What should be the RH of the spouses. Can it be that partners do not fit together: blood types and their compatibility when conceiving a child

Surely all people have heard about the Rh factor, but, most likely, most of them do not really understand what it is. It does not affect a person's health in everyday life, but during pregnancy, the incompatibility of the Rh factors of the father and mother sometimes provokes a Rh conflict. It is about the Rh conflict during pregnancy with her husband that we will talk today on the website www.site.

The Rh factor is determined by the presence of a special protein on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). It characterizes the immunological properties of blood. It was discovered relatively recently, in 1940. This was done by scientists Landsteiner and Wiener. In their research, they dealt with monkeys and described Rhesus macaques, it was from here that the universal term arose. The Rh factor is denoted by the Latin symbols Rh+ or Rh-.

According to statistics, the majority (85%) of people on Earth have a positive Rh factor, i.e. this protein is present in their body. 15% of people do not have this protein and are Rh negative. Rh affiliation is determined along with the blood group, but it does not depend on it in any way, it is a genetic trait of a person, his individual feature, just like the color of his eyes or hair. It is inherited from one of the parents, remains unchanged throughout life and does not mean any physiological disorder or disease.

Rhesus conflict can occur during blood transfusions if it is incompatible with Rh, also during pregnancy, when the mother is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive.

With a combination of a “negative” mother and a “positive” child, the occurrence of an Rh conflict is more likely than in the opposite case, as well as the consequences of such a combination can be more serious. This is known from many years of observation of pregnant women.

What is dangerous different Rhesus during pregnancy?

When positive red blood cells enter the blood of a person with a negative Rh factor, the body immediately reacts to them as if they were a foreign object and begins to produce antibodies to neutralize the uninvited guests. These "protectors" enter the blood of the unborn child through the placenta and cause hemolytic disease, because. they destroy his red blood cells, which carry oxygen. Due to the lack of oxygen in the fetus, a pathological condition occurs, oxygen starvation, the consequences of which are not difficult to predict.

But this does not mean at all that a woman with a negative Rh factor will certainly have a difficult pregnancy. The Rh conflict is provoked by the antibodies produced in the mother's blood, it is on their quantity that everything depends. In most cases, antibodies are either completely absent, or their number is minimal and not dangerous for the child.

What affects the production of antibodies in a mother with a negative Rh factor?

The greater the number of births and abortions in a woman, the higher the likelihood of an Rhesus conflict. Everything is connected with the fact that in this case, foreign erythrocytes, most likely, have already entered the woman’s blood, i.e. the mechanism for producing antibodies has already been launched, her body already has experience in dealing with such foreign bodies.

With damage to the placenta and with infections that thin it, the penetration of red blood cells into the bloodstream also increases. The production of antibodies can also increase if the mothers had a blood transfusion without taking into account the Rh factor, even if this procedure was a very long time ago. As a rule, the first pregnancy in women with a negative Rh factor is normal, because. her body has never met with "foreign" erythrocytes and the protective mechanism, which is dangerous for the fetus, has not yet gained strength.

Definition of the Rh factor

In order to avoid Rh conflict with her husband during pregnancy, future parents first of all need to take tests to determine this blood factor. When a woman has the same Rh as her husband, then there will be no compatibility problems. If the future father is "positive", then the child is likely to genetically inherit the positivity as a stronger trait. If the future father has a homozygous genotype, which is responsible for the Rh factor, then the child will be born 100% with a positive Rh. If the future father has a heterozygous genotype responsible for the Rh factor, then the probability of having a child with a positive Rh is 50%.

When, when carrying a baby, there is a risk of an Rhesus conflict, the expectant mother should regularly do a blood test for the presence of antibodies. This is usually especially important from the 35th week. From this gestation period, this is done weekly.

If the test results do not show an increase in the level of antibodies, then the doctor may administer an anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin vaccination for prevention so that it blocks the baby's red blood cells that have entered the mother's blood.

If the level of antibodies rises and reaches a critical state, then the expectant mother will be sent to the perinatal center so that she is under the constant supervision of specialists. They will need to control:

* the dynamics of the increase in antibodies in the mother's blood;

* the reaction of the baby - whether the liver increases, whether the placenta changes, whether fluid appears in the pericardium and abdominal cavity;

* condition of fetal waters and umbilical cord blood.

With a progressive Rh conflict, doctors do a caesarean section so that mother's protective antibodies do not harm the child. At a short period of pregnancy, when artificial childbirth is not yet possible, one has to resort to intrauterine blood transfusion.

If there are no complications during pregnancy, and antibodies will not be produced, then after childbirth, within about 2 days, mothers should inject anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin. This will reduce the risk of Rh conflict in the next pregnancy.

Such vaccination for Rh-negative women is also needed for miscarriages, abortions, ectopic pregnancies and blood transfusions.

Successful achievements in clinical immunology recently show that a negative Rh is not a sentence at all, it only makes us approach the bearing and birth of a child more responsibly.

Is it a threat to the life of the unborn child that the pregnant mother and the future father have Rh-negative blood? Is Rh conflict possible during pregnancy if future parents have a different Rh factor? What is the compatibility and how is the Rh factor inherited?

Rh factor is a special protein found in red blood cells. And we have a lot of various proteins in the blood, about 70. 85% of people have the Rh factor, 15% do not. And if the Rh factor of the expectant mother and the future father is negative, there is nothing to be afraid for the child!

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy.

When a pregnant woman's blood is Rh-negative and her husband's blood is Rh-positive, doctors fear an Rh conflict between mother and fetus. The possibility of Rh conflict is about 75%. However, it occurs only when the blood of the fetus is the same as that of the father, that is, Rh-positive. With proper prevention, you can reduce the likelihood of a Rh conflict.
During pregnancy, the mother and fetus are one, and, despite the fact that their blood does not mix, many metabolic products and individual cells from the fetus go to the mother, and vice versa. This exchange goes through the structures of the placenta, through that part of it, which is called the placental barrier.
And now the fetal erythrocytes containing the Rh factor begin to enter the mother's bloodstream. But there is no such factor in her blood; this protein is foreign to her body. And here the biological defense mechanism is activated: after all, in any case, when a foreign substance enters the body, it begins to develop a weapon against it - the so-called antibodies.
The further the pregnancy develops, the more erythrocytes containing the Rh factor accumulate in the woman's blood and, accordingly, the number of antibodies hostile to them increases.
In the same way, that is, through the placenta, antibodies enter the blood of the fetus. But they are aimed at the destruction of Rh-positive erythrocytes, and under their influence, fetal erythrocytes begin to decay and die. Toxic decay products accumulate in the blood, in particular bilirubin, which has a harmful effect on the entire body and especially on the brain.
It is because of bilirubin that the skin of the fetus acquires a yellow color by the end of pregnancy, according to the intensity of which doctors, even before conducting the necessary studies, may suggest hemolytic disease in the newborn (hemolysis - destruction, dissolution). In such cases, the child will be saved by an emergency replacement blood transfusion.

How is the Rh affiliation of the fetal blood formed?

Why can't parents with Rh-negative blood have a child with a positive Rh factor, and if both the father and mother have Rh-positive blood, their child can have Rh-negative blood? What is this - an accident, a paradox? No, the strict laws of genetics.
There are dominant and recessive genes, and in the presence of dominant recessive genes do not manifest themselves. To make it clearer, let's call the Rh-positive gene Rh and Rh negative rh.
It is known that each trait, whether it is a blood type, eye color or the shape of the auricle, is determined by at least two genes: one of them is contained in the chromosome received from the father, the other - in the chromosome received from the mother. Consequently, both father and mother are always involved in the construction of pairs of genes that determine each trait, including the Rh factor. Even if a child has "paternal" blood, all the same, among the genes that determined its properties, there are necessarily maternal ones. And, of course, vice versa.
Gene Rh (positive) - dominates over rh (negative), does not allow it to manifest itself. And, therefore, with Rh-negative blood, there can be only one genotype - rhrh (if a “positive” gene had been inherited from one of the parents, the “negative” would have been suppressed and the blood would have been Rh-positive).
People with Rh-positive blood can have two combinations of genes - either RhRh, that is, the same positive ones received from both parents, or positive and negative - Rhrh (negative is suppressed by positive, it could not manifest itself, but it exists).

If a man and a woman marry with Rh-negative blood, so will the child's blood, since neither the father nor the mother has a single "positive" gene.

And in people with Rh-positive blood, there may be an unmanifested “Rh-negative” gene. And if each of the parents passes one such gene to the child, the child's blood will be Rh-negative. True, according to the laws of genetics, the likelihood of such an option is small.

If one parent has Rh positive blood and the other has Rh negative blood. In this case, the baby can be born with a negative or positive Rh blood. But there is a possibility of Rhesus conflict. But this is not a reason to refuse pregnancy.
It is believed that 10-13% of marriages are between people with unequal Rh blood. However, the incidence of hemolytic disease of the newborn in relation to all marriages is only 0.3-0.7%. The fact is that the response to the Rh-positive factor does not occur in all women with Rh-negative blood. The production of antibodies is facilitated by previous pregnancies and abortions (if the fetus was Rh-positive in those cases) or a transfusion of Rh-positive blood.
But under all conditions, the development of hemolytic disease in a child can be prevented. The expectant mother should only contact the antenatal clinic as soon as possible, where they will check whether antibodies appear in her blood, and if they are found, they will take the necessary preventive measures.

Formed elements circulate in human blood. One of them is erythrocytes. On their surface are antigens (a set of proteins) that form four different blood groups (GK) and the Rh factor (Rh). When planning a pregnancy, parents can identify blood type compatibility for conceiving a child. The combination of some antigens leads to the appearance of unhealthy offspring and the risk of a complicated gestation process. To exclude them, they turn to the attending physician, he prescribes blood tests that prevent the development of a pathological pregnancy.

General ideas about blood groups

There are many antigenic structures on the surface of red blood cells, but the most common are two of them, which are denoted by Latin letters (A, B). According to their location, 4 blood groups are distinguished:

  • I (0) - complete absence of antigens;
  • II (A) - presence of antigen A;
  • III (B) - presence of B group;
  • IV (AB) - manifestation of both groups.

As already mentioned, there are Rh factors on the surface of red blood cells. They are determined jointly with the Civil Code. These are proteins that may or may not be present in the intravascular fluid. Therefore, Rh is marked on the analysis form with a plus or minus.

Information about human GC is necessary for doctors when transfusing, organ transplantation, pregnancy planning. If the medical staff transfuses the patient with blood with the opposite group of antigens, an irreversible reaction will occur, which will lead to a deterioration in the condition, death. Erythrocytes will stick together (agglutination reaction), their number will decrease sharply, hemolytic anemia, organ failure will occur.

If a conflict arises over antigenic structures, rejection of the embryo or deterioration of its condition after birth, the appearance of congenital pathologies, and a decrease in organ function are possible. Therefore, before conception, it is recommended that both parents donate blood, find out which GC and Rh they belong to, whether they are compatible in terms of the Rh factor.

The influence of antigenic structures on conception

Doctors have proven that the possibility of conception by partners depends on their state of health. GC only affects the process of bearing a child. An exception is the conflict on Rhesus, blood type in the first pregnancy, after which the possibility of becoming pregnant and bearing the next baby decreases. The impossibility of conception occurs with the appearance of sexual infections, hormonal disorders, abnormal structure of male and female genital organs, their inflammatory diseases, abnormal structure of spermatozoa.

HA, the Rh factor of a man and a woman, affects the embryo that has already appeared. From the compatibility of the blood group of the parents depends on its structure, development, formation of internal organs. Rh is more important for the stable course of gestation, therefore, after the onset of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes a study to determine it in both parents.

If the analysis was not performed during the preparation for pregnancy, incompatibility was detected after the fertilization of the egg, the pregnancy is maintained. Many methods have been developed that allow you to bear a fetus. This requires constant monitoring of the condition of the mother and child.

Important! Pregnancy is considered safe if the Rh factor is the same for the baby and the mother. With the first gestation, the risk of complications is minimal. Antigens accumulate in the mother's body, so a rejection reaction is possible at the second conception.

Pregnancy planning

The perfect combination of HA and Rh is rare. But the conflict on these indicators does not happen often, it does not manifest itself during primary gestation. This requires incompatibility for HA and Rh at the same time.

When determining a negative Rh in a mother, and a positive Rh in a father, there will be negative reactions only if the antigenic composition of the embryo is the same as that of the father.

There are combinations of GCs that lead to complications in the course of gestation and the postpartum state:

  1. The mother has the first positive group - there is a risk of conflict in the ABO system. This occurs if the infant has inherited the antigenic composition from the father. The risk of conflict is low. It rarely happens that antibodies A and B destroy red blood cells with a foreign protein when they encounter maternal blood cells. After delivery, the blood type of the newborn is immediately determined. If she is identical to her mother, there is no need to worry. If they differ, the child is observed in the hospital. With subsequent pregnancy, the risk of conflict complications decreases.
  2. The mother has a second negative group - the risk appears if the baby has inherited the 3rd or 4th group from the father. Conflict is a rare occurrence.
  3. The mother has the third group, and the father has the fourth - there is a possibility of developing complications.
  4. The mother has the fourth group - there is no risk of conflict, since 4 HA is considered compatible with all other antigenic elements.

Important! Even though there is a risk, the incidence of Rh conflict is low, this does not mean that partners should not have children. Most of the pregnancy is normal under the supervision of doctors.

Formation of the child's blood group

Using the table, you can calculate the possible combinations of HA that the future baby will have. If the parents have similar antigens, the blood type of the fetus is more likely to be the same. With a difference in antigenic elements, each GC has a probability of 25%.

Rhesus conflict and its causes

Human red blood cells carry a protein called the Rh factor. If the pregnant woman and the fetus have incompatibility according to this criterion, complications are possible. It is important that the mother has this protein, then even if the father does not have it, there is no danger.

In a situation where the mother does not have Rh, and the child inherited it from the father, complications of gestation arise. The mother's body produces immunoglobulins against the fetus, which has a foreign antigen. For this reason, a woman has symptoms of malaise, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature delivery.

The risk of hemolysis of the infant's red blood cells due to opposite Rh occurs during childbirth, when the baby's umbilical cord blood enters the mother's bloodstream.

Symptoms of incompatibility of blood groups and Rh factor

With incompatibility of antigenic elements, the pregnant woman's body begins to produce antibodies against the embryo. The fetus is considered a foreign object. With massive attacks, it is rejected, causing a miscarriage at the beginning of gestation. If a woman develops a small number of antibodies, gestation continues, but is complicated by the following symptoms:

  • general signs of malaise (weakness, fatigue, aching joints, dizziness, drowsiness);
  • severe toxicosis, which leads to vomiting 7-10 times a day every day (the mother's body is depleted, dehydration appears, a lack of nutrients, which leads to underdevelopment of the fetus).

The fetus develops jaundice due to agglutination of red blood cells, anemia (decrease in the number of red blood cells), an increase in the size of internal organs, edema, an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, jaundice. Some of the disorders are visible on ultrasound, the rest are detected after birth.

Diagnosis of conflict by blood groups and Rhesus

Diagnosis of the condition should be carried out before conception. If the father and mother have the same protein structures, you should not worry. No further diagnosis is needed.

If a woman has a negative Rh, with the opposite in her husband, the doctor collects an anamnesis (questioning the patient about his complaints, symptoms). He will find out how many pregnancies the patient had, whether there were miscarriages, abortions, intrauterine fetal death. These conditions indicate the accumulation of a large number of immunoglobulins against the appearance of antigenic proteins.

Blood sampling for the study of antibody titers

The patient is assigned a monthly blood donation to study the titers (quantity) of antibodies produced in her body. The more of them, the higher the risk of premature interruption of gestation, the development of its pathologies.

With the help of ultrasound, the condition of the fetus is monitored. Particular attention is paid to monitoring his heart, brain. Assess the degree of development of the placenta, the size of the abdomen of the child (to exclude ascites - the appearance of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

An extreme measure for diagnosing the condition is amniocentesis. This is a study that is carried out with the help of amniotic fluid sampling. The procedure is not dangerous for women without Rh-conflict, but the patients are nervous during it, the amount of hormones rises, the heartbeat quickens. This negatively affects the child. With the help of testing, the titer of anti-Rhesus antibodies is determined.

Read about how the procedure is carried out.

During the amniocentesis, there is a risk of the blood of the fetus entering the woman's bloodstream, which will cause even more immune activity. Therefore, it is not advisable to use the procedure for Rhesus conflict. It is safer to determine the indicator using venous blood.

Complications of lack of therapy

If, after the first gestation, the therapy of the Rh conflict was not carried out before the subsequent ones, complications will appear for the second baby in the form of hemolysis of red blood cells. A lesser side effect will manifest itself in the development of anemia, which occurs due to the gluing, destruction of part of the red blood cells. Oxygen in a reduced number enters the organs.

With an average degree of complications, after childbirth, prolonged jaundice with hepatosplenomegaly (enlargement of the liver, spleen) is observed. Urgent measures will be required to eliminate the condition.

The edematous form is a severe lesion of the heart, brain, which forms their dropsy (accumulation of fluid). Even with adequate therapy for an infant, he will remain mentally retarded and heart failure.

The extreme degree of complication is the death of the baby after childbirth. This is due to massive hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells.


Incompatibility therapy is carried out symptomatically and pathogenetically. For the first option, vitamins, hormones, antihistamines, proper nutrition, oxygen therapy are used.

In the second half of gestation, according to indications, plasmapheresis is prescribed. This is a procedure for transfusing the patient's own blood, which has passed through the purification apparatus. Filtration removes excess immune cells. Cleaning is done on time. After the procedure, the antibody titer is checked every two weeks, if it becomes high, the plasmapheresis procedure is repeated.

Plasmapheresis procedure

With significant risks of complications for the child, early delivery by caesarean section is performed. If the gestational age does not allow the operation, it is carried out through the umbilical vein. This eliminates hypoxia (oxygen starvation), anemia, and prolongs the gestation time.

In case of detection after the birth of a hemolytic disease in a child, he is immediately given a transfusion procedure. His blood is completely replaced by a donor. Carry out therapy for hemolytic disease.

After treatment, there is no prohibition on breastfeeding, even with the introduction of anti-Rhesus serum to the mother. Antibodies are dangerous only during the intrauterine period.

Prevention of Rhesus conflict

With the help of modern medicine, prevention methods have been developed that will allow a woman to bear a child even if future parents are found to be incompatible in terms of GC and Rh.

Proteins on the erythrocytes of the child are formed at 2-3 months of pregnancy. Complications depend on the number of children born. If a woman has her first pregnancy, the risk is minimal, since at the first occurrence of a foreign object, only immunoglobulins (Ig) G appear, which are not able to penetrate the placental barrier. Antibodies in her body accumulate and circulate in the blood. With the advent of subsequent conception, more and more antibodies begin to attack the fetus. Immunoglobulins M appear and cross the placenta.

Important! Even if the first fertilization was artificially interrupted and did not end in natural delivery, memory immunoglobulins have accumulated in the patient's body, so the second gestation is at risk.

There is a technique for removing accumulated immunoglobulins after the completion of the first pregnancy. A woman after childbirth or removal of the embryo is injected with serum, which contains anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin. The procedure is carried out within 48 hours, until the Ig has had time to disperse throughout the body and accumulate in the lymph nodes. The sooner the injection is given, the safer it will be for the mother and the subsequent state of gestation.


Many future parents do not think about checking their body before conceiving a child. This has a negative effect if there is a discrepancy between the GK and Rh. Many consequences can be avoided by conducting timely laboratory tests. Antigenic conflict is especially dangerous for women with a negative Rh factor. With the help of modern medicine, it is possible to achieve the appearance of a healthy child, even with complicated gestation.

That is why doctors insist on regular blood tests. If a problem is detected in the early stages, it is possible to control the process, while preventing the appearance of hemolytic disease of the newborn. If the mother has a negative Rh, the absence of scheduled visits to the gynecologist is excluded and the birth is planned at home - in such conditions, both the mother and the child will die.

The biological heritage carried through the centuries can tell a lot about the ancestors of a person. A scientist from Poland has developed a theory in which all people originally had the first blood type. So it was conceived by nature - this blood type was given to them for survival, in order to better digest meat.

What is a blood group

You need to take an analysis in order to find out the compatibility of blood groups, a genetic predisposition to diseases. An elevated level of leukocytes will determine the presence of an infection, an inflammatory process. The indicators of red blood cells above or below the norm will indicate the malfunctioning of organs or body systems. Knowing your group will help you find a donor faster or become one. Blood compatibility can be a decisive factor for a husband and wife when a woman tries to get pregnant. The composition of the blood is a combination of:

  • plasma;
  • erythrocytes;
  • platelets;
  • leukocytes.

With the development of civilization, meat feasts ceased to interest people. Vegetable protein, dairy products began to be used in food. How many blood groups did a person end up with? Over time, mutation has helped improve human adaptation to the environment. Today there are 4 blood types.

Blood groups - table

The study of red blood cells led to the identification in some of them of special proteins (antigens of type A, B), the presence of which indicates belonging to one of three groups. Later, the fourth was determined, and in 1904 the world was waiting for a new discovery - the Rh factor (positive Rh +, negative Rh-), which is inherited by one of the parents. All the information obtained was combined into a classification - the AB0 system. In the table you can see what blood groups are.



Nutrition Features

Personal qualities

Time and place of occurrence

First 0(I)

meat food

Courage and strength

40 thousand years ago

Second A (II)

1891 Karl Landsteiner of Australia



Western Europe

Third B(III)

1891 Karl Landsteiner of Australia

Mono-diet is contraindicated

Patience and perseverance

Himalayas, India and Pakistan

Fourth AB(IV)

Can't drink alcohol

Allergy resistance

About 1000 years ago, as a result of mixing A (II) and B (III).

Blood group compatibility

In the 20th century, the idea of ​​transfusion arose. Hemotransfusion is a useful procedure that restores the total volume of blood cells, there is a replacement of plasma proteins, erythrocytes. The compatibility of blood groups of the donor and recipient during transfusion is important, affecting the success of blood transfusion. Otherwise, agglutination will occur - a deadly agglutination of red blood cells, as a result of which a blood clot forms, which leads to death. Blood compatibility for transfusion:

Blood type


From which you can transfuse


The foundation of human civilization is considered to be the first blood group. Our ancestors formed the habits of excellent hunters, courageous and stubborn. They are ready to use all their strength to achieve the intended goal. Modern first-bloods need to be able to plan their actions in order to avoid rash acts.

Main character traits:

  • natural leadership;
  • extraversion;
  • the best organizational skills.


  • strong digestive system;
  • physical endurance;
  • increased ability to survive.

The weak points are:

  • increased acidity (risk of peptic ulcer);
  • predisposition to allergies, arthritis;
  • poor clotting;


City dwellers. Evolution went forward and people began to engage in agriculture. When vegetable protein became the source of human energy, a vegetarian second blood group arose. Fruits and vegetables began to be used as food - the human digestive system began to adapt to changing environmental conditions. People began to understand that compliance with the rules increases the chances of survival.

Main character traits:

  • sociability;
  • constancy;
  • composure.


  • good metabolism;
  • excellent adaptation to change.

Weak sides:

  • sensitive digestive system;
  • weak immune system.


People with the third blood type are called nomads. It is difficult for them to experience an imbalance within themselves, in a team. It is better to live in mountainous areas or near water bodies. They suffer from a lack of motivation, because when stressed, their body produces a large amount of cortisol.

Main character traits:

  • flexibility in decisions;
  • openness to people;
  • versatility.


  • strong immunity;
  • well tolerate changes in diet;
  • creative.

Weak sides:

  • susceptible to autoimmune diseases;
  • lack of motivation and self-confidence.


The owners of the rarest, the fourth blood group, occurred as a result of a symbiosis of the second and third. Bohemian, easy life - that's what is characteristic of its representatives. They are tired of everyday decisions, devoted themselves to creativity. The total number of people with such a group is only 6% on the planet.

Main character traits:

  • mysterious;
  • are individual.


  • resistant to autoimmune diseases;
  • resist allergic manifestations.

Weak sides:

  • fanatics, capable of going to extremes;
  • drugs and alcohol should be avoided.

What blood type can be transfused to everyone

The most compatible is the first one. Human erythrocytes with this blood type do not contain antigens (agglutinogens), which excludes the possibility of an allergy during transfusion. Therefore, the answer to the question of which blood group is universal is the first with a negative Rh factor.

Blood compatibility for conceiving a child

Before pregnancy, planning a child must be approached competently. Reproductologists advise parents to determine blood compatibility in advance. The inheritance of a certain set of qualities from each partner by the child will depend on this, and checking Rh compatibility will help protect against hemolysis during pregnancy. If a woman has Rh-, and a man has a positive Rh, a Rh-conflict occurs, in which the body perceives the fetus as foreign and begins to fight, actively producing agglutinins (antibodies) against it.

Rhesus conflict is a danger not only for the expectant mother. Hemolytic disease can occur when the positive and negative red blood cells in the fetal bloodstream react. To determine whether conception by blood type will succeed, the Ottenberg rule can:

  • it will help protect the couple by learning what diseases can occur during conception and pregnancy;
  • establish an approximate scheme for combining a set of chromosomes during the formation of a heterozygote;
  • suggest what kind of Rh factor a child may have;
  • determine height, eye and hair color.

Table of compatibility of blood groups and Rh factor

The ratio of the blood group of the father and mother determines the possible inheritance of qualities and genes by the child. Incompatibility does not mean the impossibility of getting pregnant, but only shows that problems may arise. Knowing in advance is better than finding out when it's too late. It is better to check with your doctor which blood types are incompatible for conceiving a child. Table of compatibility of blood groups and Rh factor:

Blood type

A(II) Rh- B(III) Rh- AB(IV) Rh+ AB(IV) Rh-
+ - - - + -
0(I) Rh- - + - + - + - +
- + - + - + -
A(II) Rh- - + - + - + - +
+ - + - + - + -
B(III) Rh- - + - + - + - +
- + - + - + -
AB(IV) Rh- - + - + - + - +

The likelihood of a child inheriting the Rh factor:


Spouses with different Rh factor requires them to be more serious about a possible pregnancy.

The Rh factor is a special protein (Rhesus antigen), one of the main characteristics of the blood.

It is found in the red blood cells of humans and rhesus monkeys - hence the name. If you have it, you belong to the Rh-positive group; if you don't, you belong to the Rh-negative group. About 85% of humanity are Rh positive, the remaining 15% are Rh negative. If the husband is Rh negative and the wife is Rh positive, there is usually no problem. And an Rh-negative mother may well endure an Rh-positive baby.

Marriages in which a woman has a negative Rh factor of the blood, and a man is positive, only 10% of the total, and such a married couple does not always have Rhesus conflict. This situation still occurs in about 75% of cases, and then gynecologists should especially carefully monitor the woman during pregnancy. Additional examinations and, if necessary, treatment are added to the program of usual activities, which increases the likelihood of having a healthy baby. With proper prevention, the risk can be minimized. In a pregnant woman with a negative Rh affiliation, the titer of Rh antibodies is primarily determined. If the child inherits the father's Rh factor, the Rh-negative mother may develop antibodies to the child's red blood cells.

An increase in the titer of Rh antibodies in a pregnant woman indicates the development Rhesus conflict.

In this case, treatment should begin as soon as possible to prevent (breakdown of red blood cells) in the baby. Often, the Rh antigen enters the body of an Rh-negative woman during an abortion. Then a subsequent pregnancy may not occur at all, or its course will be complicated. Also, the Rh antigen enters the mother's circulatory system during pregnancy: although her blood does not mix with the baby's blood, elements of the fetal blood enter the mother's blood.

In the first pregnancy, the accumulation of anti-Rhesus bodies occurs towards the end of pregnancy and does not have time to cause significant harm to the child. In subsequent pregnancies, a woman's body already has a high titer of antibodies, and the Rh-positive fetus is attacked from the earliest stages of pregnancy. Therefore, women with a negative Rh factor are especially recommended to complete the birth of the first pregnancy - it proceeds most favorably. With a second pregnancy, the risk of developing Rhesus conflict higher: protective antibodies from a previous pregnancy may remain in the mother's blood. They can get through the placenta to the baby and begin to destroy his red blood cells. In such cases, sometimes they resort to preterm birth and carry out the procedure for replacing the blood in an infant - a transfusion. He is injected with one-group Rh-negative blood and placed in intensive care under medical supervision (within the first 36 hours after birth).

Modern methods include the introduction of a special vaccine - anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin: the drug binds aggressive antibodies and removes them from the body. Treatment can be carried out during pregnancy.

Therapeutic and preventive measures are designed to create the most favorable conditions for. Pregnant food should be rich in protein and vitamin C (up to 1 g per day throughout pregnancy - with short breaks).
