How to kiss a guy first: the right advice. How to kiss a guy for the first time (5 photos)

Showing your feelings is always difficult. Especially when you're not sure how the guy feels about you. What lies ahead for you? It's hard to guess. But making your relationship last longer and bring many pleasant moments is quite simple. To do this, you just need to learn how to kiss a guy correctly. It is thanks to the kiss that he will be able to understand how strong your feelings are and how important he is to you.

Do not worry that the first kiss will not be perfect. The main thing is that the desire to implement it is mutual. A few tips on how to make a kiss pleasant for both, we will tell you.

Do you like a guy, but are you embarrassed to tell him about it? Are you afraid to hear the “wrong” answer? Don't use words, use lips! They will help you determine how the guy treats you, and what awaits your relationship in the future. Of course, you want everything to be perfect. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of someone you really like. We'll help make your first kiss go to his head. Your lips are all he will dream of in the near future.

First of all, remember that a kiss is different from a kiss. The way he kisses you afterwards - passionately, strongly, assertively and passionately - will be different from what you experience for the first time. At first, the kiss will be timid, but very gentle. This difference will help him become unforgettable.

Don't be afraid of the first kiss. The main rule in it is the absence of unnecessary movements and strong pressure.

Everything should happen by itself and be the result of a strong mutual attraction. Your lips should touch lightly and gently, creating a soft retracting movement.

Another feature of how to properly kiss a guy for the first time lies in the ability to use your hands. They should not freely roam the body, touching different parts of the body (especially the innermost ones!). The time has not yet come for this. The first kiss is distinguished by chastity and tenderness. Either of you can easily touch your partner's face. But such a touch must also be very reverent and careful. If the guy decides to put his arm around your waist, then you can put your arm around his shoulders. Remember that the first kiss usually does not last long and is only a hint of the sensations that await you in the future.

So, we figured out the essence of the kiss, now we can move on to the technique of its execution. Remember that on a subconscious level, you know exactly how to kiss a guy correctly. You just need to release this knowledge and follow your intuition. Guys, for example, do just that. And because the first kiss they often get exactly the way it should be - unforgettable.

If you still doubt that your lips will know what to do at the right time, you can first practice. For this, a variety of exercises that can be performed alone are suitable. And after that, prepare for the most important moment in your life. But as practice shows, at the first kiss, all knowledge and skills leave you, leaving only a storm of emotions and fear not to spoil the moment. Therefore, the best advice we want to give you is to relax and try to just enjoy this amazing moment. And you can work out the technique (including a kiss with a suction) later.

Let your movements be inept, but certainly the most gentle. If this is also the first time for a guy, then your experience may confuse him. Remember also that you have not only lips, but also hands. Let them "walk" on him so that he understands that your feelings are mutual.

Kissing is always nice. Therefore, do not focus too much attention on extraneous things. Do not think about how you look from the outside, or what his reaction will be after. These are extraneous thoughts that should be let go. The main thing is to enjoy what is happening here and now.

Scientists have found that during a kiss a large amount of a hormone that improves mood is released. At the same time, both of you will receive a charge of vivacity and energy. However, this only works when people like each other. Therefore, you should not make your first kiss with someone who is not attractive to you. Are you impatient and want to be like everyone else (get out, your friends even passionately kissed)? But such a rush can completely ruin the whole moment. Therefore, it is better to wait for someone you really want to kiss.

Want to make sure you know how to kiss? Then do a few exercises every day:

  • run your tongue over your lips several times - this will increase their sensitivity;
  • periodically fold your lips into a tube;
  • turn the lollipop over in your mouth several times - this will train your tongue;
  • breathe more often through your nose (you will get rid of the fear of suffocating during a kiss).

What can ruin a kiss?

Girls often indulge in dreams about what it will be like - your first kiss. Do you want everything to be perfect? Then take care of eliminating the factors that can ruin this magical moment for you:

The first is not the last

After our tips to help you take the right first step, you can move on. After all, after the first, timid and tender kisses, you probably want to go further. Here you can’t do without knowing how to kiss with a tongue with a guy.

As we said at the beginning of the article, kissing is different. People, no matter how trite it sounds, too. Therefore, there are those who like light touches of the lips, those who love kissing passionately, and people who cannot live without tongue kisses. Before moving on to such practice with your boyfriend, you will have to decide which one you belong to.

So, you are on a romantic date again, talking about trifles (that is, of course, important things), and you yourself are waiting for the most convenient moment for a kiss. How to determine that the guy is ready? He will begin to look very closely at your lips and bite his own a little. If you notice this sign, then get ready - now he will kiss.

If you got a guy who has more experience than you, then you should not worry. You just need to follow his movements and, if you like, also kiss him passionately in response.

When you are not completely satisfied with his technique, you should not immediately step back or, moreover, criticize him. It can ruin your relationship forever. It’s enough just not to actively respond to a kiss passionately. If the guy is understanding and sensitive, then he will understand the hint.

If you like it, you can immediately try to find his language with your tongue in response and play with it. Nature will guide you further.

Don't forget that you have hands. Many guys like to be hugged during a kiss. For example, to make it convenient to kiss passionately, you can run your hand into his hair and press it against you a little.

He will definitely like this answer.

Important! Do not delay the time of such a passionate kiss. After all, it can turn your head, and you will not understand when you managed to cross the line. Why bring the relationship to mutual disappointment? It is better to slowly enjoy every moment, because it will not happen again.

I think everyone has had similar cases 😄

“I am a fan of kissing. No other act is so intimate. Light suction, lip smacking, playful biting, deep tongue penetration - a good kiss is like jazz, improvising melodies, flirtatious staccatos and passionate roaring crescendos.

A good kiss is a physical interaction, like sex, but more erotic.

My first encounter with a kiss ended badly. Yulia and I were 14 years old and we met for the second time. After walking her home, we stopped in front of each other, she bent her head, put her open lips to mine and, using a combination of saliva and air suction, made a hickey and at that time invaded my mouth with her tongue. I pictured an eel, or a water snake, or maybe a tapeworm, and a lump formed in my throat. I tried to stop her tongue, but she twirled it randomly and pushed me away. I couldn't breathe. Then I reflexively covered her mouth with my hand. Being 14 has its drawbacks. Julia did not know the main rule of a kiss: this is a conversation.

There is nothing wrong with the total invasion of languages, but if your interlocutor did not ask for it, then you are more frightening than exciting. I did not even call Yulia to break up with her, believing that, the girl understood my hint with plugging her mouth with her hand.

I took a lot of inspiration from my first girlfriend Christina, my gold standard when it comes to kissing. Our first kiss was a revelation for me. I was terribly nervous when we approached her front door and began to doubt that I should kiss her at all.

But she made a knight's move. She took my wrists, put her hands behind my back, stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lower lip against mine, running my upper lip between hers.

Then it was all over and we said good night to each other. After that, I replayed our kiss in my mind for days. Her lips and hint of tongue never left my mind. I was proud that I hadn't blundered and acted like a man by actually kissing her first.

A great kiss makes you feel great.

Well, the most passionate kiss belongs to my current girlfriend Katya. When we first met, she didn't like kissing. She thought it was an unnecessary, tedious task. And somehow reminded me in a failed youth.

For Katya, the kiss was just a step towards what happened next. As a result, she could not see all the possibilities of a kiss. But, my patience, painstaking study and frequent practice paid off. I found that she has no problem with a playful kiss. She always returned the kiss with a bite and enjoyed flirting.

After a while, the kisses became longer. Katya began to understand that a good kiss, like a poem, offers more than just words, expressing feelings that people can only share indirectly. Her work was exciting. And eventually she became a kisser, just like me."

After my instructions on how to tie a guy and stuff, I hope you've found the perfect one for you. On the nose of February 14 and you want to make your first kiss on this very day.

Then today advice to you, oh indecisive ...

Part one: before the kiss

1. Make sure you have fresh breath. Fresh breath is important for kissing. Brush your teeth and chew gum regularly. Remember, bad breath isn't the end of the world, but it's possible to avoid it.

Try not to eat fragrant, spicy or spicy foods the day before the event. Again, if you can't avoid it, it's fixable.

2. Make sure you look good. You must attract, the first kiss must be stimulated, and your beauty is the best assistant. Sleep, take a shower in the morning, choose the right clothes.

You don't have to wear lip gloss or lipstick. After all, he will end up on the lips of your gentleman, which is not good. Best lip balm

Do not wear a bunch of hairpins and accessories on your head. Yes, a naughty hair can be annoying, but you shouldn't make a big problem out of it.

3. Find a suitable location. Public places are usually not a good place for a first kiss. After all, you guarantee yourself dozens of curious glances. The place should be familiar, open, but there should not be extra looks nearby.

4. Do something to break the barrier. Before the kiss, there is a moment when you need to break through the wall.

Take my hand and "accidentally" pull me towards you. If there is no fool nearby, then he will seize the moment.

Touch his hair and face.

Hugs often become a harbinger of a kiss. remember this

5. Make sure both of you are ready for the kiss. This is important, both physically and emotionally. Look into his eyes. When your eyes meet, then purse your lips a little and relax again. If he does the same, then he is ready. If he looks away, now is not the time

Part two: During the kiss

1. Bring your lips closer slowly and close your eyes at the last moment. It's easy to miss the first time, so close your eyes at the very last moment.

Keep your eyes closed for the entire kiss. Men sometimes peep and the first kiss with closed eyes looks much sincere.

Give a small angle to your head based on the movement of his head.

2. Use your lower lips for a kiss. Do not do the "duck", but relax.

The first kiss is rarely perfect, so don't fantasize about it, just go with the flow.

Your task in this kiss is to interest him and throw firewood on the fire or even pour a can of gasoline;)

The ideal duration of a kiss is 20 seconds.

Don't breathe in his face...

Be modest with the tongue, there will still be an opportunity to grope his tonsils

3. Grab his lip with yours for a few seconds so that he clearly feels it. This will give your kiss mutual passion.

4. During the kiss, hug him. Hands must be attached and the best way is to hug.

Part three: after the kiss

1. After finishing, slowly open your eyes. Now, just, it's time to move closer and look directly into the eyes and smile.

2. Say something nice about him. Better not be original.

"Are you good at kissing".

"I've wanted to do this for a long time..."

3. Listen to your heart. So you did it. What's next...

Wait for HE to take the next step. If he strives to repeat, then this is a good sign.

If you were the initiator of the kiss, then the next one should be completely his.

Maybe he's a gorgeous kisser, but control yourself... ;)

4. Kissing etiquette. There are a few unspoken rules you should know about kissing. Pay attention and try to follow them

This happened between you and no one should know about it,

Don't kiss if you're sick

A kiss is not a smile that you can give to everyone right and left.

Be happy. And most importantly:

"Love whom you kiss and kiss whom you love"- Admincheg site


When a guy holds you, it says a lot:

Hands on his belt - he really appreciates you and wants to protect you.
Hands around the back - he does not want to let you go.
Hands on hands - he loves.
Hands around the neck - he wants more.
Hands touch your face - he can't get enough of you.
Hands in hair - he is trying to show his power.

If you want to wet your lips, then lick them only lightly.

Eyes are a good indicator of feelings, don't forget

Stopping in the middle of a kiss means he wants more.

Open eyes during a kiss can push a guy away.

Go with the flow


Do not chew gum while kissing, spit it out after a while.

Remember that if you feel uncomfortable at any time, you have the right to break the kiss.

Don't let the guy take advantage of the moment. If he appreciates you, then this is just a kiss, and not a signal to get into your pants.

Say NO to busy guys!!!

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By the way, the zodiac sign of your man can tell you about the kiss that awaits you. For example, a cancer man is very rude in kissing, but some like it;)

P.S. My name is Alexander. This is my personal, independent project. I am very glad if you liked the article. Want to help the site? Just look below for an ad for what you've recently been looking for.

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Are you looking for this? Perhaps this is what you could not find for so long?

Men don't read our minds. But they read our actions! How to tactfully and delicately push a guy to the first kiss? We will tell you how to properly hint a guy for a kiss: how to behave, what to do, look, touch. You will also learn how to choose the right place and time for a kiss and whether to take the initiative in your own hands and kiss the guy first.

It is so accepted that the initiative in a relationship should come from the guy. He should be the first to approach and get to know you, he should be the first to ask you out, he should be the first to kiss you.

But this does not mean that you have to humbly wait for his decisions. There are many tricks in the female arsenal that will help push him and direct him in the right direction.

How to push a guy for the first kiss

Think it's time for a first kiss? Did he hesitate? You need to make him want to kiss you. Hint to him that you do not mind, and then he will definitely take the next step. Here are some proven tricks to help you.


The guy doesn't make the first move because he's not sure if you want to. Show him with your behavior that you like him: flirt, smile, compliment, laugh at his jokes.

It is important that the atmosphere is warm and friendly. Don't be too proud or act like a touchy person. If the young man feels comfortable next to you, then soon he himself will decide on a kiss.

How to learn to give good compliments.


The best hint is touch. Hold hands. Or fix his hair. Choose yourself. Touches indicate your sympathy. They destroy a certain barrier between lovers, making them closer to each other.


Get as close to him as possible, feel his breathing and heart rate. Look into his eyes. Stay in them for a few seconds, look at the lips and back. Can you feel your hearts beating to the beat?

If the guy turned out to be very modest, then take a little initiative. For example, run your hand across your face or wrap your arms around his neck. In this situation, the touch will act like an electric shock, and he will no longer be able to control himself.

Tip: in order not to “drill” the guy with your eyes, look into his eyes for a while enough to distinguish their color. It will take the few seconds it takes and won't make the guy uncomfortable.

By the look of a man, you can determine what he feels in you. Don't believe? Then .

Perhaps he already wants to kiss you and is just waiting for the right moment. How do guys hint at a kiss? All .


It is worth drawing his attention to the main object - the lips. This can intuitively provoke a man and make him kiss you.

For example, if you lightly bite or touch your lower lip, then the young man will not lose sight of it. Remember that your lips are the most attractive, especially at such moments.


Take a little time. If a guy takes you home, then you should not immediately run to the apartment. To get started, stop near the entrance / entrance to the house and talk. Rub the keys a little in your hands, not forgetting to look your lover in the eyes. He already understood everything.


Spend your next meeting or date at the cinema. This is such a small female trick. If you go for “horror”, then you can touch it more often, arguing this with “fear”.

And an interesting melodrama or comedy with a happy ending will be a call to action, especially if you comment on the end of the film with the words: “Oh, how romantic.”


Scientists have proven that the most memorable and enjoyable first kiss is when a girl kisses a guy. But how not to get rejected and not be rejected? Consider all the nuances.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Is it worth kissing a man first: when is it possible and when is it not?

Suppose you failed to seduce a guy for a kiss. What to do in such a situation? Is it worth taking the initiative into your own hands?

In order not to get into an awkward situation and not get rejected, follow his behavior. Guys give out their emotions just like we do, so it’s quite possible to determine that he likes you.

More about what you can here.

Don't rush. It may turn out that your beloved is not at all modest. Suddenly he wants to take this step in a different environment, or is still figuring out if he made the right choice. If the guy first asked you on a date, give him the initiative. He himself will dare to kiss you, but do not forget about the tips above so that he does not think that you are indifferent to you.

If you still decide to take this brave step, be gentle. Approach him, look into his eyes and slowly, slowly, approach his lips. When you are within a couple of centimeters of the target, stop for a few seconds. At this point, the young man can take the initiative into his own hands.

Let the kiss be not persistent, timid, and last only a few seconds. After that, look at his reaction. If he didn’t run away from you and didn’t say that it was superfluous, if he looks at you with love (this is noticeable), then stay in the same position and look into his eyes, smiling slightly. Most likely, he will want to continue, and this time he will kiss you.

Interesting video on the topic:

  1. Don't go overboard with makeup. A guy may not kiss you because of bright red lipstick or too shiny gloss. He does not want all this to be on his lips too. Go on a date - use a colorless lip balm that will make your lips soft and / or give them a pleasant scent.
  2. Freshness of breath. No matter how long we brush our teeth in the morning, they will not be clean in the afternoon. Kissing someone with bad breath is a terrible "pleasure." Therefore, always carry gum or mints with you and use one before meeting your lover.
  3. Consider if it is right for you. If you want to kiss a guy as quickly as possible, because his indecision and timidity annoy you, then consider whether you need to start a serious relationship with him at all. His character will not change over time, most likely, he will be like that all his life. But even in this case there are exceptions.
  4. Don't kiss him in public places. Perhaps the young man does not want others to know about your relationship, or does not want everyone to see his indecision. Choose a more intimate setting for this than a university hallway or a backyard.
  5. Do you want to touch him? Offer to measure hands! Then, if the guy doesn't mind, leave your palm in his.
  6. Don't think about outsiders. During the kiss, you should not bother with questions like: “What is he thinking about now?” or "How do I look?" If this kiss is mutual, then he is now thinking only about how beautiful you are, and the same answer is suitable for the second question.
  7. Tell him. If a guy talks very quickly and talks a lot, then most likely he plans to kiss you, but does not know when to do it. Help him - tell him with a playful smile on his face that he talks too much and put your finger or palm on his lips. He will kiss you. Important: this shouldn't sound like a reproach. He may be offended, be careful.
  8. Smile. A smile, like politeness, conquers cities.
  9. Control the situation. If the kiss is not what you imagined it to be, try to correct the situation. When you like what he does, tell him about it, but rather show your pleasure. You can hug him tighter or go limp in his arms. He will learn!

Remember that a kiss often marks the beginning of a relationship. Take it seriously. Love to you!

A kiss is an expression of sympathy and love. It's no secret that the further development of relationships depends on the first kiss. You need to be prepared and not think for a long time “to kiss - not to kiss”. The highlight of the first kiss lies in its spontaneity. Kiss your loved one according to your heart. If you think for a long time and decide on this step, then tension may arise between you and your partner, which is not very good for starting a relationship.

In this article, we will learn the main rules and techniques of the first kiss, let's get acquainted with them.

How to kiss for the first time - 11 rules

  • It is important to remember about the freshness of your breath. Be sure to brush your teeth before a date, and mint candy will also help you.
  • If you are a girl, then it is better not to use lipstick, it only causes inconvenience.
  • The first kiss should never be aggressive. Gentle and warm hugs, and then a short, but very sensitive touch of the lips.
  • Before the kiss is worth a moment to freeze. Close your eyes to remember and feel all the magic of the moment.
  • The first kiss should not be wet.
  • Feelings may overwhelm you and therefore there may be a lack of air. Breathe through your nose, otherwise you will get very dizzy.
  • If you are a girl, then subdue your lips to the guy and try not to slip off his lips. The first kiss should be a little bashful and timid.
  • If you are a guy, make your lover feel wrapped in your tenderness and warmth. Hug her gently during the kiss, let her know that you are the hero of her novel.
  • Be relaxed, if you are nervous or tense, your partner will immediately feel it.
  • If by chance your teeth collided during the kiss, it's okay, just move your head back a little, so the kiss will not be so persistent.
  • In case the kiss turned out to be wet, do not immediately wipe your lips, it looks disrespectful. The beloved may think that you did not like the kiss itself.

How to kiss for the first time - kissing technique

There are many articles and descriptions on the Internet on the topic “How to learn to kiss?”, But this action cannot be described exactly. Watch your partner's reaction and do as your feelings suggest.

The beginning of the kiss should proceed slowly, with some embarrassment. Touch the lips in turn, first the top, then the bottom, and then the top again. Such touches will let you understand how your partner feels, and if he reciprocates, then you need to add passion, increase pressure a little and add language, after which feelings will definitely flare up. The main thing is not to be afraid. In the case when the partner avoided the kiss, then you need to stop.

How to kiss for the first time - types of kisses

There are a huge number of types of kisses, certainly more than 50. But this does not mean that you should know and remember them. Each person has a favorite type of kiss. So you just have to decide.

  • Inato is a very gentle and romantic kind of kiss. In this case, the entire surface of the lips is involved, in no case touching the tongue and teeth.
  • Mouth wrestling is a very interesting and slightly strange kind of kiss. In this case, each of the partners will win the game "who kisses whom?". There are light biting and sucking of the lips.
  • Samyan - in this type of kiss, a man should lead. He takes the girl's tongue in his mouth and bites a little sucking. In turn, the girl seeks to take his tongue, which confirms the desire for a more stormy intimate relationship.
  • Tenderness is a light kiss in which efforts are not important. The couple lightly touches with the lips and the tip of the tongue.
  • Shy - a kind of kiss, during which the girl moves her lower lip, pretending that she is against the kiss, as if she is trying to run away from the guy.

Remember, a romantic kiss, and even more so the first one, lasts no more than 2 minutes, and this time is enough to understand if you want more. It is not necessary to set records, the main thing is that you and your partner are comfortable. In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video clip, which will tell you about the important details of the first kiss.
