How do you know if a haircut is right for you? Rectangular face: shape correction

If you've never had a short haircut, you might be wondering if you'll look good with short hair or not. How to easily find out if a short haircut will suit you:
According to women's magazine Elle, this rule was discovered by hair expert John Freed, who studied various forms face and discovered that the angle of the jaw determines whether someone short hair or not.
In order to take the necessary measurements, place a pencil or pen horizontally under your chin and then measure the distance from the pencil to your earlobe (the ruler must be strictly vertical). If the resulting distance is less than 5.5 cm, you are ideal will go short a haircut. If more, then long curls you will look much better.
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Tags: How to find out if a short haircut will suit a man

How to cut a man's haircut with a model haircut.

Jun 27, 2015 - This type of face suits short classic haircuts: short on the sides and a little longer on the top or just tucked away...

Short haircut: how to explain to a man that this is good? | Topic author: Elena

Dear fellow souls!
Share your thoughts (experience, observations, etc.) - how to explain to a man that a short haircut is no less beautiful than long hair? Do not force to come to terms with the fact that the lady does not have time for styling, or poor hair, or some other external cause, namely, to accept and fall in love with her short curls with all her heart and other organs?
Thanks for the advice. I think they will be useful not only to me - the problem is extremely trivial, as I understand it.

Anna (Mikelis)  To be honest, I have the same problem myself. :) Husband loves long hair, and I'm going to cut my hair. :) But it's not about something terrible, like hair loss, no. I just wanted to change something in myself recently, + too lazy to come up with something new, and I still collect long hair in ponytail. I rarely curl... Therefore, I will prepare my husband with hints for the idea that I am beautiful with any hairstyle. :)) Wish you luck! :))

Sergey (Aleyn)  no need to explain anything. Let's say I like women with short hair. Looks very nice neat haircut. Especially the bob on the leg, when the back of the head is cut short, it’s just stunning

Tanya (Shai)  but my husband loves me with a short haircut. a month ago I got tired of a dark chocolate bob (I went with a bob for 3 years, sometimes long, then short) :)), I came to her master and asked me to radically change me, she cut me short and picked me a beautiful red shade)) My husband barely I found out, but I got used to it in a week and said that I was super)) And in general, my husband, for example, likes girls with stylish short haircuts.)) And you tell your husband that only stylish, courageous and self-confident girls go with short haircuts, say that they don’t want to be a gray mass and walk like everyone else with long hair!))

Maria (Jarod)  Sergey, If most men thought so, they would not be worth it)) and why do they see femininity only in this ..?

Maria (Jarod)  Here's something I found on the forums, the opinions of men, maybe this will somehow calm you girls) :
Roman, 23 years old
Short hair can only afford girls with high cheekbones, beautiful eyes and generally speaking correct skull. Apparently that's why we have so many long-haired people - they simply have nothing to show. When I see a young girl with a short haircut, I think that she has a bold and some kind of special character. That is, anyone with her will not be bored.
Denis, 37 years old
What makes you think that men like exceptionally long hair? Men like women, not hair. That is, everything in the aggregate - face, figure, movements, mannerisms, voice, smell ...

Sasha, 29 years old
Full of stupid women shaking their hair and proud of their length. What is there to be proud of? It would be better if they picked up a haircut, they would look like beauty queens!

Mitya, 31
It all depends on the style and appearance of the girl. For example, I am pleased to look at a girl's neat short haircut! And with age, long hair generally ceases to suit women. Sometimes you look: behind is a pioneer, in front is a pensioner. Nightmare!

Maria (Jarod)  People often think in stereotypes - probably a man somewhere saw a girl with an inappropriate haircut and immediately the stereotype is ugly and unfeminine, etc., the same happens with other areas. Try to show successful examples from the series "before and after" - if common sense he is not a stranger, you will surely convince him.

Marina (Danette)  Elena Minchenok
Dear fellow souls!
Share your thoughts (experience, observations, etc.) - how to explain to a man that a short haircut is no less beautiful than long hair?

I can make many valid arguments.
1) a short haircut is young. Looking younger means raising the status of your man (what a young woman he grabbed)
2) cardinal change Hair length will mean a wardrobe change, and in some cases, a wardrobe change will require you to eat less buns and work your abs and buttocks more. Do you know many men who refused to make love with a fit and renewed lady of the heart?
3) changing the image will update your own feeling femininity, you will become more playful, attractive. Having bathed in a sea of ​​compliments from colleagues, friends, acquaintances and returning home, you will feel awesome. What kind of man is against Have a good mood your woman?
4) you will add a spark to an extinct and stagnant relationship according to the principle "you yourself need such a cow" (because now, you are different and other men are starting to look at you ... even if the pot-bellied bald Petrovich from the neighboring 28th)
5) you completely deprive your man of the trump card "and your snotty hairball tangled in the drain grate" in a battle called "your dirty socks are everywhere again"
6) you can safely leave short hair on his jacket, it is unlikely that anyone will suspect him of an affair)) ... if you can hardly wrap your hair around your finger))) and .... you can always blame a colleague and a shedding cat) ))
7) a man no longer needs to watch his elbows-hands-feet during sweet pleasures, no matter how they crush your scattered mop and unwind the hair left there separately from his dignity)))
May all the hypocrites of the universe forgive me!)) However, try to indulge in passion together with the lucky owner of hair below the waist (with a rocker, for example), you yourself will understand how long flowing hair interferes, distracts and knocks down, especially if you cause pain, about which no one asked you during the act.
8) you cut your hair = have you forgotten how to put on makeup, dress attractively, flirt, please him when you are alone? Then what kind of loss of femininity are we talking about?
9) if you are free, creative and unique, then why the hell do you need a canned creature when so many extravagant guys are walking around the planet Earth in search of you, so cool, cool, brave and advanced? !!

Nina (Izabela)  Elena, God, you are such a beauty with a short haircut, and I'm surprised that you have to explain something to a man.

Irina (Zoelie)  This is who likes what

How to choose a hairstyle and haircut for a man according to the shape and type of face

Jan 8, 2015 - How to choose a haircut for a man according to his face type Choosing a haircut or... You will suit short hairstyles without clear edging, with an average...

How to choose a haircut for a man - Men's fashion and style

In order to choose the right haircut for a man, first of all, you ... you can use a combination, namely, a short bob haircut in ...

Girls will suit almost any a haircut. Just pay attention to the fact that if the ears are protruding, it is still better to cover them with hair. If the nose is long, bangs to the eyebrows will hide this piquant feature. And remember, youth is a time of experimentation. Try different hairstyles, change, make curls. You can do everything now, look for yourself and your new look.

When choosing a hairstyle, women of average, in addition to external parameters (height, weight, etc.), should also take into account social factors, or rather, the place of work. If the profession or office rules require a dress code, then long ones in this case will be inappropriate. It is better to collect them in beautiful hairstyle or get a no-styling haircut suitable for wearing to work. Remember that your appearance is the key to the door career growth, and the more presentable, confident and reliable you look, the sooner this door will open.

As a rule, ladies retirement age try to keep it short. Allegedly do not suit older women. This is not true. If thick and well-groomed, they will decorate any. Especially since there is now great amount sparing for, which will help hide gray hair. Feel free to choose medium length hairstyles - bob, bob, cascading a haircut- and you will see yourself in the mirror, but 20 years younger.

In order to understand you more, you need to take into account a huge number of parameters. These are weight and height, age, facial structure, shape of the auricles and hair density, social status. It’s quite difficult to cope with this on your own, so when choosing a haircut, it’s better to listen to the opinion of a competent stylist. He has seen many different

Having settled on a hairstyle that, in the general opinion, suits us, we are content with it for some time. But, probably, due to the notorious female inconstancy, she begins to bother us, and the time comes to search for something new.

So, every woman sooner or later goes through the desire to make a short haircut, especially since it is believed that such a haircut looks younger.

And even the possession of luxurious long hair is not an obstacle to this desire. One thing only torments: "A suddenly a short haircut does not suit me? And I will become a gray mouse, having lost a lush mane ... "

Here is an example of Scarlett Johansson's cropped hair, and it can inspire the indecisive.

It turns out that this question is relevant not only for clients of hairdressing salons. Stylists are also interested in him, and one of them is John Frida from the UK, the one who created the trend John Frieda.

So here he is, deeply exploring the features of the construction of the face, and found a pattern, which he called the "rule of 5.5 cm." The essence of this rule is that the angle at which the lower jaw is located to the vertical axis of the face determines whether a short haircut suits you.

The interpretation of this method in practice is the simplest. Of course, you don’t have to use a protractor, you just use the ratio of the legs of a right triangle, which characterizes the sharpness of the angle.

You will model one of the legs by pressing the pencil to the tip of the chin in a horizontal direction. And the second leg is a ruler with which you will measure the distance from the pencil up to the earlobe. If you get a measurement result of less than 5.5 cm, then know that you can cut your hair short, bob, or pixie, or a revived undercut will suit you. But, if you have measured more than 5.5 cm, then it’s better not to risk a short haircut, indeed, you can lose your image.

Here, for example, compare the round face of Michelle Williams and the oval elongated face Kim Kardashian.

Now it should be clear to you why Michelle looks so nice with a pixie, but for Kim this option will not be winning.

In this article we will talk about hairstyles. About what they are, how to choose the right hairstyle for your face type, as well as how with the help of a hairstyle you can noticeably correct figure flaws.

As you know, there are no “correct” facial features in the world, just as there are no “correct” hairstyles - in each appearance there are nuances that can be emphasized or vice versa veiled with the help of a properly selected haircut or hairstyle. A disheveled head can cross out all the external advantages of its owner, and in this case even the most skillful make-up will not save, while well-groomed and beautiful hair can make you really irresistible.

So, in order to feel attractive and look fashionable and stylish, it is not at all necessary to blindly chase fashion. You just need to know the features of your face and figure and, taking this into account, choose the best option for yourself. It should be remembered that universal hairstyles that would suit everyone do not exist. For example, not everyone has too short haircuts.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 96% of shampoos of popular brands contain components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are indicated on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you to refrain from using products containing this chemistry. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed sulfate-free shampoos, where funds from Mulsan Сosmetic took the first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Let's say if you have high growth, then very short hair will make you even taller, while the head will seem small.

But if you have a fragile and petite physique, this hairstyle will, on the contrary, emphasize your dignity (remember the beautiful Audrey Hepburn from Roman Holiday).

If you have feminine figure , a “feminine” hairstyle is also suitable for you - in other words, you can safely wear long, flowing curls. This hair shape will be very in harmony with magnificent forms and fine suitable for girls of medium height.

However, if your height is significantly below average, you better not wear such a length, since very long flowing hair will make you even smaller and give a feeling of excessive childishness and naivety to the image, which is not always appropriate.

Perfectly straight hair will look great on slim and tall girls. Under such a hairstyle they ask high heels and a classic pencil skirt.

Owners of a magnificent bust it is not recommended to wear hairstyles that open the neck and emphasize the décolleté area, as this can cause an imbalance in proportions.

Hairstyle and face type

We figured out the features of the figure, the face remained. To understand which hairstyle is right for you, you need to correctly determine your type of face. First, let's look at the main types.

Distinguish the following face shapes

  1. oval
  2. Round
  3. Rectangular
  4. triangular
  5. Trapezoidal
  6. Square

It is easiest to choose a hairstyle for the first type, because such a face is considered the most ideal.

People with oval shape faces go absolutely any model of hairstyles, haircuts and styling. It can be ponytail or short hair, loose curls or avant-garde asymmetrical style. Opens here great opportunity for experiments.

If you are the owner of a rounded face, you should avoid voluminous hairstyles. It is better to stick to straight, "elongated" silhouettes. straight, perfect straight strands hiding the sides of the face will be the best solution. Hair should fall along the face, thereby stretching its shape.

Characteristic features such person are high forehead and an elongated chin - the so-called narrow and elongated faces. AT this case We are faced with the task of bringing the face as close to the ideal as possible. This can be achieved with thick straight bangs that cover the forehead and slightly cover the eyebrows.

A short haircut is suitable - the hair should reach approximately to the middle of the face.

It will look good if the ends of the hair are slightly curled inward, thereby forming a voluminous roller just above the chin. Ears, if possible, should be covered with hair. Such a hairstyle will never interfere with additional volume - this will remove excessive "elongation" and give harmony to the image. You can also experiment with asymmetry, play with different forms. "Beveled" haircut will help smooth out imperfections long face and give it extra charm.

Such a face is characterized by an expanded top and a narrowed bottom. The problem lies in abrupt transition from a wide forehead to a too narrow chin. To soften this contrast will help a shortened voluminous hairstyle, ending slightly above the level of the cheekbones. The bangs should be thick and go beyond the eyebrow line. Ears can be slightly open. It will also look good asymmetric variant hairstyles. The main condition is that the forehead and upper part of the ears are covered with hair as much as possible. With this type of face, smooth hairstyles or hair pulled back are not recommended.

The characteristic features of such a face are a narrowed top and an extended bottom. Here, our task is to bring this face shape as close as possible to the oval. Ideally, the hairstyle should open the forehead as much as possible, while hiding too much wide cheeks. Smooth or too short hair will only emphasize the flaws, so you should not get carried away with them. Soft curls that fall freely on the shoulders and short haircuts that reach the line of the cheekbones or a little higher will look great.

In this case, we are dealing with a heavy bottom face and a fairly wide forehead. Such faces often look rough and angular, but these imperfections can be easily eliminated with the right hairstyle. This face is best suited asymmetrical haircuts.

Gentle wavy lines will look great, framing the face and making it thinner and more feminine. The bangs can be combed to the side, avoiding parting. It is not necessary to hide the ears, they may be slightly open. You can make a small pile, as the extra volume in this case will not hurt.

It is not recommended to leave the bangs straight, as this will enhance the already angular shape of the face. It is also not worth pulling the hair back completely, so as not to draw too much attention to those facial features that we want to veil. Contraindicated direct smooth hair, vertical hairstyles. It is best to wear soft curls and a side parting, as this will best hide imperfections and emphasize the dignity of such a face.

There are several other types that, although less common, deserve no less attention.

For this type, voluminous horizontal hairstyles are suitable. The length of the hair should reach the chin or slightly go beyond it. All options for bob haircuts are at your disposal. Top part the hair should be smooth, and the tips can be curled inwards.

In this case, a voluminous hairstyle in the upper part of the head and at the jawline will help you out. The emphasis should also be on the horizontal volume. You can "weight" the top with a thick raised bang that covers the eyebrows. At the jawline, the hair can be slightly twisted and whipped, giving it a natural mess.

So, we have analyzed the main types of faces and given examples of the “correct” hairstyles. But how to determine your face shape? This is easy to do, you just need to turn on your powers of observation.

Remove your hair completely from your face, comb it back and take a look at yourself in the mirror. One more more the right way- take a picture and circle your face with a marker. Thus, you will clearly see your natural shape. However, you should take into account not only your type of face and figure, but also natural structure hair, because on thin or thick hair the same hairstyle will look completely different. If you yourself find it difficult to determine the type of your hair, let a professional hairdresser do it. He will assess the condition of your hair and, taking this into account, decide which hairstyle is right for you.

Speaking about hairstyles, we did not take into account another important point - the individual characteristics of facial features and, of course, age.

So, the same hairstyle will not always look equally good on different faces, even if they are of the same type.

  • For example, for girls with wide-set eyes best solution will become asymmetrical bangs. With close-set eyes, straight hairstyles with a voluminous top are suitable. Pronounced nosevoluminous hair and oblique bangs.
  • If your nose is too small, give up bangs altogether - your solution will be loose curly hair and an open forehead.
  • At broad nose distracting high hairstyles are suitable, bangs should also be discarded. If you have a high and beautiful forehead, emphasize it with an “open” face: long hair without bangs is your option.
  • If you have a high forehead, but at the same time a rectangular type of face, choose a hairstyle with a long thick bangs reaching to the eyebrows. Avoid too long hair.
  • Owners of a low forehead should create maximum volume in the upper part of the hairstyle with the help of bouffants and wear voluminous bangs.
  • If you have protruding ears, you should not wear short haircuts. soft curls, falling to the shoulders, the best way correct this shortcoming. short neck suggests high hairstyles or long curly hair. Short haircuts in this case are not appropriate.
  • If the neck is long, long curls will look great.

We have analyzed in detail the types of appearance and the corresponding types of hairstyles. It remains to choose a hairstyle in accordance with your age and lifestyle. We all know that appearance changes with age, and in order to continue to feel charming and attractive, it is necessary to devote a little more time to beauty and style issues, to think more carefully about all the details of not only your wardrobe, but also hairstyles. It's no secret that this or that hairstyle can make you look younger, or vice versa, add age. If in youth we can easily afford any even the most daring experiments with hair, then over the years we begin to think more and more often about the health of hair and the elegance of the image. AT adulthood average length hair is considered optimal, easy to care for and easier to keep in order.

  • If you are a happy owner of straight and long hair, your the best option may become a ponytail. This hairstyle will make you younger and your look more stylish.
  • Rare and lifeless strands will benefit light curl, which always gives the right volume fine hair. Hair color is also important.
  • It must be remembered that bright hues, as a rule, refresh the face and make it younger, therefore they are suitable for older ladies. However, do not bleach your hair too much, it is enough to make light highlighting.

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When choosing your hairstyle, remember that the most important criterion for success is clean, healthy and well-groomed hair.

To the arena has become a haircut that emphasizes the rebellious spirit of the free, working and independent woman finally got the right to vote. In addition, it impresses with a variety of styling options, easy care and the ability to choose ideal length hair.

Elegance and versatility

Kare helps to create any image. With such a haircut, a woman can look like a businesslike, strict lady, and like a languid beauty, and even a mischievous girl. A variety of haircut options allows each lady to show her individuality. Any type of caret looks stylish and quite interesting. In addition, you can experiment a little and add a special zest to the chosen option - use contrasting bright strands, deep thinning or asymmetry in the temporal zone. Bold decisions will allow you to add fashionable touches to the image and create a unique, individual style.

There are several options for a bob haircut, and before giving preference to any particular one, you should pay attention to the recommendations of specialists.

  • You can never choose a hairstyle, looking at a neighbor, colleague, friend. Selection must be carried out individually, based on the type of hair, face shape.
  • Pay attention to composition. In order not to create a sharp dissonance between a large body and a small head, full lady it is better to abandon the short caret.
  • ladies with tight, thick hair perfect fit smooth haircut. If the hair is thin, then it is worth giving preference to an asymmetric, graduated caret, which will create the required volume and give lightness.

However, this is only general recommendations which you should pay attention to when choosing an individual option. Kare also needs to be selected according to the shape of the face, and only correct solution will allow you to create a mysterious, regal image, endowing the owner with a magical charm.

Haircut Options

For more than a century, women all over the world have preferred kare. It can rightfully be called the number one haircut. Distinctive features Kare steel strict geometric lines, smooth texture. However, do not get hung up on the classics. For each age, depending on the type, shape of the face, you can choose the perfect version of this versatile haircut.

  • Corner square. Great solution for owners oval face. Strands beveled at an angle will hide protruding cheekbones and the face will acquire the correct proportions.

  • Graduated caret. The best option for round shape faces with large features. Torn ends, oblique bangs and side parting will beautifully frame and ideally soften, harmonize a heavy appearance.

  • Young girls with neat, delicate features are great fit short square.
  • In order not to miss with a bang, pick it up for your face type. See our magazine:

  • Creative haircut - asymmetrical bob. Such option is suitable for almost all face types. An integral element of such a haircut is often torn bangs, highlighting. In this case, ladies with a round face should choose longer strands, making the difference more contrasting.

In addition, a bob haircut in any of its variants is surprisingly easy to care for and takes only a few minutes to style. That's why she became ideal option for ladies who strive to look seductive, stylish and fashionable, but cannot afford to spend half a day on putting their hair in order.

With love, Editorial
