Who is the husband of the godmother to the godson. Godson

Hello Vladimir!

The christening of a child is a very important event. It doesn't matter what age your goddaughter is. With this sacrament, you take responsibility for the baptized person and must instruct him in matters of faith. And of course, you need to know who the goddaughter's parents are for you. Let's consider this difficult question together.

The godfather is closer than your own

If you have become godfather girls, This an important event. You are now responsible for her spiritual education. After all, christening is, first of all, the inner rebirth of a person, the beginning of his conversion to God. You know that for the parents of the goddaughter you are a godfather, and this is already good.
spiritual relationship much stronger than blood: this is an internal connection between you and your goddaughter. Usually we feel an inner attachment to people. It is impossible to explain, but it occurs in the person being baptized and the godfather (godmother) immediately after this sacrament.

Therefore, speaking church language, for your new daughter, you are not just a godfather: you are her dad. There used to be a wonderful custom in Rus': godparents The children were called "mom" and "dad." When the blood parents died, the godfather had to take their child into his family. Many people have kept this tradition to this day.

But we digress a little. Now we know that the goddaughter for you is not just a goddaughter, but a real daughter. So you can tell her if she is already an adult. Your goddaughter will definitely like that she has three or even four parents (if there is a godmother).

If your goddaughter is still small, be sure to visit the nearest baby store and buy for her interesting toy. The baby will definitely feel your good disposition and every time she will rejoice at your arrival.

Who are the blood parents of the godfather?

Godfather the child's parents do not choose spontaneously: it is usually close person. Therefore, know that for the family of your goddaughter you are not just a friend, or not just a relative. Often in this way people want to become closer.

Therefore, the answer to the question of who you are the goddaughter's parents can be divided into two points.

First of all, for them you are a godfather. However, as they are for you. However, this word contains something more than an insignificant formality. Therefore, the second point indicates that after the christening of the child of your friends or relatives, you become their brother. Yes Yes! And this is a fact legitimized by the church. At least now, go to the nearest temple and confirm these words with the priest.

And then feel free to go to your parents godmother and tell them about this new fact. Be sure to take cakes or other goodies with you, because such news should be supported by tea drinking. You and your goddaughter's parents became related - why not an important event?
Christening little man remembered for a lifetime.

In the future on family event over a cup of tea, you will remember how you baptized your grown daughter. And it will not matter who her parents are for you. All meaning will be focused on one thing - in this world you have soul mate for which you are responsible before God.

Regards, Tatiana.

If parents have children in previous or subsequent marriages, they are considered half-siblings. The mother's husband, but not the father of her child, is the stepfather. The father's wife, but the child's mother is not a stepmother. A step-son of a husband or wife at the next marriage of his parent (parent) is a stepson, and a step-daughter is a stepdaughter.

In Russian folklore, the stepmother is spoken of unflatteringly: people did not believe that a woman could love someone else's child as her own. It is no coincidence that the plant was also called: coltsfoot. Its leaves are smooth and cold on top, and warm and fluffy from the inside. And they say: "The other side is the stepmother."

When adopted or adopted, the child was called an adopted child. The new parents - the named mother and the named father - considered the girl to be the named daughter, and the boy - the named son.

The planted mother and father became close, but not relatives - people who were invited to the wedding to replace mother And own father bride and groom.

And after a newborn appeared in the family, he might need a mother, a nurse, a dairy mother. To feed - it meant almost intermarry with the baby. An uncle was assigned to older children - for care and supervision. Such an uncle brought up the cavalry girl Shurochka Azarova in the film "The Hussar Ballad".

Men could fraternize by exchanging pectoral crosses and kissing three times. They became crusaders. Fraternization was the result of a great friendship or saving a life in combat. Girlish friendship, not related by kinship, was also consolidated by a kind of ritual: the girls exchanged pectoral crosses. Then they called their friends like that - crusades, twins, named sisters.

spiritual relationship

Religious ties were strong and unostentatious in families. As it should be according to the rite, each little godson or goddaughter had a godfather and godmother. The godfather's father became a godfather, the son became a godbrother, and both godparents in relation to the godson's parents became godfathers: he is a godfather, she is a godfather. The godfather and godfather took upon themselves the responsibility of taking care of the religious education of their godson and, in the event of the death of their parents, took their place. Being the godfather of the first or second child in the family used to be considered a great honor.

They chose godfather and mother from close people: relatives or family friends. A pregnant woman was not called a godmother: it was believed that the godson would die. If newborns or young children had died in families before, the first person they met was taken as godfather. Preference was given to godparents who had many godchildren alive.

An unmarried man, who was to become a godfather for the first time, chose a girl for baptism, unmarried girl- a boy. It was believed that otherwise the girl risks remaining a century-old woman, and the guy - a bachelor. There was a belief among the peasants that if a girl or a guy who was invited to be godparents to the first child, older than parents godson, then the girl will marry a widower, and the guy will marry a widow or a woman older than him. Therefore, accordingly, they tried to make godfathers younger than their parents.

On Peter's Day (July 12), the godfather baked unleavened pies with cottage cheese for the godchildren. On the day of forgiveness (the last day before Great Lent), according to custom, the godfather went to the godfather with soap, and she went to him with gingerbread. According to the canons of Orthodoxy, godparents could not marry each other.

Relationship Dictionary

GRANDMA, grandmother - the mother of the father or mother, the wife of the grandfather.

BROTHER is a son in relation to other children of the same parents.

BROTHER GOPHAD - The godfather's son.

Brother CROSS, brother on the cross, brother named - persons who exchanged body crosses.

BROTAN, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.

BRATANICH - brother's nephew.

BROTHER - wife cousin.

Bratanna - brother's daughter, brother's niece.

Bratelnitsa - cousin or distant relative.

Bratova - brother's wife.

Bratych - brother's son, brother's nephew.

A widow is a woman who has not remarried after the death of her husband.

A widower is a man who has not remarried after the death of his wife.

A great aunt is the sister of a grandfather or grandmother (cousin).

A great uncle is the brother of a grandfather or grandmother.

A branch is a line of kinship.

A grandson is the son of a son or daughter, the sons of a nephew or niece.

granddaughter great niece- the granddaughter of a cousin or sister.

Great-niece - the granddaughter of a brother or sister (second cousin).

Grandchild, grandchild - being a relative in the third generation, second cousin.

Great siblings are second cousins.

grandchild great nephew- the grandson of a cousin brother or sister.

A great-nephew is the grandson of a brother or sister.

Great second cousin nephew - grandson second cousin or sisters (second cousin).

Granddaughter, grandson - daughter of a son or daughter, nephew or niece.

A cousin is the sister of a grandmother or grandfather.

A great-aunt is the sister of a great-grandmother or great-grandfather.

A great-great-grandmother is the sister of a great-great-grandmother or great-great-grandfather.

A cousin is the daughter of a cousin or sister.

A cousin is the daughter of an uncle or aunt.

Cousin aunt - cousin father or mother.

Cousin - related in the second generation.

A cousin is the son of an uncle or aunt.

A cousin is the brother of a grandfather or grandmother.

A cousin is a cousin of one's father or mother.

A cousin is the son of a cousin or sister.

A great-grandfather is the brother of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.

A great-great-grandfather is the brother of a great-great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother.

Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.

Grandfather (grandfather) - the father of the father or mother.

The godfather is the godfather's father.

Grandfather, grandfather - aunt after uncle.

Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.

A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.

Daughter named - adopted, pupil.

Dshcherich is the nephew of his aunt.

Dschersha - niece by aunt.

An uncle is a person who takes care of a child.

An uncle is the brother of the father or mother, as well as the husband of an aunt.

Congenital children (homogeneous) - children born from the same father (homogeneous father), but different mothers).

Single uterine children (one uterine) - children born to the same mother, but from different fathers.

Single uterine - born by the same mother, but from a different father.

A wife is a woman in relation to the man she is married to.

Zhenima, wife - unmarried fourth wife.

Bridegroom - conspiring his bride.

Sister-in-law, goldsmith, zolova - the husband's sister, sometimes the brother's wife.

Son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister.

A knee is a branching of a clan, a generation in a pedigree.

The godmother is a participant in the rite of baptism in the role of a spiritual mother.

The godson is the godson.

Goddaughter - goddaughter.

The godfather is a participant in the rite of baptism in the role of a spiritual father.

Consanguinity - descent from the same parents.

Blood - about kinship within the same family.

A cousin is a cousin.

Cousin is a cousin.

Kum is a godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godmother.

Kuma is a godmother in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godfather.

A small aunt is the sister of the father or mother (cousin).

Small uncle is the brother of the father or mother.

A mother is a woman in relation to her children.

Godmother, cross - the recipient at the rite of baptism.

Godfather [sn], aya, oh For believers: who participated in the rite of baptism in the role of a spiritual father or mother, and also baptized with the participation of such persons. Godfather. Godmother. Godson. God daughter. Dunya ... decided, perhaps, to ride to ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

KROSTNY, to the cross, in different meanings. related. The power of the cross is with us! Cross foot. stood. Cross sign. kissing, oath, vow. death, crucifixion. procession, a solemn procession of the clergy, with a cross, icons and banners. Cross… … Dictionary Dalia

- "THE GODFATHER, PART III" (The Godfather, Part III) USA, 1990, 164 min. ( full version 170 min.). Action, adventure film. The history of the appearance of the third series of the famous "Godfather" is interesting in itself. Since 1974, when... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

Husband. Every man is a son to his father and mother, and every woman is a daughter. Son and daughter are red children, i.e. dvoechka. One son is not a son (not help), two sons are not a son, three sons are a son. I have two sons, son. This is my son. An unsuccessful son is submissive to his mother's father. Sons... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

SON, son, pl. sons, sons, and (rhetor.) sons, sons, husband. 1. (plural sons). A male person in relation to his parents. "Hermann was the son of a Russified German." Pushkin. 2. (plural sons). Descendant (rhetor.). "The spirit of the fathers is risen in the sons." Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

See cross. II. Godfather, oh, oh. 1. Among Christians: someone participating in the rite of baptism in the role of a successor (father) or godmother (godmother), as well as baptized with the participation of such persons (father son, goddaughter). 2. godfather, wow, husband. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

The son of a posadnik Novgorod., according to the "legend of the Battle of Kulikovo", sent to help c. book. Dimitry Donskoy. (Polovtsov) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Leading to Golgotha, icon, c. 1497 ... Wikipedia

Ilya Repin Kres ... Wikipedia


  • The Godfather of Kathmandu, Burdette John. Bangkok. Dream Town. Trap City... Tropical paradise, considered the world capital of prostitution and drug trafficking. Here, the police are behind the scenes on the payroll of the mafia bosses and owners...
  • "The Godfather" Stirlitz, Prosvetov I .. "Be sure to read Roman Kim's" Notebook found in Sunchon. - Arkady Strugatsky, the future famous science fiction writer, advised his brother Boris in a letter from Kamchatka in the fall of 1952. ...

31-year-old Yulia Volkova, ex-soloist of the insanely popular duo t.A.T.u in the early 2000s, celebrates her 12th birthday today eldest daughter Victoria. The proud mother published a photo with her parents and children on her microblog and congratulated the birthday girl: “My dear and most beloved girl!!! Exactly 12 years ago you were born!!! It was such happiness to feel like a mother for the first time! My treasure, I wish you all the best, beautiful, real!!! You are our pride!!! Always go forward and...

I never thought that the christening of a child would become a bone of contention for my mother and me. The situation is absolutely insane. Everything happened today. And I feel completely guilty. Please advise, am I really wrong and such a bastard? And the story is like this. There are two of us in the family - my sister and I are 30, my sister is 18. She is now in such a period that she practically does not communicate with me and is not particularly interested in my affairs. Accordingly, my husband and I wanted to choose my girlfriend as godmothers. Here...


Everyone Thanks a lot for answers

03/16/2007 10:58:47 AM, Varia

Is this the first SUCH dispute between you and your mother?

My mom is similar. Despite the fact that my sister ... (well, I don’t have any printed words for her), she also hung noodles on my ears.

I stumbled. Firmly, without rudeness, without discussion. NO. Never. Never. NO. NO. And that's it. As a result, we have another godmother, my friend.

The next show was my nanny's christening. Nanny and mother wanted me to be godmother. I agreed, but warned that I did not like children. If so, I can take responsibility.

This discovery makes it clear who the proto-Christians were who baptized or, as it is now increasingly said, who certified Jesus Christ.

It has now been proven that the proto-Christians, the Essenes, were also engaged in the social sciences, sociology, and issues of social organization.
So, two versions of the Charter of the future society were discovered: the kingdom of high morality ("Kingdom of Heaven").
Questions of economics, finance and politics, apparently, were also not alien to the "first academics". The so-called "Copper Scroll" was also found and cut, which contained extremely secret information about secret burials in the cities of the Mediterranean about 180 tons of gold and silver, obviously prepared for social reforms, which Jesus Christ speaks about in his famous .and almost no one correctly read the Sermon on the Mount, where he first of all mentions the Beggars, who are strong in their intellect (spirit). Well, that's another conversation.

Such an answer to the question about the age of baptism will be, in my opinion, the most constructive: if a child is baptized after the beginning of reading, then this will give Orthodoxy a new impetus to the origins - to enlightenment and intellect, as the basis of true spirituality. Of course, a more comprehensive set of recommendations and baptismal supplies is needed. On this basis, in 1996 - 1999, a development and upbringing program was developed: "Gifted and talented children for every family." - [link-1]
As I understand it, there are three options for the "Baptismal Kit" in a new way, modern rite baptism, which will inevitably replace the old one - depending on what kind of future the parent wants to give the child? The most important thing is to give the child giftedness through baptism after the child begins to read, before walking ...
But I believe that it is necessary to baptize when the child receives his first higher education - in new system this happens at the age of 11 - 12 years - then it will be a truly conscious choice.


I kiss, praise, hug my child when I want it or he wants it. I don't understand mothers who scream and beat their children.

I believe that every parent should try to teach their children everything that he knows himself. I really regret that I was not taught as a child " men's affairs", because of this, I am very dependent on my husband, and many conflicts in our family occur because my husband was not taught" women's affairs"For example, if I am not at home, then he will not be able to heat up even cooked food normally, find clean tights for the child, etc. I try to involve my children in household chores as much as possible.

Murzya *** Again about baptism... Advice really needed For those who remember my topic a few months ago, where I complained that our dad was categorically against the baptism of his daughter, I am happy to announce that the bastion has fallen. Our dad agreed! However, now new problem: I wanted to take her aunt (she is not related by blood), the mother of my nephew, as godmother to the baby. But my friend said that the father warned her that relatives should not be godparents. Is it so? If yes, then I can't even imagine who else to invite as godparents. For example, I am the godmother of my cousin's son, and my godfather - brother the boy's mother. Korovka No, relatives can be godparents. Godmothers and pa...
... We had a similar situation, my mother wanted to christen my husband and our daughter. Daughter - please, and the husband said that he is an adult and decides for himself. Mom listened, everything was resolved without the slightest offense, and now she loves her son-in-law. Ivy (Varya, 10 months old) then baptize a child with such convictions? We baptized father and son together - this is possible, but, of course, there should be no coercion in this matter. Eugin How can baptism against a person's will be obligatory? IMHO this is a desecration of the true believers in that you will perform a rite that means nothing to you as a beautiful performance. (I'm not convincing you, but I'm thinking about how you can convince your mother-in-law). I also baptize mine in infancy ...


We did not personally baptize.
Grow up and decide if she needs it.
Do you know in general the reasons for the baptism of Rus'?
So here it is:
The desire of the Kyiv princes to be equal to European monarchs
The desire to strengthen the state: one monarch - one faith
Many noble people of Kiev were already Christians in the Byzantine way.

In general, I do not believe in God and other heresy. But the child must be baptized. in our society, all the same, there is an overwhelming number of Christians and believers. Your child should not be a white crow. So just simply explain that it is not reasonable to refuse baptism. the whole family is VERY religious and almost insanity is obsessed with this, but personally I don’t believe

04/12/2011 20:35:05, topic

1 wife 2 husband 3 mother 4 father 5 daughter 6 son 7 sister 8 brother 9 grandmother mother of father or mother 10 grandfather father of father or mother 11 grandson son of daughter or son 12 granddaughter daughter of son or daughter 13 uncle brother of father or mother 14 aunt sister of father or mother 15 nephew sibling's son 16 niece sibling's daughter 17 cousin aunt's or uncle's son 18 cousin aunt's or uncle's daughter 19 great-grandmother grandparent's mother 20 great-grandfather grandparent's father 21 great-grandchild grandson's or granddaughter's son 22 great-granddaughter grandson's or granddaughter's daughter 23 mother-in-law husband's mother 24 father-in-law husband's father 25 mother-in-law m...
... oh wife of a son in relation to his father 36 matchmaker mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse 37 matchmaker father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse 38 new husband mothers 39 stepmom new wife father 40 step-brother son of a stepfather or stepmother 41 half sister daughter of a stepfather or stepmother 42 godfather one who baptizes 43 godmother one who baptizes 44 godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godmother. 45 godmother in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godfather Despite such a grandiose list, there is some kind of frightening feeling that someone has been forgotten. Additions accepted! AP. According to the site "Gift Academy" ....

There was no baptismal dress, no godmothers, no towels. But there was a sense of the Greatness of what happened, a miracle... Leeni *** We decided tomorrow to baptize our son. How long does it all take? They told me here at least 2 hours ... And everything just starts at 11 in the morning, in short, for our very morning sleep - there will be whims. And my mother gave me here that they wouldn’t give me a son in my arms there - they say, godparents will keep and no one else! This is true? 14.7.2003, Lynac All together it lasted two and a half hours, the godfather held the child - he almost died! I stood nearby, holding the handle, she was sleeping at first. You get up early so that the child falls asleep and the beginning overslept ... i.e. dress immediately beautifully so as not to change clothes, you can keep in a blanket if you are sleepy. Ours was 7 months old - keep it for a long time ...

09/19/2006 11:29:14 AM, Nafka

We baptized Marusya exactly one month after she got home. She was 4 months without two days. It didn’t work out before, because the godmother is from another city. The godmother is one of my fourth cousins, we have been communicating since childhood and our relationship is very close (although we don’t see each other very often). It was she who was chosen because. she teaches at Sunday school in her city, plus she is the director of the children's choir, and, most importantly, a very religious person. The godfather was not something to choose, but simply difficult to find. Somehow, in my environment, not only with believers and churchgoers, but even with baptized men, there is a problem. In time, one family friend caught my eye and I remembered that he had recently been baptized, and the way he told about it, in short, I suggested to him, he agreed and now approaches his godfather status very responsibly, although he is a very busy person, forever on business trips. And everything went well, although we had to wait for an hour, as the priest was urgently called to bury the deceased (the church in the cemetery).

My pregnancy and birth story.
... I have been waiting for her for so many years, and here she is! She's in front of me! Everyone agreed that this is an exact copy of me. I was filled with happiness. Three hours later they brought her to feed me, she is so small, only 3 kg., She is so defenseless and so beautiful! She is mine! Immediately they brought me a note from my godmother, who congratulated me, she came to visit me, but got at the moment of my birth. Three days later, I was transferred to the ward, but they only brought my daughter to feed, because I was after the CS. The ward in which I lay was terrible, probably worse than in the pre-trial detention center: painted brown walls, curtains with staples and two beds. Through the wall is a generic room, in which day and night someone gives birth and ...


I don’t understand what the problem is ..... in my boyfriend’s family everyone says “I love you” to each other, and because. we have been dating for a very long time, then his parents and nephew and brother say "I love you." I think that this just speaks of a warm atmosphere within the family ...

I would immediately call back and jokingly confess my love in return)))))))))))) I would at the same time take an interest in how things are going, how is my mother. And about whether he confused the number with podruzhkin, otherwise you got worried that something had happened to him. It is necessary to approach with humor, to answer all cases immediately. Maybe he just remembered you fondly, wrote a text message. Or someone likes it, but tries out moves and actions on you, as on the only close person, not a mother)) If you don’t have a beloved man nearby now, then the question becomes more complicated - you yourself will get stuck in this situation. It's more difficult here. And it would be better not to react at all, probably. Calculate the number as a mistake) And after a while, call your mother and ask how your godson is doing. You can also mention that he began to send sms, he probably missed it) Mom.
After all, a child needs a father. I have a similar family situation in my neighborhood. A 10-year-old boy, almost from birth, is brought up only by women - a mother and a visiting godmother - a mother's girlfriend. And only this year they again began to communicate with dad - he came to Moscow to work and they established contact. They lived in different quarters. In the summer there was an incident - the boy began to steal large sums from his mother. We went to church and the priest said that the child should be given to dad for living. At this age, you need a dad, not a mom. And she gave. It is still hard for me to imagine how she did it. Dad and the boy went to live in another city.

E. is responsible for children religious education and education). 17.4.2001 3:34:34, Tamara As Father told us, the godfather is responsible for the material, and - for the spiritual. And together they are obliged to replace their parents, if something happens. 1.8.2001 11:22:43, Inchik Godparents can be close relatives of the child (this is even preferable). There can be one godfather, only the godfather must be of the same sex as the child, that is, for a girl - a godmother, for a boy - a godmother. 1.8.2001 10:56:35, Helga Godparents...
... It is quite another matter when you essentially impose obligations on a child that he cannot fulfill a priori (if no one is going to educate him in the faith). The recipient brings vows for the baby, and your child will take the rap in full in the future. 4/16/2001 1:29:45 AM, Tamara The Bible says baptism is nothing and circumcision is nothing. My son is still only 7 days old and he will definitely undergo the rite of baptism, but then when he understands what he is doing and what it is for. And when he is 42 days old - in all this beautiful rite there is absolutely no point. It is enough just to turn around and you will see a lot of drunkards, drug addicts, homeless people 80% of whom are parents in ...


I wanted to baptize my son after 40 days, as soon as possible. Purely for my own comfort, because I believe. The husband initially agreed, and then protested, like, let him grow up and decide for himself which faith he wants to belong to. In principle, he may be right. But you can change your faith at any age. In short, I will give a free baptismal set for a boy, new, up to 3 months. Shipping at your expense
