How to wash a mirror without streaks (Video). How and what to wash vegetables and fruits to avoid getting sick

The most common problem that housewives encounter when washing windows and mirrors is the formation of stains on their surface. Residual accumulation of grease, dirt and dust particles, unremoved traces of detergent or poor water quality are the main factors for mirror contamination after so-called cleaning.

There are many industrial and folk remedies that allow you to wash a mirror without streaks at home.

Preparatory work

To properly clean the mirror you will need:

  • thick rubber gloves (to protect hands from exposure to chemicals);
  • rubberized household rag, sponge;
  • microfiber cloth or paper towels.

Constant access to water is important. To avoid running to the bathroom every time you need to rinse a rag, you need to fill two small containers with warm water and place them side by side. One will contain liquid for the first stage of work - removing sticky and greasy marks from the surface of the mirror. In the second - for the final rinse.

The application of the cleaning agent must be preceded by washing the glass. It is necessary to moisten a rag in clean water and begin to wipe the surface with soft but confident movements. The best way is to move your hand from side to side, starting from the top edge and working towards the bottom.

This procedure removes most of the dirt from the glass and makes further cleaning easier.

Industrial products

The household goods market offers the following products for cleaning mirrors:

  1. 1. Frosch Glass Cleaner. It is environmentally friendly, acts instantly, and does not form streaks on the glass.
  2. 2. Organic People. A spray that removes limescale and adds shine to the mirror.
  3. 3. Mr. Muscle. The main active ingredient is ammonia, which has proven itself to be an effective and safe cleaner. But the result is not always pleasing: numerous reviews indicate that the product leaves cloudy spots on the glass.
  4. 4. CIF. Able to cope with complex stains. The only drawbacks are the strong smell and the high price.
  5. 5. Clin. The alcohol included in its composition dissolves contaminants in a matter of minutes and then evaporates without leaving a single trace.

All of the products listed are available in the form of sprays. To carry out the procedure, you need to spray them on the surface of the mirror (in its upper part) and thoroughly rub it over the entire area using a sponge.

Instead of specialized cleaning products, you can use regular shampoo or dish gel.

On many forums, car wash liquid is called an effective means for cleaning smooth mirror surfaces. However, it contains toxic chemical additives that have a detrimental effect on human health and well-being. In this regard, the substance is prohibited for use in residential premises.

To avoid the formation of streaks, stains and deposits, upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to re-treat the mirror with clean water and rub it dry with a paper towel or microfiber.

People's experience

Traditional methods, tested by time and many housewives, allow you to remove stains from the mirror without chemicals. The advantage of the tools listed below is their availability - they can always be found in the kitchen or pantry.

To save energy

The most ergonomic method:

  1. 1. Wipe the surface of the glass with a soft, damp cloth.
  2. 2. Dry it with a crumpled paper towel, moving up and down.

An analogue of towels is toilet paper or newspaper (the latter option should be used with caution, since printing ink is unsafe).

To add shine

Here's how to clean a tarnished mirror to perfect shine:

  1. 1. Salt and tea. Brew a cup of strong black tea and steep for 20 minutes. Then add half a glass/glass of warm water with a teaspoon of salt diluted in it. Rub the contaminated surface with the resulting solution.
  2. 2. Chalk. Dilute 1 tbsp in one glass of water. l.vinegar and the same amount of crushed chalk or tooth powder. Heat the product, drain the liquid after 13-15 minutes. Apply the paste onto a cloth (soft, ideally suede) and treat the glass over the entire area. Similarly, you can use a mixture of chalk and ammonia (in a 1:1 ratio).
  3. 3. Potatoes. Rub the mirror with half a potato and then with a dry table napkin.
  4. 4. Milk. Dip a rag made of microporous material (lint-free) into milk and wring out. Apply to the item using gentle movements.

Mirrors are integral accessories of any residential and administrative premises. In any apartment there is usually not one, but several mirrors in different rooms.

Each of them needs to be looked after: wiped regularly, cleaned with various modern means. And this is not a whim, but a necessity, since without proper care, mirrors will look ugly and to some extent sloppy: with numerous spots, dust particles and stains.

Thus, a dirty mirror's reflective ability is reduced several times, and the product ceases to perform its main functions.

Therefore, it is so important to always keep all mirrors in the room clean. But often when washing mirrors, a problem arises that stains remain on them. How to avoid this and clean as carefully as possible? There are several popular methods.

To clean a mirror, many people prefer to use proven methods - household chemicals.

In any store you can find a huge selection of cleaning products that will help you deal with the most difficult stains without leaving any streaks.

It is important to pay special attention to their composition. It is recommended to give preference to products that contain alcohol, but do not contain ammonia. It is believed that they are of the highest quality and cope better with divorces.

But far from all the products presented on store shelves are as effective as they say in advertising.

In addition, specialized formulations are quite expensive, and then folk remedies, which our grandmothers told us about, come to the rescue.

The main ones include the following methods.

  1. Wash mirrors with plain water and then wipe with newspaper. The thing is that paper absorbs liquid perfectly. This method is one of the most budget-friendly, simple, but at the same time effective. It is perfect for dealing with simple stains. To achieve perfect cleanliness, you first need to use a damp cloth to wash off the dirt and dust, and then take the crumpled newspaper and polish the mirror in a circular motion. In this case, you will have to put in a considerable amount of effort.
  2. You can clean the mirror with a mixture of water and vinegar, diluted in equal proportions. You can use paper or napkins.
  3. Grease stains or traces of cosmetics can be removed with vodka, which is used to treat the mirror. After which the mirror surface is wiped dry.
  4. In case of severe contamination, for example, after repair work, you can try using a mixture that contains vinegar (10 ml), warm water (200 ml) and tooth powder (1 spoon). Apply the resulting slurry to the mirror for about 2 minutes, after pouring out the excess liquid. Clean the surface of the mirror using newspaper.
  5. To clean the mirror without streaks, it is also recommended to use alcohol colognes, which cope well with various stains, even the most severe ones.

Popular folk remedies for cleaning mirrors without streaks

So there is Several folk ways to combat stains when washing mirrors.

  1. Brew strong tea, add a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt. Wipe the mirror with nylon tights. After such cleaning there will not be a single stain left on the mirror.
  2. Mix ammonia with a tablespoon of honey. This mixture will help you clean the mirror until it shines.
  3. Use raw potatoes, which must be cut into 2 halves and begin to process the surface of the mirror. Wait 5 minutes and rinse off the potato juice with cold water. Wipe the mirror dry with a napkin.
  4. Take an onion, cut it into 2 halves and rub it on the mirror, wait 5 minutes. Then wipe the mirror with paper or a napkin. Using a bow, you can achieve the desired shine and smoothness from a mirror surface.
  5. Use turpentine and melted wax. This option is suitable in cases where the temperature and humidity levels often change in the room in which the mirror is located.

Of course, these are not all the ways to clean a mirror, but they are the most popular and in demand among housewives.

In addition to all the above methods, you can also use special wipes to combat stains on mirrors. Today they can be found on sale in any household chemicals store.

With their help, you can properly clean not only the mirror, but also windows, laptop screens, tablets, etc.

The main advantages of these napkins are that with their help you can quickly clean even the most difficult stains. These products are antistatic and repel dust from the newly treated mirror surface. You can choose any napkins, both domestic and imported.

To carry out high-quality cleaning with these wipes, you will need to use water, in which you will first need to moisten these products.

After washing, there is no need to polish the mirrors, since the water drops will dry safely and there will be no streaks or dirty marks left on the mirror.

In addition, to clean the mirror, you can use wipes that are used to clean glasses and office equipment. They have increased softness and cope well with stains of various types.

How to properly wash a mirror?

To ensure that after washing mirrors there are no unwanted stains left on them, you should follow simple rules. Cleaning mirrors should begin with removing grease stains and dust. If you neglect this advice and immediately apply a special product to the mirror, then streaks will definitely appear.

Therefore, initially you will need to take a soft sponge, dishwashing detergent or simple shampoo. Prepare a soap solution, add mirror cleaner, lather the resulting mixture and start washing.

After treating the surface with a soapy mixture, treat the mirror with a clean cloth and remove any remaining cleaning products. To prevent streaks, you will need to wipe the mirror with a gauze cloth.

To get rid of traces of grease on a mirror, use a blade to carefully remove dirt. After which the dirty area should be washed with a cleaning agent, rinsed with plenty of water and wiped with a dry cloth. There will be no trace of grease or stains left.

If the dirt on the mirror is very strong, then you can try using a powder that is used to clean dishes. You should not apply it dry to the mirror; you will need to initially wet it with warm water, achieving a mushy state in order to avoid scratches. To avoid any soap stains, you will need to thoroughly rinse the mirror with clean water.

Are you still struggling with the streaks that appear on your mirrors after every wash? Try one of the methods suggested in this article, and you will forever forget about dirty mirrors.

Mirrors are a common thing in our home. They must be washed and wiped from time to time, since according to the rules of Feng Shui, they can collect information in the house, both good and bad. If the mirror is dirty, there is dust and stains on it - this reflects poorly on the whole family. Washing a mirror and doing it cleanly and neatly is not such an easy task. When you wash with plain water, unsightly stains always remain. How to wash a mirror without streaks - we will show you the most accessible methods.

Our task is to wash the mirror so that there are no streaks. It is advisable to do this with means that are usually available in every home. You can, of course, take a glass and mirror cleaner with chemicals, such as Mr Muscle, Clin, Cif, and so on. But if there are small children in the house, we do not recommend using chemicals. A child is a little explorer and dreamer. What if he wants to lick the mirror, or touch it - and then lick his fingers? Therefore, we recommend using folk remedies that are safer for children.

At the end of the work, in order to ensure that there are no streaks left, it is good to wipe the mirror with nylon (old unnecessary tights will come in handy).

How to clean a mirror without streaks? Simple and fast! Folk remedies do an excellent job with this task - see for yourself. Some simple remedies can be recommended.

Tea black or green

Brew tea, it doesn’t matter whether it’s black or green. It is advisable that it be loose leaf tea. Pour a little tea leaves into a bowl - the tea should be cooled down, put a soft rag in there, wring it out, and wash the mirror in a circular motion, carefully, with pressure. We rinse the rag from time to time with tap water. After the mirror has taken on the desired appearance, take a microfiber cloth (it does not leave lint on the mirror) and wipe the surface of the mirror dry. If you don’t have such a napkin, you can use newspaper or paper.


Take a glass of boiled water, add 1 tablespoon of ammonia to it. Pour this liquid into a container with a spray bottle, spray it on the mirror, and wash it with a soft cloth or sponge. Then wipe with a microfiber cloth or paper. This product will help remove whitewash from the mirror.

Vinegar and water

Our grandmothers also used this folk remedy, and quite successfully. They knew how to clean a mirror without leaving streaks. Take a 200 gram glass of water (preferably the water should be settled), add ½ tablespoon of 9% vinegar to it, and pour the resulting liquid into a container with a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto a rag and wash the mirror in a circular motion. Remove any remaining moisture with a lint-free cloth or paper. The mirror will shine like new.

Onion or raw potato

Onion perfectly removes fingerprints, grease, and traces of insects from the mirror. Onions have a good cleaning effect. Cut the onion and rub the surface of the mirror with onion juice. To remove the smell of onions, it is recommended to use a drop of vinegar + water. The onion smell will disappear. Cut raw potatoes are also good for removing dots and old stains on the mirror.

Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds will help clean the mirror and will not leave streaks on it. Pour coffee grounds onto gauze or bandage and wipe the mirror area. Wipe dry with a nylon cloth.
Citric acid or lemon

Citric acid will help us get rid of dark spots, dirt, and dust. For a 200-gram glass, take 1 tablespoon of citric acid, or ½ lemon. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it on the mirror. Wipe with a soft cloth, and finally with a nylon cloth from tights.


If you haven’t wiped the mirror for a long time, use starch. Take 0.5 liters of water and dilute 1 table in it. spoon of this powder. Apply the resulting liquid to the surface. Leave for 5 minutes, then wipe with a sponge and plain water. Finally, wipe dry with nylon.


In order for the mirror to shine, after cleaning it is wiped with a damp cloth soaked in milk. Then the surface is cleaned with newspaper or a nylon cloth.

Making the mirror shine

To give a mirror shine, you need to apply force and rub its surface. Simple tools will help us cope with this task. Rub the mirror glass using top-to-bottom movements.

  • Tea and salt water. Dilute a small amount of strong tea with water with added salt (1 tsp per ½ cup of water). Pour the solution into a spray bottle, spray it onto a sponge, and wipe the problematic mirror. Wipe dry with nylon or newspaper.
  • Chalk, water, and vinegar. Take 1 glass of water, add 1 table. a spoonful of chalk, and the same amount of vinegar 9%. Heat it up and let it sit. Drain the water and wipe the mirror with the resulting liquid slurry. We use wool fabric. Finally, wipe it off with newspaper.

Bathroom mirror

As you know, the mirror in the bathroom often fogs up, gets splashed, and looks sloppy. Any of the above tips will help us clean the bathroom mirror. You can also advise how to make a protective layer on a bathroom mirror.

  1. To do this, take shaving foam, fabric softener, and gelatin. 1 teaspoon of gelatin dissolves in ½ small glass of water. Combine these 3 products, apply to a rag, and wipe the mirror. This way the mirror will not fog up and get dirty.
  2. Add a drop of glycerin to the mirror cleaning solution you decide to use. It is not allergic, it is not scary to breathe, and at the same time, a film forms on the surface over time, preventing the mirror from fogging up.
  3. Shaving cream. The mirror will not fog up for 1-2 weeks if you apply cream to its surface and then wipe the mirror dry.

Video on how to wash a mirror without stains or streaks.

A mirror is an integral attribute of any interior. It is difficult to overestimate its significance and importance, since it is appropriate and necessary in almost every room.

Even if a lonely bachelor lives in an apartment, there will also be at least one mirror in his house. Sometimes we all, when we start cleaning, wonder how to properly wash mirrors so that there are no streaks.

In our article we want to give some simple but practical instructions on how to properly wash mirrors, and subsequently how to properly care for them so that they serve you for a very, very long time.

Washing and caring for mirrors

As many people probably know, a mirror is glass with a thin layer of silver or aluminum, which is coated on top with a special fixing compound. This means that the mirror needs to be washed in the same way as ordinary windows, but with some reservations.

The methods for washing mirrors in living rooms will be the same, but mirrors in sanitary rooms will have their own characteristics. For example, it is best to first wash all the mirrors in the bathroom with some kind of detergent that dissolves soap stains and limescale. And no matter how carefully you treat your mirrors, you cannot avoid the appearance of this kind of stains, so we advise you to wash your mirrors at least once a week, otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to wash them off later.

In addition to washing, mirrors require some care, thanks to which the mirror will please you for a very long time. Below we present a number of tips that will be relevant for all mirrors in all types of rooms.


Water and paper (newspaper or napkins)

This method is well known to us from our grandmothers. It is simple, effective and low-cost, because every home has unnecessary newspapers. To wash a mirror completely, you first need to rinse it with a wet rag, thereby washing away the dirt, and then take a crumpled newspaper or napkin and polish the entire surface of the mirror with circular rubbing movements. You will have to put in some effort before you can remove all the streaks. But once you're done, the mirror will be incredibly shiny.

Ammonia and tooth powder

Some housewives use soda instead of tooth powder, but over time, it can slightly rub the glass and make it dull, since soda is an abrasive. Therefore, when choosing this technique, it is better to take a mixture of ammonia and powder, in a 1:1 ratio, apply it to the mirror with a rag and clean it. After that, we wash everything off and polish it with a soft cloth. This method is relevant for mirrors with stains and dirt.

Vinegar and water

This method is a more advanced version of the first, since after washing with a solution of vinegar and water, in a 1:1 combination, you still need to rub the mirror until it shines using paper or napkins.

Green tea

Another quick and easy way to clean your mirror is to wash it with green tea. Perfectly removes dirt, streaks and stains, and also enhances the shine of glass.

Protection against dampness

On the back surface of the mirror you need to apply a solution of 1 part melted wax and 2 parts turpentine. This must be done quickly, immediately after preparation, because the wax hardens quickly. This way you will create a protective layer that will protect the amalgam from moisture and dampness.

Insect protection

For prevention and to wash away traces of insects, rub the mirror with half an onion, and let the mirror dry, then wipe with a dry cloth. The bow will repel flies and midges from the mirror.

Adding shine

There are a lot of simple ways to add shine to a mirror, the most effective ones are:

  • Dip a piece of lint-free cloth in milk and rub the mirror with it - it will immediately shine;
  • Salt water solution;
  • Ammonia;
  • A solution of blue and water;

Modern interiors abound with a large number of mirror surfaces. They decorate wardrobes, walls of bedrooms, bathrooms and even ceilings. An important task is to regularly maintain their cleanliness. How to wash mirrors without streaks?


To keep your mirror sparkling clean, you need to follow a certain cleaning procedure. The first step is to remove traces of dust, dirt and stains.

  1. Wet a foam sponge with water and apply a liquid detergent, such as hair shampoo, to it.
  2. Lather and rub the surface with the soft side.
  3. Rough bristly scourers should not be used as they leave scratches. For the same reason, abrasive cleaning compounds should not be used. If there is hardened dirt or grease on the mirror, carefully remove it with a sharp knife or blade.
  4. After rinsing the sponge in clean water, remove any remaining detergent.
  5. Now arm yourself with a microfiber cloth and clean water, preferably boiled.
  6. Wipe the surface thoroughly. Do this until there are no soap stains left on it.
  7. All that remains is to polish the mirror until it shines. Use paper towels for this. Unlike textiles, they will not leave fiber particles on the item. Newspapers are an excellent alternative - they are soft, absorb excess moisture and do not tend to disintegrate. For ease of use, crumple them.

Traditional cleaning methods

You can wash the mirror and give it shine using a safe method for health. Traditional recipes will help you with this.

Vinegar and chalk. This method is applicable in the presence of persistent dirt on the mirror surface. Pour 10 ml of vinegar into a glass of boiled water, and then add 1 tbsp. l. crushed chalk. When the solution has settled, drain off the excess water. Apply the remaining paste to dirty areas. After 10-15 minutes, remove the dried chalk layer with crumpled newspaper. Do this with light circular movements.

Some housewives use baking soda for cleaning, but over time it can make the mirror dull.

Ammonia and water. Dilute ammonia in cooled boiling water, using 1 tbsp per glass of water. l. ammonia. The product will be more effective if you add vodka, cologne or ethyl alcohol (1-2 tbsp per glass of solution). These components effectively remove traces of hairspray and greasy stains. After filling a spray bottle with the mixture, spray it onto the mirror. Wipe dry with napkins or toilet paper.

Tooth powder and ammonia. Prepare a mixture of ammonia and powder in a 1:1 ratio. Apply it to the sponge and clean the mirror. Then rinse with clean water, wipe the surface dry and polish with a soft cloth. Some housewives use soda instead of tooth powder, but over time it can make the mirror dull (soda is an abrasive).

Raw potatoes. This cheap product will help you quickly clean the mirror from any stains. Cut the root vegetable in half and treat the surface. Remove any remaining juice with paper or a soft cloth. Instead of potatoes, you can use starch soaked in water.

Onions. Fights well against stains left by insects. Proceed as in the previous case: wipe the mirror with a cut of a vegetable. A vinegar solution will help get rid of a specific odor. To avoid streaks, rub the surface with crumpled paper.

Blue. A new mirror, not stained with dirt and dust, will quickly and efficiently clean this product. Dissolve a small amount of the substance in water, wet the sponge and walk over the surface of the product. Wipe it dry with crumpled newspaper.

Salt and green tea. Prepare a strong infusion of green tea. Combine it with 1 tbsp. l. salt previously dissolved in water. Apply the resulting solution to the mirror and nylon fabric. Treat stained areas and traces of stains, and then wipe dry.

Fresh milk. Dampen a piece of lint-free cloth with the product and walk over the mirror surface. Collect any remaining milk with paper towels and polish off. This method will return shine and shine to even an old product.

Gelatin. A regular gelatin solution will help protect the mirror from fogging. Pour in 1 tsp. means 50 ml of water. Wait until the crystals are completely dissolved. Apply the liquid to a cotton or linen cloth and treat problem areas. Fabric conditioner and shaving foam provide a similar result.

Ready-made products

If you are a supporter of modern methods of cleaning mirrors, use ready-made compositions and tools. It's much simpler and more convenient.

  • Cleaning liquid glass Dilute the product in warm water and wipe away dirt. Remove any remaining solution with a clean, damp cloth and polish with a faux suede cloth.
  • Spray for cleaning glass - a more convenient option. However, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the product: alcohol must be present. Ammonia is an undesirable component, since the silver amalgam from which the reflective layer is made can react with it. This will leave dark spots that cannot be removed.
  • Wet wipes. When deciding how to clean the mirrors in the house, buy special wipes, and this procedure will turn into a matter of minutes. Moreover, those designed for cleaning office equipment screens, glasses and optical instruments are also suitable for the job. They act gently and remove dirt well. Many of them are impregnated with antistatic agents, so dust will not settle on the treated surface.

Using traditional methods, mirrors will be washed quickly, safely and without streaks. Follow the correct sequence of actions and be careful. Remember that abrasives and rough instruments (brushes, metal sponges, etc.) are not suitable for this procedure. They will leave scratches and irrevocably damage the interior attribute. And finally: if you want your mirror to last as long as possible, protect it from dampness, dirt and direct sunlight.
