How to diversify your relationship with a guy: tips and tricks. How can you diversify your intimate relationships?

It often happens that in the eyes of strangers a couple looks happy, but the husband and wife do not feel like that. Difficulties at work, everyday affairs, material well-being - all this affects family relationships. Spouses are moving away from each other, so there is a need to add variety to everyday life.


Some men do not want to share a bed with a single partner, so they are in constant search. They often want to experience something new and unknown, which pushes them towards active sexual relations. Men expect bright and passionate sex from meetings. Intimacy with one woman seems like a routine to them. In order to avoid such an outcome, you need to add variety to the sexual life of your partners.

  1. No graphs or tables. Intimacy must be desired; sexual intercourse cannot be scheduled. Sex is governed by the feelings of the partners. You shouldn’t set aside a specific time, everything should not go according to plan. Only then will making love definitely bring pleasure to both of you.
  2. Quick sex is good in its own way. Such sexual intercourse is not only an opportunity for pleasure, but also a way of improvisation, because it happens suddenly. Quick sex will warm up the excitement in a man, and from now on he will have to always be on guard. This type of act is good because it can be done not only in the bedroom.
  3. Memories of first intimacy. You can warm up the feelings you experienced at the beginning of the relationship, remember your first intimacy and repeat. Perhaps you were in nature or in the back seat of a car. This method is useful if partners are tired of everyday life, as a result of which they want to feel the former attraction.
  4. Time for pranks. A man and a woman who are in a long-term relationship have already perfectly learned each other’s preferences. Couples are encouraged to experiment by learning new methods of achieving orgasm. Sometimes you can play role-playing games, revealing something new and exciting for yourself. Use your imagination and come up with conditions, for example, undressing or fulfillment of desires. Flip through the Kama Sutra or watch an erotic video.

Bringing your companion to orgasm through simple manipulations is a great way to brighten up everyday life. Ladies should not be ashamed of their own desires, learn to guess the fantasies of your gentleman. By following simple manipulations, your husband will look forward to the evening.

Visiting new places and cities raises morale and gives positive emotions for the six months ahead. Take a three-day tour to Egypt or stroll through the narrow streets of Spain.

It is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts of money, especially if funds are limited. Go with tents to the banks of a river or lake, go on an excursion to a neighboring city, and see the sights of your native places. There are a lot of opportunities, the main thing is to find time to implement them.

Once a year, try to visit new countries, take a two-week trip and forget about work during this time. Days spent together diversify family relationships. Leave your problems and worries behind and enjoy your vacation. Don’t forget to take a camera with you, take a lot of pictures so that you can look through them later and revive the emotions you received.

If there is no opportunity for the above-described methods of relaxation, have a picnic in your hometown, turn off your phones and get to know each other with every passing minute. Take a soft blanket, a basket of groceries and a bottle of wine.

Family traditions

Eating together. If you eat breakfast separately, fix that. In cases where it is difficult to find time due to differences in work schedules, agree to see each other for lunch or dinner. Delicious food is associated with pleasant memories, communicate, learn each other’s news, spend more time together.

Movie time. Agree with your husband that on a specific day of the week you will go to the cinema or arrange a home viewing. In the first case, buy tickets in advance so that both of you do not have excuses or imaginary fatigue. In the second case, order delivery of pizza, sushi or any other food of your choice. Turn on an interesting movie, buy a bottle of good wine or champagne, and enjoy the evening. Make it a habit to spend time together in this way at least once a week.

Camping. Create a weekend tradition. In warm weather, go to the park more often or go out of town, look for new interesting places, barbecue in nature. In winter, go skiing or skating, spend your weekends usefully, time flies.


Common interests bring spouses together, look for common ground. Of course, evening sitting on the couch watching TV is an exciting activity, but it is important to find something more worthwhile.

Summer is coming, but you haven't gotten your body in shape yet? Join a gym and buy a membership for your spouse. Modern fitness clubs offer discounts for married couples, so you can save money and tone your body. It is not necessary to lift dumbbells all day long; three visits a week is enough.

Pay attention to extreme hobbies. Recently, the trend for motorsports has been gaining rapid momentum, go to a trial lesson at a motorcycle school, under the guidance of an experienced instructor you can easily master the basics of riding a two-wheeled vehicle.

Dance studios are recruiting groups to teach salsa and tango. The two directions are inextricably linked with the sensuality of partners, which is why such dances are very popular among married couples.

Not everyone knows how to ski and snowboard. Find out about the ski slopes in your city, and then start learning. You can buy your own equipment, but many companies rent it out.

For calm people, photography courses that last 1.5-2 months are suitable. Now you will have something to discuss at dinner, talking about the direction of the light and the makeup of the models. Also check out the exhibitions of famous photographers, which are held several times a month.

An excellent option would be to learn a language. Learn to speak English, French, German or Spanish in just a few months. Practice with your spouse at home, communicate in a foreign language. A useful and necessary skill in modern society.

It is not necessary to give your husband gifts only on holidays; buy gifts for no reason. Visit a spa and find out about couples' treatments. Spend time like king and queen while enjoying aromatherapy or a massage.

For brave couples, an excellent option would be a parachute jump with the assistance of an experienced instructor. There is an alternative to this extreme sport - a wind tunnel. For several minutes you will be floating in zero gravity, holding hands.

Go shopping, buy your husband a couple of new shirts and his favorite perfume. Prepare a delicious dinner, pour a hot bath with foam and rose petals. Turn on romantic music, dim the lights and call your spouse. Give him the gift you bought, which you presented for absolutely no reason. Such a romantic gesture will push your partner to respond.

You probably know your husband’s hobbies, so build on them. If he watches football with friends in the evenings, buy tickets for the match, a scarf and a T-shirt with the logo of his favorite team. In cases where a man is interested in cars, consult with the seller and purchase a navigator, radar detector or good speakers. You can also order a mug with a joint photo from a photo studio, accompanying it with gentle words. Use your imagination!

In summer or spring, you can visit a horse riding school and book a three-hour horseback ride around the area. You will be accompanied by an instructor, so no unforeseen situations should arise. After that, order dinner at your husband’s favorite restaurant and spend time together in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere.

Family life needs variety. Take the initiative in sex, create your own family traditions that will pass on to the next generation. Look for common ground, communicate more, get involved in a common cause. Make time for travel and outings, give your husband gifts, he will definitely reciprocate the gesture.

Video: how to diversify relationships


Any relationship between a man and a woman goes through several similar stages and stages of development, but at the same time they differ in their own characteristics, nuances and characteristic features. It depends on the characters, age and experience of the two people who met and decided to try to be together.

But sooner or later, in the relationship between a man and a woman, a moment comes when you want to introduce something new, renew sensations, add a spark of fire. For some couples, this need arises within a few months after the first meeting, while for others this condition is not familiar during the first years of marriage. However, when there is a desire to diversify a relationship, not everyone can immediately figure out how to do it.

Most often, the initiator of adding novelty is a woman. It is the weaker sex who search for interesting leisure time, unexplored options for spending time together and new ideas for common activities. Although it often happens that it is the man, wanting to please his beloved and show attention, who decides to make a new proposal and prepare a surprise.

How to choose an option to add variety

Before you offer something to your significant other as an entertainment activity, you need to be sure that it will be liked and enjoyable. For example, if a man decides to take his wife to a football match or on vacation in the forest with tents, he must be sure that she will find it interesting and pleasant. Some women may enjoy such leisure activities, but most prefer other options.

To be sure of an event that will add variety to your relationship, the two of you can discuss its organization. If a man and woman both love good cinema, you can go to the cinema. Fans of active recreation will enjoy the skating rink or bowling alley. The main thing is that both partners enjoy their time together.

Another way to understand how to better diversify your relationship is to talk about what you miss most in your daily hustle and bustle. Someone is tired of routine work and household chores, so they want to get out into a cafe, into society, go to the theater or to a concert of a popular group. Other couples, on the contrary, being constantly in a large group, communicating with partners, colleagues, customers, tired of crowds, may desire silence and solitude, so a picnic in nature or a quiet family dinner will bring the greatest satisfaction.

Things to do together - 10 ideas

There are a lot of options for spending time together. Some of them are familiar and time-tested, but this has not made them any less attractive or popular. Others are used less often and are not suitable for everyone, but at the same time they serve as a pleasant variety among the usual everyday life.

So, to diversify your relationship, you can:

How to diversify your sex life

Intimacy is an essential aspect of any relationship. And if at the initial stage of getting to know each other everything was new, interesting, unknown, then after several years of living together it is difficult to imagine how to diversify the couple’s sex life. To do this, you don’t need to come up with anything special, but you will have to go beyond the usual perception of intimacy. At the same time, it is also important to remember that you should only do what both partners want. Coercion and attempts to overstep oneself rarely end successfully.

To diversify your sexual relationship, you can:

Try new poses or diversify old ones

Of course, over several years of marriage, the couple has developed their favorite positions for sex. And the few that I once wanted to try did not take root, were not liked, or seemed inconvenient. But for variety, you can sometimes experiment, because it is quite possible that there is something unknown, but unexpectedly pleasant, left in this area.

Try new places

The marital bed and the kitchen table are the favorite places for many couples to have intimacy. But besides this, there are many other options for how you can diversify your sexual relationship. A window sill, a carpet in the living room, a washing machine, a chest of drawers in a children's room - there are a great many places where you can try to enjoy each other. In addition, we must not forget about places such as a car, a toilet in a restaurant, an abandoned beach. The main thing is to know when to stop and realistically assess the possibilities of a particular situation.

Role-playing games

A classic way to spice up your sex life is to play something. By giving free rein to your imagination, you can go beyond the standard roles of “student/teacher” or “boss/secretary”. It is important to take into account the interests of both parties, then the process will be exciting and leave pleasant memories.

The intimate side of relationships is an important aspect of life together, which needs to be constantly paid attention to and tried to diversify the usual process. It doesn’t matter how long a man and woman have been together - one year or ten years. If you try and listen to each other, sexually there will always be harmony and a bright fire of love.

Radical changes in relationships

Sometimes relationships become so familiar and taken for granted that going to restaurants and even walking in the fresh air do not bring the necessary emotions and sensations. Couples who are ready for radical methods and want to radically diversify their relationship can use less popular methods. An important component of such actions, like all previous ones, should remain the coordination of a man and a woman. Everything must be done only by mutual agreement, then the result will exceed expectations.

Among the radical ways to help diversify relationships are:

  1. Go on vacation. This requires an investment of financial resources, but a small romantic trip for two is usually worth the expense. The seashore, soft sand, the absence of familiar people and usual responsibilities - all this brings novelty and a touch of romance to relationships no matter how old they are.
  2. Make repairs in the apartment, or at least in one room. Joint work is unlikely to quarrel partners, because they have been together for a long time and have already gone through a lot, but the time spent together, and most importantly, the end result in the form of a change of scenery will bring variety to their usual life.
  3. Get a pet, such as a dog. A new family member brings a certain chaos to the established routine of life, but at the same time gives joy, general positive emotions and a sense of novelty. Walking together, sharing responsibilities and a little madness will be pleasant chores for all family members and will help diversify their relationships.
  4. Book a family photo session. Allow a professional photographer to set angles, scenery, and even come up with the right positions for lovers for successful photographs. The time spent together, and then the finished photographs, will definitely bring joy, add variety and give an unforgettable experience.
  5. Have a wedding. And if it has already happened, repeat the celebration, even on a more modest scale. You can time this to coincide with the anniversary of your marriage, invite guests, order a restaurant and wear wedding dresses. And be sure to take photos called “…. years later." And then again enjoy the photos and memories from the holiday.

“Monotony kills” - this immutable truth is fully applicable to the delicate sphere of relationships between loving people. Even in the most faithful and caring family, fatigue and disappointment can accumulate over time. After all, both husband and wife have known everything about each other for a long time, every day it’s the same thing, nothing new. So close to a family crisis. The founder and director of the Moscow dating club “Classics of Relationships,” psychologist and writer Olga Romaniv talks about how to add variety to relationships.

Since historically it has developed that a woman plays the role of homemaker, it largely depends on her whether it will be possible to revive and diversify family life. A wife should remember the old, wise truth: “There must be some kind of mystery in a woman.” Is your husband sure that he knows you “like a shell” and that you can’t surprise him with anything? Prove that he is very mistaken. Dramatically change your image. A new original hairstyle, well matched to your face type, can work wonders. At the same time, try to dye your hair, update your wardrobe, in a word, appear before your spouse in a completely new image.

It’s wonderful when a house can be called a “cozy family nest,” where it’s always clean and comfortable, and this characterizes the wife as a housewife from the best side. However, even if you are a homebody by nature, you shouldn’t sit inside four walls all the time on weekends. Try to go to plays, concerts, sporting events, and art exhibitions more often. Don't forget about outdoor trips. This is especially true for residents of large cities with unfavorable ecology. The benefits are double: both for health and family relationships.

Pamper your other half with signs of attention more often. A kind word, praise, a compliment, a gift, even the most modest one - all this requires so little time and effort, but can bring great benefit.

It is clear that your intimate life is no longer as eventful as at the very beginning of marriage, and the former passion has long since taken on a calmer, more measured form. This is completely natural from both a physiological and psychological point of view. However, try not to repeat the common mistake of many long-term married couples for whom sex has become something of secondary importance. And don’t be afraid to be relaxed and try something new. Of course, all experiments in bed should be carried out only by mutual consent. They should not embarrass, let alone shock, either the husband or the wife.

Even the best relationships need a shake-up from time to time. Monotony quickly becomes boring, which negatively affects the emotional state of each partner. You don’t need to make a huge effort to add something new to your daily routine. Try one of the effective ways to diversify your relationship.

Make your partner bored

No wonder they say that the best husbands are long-distance sailors. Of course, such a statement is a little exaggerated, but there is some truth in it. This means that constantly being next to your partner becomes boring. You no longer get those vivid emotions that you could have after periodic separation.

How to diversify your relationship with a guy? Make him miss you, that is, do not see him for as long as possible. It’s great if your job involves business trips - this is an official excuse to leave and get bored. If this is not possible, come up with various excuses: help your grandmother with the housework, pretend to be sick, go to an old school friend in another city. In general, look at the situation and choose the most suitable option to separate for a while.

When you return, you will feel how much brighter your feelings are now. You simply won’t be able to tear yourself away from each other for several days and will get a lot of pleasant emotions.

If the option of a long separation is not possible, try to at least leave yourself and your partner time for personal activities. Get together with your girlfriends on the weekend, and let him go fishing with his friends. After a separate vacation, you will have many common topics for conversation, and you will have time to get bored at least a little. And in general, a girl who lets a guy go out with friends is a real find. Believe me, he will be very grateful to you.

Surprise your man in bed

Even such a pleasant activity as sex can become quite boring if there is no variety in it. For a man to always want only you, you need to surprise him in bed. It's not as difficult as it seems, especially if you use a little creativity.

Cast aside embarrassment and discover a world of pleasure. Firstly, pay attention to appearance: Dress sexy and feminine at home. As you know, guys love to enjoy a beautiful picture. It's time to buy a silk robe and erotic lingerie instead of a stretched T-shirt and shorts. Don’t walk around like a dirty person at home, wear light makeup and hair, even on your day off. Secondly, the intimate process itself should not be monotonous: choose new positions, do not disdain sex toys. Then intimate life will cease to be a routine for each of you.

To understand how to diversify your sexual relationship with a young man, periodically ask him about his desires. This way you will know for sure what your partner would like to try in bed. If you suspect that he is shy, invite him to watch beautiful porn together. Based on the man's reaction, you can track his preferences.

Write a sms with a hint, where you describe your burning desire. Leave erotic notes on the refrigerator that a man will find in the morning. Keep him on his toes and he will never look at another woman. And you will be satisfied with active love games.

Cook something tasty more often

Tame the hungry beast and find the way to its heart with the help of culinary experiments. Men subconsciously expect their other halves to have the ability, or at least the desire, to cook deliciously. Even if you don’t have any talent for cooking, these tricks are now very easy to learn.

How to diversify family relationships in this case? Prepare your favorite dishes for your beloved more often. Just imagine: your husband comes home and from the entrance smells the delicious smell of your signature cabbage pies. And here you are, in a beautiful apron and underwear, preparing this delicacy. The man will simply beam with happiness, devouring the dish of the day on both cheeks.

A romantic dinner by candlelight and a set table replete with all your other half’s favorite dishes will also be rated five plus. It’s so nice when the woman you love takes care of you and remembers what you like from food.

By making your partner breakfast in bed, you may be making his dream come true. Many guys dream of being courted like kings. After such a breakfast, expect an intimate continuation.

If you don’t know how to cook at all or have absolutely no time, it doesn’t matter. Even from such a situation you can find a way out. Nowadays there are so many restaurants that offer home delivery that there is no need to worry at all. Order delicious pizza or barbecue, buy your favorite drinks at the store and enjoy an evening meal together with an interesting movie.

Give gifts and arrange surprises

Don't think that only men should give gifts to their significant other. For women, this behavior is also welcome. How to diversify your relationship with your husband? Figure out what surprise he will like the most and give it at the right moment. After all, presenting something is no less pleasant than receiving it yourself.

During regular conversations with your loved one, note his wishes. For example, a man casually mentioned that he wants to buy himself a new DVR or navigator, but he just can’t get out for shopping. And now you have all the cards in your hands - all you have to do is run to the store and buy him a gift. A man will be delighted not only by the most necessary and useful surprise, but also by how attentive and caring his other half is.

There are also more budget-friendly ways to diversify your family relationships. As a pleasant surprise, you can pack food for your spouse for work, and put a note with a declaration of love in the container with food. Such a sign of attention will make his subsequent working day more joyful. An inexpensive, but very pleasant way to please your husband would be to initiate a trip to the cinema for the premiere of a film the man is expecting. Buy tickets in advance and send a photo of them to your significant other with the caption: “So, what? Shall we go?

Give attention and gifts, arrange surprises. You won’t even notice how your relationship will become almost perfect. After all, there will be no reason for boredom and quarrels.

Be spontaneous

Over time, a certain algorithm is established in relationships. So you go home from work, cook dinner together, walk the dog, watch an evening TV series and go to bed. It seems that peace of mind is what every man needs. But you need to distinguish a measured way of life from mortal boredom. Often our lives lack something explosive and interesting.

Correcting this state of affairs is not so difficult, if only there was a desire. Remember yourself in your youth - then you didn’t have to look for a special reason for fun for too long. You could make a holiday out of nothing on any day and rejoice at every positive event. Don’t be afraid of surprises, offer your beloved something like that. Take time off from work and come to his office to steal your spouse for the day for an adventure. Invite him to go to an amusement park, go out of town to enjoy the sunset in the forest. Have a picnic in the backyard of your high-rise building. Come up with a day that will remain in your memory for a long time.

Romance and spontaneity are replaced by the routine of gray everyday life. Don't let boredom put out the fire of love. Periodically throw logs into it with the help of unexpected, eccentric proposals to your partner. Say “no” to everyday routine and try to feel the taste for life every day. This will help diversify relationships both at the initial stage and after several years of marriage.

Always flirt with your loved one

At the beginning of a relationship, women easily manage to flirt casually: winking, hinting jokes, playful intonation in the voice. But over time, when a man has already been conquered, the need for flirting disappears, and we stop flirting with our other half. Misunderstandings and conflicts come out of nowhere, because you need to replace the emotional hole in your communication with something.

This state of affairs does not have the best effect on the relationship between a man and a woman - as if that spark, that discharge that passes between you at the first meetings, fades away. It seems to both partners that they are already perceived more as neighbors or relatives, rather than passionate lovers. How to influence a disastrous situation? How then can a girl diversify her relationship with a guy?

Plunge into your memories: how did you behave with your husband at the first stage of meeting? Try to transfer behavior from the past to the present. Start flirting with your man, even if it’s through force. It is only now that it seems impossible to get the same fresh sensations as before. Give yourself time to change, and then you will get the hang of it. Your partner will appreciate this playful attitude and will begin to behave the same way.

Just imagine: all these cute jokes, constant kisses either on the street or in the subway, a smile that never leaves your lips - all this awaits you if you start flirting with your man more and more often. They say about such people: happy hours do not notice. Indeed, the days will no longer drag on like expired taffy. Every hour spent with your loved one will be a joy for you.

Update your interior

The situation in the home can also affect the relationship between spouses. It happens that an ugly closet or a curtain of a gloomy color spoils the mood for many years, but no one decides to throw them away and buy new ones.

Don’t be afraid to change things, because by saving on the purchase of eye-catching accessories, you are not sparing your state of mind. As a woman, you should be more passionate about creating a cozy atmosphere in your home. Left alone in the apartment, think about what you can change in the interior to make it more comfortable. Turn your ideas into reality by purchasing a couple of beautiful accessories: decorative pillows, thick scented candles, a new photo frame - all this will create a special atmosphere and comfort in your home.

Rearranging your home will drive negativity out of its corners. This is what Feng Shui teaches. Come up with a new plan for filling the space of the room, thereby you will make changes in your life. It is advisable to smooth out sharp corners as much as possible during rearrangement or get a round rug or table. This way the necessary energy will circulate throughout the apartment. Don't worry that your improvisation will be unsuccessful. After all, you can always return everything to its place if you are not satisfied with the result.

When a man returns home and sees the changes, as well as his wife shining next to him, he will undoubtedly be happy and receive a positive charge for the rest of the evening. It’s as if you are starting life with a clean face, making the usual rearrangement in the apartment and purchasing accessories that are pleasing to the eye.

How to diversify long-distance relationships?

Fate is unpredictable and often separates us from our loved ones. To avoid getting bored while apart, listen to these tips on how to diversify long-distance relationships:

  1. Communicate constantly. Almost every part of the world now has the Internet, thanks to which we can keep in touch with loved ones, even when we are very far from them. Don’t forget about your loved one - write, call him more often. Do everything so that he doesn’t forget about you.
  2. Confess your feelings. If in ordinary life you have already forgotten how pleasant it is to confess your love, then remember this at least when you are apart. Feel free to express everything that is on your soul, and receive reciprocity from your partner.
  3. Share photos. Nothing excites the minds of long-distance lovers more than a photo of their other half. Send selfies whenever possible during the day and diversify dry communication.
  4. Engage in self-improvement. Now you have a great opportunity to devote time only to yourself. Do what you have long dreamed of: sign up for a foreign language course, buy a gym membership, or read useful literature. Self-development affects relationships as a whole. You become better, and your partner will follow you.
  5. Meet if possible. If your partner is not at the North Pole and is not carrying out a top-secret mission for the special services, then there is a chance that you will see him at least for a short time. Come see him on the weekend and make a pleasant surprise. A good alternative would be video chat on Skype.

Diversifying relationships is not so difficult - it is difficult to maintain warm feelings when apart. Trust your soul mate, don’t lose your mind and look forward to meeting you. Then you will be able to get away from the usual scenario, when a man and a woman grow apart at a distance and kill their love with eternal nagging.

As sad as it may be, love eventually passes into the usual stage of habit. Freshness, curiosity, a sense of tenderness and attractiveness are lost... Therefore, how to diversify relationships , should become a saving straw for love drowning in routine. It's about how to bring freshness to your current relationship.


Give more gifts, surprise, make unexpected surprises. You will receive unrealistic satisfaction from pleasing your loved one. Your return is guaranteed!

The way to a man is through his stomach!

Prepare your partner's favorite dish and, getting up early, feed it right in bed. Practice spontaneity, do things you never imagined before. Surprise your loved one with delicious dishes and learn the art of cooking. Believe me, if you are a good housewife and know how to cook deliciously, it means a lot!

Refresh your shared impressions

Go to a new restaurant or a new movie together. If he is an active football fan, then please him and surprise him with good football tickets. The mood and joy in the eyes of your beloved at such moments is the best source of happiness for your man!

Develop together!

It's about spending time together and sharing common emotions, impressions and joys. Learn new things. Read interesting books, sign up for partner dances or learn a foreign language. A new and interesting activity will bring you closer together, which will certainly benefit not only your relationship, but also your intellect. Once you learn tango, for example, you will re-experience the passion when you press against each other in the dance.

Traditions for two

Come up with new traditions that will only be common to you. Build relationships, deal with them as you would deal with some important matters. For example, set yourself a date that you will celebrate every year. It could be the first day of spring, symbolizing the renewal of nature and your feelings, or the celebration of your first hike together in the mountains, or the process of preparing a joint dish, picnics on Sundays... In general, use your imagination.

Remember the good things more often

How to diversify relationships? Memories will help you! Go through your memory of your warm and joyful moments of meeting, the unforgettable time spent together. And definitely your feelings! How did you feel at the same time, how happy were you... This will help refresh the relationship and repeat the moments again.

An ideal relationship is not only sincere feelings, but also a lot of work. Mutual desire and support for each other in everything will help you build lasting and happy love.

Remember: the atmosphere in a relationship depends primarily on the woman. If she has a desire to improve the situation, then in almost all cases the woman achieves success. Therefore, instead of blaming your partner for inattention and cooling, think about what you did to prevent this from happening. Take action and your relationship will be strong!
