What is considered normal heart rate during pregnancy? An increase or decrease in heart rate in a pregnant woman - when this is a pathology. Rapid pulse during pregnancy: norm and pathology, symptoms and treatment

From the moment a baby is conceived, global changes occur in a woman’s body: all organs and systems begin to work in such a way as to ensure the development and vital functions of the child. The baby receives oxygen and all nutrients from the mother’s blood, so the pregnant woman’s heart works at an increased rate. By the second trimester of pregnancy, the workload of the heart increases significantly. This is due to the fact that during this period all the vital organs of the baby are formed. Accordingly, the volume of circulating blood increases, and the child requires a full supply of nutrients and oxygen.

This is why the pulse quickens during pregnancy, this becomes especially noticeable with. Most women during this period begin to feel shortness of breath, palpitations, tachycardia and difficulty breathing. This cannot but worry the expectant mother, so next we’ll talk about what heart rate during pregnancy is considered normal and does not threaten the baby’s health.

Normal heart rate during pregnancy

During pregnancy, an increased heart rate is considered normal; the main thing is to know what the limit value is and make sure that the heart rate does not exceed the bar.

Each pregnant woman has her own heart rate. Usually, during the period of bearing a baby, the pulse increases by 10–15 units. For example, if before pregnancy a woman’s pulse was 85 units, then a pulse of 95–100 units is normal. Experts believe that 100–110 beats per minute is the highest standard for heart rate. Exceeding these values ​​is a “bell” for a woman. It is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the cause of the dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

A woman’s pulse can increase noticeably and remain quite high until the end of pregnancy, about 120 beats per minute.

Reasons for increased heart rate during pregnancy

The heart rate may increase during pregnancy for various reasons. For example, an increase in heart rate can be caused by physical activity, lying on your back, large weight gain, poor diet and other reasons. To prevent such surges in heart rate from occurring, it is very important to monitor your diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and not overexert your body.

Low heart rate

Some women, on the contrary, experience a decrease in heart rate during pregnancy, this is called bradycardia. Expectant mothers do not experience any unpleasant sensations when their heart rate drops, although some may experience dizziness and even fainting. Often, against the background of a low pulse, blood pressure also decreases significantly.

In general, bradycardia does not occur very often, but you still need to keep in mind that if you experience a decrease in heart rate, you need to consult a specialist, as this can lead to heart disease.
It is worth saying that a slightly slow heart rate does not have a negative impact on both the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of the baby.

To treat or not?

Usually, for the expectant mother’s pulse to return to normal, she just needs to lie down and rest. There is no need to worry about the baby; he is reliably protected from various external dangers. Even if the mother’s pulse sharply increases to 140 beats per minute, the baby’s heart will beat at a normal rhythm.

You need to sound the alarm if an increase in heart rate is accompanied by nausea, weakness, lack of air, dizziness or fainting. If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor for advice.

In any case, in order not to worry about her health and the health of her baby, a woman should regularly visit a doctor, where a specialist will not only examine her, but also measure her pulse and blood pressure.

During pregnancy, it is very important to monitor various health indicators. This approach is necessary so that deviations can be noticed in time. In this case, it will be possible to make the necessary adjustments at the right time. One of the most important indicators is the pulse of a pregnant woman. Next, we’ll talk in more detail about why it needs to be monitored and what the standard indicator is.

Pulse Features

In medicine, many types of pulse can be distinguished. Experts also highlight its various characteristics. In most cases, when people talk about pulse, they mean heart rate. During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s cardiovascular system also has its own operating characteristics. The pulse rate in women in an interesting position may differ significantly from the pulse rate that is acceptable for adults and adolescents. It must be said right away that the difference is insignificant. In addition, the expectant mother should feel good about it.

Pulse rate

Experts say that the pulse is an unstable value. Therefore, it can change quickly depending on the impact of certain factors on the body. For example, an increase in heart rate can provoke:

  • emotional shock;
  • physical exercise;
  • poor nutrition;
  • deficiency of various nutrients;
  • lying on your back for a long time;
  • hormonal changes.

For humans, the normal heart rate is from 60 to 90 beats per minute. However, this rule has some exceptions during pregnancy. Significant changes begin to occur in a woman’s body already in the first week after conception. Serious hormonal changes have a particular impact on a woman’s pulse. Therefore, against the background of early toxicosis, an acceleration of heart contractions may occur. A temporary increase in heart rate in this condition is normal. As a rule, by the second trimester of pregnancy the indicator begins to level off. However, at 25-27 weeks the pulse may begin to increase again.

The unstable emotional state of a pregnant woman contributes to an increase in heart rate. There are often cases when the expectant mother becomes nervous and it becomes much more difficult to breathe, and she feels dizzy. In addition, you should not be surprised at an increase in heart rate after eating and walking. During pregnancy, a rapid heart rate may remain normal until at least 32 weeks. By the end of the period, the heart rate may return to normal. Of course, if a pregnant woman gains excess weight, carries heavy bags, returns from the supermarket or has been drinking, an increase in heart rate will be absolutely natural.

If the pulse accelerates when the woman is at rest, you need to look for a more serious reason. Often it is neurological in nature. Therefore, it is important to avoid exciting moments and learn to react calmly to various life situations. A mother’s high pulse does not in any way affect the functioning of the fetus’s heart. However, the emotional state of a woman can negatively affect the health of the child.

A slight increase in heart rate during pregnancy can be considered normal. It will not harm either mother or baby. The exception is a sharp increase in heart rate. If you compare the frequency of strokes before and after conception, the second indicator should be higher by 10, maximum - 20 units. In other words, normally it should not exceed 110-120 beats per minute. It is important to take your well-being into account. A woman should not experience any discomfort or discomfort.

How to downgrade

If a pregnant woman has a high pulse, the doctor will conduct an examination. If any violations are detected, he will recommend effective and at the same time safe therapy to his patient. Thus, the pulse will be reduced, and the reason for its increase will be eliminated. Self-medication in this case is extremely undesirable. Taking medications on the advice of friends or colleagues is also not recommended. The most correct solution is the doctor's room.

  • drink water in small sips;
  • lie down and relax;
  • slowly, deeply inhale and exhale;
  • go for walks more often;
  • eat foods that are rich in potassium and magnesium;
  • try not to overeat;
  • do not overwork;
  • get a good night's sleep.

The main influence on the pulse rate is the total volume of blood that circulates in the circulatory system of a pregnant woman. It is worth noting that the main changes that affect heart rate occur at the very beginning of pregnancy. This is especially true for the first manifestations of toxicosis or the first half of pregnancy.

Slow heart rate

As for the rare pulse, it is observed in few women. A slow heart rate can occur in those healthy mothers who have a trained heart and played sports before pregnancy. However, this condition can also be caused by pathologies (kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, disorders of the regulatory functions of the nervous system, heart pathologies). If you notice a slow pulse, it is also recommended that you have a thorough examination with your doctor.

Children whose mother had a low heart rate (below normal) during pregnancy are, in most cases, born with a lower body weight. Babies may also show signs of hypoxia. If the symptoms are not expressed, it is enough to normalize your lifestyle:

  • start eating right;
  • have sufficient activity;
  • set aside a certain time for rest;
  • drink green or black tea;
  • spend more time in the fresh air.

In the event that a rare pulse is dangerous for the woman and fetus, the patient will be treated by a cardiologist. He will also prescribe special medications that are completely harmless to the expectant mother’s body. The pulse of pregnant women is measured at every examination by a gynecologist or therapist. It is advisable that pregnant women independently monitor this indicator every day.

Optimal heartbeat during pregnancy is a very important clinical indicator. The heart is a kind of motor that pumps blood to all vital organs. If its work is disrupted, the health of the expectant mother deteriorates, and the intrauterine development of the baby is also significantly disrupted.

Reasons for the increase

During pregnancy, the female body begins to work differently. This is largely due to the abundance of various hormones that are released during the period of gestation.

All these hormonal substances have a strong effect on cardiac activity. Ultimately, this condition contributes to the appearance of a high pulse in the expectant mother.

Pregnancy is a physiological period when the functioning of the cardiovascular system changes. In the early stages of pregnancy, the heart rate, as a rule, does not change. A change in this indicator indicates trouble in the female body. In this case, additional diagnostic methods are required, aimed at identifying the cause that led to the development of this condition.

The number of heartbeats per minute in pregnant women begins to increase by the second trimester. Usually it increases by 10-20 beats per minute relative to the average norm and is 85-90. This reaction is completely physiological. By the third trimester of pregnancy, most women's heart rate can increase to 120 beats per minute.

A frequent pulse in the first weeks of fetal development is an extremely unfavorable indicator. Usually it indicates the presence of some pathology in the female body.

Anemia, accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, often leads to the development of this condition. To compensate for these violations, the prescription of special compensating drugs is required.

An increased heart rate may also occur if if the expectant mother is carrying twins or triplets. Reviews from mothers who had multiple pregnancies indicate that by the end of 35-38 weeks of pregnancy they were seriously worried about tachycardia. To correct these disorders in this case, the prescription of medications is required.

An increased heart rate also occurs with any pathology of the kidneys, liver and other organs. If the expectant mother falls ill with some kind of infectious pathology, then one of the symptoms of intoxication is a rapid heartbeat. At the same time, the pulse increases due to various viral and bacterial toxins that are formed during any infection.

Quite often, an increase in heart rate occurs in expectant mothers after physical exertion. Lifting weights can also provoke tachycardia. Excessively fast walking also leads to the development of adverse symptoms.

How does it manifest?

Quite often, the expectant mother feels a rapid heartbeat only in the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy. If this symptom appears earlier and more clearly, the woman should consult a doctor immediately.

A rapid heartbeat makes the expectant mother feel dizzy. Usually this symptom appears when changing body position. Some women also experience headaches. The severity of pain is usually moderate.

Some expectant mothers feel severe chilliness in their arms and legs. The skin becomes pale. Severe tachycardia, accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the heart, can also cause the lips to turn blue.

How to reduce?

An attack of tachycardia or rapid heart rate can occur at any time. Their frequency may also be different. If the expectant mother has any heart disease, then she develops attacks of palpitations much more often. Normally, the heart rate should correspond to the period of pregnancy.

You can detect your heart palpitations yourself. To do this, count the pulse on the radial artery. You can also determine this indicator using a tonometer. Almost all modern devices used to determine blood pressure have a counting and pulse function.

If a woman has detected an increased heart rate, then in this case she needs Immediate consultation with a doctor. First, the expectant mother will be examined by a therapist.

If necessary, this specialist can refer the woman for a consultation with a cardiologist. If one of the woman’s close relatives has severe heart disease, then her condition should be monitored more carefully.

To identify pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the cardiologist will prescribe an ECG and echocardiography. Using such research methods, many heart diseases can be successfully detected. If they have been identified, the specialist will prescribe a complex of therapy for the expectant mother.


To compensate for the violations that have arisen, doctors advise expectant mothers to carefully monitor their daily routine. Adequate sleep is an important component of therapy. The expectant mother should sleep at least 8 hours a day. If during the daytime she feels the need to sleep, then she should definitely rest.

Limiting physical activity is a very important principle of general treatment. It is especially important to control them from the very first weeks of pregnancy. By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother must monitor any physical activity. A woman with tachycardia should not lift heavy things.

Regular walks in the fresh air are a great alternative to exercise. Such a promenade will be useful not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby. The expectant mother should take walks regularly, at least 35-40 minutes a day. For walks outside, you should choose comfortable clothes that will be warm and will not restrict your movements.

Various psycho-emotional stress can also provoke heart rhythm disturbances. It is no coincidence that doctors strongly recommend that expectant mothers not be nervous and not worry about trifles. An expectant mother should include only positive emotions in her life.

Pregnant women who have a rapid heartbeat should not drink coffee or strong tea. The substances they contain lead to increased work of the heart, which is manifested by the development of tachycardia. It is better for pregnant women to drink herbal teas or berry fruit drinks. The best drink is ordinary purified water.

You can normalize your heart rate with the help of special breathing exercises. Such practices have been successfully used for many years. Attending special breathing exercise classes during pregnancy will not only help prepare for childbirth, but will also promote optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Doctors recommend it to expectant mothers Be sure to record all heart rate measurement results obtained. They should be entered in a special notebook. Such notes will also be very helpful to the doctor when the expectant mother comes for a consultation.

Such monitoring should be carried out at least 1-2 times a day. A woman who suffers from tachycardia should definitely measure and record her pulse after exercise.

Drug therapy

If, despite following the correct daily routine, the expectant mother experiences unfavorable symptoms, then she is prescribed medications. During pregnancy, doctors try not to resort to prescribing potent drugs.

Sedative herbs can normalize heart rate. Teas made from lemon balm, mint or motherwort, have a calming effect on the nervous system. This also helps to normalize the heart rate.

Brew herbs according to the instructions on the label. If the expectant mother has any allergies or intolerance to medicinal herbs, then in this case they should not be consumed. Before taking even herbal medications, it is very important to first consult with your doctor.

So it happened, what the woman expected most of all. She's pregnant. The best time in her life had come, albeit marked by some anxiety. You have to listen and worry about everything. Moreover, some moments are invented by women, since the fears are great and simply do not go away.

The woman always feels like her heart is beating wrong and her pulse is wrong. Note that the heart rate per minute in an ordinary person and in normal condition ranges from 60 to 80 beats.

What should your heart rate be during pregnancy?

Let us immediately note that a rapid pulse in this case is a medical norm. The increased load on the heart leads to the fact that, compared to the normal state, it begins to pump as much as 1.5 liters of blood more. This fact causes the heart rate to increase by 10-15 beats. The expectant mother's pulse is normal - up to 110 beats per minute, but sometimes from 120 to 140 beats per minute is observed, especially when playing sports, the types and duration of which should be discussed with your doctor. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the female body.

The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the stroke volume of the heart. The maximum is observed in the period from 27 to 32 weeks, decreasing in the last 3-4 weeks. The average is 70-80 beats per minute. Often in the second half of pregnancy the numbers jump per minute to 86-92 beats. Doctors have noticed some interesting features. For example, if a woman’s body is healthy, then her pulse does not change at all in a position on her side, but in a position on her back in the third trimester, her pulse per minute reaches 100-120 beats. This is explained by the increased load on the body.

The main problem that most women face during pregnancy. Among the many causes that contribute to tachycardia are high levels of hormones that increase the heart rate. Also, the causes of tachycardia include weight gain, increased load on the heart, increased metabolism, and as a result, a lack of minerals and vitamins, which leads to hypotension and anemia.

There are other factors that provoke increased blood pressure, namely, changes in the water-electrolyte balance with particularly severe toxicosis and subsequent vomiting, as well as a shift in the anatomical position of the heart due to the displacement of the naturally growing uterus. Tachycardia is also caused by smoking, alcohol, certain medications, and consumption of caffeine-containing products. Note that even such an innocent drug as “” can lead to a rapid heartbeat.

The expectant mother should know that during pregnancy the body's sensitivity changes, as a rule, to foods too. If there were no problems with their use before, now they may appear. For example, seemingly harmless sprays for a runny nose, but they can also lead to increased heart rate.

Doctors can diagnose tachycardia in a pregnant woman even in her calm state, with a heart rate per minute above 90 beats. With this type of tachycardia there is no pain, but slight discomfort is felt. Such attacks of tachycardia go away on their own.

When the pulse is 120 beats per minute or higher, the woman feels worse, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes loss of consciousness are observed. Such symptoms should be a reason to visit a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary examination and treatment. In the absence of any pathologies, the pregnant woman will be prescribed sedative herbal preparations, as well as preparations containing magnesium, potassium, and vitamin and mineral complex supplements.

Bradycardia is another worrying condition during pregnancy. A weakened pulse is observed; you should be especially wary if it is below 60 beats per minute. It develops due to the impact on the vagus nerve or its centers in case of lesions of the central nervous system, accompanied by increased intracranial pressure, with cholelithiasis, hepatic or renal colic, and with an ulcer. Weakening of the pulse is observed with uremia and jaundice. Taking medications like quinine, digitalis, and rauwolfia alkaloids also leads to a decrease in heart rate.

When the pulse slows down, the expectant mother has no complaints, however, as well as when the pulse accelerates. Fainting, dizziness, and nausea are observed in isolated cases. In general, these symptoms do not have a negative impact on the condition of the pregnant woman, nor on the condition of the child; they do not lead to termination of pregnancy and do not require special treatment. But, it should be remembered that, despite the rarity of bradycardia, this condition can lead to serious heart problems.

The expectant mother may be prescribed caffeine, atropine sulfate, aminophylline, which increase the automaticity of the sinus node of the heart and excitability. But the appointment will be useful in the absence of pathologies. In other cases, a woman will have to undergo Holter monitoring, echocardiography, studies regarding thyroid hormones and with a mandatory doctor’s prescription.

Hormonal changes do not bypass the nervous system; naturally, a rapid pulse can also occur with neurosis. The doctor will prescribe sedatives to the pregnant woman, such as: Novo-Passit, Persen, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, valerian. In general, the use of medications should be treated with extreme caution and only after consultation with a doctor. The main thing is not to harm the child.

When pregnancy occurs, big changes occur in the life of every woman, both physiologically and emotionally. Therefore, the expectant mother has to monitor various sensations so as not to miss even the most seemingly insignificant deviation from the norm. Then it will be possible to take appropriate measures to prevent the manifestation of any undesirable consequences both for herself and for the unborn child.

One of these sensations, which is difficult, as they say, to pass by and not notice, is the pulse in pregnant women. Indeed, often in this position, a woman experiences increased heart rate, it seems that her heart is jumping out of her chest, or severe shortness of breath. All this, of course, cannot but worry. For doctors, such phenomena in the life of a pregnant woman are not news, but the expectant mother herself does not always know what is the norm when she is carrying a child, and what are deviations from it.

You need to know: tachycardia does not pose a serious danger to a pregnant woman and her unborn baby - doctors consider this condition of a woman to be completely acceptable during pregnancy. The alarm should only be sounded if there is nausea and vomiting, which may indicate that the expectant mother has some kind of disease.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that she begins to worry, especially when her pulse is known earlier, and wonders how much this can affect the child, what caused the high pulse, or vice versa, low. Maybe this is the result of some serious problems with the body. Very often, an unstable pulse can be caused by an excited state or emotional stress. Therefore, at such moments, the expectant mother often has difficulty breathing and begins to feel dizzy.

Even eating food can raise your heart rate. Researchers note that during pregnancy the heart rate rarely remains normal. And, of course, when a woman gains excess weight during pregnancy, walks out of the store with heavy bags, and drinks coffee, is it any wonder that her heart rate increases? But when the pulse accelerates for no apparent reason, for example, when a woman is not engaged in physical work, then most likely there is some kind of disease. Often they are neurological in nature. Therefore, you need to try to avoid stress and other exciting moments.

Pulse is a variable value

First we need to consider what the pulse is, as such. Pulse is a physiological phenomenon that shows vibrations of the artery walls at a frequency specific to this phenomenon. The heart muscle expels blood and causes oscillations in the blood vessels as they expand. This frequency may have different normal values ​​for different categories, which, for example, differ in age and other parameters.

Researchers consider the pulse to be not a constant value. It can quickly change for a short time from various factors that currently affect the body of a pregnant woman. For example, some of these reasons include:

  • the patient is in a state of severe emotional shock;
  • against the background of hormonal adjustments in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • during and after undergoing significant physical exertion;
  • as a result of poor nutrition, when foods that contribute to changes in heart rate were consumed;
  • the pregnant woman was in a supine position for a long time, mostly on her back
  • as a result of lack of nutrients;

Pulse during pregnancy

When a woman’s body prepares for upcoming motherhood, the process of global restructuring begins in it. Suffice it to say that to the numerous changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, another important “rearrangement” in the blood supply system is added. It is expressed in addition to the main one - by the placental circulation.

This means that the heart bears an additional load - after all, it needs to pump much more blood than before. It happens that volumes increase by almost one and a half liters. In such a situation, the heart needs to adapt to new conditions, which is why it beats more often. This situation, of course, cannot be considered a pathology and can be a completely normal phenomenon, but provided that the frequency of strokes before pregnancy is known in order to draw an analogy. Moreover, there must be certain boundaries for any phenomenon, and a rapid pulse is no exception, because it cannot increase to infinity.

According to experts, the normal heart rate during pregnancy is an indicator when it increases no more than fifteen beats per minute. That is, if a pregnant woman’s pulse, which is normal for her, was, say, 80 beats per minute, then during pregnancy, a beat rate of 95 will not be a deviation from the norm.

It should be noted here that the first symptoms of increased heart rate are usually characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy. The middle of the second trimester is usually the period of return to normal heart rate. But in any case, the heart rate should not exceed certain limits. For a pregnant woman, this figure should not exceed 100 - 110 beats per minute.

However, the matter is not limited to this. Over time, the volume of blood that the heart must pass through itself begins to increase, and the beat frequency increases again. At the 7th month of pregnancy, the pulse increases to 120 beats, and this is not considered a deviation from the norm. We can say that during this period the expectant mother achieves the highest results, maintaining this frequency almost until 32 weeks of pregnancy. But gradually it will return to its natural state.

Frequent pulse. Is he dangerous?

In most cases, the young female body tolerates such loads without any problems. This is, of course, if he is healthy and is not currently susceptible to any serious complications that are directly related to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and also when the age of the expectant mother is no more than thirty years. Otherwise, the chance of developing preeclampsia increases - this is the so-called late toxicosis of pregnancy.

To examine the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, whether there are any disturbances in their functioning, the pregnant woman is recommended to consult a therapist, and subsequently, if he deems it necessary, an examination by a cardiologist will be scheduled. In order to prevent the onset of any complications, of course, if there are good reasons for this, it is recommended that a pregnant woman be admitted to a hospital a week before the start of the 30th week of pregnancy in order to keep the situation under control and carry out the necessary procedures.

When you need medical help

Women during pregnancy often complain of an increased heart rate. As we said above, the presence of this symptom alone is not a reason for concern, much less for hospitalization or outpatient treatment. Now we should consider situations when a pregnant woman needs medical help. When, in addition to complaints of a rapid pulse, a woman is bothered by the following symptoms:

  • the patient experiences frequent dizziness;
  • the pregnant woman experiences a feeling of nausea;
  • general condition is unsatisfactory, weakness, apathy;
  • labored breathing,
  • fainting conditions;

These and other clearly negative symptoms, of course, should alert the pregnant woman and serve as a reason to contact her doctor in order to receive the necessary consultation and, if necessary, undergo a full examination.

It is possible that the cause of this condition may be a lack of essential substances and microelements in the body, for example, potassium and magnesium. The reason for a high pulse may be vitamin deficiency and the result of a weakened body. Although all complaints can boil down to the fact that this will only be the consequences of ordinary neuroses, since during this period women can be overly emotional and excitable.

However, this is not a reason for complacency and does not mean at all that one should not pay attention to such manifestations - in fact, there may be very serious reasons behind all this. And neurosis itself often leads to very dangerous complications. And we must not forget that sedatives are not recommended for pregnant women, only as prescribed by the supervising doctor.

Pulse rate

As mentioned above, pregnancy for a woman is a time of radical restructuring of the entire body. This does not happen by chance, but with the goal of creating the most acceptable conditions for the development of the fetus in the womb. Nature has its own unshakable laws and creates everything for the baby so that he receives plenty of oxygen and all the nutrients necessary for his development, which, of course, he is not able to obtain on his own. These are the reasons why researchers explain the frequent symptoms of “pounding heart” in pregnant women. After all, along with the blood comes oxygen and other substances important for the life of the mother and fetus. In a normal state, the average patient's heart beats at a rate of 60-80 beats per minute. During pregnancy, it begins to work for two.

How to downgrade

If a pregnant woman suffers from an elevated pulse, then after the examination, and if the causes that contributed to its occurrence are discovered, high-quality and safe therapy will be recommended. As a result, the frequency of strokes will be reduced, while simultaneously eliminating the cause of the increase.

The most common causes that can cause heart palpitations are:

  • the pregnant woman is overweight;
  • the result of overeating;
  • as a consequence of the release of the hormone adrenaline
  • The pregnant woman's body lacks B vitamins.
  • use of certain medications.

Therefore, you should get rid of excess weight, consume less black coffee and chocolate, and learn how to rest properly.

You need to be able to relax. If a pregnant woman’s heart literally begins to pound at a frantic pace, then the first thing to do is take action. Wash your face with cold water, then tense your abdominal muscles. Finally, simply rub your fingers together.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or take medications suggested by colleagues or friends. Only on the recommendation of the doctor who is observing the woman. There are a few simple tips that can have a positive effect on lowering your heart rate without resorting to taking medications:

  • Ordinary water often helps lower your pulse if you drink it in small sips;
  • if a pregnant woman feels a rapid heartbeat, it may be enough to lie down more comfortably and try to relax;
  • Slow but deep inhalations and exhalations help a lot;
  • Hiking is an excellent pulse “regulator” - feel free to go for a walk in the fresh air;
  • avoid foods that can increase your heart rate, and also do not transmit, try to always have potassium and magnesium in your diet;
  • Overwork is very harmful even for a healthy person; a woman with a fetus is categorically not recommended to overwork;
  • healthy sleep. Having a great night's sleep means being alert. Healthy sleep is already a good healer, sometimes replacing a whole group of medications.

If the pulse is slow

In addition to an increased pulse, patients also experience a phenomenon called a slow pulse. But here it should be noted that it is much less common. This phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women who previously devoted a lot of time to sports and have a healthy, resilient heart. But, of course, not only sports life is a consequence of a slow pulse; various pathologies can be hidden under this, among which are quite serious and concern not only the heart and blood vessels, but also kidney disorders, problems with the thyroid gland, liver and diseases of the nervous system.

Therefore, if symptoms are detected, you need to consult a doctor who will help find out the true cause of the development of this phenomenon. Such symptoms should not be taken lightly. Thus, numerous studies show that if the expectant mother had a lower than normal pulse during pregnancy, then their children, as a rule, are born with a lower weight. Symptoms of hypoxia are also observed in such children.

What first measures should a pregnant woman take if the symptoms of low heart rate are not very pronounced? First, change your daily routine a little:

  • reconsider your diet to see if it is properly composed;
  • The menu must include a tea drink - green or black;
  • if a pregnant woman leads an inactive lifestyle, try to make adjustments to it to make it more active;
  • rest should be set aside for certain hours and the daily routine should be strictly adhered to;
  • Walking in the fresh air should be mandatory.

When, during an examination, the doctor discovers that a slow pulse can pose a threat to both the expectant mother and the fetus, special and harmless medications will be selected for her. Although a pregnant woman’s pulse is measured at every preventive examination, she must also not forget, as they say, to keep her finger on the pulse.


Now we know what the normal pulse rate is for pregnant women, and what types there are. Basically, these are increased heart rhythms, but in rare cases the pulse can also be low. If there is no serious pathology behind this, then you can try to correct your heartbeat at home.

Otherwise, you must definitely contact a doctor who will identify the cause and prescribe adequate treatment. Also, now the pregnant woman knows that if there are no serious problems in the appearance of tachycardia or bradycardia, then after the baby is born, all the symptoms themselves will quickly disappear.

And it is now known that the pulse both decreases and increases, as a rule, during different periods of pregnancy. The increase is maximum in the third trimester, but almost before the birth it begins to decline. When choosing medications, a pregnant woman should not rely on the advice of friends, but only follow the doctor’s instructions.

In such cases, in most cases, medications with potassium and magnesium, vitamins and permitted doses of sedatives are prescribed. Provided that all recommendations are followed, the woman will give birth without any complications for her and the baby.
