your partner so that he does not recoil in surprise. But as soon as the guy relaxes, you can start sucking on his tongue with pulsating movements. Such caress usually gives the partner great pleasure.

Tongue rotation. It is possible to make rotational movements with the tongue during a kiss, this gives great pleasure to many. To do this, touch your partner's tongue with yours and begin to make rotational movements around him in a clockwise direction.

Simultaneous movements of the tongue. Usually one of the partners becomes the initiator of the kiss, so at first he acts independently. But there are also situations when a couple begins to kiss with the help of the tongue at the same time. At the same time, a kind of game takes place, when the partners seem to catch up with each other with tongues.

Pressing on the tongue. You can press on the tongue with such force that would be pleasant for you. In this case, the partner may, as it were, resist in response, pressing on your tongue.

The force of pressure on the lips. Lips can be affected with different strengths. It is recommended to start with a soft, gentle touch, and after a while you can add intensity. Change the force of pressure on the lips and the pace of the kiss: either weakly, then quickly, then slowly. Constant change and variety are the foundation of any kiss.

Kiss duration. The duration of a kiss can be completely different, the optimal time is from 0.5 to 5 minutes. But this figure is very individual, one minute is enough for some, and half an hour is not enough for others. The fact that the kiss was successful is evidenced by slight excitement and slight shortness of breath.

What is better not to do with a French kiss:

When kissing, you do not need to bite your tongue, because even the most gentle and light biting can give your partner discomfort.

Also, do not stick your tongue too deep, as this can also cause discomfort.
Don't focus on just one language, make the process varied, alternate between different types of kisses.

Don't grab your partner's lips and tongue too hard or too often.

Don't "drool". Watch your salivation, if yours is too strong, alternate different types of kisses.

Do not lick your partner's entire face and mouth - why be like a dog.
Whatever your experience in kissing, never be afraid to experiment, because only through trial and error will you be able to bring your technique to perfection. Kiss your loved one the way your heart tells you, and then you will remember these wonderful moments for a lifetime.

What not to do while kissing

1) Do not try to consider your partner. Just close your eyes and enjoy the kiss. If during the kiss your partner opens his eyes and notices that you are carefully examining him, this may confuse him.

2) Do not try to talk or interject during the kiss. A kiss, an absorbing process, if your partner is drowning in a kiss, he simply may not hear what you are saying, or vice versa, he will move away from your lips in order to better understand what you are saying.

3) Do not try to passionately pull your partner's hair while kissing, as you may have seen in some erotic scenes in movies. If you just want to replicate what you saw in the movies, it can be done in a ridiculous way.

4) Do not open your mouth wide. A kiss is primarily an interaction of the lips and tongue of partners, do not try to eat your boyfriend.

5) Do not try to lick your partner's face with your tongue, the kiss zone is your partner's lips and tongue. Everything that goes beyond this zone can already be considered foreplay before the start of intimacy.

It is impossible to convey in words the feeling that a person has when he kisses his true soul mate!

Sooner or later, the question of kissing begins to excite every young individual. This is not surprising: the touch of the lips brings together and excites. They play the role of a prelude to something more, help to get to know a loved one better, awaken feelings and desires. There comes a moment when the classical technique no longer pleases lovers. They want to get even closer to each other, to feel a partner, to taste his partner. Mankind has long figured out how to do this without overstepping known boundaries. To do this, you need to learn how to kiss with the tongue. This art has been perfected for centuries, it has become one of the most important acquisitions of our civilization.

Kiss - compatibility check?

Most often, adults do not think about how to kiss with the tongue correctly. They just enjoy kissing. That is why most of the advice sounds something like this: relax and enjoy the process. However, these tips cannot satisfy the curiosity of young men and women who are looking for answers to their questions. Young people are simply afraid to behave incorrectly and scare off a partner with inept actions. This fear is well founded. Most girls and guys make up their minds about a kissing partner. Women and men feel something when the tongue of a partner enters their mouth. Something that tells them whether it is necessary to continue the relationship or is it better to part, as they say, “on the shore”. However, the point here is not how well the potential partner knows all the techniques and tricks. Rather, it's just a matter of compatibility. You can call it a spark, or you can call it physiological compatibility, but it is impossible to convey in words the feeling that a person has when he embraces his true soul mate.

A bit of theory

However, a spark is a spark, and theoretical training is also indispensable. There are many sources from which you can learn how to kiss with the tongue. Videos and photographs, most often, show us only the “big” picture. We cannot look into the mouths of the heroes of the videos and see what is happening there. There are a few tips that are simply necessary for those who want to know how to do things right.

tongue kissing technique

1. Start with a classic. Gently touch your partner's lips with your lips, kiss him several times without opening your lips.

2. Run the tip of your tongue over the closed lips of your loved one or loved one. Most often, after such preparation, the partner himself pushes his lips, if this does not happen, then slightly stick the tip of the tongue between the lips. If the partner did not answer this time, then, probably, it is not worth continuing. It's impossible to force, and maybe your partner just doesn't want to do it today.

Sometimes a heart-to-heart conversation is more important than physical intimacy, although for men this statement, of course, sounds rather controversial.

3. If all goes well, continue exploring your partner's mouth with your tongue. Just don't overdo it. Remember the golden rule: everything should be in moderation. According to statistics, the tongue stuck at the first contact to the full depth causes the greatest disgust. In order to move to this stage, time is needed, it is necessary that there are no physical barriers between the lovers. The main thing is to be gentle enough and carefully monitor the reaction of your loved one. Try caressing your partner's tongue with the tip of your tongue, gently go over your teeth. Men, remember to swallow saliva. Girls do not like excessively wet lips, especially at first.

4. Enough for the first time. We can assume that you have already completed the theoretical and practical training in the course. Now you can break away from each other and just talk. Sometimes a heart-to-heart conversation is more important than physical intimacy, although for men this statement, of course, sounds rather controversial.

Some new techniques for those who consider themselves professionals

Now some information for professionals. Of course, you already know perfectly well how to kiss with your tongue correctly. However, there are ways quite unusual, but very interesting. Try them at your leisure when you want to entertain your partner.

- "Stinging"- gently sucking on your partner's lips, quickly push the tip of your tongue into his mouth.
- "Inflaming"- a very exciting process, which is accompanied by licking the lips of a loved one or beloved.
- "Mill"- a kiss with the rotation of the tongue.
- "Royal"- during this kiss, the tongue gently slides over the partner's teeth without penetrating further.
- "Exquisite Kiss"- touch the tip of the tongue to the partner's palate. Do not overdo it: stroking the palate too intensely can be very ticklish.

Listen to yourself and your partner, try to tune in to the wave of your loved one, and everything will be fine with you!

There are a lot of tips on how to do everything perfectly. Whichever of them you listen to, remember: a kiss is, first of all, a pleasure for two. Listen to yourself and your partner, try to tune in to the wave of your loved one, and everything will be fine with you. Don't think about it from morning to night. Train, practice, rejoice, improve your skills, and, believe me, the moment will come when you will no longer think about theory.
