How to congratulate a loved one if he is far away. Original congratulations at a distance

Wonderful feeling of love. How many of us it inspired and pushed to exploits, how many gave hope and joy. True love is rare and not many people can experience this magical feeling. But if you have a loved one, you are among the lucky ones who are lucky in this world. For you, this is the most special person who makes your heart beat faster. And now it's his birthday. This is a wonderful event that he should remember. But everything is complicated by the fact that your loved one is now far away. He is not at all nearby and, unfortunately, you will not spend his birthday together. Therefore, you are faced with a serious and difficult task, how to congratulate your loved one on his birthday at a distance.

Tips on how to congratulate a loved one from a distance:

First of all, you need to compose a beautiful verse or find a congratulation on the Internet and send SMS. Be sure to attach a nice picture. You can also send a photo of yourself holding a banner that says "happy birthday". In the middle of the day, call your loved one, congratulate him again and remind him how much you love him.

When a loved one is far away, your attention is very important to him. perhaps he is in a strange city and is completely alone on a holiday. So try to make him feel closer to you. Shoot a clip with your participation, make a slide show with your photos, order a musical greeting. Make him happy.

Phones, tablets, laptops, the Internet - things without which modern life is almost unthinkable. And thanks to the available opportunities, you can pick up a cool and unique gift for our birthday. One of the options for such congratulations is voice congratulations sent to the phone.

If possible, try to send the gift in advance by courier or send it by mail. Your loved one will be pleasantly surprised to receive a birthday present from you.

You can give a gift in advance, having previously agreed that the beloved will open it only on his birthday.

If you were lucky enough to be together before your birthday, then you can congratulate your loved one a little earlier and arrange an entertainment program for him. Invite him to the sauna, organize a romantic evening, a trip to nature or the sea, book a table in a restaurant.

You can also make a gift online. If your favorite extreme, then it will not be difficult to choose a gift for him - an experience in the city where he is located. Buy a gift voucher for diving, kayaking, surfing, rock climbing. You can send your gift by e-mail and make an unforgettable surprise.

A good birthday gift, which can also be presented via the Internet, will be a certificate for attending foreign language courses, business training or a seminar.

If you want to impress and surprise your loved one, then you will have to find out what events are taking place in the city where he is now located. You can buy him an electronic ticket for a concert of your favorite singer, a ticket for a football match, a chess, boxing tournament, a movie or theater ticket. It all depends on the preferences of your loved one.

An excellent gift that can be given at a distance will be a certificate for visiting a sauna, spa, massage, sports club, swimming pool, clothing store, shoes or sporting goods.

You can congratulate your loved one when he returns and arrange an unforgettable evening for him.

"What's in your name?!" - the words of the great poet. Our names contain a secret that accompanies us all our lives. And on your birthday, you can use the name of your loved one to congratulate you on your greatest success. Now many services have been created that allow you to send various audio congratulations to your phone. Here is one of them for you.
Choose below musical greetings with the name of your loved one

There are many ways congratulate your loved one on the holiday, but things get a little more complicated if you are in another city. Here it is worth showing ingenuity and imagination, and not being limited to sending sms or a simple phone call or Skype.

More interesting and the original way to congratulate will be a letter or parcel by regular mail. This present you should prepare in advance and be sure to calculate the time so that it arrives on time. But a person will be more pleasant and he will also have something that, by its appearance, will remind you that he is dear to you, and you always remember him.

congratulations, which will also please, but will cost a little more, there will be flower delivery to your home or office. But for this you do not have to go somewhere. It is enough to choose a bouquet on the website of the flower shop of the city you need and order delivery on the desired date and time.

You can order not only flower delivery, and a cake or a specific gift. Again, there are many companies specializing in such services that have representation on the Internet. On their sites, you can immediately choose a gift.

Now common congratulations in the form of photo or video collections of dear and common moments for you. This way congratulations It is also convenient in that it can be carried out by e-mail or through the social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook. Through social networks, you can send a simple text congratulation, but it will not be so original.

A rather bold and original gift would be to invite an actor or good friends from this city and arrange a fun prank. It will take you more time and you will have to spend much more effort and time, but this congratulation will definitely remain in your memory for a long time.

If you're in doubt, what exactly will appeal to the person you want to congratulate, then a service that offers impressions to choose from as a gift can help you. You will receive a certificate in your hands, according to which you can choose one impression from several. For example, a set of boat trips, horseback riding, dance lessons, massages and theater visits. Sets of impressions, as a rule, such services offer a very different focus.

Of course, you can still offer a lot of options for congratulations, but you can only choose the most suitable one yourself. After all, only you know what will be the best gift for this particular person.

Often there are cases when a girl is far away or you are on a business trip, it is necessary to congratulate her on the holiday
Necessarily. To do this, use modern means of communication - telephone or Internet.

Or you can turn to the time-tested postal delivery and send a postcard, parcel or parcel. First, decide how you will congratulate your beloved girl.

You can give flowers by ordering their delivery through an online store. Simply register on one of the many portals, choose bouquets of flowers from photos, click on it, an order form will appear. Then fill in the columns, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and your contact phone number.

Operators will contact you to clarify the delivery address, explain the route in detail so that the courier does not get lost. You can pay for flowers using electronic money or terminals. For those who are used to surprise, you can order an original congratulation from an event agency.

You can come up with a script yourself or make it with the help of professional organizers.

Now you can choose everything, here everything is based on the availability of funds and depends on imagination. For example, a girl may wake up to a romantic serenade under her window, or take a direct part in an impromptu kidnapping, as a result of which she will end up in a limousine with a huge bouquet of flowers.

In case of financial problems, you can congratulate the girl by composing a song or a poem. Be sure to use the original text, even if it is not very coherent, texts from the Internet are not interesting and banal. You can ask your friends to help you by playing the guitar and singing along with you. Record your work on your phone, video camera and send it to her by e-mail.

You can create a collage of photos where you are captured together by adding beautiful pictures from limousines, paradise islands, palaces to the photo. Be sure to write words of love and good wishes. Draw your only one as a princess on a throne. Send the resulting collage to your loved one by mail, adding another romantic song. Another way to congratulate your girlfriend is the forgotten way of correspondence through the mail, which adds romance to any relationship.

Buy a gift in the store, not too expensive, but memorable and send it by parcel post. Wake up childhood memories when a package that arrived in the mail always hid something interesting.

How to wish a friend a happy birthday from a distance? Birthday is an important date in the life of every person. But what if you could not get to a holiday with a loved one, because you are at that time on a business trip, on vacation, or even just live in another country and cannot get out? How to wish a friend a happy birthday without being around, you can learn from this article.

Delivery of flowers and gifts

One of the easiest ways to wish your friend a happy birthday while in another city or country is to deliver a luxurious bouquet and gift directly to his home or office. This will allow you not only to present a desired gift to a loved one, but also to surprise him, which he may not expect. In addition, those who surround your friend will be surprised by such a gift and may even feel some envy, since it is not every day that people receive such surprises.

Surprise video

A surprise video is a edited film in which you and your birthday's friends congratulate him on the holiday. To create such a film, it is not necessary for all people to be together - each person can shoot his video message to the birthday man, and then the one who understands editing, combine everything into one congratulatory film.

An original way to congratulate your loved one (friend, girlfriend, loved one, etc.) is to organize a flash mob on a social network. Surely you have many friends, some of whom know the birthday boy, while others do not - but both of them can help you make him a pleasant surprise. To organize such a surprise gift, you can ask all your friends to go to the page of the birthday man and leave a note with congratulations on his wall. How pleasantly surprised a person will be, having received tens or even hundreds of congratulations from acquaintances and strangers.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that you do not need to be banal to please your loved ones. It is better to approach the issue of choosing a gift with creativity and then the distance will not be an obstacle for you, and your relationship will become stronger every day.

The birthday of a loved one is a special holiday. I want it to be perfect. But what if the young man is far away? We will tell you how to congratulate a guy on his birthday from a distance.

We offer these ideas:

  • Video greeting. If you do not want to write SMS happy birthday, shoot a short video with congratulations. Edit your videos using applications you can find on the Internet, such as Movavi Video Editor or Shotcut. They are easy to learn for beginners. Send a congratulations to the guy by mail or in a social network. Roller options are:
  1. A video in which relatives and friends say nice words. The guy will be delighted when he sees loved ones on the monitor or mobile screen.
  2. Personal video congratulations. Tell the young man about your feelings and how you miss him. Add original happy birthday wishes.
  3. Video with your dance or song. It will especially please if you demonstrate talent for the first time. The guy will be pleased to see you sing or dance just for him.
  4. Video collage of joint photos with romantic music. Mount with popular apps. Such a birthday greeting will be remembered for a long time.
  5. Skype conference. Virtual Surprise. Gather your friends and make a video call with the guy. To make it unexpected, start the conversation alone. And friends will join in later, shouting happy birthday greetings.
  • Gift with delivery. With the help of modern postal services and the Internet, you can order delivery to anywhere in the world. Create a gift with your own hands, pack and send to the guy. We offer ideas for such a presentation:
  1. Knitted scarf (useful if a young man in a cold country).
  2. A collage of joint photographs on whatman paper.
  3. Wish card. Stick pictures from magazines on whatman paper, symbolizing the dreams of a young man.
  4. Handmade decoration. Weave a bracelet from leather straps or make an original choker.

It will be an interesting surprise. Just make an appointment in advance so that the present is delivered at the right place and time. Imagine the delight of a loved one when he receives a gift!

  • A letter or postcard sent by post. The original way of congratulations at a distance. Paper letters are more exciting than email. Use these options:
  1. Postcard. DIY, decorate and write birthday wishes.
  2. Homemade diploma. On a piece of paper, write down what you want to reward the young person for. Add happy birthday wishes and put in an envelope.
  3. A letter with a poem of your own composition. It is not necessary to carefully select the rhyme. The main thing is sincerity.

  • Phone congratulations or prank. Original gift. On the Internet or on the radio there is a birthday greeting service. Anyone can order. A famous actor or presenter will call the guy and congratulate him on the holiday. Perhaps the young man will get on the air. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time.
  • Flashmob on a social network or by phone. Ask friends or strangers to send birthday wishes to the guy. Let them write to the young man in private messages or send SMS messages to the phone. So a man will receive hundreds of pleasant words on his birthday.

You have learned how to please a young man on a holiday if he is far away. Make your boyfriend's birthday special!
