How to thank a guy for a wonderful evening. Birthday greetings

The director of the Vladimir dating agency “Me and You” talks about what words should be said to a partner during sex and how to do it. family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relationships Elena Kuznetsova.

What should I say

And they believe everything they are told, so even the most primitive compliment will be received favorably.

“Women love compliments, men love them more. And if for smart woman The quality of the compliment is important, but for a man it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t care whether ordinary praise was addressed to him or not. accept all words of approval. And you should always praise a man, before sex, during sex and after it,” the psychologist advises.

Before sex

Before you start the process itself, you can: clothes, hands, eyes. One can say about long eyelashes. It would seem naive, but it all “works”, so anything that a woman’s eye falls on can receive a compliment.

During sex

First, verbalize everything you see and feel. De facto.

“Men are essentially pragmatists: “I’m working now, you must evaluate and specify my work,” explains Kuznetsova and advises during sex, especially his masculinity. Compliment the man's technique. You can, for example, talk about the poses he chose, clarify in which of them you saw the sky in diamonds.

Secondly. . This sounds like a compliment to men. During the process, the woman may even swear, and the man will react normally to this.

“It may sound a little strange, but men like to imagine themselves like this during sex, and they already get pleasure from this. And if a woman also says something obscene in the process, this spurs men doubly,” states the psychologist.

You can also tell your man what you like when he is with you. This spurs the partner on and encourages further action.

Third, don't be indifferent. In action, thank the man for his efforts, and also give him pleasure. You can, of course, directly ask your partner what he would like you to do, but this is too primitive. It’s better to silently seize the initiative and see how your lover reacts to your actions, how well he feels. At the end of the process, you can ask: “Anything else?”, and the question should be asked with a voice.

After sex

Here you can give a compliment that will express your gratitude for your partner’s efforts: “I felt so good,” “You know how to please me,” etc.

The only caveat is that all this should be said immediately after the end of the process, when both partners, as a rule, speak. Once you get out of bed, these kinds of compliments will be inappropriate.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the dating agency “I and You”, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

However, if you didn’t immediately express your admiration to your partner, then you can make up for lost time by sending him a frank SMS describing those incredible things. A man will definitely be pleased to read such confessions.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected].

Beautiful words in communicating with men are no less important than in communicating with girls. But, unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to convey thoughts at a distance in your own words. How to do this and when it is appropriate to say beautiful words to men is described in this article.

When is it appropriate to speak beautiful words to a man in your own words at a distance?

Despite the fact that pleasant words have a certain meaning for men, they should not be used thoughtlessly. After all, it is not appropriate to use beautiful words in all cases and not with every man, even at a distance.

Speaking beautiful words to a man in your own words at a distance is acceptable if:

  • the man has mutual sympathy for the girl;
  • the man is a husband or boyfriend;
  • a man knows that he is worthy of what is said;
  • an important event for a man takes place;
  • a man uses beautiful words in favor of a woman;
  • the guy or man really needs kind words;
  • the young man himself is asking for compliments and praise;
  • the chosen one is ready to hear the girl now (for example, if a man is at an important meeting, he may react negatively to any external stimuli).

It is advisable to speak pleasing to a man, being at a distance, at the moment when he is alone. So a man will have more possibilities listen and respond to what is said.

What beautiful words do men love?

Psychologists say that due to the fact that male psychology different from women's Long and complicated expressions should be avoided.

In order for the words spoken to a man to have the desired effect, the character of the individual must be taken into account.

Affectionate and beautiful words spoken to a man in his own words at a distance help him to open up to the fullest, to feel more confident and strong.

But despite this, a man can say words such as:

  • kitten, bunny, beloved, dear, dear;
  • diminutive forms of the name, for example, Denisochka, Andryushenka or Dimochka;
  • pleasant traits of his character, for example, strong, gentle, affectionate.

It is impossible to find out in advance what kind words a particular man will like. But it is necessary that what is said corresponds to the character and lifestyle of the chosen one.

Important to remember! Words must be spoken from the heart, sincerely and without irony in the voice. Otherwise, you may get the opposite effect.

For example, if a man leads a brutal and sporty lifestyle, you should not tell him an excessive amount of endearments. It is best to note his strong qualities and tell him how strong, courageous, brave, etc. he is.

Note! Don’t be afraid to experiment and use more and more pleasant words. So that a man’s beautiful words in his own words do not become boring at a distance, you should replenish your vocabulary of “tenderness”. And it is important to monitor the reaction in order to know exactly what effect what is said has.

Beautiful words for your beloved guy

When a guy is at a distance, he also needs to know about the girl's feelings.

You can say the following beautiful words to him:

  1. You warm me with your warmth even from a distance.
  2. After your return, I will become myself happy girl on the ground!
  3. I look forward to you coming back and warming me with your warmth.
  4. Even being in an empty room, I don’t feel lonely, because I have you.

Beautiful words to a man in his own words at a distance should be spoken thoughtfully.

Also, do not forget about general phrases that are pleasant for any person. These are far from diminutive nicknames combined with declarations of love, but ordinary words about the health, affairs and mood of the chosen one. For example, while at a distance, you can say to a guy: “I know you had a hard day. So you rest now, and when you return, we will devote the whole day to just the two of us.”

Beautiful words for your beloved husband

Most often, beautiful phrases and compliments cease to be used in everyday family life, and this is in vain.

It is best for a man who is interested in scientific activities to say pleasant words in favor of his mental abilities.

The husband is a closer and dearer person, so you can use bolder, but no less beautiful phrases about him:

  1. Even memories your touch awakens in me desire proximity.
  2. You can handle it. I believe in you.
  3. Do you remember(intimate details of personal life)? It was amazing. I would like to repeat.

It’s not difficult to come up with beautiful words for the man you love. The main thing is that they are said sincerely.

Beautiful compliments for your beloved man

Relationships with your beloved man need to be maintained with beautiful and gentle words. Psychologists say that the best compliments for a man are simple but meaningful phrases. But just because they are simple doesn’t mean they can’t be presented beautifully.

Beautiful words to men in your own words How not to talk at a distance and more
You are the best man. And I believe that you will achieve everything you want.You are better than all the men I've ever had.
You are a strong and reliable man. I am grateful to you that in your presence I can feel like a weak and fragile girl.I am a weak and fragile girl, even in your presence.
You're a big lad. At this rate you will conquer the whole world.Well done. But if it weren’t for me... (You shouldn’t talk about your importance in a man’s activities, so as not to underestimate his importance)
You are doing great (some kind of man’s endeavor). I admire you and your skillIt works out well. But I would correct it (point out the flaw)
You look great! Do you spend a lot of time in the gym?You look good. But if you go to the gym, it will be even better

It is necessary to say beautiful words to a man, but you should not overdo it, as this will lead to him:

  • will get used to it;
  • won't believe it;
  • will consider what was said to be insincere;
  • will consider that he is being flattered;
  • will think that the girl has done something wrong.

In addition to simple and beautiful complements, in some cases, but not very often, you can use compliments in poetry.

Beautiful words that rhyme with a man's name

If your imagination works well, then you can not only say beautiful words to a man, but also rhyme them with his name.

The most simple compliments that rhyme with the name are:

  • Dima - beloved;
  • Lesha – good;
  • Sasha, you are no more beautiful.

In addition to the usual rhyming words, you can find or write yourself beautiful words in poetry.

For example:

Ah, Alexander, Sashechka, Sashulya!

I savor your name like a monpensier.

It's like I'm drowning in your eyes,

And I feel wonderful in this depth.

My love for you is pure and unconditional,

I would be afraid to lose her.

But I don’t want to be too verbose,

After all, modesty is still valuable.

However Don’t get too carried away and complicate confessions and compliments, since, according to experts, a man’s brain perceives simple phrases better.

Beautiful words of gratitude for your beloved man

Most easy way To please a man is to thank him. Psychologists say that ordinary words of gratitude carry more meaning than far-fetched and beautiful phrases.

But if you really want to somehow diversify your praise, you can supplement your gratitude with the following words:

  1. I couldn't have done it without you!
  2. You did so well. Will you teach?
  3. If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would have done.

Beautiful words in English for a man

When you want to diversify pleasant words for men, you can use compliments on English language.

According to experts, girls who say the usual “Thank you, darling” every time a man does this or that act are valued higher in his eyes than girls who make far-fetched and lengthy compliments in poetry.

The most popular are:

  1. You are very beautiful.
  2. You are the strongest.
  3. You are the most intelligent and quick-witted.

When using compliments in a foreign language, do not forget about the man’s linguistic abilities. After all, if he does not understand what was said, there will be no result.

Psychologists are sure men love to hear beautiful and good words addressed to no less women. Therefore, it is necessary to tell them more kind words, especially at a distance.

Options for beautiful words for a man:

Gently and beautifully say in your own words at a distance (options):

Dear friends!

On behalf of Maria, Peter and myself, I want to express our most sincere gratitude to you for a wonderful trip to your beautiful city, and for the opportunity to meet all of you.

In conclusion, I can say that it is impossible to express in words all the gratitude for the wonderful trip that we made to your city. We will always cherish these memories.



Dear friends,

On behalf of Mary, Peter, and myself, please accept our sincere appreciation for a wonderful trip to your beautiful city and the chance to meet all of you.

In closing, more words can not express to all of you how we felt about our visit to your city. We will always cherish the memories.


Dear Donald!

I have just returned from a pleasant trip and I would like to immediately thank you for giving me such a wonderful vacation.

I will always remember the interesting places we visited and the warm welcome that your family and all your friends gave me.

Dear Donald,

I have just returned home after a very pleasant journey, and I feel I must write immediately to thank you for giving me such a wonderful holiday.

I shall always remember the interesting places we visited and the warm welcome I received from your family and ell your friends.



Dear Cecil!

Now that I'm home again, I want to immediately thank you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you. I'm afraid that my lack of knowledge of English will prevent me from expressing all my gratitude for what you have done for me. Without exaggeration, I can say that I have never felt so good in my life. Believe me, I will never forget your kindness and patience that you showed in helping me with my English.

Let me once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful vacation.

Sincerely yours

Dear Cecil,

Now that I am back home again, I want to write straightaway end thank you for such a splendid holiday I spent at your piece. My English is probably not good enough to express all my appreciation for what you did for me. Without any exaggeration I can say that I never had such a good time in my life. Truly I shell never forget your kindness and the patience you showed in helping me with my English.

Once more let me thank you most warmly for a wonderful stay.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon!

Thank you again for the wonderful time I spent with you in Cambridge. I think I know this city well now. You have all been so kind to me that I don’t know how to thank you. With great pleasure, I often mentally return to our conversations.

I hope that our new meeting is not far off.

Best wishes to you both.

Sincerely yours

Deer Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon,

Thank you all again for the wonderful time you gave me at Cambridge. I feel that I know the city well now. You were all so very kind to me that I hardly know how to thank you. And I often look back to our conversations with great happiness.

I hope we shall meet again before too long.

With every good wish to you both.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Ben!

Now that I am back in Moscow, I feel that I must write to you to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kindness and hospitality shown to me in Dallas. It was very nice to meet such nice people as you and your wife.

I hope that I will soon be able to host you in Moscow.

Let me thank you again.

Sincerely yours

Dear Ben,

Now that I am beck in Moscow, I feel that I must write to thank you most warmly for all your kindness and hospitality shown to me in Dallas. It was a great pleasure to meet such nice people as you and your wife.

I hope that before long I shall be receiving you in Moscow.

Let me thank you once again.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Virginia!

I think it is unnecessary to repeat how grateful I am to you for the warm hospitality you have shown me, but nevertheless I want to say thank you again. I am enclosing several photographs in the letter. They convey the atmosphere of my, unfortunately, too short visit to you.

I send you my gratitude and love.

loving you

P.S. I seem to have lost John's address. Please remind me of it.

Dear Virginia,

I am sure it is redundant to repeat my appreciation to you for the warm hospitality you gave me, but I would like to say "thank you" again anyway.

I enclose a few photographs. They recapture some of the atmosphere of my all too short visit.

Many thanks and love to you. Yours affectionately,

P.S. I seem to have mislaid the address of John. Could you, please, remind me of his address.


Dear Mrs. Anderson!

You were so kind to Leonid when he stayed at your house in the summer that I hope you won’t be offended if we send you this small token of our gratitude. You have no idea how grateful we are that our son was so cared for while he was away from home.

Best wishes

Sincerely yours

Dear Mrs. Anderson,

You were so very kind to Leonid when he stayed in your house in the summer, and I hope you will not be offended if we send you this small token of our appreciation. You have no idea how grateful we are that our son looked so well after when he was far from home.

With very best wishes.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr. Jeff!

I don’t know how to thank you enough for the kindness and hospitality shown to me in your home during my visit. It was truly a wonderful time.

If you are planning to visit our city, be sure to let me know. I will be glad to meet you at the station and welcome you as a guest.

Please say hello to Ms. Peterson.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr. Jeff

I hardly know how to thank you for your greet kindness and hospitality which you showed me during my visit at your house. I certainly had a marvelous time.

If you decide to come up to our town, be sure to let me know. I shall be glad to go to the station to meet you and to have you as my guest.

Please kindly give Mrs. Peterson my regards.

Very sincerely yours,


Dear Paula!

It's been two weeks since you returned to England. And I still can’t forget the last day we spent together. I miss you very much and I'm afraid that years and years will pass before we meet again. I hope you feel the same.

I would like to believe that this letter will be a good start to our correspondence. I would like to tell you about my work and about our daily life. I know that you are interested in Russian history and art, and I can regularly send you books on this topic. I will be glad if you agree with this proposal.

I look forward to your reply soon.

Devoted to you

Dear Paula,

Two weeks have passed since you returned to England. And I still can"t forget the last day we spent together. I miss you so much and I fear there may pass years and years before we meet again. I hope you feel the same.

I hope this letter wilt be a good start of our correspondence. I would like to tell you about my work and everyday life here. I also know that you are interested in Russian history and art so I could send you books regularly on these topics. I would be so happy if you agree to this proposal.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Faithfully yours,


Dear Ms. Tracy!

My wife and I had the great pleasure of meeting you during our trip to England. Thanks to your presence, our stay in Brighton turned out to be much more pleasant than we could have imagined, both socially and intellectually.

On our way back we spent the weekend in London and had a good rest. The conference that followed in Paris was very interesting.

We came home with wonderful memories that we will cherish forever, and with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the people we met in England.

I am looking for books that I hope you will like and will send them soon.

Warm greetings from my wife and me.

Yours sincerely


Dear Mrs. Tracey

It was a great pleasure for my wife and me to make your acquaintance during our trip to England. Thanks to your companionship our stay in Brighton was even more enjoyable than we had ever dreamed possible, both from a social and from an intellectual point of view.

We spentaweekend in London on our way back, and it was a pleasant rest. Following this, the conference in Pans was quite interesting.

We arrived home with beautiful memories, which we shall always cherish, and with deep feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the people we met in England.

I am looking for some books that you might like to have, and I shall be sending them out soon.

With best regards from my wife and myself.

Yours very sincerely,


Dear David and Susan!

Thank you again for your warm welcome. I hope that we too will be able to host you someday. We truly owe you a big debt.

The photos we took turned out to be good. We'll send you the best ones as soon as we sort them out.

Once again, thank you to your entire family, including your children, for your constant kindness.

Dear David and Susan,

Thank you once again for your wonderful hospitality. I hope that one day we shall be able to have you here. We are greatly indebted to you as it is.

The pictures we took turned out to be good. As soon as we sort them out we"ll send you the best.

Once more many thanks to all the family, not forgetting the children, for your always ready kindness.



Dear Ms. Walkman!

Thank you very much for the wonderful weekend that we were lucky enough to spend in your company.

A pleasant trip to Lexington, a day spent in your garden, and your hospitality will forever remain in our memories.

Sincerely yours

Dear Miss Walkman,

Thank you very much for the privilege of spending a wonderful weekend in your company.

The lovely drive to Lexington, the afternoon spent in your garden, together with your hospitality shall never be forgotten.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Doctor Ralphs!

Thank you very much for being there despite your busy schedule. last week They warmly welcomed me, a complete stranger, into their office. I am afraid that I have abused your attention, and I can only hope that I did not cause you too much trouble that day.

If you come to St. Petersburg, please let me know. I will be very glad if I prove useful to you and can show you our office.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely

Dear Dr. Ralphs,

Thank you so much for giving me some of your precious time from your busy schedule last week. As a total stranger, I was made to feel welcome in your office. I am afraid I stayed longer than I should have and I can only hope that I did not cause you too much inconvenience that day.

If you come to St. Petersburg, please let me know. I shall be very happy to be of service to you and to show you around our office.

With my best wishes.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr. Wayne!

During our last meeting, you kindly allowed me to write to you. I take this opportunity to inform you of my safe return and to inquire about your affairs.

It's been a week since I returned home, and now I'm back to work. I often think about you and the good times we had together; I will never forget these happy days. I will be very glad to receive a letter from you.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr. Wayne

The last time I saw you, you were kind enough to say that I might write to you. I am taking this opportunity to tell you about my safe return and to ask how you are getting along.

It is a week since I got back home, and I am now settled into my work again. I often think of you and the good times we had together, and I shall never forget those happy days.

I should be very glad to hear from you.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Maurice!

I really want to thank you for everything you have done for me.

I must say that in trying to make the most of my time, I tried my best not to cause unnecessary inconvenience to a busy person like you, but I am afraid that I was not entirely successful and that I still abused your attention. And I appreciate all the more that, despite this, you were so kind and benevolent to me.

If you, your friends or any of your family members would like to visit our country someday, we will all be happy. Please let us know and we will do our best to make your stay here enjoyable and rewarding.

Thank you very much again.

Please pass on mine best regards Sarah, Bob and Sam.

Sincerely yours

Dear Maurice,

I wish to thank you very much indeed for all you have done forme.

I must say I tried very hard to accept all the benefits without causing unnecessary inconvenience to one so busy; but I am afraid this was hardly possible, and I do realize that I very much encroached upon your time. I appreciate that in spite of all this, you were so kind and sympathetic.

I think I have not wasted my time in England. I will try not to keep the acquired experience to myself, of course, but share it with those who have not had the privilege of a prolonged stay.

If you or your friends or any member of your family should feel like visiting this country one day, we shall be all delighted. Please let us know and we shall do our best to make your stay enjoyable and worth-while.

Once more thanks.

Kindly convey my best regards to Sarah, Bob and Sam.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Jane!

Your party and the whole weekend in general, as always, were a great success. I was glad to meet the Andersons. They, as you promised, turned out to be very interesting people. With love

Dear Jane,

Your party and the entire weekend, as always, were great fun. I enjoyed meeting the Andersons and found them just as stimulating as you promised.



Dear Mrs. Milne!

With this letter I want to thank you once again for the memorable evening that we were lucky enough to spend in your home. We really enjoyed it.

Sincerely yours

Dear Mrs. Miln,

This is to thank you once again for the pleasure of spending a memorable evening at your house. We have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr. Raleigh!

Your letter was pleasant surprise. Travel companions are usually not very inclined to correspond, no matter how nice they may seem to each other during the trip. It's nice to meet an exception to the rule.

I, too, have not forgotten the carefree time we spent together, and I sincerely hope that we will meet again.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr. Raleigh,

Your letter was a pleasant surprise. Traveling companions are not usually very keen on writing to each other, however friendly they may have been on their journey. It Is a pleasure to find one who is different.

I have not forgotten those happy times we had, and I sincerely hope that we shall meet again.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Gilbert!

Thank you for your kindness. I greatly enjoyed the evening spent with you; it will remain one of the most pleasant memories of my stay in your country.

I hope to see you again, but if I don’t, know how much your kindness means to me.

I want to thank you for everything you have done and hope that I can count on your friendship in the future.

Devoted to you

Dear Gilbert,

Thank you for your kindness. I enjoyed the evening with you, and it will remain as one of the most pleasant recollections of my stay in your country.

I hope to see you again, but in case I am unable to do so, I want you to know that your kindness to me has meant much.

I want to thank you for all you have done, and I hope that in the future I may continue to enjoy your friendship.

Very truly yours,


Words of gratitude are special sign the attention that people tend to show to each other. This is not only a rule of good manners, it is a good tradition in communication and finding contacts.

Gratitude can be different: verbally, in writing, in the form of a present and even an SMS message. It doesn’t matter which way of gratitude you choose, the main thing is which side you show yourself. Attention and the desire to say “thank you” are welcome always and everywhere!

  • Earning kind gratitude is not at all easy, but all good deeds must be rewarded at least - verbally. Words of gratitude can be spoken to family, close friends, colleagues and even simple acquaintances.
  • You need to say words of gratitude to people in order to let them know that you respect them and appreciate their work.
  • Words of gratitude must be sincere, tender and eloquent. Only then will your recipient be able to understand how much you want to say “thank you.”
  • Such words can take different forms: prose or poetry, and in any case they will be beneficial for you.
words of gratitude, beautiful and kind words of gratitude

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose:

  • I want to say a huge “thank you” to fate, which introduced me to you. Only now I understand: what a great happiness it is that our paths crossed on the same road. Thank you for all the good things you have created!
  • Now I think that I need to thank fate for our meeting. It was she who brought you and me together and thereby made me happy. Thank you for your sincerity, thank you for your loyalty, for your friendship and understanding, for your kind words and for being always there!
  • Thank you for the fact that after so many years, you have never let me down And was always there at the right time. Over all the years of our acquaintance, you and I have developed the most better relationship: you are a reliable friend and a faithful partner and therefore I will forever thank you!
  • We would like to thank you for your excellent and fruitful cooperation! Behind Having spent a year together, you and I have developed a favorable relationship as good partners. We wish you further prosperity and good luck in your work!

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse:

Thank you all so much
I speak from the heart and from the soul.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the strength to keep my words
You are so kind and good!

My “thank you” is a small thing,
And may you not understand me,
My great gratitude
Capable of conveying feelings!

Thank you very much, thank you so much
Today we sincerely tell you.
For being able to support us beautifully
We thank you so sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts.

You know, good will always come to good
In nature we do not destroy the response “boomerang”
Please accept our friendship and trust
In our actions, feelings and words!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to friends

  • Friends are an invariable component of every person, they help in difficult times and are always a kind of “outlet” that saves you from boredom, sadness, problems, and melancholy.
  • Friends deserve individual words because, after family, they are the closest people who always worry about you and are ready to help.
  • Various life situations make us find ourselves in cases where a faithful friend provides the necessary support and protection, and at such moments, words of gratitude in any form are more relevant than ever: in poetry or prose.

words of gratitude for friends in any form: in poetry and prose

Beautiful words of gratitude for friends in prose:

  • My beloved friend, thank you for always being there in difficult times. here, you are always near. I want to tell you so much, but all my feelings will be replaced by just the word “thank you.” Thank you for your kindness and honesty, for your sincerity and loyalty, for your love and understanding!
  • There is no one else like you, my friend, in the world! You are my safety net You my “help”, you are my “support”, but most importantly, “you are my soul”! If it weren’t for you, I would be stewing in a hot cauldron of my problems and sadness... Thank you for being there!
  • Thank you, (person's name), for being mine best friend and comrade. You always there and always ready to help me just like that, without profit or guile. I will thank you endlessly for your human love, understanding and pure truthful words. You are the best friend in the whole wide world!

Beautiful words of gratitude for friends in verse:

I want to say “thank you” to all my friends today
There are simply no more beautiful and more accurate ones in the world!
It's so good that I was so lucky to meet you
You are what brings me light in this life!

Thank you for saving me so many times
They were always there for troubles.
I will keep our friendship forever
And she won’t be afraid for many years!

I know that my friends are my support,
They are my reliable and strong wall.
I will probably thank them forever,
After all, I don’t feel like myself without friends.

Accept all my words as a gift today,
After all, there is a reason for “thank you” and not always,
And you are alone, you won’t find others like you
For this I appreciate you, love you and am devoted to you, friends!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to my husband

  • Men are always demanding for signs of attention, and even if they never say so, receiving special gratitude for them is incredibly pleasant.
  • Such words must be filled with tenderness and affection. They should emphasize your man's masculinity and uniqueness.
  • Words of gratitude can be expressed in any form, the main thing is that you do not forget to say “thank you” to your beloved man.

words of gratitude for a man in the form of poetry and prose

Words of gratitude for a man in prose:

  • My dear, you know how long we have been together. All this time I keep true love and only the most sincere feelings for you. I want to tell you a huge “thank you” for the fact that in happy and sad moments you are next to me, trust me and endlessly support me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know how to live. Love you.
  • (Male's name), I want to thank you for everything you have done for us. No the price of your golden hands, your wisdom, your strength and strong character! There are simply no more people like you in the whole wide world.
  • Dear (man's name), I want to tell you thanks a lot for everything that You you do for us. Your patience is limitless and it always saves us from any problems. In your arms it’s not scary to be a fragile woman, weak and feel protected. Thank you for all your courage and nobility.

Words of gratitude for a man in the form of poems:

Thank you, dear, for making life so pleasant,
To be your wife, to receive your affection.
Sometimes I look and it’s clear to me without words,
Why did you give me a beautiful fairy tale!

I like to melt in tender embraces,
I want to say “thank you” for this.
May there be many halcyon days
And everyday life will not be able to drive away sadness!

My favorite handsome man,
I want to tell you honestly
You are smart and incredibly beautiful,
I'm lucky to become your wife!

And of course, darling, thank you,
Both in summer and snowy winter
You are with me, my beloved man,
And I am also forever with you!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to a man

  • Very often, men are the bosses of organizations that employ an endless number of women. On a professional holiday or birthday, you always need to choose beautiful words that can convey all your respectful and respectful attitude towards his person.
  • You need to say “thank you” to a man confidently, intelligently and eloquently. Only such words can leave an impression and, as they say, “do their job.”
  • You can express gratitude different ways, but the most successful words are the right ones.

how to thank a man? beautiful words of gratitude for men in poetry and prose

Beautiful words of gratitude to a man in verse and prose:

Dear (man's name)! Let me thank you for your enormous work. which you have invested in our joint business. Without your participation, we will not see success. Your masculinity, responsibility and self-confidence are worth envying. There are no more leaders like you in the world and there never will be! “Thank you” from my heart and soul!

Thank you, (man's name), for your help. Couldn't finish without your help no matter what we do would be a success. Your confidence, optimism and fortitude could convince us and inspire us! Thank you for your sensitive guidance and understanding, for your trust and human attitude!

We are short of words and time,
Say “thank you” for what you do,
After all, everything that you have done for us all,
Much more than words.

Thank you for your courage,
She is like an ideal for us.
You have a big and kind heart
And as pure as the crystal itself!

It's very difficult to thank a man
But now I want to say
It’s impossible to imagine without you,
How can we be controlled?

So devoted to your person,
Ready not only for water, but for fire
To follow you quietly and faithfully,
Your work, boss, is perfect!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to my father

  • The father is always the head of the family, always a respected person and a beloved parent. To thank your father, you don’t need a special occasion; you can do it not only on holidays, but also just like that.
  • It is especially pleasant for a father to receive words of gratitude on his birthday. Then these words are perceived with special trepidation and sensuality.
  • You should definitely thank your father from the bottom of your heart, say only warm words, emphasize his uniqueness, kindness, and be sure to say that his work is not in vain.
  • It doesn’t matter in what form you express gratitude to your father: in poetry or prose. The main thing is that you will not forget to do this on a special day or on an ordinary one.

Words of gratitude for the father, a beautiful “thank you” to dad.

Words of gratitude to my father in prose:

  • Father, you have always been an example for me! You are my support and protection. I know, What V In any case, in any situation, you will take my side and always support me. Thank you, dad, for the strength that you give to your family every day - it’s priceless. Know that I am grateful to you only for the fact that it was you who were given to me by fate!
  • Dad, you mean so much to us! I will endlessly thank God for that he protects you and protects you from troubles. Thank you, dad, for your work and care, for your affection and worries, for your love and understanding. You are the best dad in the whole world!
  • My beloved father! You are true nobility, sent to us in order to to cope with all life's difficulties. Thank you for your trust and many life lessons, without which your children would not have such experience and courage. Thank you, father, for your courage and true parental love!

Words of gratitude to my father in verse:

Accept, father, these are my lines,
I want to say thank you.
You did everything and a lot for us,
May we live happily on earth.

Of all the fathers, you are the best dad,
You are the pride of a mother, the respect of children.
I don’t know what to do without you anymore,
I wish you more bright days!

Thank you father
For being always with me.
You're a real good guy
And I'm proud of you alone.

I have never met anyone like you
Which means I'm so lucky
That you gave me your life,
Gave me tenderness and love!

Dear my parent,
My father, dad, best friend,
I want to thank you
That you are nearby and you are around.

I keep your wisdom in my heart
I keep the lessons in my soul.
And accept it from me as gratitude
My “thank you” and warm lines!

You, dad, are the best
You are what will illuminate my difficult path.
I know that thunderstorms, rains and clouds,
They won't be able to ruin my path in life.

Thank you my dad
That even on a stormy day.
You were always there
You are next to me now!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to a woman

  • Women never forget words of gratitude; they perceive every word with trepidation and appreciate the entire meaning given to them verbally.
  • Saying “thank you” to a woman properly is not difficult; to do this, you need to choose pleasant, gentle words that will reveal all your feelings and experiences.
  • If you reinforce your verbal gratitude with flowers, expect a reward in the form of sincere tears of happiness, tenderness and love.

gratitude to a woman, how to express gratitude to a woman with beautiful and kind words?

Words of gratitude to a woman in prose:

  • Dear (woman’s name), I really want to thank you for tenderness and understanding, for trust and real strength that you have invested in each of us. Thank you for your sensitive leadership, creative approach and ability to smooth out the most sharp corners in a relationship.
  • Dear (woman's name)! I would like to thank you for your kind heart, for your open soul and the fact that you always know how to support in difficult times. In our team without you there would be emptiness and strife, you are what holds us together and gives us the strength not to give up.
  • Our dear (woman's name)! You are always beautiful and fresh, confident and optimistic. Always be on top and always be by our side. Thank you for the fact that throughout our work together, you never lost faith in your team and gave us positivity. Thank you for your warm, friendly heart and trust.

Words of gratitude to a woman in verse:

I can say a lot of warm words
On a fun day and even in difficult times.
I am sure that there are almost no people like you left,
So thank you from us.

Let the sun shine brightly through your window,
Let things be easy, let them be good.
May your friends, family, children love you,
Thank you, dear, from the bottom of my heart today!

I want to say “thank you” very much,
Even if I don’t thank you often,
Today I will hide my joys from you,
I love you, I believe in you, I appreciate you.

Thank you for your concern and attention,
Which you give not only to me.
I really want there to be prosperity
For you always and doubly joy!

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to mom

  • Saying “thank you” to your mother is an important thing; it is an obligatory gratitude to the woman who gave you life.
  • You can thank your mother with or without reason, on any occasion, but you need to do this only with beautiful words.
  • It is customary to thank your mother on her birthday, on the Eighth of March, on Mother’s Day and accompany all your words of gratitude with a bouquet of flowers, delicious sweets, kisses and hugs.

words of gratitude to mom, how to thank mom with beautiful words?

Words of gratitude for mom in prose:

  • Dear mommy! I really want to thank you just like that, for patience and love, for loyalty, for trust and for your endless affection! You are what makes me move, you are what gives me strength, teaches me to live and accomplish even the most difficult things. Thank you, mom, for every day of yours, because there wasn’t a day in your life that you didn’t remember about your children.
  • Mom, I want to say thank you for the fact that once you gave me life, you didn’t she was afraid to invest all her strength, all her knowledge, all her capabilities and all her love in me. Forgive me for all the problems that arose in the way of our communication with you, forgive me for the violence and playfulness, for the uncertainty and rudeness... Only now I realize how much I love you and how grateful I am to the judge for the fact that you are my mother .
  • Darling, mommy! You are a strong and confident person, you are real pride for your children. You taught us to eat, live, take care of ourselves and be simple good people. Unfortunately, we cannot fulfill absolutely all your dreams, but we ourselves dream that you will always be healthy and only happy! Thank you mom for your love and for being there for us.

Words of gratitude for mom in verse:

My beloved mother,
I'm sorry that sometimes I'm not me
I'm angry, offended, screaming,
But I love you very much!

You know how happy I am,
When you're next to me.
My words are the smallest thing,
But I thank you!

I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
I need you like the sun,
I love you, my mother
And I wish you long days!

Let my words be like luck
Everything will work out and give you peace.
You are with me and that means
I'm happy, I'm your son and I'm yours.

Kind beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose to your daughter

You can say thank you to your daughter in the simplest words, the main thing is to say them with sincerity, love and awe. Like all women, daughters are very sensitive to affectionate speeches and will never forget everything nice that you did.

how to thank your daughter? Beautiful words of gratitude in prose and poetry for your daughter

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose for your daughter:

  • My daughter, thank you for being able to grow up so kind and a sensitive person. You are always ready to help and give your last to your parents. I thank you for the devotion, love and fidelity that you bestowed in full!
  • My beloved daughter, I want to thank you for the huge amount pleasant gifts and words that you gave me. Without you, my world would not be so colorful and rich, so kind and bright. You are my pride and my love. Thank you!
  • Daughter, thank you for your help and support. I'm so glad to have such a devotee and a faithful friend like you. You are always my protection and support, you are the embodiment of my hopes and my pride!

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse for your daughter:

She is beautiful and smart, there is no doubt about that.
You are the best thing in the world.
Thank you for no matter what
You are there, as children always should be.

I thank you with my heart and soul,
Because you give me help for free.
I want to tell you that I feel so good
That you are mine and you are my love forever!

My daughter, my beauty,
You are like a clear and clear song.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
What could you do kind person grow up.

I love you and I tell you honestly
There is no sweeter and more attractive person in the world.
I love you so passionately
You are my golden angel, my little one!

Thank you, daughter, for your attention
I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
You gave me understanding
And I keep love for you in my heart.

I always wanted so much, so that aspirations
Fate has blessed you
And so that all people, without a shadow of a doubt,
You were loved as much as I was!

Beautiful words of gratitude: SMS. How to thank with a short SMS?

You can also thank someone you know or are close to you using SMS. Such messages usually evoke a lot of pleasant emotions, warm feelings and are read many more times. A thank you SMS must be sincere, beautiful and sensitive. You need to write SMS in simple, but at the same time strong words that have great meaning.

words of gratitude in SMS, how to thank a person via SMS?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
I will repeat it hundreds of times,
101 times gratitude,
I'll give you mine!

My “thank you” has no end,
I am very grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.
Your help to me is so priceless,
In your business, you are brave and good!

Thank you very much from me,
I sincerely thank you!
I won’t hide my admiration
I appreciate your work and care!

Thank you for attention,
What did you give me?
I wish you prosperity,
Good luck in your business - doubly!

You deserve my gratitude
Thank you - I couldn’t exist without you!
You gave me so much strength,
That joy simply cannot be hidden!

Thank you for warm words,
Thank you for your efforts.
I am truly so grateful to you!
Thank you so much and honestly!

Thank you for your careful attention
I thank you from my heart and soul,
You gave me love and understanding,
Which I will keep forever.

How should you thank loved ones, relatives, colleagues?

  • Gratitude is a special expression of feelings. As a rule, gratitude is preceded by a certain good deed which one person does for another.
  • Gratitude is not a prerequisite, it is a person’s voluntary desire to leave something about himself. pleasant impressions and win over.
  • You can thank absolutely everyone: colleagues at work, parents, children, friends and just acquaintances with whom a common cause brought you together.
  • As a rule, if gratitude is not sent in the form of an SMS message, it is accompanied by some gifts: sometimes large, sometimes symbolic.

What is gratitude? how to thank loved ones?

If gratitude is diluted with flowers and other gifts, it has a stronger meaning for others. Such gratitude is perceived differently and can be remembered for a long time.

  • You need to thank your children’s teachers, kindergarten teachers, bosses, administration, loved ones for their holiday greetings, and friends for their help for their work and attention.
  • Generous gratitude always endears people to each other and makes them more open. In addition, whenever you thank a person, you show your concern for him and your respect.
  • "Enhance" acceptance speech You can use such gifts as: a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, a bottle of noble alcoholic drink, a symbolic gift for memory.
  • By expressing gratitude to a person, you agree with him in absentia that in the future you will be able to help each other more than once and accomplish a task together.

Gratitude never goes unnoticed and is always a rule of good manners. If you want to win someone over, be sure to make sure your gratitude is special and unique.

Video: “Gratitude, answers, poems

My beloved, how can I thank you,
For your actions, which make me dizzy.
All in fantastic dreams, all about you,
Like a candle I don’t go out in flames.
You are like a ray, like a guiding star,
Like horseback riding and silent riding
It’s strange, but my heart doesn’t grow cold for you,
Always remembers, thanks and hugs.

For all your grace, love and trust,
For minutes of support and inspiration.
I thank you with all my heart, my love,
You are my only one, and the most beautiful.
I give you a heart and an air kiss,
Always appreciate me and don't be jealous.
Our life will test us more than once,
So let happiness hover over us.

Beloved, gentle, affectionate, groovy,
I am grateful to you, my dear.
For love and affection, for kindness and warmth,
With you my soul is light.
I am grateful to you for your honesty,
That he did not lose sight of his loyalty.
He was always on top, carried himself well,
He became for me a real hunter, an adventurous hunter.

Darling, thank you for your love,
For flattering words that stir the blood.
I thank you both during the day and before bed,
That he burst into my life on a dashing horse.
You always know how to surprise
You always remember, it’s not worth talking about.
You appreciate me, it means you love me,
And don’t even forget to call it “My bunny.”

Fate decreed it this way
So that I fall in love with you.
And you know, I am grateful to her, just like you,
That every day I burn in the fire of love.
Let joy cover you more often,
Let passion lead you into deep thickets.
So that the taste and spiciness are not lost,
So that the arrow pierces deeper into the heart.

Darling, I thank you,
And I confess that I love you very much.
You are good at everything, no matter how you look at it,
I lay down before you like a doe.
Like a king who is rich in wisdom,
You are always friendly and always happy to see the world.
You radiate warmth that oozes
It embraces me with a hot, radiant aroma.

I confess to you my beloved,
That I am grateful to you and this is not a lie, not a whim.
You are always so good, my dear,
And you know when it’s appropriate to give a surprise.
Thank you for everything, for the gifts, compliments,
For purity of thoughts, for sincerity and sentiment.
Continue to create miracles, my wizard,
Let the density of our feelings not allow falsehood to pass through.

Words of gratitude to your beloved boyfriend - thank you poems
We have words of gratitude to our beloved guy - thank you poems. The most original and beautiful words of gratitude - poetry, prose. Say thank you poems - beautiful.

Poems - thank you - Gratitude in verse

Gratitude to a loved one

I can't put into words everything I know
I am unable to convey the soul's aspirations,
And I’ll just say a word, freezing,
This word is “thank you” without a doubt.

A lot of things in our difficult life mean
If someone takes part in it,
If someone changes this life,
So thank you for the sun and for the happiness!

My door is always open for you,
Do not consign what was to oblivion,
I will say “thank you” from my heart, from my heart
For your participation, attention and patience!

Today I mentally pray
Only about what cannot be said in words,
And in prayer I give thanks
Lord, that He is with us everywhere!

Thank God for spring
And for the summer, and for the winter too
And more than one autumn,
What summer sometimes feels like...

So for everything that is, I hit with my forehead,
I magnify the Lords throughout the world,
Waking up in the morning, the news is
That the sun has awakened, I greet.

And it doesn’t matter what others have:
Whether yachts, haciendas, cars...
He is rich who can among them
Conquer the souls of your peak...

I mentally pray to the Lord,
So that I don’t have to live unworthily,
For friends, for those I love,
I whisper to the Lord: “Thank you, God...”

Accept my smiles
I tell you: “Thank you!”
If there is any need,
Always contact us!

Oksana Varnikova specially for

Words of gratitude
Grateful with all my heart
For your support and care.
Our dear man,
You are always there to help!
Feeling the joy of the world
We are kinder better than steel.
Positivity was brought into life,
Stop being upset!

Thank you, my love,
For a magical and wonderful world,
Because you are always happy
And living with you is interesting.
I walk through life confidently
Although I know that the path is dangerous.
Experiences are all temporary
Love is sublimely beautiful.

Let the words of gratitude ring out
And they are of great importance.
We express our heartfelt joys,
Sayings help us with this.
We give blessings, bringing pleasure,
Bringing happiness to others.
So allow me for all the good things,
We will thank you today!

Poem of gratitude to mom

Mommy, I am grateful to you,
What life have you given me,
That I was there, in need and in struggle,
That I never blamed you
That you raised me, took care of me
From pain and misfortune,
That my wound burned your soul
And tore it to pieces.
Thank you for always wiping
You hastened my tears,
Who knew how to console me so much,
So that I forget grief,
That you always remembered me
In silent prayers at night,
Who waited patiently and called,
That I missed you endlessly.
Thank you, mom, what should I give you?
You wanted my heart.
How can I repay you?
Only with mature love.

Thanks to everyone who gave me a hand,
Who did not remain indifferent in secret.
I say it’s quite clear,
Why did this help me so much?!

Thank you, I won't forget this.
I will remember, even know -
There will always be one nearby or somewhere
Ready hand Give it to me.

Please stay with me!
Why do you need to leave?!
Although sometimes I think:
After all, it’s not difficult for me to live alone.

Well, separation brings us closer...
And what a pleasant moment it is to meet.
So goodbye buddy
Until new meetings, good luck, intrigues.

Lord thank you for everything
Lord, thank you for everything:
For the space and depth of the sky,
For the shine of the stars above your head,
For the smoke that curls over the chimney.

For the merging of souls and the light in the tunnel,
The light that glows in a snowstorm
And for a mug of good wine,
I'll drink it all down with a friend.

For the beauty of nature and shelter,
And for the house - warmth, where there is comfort
Shake hands for your comrades,
A strong beloved hug.

For calluses on my hands, labors,
Autumn has beautiful fruits.
For a sip of water and a crust of bread,
Beyond the fields there is vastness, as far as the sky.

Lord, thank you for everything!
Just let me fulfill my dream:
Raise children, look after a grandson,
To endure everything without making a sound...

Words cannot express my gratitude,
Don't say it or even sing it.
How important it is when in life next to us,
There is someone who can warm you with warmth.

In a difficult moment, who gives us participation,
Or some necessary words...
Tell me, maybe this is happiness,
When does the soul strive upward from evil?

Saying “thank you” will simply not be enough,
For everything I received from you.
I want the sun to burn with you,
Giving gifts millions of times.

I want the blessings of life in the world
Invented by a lonely man
With my gratitude in return
They would come to you for the longest time.

In our world full of indifference,
It is very important to feel that you
It’s just that someone really needs it,
For whom will you be a joy?

Very important in difficult moments
Accept participation from people:
So that life suddenly has accents
Not just gloomy ideas.

So that the sun shines brighter,
The stars warmed as best they could.
These people exist, they are loved,
They saved us for us.

And I say “thank you” sincerely
I hurry to you from my heart and soul.
I know too little is true
But I treasure you sacredly.

And I believe everything will come back to that,
Who only sows goodness in all life.
A person is given something to do -
So let it make you feel warmer now.

Anna Grishko specially for

How many times have I thanked God
For dreams fulfilled in vain.
For friends at my doorstep
And for not being jealous anymore.
How many times have I thanked and believed
That I hear the music of heaven.
How many more times will I open the doors?
Waiting for fairy tales and miracles.
And even if by chance someday
I will burn in my desires.
Still I'm in sincere despair
Thank you as much as I can for everything.

I am grateful to fate for love and peace,
For the opportunity to touch the rain with your hand.
For the warmth, burning sunlight.
And because there is a legal answer to everything.
Behind beautiful views open spaces of relatives
For the scale of wireless conversations.
And because all my thoughts are about you,
Once again, I am seriously grateful to fate.

I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart
And I thank you for everything,
You are a wonderful person!
I tell you sincerely.

Let it be for indifference
The Lord will reward you.
May all the best and best
He is in a hurry to come true to you.

They say thank you is the magic word
That it brings happiness and goodness.
I tell you this again and again:
Thank you a million times for everything.

Words of gratitude for a standard gift
We would like to thank you,
For helping us a lot,
We want to give from the heart
This modest little bag is for you,

So that life has a sweet taste,
So that happiness intoxicates you a little.
And if it’s a load, then let it
It was cognac and chocolate.

Thank you, fate,
For everything you send me:
For the morning, sky, clouds,
What do you protect from adversity?

I'm not standing at the edge of the abyss
And I don’t complain about fate.
Taking your power for granted
We must move on with our lives. Necessary. I know.

Therefore, for all the troubles
And for happy moments,
For the sun, wind, bad weather
I will be grateful to fate!

My old teacher! You taught me
Be persistent, never give up.
My kind teacher! You opened the world to me,
Taught me to admire the beautiful!

My generous teacher! We didn't feel sorry for ourselves
You, giving your soul drop by drop to us all.
My wise teacher! I'll still have time
Tell you words that I haven’t said yet!

My best teacher! I am grateful to you
For everything you put into your young soul!
I always remember you and I wish you
May peace and tranquility reign in your heart!

So that new children love you just as much,
May the sun shine on you gently and brightly!
May the years be wealth and joy,
And our gratitude is the best gift!

I thank the bookshelves -
And the top, and even the bottom -
For keeping knowledge
Earth of the intelligent universe!

I thank the tattered volumes,
I had to hold them in my hands,
For interesting pages,
For fairy tales, there were fables!
