How to solve the problem of chapped hands. What to do if your hands are chapped How to cure your hands from chapped

Chapped hands are a nightmare during the cold season. This problem continues to be popular. It concerns not only adults, but also the youngest, because everyone, when they were children, encountered a similar phenomenon. I played snowballs with my friends with my bare hands - they were very chapped, hurt and caused a lot of inconvenience. How to treat chapped hands at home?

Cold and wet weather is taking its toll. We put on warm jackets, hats, boots - we insulate ourselves with diligence. But, unfortunately, we forget about the most important thing - our hands. As soon as you go outside without gloves, cracks immediately appear on your hands, your skin becomes dry and rough.

Your hands may become chapped the moment you took your phone out of your bag in the wind or straightened your hair, no matter what happens, remember that wounds on the skin are an open path for infection and pathogens, and this means only one thing - you should not let the problem go away. gravity However, no one will run to the doctor for such a frivolous reason, so let’s talk about treating chapped hands at home.

How to help those affected by bad weather

Cream, folk remedies, spa treatments or medications? Inflammation and chapping can be treated in various ways. We will talk about the most effective of them.

Since chapped hands are characterized by severe drying of the upper layer of skin and the appearance of bleeding cracks, treatment must be carried out immediately. When providing first aid, a cream will help us; it can be anything, preferably with a greasy consistency. This remedy will soften inflamed skin.

People have given the name “ticks” to hands affected by the cold; it probably comes from the fact that skin scales touch clothing and cling. Since ancient times, effective methods of combating chapping of the skin have been sought. Here are some examples of recipes that are easy to prepare at home:

  • Grind 3 tablespoons of oatmeal into powder in a blender, add half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes - anoint your chapped hands with the resulting mixture.
  • Dilute 50 g of soda in 250 ml. warm water. You need to take a bath for 15 minutes, then use a rich hand cream.
  • Brew 3 tablespoons of oak bark, add tea tree oil to the mixture. The warm solution should be used for treatment for a week until the chapped skin is completely cured.
  • Pour boiling water over 100 g of calendula leaves. Prepare a clean bandage or gauze. Make compresses with the resulting decoction, changing the temperature from cold to hot.
  • Apply sea buckthorn oil to the affected areas of the skin. It will quickly heal wounds on your hands because it has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Apply fresh cucumber skins to cracked areas and leave for 15 minutes.
  • If the skin damage is minimal and the chapped areas are small, then you can anoint your hands with aloe juice at night.
  • Starch baths will help treat chapping. In 100 ml. dissolve 4 dessert spoons of starch in water.
  • It is good to use a mask for chapped hands. It is very simple to prepare: boil 1 potato, mash it, add a teaspoon of oil (olive, vegetable) to the puree, apply the resulting pulp to your hands in the morning and evening.

Women can visit the spa and have a pyrotherapy procedure. It will not only help to cope with the problem of chapped hands, but will also leave behind a pleasant, relaxing effect.

How to help your baby

But it happens that it is not you, but your child who gets chapped hands. Masks and folk remedies are not suitable here, because they require perseverance and patience. That is why treatment at home must be carried out using other methods - using a cream. There are many of them sold in pharmacies, the price range is large, and the effectiveness is almost the same.

You can smear the chapped surface of your hands with the following preparations:

  • Bepanten;
  • Purelan;
  • Morozko;
  • Chicco;
  • Sanosan;
  • Our mother.

You can also use baby oils from Johnson Baby, My Sunshine or Eared Nanny for treatment.

Treatment and prevention

So, to summarize: in order to get rid of “chicks” and the consequences of chapped hands, you need to:

  • Use folk remedies prepared at home.
  • Make masks for chapped hands.
  • Apply cream.

There is no doubt that the best thing to do with this problem is to prevent it from starting. Therefore, it is worth remembering about prevention:

  • Wear warm gloves.
  • Wear weather protection.
  • Take care of your hands every day, a mask and cream will come to the rescue.

It should be remembered that hands can become chapped not only in frosty, but also in hot weather. For example, when working in the garden. In the wind, the skin dries and cracks. In this regard, you should always be careful and careful when caring for your hands so that they do not cause you discomfort in the future. For prevention and treatment at home, you can use any brand of night cream.

Getting rid of pimples and chapping: video

The main thing to remember is that when your hands become chapped, the main thing is to act quickly and correctly. Treatment should not be put off for a long time, it can cost you a lot. Unhealed wounds on chapped hands heal slowly, the skin deteriorates, becomes dry and lifeless. Take care of yourself. Be healthy!

When there is wind outside and the air temperature drops, any girl (and indeed any person, especially a child) may experience problems with the skin of her hands. This is not an allergic reaction. The problem is related to chapped hands.

What happens when chapped?

In cold weather, the skin on your hands, unprotected with cream or gloves, evaporates moisture faster. Begins redness- the first sign of frostbite. Then a tingling sensation. Red chicks. Cracks. Pain or just discomfort. Leather peeling, becomes dry and rude to the touch.

What to do?

  • Don't panic. Pens can be cured.
  • Apply a special cream, preferably with a medicinal effect. Pharmacies have creams from cracks, wounds, skin irritations, abrasions. They are quickly absorbed, suitable for sensitive skin, and have bactericidal properties.
  • You can also use regular fatty nutritious a cream that does not cause irritation to the skin of the hands.
  • It would be nice to add vitamin oil into a cream that is applied to the hands.
  • After applying the cream, you can put it on your hands. cotton gloves.
  • Do not perform house cleaning work or wash dishes without special gloves. You need to give your hands time restore water-lipid balance.
  • No need to scratch or rub your hands.

You can do it at home or in a beauty salon paraffin bath(the procedure is called paraffin therapy). But it is contraindicated for those who have wounds on their hands or severe irritation.

So, melt the paraffin in a deep bowl (bath) at a temperature of 50 - 55 degrees, cool slightly and dip your hands into the resulting liquid 4 - 5 times. Sometimes paraffin is applied with a brush. Then put plastic bags or plastic gloves on your hands and wrap them in a terry towel or scarf to enhance the greenhouse effect. After 20 - 25 minutes, unwrap everything and remove the paraffin. Spread with cream. Hands become soft and well-groomed.

Folk remedies

Oatmeal mask. Pour boiling water over oatmeal, wait until it swells, mix with vitamin A, which is sold in any pharmacy and is inexpensive. Apply the resulting paste to your hands and wait fifteen to twenty minutes. Then rinse with warm water, dry (do not rub with a towel) and apply nourishing cream. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Potato mask. Boil two potatoes, crush them, mix with milk and yolk. You can add a little lemon juice. Place the mixture on your hands and wrap it with something (cloth, plastic bag, foil, gauze). Wait twenty minutes and rinse with warm water. Then apply rich cream.

By the way, the cream can be used in such a situation both for the legs and veterinary (for the udder of cows).

Potato broth bath. When the potatoes are cooked, pour the broth into a deep plate. Place your hands in it and hold them there until the water cools down. Usually about fifteen minutes. Then rinse, pat dry with a towel and apply nourishing cream. It is better to wear cotton gloves after applying the cream - the effect of the bath will be enhanced.

Prevention of chapped hands

To avoid the unpleasant sensations associated with chapped hands, you should take care of skin protection in advance.

  • Apply protective cream for hands 20 - 30 minutes before going outside.
  • put on gloves or mittens. It is better if the lining is made of natural material.
  • Apply before bed nourishing cream.
  • Use soap with glycerin.

If you apply these rules, you will always have well-groomed hands.

Your hands are chapped and you don’t know what to do? Has their skin turned red, become rough, wrinkled? Every fifth woman faces this problem, especially in the autumn-winter period. And in the summer, you can often hear complaints from the fair half of humanity that their hands are chapped. How to help the skin of your hands become healthier and prevent such manifestations? We will tell you about recipes and care methods that will help avoid chapped hands.

Are your hands chapped? What should care be like?

Basically, such a problem as chapped hands most often overtakes the delicate skin on the hands in winter in windy frosty weather. It also has a direct negative effect on the hands:

  • sudden change in temperature;
  • high humidity;
  • spending a long time outside in bad cold weather.

Chapped hands can rightfully be called a typical winter problem.
Since the skin of the hands is very thin, sensitive and dehydrates very quickly, special care is required for it.

How to properly wash your hands if your skin is chapped?

During the winter, proper hand washing becomes an integral part of hand care. After all, soap and hot water dry out the skin of your hands quite strongly. Therefore, it is correct to wash your hands with mild soap. Requirements for soap should be as follows:

  1. Normal pH content. Our epidermis has a pH level of 5.5, so it is acceptable to use soap with a pH level of 3-6.
  2. Adding glycerin or nutritious oil to the composition.
  3. Supplements in the form of aloe, chamomile or calendula extracts are welcome.

What should hand cream be like in winter?

The easiest way to chapped your hands is when you leave the house after washing dishes or wet cleaning the house. Therefore, carry out household procedures with special gloves. It is best to use rubber ones with a cotton lining. But do not forget that wearing them for more than 20 minutes is not recommended.

As for the cream, it should be moisturizing with high fat content. Creams with glycerin are perfect. When applying, the skin of your hands should be slightly damp, then it will be better moisturized.

In addition to moisturizing, you should take care to protect your hands. Apply sunscreen before every time you go outside. And if you are predisposed to chapped hands, then for prevention purposes, apply cream to your hands every 4-6 hours.

If you constantly wash your hands (work requires it), then it is better to use hand cream containing silicone and oils.

What should be the emergency help when your hands become chapped?

If your hands become chapped, you should act immediately. Since weathering is characterized by:

  • drying the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • severe redness and roughness;
  • the appearance of cracks that may bleed slightly.

In addition to fatty and moisturizing creams, for emergency help you can use simple but quite effective methods of treatment from the people. Your hands are chapped; traditional medicine has its own effective recipes.

Recipes for baths when your hands are chapped?

  1. Starch bath. Dissolve 8 dessert spoons of potato starch in one glass of warm water. Immerse your hands in warm water for 10–20 minutes.
  2. Oatmeal bath. Steam 5-6 tablespoons of oatmeal with hot water. When the porridge has cooled to room temperature, pour a vitamin A capsule into it. It is sold in liquid form in pharmacies. Stir and soak your brushes in the mixture for 25 minutes.
  3. Oak decoction. To do this, you need to boil three tablespoons of pharmaceutical oak bark in half a liter of water. Strain and add a few drops of tea tree oil to the broth. Dip your brushes into it and hold for 25–35 minutes. Use these baths for a week.
  4. Potato bath. Boil the potatoes in water. When it has cooled, immerse the brushes in the resulting vegetable broth and keep until it cools completely. Potatoes can be used for a mask, the recipe for which is given below.

Recipes for masks when your hands are chapped?

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. It is applied to areas of skin that are chapped. It should not be washed off. Wait until the oil is completely absorbed.
  2. Potato mask. From boiled potatoes (1-2 potatoes) you need to make a puree. Add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil to it. It can be flaxseed, olive, mustard or simple sunflower. Apply the mixture to the affected areas for 10–15 minutes. Such masks should be carried out in the morning and evening for 3-5 days. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a rich cream.
  3. Mask for the night. Take one teaspoon of the thickest cream you can find at home and add 5 drops of rose oil to it. Mix thoroughly and spread on your hands. Put on cotton gloves and go to bed. The next morning you will already notice an improvement.
  4. Aloe juice. A freshly picked aloe leaf is cleared of side needles and cut in half. The halves are applied to the inflamed areas. It should be kept for up to 40–60 minutes. For convenience, you can wrap them with a bandage. If the skin is not very chapped, then simply wipe it with a cut aloe leaf and leave until completely dry.

Are your hands chapped? Paraffin therapy will help

In addition to folk remedies, when your hands are chapped, you can use paraffin therapy. To do this, brushes are immersed in molten cosmetic paraffin (its temperature should be acceptable to the touch). Immediately take it out and allow the paraffin to cool and harden. Dipping is repeated again, and so on until a dense layer of paraffin forms on the brushes. Gloves are put on top or hands are wrapped in a warm towel. After half an hour, wash everything off.

In conclusion about prevention

The very first thing that will help protect your hands in winter is warm gloves, which you need to wear when going outside. Apply moisturizing and protective cream. Do not neglect the rules of hand care in winter, pay attention to your soap and replace it if necessary. Pamper your skin with cosmetic masks and baths. Compliance with these requirements will help you forget about complaints that your hands are chapped.

Walking and being forced to be outdoors in damp, cold weather without gloves has unpleasant consequences: the skin of the hands becomes covered with microcracks, becomes very dry, and looks inflamed.

A child may come home with chapped hands after a lot of fun in the cold. Trouble more often overtakes people with reduced immunity and sensitive skin lacking vitamins and microelements.

Violation of the upper layer of skin - a path for infection, allergens, and the development of dermatitis. To increase the protective functions of the skin and eliminate painful rashes, simple but effective methods are used.

So, your hands are chapped: what to do at home and how to overcome the problem.

The impetus for the appearance of chicks is unfavorable external factors: high humidity, low temperature, wind.

But internal pathologies of the body can serve as predisposing factors:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to impaired absorption of substances beneficial to skin health into the blood;
  • disturbances of carbohydrate and lipid metabolic processes leading to vitamin deficiency;
  • problems with keratin formation, predisposition to rough and dry skin;
  • atopic dermatitis leading to systemic allergic reactions;
  • increased sensitivity to moisture and wind.

These disorders provoke the appearance of inflammation and cracks in a child or adult under the following unfavorable conditions:

  1. Staying in the cold with bare hands.
  2. Lack of seasonal skin care.
  3. Frequent exposure of hands to water with a washing and cleaning solution.
  4. Dried skin.

The presence of physical, mechanical, and chemical irritants is a trigger for the formation of “chicks”.

Treatment of chapped hands

How to restore chapped skin on your hands with your own efforts? Treatment of chapped hands at home can be carried out in several directions:

  • exclusion of potentially dangerous factors;
  • local therapy;
  • increasing immunity;
  • taking vitamins.

Vitamins are not a source of energy or building material for cells. But they are necessary as a catalyst for biochemical reactions in the body, for the preservation of skin immunity, and for barrier functions.

You can determine how to treat your hands based on the symptoms and frequency of the problem.. For some, an emollient cream is enough, while others require a full course of therapy.

The ultimate goal of treatment is to get rid of cracks, itching and pain, reduce the frequency of exacerbations, and prevent skin complications.

How to smear chapped hands at home? Daily cosmetics are not suitable for this.

Lanolin and other components of creams can aggravate the situation and increase the allergic reaction (itching and redness).

The waterproof film created by such products interferes with skin breathing and creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic flora.

If the skin is chapped and there is an inflammatory process, medicinal cosmetics with a dermatological effect should be used to restore the properties of the epidermis.

Moisture-retaining creams, lipid-enriched ointments are used, and traditional medicine is used with the corresponding effect. The more regularly you treat your skin, the faster the recovery will occur.

If the allergic component of the reaction on the hands is established, then antihistamines are used.

Claritin, Telfast, Loratadine, Cetrin selectively affect damaged cellular structures.

Taking vitamins and multivitamin preparations in age-appropriate dosages helps correct immune disorders.

When deciding how to treat chapped skin, you can resort to using a regular “blue lamp”. Physiotherapeutic reflector is widely used in the treatment of inflammation and skin diseases.

What to do if your hands are very chapped? Uncontrolled use of medications can harm your health. And proven folk remedies will support the immunity of skin structures, improve skin condition, and prevent the development of complications.

Baths based on herbal decoctions have a beneficial effect on inflamed skin. For their preparation, herbs are used, prepared independently or purchased from pharmacy chains.

tea tree

The leaves have an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect, and suppress antimicrobial activity.

Suppress the toxic effects of allergens and strengthen local immunity.

A bath with steamed leaves helps relieve itching, reduces irritation and rashes.

Tea tree oil also has the same properties.. To take a bath, add a few drops of the product to warm water.

Oak bark

The bark is a source of mineral components, tannins. Has strong tanning properties.

Makes skin cells impermeable to bacteria. Strengthens the walls of capillaries. Acts as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.


A common herbaceous plant acts on many pathogens of skin diseases (staphylococci, streptococci). Helps heal wounds, cracks, and other damage to the skin. It can also be used orally as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Widely used in Chinese medicine. Has strong bactericidal properties.

The leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, and the flowers contain valuable essential oil.. Treats many skin diseases, including all types of eczema.

Having prepared a decoction of medicinal herbs, pour it into a deep bowl and wait until it cools to 40°. Place your hands in the water and hold there for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe dry and lubricate with medicinal cream.

For a child, it is better to use specially created products:

  • Bepanten;
  • Panthenol;
  • Cream “Morozko”;
  • Purelan;
  • Our mother.


It has an active antiviral effect, softens, moisturizes, and nourishes the skin structures with vitamins, folic acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc. Since aloe leaves have a wet structure, they can simply be generously lubricated on sore hands.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Tannins accumulate in the leaves of sea buckthorn, and sea buckthorn oil is produced from the fruits - a valuable product with a wound-healing and analgesic effect.

Excellent healing of cracks, quickly stops inflammation. Used for treatment and preventive purposes.

How to get rid of chapped hands using emergency remedies? To do this, use soothing, nourishing masks:

Regular use of herbal decoctions, masks and baths from available products will relieve troubles in the form of chapped hands and a spoiled mood.

Try to avoid negative factors and keep emergency skin protection products on hand.

Weathered hands with cracks, popularly called “chicks,” are a nightmare reality for lovers of winter fun, fishing, and those who carelessly left the house without gloves in wet, windy weather. Most often, rough hands with tiny wounds can be observed in children: as soon as they get carried away playing with the snow and lose a mitten, the baby’s delicate skin immediately begins to roughen and crack in the cold.

The skin of adults is less susceptible to weather conditions, but even at this age, agricultural work in the country or walking in the cold without mittens can make the surface of the hands resemble sandpaper.

How to quickly cure chapped hands if this trouble befalls you or your loved ones?

The remedy for treatment is selected depending on how badly the skin has become chapped, whether wounds have appeared on it, and what we have at hand for treatment. In the mildest cases, domestic cream produced by factories such as Svoboda or Nevskaya Cosmetics helps well. Any rich cream will do, from baby “Tick-Tock” to “Effect” foot cream.

Specialized products for chapped, dry hands include Bioton and Domix cream-balm. Domix contains skin-moisturizing celandine extract, wound-healing plantain extract and vitality-activating nanosilver.

To treat and prevent future damage to the skin of the hands, pharmacies offer restorative cream Xerand, brand La Roche-Posay. The composition of the cream allows the product to be used even for children, restoring the protective lipid film of their delicate hands.

Veterinary pharmacies, as strange as it may seem, can also help in the treatment of severely chapped skin. You can buy an ointment there that is intended to treat cracks in the udder of cows.

Traditional medicine gives its secrets on how to quickly heal chapped hands. The most famous recipe for treatment with potato broth: put your hands in a bath of broth and keep them there until the liquid has cooled completely. Hands are carefully blotted with a towel and nourishing cream is generously applied to the skin.

The effect of the bath will be enhanced if you wear cotton gloves after absorbing the cream. This method of getting rid of chicks and peeling has a pleasant side effect: the family will be fed fresh mashed potatoes without additional time investment.

You can make an oatmeal vitamin mask for hands affected by bad weather. To do this, oats or oat flakes are steamed, and vitamin A is added to the finished mass (sold in ampoules at the pharmacy). You need to keep your hands in this mixture for about 15 minutes, like a regular mask. Then the hands are rinsed with water, dried with a towel and lubricated with a rich cream.

To achieve the greatest therapeutic and cosmetic effect, do this procedure before going to bed, put on cotton gloves at night, and the next morning your hands will feel like they did after visiting a SPA salon.
