When is Easter for the Mari in the year? Mari Easter - kugeche

Believers all over the world who profess Christianity love the bright holiday of Easter very much. For them it means that life has defeated death. But in the Orthodox and Catholic faith, the celebration of Easter itself has some traditions. Let's start with the fact that Catholic and Orthodox Easter are celebrated on different days.

The date of Catholic Easter in 2018 is April 1

In 2018, Catholics will have a big holiday next month - April. The celebration of Easter falls on the 1st day. People of this faith celebrate Easter Sunday all over the world, but each country has its own special traditions.

The name of both Orthodox and Catholic Easter comes from the Jewish Passover. Their meanings in these three branches of religion are different. For Jews, the holiday means the Exodus from Egyptian slavery, for Orthodox and Catholics it means the victory of life over death. The dates of Catholic holidays are determined according to the Gregorian calendar, while for the Orthodox - according to the Julian calendar.

On Easter, both Catholics and Orthodox Christians hold a particularly solemn service. The main Easter service for Catholics is the Easter Eve. It begins on Saturday around 21.00 with a special liturgy of light. During this liturgy, a fire is lit in the courtyard of the temple, from which the priest then lights a large Easter candle - Paschal. It symbolizes the risen Christ. With this candle, the priest enters the temple, in which the light has been completely extinguished in advance - and the parishioners light their candles from this fire.

Catholics also have a custom of baptizing adults on Easter night. Receiving the sacrament on such a night is considered especially honorable.

Catholic Easter in 2018, meaning

There is no specific date for the celebration of Catholic Easter. It is floating, as in Orthodoxy, however, among Catholics, who established the celebration in 525, the date of Holy Sunday depends on the lunisolar calendar. Every year the date of Easter has to be calculated; the only thing that is known is that the holy Sunday falls between March 21 and April 26.
Mainly due to discrepancies in calendars, Catholics celebrate Easter much earlier than Orthodox Christians: on average by two weeks. True, there are exceptions, and holiday dates fall on the same day, as was the case last year. In 2018, Catholic Easter will fall on the first of April.

Where did the difference in calendars come from? The discrepancy occurred due to the Catholic Church's switch to the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century. The Orthodox Church continued to use the Julian calendar, which is still relevant today.

Why is the date of Easter on different days every year?

Back in 525, the correct calculation of the annual date of the Resurrection of the Lord was established. Since it depends on the lunar and solar calendars, there cannot be a fixed date. The Catholic holiday can be celebrated no earlier than March 22 and no later than April 25.

In the 16th century the following event occurred. The Church lived according to the Julian calendar, which did not coincide with the astronomical calendar. At the end of the 16th century, a difference of 10 days was discovered. It was necessary to carry out calendar reform. Pope Gregory XII, with the participation of the great German mathematician Christophe Clavius, introduced the Gregorian calendar. From that moment on, chronology began according to a new style. Countries in which Catholicism predominated gradually switched to the new Gregorian style. The Orthodox and Protestant churches did not follow the example of the Catholic Church and remained faithful to the Julian calendar.

Parishioners do not need to calculate for themselves what date Catholic Easter will be in 2018. There is a special calendar in which the dates of the Great Day are marked.

Basic symbols of Catholic Easter

For Catholics, the main symbol of Easter are colored eggs. The main color is red. The tradition of dyeing eggs dates back to the time of Emperor Tiberius. Biblical stories say that Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus Christ, gave the emperor an egg as a sign that the Savior had risen. Tiberius said that a dead person cannot be resurrected any more than a white chicken egg can turn red. And then the egg brought by Mary Magdalene turned red. Since then, eggs on the Holy Day began to be painted red.

In some European countries, Easter and the following day are public holidays for Catholics. There are countries where the church event is celebrated for four days - from Friday to Monday inclusive. These days are official holidays. In Italy, the Pope blesses all believers and delivers a sermon.

On the holiday table of Catholics there must be colored eggs, beef and lamb, Easter bread with fried chicken. The main meat dishes are chicken, rabbit, and turkey. Before Catholic Easter, housewives begin preparing sweet buns and cupcakes: the baked goods are poured with glaze, and it resembles an Easter cake.

One of the main symbols of Easter for Catholics is the Easter Bunny. On the eve of the holiday, the “hero of the occasion” hides the paints in the house, and the children must find them in the morning. According to tradition, eggs must be exchanged on Easter Sunday. On the day of Catholic Easter they do not work or get married. Only in England can you get married on such a holiday.

The Mari holiday Kugeche (Great Day) is the main holiday of the spring calendar cycle; it is celebrated on Thursday, seven weeks after the holiday Uyarnya (Maslenitsa), as a holiday of spring, as a moment of endowing the land with fertile power, the economy with prosperity, and the family with health.

Kugeche is accompanied by numerous rituals and beliefs. They begin to prepare for the holiday four days in advance, or even earlier: they wash all the walls of the house, the ceiling, and wash the clothes. They cover pillows on beds and chairs with elegantly embroidered scarves, hang tablecloths with patterns on stoves, TVs, beds, and lay elegant homemade paths. They clean up the house and yard, brew kvass.

On this day they try to get up before sunrise. There is a belief that this “makes a person light and will succeed in all matters.”

On Thursday early in the morning they heat the bathhouse and pray.

Funeral table. At sunrise, you can set the funeral table. A funeral table is a surface (coffee table, bed, armchair, chair) covered with a tablecloth. Everything that the dead should “try” is placed on the tablecloth: a little different food (soup, pancakes, bread, meat), a glass of vodka, candles.

In Kugeche and Semyk, 3 very first cooked pancakes, separately hard-boiled 5, 7 or 9 eggs, cereal soup, and meat are placed on the funeral table. Prepare several (unpaired) candles. They prepare the candles themselves, twist a linen rope (gauze) in melted wax and secure it to logs. Recently, candles have been placed on a plate with grain. Candles are placed in the sequence of Kiyamat-tora, Kiyamat-savush, recently deceased relatives (by name) and other deceased. After setting up the memorial table, breaking off a few pieces from the pancake, they commemorate the dead, saying “shuzho” - so that it “reaches” (to the dead).

Towards noon, a table is set with ritual dishes - colored eggs, pancakes, kvass, cereal soup, always with fresh chicken or salted goose. (In villages, all meat is prepared in the fall; poultry meat is salted for long-term storage).

To celebrate Kugeche and Semyk, the Mari of the Sharan region of Bashkortostan unite into related groups of the rad variety, lit. candle type Sorta rad unites one or more male-related families of the same village.

The Kugeche holiday begins to be celebrated in the family that is highest along the river. To do this, one of the members of this family must walk along Sorta Road and invite them to their place for a festive treat. Everyone who accepts the invitation and participates in the ceremony, in turn, must also invite guests. Thus, holiday festivities pass from one family to another, while the direction of the event from one owner to another owner is strictly downward in the direction of the river.

The Semyk holiday, unlike Kugeche, begins to be celebrated in the family that is lowest down the river.

Upon arrival of all guests, they are seated at the table. They light candles and remember the dead. Holiday meals begin. After the festive meals and after all the candles have gone out, they begin to see off the dead. To do this, several women take eggs (of the yumal muno variety) from the memorial table and go outside. They clean eggs on the street and symbolically “see off” the dead from this house to the next owner who receives guests. (The last receiving host escorts towards the cemetery). Women take the eggs home, rinse them in water, cut them lengthwise into two parts, salt them and place them on the table. After this, they must refresh themselves again. The yo mal muno variety should not be eaten by children. All ritual actions are accompanied by the singing of folk songs. Then all the guests go to the next house to eat.

The Mari holiday Kugeche (Great Day) is the main holiday of the spring calendar cycle, it is celebrated on Thursday, through seven weeks after the holiday of Uyarnya (Maslenitsa), as a spring holiday, as a moment of endowing the land with fertile power, the economy with prosperity, and the family with health. Kugeche is accompanied by numerous rituals and beliefs. They begin to prepare for the holiday four days in advance, or even earlier: they wash all the walls of the house, the ceiling, and wash the clothes. They cover pillows on beds and chairs with elegantly embroidered scarves, hang tablecloths with patterns on stoves, TVs, beds, and lay elegant homemade paths. They clean up the house and yard, brew kvass.

On this day they try to get up before sunrise. There is a belief that this “makes a person light and will succeed in all matters.”

On Thursday early in the morning the bathhouse is heated, pray .

When the sun rises you can cover funeral table. A funeral table is a surface (coffee table, bed, armchair, chair) covered with a tablecloth. Everything that the dead should “try” is placed on the tablecloth: a little different food (soup, pancakes, bread, meat), a glass of vodka, candles.

In Kugeche and Semyk on funeral table put the prepared 3 very first pancakes, separately hard-boiled 5, 7 or 9 eggs, cereal soup, meat. Prepare several (unpaired) candles. Candles They prepare it themselves, twist linen rope (gauze) in melted wax and secure it to logs. Recently, candles have been placed on a plate with grain. Candles are placed in sequence Kiyamat-tora, Kiyamat-savush, recently deceased relatives (by name) and other deceased. After setting up the memorial table, breaking off a few pieces from the pancake, they commemorate the dead, saying “ shujo- so that it “reaches” (the dead).

Towards noon, a table is set with ritual dishes - colored eggs, pancakes, kvass, cereal soup, always with fresh chicken or salted goose. (In villages, all meat is prepared in the fall; poultry meat is salted for long-term storage).

For celebration Kugeche And Semyk Mari people of the Sharansky district of Bashkortostan unite into related groups varieties of rad, verb. candle type Sort of rad unites one or more families related in the male line of one village.

The Kugeche holiday begins to be celebrated in the family that is highest along the river. To do this, one of the members of this family must walk along Varieties of rhod and invite you to your place for a festive treat. Everyone who accepts the invitation and participates in the ceremony, in turn, must also invite guests. Thus, holiday festivities pass from one family to another, while the direction of the event from one owner to another owner is strictly downward in the direction of the river.

The Semyk holiday, unlike Kugeche, begins to be celebrated in the family that is lowest down the river.

Upon arrival of all guests, they are seated at the table. They light candles and remember the dead. Holiday meals begin. After the festive meals and after all the candles have gone out, they begin to see off the dead. To do this, several women take eggs from the memorial table ( Yumal muno varieties) and go outside. They clean eggs on the street and symbolically “see off” the dead from this house to the next owner who receives guests. (The last receiving host escorts towards the cemetery). Women take the eggs home, rinse them in water, cut them lengthwise into two parts, salt them and place them on the table. After this, they must refresh themselves again. Varietiesӱ small muno should not be eaten by children. All ritual actions are accompanied by the singing of folk songs. Then all the guests go to the next house to eat.

The Day of the Resurrection of Christ is one of the brightest Christian holidays and the most important in the liturgical year. Its “floating” dates from year to year prompt the question: what date is Easter in 2017 for the Orthodox.

What preparations are needed for Easter 2017

Traditionally it is celebrated on Sunday, and before Easter in 2017 there is Holy Saturday. On this day, Lent, which lasted 48 days in 2017, comes to an end, and all preparations for the holiday come to an end. Its other name is Silent Saturday. A person must spend it abstaining from fun and entertainment, but also from quarrels - swearing and foul language on this day are equated with sin.

Also on Saturday they prepare paints, which is why it is also called Krasilnaya, and bake Easter cakes. However, it is not yet possible to eat dishes that are prepared for the table. Anyone who is fasting can only eat bread, vegetables and fruits raw, and drink only water.. We answer the popular question: when is the Easter basket collected on Easter - on Saturday. The family itself chooses which products it considers necessary to consecrate, but it must include dyes and Easter cakes. The history of the holiday and its symbolism of the rebirth of life also requires decorating the house with branches of young trees and flowers.

In the evening, believers go to the service, where the religious procession begins at midnight. Upon returning home, they can taste pasok and then go to bed. In 2017 in Russia, Easter begins only late on Sunday morning. The prohibitions associated with Holy Saturday in 2017 are directly related to its symbolism and the traditions that apply when preparing or celebrating religious celebrations.

Full list of prohibitions on Holy Saturday in 2017:

  • thermally processed food;
  • alcoholic drinks, but those who previously sat on bread and water are allowed to sip a little red wine;
  • dancing and singing;
  • intimacy;
  • fishing and hunting;
  • cleaning, washing and ironing;
  • gardening and gardening work;
  • bathing;
  • needlework.

The date of Easter in 2017 and why it “floats” every year

The question of what date Orthodox Easter falls on does not lose relevance from year to year. In 2015 it was celebrated on April 12, in 2016 it moved to May 1, and The date of Easter in 2017 returned to April again, stopping at the 16th . We know that it is always celebrated on Sunday, but its date is calculated using a formula based on the solar-lunar calendar.

This was established in 325 at the first Ecumenical Council, when it was decided that Easter would be celebrated on the first Sunday that follows the full moon after March 21 (the day of the vernal equinox). Thus, its date follows the Jewish Passover, which falls from the 14th to the 15th of the first lunar month of Aviva, exactly on the full moon. The lunar and solar calendars do not coincide, which leads to the appearance of a “floating” Easter.

However, the coincidence of numbers does not occur often, since in the same 325 the Council of Nicaea chose its own system for calculating the Easter day. According to her algorithm, after the spring equinox - March 21, you need to wait for the full moon and the next Sunday after it will be Easter.

Easter basket

From March 22 to April 24 - on these dates the Resurrection of Christ is always celebrated, the discrepancy in days in 45% of cases is no more than seven, less often (in 30%) - the numbers coincide, as in 2017, and in about 20%, they are divided by five weeks and another 5% - for four.

What traditions are associated with the celebration of Easter in 2017

Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on April 16 in 2017, which coincides with its celebration by Catholics. We will tell you in more detail about the traditions that apply to both teachings

Orthodoxy in Russia has received great support and Easter is celebrated here on a scale befitting the most important holiday in the liturgical year. In the morning, it is customary to go to church to bless the pre-assembled Easter basket. Upon returning home, you need to set the table, starting the festive dinner, first of all, with an Easter egg, and then Easter cake. Only after completing the ritual can you begin other dishes.

It is customary to give each other eggs, and the battle of eggs is considered an old pastime. Also on this day, it is customary to make Christ - when meeting a friend, you need to kiss him, saying “Christ is Risen!”, and in response hearing “Truly He is Risen!” Orthodox Easter 2017 is a pure and bright holiday that should not be overshadowed by quarrels and work (with the exception of caring for the sick). It is not intended for memorial services for the deceased and visiting the cemetery - there is a separate day for this.

Features of celebrating Easter Sunday among Catholics in 2017

The traditions of Catholic Easter 2017 are similar to the Orthodox ones. The main thing here the symbol is also colored eggs– they are pre-decorated with various hand-drawn colored ornaments. A family dinner with pastries, meat dishes and decor typical for this day is an integral part of the holiday.

True, the Easter Bunny replaces the Easter cakes here - it is he, according to the old belief, who puts treats in Easter baskets around the houses. It appears both in the form of souvenirs made from clay, plastic, fabric, and as an edible image placed on sweets and baked goods.
