What seafood can you eat during Lent? What are the benefits of seafood? You can eat seafood while fasting.

When we want to enjoy an exotic and refined, but at the same time light dish, we often think about seafood. They are highly nutritious and can satisfy the taste needs of any gourmet. In addition, it is difficult to imagine a healthy, low-calorie diet without quality seafood. However, few of us imagine how seafood can affect our body and what a serving of this common delicacy contains - more on this later in the article.

Composition, calories and vitamins

Seafood is traditionally considered one of the most balanced and nutritious foods, capable of replenishing the deficiency of almost all essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. At the same time, seafood is low in calories, which makes it an ideal food for anyone watching their weight and health.

Did you know?Architeuthis is considered one of the most unique edible marine inhabitants. This is a giant deep-sea squid, reaching a length of 26 meters: one such individual can become a nutritious meal for 2 thousand people at once.

100 g of all kinds of seafood contains:

  • about 85–100 kcal;
  • 15.5 g protein;
  • no more than 1 g of fats (Omega-3, 6 and 9);
  • approximately 0.1 g carbohydrates.
The energy ratio of seafood B:F:Y is 5%:0%:0%.

Among the vitamins important for humans, the following were found in marine life:

  • B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12);

Don’t forget about rare microelements in seafood.

In high concentrations they were found to have:

  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • sulfur;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

The benefits and harms of seafood

The main value of marine inhabitants for the human diet is that they are rich in unique protein, which is highly nutritious and low in calories.
However, they are not always able to have a beneficial effect on the health of the body, so before consuming seafood, it is necessary to determine not only their benefits, but also the possible harm.

Why are they useful?

The main benefit of seafood for both women and men is that they contain an optimal ratio of important and beneficial substances that can restore the body and also activate its protective abilities. This is most clearly manifested in the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Did you know? The largest shrimp in the world is the black tiger shrimp. An adult specimen of the species can weigh about 650 g and reach a length of 36 cm.

Daily consumption of mineral-rich squid, shrimp, oysters, mussels soaked in oil, and other inhabitants of the deep sea makes it possible to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, as well as bring the heart into optimal tone.

The most nutritious and beneficial for human health are considered to be protein compounds obtained exclusively from marine life. They are instantly absorbed by the digestive system, and do not burden the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, a huge concentration of iron and iodine helps seafood normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as improve brain function. Quite often on various forums, many users wonder whether it is possible to eat seafood to combat stress.

Studies around the world have proven that shrimp, mussels, oysters, squid and others are useful because, when consumed daily, they can reduce emotional excitability and also improve mood. And this is the main condition for successfully combating the symptoms of stress without the use of potent medications.

Video: about seafood

Harmful properties

Seafood is often considered an absolutely safe food with no strict restrictions on consumption. However, if there is an individual intolerance to certain components, they can cause severe allergic reactions, accompanied by rash, itching, etc.

Also, do not forget that the inhabitants of salt water bodies are capable of accumulating many toxic metals in their tissues, so consuming living creatures caught in unfavorable ecological regions can cause severe intoxication of the body.

Important! Eating raw seafood is strongly discouraged, as this can cause serious poisoning, as well as viral or bacterial infections and even helminth infestations.

Can I use it?

Despite the fact that seafood is known for its healing qualities for the body, it should be consumed in moderation.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers have to give up many products from their daily diet, so the question of whether seafood delicacies can be eaten by pregnant women often remains open.

However, during pregnancy, seafood is a type of food that, with a low calorie content, can saturate the body with the necessary amount of protein, fatty acids, as well as vitamins and minerals.

It also helps normalize digestion and has a beneficial effect on fetal development. But you shouldn’t overuse seafood: for pregnant women, they are strong allergens that can negatively affect a weakened female body.

When breastfeeding

When breastfeeding (breastfeeding), seafood is not only allowed, but is also quite actively promoted by many doctors, but only after the child reaches the age of 3 months.

They contain valuable iodine and zinc, as well as many microelements, which nursing women and their babies cannot do without. In addition, the high mineral content makes it possible to stabilize a woman’s metabolism, which is disturbed during pregnancy.
However, we should not forget that marine life is a natural filter of water bodies, so seafood caught in the coastal zone can be a source of potent toxins that can be transmitted through milk and infants. This means that you should be very careful when choosing such products.

For gastritis

Gastritis of various etiologies affects about 50% of the world's population, so the role of the lungs in the digestion of seafood in dietary nutrition is quite relevant. Often, during the period of calm of the disease, shrimp, mussels and other seafood can be consumed without restriction.

Important!For gastritis, seafood can only be consumed boiled or stewed. Any other culinary treatments will turn this delicate delicacy into a dish unsuitable for poor digestion.

They are not capable of causing stomach irritation, so they are quite easily digested even with complex pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. However, when the disease worsens, it is not recommended to use them, since to alleviate the disease, a strict diet is necessary that excludes complex food compounds.

For gout

Gout is a fairly dangerous disease that causes a variety of metabolic disorders. Therefore, in order to weaken the impact of the disease on the body, patients are prescribed a strict diet. However, seafood is an exception in this regard.

They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the affected skeletal system. They reduce inflammation of diseased joints, and also reduce pain during exacerbation of the disease. Dishes made from these products are useful when boiled or steamed.

For pancreatitis

Opinions about the advisability of consuming seafood for pancreatitis among doctors differ. On the one hand, they help stabilize metabolism and also improve the condition of the damaged pancreas, but on the other hand, they can cause the progression of the disease.

This is due to the fact that the product, when used for a sufficiently long time, can stimulate the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, as well as the synthesis of histamine in the body.
As a result, the functioning of the affected organ deteriorates, and as the disease worsens, the pain syndrome worsens. Therefore, for pancreatitis, seafood is consumed in small portions, no more than 100 g per day.

For weight loss and dieting

The gifts of sea and ocean waters are ideal for dietary nutrition and weight loss. 100 grams of product contain no more than 100 kcal, while a huge amount of nutrients and important minerals are concentrated.

Therefore, such a diet will help you effectively get into the required shape without any harm to the body. However, for dietary purposes, seafood is only suitable in boiled or stewed form, since frying in oil will saturate the product with fat derivatives that are harmful to the waist.

Did you know? To effectively clean seafood from contaminants without extra effort, just soak them for 30 minutes in salted water. This trick will help remove sand and other residues from places that are difficult to reach by hand.

For diabetes

For people with diabetes, seafood helps provide the body with vitamins, minerals and protein that are important for health. However, you should not overuse seafood if you have diabetes.
Oversaturation of the body with minerals and highly active substances can cause the formation of complex compounds that will interfere with the effective interaction of drugs with the body. Therefore, the maximum daily intake of such a product for diabetes of any type should not exceed 100 g.

For potency

It has been known since ancient times that seafood is a powerful aphrodisiac, thanks to which men’s reproductive activity is restored even with quite complex disorders, including pathologies of spermatogenesis.

This is achieved due to the high content of zinc and other trace elements that activate the production of testosterone. Traditionally, oysters, shrimp, crabs and anchovies, boiled or stewed, are considered the most beneficial for health in this regard.

Seafood is a valuable gift from nature that helps provide the body with substances important for health, as well as cope with many ailments.
Therefore, such a product must be present in the diet of each of us, preferably daily. But the consumption of seafood must be approached with caution, since this healthy delicacy, if consumed uncontrolled, can cause an exacerbation of various chronic ailments.

Is it possible to eat seafood during Lent: squid, shrimp, mussels? Many of those people who decide to fast do not know the correct answer to this question. Let's figure out together whether seafood is allowed during Lent.

It depends on how you approach it. There are clergy who claim that during Lent you can eat anything, but only in moderation. That is, eat the same way you ate before with only one condition: you must list all the foods by day. For example, fish on Wednesday, dumplings on Saturday.

Of course, if you are not a strongly religious person, then there is no need for you to fast. In old Russian times, under the tsars, peasants were strongly religious. We went to matins and vespers and gathered for veches. Then everyone knew what was possible and what was not.

Today, too, there are many true believers, and they claim that eating any food that is considered a delicacy or delicacy for you during fasting will become a great sin. Even the Bible says, do not take care of your belly, and do not fill your flesh for worldly pleasures.

Sea foods, squid, shrimp, crabs, lobsters are considered by the Orthodox to be the royal fish, and according to the canon, they are not supposed to be eaten during Lent. Is it possible to have seafood during Lent? It turns out that no.

One priest once said: everything must go its own way, and everyone must choose for himself what he can and cannot do, but before a person makes his final choice, he will go through seven circles of earthly hell before he really understands what he needs.

The most interesting thing is that all the grandmothers of Soviet times (the mothers of our grandmothers) knew and adhered to what should be cooked on what day. What day is it fish, and what day is it porridge? And when Holy Week begins, not only is it forbidden to eat fish on certain days, but not all porridge is allowed.

What is fasting

Let's look at what fasting is. Fasting is when a person refuses delicacies, dishes, and delicacies for a certain time of the year. That is, he switches to simple healthy food. But that’s not all, fasting means not swearing, forgetting about threats, reproaches, leading a meek, inconspicuous life, and not attracting much attention to yourself.

For example, you often get drunk, go to restaurants, and swear so that your neighbors can hear you. And here you change radically, stop drinking alcohol, go to restaurants, but order lean food, which is related to ordinary Christian porridge. The neighbors stop hearing you. You begin to go to matins, communicate with the clergy, etc.

If you are very concerned about whether you can eat seafood during Lent, if you are a strongly religious Christian, then go to the priest and talk to him. If you are sick or work hard work, then the priest will give you a relaxation of fasting so that there is no loss of strength or recovery from illness occurs.

During Lent, people often ask the question: “Can I eat seafood during Lent?” Opinions often differ, so first you need to understand what fasting is.

Many compare it to a period when it is necessary to fast or diet. We cannot agree with this, since a believer realizes that fasting is primarily the pursuit of spiritual goals. The whole point is to maintain bodily and spiritual cleansing. A person individually chooses his diet these days, because everything is quite ambiguous.

There are individuals for whom giving up meat products is a feat, and there are those who can easily live by eating only porridge. The main purpose of fasting is not a ban on specific foods, but rather repentance and abstinence.

Is it possible to eat mussels during Lent?

Mussels are cold-blooded and cannot be considered representatives of the animal world, so you can eat them on Saturdays and Sundays of Lent.

Mussels contain vitamin B12 (participates in metabolism), manganese (thanks to it we have healthy bones) and selenium (supports good functioning of the thyroid gland).

Most foods cannot compete in nutrients. The benefits of this product are obvious.

Is it possible to eat shrimp during Lent?

A clear understanding that fasting is a renunciation of gluttony, overeating and delicacies will help you understand and accept the essence of whether it is worth eating shrimp.

Shrimp are a nourishing and, most importantly, dietary product; a lot depends on what kind of fasting it is and whether it involves giving up fish and fish products entirely.

Is it possible to eat caviar during Lent?

Caviar has long been considered a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The beneficial properties were noted by our grandfathers, so the logical question arose whether it was possible to introduce it into your diet if you were fasting.

After reading excerpts from ancient writings, you can understand that caviar can only be consumed a few times during Lent.

The church can give relief to pregnant women, people in poor health and the elderly. It is worth focusing on those days when ordinary fish is not prohibited, then caviar is also possible.

Is it possible to eat squid during Lent?

Lent differs from ordinary fasting by a strict ban on eating fish, as well as all marine life. During fasting, it is customary to eat plant foods, i.e. lean foods. You need to clearly define for yourself that the time of fasting is the time when you need to give up gluttony.

Is it possible to eat crab sticks during Lent?

It is necessary to understand first of all their composition. There was never crab meat there, but fish meat was present.

This is mainly pollock or hake (20-40%). Fish is not a lean food, however, it is generally considered semi-lenten. You can eat it during fasting only on certain days.

If in doubt, you can always get advice from your confessor. It is important to note that crab sticks contain sugar and starch, the use of which is prohibited during fasting.

And crab sticks themselves do not provide any beneficial substances to the body, so it is not recommended to eat them in everyday life.

Is it possible to eat crayfish during Lent?

The composition of crayfish is unique; they contain organic acids, vitamins and do not contain cholesterol or fat. Meat also helps strengthen the immune system.

The Greeks (Mediterranean Christians) have a tradition of reinforcing their strength with crayfish and other shellfish.

However, for them this food is more familiar than for us, and crayfish are more likely to be considered a delicacy. Based on this, we can conclude that it is quite possible to get along without them.

Is it possible to eat shellfish during Lent?

Shellfish are very healthy food. Some equate them to fish and eat them during fasting, while others argue that this food cannot be in the diet of a person observing fasting.

Based on the facts, we can say that everyone makes a choice towards the facts that they trust most.

In any case, if you consume shellfish a couple of times during fasting, and not systematically every day, then this will in no way prevent you from getting ready for cleansing.

What seafood can you eat during Lent?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to answer this question unambiguously. Crabs, shrimp, squid, etc. were more of a gourmet food for rich people than something commonplace, so it is not advisable to eat them during times of purification and enlightenment.

I advise clergy to include in the diet those foods that a person is already accustomed to. Of course, there are certain restrictions. If this is a delicacy for you, refuse. It is better to give preference to fruits and vegetables, they will improve digestion and prevent you from obsessing over meals.

If you increase the amount of water consumed per day, you will notice that a person begins to fill up faster. Your body and soul will be able to thank you with an improved appearance.

Be healthy!

Is it possible to eat seafood during Lent? During the days of the Great Fast, which in 2020 will last from March 2 to April 18, believers refuse to eat meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, kefir), as well as strong alcoholic beverages.

Is it possible to eat squid, shrimp, and mussels during Lent?

Science claims that they belong to achordates, that is, bloodless living beings. It turns out that they can be eaten during fasting.

But church ministers have a different opinion. According to the church charter, animal food is excluded from the diet on these days. Seafood, with all the great desire, cannot be classified as plant food; it is the animal world of the sea.

And to the question: “What seafood can you eat during Lent?” many clergy give a clear answer: none.

However, there are other interpretations about whether it is possible to eat seafood during Lent. After all, during this period various relaxations are provided.

So, Palm Sunday (in 2020 it falls on April 12) you can include fish in your diet. The same applies to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (celebrated on April 7). However, if this holiday falls during Holy Week, the strict rules of Lent during this period remain in force.

The holidays celebrated by the Orthodox Church at this time also include Lazarus Saturday (celebrated on April 11, 2020), when fish caviar can be served.

Fish, which the charter allows on holidays, is considered semi-lenten food, like seafood. Accordingly, you can eat seafood on Lazarus Saturday and the Annunciation, but not on other days.

So is it possible to eat squid, shrimp and mussels during Lent? Some monasteries allow seafood to be included in the menu not only on holidays, but also on weekends during Lent. Even Athonite monks eat them. However, such dishes are not prepared in Russian monasteries.

What seafood can you eat during Lent?

As for the laity, they do not have to observe strict fasting. Everyone must decide on their diet individually on these days.

Clergymen advise planning your diet in accordance with your strengths and state of health.

And they give this advice: if giving up meat is quite a serious test for you, then in order to withstand the fast, you can allow yourself some fish or seafood. They can sometimes be included in the diet, for example, on weekends. No one will judge you for this.

The meat of shrimp, squid, oysters, mussels, crabs, lobsters, scallops, cuttlefish, and lobsters contains a large amount of protein (up to 19%), minerals, and at the same time little fat.

Seafood is absorbed faster and better by the human body than meat. They are eaten fresh, boiled, fried, baked, pickled and stuffed.

Avoiding consumption of fish and seafood is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, young children, people engaged in mental work and suffering from various diseases.

Please tell me whether it is possible to eat seafood during Lent: squid, shrimp and the like. I understand that fasting is not a diet, and the meaning of fasting is abstinence and maintaining purity, both physical and spiritual. And yet, recently, from a conversation with one priest, I realized that during Lent you can eat chordates, that is, bloodless living creatures, which include crabs, shrimp and squid. I have always considered these products a delicacy and now I don’t know if they can be eaten during Lent? Thank you in advance for your response.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

You are absolutely right. Fasting has spiritual purposes. However, bodily abstinence is also a certain sacrifice that we make to God. According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, bodily fasting is a medium virtue. Fasting must be done within one's ability. He teaches us moderation, the ability to control our desires. If the food mentioned in your letter is a treat for you, then refuse it. And one more piece of advice: if you haven’t eaten this food before during Lent, if you have developed an image of fasting for years, then do not deviate from your usual. Otherwise, from time to time you will have the thought that you have weakened the feat.

If we approach the issue from the point of view of the charter, then we must recall that the criterion for lean food is clear - plant food. Taxonomy includes squid, shrimp, etc. to the animal kingdom. Fish, which the statute allows on holidays, is considered semi-lenten food. Also seafood (shrimp, etc.).
