How to make crafts from cereals with your own hands. Crafts from various cereals that can be found in any kitchen

It is known that the development of fine motor skills of a child directly affects his speech and mental development, therefore, in order for a child to develop correctly, one must constantly occupy his playful hands with something. Today we will be engaged in the manufacture of crafts from cereals and seeds. They are textured, they are different, they are small and perfect for developing motor skills. One problem is that seeds and cereals do not adhere well to ordinary paper glue, they will fall off, so we glue it on plasticine or take glue "for wood and plastic". Beans, beans, rice and buckwheat, peas, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds will be used - any seeds and cereals that match our picture in color and size.

Where to begin

If this is a craft - an application or a relief on a flat surface, you need to prepare that very surface. On a sheet of cardboard we draw the outlines of the craft. We lay out everything inside the contour with plasticine. The larger the seeds, the thicker the plasticine layer. Now you can carefully, one at a time, stick cereals or seeds. Pour small cereals onto the surface to be covered, and then slightly press them into the plasticine.

They also decorate vases and pencil holders with seeds and cereals. Then you will need to stick plasticine around a tin or glass jar, and then stick seeds on it.

Ideas for crafts from cereals and seeds

When the craft is ready, we cover it with varnish, and it will not lose its appearance longer.

Groats drawings - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas and other cereals

You can create a drawing with anything. For example, any bulk products - cereals, seeds, salt and sugar, tea and coffee. Everything that can be found in the cabinet in the kitchen. . Drawing with cereals (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, millet, peas and beans) is very comfortable for the artist, unlike salt and sugar, cereals do not stick to hands like that, they do not dissolve. Therefore, croup drawings are quite a popular and enjoyable activity.

Why is drawing with various cereals so attractive? If we compare it with sand drawings, drawings from cereals, seeds and grains can be done with absolutely the same success, but these drawings are simpler in execution. Clean sand for paintings must be found somewhere else on sale, and grains, cereals and tea are ready-made and clean material for artwork. It remains only to choose a plot and proceed to the implementation of the intended pattern of cereals.

Thanks to the ecological purity of the cereals that we buy in the store, drawing with cereals (rice, semolina, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet and oatmeal) is a wonderful drawing technique and a wonderful pastime for young children. Drawing with groats also attracts kids with the external properties of groats - each has its own color, size, shape. The surface of the grain pattern is always embossed. How to learn the technique of drawing with various cereals, grains, seeds and other bulk products?

There are no special secrets in drawing cereals. You come up with whatever you want - plots of drawings, techniques for applying cereals to a sheet of paper, and so on. Let's try to consider some drawing techniques that can be attributed to drawing with grits.

The simplest grain painting technique, which is suitable for the youngest children, is drawing with a finger over a layer of cereal. Pour a layer of semolina or other small cereals on a table or on a board (or better, on a tray with raised edges), smooth it out - that's the canvas for drawing.

Draw with your finger what you can: a flower, a leaf, a sun ... Now take the baby's hand in your hand and try to draw the same thing with his finger. We assure you, it will turn out even better: this tool is much thinner than your finger! And now let him! Of course, this is not yet drawing - but such patterns on the croup entertain the baby and develop his imagination and fine motor skills.

The next technique is drawings from cereals “in bulk”: we do not stop there, since this technique completely coincides with sand painting. We only note that the smallest cereals are better suited for such drawing - the same semolina, for example.

Drawing cereals on paper or cardboard with glue. First, draw a picture with a pencil. Then we carefully cover with PVA glue the part of the picture on which the cereal will be poured.

If we want to make the drawing multi-colored, you can use different cereals, or you can paint them. There are many options here too. Semolina is well painted with ordinary colored crayons. Crayons must first be finely crushed, mixed with cereals, poured into a container and shaken thoroughly so that each grain acquires the even color we need.

You can use non-toxic food coloring (remember how bright millet turns out when we color it for Easter cakes?), You can even use gouache or watercolor - but staining with wet paints must be done in advance to allow the grains to dry.

If we conceived a multi-colored pattern with groats, we will draw in stages: we smeared white areas with glue, covered them with unpainted white groats - put it aside, let it dry. The picture has dried up, shake off the excess grits from it - and smear the yellow areas of the picture with glue (for example). They poured yellow grits on the glue - again we are waiting, let it dry. And so on.

You can pour grits not only on glue, but also on paint mixed with glue and the surface of the pattern under the grits will look more uniformly colored.

Finally, you can draw with groats on plasticine: let's cover a cardboard with a thin layer of plasticine, take the necessary sections of the picture a little - drown them - and fill them with groats. You can do this procedure through pre-prepared stencils. It is possible to decorate part of the surface with a convex cereal texture on the finished plasticine picture - larger cereals are suitable for such drawings - buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, peas, beans.

Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas. Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.
Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas. Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.
Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas. Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.
Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas. Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.
Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas. Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.
Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas. Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.
Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas. Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.
Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas. Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.
Drawings with cereals - how to draw with rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas.

Do-it-yourself crafts from grains, cereals and various seeds are a great way to entertain children with benefit, because working with such natural material perfectly trains fine motor skills of the hands, which helps to improve general and speech development. Also, such activities help to educate children in patience, diligence and perseverance.

Features of creativity using natural materials

Crafts from cereals with their own hands can be made not only by schoolchildren, because such joint creativity is suitable even for small children. True, you will need to be inseparable with the kids so that they do not harm themselves in any way.

So, as a material you may need:

  • all kinds of cereals and grains - buckwheat, rice, millet, semolina;
  • legumes - peas, lentils and colorful beans;
  • any seeds and seeds - watermelon, pumpkin, melon and sunflower, etc.

You can even take. Also, in the process of work, you will need: thick paper or cardboard, glue, scissors, fabric, plasticine, templates of various patterns, decorations (as you wish).

The best do-it-yourself crafts from cereals, seeds and seeds are applications and paintings. You can come up with stories with your child on your own, or use some ready-made templates and transfer them to paper. The complexity of the work should depend on the age of the children, keep in mind that the kid should be interested in doing the craft on his own, albeit with your help, but not be completely on the sidelines.

We create applications and paintings with our own hands

The theme of the work can be anything. But crafts made from grains and other natural materials on the theme of spring are very beautiful and original. Spring landscapes (crafts from watermelon seeds and cereals), lush flowers (flowers from pumpkin seeds are especially good - asters, sunflowers, snowdrops) are great ideas for children's creativity.

The more you use various cereals, seeds and seeds, the better, because they all differ not only in size and shape, but also in color and texture. That is, you will have a huge space for imagination and creativity. And if your bean craft needs some special colors, then you can always color your materials using watercolors or gouache.

Try to start with a simple application. For example, as a craft from pumpkin seeds, you can make a basket of flowers.

  1. Draw the outlines of the basket on a sheet of thick paper or cardboard and spread them with glue.
  2. Next, spread pumpkin seeds along these contours to make a voluminous basket out of them.
  3. Inside, draw flowers in exactly the same way - these can be sunflowers, asters, poppies, daisies, snowdrops, or any others. Use seeds of various sizes to create them - pumpkin, watermelon, sunflower seeds.
  4. The middle of the flowers can be made from beads or covered with small cereals.
  5. Paint your bouquet and paint the basket brown. You can decorate the application with sparkles or stickers, add some details from plasticine.

On the theme of spring, it is easy to make a vase of flowers - just like a basket. To keep children's crafts from seeds for a long time and not crumble, you can sprinkle them with hairspray or cover them with clear nail polish.

A favorite pastime for children will be the creation of applications and paintings depicting various animals, birds or fish. Come up with a plot with your child and bring the fairy tale to life with the help of crafts made from pumpkin or watermelon seeds, as well as other various materials.

Incredibly cute are fish, hedgehogs, bees, snails, ducks, cats and other animals. See how easy it is to make a picture of a hedgehog as a craft from seeds.

  1. Print out a picture of a hedgehog or draw it yourself.
  2. Put a good layer of glue on his back and begin to gradually attach seeds to him (this can be watermelon seeds or sunflower seeds).
  3. You need to glue the seeds so that they are all directed with sharp tips in one direction.
  4. The remaining parts of the hedgehog's body can simply be painted, and mushrooms or fruits made of plasticine can be attached to the thorns.

But what an interesting picture you can create with a peacock using watermelon seeds, as well as semolina and corn grits.

  1. We draw a peacock on thick paper or print out a ready-made template (even ordinary coloring pages will do).
  2. Spread glue on the round ends of the feathers and fill them with corn grits. Do the same with the paws of the bird.
  3. When it dries a little, shake off the residue from the sheet.
  4. Decorate the feathers with watermelon seeds, gluing each one tightly.
  5. After a while, glue the entire remaining image of the peacock, except for the head, and fill it with semolina, while clearing the contours with a toothpick.
  6. The head can be painted, and the picture can be decorated as you wish. As you can see, crafts from watermelon seeds are made very simply.

Other ideas for crafts made from natural materials

A picture can be not only an image of something, but also be just a panel of cereals, seeds and other natural materials.

Such a panel is best done on fabric (usually burlap or other natural fabric is used), but paper can also be taken. Divide your space into different sectors - these can be geometric shapes or abstraction, and then fill them with various grains and seeds (choose material of different colors, textures and shapes, combine them and try to combine them correctly).

To separate sectors, take jute twine - then your natural panel will turn out to be more organic. Usually such pictures are not painted, but you can fix them with varnish.

With older children, you can try to create three-dimensional figures or toys, like crafts from seeds and cereals. Then the material will need to be attached to the frame of your product, for example, you can make a house for some fairy-tale hero, a shape for a candlestick, or decorate a photo frame.

Crafts from seeds with your own hands is the idea of ​​​​a wonderful co-creation with children, which will bring benefits and good mood for your whole family.

Making crafts from cereals with your own hands is much easier than it seems at first glance, it is interesting for both children and adults. The main advantage of crafts from cereals is originality, because even adults will examine the finished work, peering into the details. Not everyone can guess what material was used, especially if you look at it from afar. If a picture made with cereals hangs on the same row as standard drawings, it will look brighter and more memorable.

Advantages of the idea

Originality is not the only reason to teach a child to make such crafts. Today, many parents teach their children to use gadgets from childhood, so that they quickly master the technique, while mental development suffers, which directly depends on fine motor skills of the hands. Simply put, children are not accustomed to working with small details, because of this, their ability to learn and develop is rapidly declining.

Especially often such problems arise in families living in apartments, in such conditions, children may not even have the opportunity to play in the sand. Caring parents understand how important it is to take care of the development of the child, so the idea of ​​​​making crafts from cereals attracts them. A nice plus of such an activity is that the finished work is a great option for a gift to grandparents and other relatives, so that a child learns to please others from childhood.

Psychologists say that children with whom parents are engaged in needlework from an early age tend to learn new things faster, perceive information, and develop in the future. Even in adulthood, they will be helped by the perseverance acquired from childhood, diligence and diligence.

Where to begin?

First you need to make sure that the child is at the age when such an activity will be not only useful for him, but also interesting. Forcing children at a very young age to do something together is dangerous, as it can discourage them from spending time with their parents in the future.

There are no specific age restrictions. Every kid has a moment when he begins to be actively interested in drawing: a pack of clean paper can be enough for a day, while the notes of the young “artist” appear on the wallpaper and other furniture in the house. This is the time to channel the child's energy into creative development.

At the same time, children who go to kindergarten and primary school also have a need to develop fine motor skills and perseverance. It happens that a child seems to be an uncreative person - nothing related to drawing arouses his interest. Then parents have to invent something, the original idea will be crafts from cereals.

The first thing to start with is to choose the right cereal. It is better not to be guided by the principle of “what is not a pity”, but to think about how it will be more convenient for a child to work.

The main rule for choosing a material is the smaller, the better.

Using one cereal will be boring, so after coming up with an idea for a drawing, you need to choose different options. You can paint the selected material in different colors, some people like to paint semolina. You also need to prepare a flat surface, it can be part of the table or a tray, a dish, another flat dish.


Preparing a template is the task of parents, because the child will not cope with it. The final appearance of the finished work will depend on the selected and drawn template. It is important that the drawing consists of large details, it is necessary to calculate that there are no more of them than there are variations of different cereals available.


It is easier to pick up a drawing from coloring pages or children's books than to invent it yourself. Most coloring pages designed for children under 3 years old contain just simple pictures with large details, they can simply be redrawn.

Together with the choice of a template, you need to prepare the basis, it can be anything:

Of course, the more complex the base, the more difficult it is to apply the drawing, so if you are practicing crafts for the first time, it is best to use thick cardboard. For such a base, you will need PVA glue and a brush for applying it.

An alternative to gluing the cereal is to press it into plasticine. This execution technique also looks bright and original, but for the first time it is better to do with gluing, and then experiment.

How to do?

Let's look at an example of how to embody the ideas of an application according to a template. The whole process of making crafts consists of several stages:

Choose and print a template. This method of preparing a template is the easiest, on the Internet you can find many simple drawings with large details and print them out. You can use other methods - redraw, and if you have artistic inclinations, even draw by hand, but it is important to try to make the contours and lines as even as possible.

We prepare cereals. To do this, we think over which detail will be made with what material, if necessary, paint the grits in the desired color. It is important that by the time the work is done, all the material is dry.

We transfer the printed template to a dense base. You can leave it on a regular sheet of paper, but in this case, the drawing will be untidy and can quickly tear. It is best to take cardboard, plain or colored.

Let's go to the main part. We smear part of the drawing with a brush with glue, then put grains on this area, one at a time. If the child is of an age that can use tweezers, it is best to use them.

Starting with the big things and finishing with the little ones. You can beautifully decorate the background by adding additional elements: the sun, grass, a bird, depending on the pattern itself.

We blow off the remnants of cereals that accidentally fell on the drawing, leave it to dry. This may take about 10 minutes, if a lot of glue was applied, then more.

After that, you can use paints, you need to do this if you did not initially paint over the cereal, but there is such a need. It is also convenient to paint small details with paints.:

  • eyes;
  • buttons.

It is best to use acrylic paints.

After the final drying of the work, it can be hung in a frame or used as a decor for a child's room.


The easiest cereal to use is semolina. It is easy to paint, it is easy to apply, it keeps well in the little fingers of the child.

From cereals and pasta

Pasta is a great craft tool. Many use them for various decorative purposes, such as decorating a Christmas tree, making candlesticks, and many other crafts. And all because the variety of forms of pasta allows you to do this.

Such crafts are performed according to the same principle as simply from cereals. To begin with, a template is selected, then the parent determines which parts of the pattern will be made with cereals and which with pasta. Then, with the help of glue and a brush, first large, then small details are painted in turn, the prepared material is glued.

However, some types of pasta are difficult to stick due to their weight, so the material chosen for the base of such an application must be durable, regular paper will definitely not work, and if you choose cardboard, then hard. If it is not possible to glue the product, it can be sewn on. The pasta of the shape of wheels, spirals looks beautiful, you can simply grab them with a few stitches of a needle and thread.

Of course, this part of the process is carried out by parents, especially if the children are very young. If the child is already entering school, then doing such a craft may be a suitable occasion to teach the child how to use a needle. Usually pasta is attached to the finished drawing at the very end of the work.

The advantage of pasta is that it is easy to paint them in the desired color. Therefore, when doing cereal crafts, think about what you can decorate in it and try using pasta for this.

If you chose a puppy template, why not add a leash with a "badge" - a wheel-shaped macaroni, or why not use them for snowman buttons.


Many stores sell multi-colored pasta - they look great crafts.

Crafts-hair ornaments from pasta

Pasta can be used not only with cereals, but also as the main material for work. Pasta manufacturers, as if they are specially developing a beautiful design so that craftsmen can use them not only for cooking.

Hair ornaments with pasta look especially original. Few will guess how they were made, but no child will definitely have the same accessory. There are several options for using pasta for making jewelry:

1 Hoop. All you need is to buy a solid color headband, it should not be too thin so that the pattern can fit on it. Pasta in the form of spikelets glued along the entire length looks beautiful, especially if they are pre-painted in silver or gold.

2 Crown. Using the same plain headband, you can make a crown for a little princess. To do this, you need to pick up several types of pasta, it is convenient to use wheels of different sizes. You need to design the shape in advance, and then glue them in rows.

3 small hairpins. A suitable form of pasta for this is bows, they can be decorated in any color, even with patterns. After that, the bow is attached with glue to an invisibility or a small hairpin so that it is not visible.

You can prepare several hairpins for different outfits. Under a blue dress with white polka dots, make a bow of this color, under a striped one - striped and so on. A young fashionista will be delighted with such an abundance of jewelry.

Pasta accessories

You can make more than just hair ornaments from pasta. Everything that girls like to wear so much, beads, bracelets, earrings, can be made from this material. How much joy the child will have if the parents do not just buy jewelry in the store, but take the time to make it on their own with the children.

Beads are easiest to make from pasta of a shape that is strung on a thread. You can use different types, decorating them in different colors. It is important that the thread is strong, if it is thick and ugly peeks out from under the "beads", you need to pick it up in color or just paint it.

Beads with pasta in the form of bows look beautiful. It is impossible to string them on a thread, so this work is more painstaking and takes more time.


Each bow must be tied in the middle with a thread, fastened to a knot, then move on to the next one.

You can make beads and bracelets by combining pasta with ordinary beads. You can decorate not only one thing, but a whole set, supplementing it with a hairpin in the same style. Such sets of "jewelry" look stylish and original.

New Year crafts

The easiest way to use cereal for New Year's crafts is to make New Year's cards with your child, which he can give on his behalf to relatives and friends. To do this, you need to choose a simple drawing template on a New Year's theme, print it, transfer it to cardboard, decorate it with cereals.

A common idea is a Christmas tree. You can draw it yourself without using a template. The selected small grain must be painted green in advance, allowed to dry and used for drawing, in this case it consists of one large part. You can decorate the Christmas tree with beautifully shaped pasta, for example, bows.

Small crafts that can be hung on a wall, window, Christmas tree look original. To do this, you need to cut out New Year's figurines from cardboard. You can make many different options and hang them together like a solid garland. Good options would be:

  • mitten;
  • skates;
  • felt boots;
  • Christmas decorations.

It is easy to draw and cut out all these figures along the contour, and you can decorate with cereals in different ways, because each of them is one continuous piece. For example, a mitten can be made "fur" from rice, and the rest - from any other cereal. If there are many children in the family, such an idea would be especially good options, because each child will be able to show creativity, sometimes parents themselves are surprised at how much little dreamers can come up with.

Christmas toys from cereals

The typical glass Christmas decorations are a thing of the past, and there are many creative ideas that you can use. One of the most popular is the use of cereals. For many, it is surprising that it can not only decorate a finished ball, but make it from scratch.

This craft will not take much time, if at first glance the idea seems complicated, just try it. Production takes place in several stages:

  • We take a newspaper, roll it into a ball. How much material to take depends on the size of the expected toy. If you are making it for the first time, you should not immediately make a large one, but you don’t need a very small one either - it will be inconvenient to hold it in your hands.
  • We give the ball the correct round shape using threads. To do this, you just need to start winding them in a circle, periodically changing direction, as if rolling into a ball. When the shape is even, we fix the ends of the thread, making a small knot.
  • We prepare the cereal, which we will use for decor, pour it into a plate. Buckwheat toys look elegant.
  • We spread PVA glue on top of the threads with a brush, wrap it in a plate. If there are empty places to which the grains have not attached, grease them with spot glue and add them with tweezers.
  • We take spray paint, preferably gold, spray the toy, leave to dry. It is advisable to choose the color of the spray according to the color of the cereal used, gold looks good on buckwheat, silver on rice and semolina.


Some believe that such crafts are not profitable to do, because you have to spend money. In fact, one can of spray paint will last for several years, and if you have small children, you can figure out in which crafts to use it.

Christmas tree made of pasta

When there are small children in the house, it is the responsibility of parents to create a New Year's atmosphere on the eve of their favorite children's holiday. Every child will appreciate if parents take the time to put not only a live Christmas tree, but also small Christmas trees around the house. Many materials are not needed for this, most of them are available to everyone.

There are several options for making a Christmas tree from pasta. Simple, but at the same time beautiful, is on cardboard or any thick paper. The product is carried out in several stages:

  • We make the base of the tree. To do this, take a piece of cardboard, fold it into a cone shape, grease the edges with glue, press it tightly, leave to dry. It is necessary to check that the figure is stable, some glue its edges to another cardboard for this, but this is not necessary.
  • Pasta is used as branches, it is best to take those that have an oblong shape, spirals, short spaghetti. We start gluing from the bottom row, grease the edge of each pasta with glue, press down and release after a few seconds. You need to try to glue them as close to each other as possible so that there is no gap left.


A good option for the base would be green cardboard, painted in the same shade as the pasta. Then even if there are empty spaces, they will not stand out much.

  • When gluing the last row of pasta, it is necessary to arrange them in such a way that the edges are connected to each other.
  • We paint the Christmas tree green, if we haven’t previously painted them before. To do this, you can use spray paint, and other festive colors look original - gold, silver.
  • We decorate the Christmas tree, since it is not real, then the toys should be special. You can use other figured pasta, bows, shells, spirals, painted in different colors with gouache. You can also decorate the Christmas tree with any New Year's tinsel, rain, and for these purposes, the remains of decorations that will no longer be useful anywhere are suitable.

Crafts from cereals with their own hands- it is always useful, regardless of whether we are talking about children or adults. In kids, such needlework will develop fine motor skills, while adults will train their imagination and creative inclinations.

Crafts for children from cereals

It should be noted that such crafts for young children pursue not so much the goal of making an attractive "machinery", but rather the goal of developing crumbs. It is very useful to make cereal applications. Mom should prepare some simple drawing, smear it with glue, and then invite the child to sprinkle it with semolina, buckwheat or rice from bowls. Usually this manipulation causes great delight in children. When the entire drawing is completed, it will be necessary to carefully pour off the excess from the sheet.

We recommend that you use barley, wheat grits, semolina to create a background and flat objects, but to highlight the main details, take larger grains of rice, peas, and beans. Crafts from cereals photos, which this publication abounds in, will help you deal with this principle.

For an older child, the task can be complicated, for example, for each element of the picture, you can use your own kind of product, which will differ both in texture and color. You can make a panorama where semolina will be used to make the sky, the sun - millet, the earth - a cell, flowers - buckwheat, plants - hercules. For a child over 3 years old, you can use a tinted product and then the final one will turn out to be unusually bright and unusual. For kids, this technique is not recommended, because they love to taste everything.

If your child is already beginning to be interested in letters, then be sure to make one like the alphabet. The kid will learn all the letters very quickly if he makes a three-dimensional variation of the alphabet in tandem with his parents, in addition, each letter can be stroked, played with it, which means that the learning process will go like clockwork.

On a sheet of thick cardboard, draw all the letters of the alphabet, apply PVA glue to each contour. Now entrust the child to glue the grains. It will look very nice if each contour is laid out with its own grain, however, the “mixed” version is also allowed.

Crafts from semolina

Crafts from cereals and seeds

For children's creativity, be sure to use a variety of seeds. The most common are sunflower and pumpkin seeds. In addition, the remnants of the planting season are also suitable - seeds of decorative flowers, cucumber, beets, carrots. In the pharmacy you can buy dill and flax seeds.

Crafts from cereals and pasta are also very common. For example, you can make a wonderful "needlework" (and in the truest sense of the word) called "Spring Tree". Take a sheet of brown colored paper, ask the kid to put his hand on it and circle the contours - you will get tree branches, draw the trunk and cut out the detail. It will then need to be glued onto a sheet of thick light-colored cardboard. Of course, a spring tree must be strewn with flowers, which is why, together with the crumbs, make flowers - “plant 5 “horns” pasta on glue so that they resemble an asterisk or a flower in shape. Apply a drop of glue to the center of the flower and sprinkle quite a bit of millet. So, when the whole tree is strewn with flowers, the turn comes for making a gentle sun. To do this, glue the contours of the luminary in the corner of the cardboard sheet - a semicircle and rays. Sprinkle the adhesive areas with millet, sprinkle the excess. In the same technique, make eyes and a mouth of the sun. This excellent children's crafts from cereals even very small children will obey.

But, of course, to know how to make a craft from cereals wish not only children, but also adults, because as a result of work, an excellent decor for an apartment can appear. An unusually beautiful decoration for the house should be recognized as paintings made from this simple material, which any hostess can find. The result is a handmade creation with an interesting and specific texture, which is somewhat reminiscent of a mosaic. Remember that the more types of cereals you use to make an image, the brighter and more original it will be.

So, first cut out a piece of material that will serve as a base. It can be light cardboard, plastic, plywood, hardboard. Remember that from the edges you should have extra space - for the frame.

On the selected material, outline the contours of the future masterpiece. It should be noted that this material looks best in abstract images, but concrete plots will turn out just as well. If you do not have artistic talents, then you can simply copy your favorite picture using carbon paper. Excessively small details of the picture should be avoided, because they will later be very difficult to process. The base can be additionally painted with the desired colors, this precaution is useful if you get “bald spots” in some places during work.

If you decide to use grains not only of natural colors, then you can tint with acrylic paints. To do this, pour paint into a glass, dilute it with alcohol if necessary. Place millet or semolina in a container with paint, then dry. To do this, simply pour the raw materials onto a sheet of white paper and mix occasionally until the particles stop being painted.

Filling should begin with those contours for which the smallest grains are selected. First, gently apply a small amount of PVA glue to the selected area, then carefully apply the material. Place the particles little by little and slowly, you should get one even layer, otherwise the grains may crumble. Cover the work with a small weight after gluing. Run a soft brush over the surface after a while, sufficient for gluing the material to the base - this will help to crumble those particles that are poorly adhered. If too many empty areas remain, then the gluing procedure will need to be repeated.

When the painting is finished, it will need to be placed vertically - this will help the excess to fall off your creation. Of course, the work will deteriorate over time, which is why experts recommend covering it with transparent glue or acrylic varnish, in extreme cases, you can sprinkle it with hairspray.

Be sure to make a frame for the finished picture; a wooden frame is ideal for this natural material.
