How to engage in virtual sex? Defloration is a unique sexual experience. Learn elementary ways of self-control in training

The first intimacy will be remembered for a lifetime. Girls, as a rule, do not know how to behave during the first sex, perhaps they read a lot of information, they were given advice, but in the process itself, she is unlikely to remember some of the advice.

At what age can you have sex for the first time?

In different countries, the age threshold for marriage is different, therefore, the period when sexual activity can begin is automatically different. From this it follows that physiologically there is no difference between people, the whole thing is in the social system of values. In Russia, for a long time there has been a bad attitude towards women who lost their innocence before marriage. It was considered a shame, such a girl could be left alone until the end of her days and pass for a walker. As for men, premarital relations were not forbidden in any way. The question is, where is the justice? This is a stereotype that has entered modern times with a proud gait. After all, until now, in many cases, the condemnation of premarital relationships takes place. On the other hand, the influence of Europe on our mentality and value system is very great. There is a noticeable trend towards so-called civil marriages and marriages "on a flight", as well as to open relationships. Generational change leads to the fact that perhaps soon gender discrimination will exhaust itself, and we will all be equal in our rights. But is it worth looking in this direction? Why not equalize the rights of men and women without endangering the collapse of moral values? The question is not so simple.

How to have sex for the first time - the main mistakes

If you are ready to lose your virginity with your loved one, you need to know how to have sex for the first time, how to behave during the first sex and what not to do.

The main mistakes that are made at the first contact:

  • Sexual contact passes quickly or drags on for a long time.
  • Experiments with postures. To have sex for the first time, it is better to refrain from it, you need to choose the most comfortable position for you, as a rule, this is the classic "missionary", the "rider" position, where the girl controls her movements herself, or the "spoon" position - in a lying position, when the partner is behind.
  • Bright light in the room. In bright light, a girl who has sex for the first time will feel uncomfortable, will be shy.
  • Try different types of sex. It is better to leave the experiments for later and do the classic traditional version of intimacy.
  • Short prelude.

Having become familiar with the above mistakes, the likelihood that you will make them when you decide to have sex for the first time is now very small. But still, you need to prepare in advance and know how to behave during the first sex. By listening to the recommendations below, your first contact will be at its best and will be unforgettable:

You need to mentally tune in, because the first time happens once in life. Perhaps there will be mistakes and everything will not go as smoothly as it is shown in the movies, but if there is a sensual and gentle person nearby who supports you, everything will go fine.

Before you have sex for the first time, you need to put something on the bed, because if the hymen breaks, blood can bleed. It should be noted that it happens that even having sex for the second time can bleed. Here, the main thing is not to worry and worry, since there is a possibility that the first time the hymen did not break.

No need to set yourself up for the fact that the first time should be an orgasm. Needless to say, this is very rare. Therefore, if you fail to achieve it - do not be disappointed - this is the first time, and there is still a whole life ahead and a huge number of orgasms and pleasure.

Be calm and confident the first time you have sex. The young man needs to be warned that he will be the first, so do not be afraid to look inexperienced and ignorant. He will help you, and you will understand how to behave during the first sex.

On first contact, kiss each other more. If you are shy, watch some candid video before the act that will set you up for action, and you will understand how to behave during the first sex.

Try not only to receive kisses, hugs, but also respond to them, touch your partner's intimate places, at first it may confuse you, but then the movements will become confident, and the partner will get a lot of pleasure from this.

The foreplay at the first sex should be long so that you are aroused and you begin to produce the right amount of vaginal lubrication.

You must use a condom.

Many are interested in the question of how a guy should introduce his organ - slowly or quickly. It all depends on the experience of the partner. If it is, then you can enter abruptly, but if the guy is inexperienced, it is better to enter the penis slowly.

During sex, you need to talk about the feelings of the partner. If you are in pain, you should not be shy and endure, you need to tell him about it.

Knowing how to behave correctly during the first sex, you will avoid disappointment and want to repeat intimacy with your boyfriend many more times, most importantly, several hours should pass after the first intercourse.

Here comes the article I promised 18+. And if you are under 18, please close this page. Why? But because this article will talk about sex, about how to do it right. This question is asked by a colossal number of people, and do not think that men are more interested in this topic than women. Women are much more likely to ask how to have sex? There is no such subject at school, and you have to study it on your own. In this article, my partner and I - Alex May Let's break stereotypes. I specifically posted clips of his video to prove that he is a professional in his field. If you really want to learn how to have sex correctly,. With his technique, he helped thousands of people, and saved hundreds of couples from ruin.

So, Alex May, after listening to audiobooks, too, like me, agreed that we all live in the matrix. That is, we lead our lives unconsciously, obeying the rules of society. The rules of society are serotypes. In our case, you know that it is not customary to talk about sex in public transport, school, university, at work. Even with friends it is somehow inconvenient to discuss this topic. Of course, there are people who do not mind discussing this topic, but this is rare. In short, you can’t talk about sex wherever you want. Now it’s still okay, but under the USSR they would have been shot for it! Some instead of a phrase "have sex" replaced with the phrase "to do this". What does it mean to be uncomfortable to pronounce this magnificent word - sex!

In fact sex, as elsewhere - you also need to learn. If you also think so, then you have already broken the first stereotype. Many women believe that sex is unimportant, it will wait until the wedding, after the first date you can’t have sex. All this is nonsense. Sex is important, it should not be postponed until the wedding, and it can be done at least on the first (not after) date. If this is not so, then why are you asking yourself the question - how to do it right? Because you understand that you can't stop thinking about it. The whole world is obsessed with sex. Men think about sex almost every minute, especially when they see a beauty in a short skirt. Women are a little less common, but they also think. This is our nature, and we should not suppress these instincts in ourselves.

The Importance of Sex

Statistics, as always, are not in favor of people. Only 17% of women are completely satisfied with sex. This speaks of illiteracy on the part of men. According to statistics, 43% of women would like to do this at least once a day. We men don't even know about it. Imagine how important sex is for women. And who does not know how to satisfy his woman in bed, then may face very serious problems. The probability is low, but a woman can start looking on the side. My friend left her boyfriend because he's not good in bed at all. She told me: “For me, of course, it doesn’t matter, but when it doesn’t matter at all ...”. And such cases to a fig.

Many men think that they are sexual giants, especially before the first sex. But for some reason, when it comes to sex, they only last 15 minutes. This is only later, after several failures, they begin to wonder how to have sex correctly. But before that, we all think that we can, like in porn movies - long and beautiful. By the way, whoever watches porn movies, keep in mind that there are professionals who know how to do it right. Alex May will talk about this below.

How to do it right?

The physiology of men and women is very different. Men are like matches - quickly light up and quickly go out. Women are like a sparkler - it takes a long time to light up and go out for a long time. For a man to get excited, it is enough to see. A woman will not get excited quickly, she needs to be prepared. And this can take at least half an hour. The same goes for orgasm. 10 seconds is enough for a man to cum, and a woman will need much more time for this matter. And such a difference in physiology prevents both parties from enjoying sex. The couple just can't do it.

What does sex look like for most couples? The man was excited, finished in 15 seconds - cooled down. Everything, now we have to wait until the gun is loaded. While the gun is loading, the woman cools down. After 15 minutes, the man finished again (already in a minute) and went to bed. And the woman remains unsatisfied. And questions arise: how to have sex, how to prolong sexual intercourse? Alex May talks about it in the video below. To prolong sexual intercourse, you need to delay premature ejaculation. What is p.s. (premature ejaculation) and its causes is explained by Alex May in his 2:58 hour program.

It was just an excerpt from his program. I'd love to post everything, but this is copyright infringement. Moreover, I already partially violate it for you. This video may soon become unavailable for viewing. So take a look. I advise you to order this program from him. And we continue the topic of how to have sex.

As you understood from the video, in order to please a girl, you need not to finish for a long time. This is a problem for men. You can see the reasons in the video. But if you think that this is enough and now you know how to do it correctly, then again I dare to disappoint you. Not finishing for a long time is not the key to success. You also need to choose the right positions for sex. Many men, after watching porn, begin to copy uncomfortable and completely unnecessary poses. Alex May will tell you about this again in his program "Sexual Positions for Maximum Pleasure" . Let's look at the mistakes.

Well, if you want to know the continuation of how to do this correctly, in what positions, you! And while we continue. Now I will talk about some important things that I learned from Alex May. This applies to men. Many males already at the beginning of sexual intercourse make some mistakes. I have already said above that a woman is like a Bengal fire - it takes a long time to light up and burn for a long time. From here you should understand that a woman, before undressing her, you first need to excite. Arouse with foreplay, which should last at least 40 minutes, ideally 60 minutes or more.

That is, first you need to hug, kiss, massage your shoulders, pat on the back, but in no case do not undress her and do not shove her with yours ... Even if she gets excited and wants to undress you herself, tell her: "Not Yet Time" or "It is too early". Of course, you yourself would have to hold out. Therefore, if unbearable, go to the kitchen or go out to the balcony, but do not linger, otherwise your girlfriend will cool down. And if you manage to do it, then everything will be fine. Sex will end in success (if you don't cum in 15 seconds).

For sex to be successful partners need to think about each other. A woman should try to give great pleasure to a man, a man should think about a woman. If a man thinks only about himself, then nothing good will come of it, since two minutes are enough for him to reach the peak of pleasure, then after fifteen minutes, six minutes will be enough for him. It will take at least twenty minutes for a woman to reach the peak of pleasure or orgasm.

To do this, you need to follow the rule - the woman finishes first, and only then the man. Difficult, isn't it? If you are a man, then do not try to ask your partner during sex if she has finished or not. It's totally stupid!

If it turned out that you finished at the moment when she just started to experience something, then you will have to finish your work with your fingers (index and middle). There is nothing wrong or shameful in this. Just put those two fingers together and do as Alex May shows in the video below.

If you watched this video, then you realized that women have as many as eleven types of orgasm. Men only have one. Now you know that even with two fingers you can bring a girl to orgasm. And if you're done halfway through, then finish your job with two fingers, as Alex May showed.

How to have sex?

There is another important rule to be aware of. During sex, you need to be aware. When you are conscious, you are in control of what is happening to you at the moment. If you lose awareness during sex, then you miss out on many things. Alex May also spoke about this in his famous program "Sex Academy".

What does it mean to be in control during sex? You should tell your girlfriend the following in advance: “Honey, I can’t read minds. If I'm doing something wrong, somewhere quickly, somewhere painful - tell me.. That's when your girlfriend will admire you. One woman, according to Alex, said she got a bruise during sex. When her boyfriend worked the pelvis, he did not see that he was pressing her leg. Alex asked her: "Why didn't you stop him?", and she: “And suddenly he would be offended!”.

Many guys, when they hear that their girlfriend is moaning, they think that she is fine. In fact, she may be in pain at this moment. Not all guys can distinguish a moan from an orgasm and a moan from pain, since the sound is identical. Women, instead of saying, begin to endure. If only not to hurt the pride of his man. You don't have to endure. If it hurts, tell me.

And the last thing to say is that when you work as a member, you must make movements at 45 degrees. From the bottom up at 45 degrees with smooth movements. In this way, you will stimulate the ji area. Many guys shove their dick in a straight line resulting in no stimulation at all. Therefore, a woman does not experience an orgasm.

If you read the article to the end and you liked Alex May who knows a lot and can do a lot, then subscribe to his free newsletter. , You will receive the book for free - "Sex is a practical experience" .

0% water and 100% practice - that's what awaits you during the study of materials Alexa May. And it doesn't matter what gender you are, because not only men, but even women come to Alex May. It was they who confirmed the accuracy of Alex May's information. Don't put it off until later.

On this article “What is the right way to do this, or the right way to have sex? 18+" came to an end. I really hope that you have learned a lot of useful information that will make you a sex giant. I look forward to your feedback in the comments.

how to do it right, how to have sex right


How to behave with a man, making love, sex?

M A man will never refuse to make love. Sex for a man is very important. Therefore, women are angry: they think that men only need sex from them. Yes, men feel bad without sex, but it is not they who are to blame, but their physiology.

About physiology - not now. I would like to talk about how to please a man in sex, how to have sex with him.

In intimate life, men are "gourmets". They are interested in everything connected with it: any poses, any "tricks", any innovations. It's a shame that women, very often, do not share sympathy for such "experiments".

Before telling how to make love with a man, I would like to “throw” a few recommendations for the fair sex:

  1. Watch your appearance! For men, your appearance is a “treasure”. Appearance is the first thing that attracts men to women. Well, kindness, intelligence, responsiveness and other characteristics are “secondary”.
  2. Buy sexy lingerie. Men "dragging" from underwear, "flaming" sexuality. Especially, they love thongs. The thinner the stripe, the better.
  3. Use perfume: men are not only kinesthetics and visuals. It is important for them to feel the scent of a woman. By the way, there are many different "pheromonized" spirits (spirits with pheromones).
  4. Take a shower more often. A man gets mad when a woman, all fragrant, is sent, slowly, into his passionate embrace.
  5. Don't talk in bed. In men, the body is not set up to talk at all. They are waiting for affection, tenderness and warmth, and not chatter, which, in “seconds of intimacy”, is not the topic.
  6. Do not tease a man if he, the first time, something does not work out. When they are humiliated, they feel very uncomfortable, attributing this to the number of fiascos.
  7. Whisper more often about love to your chosen one. You have no idea how important your “quiet but loud” words are to him.
  8. Do not ask, thousands of times, if he is ready for intimacy (in terms of contraception). He may think that you do not want to be with him, but that you are only doing it for him.

To avoid quarrels and dissatisfaction - discuss everything in advance. Of course, impromptu and surprise are more pleasant than "planned". But leave the surprises for the holidays, so as not to quarrel over the "divergence" of intimate preferences. Let's say you like to make love in the missionary position, and your boyfriend loves the cowgirl position. Let one of you simply give in, postponing sex in another position "for the next night."

He is a fetishist, but you don't like the fetish in bed? Explain to him, in detail and without rudeness, that you have slightly different views on relationships. If he doesn’t understand, don’t be upset: he must understand that you can’t force your beloved to do anything. The same applies to various other perversions, of which there are many. You have every right to refuse him, even if you are already his wife or fiancee.

He wants sex and you don't? Well, don't be afraid to tell him about it! There is nothing criminal or unnatural in this statement of yours. You are not a slave. You are a person who has his own thoughts, opinions and ideas.

Does he threaten to take a mistress? Well, let it be. Anyway, he, sooner or later, will understand that he was wrong and will want to return you, but the door to your heart and to your apartment will already be closed.

How to make love to a man? How to behave in sex? How to behave with a man, making love, sex?

How to make love to a man? The way both you and he want, and not the way only one of you wants. Not enough imagination - study the entire "Kama Sutra": it contains a lot of things. Too bad you can't try everything. But trying is not torture. Good luck with your experiments!

To avoid some "bed failures" - think about aphrodisiacs. They are here:

  1. Cardamom.
  2. Basil.
  3. Pepper (hot).
  4. Honey.
  5. Nut (nutmeg).
  6. Saffron.
  7. Mustard.
  8. Bananas.
  9. Caviar.
  10. Blackberry.
  11. Green tea).
  12. Ice cream.
  13. Ice.
  14. Olives.
  15. Nectarine.
  16. Spaghetti.
  17. Roast beef.
  18. Garlic.
  19. Zest.
  20. Halva.
  21. Dates.
  22. Eggs (quail).
  23. Yogurt.
  24. Mushrooms.
  25. Cheese.

A how about striptease and dancing? “Fire up” the flame of the night so that it does not burn out ahead of time. Control the situation ahead of time. And music is not a hindrance. Let it be melodic and calm music, and not heavy rock, from which the walls tremble and the neighbors go crazy.

Groans! They are very "turn on" men. Without them, all intimacy is “the emptiness of two bodies.” Fill the intimate atmosphere while making love with sweet moans.

Men, of course, love various negligees, but they like it more when a woman is "dressed in her own body." Such "clothing" will not leave indifferent your life partner. Yes, and he himself, not at all against, “boasts” of his nakedness to you. Every man has his own "advantage" that he can't wait to show his soul mate. And if the other half also appreciates, as it should be, this is the very advantage - the man will be insanely happy. How little men need for true happiness.

Men really do not like it when women, in bed, behave like "logs": try to be at least some activity. Give and get a lot in return. This is true.

Do not blame the man for the fact that after the sexual act, instead of affectionate words, you will hear the “breath of sleep”: a man needs time to recover after sex. Wish him, mentally, the sweetest dreams and try to fall asleep yourself. Perhaps your "sleep" will wake you up in the middle of the night to continue your "games of love" (in a good way of the word).

Do not be upset if the “pre-sexual foreplay” is short: men are very impatient, so they often devote a minimum of time to such “pleasant pranks”. And the best places for ordinary hugs and kisses are parks, cafes, shops and similar establishments where “romance” is not expected to continue. In the movie Adrenaline 2, there is a scene where they have sex without being embarrassed, right in the middle of the street. It is unlikely that an adequate man will repeat such a "feat".

Z animated by love with feeling. A man very subtly feels "fake". Do not upset him, so as not to suddenly lose him.

To be continued:

There is probably no such person who would not be aware of the benefits of playing sports for the body. However, it is well known that systemic sports are not for everyone. Any of us can find among acquaintances, friends or relatives more than one or two examples when a person started jogging or exercising in the morning with the most sincere intentions to put them on a permanent basis.

But 3-5 days passed, or at most a week, and good intentions evaporated somewhere. And there are several reasons for this: weak motivation (or lack of it), an overestimated goal, an excess of goals, as well as low self-discipline. Let's try to figure out how you can make sports activities a need of the body, how to motivate yourself to play sports with pleasure and do it systematically.

Sports lifestyle. Maintaining the strength of the body, we form the strength of the spirit.

So, the day has come when you firmly decided to change your life. From now on, sport should become your life priority. So where do you start? It seems that for the majority the first thing is put your physical body in order develop it. The development of the body is integral to the normalization of health, therefore, as a result, well-being, mood will improve, and there will be a surge of energy. In a word, the quality of life will improve, and this is already a motivation for playing sports. A well-developed physical body and good health allow:

  • to do everything and everywhere without feeling tired;
  • become more attractive;
  • be in harmony with the outside world, with others;
  • boost self-esteem.

Inattention to one's body in youth may not be particularly noticeable, but with age it results in health problems, in a significant deterioration in the quality of life in general. What is necessary for the physical development of the body? There is a twofold problem here:

  1. Start to control your diet - do not overeat, eat only healthy food.
  2. Start playing sports in any of its variants - exercising, jogging, cycling, walking, swimming - but always systematically, at least half an hour a day.

The system will create a habit, a habit - a necessity, and the body itself will begin to regulate your lifestyle.

Assessing the state of health

Everyone knows the fundamental principle of medicine - "do no harm." Similarly, the requirement for sports activities. It would be rather paradoxical to look at the outcome of physical culture, which, generally speaking, is intended to improve the state of health, when instead of this we got health problems, and even more so disability. Therefore, before starting sports activities, not trusting our subjective feelings - they are often erroneous - we go to the local therapist, that's where you need to start playing sports. The doctor, understanding his share of responsibility for your health, will prescribe the necessary examination, based on its results, will issue his verdict on the loads that are permissible for you specifically. After receiving the doctor's opinion, you can safely start classes. However, not quite ... We need more equipment.

Choosing sportswear and shoes

This stage of preparation for classes is quite responsible, although not without pleasantness. Everything is important here: the lightness of the clothes, the suitability for the season, and the quality of the fabric from which the clothes are made. It must be sufficient:

  • thermally conductive;
  • breathable;
  • hygroscopic;
  • elastic;
  • high-strength.

The sports uniform should be of a consolidated cut, so as not to restrict movement, allow free circulation of blood, and breathe easily. At the same time, a sports suit must protect against piercing wind and cold and prevent overheating during outdoor training.

When choosing sports equipment, you should pay attention to the accuracy of the seams, the quality of the fasteners and laces, which can bring a lot of inconvenience in case of poor workmanship.

Shoes should also be light, comfortable, made from environmentally friendly materials and strictly match the size of the foot.

Find the motivation - everything will work out!

Motivation for sports is half the success. In the very first classes should be held under the influence of motivation. A person should be able to answer the question for himself: “Why am I doing this?”, formulating his expectations: “To be healthy”, or “To be beautiful and to be liked by others”, or “To be noticed (a) by someone in particular " And so on. This is the lever that will start the mechanism and make the whole sports training machine move. So, motivate yourself, set a goal and start moving forward.

"I don't have time for sports." Problem or excuse?

We often hear from many friends and acquaintances that they do not have time for sports activities. However, if you take a closer look, you come to the conclusion that this is just an excuse designed to justify laziness and lack of willpower in a person. It’s ridiculous to talk about the lack of time to someone who spends hours on the phone discussing a new boss or the next TV series with a colleague.

Although here you can help yourself, along the way, having secured an excellent motivation for sports activities: to unite in a couple or a group. This will create new common interests with a friend and add new topics for discussion. In general, the presence of a stable partner for sports activities adds to the chances for the success of the whole business.

What are the results

The results of constant methodical training will not keep you waiting, and very soon you will feel:

  • joy of perception of life;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • external attractiveness and growth of intelligence;
  • strengthening willpower, gaining purposefulness through overcoming oneself;
  • self-improvement and growth of self-esteem.

Sport is an occupation for successful people. A long journey starts with the first step. So take this step towards personal achievement, among which sports can play a decisive role. And soon it will be you who will appear as an example to follow and an object that provides motivation, so you did it and you could!

If you are both new to this business, there is absolutely nowhere to rush and for the first time it is better to limit yourself to oral sex and petting.

When it comes to the main thing, take the girl by the knees, lift them up and spread them wider. This helps the slumbering beast understand the anatomy.

Premature ejaculation is a common problem. If this happens, you should continue caresses, as if nothing had happened, and in fifteen minutes you will be given another chance by nature.


It must be said right away that no special sensations arise at this moment, but there is a lot of trouble.

Firstly, the girl will certainly have problems. She had been waiting for this day for a long time, although she was afraid. And now this pretty creature trembles with the importance of the moment. Sometimes, despite her excitement, she manages to enjoy the process itself (although it hurts a little and she does not tolerate the sight of blood). But more often, the solemnity of the event, completely clog all external sensations. She read about all this in books, where, in particular, it is written about how an orgasm occurs. If she's a diligent straight-A student, you might hear a couple of believable moans. And when everything is over, you will forever remain in the annals of history as her "first man."

And this is just the most important "second". Because this burden can become too heavy.

We will not consider the case of stunning love at first sight to the grave here - we proceed from the fact that sooner or later you will part with it and it is better to do this without a heavy moral burden. It is believed that "the first men in life" bear increased responsibility. There is nothing wrong with that, if it just so happens that your current girlfriend is a virgin. But if you are thinking about starting to collect a large and diverse collection, it is better to leave this idea as soon as possible. Well, if you still have to act as the destroyer of innocence, consider the following tips.

  • Try to calm the girl - for this it is better to start with a long foreplay (if she is very worried, a spasm of the muscles of the vagina, the so-called vaginismus, may occur). Before proceeding to the main thing, make sure you have lubrication.
  • In the missionary position, spread the partner's legs wider. But many believe that the position "behind" is more suitable for the first time. Anatomically, it is more advantageous, but for shy young ladies it may be unacceptable - in this case, do not insist.
  • Enter the penis very smoothly, gradually increasing the pressure on the hymen. When everything happens (by the way, sometimes defloration occurs bloodlessly and painlessly), stop all movements for a couple of minutes, let the girl get used to the new sensations.
  • If a friend has experienced obvious pain, the first time you can do without frictions. Try to end the process in a different way. In a couple of days everything will heal and it will be possible to return to a mutually interesting question again.

It is not true. Sex is a mutual pleasure. Ideally, the situation is as follows: she feels good because you feel good, you feel good because she feels good as a result of a chain reaction, everyone becomes good and everyone reaches a synchronous orgasm. If an altruist is wound up in the company, the chain breaks, and as a result, no one will feel good, at best, so-so. The altruist, however, can console himself with the fact that he has conscientiously fulfilled his duty, and this young lady is probably frigid in vain. He is a fool, your altruist.


The preachers of tantric sex wish us well and do not want to mislead anyone. Indeed, very often a woman needs a longer time to achieve orgasm than a man. Especially if both partners are less than 30 years old (then it often happens the other way around). But the first experiences of premature ejaculation are so disappointing that it is quite natural to turn to ancient Indian sources for an answer to the question: how would it be ... longer ... It turns out that this is quite possible. But not always necessary.

When it comes to the duration of sex, needs do change a lot with age (men need more time, women need less). To understand this, you need to learn to shamelessly discuss this topic aloud. Successful sex is such sex that both partners consider successful. There is a known case when a consensus was reached in the elevator on the way from the first floor to the twelfth. Without any Tantra.


The source of this idea is not only porn films featuring well-buffed, tattooed heroes. Often it all starts with looking at your own naked body in the bathroom mirror with barely breaking pubic hair. Sometimes there is a line. Then the measurements of one's own body in an erect state begin. Sometimes this action takes place in the locker rooms of school gyms, and then everything is finally mixed together: sports, muscles, rivalry, sex and centimeters. In fact, everything is much more difficult to analyze point by point.

Some women like muscular bodies. Others are thin. The third - chubby, and the fourth all sorts in order of priority.

Develop muscles and lose weight should not be for the sake of sexual victories, but for your own health. And health is needed for many things, including sex. Not too many women find the sight of an erect penis exciting. For some inexperienced people brought up on ancient sculptures, the reality turns out to be even somewhat frightening - they expected much less. Experienced girls often sincerely rejoice and have fun at the sight of a decent erection (rightly regarding it as a compliment that cannot be falsified).

An erection is not a merit or a duty, but an element of sex. If it is, it’s good, but if it was, and now it’s over, you don’t need to shyly hide under the covers or fussily pull on your underpants. It may be interesting for a girl to play in this state (and if she is lucky and her games return to their former state in front of an admiring spectator, she certainly will not complain). Now, if an erection lasted for hours, regardless of life circumstances, then it’s really time to turn to a doctor.

I don't want to talk about size any further. The main thing is that if the penis reaches the cervix, everything is fine and it will not be better. The diameter is more important, but the same is not critical - the friction angle and pressure on certain points of the partner are much more important. In other words, experience is everything.


It is possible and much faster, and without any poses and zones. One record - 47 seconds - is documented by a long-distance telephone bill; while the partners were separated by a distance of 1100 kilometers. If anyone is interested in the details, the girl’s hands were busy with a frying pan with fried beans, and she pressed the tube to her ear with her shoulder (as a result, both of them flew to the floor). More extreme cases are also known - for example, an orgasm occurred at the time of the sound of a signal announcing the arrival of an SMS message.

The importance of all zones and points should by no means be underestimated. The search for G, C, K and U can give your partner an unforgettable experience. According to one girl, this procedure excites her to an unthinkable degree. At the same time, the result of the search was of little interest to her - the girl simply liked the idiotically preoccupied expression on her partner's face, parted mouth and glazed look.

Women are very similar to men and, accordingly, to all other people. To understand them, it is enough to recall various old episodes of sex that I remember the most. What was remarkable about them? Most likely one of the following, in order of importance...

  • Unusual place or situation.
  • Own successes and records, as well as the approving reaction of the partner.
  • A special stage of the relationship (often - sex with a new partner or sex after a quarrel).
  • Memorable little things (for example, how a girl knocked over a coffee maker at the moment of orgasm and how you then treated each other's burns with “balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky”).
  • Finally - yes, the intensity of their own feelings. And even then it is not the sensations themselves that are remembered, but their mental opinion about them.

As for the erogenous zones, it does not interfere with knowing them. But it is much more interesting to create them yourself. Even some completely non-erogenous knee can eventually correctly respond to persistent caresses, and knee's mistress will remember this feeling for the rest of her life. So much so that later it will be enough for her to receive a phone call or a text message.

Sex in compliance with all the rules of hygiene and medical safety is the only way to do it correctly and without sad consequences:

Clean bodies to occupy them;

And protection from possible infections of each other with a large amount of "infection" that is transmitted through sexual contact.

BUT, sorry if a person has vague ideas about cleanliness and hygiene.

For example, he thinks that after wiping, excuse me, your ass with a piece of toilet paper or a newspaper, you can go have sex, then what is there to talk about?

How to have sex right?

Sex, even in the form of fucking, requires a certain cultural level of a person to be humanized sex, and not animal mating. And if this culture does not exist, then it does not.

Attempts to instill it in an adult, especially during the period of having sex, in my opinion, alas, are futile.

The same applies to the basics of medical knowledge:

If a person does not have them, then requiring him to use a condom when having sex with an unknown partner is tantamount to explaining to him that he must wash his hands before eating.

He will probably wear a condom with you. But, are you sure that he wore it before with other partners and that he “won’t accidentally slip” with him?

2. How to have sex correctly in terms of physiology

Sex must be done technically competently. That is, to be based on simple principles of how to have sex correctly from the point of view of human physiology:

- mutual pleasure, physical safety of the whole body and genitals;

And as much naturalness as possible - the naturalness of sex.

That is, when having sex, you do not need to "climb on the chandelier." And you need to try to do everything as nature itself provides for a person to have sex.

If you do not know how to have sex correctly, you can disrupt your sex life.

A long time ago you need to understand that all the tricks with the use of additional stimulants in the form of rings, imitators and other things. In the sexual life of men and women, lead to only one thing:

To the perversion of sex and to problems in further sex.

Why? The reason is simple: you can not raise the threshold of sexual excitability indefinitely.

This leads to exhaustion of the nervous system and the need for more and more stimulation of the erogenous zones. With their further refusal to respond to conventional, natural sexual stimulants.

In women, this is a decrease or cessation of excitement on the friction of an ordinary normal male member and on ordinary sexual caresses.

In men - the lack of erection, as a result of the lack of arousal from natural factors: the type of the female body, its "charms", touching them.

Moreover, unnatural, unconventional sex leads to the emergence or activation of new erogenous zones. With their simultaneous shutdown in natural locations.

Therefore, how to have sex correctly and what unnatural sex leads to:

A man or woman who is used to anal or oral sex. They no longer experience, at all or due, arousal and orgasm from vaginal sex.

BUT, the saddest thing is that anal, oral, and other unnatural types of sex will soon cease not only to bring sexual satisfaction, but also to excite in general.

Just because of its unnaturalness.

Don't pretend you know everything about how to have sex the right way.

In my opinion, problems in sex, with rare exceptions in some extreme cases, do not arise because of sexual incompatibility.

And not because of sexual disharmony in the form of a mismatch of temperaments, and so on.

And because of a misunderstanding by both sexual partners, or one of them, of the foundations of their sex life.

Despite the fact that schoolchildren already imagine that they know everything "About It" - they know how to have sex correctly.

I dare to assure you that the bulk of the population, including the newly-minted sex gurus, to put it mildly, poorly understands both what sex is and what sexual relations are.

And, accordingly, they do not understand the content of the roles of men and women in sexual life.

How to have sex? - understanding that there are three forms of sex

I am more than sure that few understand that there are three, and very different, forms of the sexual life of every man and every woman.

Women and men who once set foot on the path of an active sex life wander "between the three pines" in their sex life. Not knowing and not understanding that there is a very different sex:

Sex on demand;

Sex is like pleasure;

Sex, in the form of a relationship.

And since they don’t know and don’t understand, then everything, excuse me, is “cut with the same brush”.

For example, sincerely wondering why and where did the wonderful sex in family life, which he was at the beginning of this joint sexual life.

Or, they do not understand that, for example, the sexual life of each person is a dynamic process.

In which there are ups and downs, and changes in its quantity and quality, as inevitable aspects of sex.

Hence, and mass divorces, and "scattering" due to sexual dissatisfaction in search of someone with whom sex will always be "cool".

And trips to the left, and claims, claims, claims against their sexual partners.

Question: How to have sex correctly? - this is not only a question of a girl or a boy who is just entering his sexual life.

This is a question for any reasonable, capable person.

For, sexual life, the events in it, are the most important component of a person's life, as such.

And if we have a bad, abnormal sex life, we don't know how to have sex properly. Then you can be sure that we cannot avoid problems in this life.

These will be problems in the relationship of a man and a woman, and in the relationship of a husband and wife. And this, you see, is the foundation of our life.

Now the exact definition of Female arousal is the lubricant flowing from the womb (no, not from that little channel where Girls pee), but from the womb, the vagina. The more lubricant - the stronger the girl is excited. If there is no lubrication, then there is no excitement - and let some Girls tell all kinds of fairy tales. The criterion is very clear.

And now a question for those who imitate porn in bed. How many porn actresses have you seen, who during porn, lubrication is pouring from the bosom? Forgive me, but it must be said - they usually spit there, or smear it with saliva. Huge disrespect for the girl. In porn Girls moan but never have orgasms. And they don’t get orgasms, because sex is mandatory. Sex for money, not for pleasure. The home videos that followed the German porn show the same picture - the formulaic poses and behavior from porn, and not the aroused Girl. Many Girls have sex not for pleasure, but for the sake of the family, and sorry - kisses. Long kisses bring pleasure to Girls, more than porn sex. And here is the observation, it is after long kisses and hugs, if your hand gets into women's panties, you will feel that there is a lot of lubrication. This girl is really turned on.

Sex must be learned. You can also learn it on your own. A teacher who explains what and how is better. With the Sex Teacher, one important note as Readers have revisited porn. The sex teacher does not watch or have sex with you. No, He explains what and how to do, shows examples, without undressing. And you are already trying at home. But, if there is no Partner, then the best teachers for Men are Escort Girls. But the girls, alas, were less fortunate. If you find an adequate Guy who really teaches you good sex - you hit the jackpot.

Now a couple of platitudes that are not known to everyone. In 90% of cases, there is no need to rush to have sex. For 1 sex session, it is better to allocate 3 hours. Time for kisses and caresses. At the same time, it is normal that your Partner and you ask every 5 minutes if the other is good. It's normal if they tell you how to make it more pleasant, and you tell. After an hour of kissing, undress and stroke each other naked. The guys will be surprised, but it's very nice, although the "macho" was not told about it on TV. After half an hour of such caresses, the Guy will stand, and the Girl will be in grease. If it doesn’t work out in a calm atmosphere, with the exact knowledge that there will be sex, it means that you have sexual complexes from childhood (ridicule of sexuality in the family, punishment for masturbation (after all, some were caught), etc.).

With a good Sexuality Psychologist, it's easy to get better, like the right treatment for the flu.

When you first have sex with a New Man, don't count on super orgasms. This does not happen immediately, even for the Sex Guru. Tune in to get to know your Girlfriend and Boyfriend. Before that, you got to know each other as People, and now it's time to get to know each other as Lovers.

PS - Do not forget to put on a condom, and press on it with your fingers the very pimp at the end. It must be pressed so that there is no air. Those who know - well done!

It is better to have sex in the beginning in a condom, and in safe days. This is called the dual method of contraception, and saves you from unexpected changes in the cycle, and from torn condoms at inopportune moments. In order for 2 reliable methods of protection to fail at the same time, it must be tried. Try very well.

What if someone gets an orgasm before? Oh God! Something needs to be done about this!!! Urgently! Call ... Well, someone got an orgasm before - for fun! So he is doing very well! The second one will come later. If this pattern repeats more than 3 times, all you have to do is start a little earlier and give a little more attention to the one who finishes later. Ask, gently hug. It may turn out that the Girl / Guy had some of their own glitches and complexes. Conversation and tenderness - all will heal. That's why you learn to have sex. After sex, you can talk about what kind of sexual upbringing the Girl / Guy had, what sexual stories in Childhood. This will help you better understand your Partner in sex, and therefore better understand what to expect from Him, and what He likes and what to fear. Individual approach - and in sex everything is okay.

As you can see, this is not about poses. Nervous, pregnant, children under 14, and Pious Virgins, it is better not to read further.

Let me tell you about the sexual norm. Who, if not a Psychologist, should talk about it. But, since it is not customary to talk about what really happens in the sexual life of People. This is shocking to many.

Children experience their first sexual attraction before the age of 3. Children experience sexual attraction in Kindergartens. Now, many may have a memory of their sexual feelings at that time. This is fine. Children are sexually attracted to other Children and Parents (Oedipus and Electra complexes). This is the norm.

Parents are often turned on by Their Children. Mom, regularly stimulates breastfeeding Baby. For Fathers, the right advice is that after feeding the baby, you will have very cool sex with your Wife.

Children are sexually attracted to their Brothers and Sisters.

And only adequate education, normal dialogue and training, do not allow perversions to happen. Swearing and cruel punishments, on the contrary, lead to traumas of sexuality, and further inadequate sexual life.

Since there was no sexual education in the USSR, 40% of the urban population (including Our Parents) experienced various types of incest. About 60% - sexual abuse (including punishments for interest in Girls / Boys, early sex, and masturbation. 20% - various types of bestiality. 60% of the population experienced various types of homosexual relationships. All this was also with Our Communist Grandparents , but all this was hidden and hidden.

But open discussion, and sexual education - will lead to the fact that the norm will change. I think Readers agree that it's better if you allow Children at 14 years old to have sex correctly, with protection, and tell us what and how. Than if your Child sleeps with His Sister/Brother somewhere at Grandma's in the village in the summer, or at a friend's place. And it is impossible to control everything, and it is impossible to punish for everything. Therefore, only truth and correct education.

I propose to survive the shock for now, and think for a couple of days. Then you can discuss the topic of sex. But not in the templates from "California" and melodrama, but the sex that actually exists is real.

missionary sex position

The woman lies on her back, the man inserts his genital organ into the vagina, being on top. At the same time, the partners are facing each other and can not only kiss, but also caress each other with their lips, while exchanging words about emotions, feelings, sensations, saying dirty depraved phrases to each other (for those whom it turns on). The position is characterized by both clitoral (a member entering the partner's vagina rubs against the head of the clitoris, which leads to additional stimulation), and vaginal orgasms. Mostly chosen in pairs, where male dominance is practiced. Consider the opportunities that the missionary position in sex opens up for each partner in order to know how to do this correctly and choose more acceptable options.

How to have sex the right way - a classic in the missionary position

The partner can either keep her legs lowered, in the same plane with the pelvis, or raise them or pull them to her chest. When the position of the legs changes, the position of the pelvis in a woman changes. Raising the hips increases the depth of penetration of the penis inside. Also, a woman can wrap her legs around her partner or throw them over his shoulders, ensuring maximum penetration. When choosing a missionary position in the last option, a man with a sufficiently large manhood should be careful not to injure his partner during frictions. Therefore, at first, the penis should be inserted to its full length slowly, observing the reaction of the partner. Feel free to ask about her feelings.

In the case when the partner's legs are on the shoulders of her lover, a man with a small penis may well turn such a constitution of his body into a big plus. Since the penetration will be deep anyway, without the threat of harm to the health of the object of love, and the maximum, for this position, contact of the clitoris with a member, a partner with a small manhood will be able to give completely new sensations to his mistress, destroying his own complexes.

You can also change the position of the hips, saving yourself from stress, by placing a special small pillow under the pelvis. A woman, wrapping her legs around her partner behind her back or clinging to his shins, shows her passion and sensuality, her desire to completely dissolve in making love. This, as a rule, causes a counter reaction, and sexual intercourse acquires new emotional overtones, especially when the right sex with a man is carried out.

Also, do not forget about the freedom of a female partner in choosing actions with her hands. You can pull a man by his neck to your beloved for a passionate kiss, or to the place that is your erogenous zone (nipples, neck), and you want your partner to caress him. Also, most men get turned on when their backs are scratched with nails. Although sometimes it hurts, it helps to awaken the truly primitive instincts of a real male in a lover, allowing you to have sex correctly at a higher level of your pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

With your free hand, you can play with the man's testicles, stimulating him, or if you want to stop his rapid ejaculation by pulling on the scrotum or testicles, also very gently, without harming him. A woman can also shine or spread her legs, controlling the friction of the “jade hammer” entering into her against the walls of the vagina and labia, regulating her sexual sensations, accelerating the approach and strength of orgasm.

A man, who, unlike a woman, is the main “driving force” of a missionary position, expends a lot of energy and strength when having sex. Since, if necessary, to make frictional movements, he needs to keep his body on weight, leaning on straight or bent arms and kneeling. Putting your body completely on a fragile and less strong partner, you are unlikely to arouse her approval and give her the full range of pleasure.

It is also very difficult to make progressive movements in the absence of any support, therefore, while having sex on the bed, the floor should rest with your feet against something solid and securely fixed. The partner can stimulate the female breast with his free hand, with his mouth (sucking on the nipples, playing with them with his tongue), ensuring the friction of the male breast against the tender female breast with a sufficient inclination of the upper body towards the beloved.

Also, by retracting his pelvis further, almost withdrawing his penis from the vagina, the male partner can ensure that his testicles are slapped on the partner's labia, which will cause a wave of emotions covering her from head to toe. At the same time, the likelihood of premature ejaculation decreases, and this is one of the advantages if you have sex correctly.

It is very difficult to caress the partner's clitoris while having sex in the missionary position. If you are turned on by her masturbation and additional stimulation, you can ask your partner to massage her clitoris on her own during intercourse. An experienced woman usually presses a tubercle of nerve endings against her penis, getting the opportunity to experience a fantastic clitoral orgasm. Also, a female partner can press her labia more tightly to the penis with her free hand, increasing pleasure for herself and her partner, but at the same time reducing the time until the man ejaculates.

Consider the disadvantages of the missionary position:

  1. When you do this in this position, the male partner usually has an orgasm earlier than the female partner, which can lead to dissatisfaction in your mate and a feeling of inferiority in the male.
  2. When having sex in the missionary position, the miraculous properties of the ji point are basically not activated, unless of course you change the angle of penetration of the penis into the vagina, which is sometimes tiring;
  3. After a long lovemaking in this position, a man needs more strength to recover, of course, if you are eager to turn the night into a stormy sexual adventure;
  4. Not suitable for couples where the man is very overweight and it is simply difficult for him to keep his body in tension for a long time. It is also not recommended for couples where a woman is in position, since a man, during coitus, often completely transfers the weight of his body to a partner, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus in the womb of a future mother, if you do this with pregnant woman.

How to have sex correctly in the side position

Less practiced than the missionary position, but also a lot of fun for both partners. There are two options: "face to face" and "man behind". In both cases, the penetration of the penis inside will be small. With the first option, you have the possibility of intimate caresses, as in the previously described missionary position. Only a man has freer hands and he will be able to caress his partner's clitoris, back and hips. At the same time, partners can kiss passionately and say tender words to each other.

The “man behind” position allows a male partner to caress his beloved while having sex, as he wants, to apply kisses even behind the ear (a very sensitive erogenous zone). But kissing mouth to mouth, more passionate, becomes less accessible, especially if a man is the same height as a woman or shorter. At the same time, your beautiful half will be deprived of the pleasure of caressing you. So, let's go directly to the description of the pose on the side, how it is performed correctly. When you do this according to the "man from behind" option - the woman lies on her side, bends slightly in the lower back, moving her ass back. Naturally, the man lies behind her back a little lower.

If the partner is not prepared to have sex, then in the future it will be very difficult for her beloved to enter her. A woman will be able to help her partner by spreading her legs, also giving him access to the opportunity to caress her clitoris. In this way, the lady regulates the friction of the penis against the walls of the vagina and labia. A man likes it when a woman helps him to perform frictions with her hand, keeping her hand laid back on her partner's hip. Doing this in this position contributes to a quick orgasm (a woman has only a vaginal one) of both partners. Especially with a mistress, on the “G” point of which there is a strong pressure.

The position "Face to face" is very difficult to perform and is suitable for foreplay and mutual "warming up". Especially people who are overweight experience big problems. The essence of the position is that the partner bends her leg at the knee and lays it on the partner's thigh so that he can enter it. There is also an option that a man throws his leg on his partner. But it is the first option that is more common, since women are more fragile and miniature. You can also try to learn how to do cunnilingus correctly, then your girlfriend will be very pleased! You can have sex correctly in different positions, only your imagination and a sense of joint comfort during intercourse play here. Experiment and help you the basic poses of the Kama Sutra!
