Chinese pearl powder. Cosmetics based on pearl powder

Pearls are not only used in jewelry. Recently, many cosmetics manufacturers have also paid attention to this gem. Moreover, such funds are by no means cheap. No wonder - brands guarantee an amazing effect from their use. Is it worth spending money on "precious" cosmetics? Let's deal with experts how useful pearl-based care and decorative products will be for the skin.

Pearls are a precious stone with mother-of-pearl tints, known since ancient times. There are many beautiful legends about him - for example, the ancient Greeks believed that these "creations" of mollusks are the tears of a sea nymph.

It is believed that the first person who experienced the miraculous power of pearls to transform the skin was Cleopatra. She regularly took baths with aromatic oils and pearls crushed into powder and dissolved in vinegar. At the court of Chinese emperors, mother-of-pearl stones were also popular - they were used to prepare healing elixirs for external and internal use.

Do not rush to dip your favorite pearl beads into concentrated vinegar - the positive properties of such a "cocktail" should be doubted!

And the invention of professional cosmetics based on pearls can be owed to Chinese scientists. This gem was first added to cosmetics at the Hainan Institute. It produces not only “pearl” skin and hair care products, but also medicines. And cosmetics with pearls are gradually conquering the world. Women in an unequal battle for beauty and youth are ready to “test” any cosmetic novelty, especially such an “exotic” one. But is it worth blindly trusting manufacturers?

Pearls in natural conditions are formed when some foreign body gets inside the shell of a mollusk. And after many years it turns into a luxurious pearl - the mollusk envelops even the smallest mote with many layers of mother-of-pearl.

To understand what benefits pearls can bring to the skin, consider its composition:

  • Aragonite - 92%.

In fact, this is a “variety” of chalk familiar to everyone. Calcium salts in the cosmetic field are often used as fillers for creams and toothpastes. But they do not have a particularly pronounced effect on the condition of the skin, since the cells of the dermis are absorbed extremely poorly.

  • Conchiolin - 6%.

This is a protein that is the main "building material" for integument cells and has powerful antioxidant properties. It contains over 20 amino acids. It is the conchiolin in pearls that has a positive effect on the skin - it helps to accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen.

  • Vitamins (D, group B) and trace elements (zinc, copper, magnesium) - 2%.

There are very few of these useful substances, but they still make their "mite" in skin care - they improve metabolic processes in cells and tissues, protect the integument from external negative influences.

Thanks to conchiolin, pearl-based care products (provided that they are “correctly” produced) are able to nourish the deep layers of the dermis, make the skin more toned and elastic, smooth wrinkles, and make the skin soft and velvety.

Of course, not whole gems are added to cosmetics - they are first ground into a fine powder. There are also methods for obtaining liquid fractions from a gemstone.

Pearls in decorative cosmetics

It has become very "fashionable" to add pearls to decorative cosmetics - foundations, blush, powders. Manufacturers promise that when using them, the relief of the face will even out, and the skin will literally shine, aesthetic defects (pigment spots, freckles) will become invisible. But the fact is that “ordinary” face concealers give exactly the same effect!

Decorative cosmetics with pearls are often recommended for owners of sensitive, prone to inflammation skin - after all, the proteins of the stone accelerate the processes of restoration of the dermis. This is true - but only on the condition that the product contains a sufficient amount of powder obtained from pearls.

Will “pearl” powders give a pearly glow to the skin? Probably yes. But there is no certainty that this will be the “merit” of the stone particles, and not other components of the composition.

In skin care cosmetics, pearls are often the main component of anti-aging products - creams, masks, serums, scrubs. Their action is aimed at toning the skin, eliminating inflammatory processes, tightening and actively moisturizing the integument. Given the beneficial properties that pearl protein can have on the dermis, it is quite possible to achieve skin transformation using high-quality products!

Often, pearls in the composition of skin care cosmetics are “issued” as a component that will protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. But, according to experts, those substances that are contained in the stone will not “save” the covers from photoaging processes. If the cream will have such an effect, then it’s definitely not due to the pearls in the composition.

Pearl powder has a beneficial effect on the cover - there is no doubt about it. But the positive effect of the product can be seen only when using high-quality cosmetics! And here women often have to act by trial and error in order to find the "treasure" in the cream or mask they buy - for many manufacturers, pearls as part of their products become an excellent marketing ploy. Even adding a gram of pearl powder to a ton of finished cream, they can claim that you have luxury skin care products that will give you instant results.

For the buyer, it will remain a “mystery” what quality pearl powder and its exact amount were used in the production of the product. With all caution, approach the choice of care and decorative cosmetics.

When buying "pearl" cosmetics, pay attention to the following points:

  • Carefully study the composition - pearl proteins should be listed among the first 10 ingredients here. Is pearl powder only listed in 30th place? Put the product back on the shelf - there are so few pearls in it that it cannot “rejuvenate” the skin.
  • Since pearls are used in many different forms in cosmetics, this must be clearly shown on the labels. It’s great if the “pearl powder” is indicated in the composition, which means that the stones were not subjected to chemical treatment in the manufacture of the product. But hydrolysates (often referred to as "pearl proteins" in the list of components) may be less useful - the concentration of useful substances in them is less, and when they are obtained, chemicals harmful to the skin are often used.
  • Cosmetics with enough pearl powder to rejuvenate the skin cannot be cheap. Creams and serums in mass markets will not give the effect promised by the manufacturer - they contain so little valuable ingredient that it “works” only on the surface of the dermis. But high-quality cosmetics are produced using expensive nanotechnologies - only then will useful substances enter the cells of the integument.

Treat the promises of manufacturers as critically as possible - far from all of them “come true”! It is better to trust the real reviews of those who have already used a particular tool.

There are many myths and legends around pearl-based products. Thanks to pearls, Greek gods and Egyptian queens acquired unearthly beauty, and Chinese emperors and popes strengthened their health and extended their lives. Should we, modern people, trust these beautiful stories? Is there a scientific explanation for the benefits of "pearl" funds?

Pearls consist of the substance aragonite, which is 93% CaCO3 (natural chalk) and is practically not absorbed in its pure form. However, as a filler for decorative cosmetics (tonal products, powders), it will provide a “masking” effect on fine wrinkles, enlarged pores, oily sheen and provide a pearlescent glow. The pearl powder also contains 6% of the protein conchiolin. This protein consists of 22 amino acids - methionine, glycine, alanine, glutamic and aspartic acids. It is an antioxidant, has a healing effect, activates metabolic processes in cells (increases metabolism), promotes the production of collagen and elastin.

Despite the fact that conchiolin normalizes the production of melanin (prevents the formation of age spots), pearl-based products are not photoprotective filters (not SPF). In addition to this unique protein, pearl powder contains 18 microelements (iron, copper, zinc), vitamins (group B, vitamin D). Protein, vitamins and microelements are present most often in anti-aging cosmetics (creams, masks, serums).

The most active component (denoted as pearl proteins or its hydrolyzate) for the greatest penetration depth is “packed” into capsules using special technologies, which penetrate into the intercellular spaces of the skin and act on the deep layers.

When choosing anti-aging cosmetics based on pearls, pay attention to the fact that protein should be in the forefront of active ingredients in the product. Taking into account the cost of raw materials and the complexity of the extraction technology of useful components, effective cosmetics cannot be cheap! The most saturated products with a higher concentration will be classified as luxury products. Today, the store offers a wide selection of cosmetics based on pearls. With a competent approach, modern ladies, no worse than the ancient Greek goddesses, can feel its cosmetic effect.

Pearl powder is used in traditional Chinese medicine and other Eastern countries for skin care and medical purposes.

Pearl powder is made from both freshwater and sea pearls. Pearls are sterilized and then ground to a fine powder. Pearls are used, which are not suitable for making jewelry. In the Asian market, many creams include pearl powder.

The composition of the pearl face mask is 100% natural pearls, but in powder

Currently relevant ancient "natural" beauty recipes. Pearl powder has found many followers among modern women. Who would refuse a radiant and white skin that reflects light like a beautiful pearl from the depths of the sea.

In ancient times, pearl powder was used as an exclusive privilege of members of the royal families of Asian countries. It was believed that the use of pearl powder accelerates wound healing, improves the condition of the skin, and brightens age spots.

Modern scientists claim that natural pearl powder stimulates skin fibroblasts to produce collagen. Like a thousand years ago, pearl powder takes pride of place in the arsenal of beauty products and today is available not only to queens!

Pearl powder - the beauty secret of the Chinese Empress

A pearl is not a simple decoration, but a “living” one. Pearl powder contains 22 amino acids and more than 30 trace elements. Pearls are a source of bioavailable calcium. Pearl powder is used in China as an anti-inflammatory and purifying agent.

Pearls have always been shrouded in an aura of mystery and attracted people with their mystical beauty. In many countries, pearl powder was considered an aphrodisiac and endowed with love power. In ancient India, pearl powder was part of the recipe for love potions. It was believed that the powder has a tonic and stimulating effect on the body of lovers.

The first mention of the use of pearl powder in ancient China dates back to 320 BC. At that time, pearl powder was used for almost all diseases. It was especially valued by court ladies for skin whitening. The only female empress of ancient China was famous for her flawless skin, thanks to the use of pearl powder.

Ancient texts of Chinese medicine claim that pearls stimulate wound healing, remove toxins, reduce age spots and improve overall skin condition. Some ladies rubbed the body with pearl powder to give a special glow and a lighter shade.

What kind of skin is the Precious Pearl Powder Mask suitable for?

The mask with natural sea pearls is suitable for all skin types. For dry skin, it is recommended to add a few drops of nourishing oil, olive or coconut, to the pearl powder. The pearl powder mask softens the skin, filling it with important amino acids and antioxidants. The mask can also be used as a home peeling.

  1. Pearl mask works wonders for brightening the skin
  2. Fills skin with radiance and smoothes wrinkles
  3. Reduces the signs of aging for a youthful glow
  4. Makes skin soft and supple

How to use a pearl mask at home

The face mask is made up of 100% natural pearl powder. Before using the mask, clean your face with a mild cleanser.

  • Prepare a paste of their pearl powder. Mix a small amount of powder with warm water (30-35 *), milk or juice. Bring to the consistency of sour cream.
  • For dry skin, it is recommended to add a few drops of olive oil. Gently massage your face with pearl paste, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • The smallest particles of pearls work like a resurfacing, removing dead skin cells. Then leave the mask on your face for another 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • You can simply apply it as a mask and leave it on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Various ingredients can be added to pearl powder depending on the needs of the skin. For whitening, pearl powder must be mixed with cream. For additional skin nourishment, mix pearls with egg yolk and honey.

Before using the pearl mask for the first time, it is necessary to do a trial test for possible allergic reactions. Mix some powder with water and apply the mixture to the area behind the ear. If there is any reaction or irritation, then do not use the mask.

Creams, masks and scrubs from pearls nourish and gently polish the skin. With regular use, the skin becomes smooth and radiant, like a beautiful pearl from the depths of the ocean.

Where to find a pearl powder mask

Cosmetic company Tiande presents a soluble mask "Pearl Powder". The mask is 100% natural pearl powder. The package contains 100 gr. natural pearl powder from freshwater pearls.

Order Pearl Powder Mask from TianDe at the link>>

Natural Face Mask Pearl Powder

  • Pearls lighten pigment spots
  • Regulates water balance
  • Improves metabolism in skin cells
  • Gives skin a fresh look

Did you know that pearls are not only a beautiful and noble gem, but also an excellent natural skin care product for the face and body. To be more precise, pearl powder, which has been used with great success for many centuries for this beauty of China. It was from the Celestial Empire that the fashion for the use of mother-of-pearl powder for cosmetic purposes began.

Your obedient servant, being an ardent admirer of natural and, if possible, pacifist Asian cosmetics, also tried this unusual healing potion on herself a long time ago. The time has come to report back and burst into an impressive review of him.

Review of pearl powder: good for face and body

Pearl powder is a real fine powder made from natural pearls. White color, very fine grinding, almost complete absence of smell, but if you sniff it, it is a slight reminder of the characteristic iodine sea flair. Salty in taste.

For the first time I met her as part of a very effective anti-aging and whiteningcreams for problem skin of the Kokliang linewhich I highly recommend. For he:

  • lightens age spots and freckles
  • evens out skin tone and relief
  • tightens pores
  • helps get rid of acne
  • Suitable for aging skin and acne prone.

Being completely delighted with Koklyan cream, I wanted to try pearl powder in solo performance. Even in Cambodian cosmetics stores, poor in assortment, it was not difficult to find the coveted white powder.

I have found the following uses for clam powder.

  1. For enriching creams. I just add a little powder to any day or night cream, fluid or even oil, and a long-term effect of drying the sebaceous glands, eliminating oily sheen, whitening and reducing pores is provided.
    With skin lightening, the topic will probably not appeal to everyone, because. many strive to just look the most tanned. However, ladies over thirty, who, on their spotted skin, experienced the consequences of a long stay under the merciless sunlight of Southeast Asia in the form of pecked age spots, they will understand me. For the last couple of years, the most prominent parts of my face - my nose and chin - are also treacherously covered with unpleasant photo freckles.
    In a small amount, you can even add it to the tonal base - the greasy gloss is significantly reduced and a therapeutic and caring effect is provided throughout the day.
  2. As a scrub. Mix with water or milk, scrub for a few seconds, then you can leave it on your face for a greater cosmetic effect. The skin remains very smooth, silky, no inflammation and irritation, as sometimes happens after low-quality chemical scrubs.
  3. For powdering at night. In the morning, there is guaranteed no nasty oiliness, small rashes are healed, pores are narrowed, the skin feels very good.

Other uses of pearlescent powder

However, this tool is used not only for skin care of the face and body. I know of at least two other uses. Which, however, have not yet been tested on myself for the reasons described below.

  1. Internally as a dietary supplement. It is believed that it strengthens bones and teeth well, serves as a source of natural, well-absorbed calcium and iodine, eliminates infections, improves eyesight and especially strengthens the corneal tissue of the eye, rejuvenates, eliminates frigidity and impotence, and regulates the menstrual cycle. It is highly recommended for pregnant women as a natural remedy that promotes the proper formation of organs and tissues in a child.
    I didn’t try it for the banal reason of uncertainty about the 100% composition, because I buy my pearl powder in Cambodian stores. All sorts of fakes or low-quality cosmetic products are often found here, they imitate Korea and Thailand a lot.
  2. To clean and whiten teeth.
    Here, in principle, I would not begin to amuse myself with such things, because. it seems to me that as an abrasive, mother-of-pearl powder can be too large and simply damage the enamel of the teeth. Perhaps it whitens, but for the sake of whiteness, I am not ready to sacrifice my already too delicate and thin enamel.

In summary, I definitely recommend for use as a cosmetic. The only case in which the effectiveness of pearl powder is in doubt is dry skin, because. He does what he does, which dries, eliminates excess fat. Rather, it is only suitable for oily, normal or combination sensitive skin.

Where to Buy Pearl Powder

It is not the first year that DoctorHolland has presented

There are also several product reviews. I will only add on my own that the consumption of powder is extremely economical when added to creams and oils, so 30 g is for several months.

In my opinion, a very noteworthy product from Asia. Economical, natural, effective, suitable for vegetarians, which is important for me personally, i.e. is not a product of violence. Still, if we consider the collection of mother-of-pearl as some kind of violence against animals, it smacks of fanaticism ...

With best wishes for beautiful skin, white teeth and good health, yours sincerely, Marta.

I accidentally learned about this amazing tool from my girlfriend. It turned out that she had been adding pearl powder to her regular cream for quite a long time and was more than satisfied with the result. He says that after applying the cream enriched with pearl powder, the skin of the face becomes smooth and matte, and the pores are cleansed and narrowed. I confess that I was interested in this curious product (the name alone is worth something!) and I wanted to learn more about it.

Pearl powder is a natural product obtained from crushed freshwater pearls. It has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for many years. Since the time of the imperial court, it has been used as the main component of anti-aging agents. Pearl powder was also used (and is still used) to treat almost all skin diseases, bleeding, and also for non-specific cancer prevention. In the form of a dietary supplement, pearl powder is an indispensable source of calcium for strengthening bones, calming the nervous system, boosting immunity, improving memory and vision, and normalizing sleep. Pearl powder is useful to take during pregnancy, with menstrual irregularities, sexual coldness in women and impotence in men. The daily intake of this drug should not exceed 3g. Before using pearl powder for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult a doctor.

The beneficial properties and widespread use of pearl powder in cosmetology are due to the high content of amino acids involved in the process of creating new cells, as well as microelements useful for the skin (vitamins B, D, glucose, proteins, etc.). The composition of the pearl powder contains easily digestible calcium complexes with high biological activity, which help to improve the metabolism in tissues and remove free radicals. In cosmetology, pearl powder is an excellent tool for:

Prevention of cell aging;

Smoothing fine wrinkles;

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin;

Removal of free radicals;

Improving the immune abilities of the skin;

Lightening the skin and reducing the formation of melanin;

Improvements in cellular metabolism.

There are many ways to use pearl powder to maintain beauty and health, as well as prolong the youthfulness of the skin. Let's take a look at some of them.

1. Face masks

Pearl powder is often found in various face masks. In combination with milk or egg white, it helps to whiten the skin, eliminate freckles, and smooth out fine wrinkles. If you mix pearl powder with honey and apply on a clean face, it will nourish the skin with the elements it needs. A mixture of pearl powder and freshly squeezed potato juice helps to relieve swelling. The combination of aloe juice and pearl powder prevents cell aging and has a rejuvenating effect on sagging skin. Such masks can be done several times a week.

2. Scrub

To obtain a pearl scrub, the product is diluted with a small amount of water to a creamy consistency and massaged into wet skin. You can leave the composition on your face until it dries completely, you will get both a scrub and a useful mask at the same time.

3. Dusting

After cleansing the skin of cosmetics and impurities in the evening, powder the skin with pearl powder and leave overnight. Wash your face in the morning as usual. Repeating this procedure regularly, you will significantly improve the condition of the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity. Pearl dusting also helps to whiten the skin, so if you value your tan, it is better not to use this facial treatment.

4. Washing

Pearl powder can be added to your favorite cleansing milk and used as usual. You can also take fresh milk. Just mix a small amount of pearl powder in it and gently cleanse the skin with the resulting composition. This is a great way to refresh your face and eliminate signs of age-related changes.

5. Enrichment creams

Pour pearl powder into your nourishing or moisturizing cream, mix and apply evenly on cleansed skin. Thus, you will not only enhance the action of the cream and saturate the skin with useful substances, but also create the thinnest film on it to protect it from harmful external influences.

6. Tea

Pour the crushed tea leaves with boiling water. Add a little pearl powder to the finished tea. Such use of pearl powder will also have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

7. For a snow-white smile

Apply pearl powder to your toothbrush over or instead of toothpaste and brush as usual. This method allows you to strengthen and whiten the enamel.

8. As a dietary supplement

Take twice a day - after one of the meals and at night. For internal use, pearl powder in an amount of 0.5-1 g is diluted with warm boiled water. In this case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required in order to avoid unforeseen consequences.

9. Pearl bath

Type warm water into the bath and pour 100-150 g of pearl powder. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the recommended frequency is 1-2 times a week.

At all times, pearls have been one of the most healing organic minerals. Pearls began their healing "history" more than 6,000 years ago in China. At that time, many ailments were treated with it. Over time, the whole world learned about the healing properties of this mollusk derivative.
Now pearl powder is actively used, which is made from natural pearls and mother-of-pearl. This is a biologically active substance that has found wide application both in medicine and in perfumery.
has a wide halo of beneficial effects on the body.

There are several main directions of its application. Firstly, it is the cosmetic industry, which actively uses pearl powder for the production of various skin care products. Pearl powder has a wide range of actions, including anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, regenerative, nourishing and a number of others. Thanks to these properties, pearl powder contributes to the entry of most of the necessary nutrients into the skin cells. In addition, regular use of preparations containing pearl powder makes the skin less prone to aging. At the same time, it becomes more elastic, smooth and tender. Studies have shown that this powder helps to reduce wrinkles. All this is explained by a large set of specific substances of organic origin, which are found in large quantities in pearls.

Secondly, it is an excellent remedy that has many positive effects on the human body. When taken orally, pearl powder affects the digestive, immune, nervous and a number of other systems. The intake of such drugs is especially indicated for people who suffer from digestive disorders. Due to its anti-inflammatory action, pearl powder helps to eliminate various kinds of inflammatory reactions in the stomach. There is even such a remedy as pearl water, which is obtained by infusing pearls for some time. A good result can be achieved in the treatment of fractures. pearl powder is an activator of bone tissue growth, which contributes to faster healing of fractures. Preparations with pearl powder are especially indicated for pregnant women, whose body constantly needs to be replenished with vitamins and minerals.

Pearl powder contains a large amount of calcium, which plays an important role in the activity of the nervous system. Its deficiency can cause the development of many diseases of the central nervous system, which are manifested by irritability, the occurrence of convulsive phenomena, etc. Regular intake of pearl powder prevents the occurrence of calcium deficiency in the body and, accordingly, prevents diseases. Pearl powder can also be used as an external agent, in the form of powders. It is an excellent wound healing and hemostatic agent.

By acting on the immune system, pearl powder helps to strengthen it. As a result, there is an increase in the body's resistance to various influences from harmful factors of various origins. For example, there is a slowdown and complete cessation of the development of pathogenic microorganisms, which makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of a particular disease.

Thus, pearl powder is a real home “first aid kit” rolled into one. The constant use of pearl powder not only improves well-being, but also has a therapeutic effect on a number of organs and tissues.

Pearl powder is used for cosmetic purposes, for whitening and strengthening teeth, as a biologically active food supplement, creams are made on the basis of pearl powder.

Appearance: it acquires an unusual glow and gives the color an unusual shade.

Durability: the polish, which includes pearl dust, lasts much longer on the nails and it does not chip, but only slightly rubs off the tips of the nails. This effect is achieved by the smallest grinding of mother-of-pearl, which covers the nail with a durable, indelible and luminous layer.

HAND CREAM with placenta and pearl dust:

Ingredients: water, sheep placenta extract, natural pearl extract, lanolin, castor oil, natural moisturizing ingredients, vitamins and trace elements, chemical composition is a harmonious complex of calcium carbonate, 18 amino acids and 18 trace elements, the same as in the human body. In cosmetology, the properties of pearls are used to rejuvenate the skin and increase its elasticity. The absorption of calcium contained in pearl powder is 60%.

SOLUTION MASK “Pearl Powder”

Very convenient and economical. Hand skin care cream with placenta and pearls – effective recovery. And of course pearls are the basis of toothpaste.

Properties: Pearl powder improves metabolism and removes free radicals, thereby strengthening the body's cell defenses, and has a powerful rejuvenating effect.

Pearl creams are made on the basis of pearl powder. Pearl face cream contains pearl powder and vitamin E. The cream moisturizes the skin and smoothes fine lines. Restores the skin after sunburn. Gives elasticity and a healthy glow to the skin.

Pearl powder (powder) as a FOOD SUPPLEMENT.

When used as a dietary supplement, pearl powder strengthens the protective functions of the body, increases resistance to external adverse factors, including infection. The drug improves visual acuity, eliminates clouding of the cornea.

Pearl powder is used in the treatment of menstrual disorders, impotence, frigidity. It is recommended for pregnant women for the harmonious development of the fetus, its immune and nervous systems, and the intellectual abilities of the unborn child.

pearl powder is a unique source of biological calcium, which is necessary for stimulating the growth of bone tissue, regulating the rhythm of the heartbeat and intercellular metabolism. Lack of calcium in the body causes nervousness, depression, poor sleep, predisposition to convulsions and spasms.

Method of application:

It is recommended to take pearl powder 2 times a day, after dinner and before going to bed, diluted with warm boiled water. A single dose is 0.5 g. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Pearl powder has the taste of marine products, it is the natural taste of marine pearls and does not affect the effectiveness.

When used cosmetically, pearl powder moisturizes, restores and nourishes the skin, enriches it with essential nutrients, and has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and anti-allergic effects. Pearl powder regulates the water balance of the skin and protects against ultraviolet rays. It stimulates blood circulation, promotes active cell regeneration, protects against the formation of age spots and whitens them, makes the skin perfectly clean, fresh and smooth, evens out complexion, mattifies. When using pearl powder, the skin becomes more elastic, fresh, elastic, matte, silky, a healthy glow appears, wrinkles are smoothed out.

At the same time, pearl powder helps to treat burns, wounds, inflammation, itching, and removes pigmentation.

Mask method

Pearl powder can be used to make a face mask. To do this, mix the powder with fresh milk (honey, egg white, clean water), apply evenly on the face, rinse with clean water after 30 minutes. Apply a mask of pearl powder is recommended 2 times a week.


After washing your face in the evening, powder on your face with pearl powder and wash off the next morning. This method contributes to whitening the skin, maintaining its flexibility and elasticity.


To cleanse the skin, mix pearl powder with cleansing milk, apply to the face, massage and rinse with clean water.

You can add pearl powder to fresh milk. Washing with such milk refreshes the face and reduces wrinkles on the face.

Scrub Method

When using pearl powder as a scrub, apply the powder on the face, gently massage the skin and rinse with clean water.

Skin whitening method

For skin whitening, mix pearl powder with fresh milk or honey, apply to skin, leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with plain water. This procedure is recommended to be applied 2 times a week.

To increase skin turgor, add a small amount of pearl powder to any cream.


Pearl powder can be used in baths. To do this, pour 100-150 grams of pearl powder into warm water, take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

It is recommended to take a bath with pearl powder 1-2 times a week.

Pearl powder for wound healing

For faster healing of wounds, evenly apply pearl powder in the form of a powder on the surface of the skin of the wounded area of ​​​​the body.

Pearl powder for whitening and strengthening teeth.

To whiten and strengthen teeth, apply pearl powder on a toothbrush (instead of toothpaste or together with it) - it prevents brittle nails.

Calcium is the main component, in an easily digestible form, whose high biological activity is due to its active participation in many vital processes of the body, both at the cellular and tissue levels, and at the level of organs and systems (bone, nervous tissues).


Adults inside 300 mg (0.3 g teaspoon buz Gorka) 1 time per day with meals (or after meals) with warm water. With normal tolerance of the drug and the absence of contraindications, the daily dose can be increased by 3 times or the frequency of administration can be increased up to 3 times a day. Duration of admission - up to 1 month.

Outwardly - in the form of a powder on the wound surfaces of the skin or mucous membrane, after which the sore spot should be bandaged with a sterile gauze. Burn surfaces do not require dressing. In case of skin diseases, to improve skin turgor, it is recommended to add pearl powder to any neutral cream (for example, "Children's"). With allergic dermatitis, pearls are used in the form of powdering.
