How to take a married man out of the family - the psychology of relationships. Ways and practical advice on how to take a married man out of the family

Love is a strong feeling that sometimes makes people go to rash acts. From the point of view of morality, some actions of people are absolutely unacceptable, but people do not feel guilty for their actions. One of these actions is born from the desire to know how to take a married man away from the family. The psychology of a mistress can provide an answer.

Marriage is a union of two happy people. Before intervening in it and destroying it, disfiguring people's lives, it is worth thinking. If there is a desire to take a man away from the family, it is important to understand if he will also go to another hunter for hearts. Based on this, it can be a few factors that should be observed so as not to be in the place of the ex-wife of your lover:

Realizing that all factors are taken into account, you can begin to take action. Using the psychology of a mistress, you can tie a man very tightly to yourself and then pull the strings, controlling him like a doll. The beauty is that he won’t even understand this, thinking that he made the decision on his own.

But it is worth remembering that in order to understand how to take a man out of the family, the advice of a psychologist is not required. You just need to put pressure on the male instincts and listen to him carefully.

Three stages of the psychology of a mistress

So, some time has passed after meeting a married man. There are three steps, peculiar stages, through which one can destroy one family and create another. There are principles to be followed at each of the stages - listen and be silent when needed.

To attract attention

You need to understand that all men are the same, and you need to act with them according to the general scheme, only slightly changing it to fit some individual characteristics. First you need to draw attention to yourself, because in fact the center of attention of a man is his wife. He spends most of his time with her, solves many domestic issues with her, and consults with her. You need to draw some attention to yourself. To do this, you need to find out everything about your opponent, carefully and carefully.

It is necessary to imperceptibly insert signal phrases into a conversation with a married man. What is Lena doing? What did you do on the weekend? Where did you last go? Of course, this should not resemble an interrogation, rather it is like a show of interest. This interest will not go unnoticed, especially after the signal phrase was uttered and the answer was heard, the second part of the signal will go into action - how lucky she was, but here I am ...

The second part of the signal phrase should be in such a style that you do not judge anyone, and rejoice in the happiness of living together, or vice versa, if everything is bad there. The main thing is not to offend a man, and speak in this style: what a fine fellow you are, and you work, and you devote time to your family, where could I find such a strong and beautiful one.

The second part of the signal phrase, given in a joking manner, will switch the attention of a man, give him a certain signal to act. Observing the rule “the first part of the signal - the answer - the second part”, where each component does not carry any hint, but forces you to focus, you can proceed to the final phase of the first stage, where it remains only to consolidate the successes with physical contact.

The main thing is to remember that you need to be as open as possible, but not intrusive. Admired, but not obsessed. A man should see that you are looking at him with obvious sympathy, even some love, which should put pressure on him for the feelings that he experienced during the beginning of his marriage, stimulate them. He must see that he is wanted and loved, and after that you can actively start the process of taming.

Domestication and addiction

The attention of a married man was switched over by his mistress. There is no longer a difference between how to take a Capricorn man out of the family, and how to beat off a Cancer man. The signs of the Zodiac, the location of the galaxies - it does not matter. But the attitude is yes.

Now that the man has an affair, he has mixed feelings. You need to take him in hand so that he does not make a choice in favor of his wife. There are several ways to do this..

But for all the obedience that must be shown, it is also necessary to issue minimum requirements. He must see in you not just an object of desire, an obedient servant. He will have a natural desire to give you gifts. You need to give up expensive ones, accept small ones so that he does not have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou as a materialistic person. But then it will be necessary to give him one demand to test the waters.

If a man adequately responds to a request that was put in this way: “You know, I don’t ask you for anything, but I really need this thing now,” explain to him why you need this thing, and if he, without a doubt, will buy it , consider that it is completely in your hands. He no longer sees you as a toy, he is ready to provide for your needs. Previously, in the first weeks of your secret relationship, he would not have done much that he is already ready to do now.

You form real relationships, but they cannot open up because marriage is holding him back. In the third stage, these bonds will be finally severed.

Preparing for a conversation

So, you perform your functions better than his wife. You are a good listener, you have allowed him to become a protector, you help realize his sexual ambitions, you feed him tasty food and at the same time do not demand anything. The time has come for him to be completely in your hands. Point out to him what is suffering in his marriage, not directly, but in such a way that you put yourself in a better light compared to his wife, and the married man himself to be a victim suffering from the mistreatment of his wife.

Once you see a man doubt- this is a good sign, because it remains only to eliminate this doubt. That's when it's time to take matters into your own hands. Take an unexpected initiative - discuss your life together with genuine childish delight, while at the same time setting up a man to talk with his wife. He is in your hands.

Public opinion

From a moral point of view, this act is disgusting. Before you start trying to take a man away from a family, you need to understand that there are families in which everything is really bad, and in this case, if you think that you are doing good, this can somehow be justified. But if you are guided only by your desire, then get ready for public condemnation. In addition, sooner or later, a man can realize such an act, realizing that he was essentially just kidnapped from his family.

Everything started out so great. Amazing sex, delicious food, she didn't bother me for every little thing. I didn’t even notice how I began to consider my wife a stranger who didn’t give a damn about me, and it was all about the contrast that my mistress created.

Six months after I left the family, she left me. I was ready to kill her for ruining her life. I followed her for about a month, knew where and with whom she goes, what time she comes home. Ambushed her at the entrance, hit her on the head with a brick 15 times, turning her skull into a bloody mess. Nothing to regret.

This is an excerpt from the court record. Similar incidents are happening all over the country. It is worth considering, before taking a man out of the family, a man's opinion. The vast majority will say that they have a negative attitude to this, and it does not matter that they have problems in marriage. It doesn't matter that almost everyone has had the thought that it would be nice to get a divorce at some point in their heads.

You can't speak directly about your intention. You can't play with someone else's family if you don't want to be the victim of a crime. You need to interest a man, make him need you, solve the problems that were in his marriage, and not create new ones.

It’s not so easy, it turns out that you need to fall in love again, go through the whole path of relationships, while acting carefully and sensitively if you think about how to take a man away from his wife. The advice of a psychologist will not help you keep the situation under control if you yourself do not want it. But if everything is done correctly, you can make both yourself and the man happy. The main thing is not to accidentally stumble upon his ex-wife somewhere on the street.

Attention, only TODAY!

Life is very unpredictable and perhaps, at the age of 20, you could not even think that you would set yourself such a goal - to take a man away from the family. But it just so happened that you fell in love with a married man and in no way put up with it. A woman is a rather insidious creature and is ready for anything for the sake of her happiness. Some women are looking for advice on how to keep their husband in the family, while others are looking for ways to break up the family.

How to take a married man out of the family

Many books have already been written about this. Get ready for the fact that this is not so easy to do. Often, men are simply afraid of change and it is easier for them to have a mistress, but not everyone is able to leave.

Before taking drastic measures, listen carefully to how your lover speaks of his wife. If he keeps saying how tired he is of everything, then find out in more detail what exactly he does not like about his wife.

Perhaps she got fat after giving birth and stopped taking care of herself. In this case, you should look at yourself, and if you have a couple of extra pounds. If there is, urgently get rid of them until you are exchanged for an even more slender one.

The next moment, because of which you actually appeared in his life, is the lack of sex with his wife. Try to unobtrusively ask what exactly is missing in bed with his wife. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances, for example, she categorically did not like oral sex, and you really like it. Show him that you are exactly the one he dreams of.

If the spouse does not like to cook in order to take the man away from the family, conquer him with your culinary skills.

If he complains that his wife only saws him and demands more salary, then cut yourself on the nose that you should not criticize, and even more so, you should not demand anything. In general, women should have their own money, and when a man comes home, he should only hear how wonderful he is.

Well, to be honest, maybe you will change your mind about taking a man away from the family? In the end, this situation can be looked at from the other side. If you have not yet given birth, then you do not know how many kilograms you will gain.

After the birth of a child, women often experience postpartum depression, and a loving husband should help his wife get out of it, and not look for a mistress. Think about whether you will fall into the same "well" by finding a way to take a married man out of the family.

Problems exist in every family, and a man who avoids them and looks for an easy way is not a man at all. Do you need it?

“I am 26 years old and for two years I have had strong feelings for a man, but, having thought it over, I can’t call it love, because I get mostly more suffering and experiences from these feelings than pleasure and happiness - after all, this is unrequited. How to make him fall in love with you and take him away from the family?

I met him when I had the same feelings for another man, but now I find it hard to believe. Very quickly, I seemed to fall ill with it. He is married and has two children, but that didn't stop me.

A few words about him - he is a wealthy, authoritative man, he is 32 years old (he married when he was 18 years old). A very self-confident and impudent young man, in whom I see a real man.

For two years of our acquaintance, we either communicate for a while, then we stop communicating because of some ridiculous quarrel. If we communicate, then we do not meet often, but we can call each other every day.

When we do not communicate, not a day goes by that I do not think about him and do not imagine our meeting. Now we haven’t been talking for half a year, and when we meet by chance, I look and don’t believe that he is indifferent to me, maybe it’s my sick imagination, but I always feel his interest in me.

Most likely, when we communicate, I do not do everything so that he wants to be with me all the time. This is hindered by my self-doubt when I am with him. I worry all the time, my hands sweat, it’s as if I’m not myself, I always think about how I look, what I say, I’m constantly tense, even in bed.

And if I meet him unexpectedly on the street, my knees literally tremble and my legs give way. I can’t always respond to his insults and bad attitude, because I always find excuses for them and try to put up with it in order to spend time with him once again.

But my other “I” tries to resist this, and sometimes quietly, without realizing it, I spoil the relationship in order to restore my pride and my own dignity. But the more I try to resist my feelings, the more I begin to experience them again.

This especially happens when I try to communicate with other men, on the second day I come to the point that I want to communicate only with him, and I can’t even look at other men. How to fall in love with yourself and take a man out of the family?

Sometimes I think that he is just a desire that cannot come true and therefore eats me from the inside with such force. It has always been the case with me that I was only interested in those men who were not quite available, and I very quickly ran away from those who confessed their feelings to me.

Sometimes I want to do everything to win him, but I am stopped by the thought that, in fulfilling my biggest dream at the moment, I want to break up his family. Thus, a strong desire, penetrating my entire body, to be with a beloved man and the realization that he is not mine is fighting in me.

Most likely, you will not give me advice on how to achieve his love, but at least advise how to curb your desire, because it does not allow me to live a normal life: I want everything, and I can’t do anything about it.

I feel enchanted! It already happened once, but the wedge is kicked out with a wedge, and I changed one unreal love for another! Advise me something. I am so afraid of losing time and the opportunity to be happy with another person. Galina Gritskova.

Psychologist Elena Poryvaeva answers

Firstly, I do not agree with the phrase “I can’t call it love - it’s unrequited.” There is also unrequited love, and long, and strong, and nothing can be done about it; and you have both pain, and joy, and the desire to be together, and intolerance, and impossibility ...

And it's all part of life. And true love works wonders, destroys mountains, changes everything around. Love gives a lot to the one who loves, even if there is no answer. Many books have been written about this, and many books have been written by unrequited lovers.

Prose, poetry, paintings, music. Love is a gift if it is happiness from the existence of a loved one, and not the happiness of possession. But if you only want to have your loved one undividedly, then, indeed, this is not love, but a neurosis.

And the way you describe your relationship with men is as follows. It seems that you are terribly afraid of them, or rather, not of themselves, but of close relationships with them.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t choose the inaccessible, you wouldn’t run from the available like from fire, you wouldn’t spoil relationships when they become closer, you would be more confident in yourself when nothing can be spoiled and you still have to communicate.

Why is this so? Only you know the answer. The roots of this fear probably lie in childhood, perhaps you had a very strict father, or he was not around at all, and you could not get an adequate idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou and your femininity.

Or maybe someone scared you a lot, you were afraid of someone for a long time ... You can guess for a long time. It is better to go to a psychologist and figure out together what, where and why, and what to do about it.

Fell in love with a married man who is unhappy in marriage? You both realize that you are perfect for each other, but he still stays with his wife? Of course, the likelihood that he will ever leave her is small, but here are a few steps that you can take to lead a man to the right decision. Remember that you cannot force him to do this. It should be his independent decision, made without pressure. Be wise and patient. Very often, people get married for some wrong reasons, and from this their marriage will never become strong. Do not try to hold on to something that does not bring happiness to anyone around you. Therefore, often, divorce is a kind of gift for all parties.


    Don't have sex with him. A married man who cheats on his wife is driven purely by physiological causes. It is clear that at that moment he wanted to part with his wife, so he did it. But, if he really intended to leave his wife, he would have done it even before you met and before the moment of intimacy with you. If you have already had sex, then stop it. Explain the situation by saying that you cannot go to bed with him, as this is unfair to both his wife and to you.

    Do not try to manipulate him to leave his wife. Manipulative behavior often works only for a short time. A man must decide everything within himself, voluntarily. After all, you also want him to do it on his own, and not just because you need it.

    By not getting into bed with him, you are presenting yourself as a prize to be earned. By this you illustrate that you do not agree to the role of a mistress, but deserve respect and official status. You should have your own personal life and your own interests. It is very good if your common interests are alien to his wife, this will bring you even closer and make you more attractive in his eyes.

    Find out what benefits he gets by being married. Even if he is unhappy but still not divorced, there must be something holding him back. The reasons may be different: children, reputation, money (if he is afraid that his wife will take away all or half of his property), etc. Do not make the common mistake of trying to become better than his wife. Such behavior will only push him away from you. There is no point in competing with his wife. He must love you, because you are completely different.

    Find out what mistakes his wife made. A woman needs to feel a man. Most likely, his wife ceased to be interesting to him and no longer attracted him: neither as a woman, nor as a person. There are many articles, books and publications on the subject. Clean up the house, cook a delicious dinner. This will demonstrate your economic qualities. Men need to feel comfortable. It is very important to show that you admire him. Women, for whom work and home well-being (in material terms) come first, forget about their duties as a wife and begin to perform male functions. Any man in a similar situation feels discomfort and begins to look for the best on the side. Thus, he needs to confirm his male viability. If he tells you that he no longer sleeps with his wife, don't really believe it. Therefore, do not think that having sex with you, he will quickly leave his wife. No, for this to happen, you have to give him everything that he lacked in marriage. Most often, this is far from intimacy, but the self-perception of a man next to a woman.

    Get to know him as a person. Becoming friends with him and getting him to open up to you is quite difficult. This can take a lot of time and patience. Since his affection for his wife may be much deeper than you, and he himself, assumed it. A man should feel for you more than just sexual attraction. He must feel the need for you, feel safe next to you and confidently share his desires, fears, hopes and plans. In addition, getting to know him closer, you can discover hitherto unknown traits of his character that you will not like and will force you to reconsider your attitude towards this man.

    Date other men. Don't get hung up on one thing and don't get too attached to it. Men love the competitive spirit. But at the same time, be careful not to blurt out too much in your discussions. Trying to make him jealous can shake his confidence in you.

    Don't show that you need him too much. Do not call, do not write, do not look for a meeting. He must come to you himself. If you talk about love from the very first days, he may stop seeking you and just accept it and allow himself to be loved, and in speed he will leave (as was the case with his wife).

    Don't be jealous of a man for his wife. Don't be angry with her. As a woman, you should have compassion for her, because this is not her fault (or not only her).

    Do not become a family psychologist for a man. The desire to help him solve problems with his wife will not make you more attractive in his eyes. Let him untie the knot himself.

  1. You should not try to confront his wife in any way. By telling her about your relationship and her husband's betrayal, you thereby destroy all chances for a bright future next to him. A man may take this as a betrayal on your part and completely turn away from you.

    • Remember that it is important for a man to regain the sense of his masculine worth that he may have lost over the years of marriage. Therefore, you are required to just sit and accept everything that he can and wants to give you, without ceasing to admire and be proud of him at the same time.
    • If you think alike, don't do anything behind his back. Let him solve his problems with his wife.


    • Even if you managed to become strongly attached to a man, be ready to leave at any time, even if it causes you hellish pain. After all, it may happen that he does not leave his wife.
    • According to statistics, most divorces occur at the initiative of a woman. Consider this and do not stop considering the option that he will not leave his wife and hurt you.
    • It may take time for a man to think about the whole situation and make a decision. Don't think he's turning his back on you. Just be patient. When he comes to you, do not reproach him. Be kind and hospitable.
    • Ask yourself why you need this particular married man? There are a lot of free guys around who are not averse to starting courting you. Make sure that your feelings are something more than just excitement that a man is not yet available. Often notorious and insecure women (sometimes due to psychological trauma received in childhood) downright prey on married men and take them away from the family by any means, just to amuse their wounded pride. As soon as a man becomes free, he becomes uninteresting. Therefore, before the situation becomes irreversible, answer these questions for yourself.
    • Think about whether you want to have a person nearby who does not honor his marital obligations and does not know how to be faithful to his lawful wife. Where is the assurance that the same will not happen to you? Agree that dishonesty, infidelity and deceit are not the best qualities for a man.
    • After a divorce from his wife, a man may feel tension, both emotionally and materially. The reality of everyday life can be very different from your romantic encounters before. He can only feel worse when he is left without a wife, money, reputation and friends (who often support the abandoned wife). Don't let him regret his decision.
    • Your reputation may also suffer. It all depends on what social circles you move in. It will not remain a big secret for anyone that the man left the family just for you. This news may come up at work, among mutual friends. Get ready to be criticized and judged negatively. You will have to come to terms with the judgment of some people, even if it is clearly unfair. You must be prepared for the fact that relationships with some people can become strained or even deteriorate. The louder and more dramatic the divorce was, the more food for gossip the ill-wishers will have. In no case do not let evil tongues affect your relationship. The best answer to all critics will be your strong family.
    • The wife can try by any means (sometimes even unsafe for you) to return the man to the family. You must be emotionally prepared for this.
    • If you still decide to stay close to him, you will have to accept that his wife will always be a part of his life (as the mother of his children, as a woman with whom warm memories and periods of life are associated). She was, is and will be in his life. You can't erase the past and you have to really understand that. But it is in your power to make sure that it remains only a pleasant memory, nothing more.
    • Remember, whoever cheated once can do it again. If a man left his wife, he may leave you after a while.
    • In the event of a painful divorce, not only the wife, but also the children (if any) can suffer. Think about whether you are ready to take on such a responsibility. Will you be able to withstand his regular meetings with his ex-wife and children in the future, who will most likely hate you and blame you for the breakup of the family.

From an ethical point of view, it is impossible to take a man out of the family. According to statistics, remarriages break up much more often than the first. If a man leaves the first family, he will most likely leave the second one as well. The option has many "pitfalls" that can destroy the life of a woman who decides to take this step. It is much easier and more reliable to build relationships initially with an unmarried man.

However, this situation is not uncommon. The fact that a man is ready to leave home is indicated by some signs. A lover begins to spend almost all the time with a new passion, stays overnight, spends money on his mistress, they travel together.

To recapture a beloved man from his wife, you need to pay attention to what qualities he does not like. Surely, a loved one will express dissatisfaction with his wife. Even a casually dropped remark will tell how a man feels in family life.

In a sensual sense, it is necessary to give much more than a wife. But it is worth remembering that it is impossible to build long-term relationships only on intimacy. A mistress needs to become a true friend, assistant and adviser for her beloved. Men value versatile, positive, witty girls, and run away from gloomy and dissatisfied women.

To interest a married man, you need:

  • cooking is much tastier than a wife;
  • look younger and more elegant than a rival;
  • show respect for his interests;
  • meet him with joy, show friendliness;
  • be aware of his problems, help if possible;
  • to be a friend and a psychologist for the beloved, but not to turn into a "vest";
  • do not become demanding, do not ask for expensive gifts;
  • do not arrange groundless quarrels, do not be offended over trifles.

A man, first of all, appreciates his own comfort in a relationship. A wife can become boring for decades, but a husband is usually in no hurry to leave for a young and caring mistress. He can be held by children, a business common with his wife, a habit. The current situation suits him perfectly: the wife gives a sense of stability, and with a young mistress, a man gets new impressions.

Some men take on a mistress for status, self-esteem, or out of boredom.

The mistress, first of all, must make sure that the man really wants to connect his life with her. Typical male responses to the demand for a divorce sound like this: “The children are still small, they will grow up ...”, “My wife will not be able to live alone because she has a serious illness (unstable psyche, no work, etc.)”, “My career depends on father-in-law." Such men are most often not ready for change, they are already satisfied that the spouse does not interfere in life. Men feel especially relaxed if their wife knows about their mistress. If a loved one does not hide connections on the side, then most likely this is not his first hobby. A double life for him is an adventure, a rescue from the dullness of life.

Relationship with a married man


Sometimes the desire to get someone else's husband is stronger than reason. But even if the mistress is the sweetest, most gentle and caring, it is not always possible to achieve the goal. Most men do not like drastic changes. It is not known how the new relationship will develop, and life with his wife is clear and familiar.

You should think about whether it is worth connecting life with a lover if he loves his wife, but spends time on the side. You can understand that he still has feelings for his wife, according to him. If he often talks about the family, and in a positive way, it means that a temporary crisis has arisen with his wife. After the restoration of family relations, he will most likely disappear.

Lovers with children are problematic. Even if love has died long ago, a man by inertia continues to live in the family, believing that the child will be more comfortable this way. Alternatively, you can offer your lover to engage in joint education. It is important to show that the mistress is ready to become not just a stepmother, but completely replace her mother.

A dubious, but sometimes effective way to push a lover to leave the family is pregnancy. But here you need to be prepared for the fact that you can be left alone with the child. A lover is more likely to leave a family without children. But even here the risk remains, because if it turns out that the wife is also pregnant, then the man will prefer to stay with her.

Husband left for another

When to take decisive action?

You can find your happiness even if you contact a married man. Not all husbands make connections on the side just for an outlet. Often a woman appears in a man's life during a difficult transitional period.. For example, spouses have been living as neighbors for a long time, a man is not satisfied with the intimate sphere, a husband and wife do not have common interests, their worldview does not coincide in anything. A man is already ready for a divorce, but does not want to leave his wife with a child or doubts that love has passed. Such men are reluctant to change. If you do not rush your lover and let him calmly sort out the situation, there are chances to wait for your happy hour and become a wife.

Decisive action must be taken, only cunningly. It is not necessary to directly tell a man about a divorce, you can start from afar. For example, you can find out how often a lover will pick up children. A lover who has not yet made a decision himself will gradually prepare for a conversation with his wife. If the mistress behaves as if the divorce has already taken place, it will be easier for a man to decide on this step.

How to find a mistress

Zodiac signs

Men with different temperaments succumb to different tricks of women. It is easier to take away a frivolous and irresponsible man, but the question arises, why associate life with him. After all, having betrayed once, a man is inclined to change again.

How representatives of different signs behave:

  • Aries themselves do not know what is going on in their head. They can leave the family for their mistress without remorse, but they will be pulled back by children and feelings for their wife that have not completely cooled down. The mistress needs to outshine her husband with brightness and originality so that the man does not look back at the old relationship.
  • Taurus values ​​responsible women. To take him away, you need to demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions. In no case should a lover suspect a mistress of commercialism, otherwise the relationship will fail.
  • Gemini is happy with almost everything in marriage. Variety in intimacy does not attract them, so you can’t rely on your own sexual skills. With the wife of Gemini, he connects a marriage of convenience and common property. Not willing to change anything.
  • Proud and capricious Cancers love attention, do not skimp on gifts. They are most likely to leave a woman who will give rise to jealousy. Therefore, attention should be paid to him alone. Cancers are constantly in search of the ideal, do not tolerate resentment and squabbles. If a woman is ready to become a loving mother for Cancer, she has a chance to take a man away from the family.
  • Leo can leave the family due to the pregnancy of his mistress. But soon he will begin to walk already from a young mother, it is very difficult to keep him from cheating. You can seduce him with requests for help, but you should not ask for material benefits, but for men's work - reinstall the operating system or fix the tap. Lions love to feel superior, appreciate gratitude for help, adore flattery, so you can not skimp on compliments.
  • Virgo weighs all the pros and cons, is very scrupulous in choosing a life partner. He will not leave the family if it is unprofitable for him. To charm him, you need to be a model of thrift and economy.
  • Libras are mostly monogamous. But because of their softness, they cannot determine in any way who exactly they love - their wife, mistress or first girlfriend. Even if he succeeds in taking him away from the family, he will look for a reason to return, even if common children connect him with his mistress.
  • Scorpio must be given peace and not invade his territory. If he is not in a good mood and wants to be alone, you need to leave him alone - do not call, do not write, do not insist on a meeting. But it is with Scorpio that a woman truly reveals herself. She feels protected and loved.
  • Sagittarius is only ready for a civil marriage. He will constantly think about his first love, if the feelings have not faded yet. One day he may even leave his mistress and return to his wife.
  • Capricorn will remain in love all his life. Not even a child can hold it. He will never introduce his mistress to friends, but he himself can easily communicate with her surroundings. The fact that Capricorn communicates with friends of his mistress does not mean anything. This is his usual tactic.
  • Aquarius will easily leave the family if the mistress gives him unlimited freedom. Married multiple times. Appears and disappears without explanation. A lover who is counting on a serious relationship can only accept that Aquarius will never belong to her entirely. Most often, wives know about the adventures of Aquarius and have long come to terms with this.
  • The representative of the Pisces sign appreciates serious girls with an even character. He himself is financially secure. You can take away the Pisces man with the help of long and thoughtful conversations.

If a woman wants to take a man away from the family, you need to be aware of the consequences of such actions. Very rarely, such scenarios have a happy ending: one cannot build one's happiness on someone else's misfortune.

After reading this article, you will learn about using simple rules.

There is an opinion among the people that you cannot be forced to be nice. But contrary to common sense, a woman is forced to love a married man who does not dare to leave a family that has long become a strange abode for him.

In such cases, a woman has to invent herself in order to take her beloved man out of the family as quickly as possible in order to arrange her happiness for many years to come.

Let's hear the opinion of an independent expert who believes that a married man can be taken away from his legal wife, but only if he mentally left for another a long time ago.

In order to take a married man out of the family as quickly as possible, first of all, two important conditions must be met:

one). You must know a married man too well.

2). To take away an unfree man from his lawful wife, he must believe you.

3). And finally, in order for a married man to become your property, he must truly love you. Don't confuse love with a lingering obsession called falling in love.

4). If you want your beloved man to decide to leave the family, you need to clearly understand that your haven must be superior in all respects to the one he decided to abandon.

So, in order to take a married man out of the family, you need to adhere to the following rules:

five). If the age of an unfree man has exceeded forty years, then your actions aimed at achieving your goal should be very careful. The average married man, living in a marriage that does not bring him happiness, nevertheless gets used to the lifestyle that has developed over many years. The unfree man puts up with it. Try to reliably determine what exactly is missing from a beloved man who complains about living together. If you can answer this question, you can later try to fill in these missing gaps with your correct behavior.

6). To take the man away from the family You need to create such an atmosphere that he constantly lacks something. There is an opinion that married men at an already mature age, attracted by the desire for sexual diversity, are in an active search for a suitable mistress. If we take into account this statement, we can conclude that you need to become a hot mistress of a married man. The family life of the average man is a routine of monotony, in which his plump wife does not cease to reproach him for something. This suggests the conclusion that you must become the absolute opposite for a married man.

7). Praise the man more often, but in moderation, let him think that he is much worse in the family, he is constantly underestimated, and you managed to discern talent and eccentricity in him.

eight). Try to talk about money as little as possible. Experts believe that most families break up due to lack of finances. If you want to know the approximate income of a married man, then try to do this not directly, but indirectly. If his wife constantly complains about low income, then think about whether you need a married financially failed man. In the event that you are focused solely on his personal qualities, then tirelessly tell him that money, although the main thing in life, is far from being in the first place.

nine). As I said, in order to take a married man out of the family, you need to win his full trust. This is the most basic rule. You must ensure that your beloved married man tells you about everything that happens in his family. When he once again broadcasts about a terrible scandal, you should not directly say what a grumpy wife he has. Listen carefully and take pity on him. You can even come up with a story from your life in which you already had the sad experience of a short life together with a wealthy free man, but he could not give you the long-awaited happiness.

10). In dealing with a married man whom you want to take away from the family, you must position yourself as an accommodating and loyal woman, with whom it is quite easy to go through life. Remember another important rule. A married man should be sure that he will be easy, calm and comfortable with you. If he loves you, this does not mean that he is ready to leave the family for this. Your task is to become his good mistress only for the first time, and not for life. Therefore, find his weak points and begin to act through psychological vulnerability. Only when he is sure that you are his missing link will you not have to share him with another woman.

Now you know, how to take a married man out of the family using ten simple rules in practice.

Just once again think about whether it is worth making an effort to achieve your goal. It is possible that your married man is not who he claims to be, and it will be better for everyone if he stays in the family with his legal wife.

I express my deep gratitude to my friend, expert on sociological issues, historian Artem Sergeevich for his help in writing this article.

The article was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.
