Doll Master class Amulet Modeling design Sewing Protective needlework Bereginya Doll on a bottle Plastic bottles Fabric. Doll from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles often lie idle in the pantry - just in case. You can easily find a use for them and make a beautiful and interesting craft out of a plastic bottle. A cute doll from the most ordinary plastic bottle is made quickly and easily with your own hands, and the result is a cute interior toy.

We disassemble a master class on creating a doll from a plastic bottle with our own hands

A detailed master class will help you master the process of creating a doll.

To make a doll, you will need the required materials:

  • 2 transparent five-liter plastic bottles (bottles) with lids;
  • some leftover colored yarn;
  • markers;
  • paints and brushes (or aerosol paints in cans);
  • red felt (or a small piece of other dense red material);
  • knife (clerical, for paper);
  • ordinary scissors;
  • awl;
  • glue.

May be useful at work:

  • thermal gun;
  • an electric drill, possibly a soldering iron (may be useful for making large holes in plastic bottles).
Step by step instructions.

At one of the bottles, the neck is cut off approximately in the middle of the bottle, and then - at the same part, the neck with a spiral for the cork is cut off. A second one will be inserted into the hole of the bottle later, it is necessary at this stage to make sure that the holes of the appropriate size are made.

To create the head of the doll, the second bottle is taken and cut off. You need the top to work. It should be cut large enough to create a doll's face from it. A hat with hair will be made from the bottom, so it should be smaller. To do this, remove the middle part.

After that, the cover is removed from the top. The two pieces should fit well together and hold tight.

Now start decorating blanks. It is necessary to paint only from the inside so that the paint does not get dirty. The next step is started only after the paint is completely dry.

After the blanks have dried out, the body and shoulders of the doll are interconnected.

Plastic caps are used to make the doll's face. They are glued to where the eyes will be. With the help of a marker, cilia, eyelashes, eyebrows are drawn. The nose and mouth are also drawn. The mouth can be circled with a marker, after gluing a piece of red felt in the shape of a smile.

The most time-consuming process is fixing the hair for the doll.

The head is marked from the inside with a marker, and then holes are pierced with a sharp awl. You can preheat the awl. It will be easier to work this way - the hot metal will melt the plastic, and there will be no sharp torn edges in the workpiece. The more holes there are and the closer they are to each other, the thicker the doll's hair will be and the more interesting her appearance will turn out. In addition, the size (diameter) of the hole itself will depend on which beam can be inserted inside.

Yarn is used for the hair itself. It is best to opt for the one that retains its appearance best over time - containing acrylic and nylon. The length is chosen at the discretion of the master.

With the help of a needle, the bundle is removed from the middle of the head, and a knot is tied from below, inside, which will prevent the threads from falling out. Having densely filled the entire surface, an empty area is left about one centimeter below the upper border of the junction of the two parts of the head.

It is better to make holes in the upper part of the head more often than in the lower part, so the hair will turn out to be much fluffier and more interesting. In addition, with a marker, you need to mark the place where the bangs will begin. For bangs, the threads must be cut shorter than for the rest of the head.

Attach the hair from the top to the center.

To assemble the doll together, you need to put the upper part of the head on the lower one, like a hat. You can attach the parts together with glue.

This doll model is interesting in that the length of the hair can be adjusted. To do this, the “cap” of the upper part of the head is removed and the threads are pulled inward a little, secured with an elastic band or hairpin, and then the upper part of the head is put in place.

If the length of the hair needs to be adjusted, then it is impossible to glue one part to the other, so it will not be possible to remove the top.

To return the hair to its original length, you need to pull the ends of the threads or, having disassembled the head again, untie the knot inside. You can comb the doll with a comb with rare teeth. From hair - threads, you can braid any hairstyle - from a simple ponytail or bun, ending with braids of varying degrees of complexity.

A simple bottle doll.

A simple bottle doll will turn out if you use a 1.5 liter bottle and threads. Holes are pierced in the cork with an awl. Also, with the help of an awl, holes are made on the back of the bottle, however, you can limit yourself to just a cork. Then threads are threaded through the holes and tied with a knot from the inside.

Use a marker to draw a nose, mouth and eyes on the bottle. You can glue parts of the face by cutting them out of paper or any other material of your choice.

In the middle of the bottle, large holes are made on the sides, into which pigtails of thread are threaded. Knots are tied at the ends of the braids. To keep the handles tight, thread the pigtails through the neck, pulling them into the hole with a crochet hook.

It turns out a wonderful fun doll.

Video on the topic of the article

Plastic bottle doll So how do you make such a cute plastic bottle craft? We will need the following materials: - two transparent five-liter plastic bottles (bottles) with caps, - the remains of colored yarn, - a marker, - paints and brushes (or spray paint), - red felt (or a small piece of other dense red fabric), - knife (office, for paper), - scissors, - awl, - glue. From the optional: - a heat gun (optional), - an electric drill or a soldering iron (optional, for making large holes in plastic bottles). We make a doll from plastic bottles. 1. Making the shoulders. Using the photos as instructions, cut off the top of one of the bottles (cutting the bottle roughly down the middle). Then, at this upper part, we also cut off a neck with a lid. We get a blank that will be the "body" of the doll. We will then insert the neck of the second bottle into the hole of the first bottle, so you need to make sure that the hole is made the right size. 2. Making the head. Now let's start creating the head of the doll. To do this, we need to take the second plastic bottle and make it shorter. You will need the top (it should be cut out large, as this will be the doll's face) and the bottom (it should be small, like a hat, since the doll's hair will be on it) parts of the bottle, that is, you need to take and remove the middle part, as shown in figure. The cover is removed from the top. You can, of course, leave the second bottle whole, but most likely it will be too huge for the head. Check if the two pieces fit together well. Put them together and make sure they will hold tight. 3. Coloring and creating a face. Now we need to color our blanks for crafts. You need to paint from the inside. There is no need to be afraid to paint somehow unevenly, on the contrary, distinguishable brush strokes create a unique image of the doll. It is best to paint plastic bottles with acrylic paint, but you can also use spray paints, which are convenient to use. For the body of the doll, blue is chosen (you can choose another), and for the head - a calm yellow-sand. We draw your attention to the fact that the paints must dry well before we proceed to the next step. When the blanks dry out, it will be necessary to glue together the body (shoulders) of the doll and part of the head (face). Next, we proceed to create the face of the doll. First you need to take the two covers we have and glue them where the doll will have eyes. Then you need to color them, as in the photo, adding eyelashes on top of the eyes with a marker. The nose (circle) and smiling mouth are cut out of red felt (or any other dense fabric) and also glued to the face with glue. However, you can simply paint them on with a marker or red nail polish. 4. Add hair. The doll's hair will be positioned as shown in the photo. First, we attach the hair to the back of the "face" of the doll. We mark the head from the inside with a marker and pierce holes with a sharp awl. You can heat the awl over a candle or gas burner to make it easier to pierce and make holes more accurate. You can also make holes with a thin electric drill or with a small soldering iron. The closer the holes are to each other, the thicker the doll's hair will be, and the wider the holes, the more threads can be placed in each of them. However, it is better to stick to the golden mean. Now the most interesting and time-consuming part of the work begins - creating hair from yarn! We cut three strands of yarn of the desired length. We thread them into the needle, tying a knot on the other side and fasten the doll on the head, starting from the bottom of the head. Each hole is filled with several tufts of hair. For the doll from this master class, it took 5-6 beams for each hole. You can also thread the doll's hair in large buns through wide holes using tape. We do not fill the junction of the two parts of the head with hair (that is, we retreat from the upper border by about one centimeter). 5. The top of the head and bangs. After the main part of the doll's head is finished, the face is drawn, and beautiful colored hair is already fixed at the back, you can proceed to the top part. There are two nuances here. Firstly, it is better to make holes smaller and more often (they look better), and secondly, you need to mark with a marker where you will need to make a bang. Bangs are made from shorter threads. The rest of the threads are long. Start attaching hair from the borders of the upper part of the workpiece to the center. 6. Finishing the doll. After all the hair is fixed, we connect both parts of the doll's head, putting the upper part on the lower one like a hat. Of course, if you see that the head is not holding well, then you can fasten the parts with glue, however, then you will no longer be able to disassemble the doll and adjust the length of her hair.

Doll from a bottle and plasticine with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Master class on making a doll from a bottle and plasticine with your own hands

Author: Valeria Semyonova, 10 years old, studying at the Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov, Pskov region, city of Velikie Luki
Teacher: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov", Pskov Region, Velikiye Luki

Hello dear guests! As you know, in the hands of a creative person, any thing can turn into a real miracle and a work of art. Today, from an ordinary glass bottle, we will create a doll, the heroine of a beautiful legend about white tulips, Aunt Mary.
Description: The work is intended for children of primary school age. The material can be useful to teachers, parents, and everyone who is fond of creativity.
Purpose: such a doll will serve as a wonderful gift for your relatives and friends, and will decorate any interior of the premises, it can also be used for performances in a table theater.
Target: character creation of the legend of white tulips.
- to introduce children to the creation of images of fairy-tale characters of people from glass bottles;
-to teach sculpting the shape of the head, the main features of the face, observing the correct proportions;
- educate accuracy, aesthetic taste.

Little fairies sleep in tulip flowers
The wind sings lullabies to them.
The flute plays and the gentlemen walk,
The earth drinks the divine drink of the moon.
One night, a Devonshire woman named Mary heard a noise in the garden and went out with a lantern to see what had happened there. Several white tulips grew in her garden and the woman saw a couple of charming baby fairies inside. She was simply mesmerized by this picture, and that same autumn she decided to plant more tulips so that they could accommodate all the crumbs of the fairies. When the nights were moonlit, Mary walked quietly into the garden and watched for a long time how these little ones slept blissfully in cups of tulips, swayed by a gentle breeze. At first, the fairies-sorceresses were afraid that this unknown woman would not harm their children, but later, they saw with what enthusiasm and awe Mary takes care of the overnight stay for the kids, they calmed down. The fairies wanted to express their gratitude to the woman, but did not know how to do it. The smallest fairy offered to decorate the tulips with bright colors and give them a fragrance. So did the fairies
. Mary was delighted and every year until her death, hundreds of tulips were planted in the garden.
After her death, the house with the garden went to a very greedy relative. Mercantile and cruel, he first pulled out tulips and uprooted trees, as he believed that it was unprofitable to plant flowers, and trees block the garden from the sun. Such a cruel act caused deep disapproval among the fairies. As soon as darkness fell on the city, they flew in from the neighboring forest and arranged dances on vegetables, pulled them out by the roots, spoiled them in every possible way. This went on for several years. As soon as vegetables or their seedlings appeared, the fairies destroyed them. The only place the fairies cared about was Mary's grave. She was invariably shrouded in chic flowers, and the delightful tulips that were planted at the head of the bed bloomed and delighted with their aroma until the first frost. Everyone was very surprised at such a tenacity of tulips, and only the fairies knew that in this way they thank their keeper even after her death.
So another couple of years passed. Instead of a greedy relative, an even more ruthless man who did not like flowers at all became the owner. He paid the woodcutters, and they cut down the forest where the fairies lived, he completely neglected Mary's grave, the tulips were torn out, the grave was trampled on. The fairies left this place, but when they left they took back the extraordinary aroma of tulips, leaving only a slight aroma so that the gardeners would continue to grow them.
Thus was born a legend in England about white tulips.

To create a doll "Aunt Mary" we need tools and materials:
- an empty bottle of champagne (you can use plastic)
- old plasticine
- white toothpaste (plasticine degreaser)
-varnish (you can use hairspray)

Master class progress:

We start by preparing the glass mold for modeling, we need to cover the entire surface of the bottle with a thin layer of plasticine.

Then we start sculpting the head, sculpting an egg-shaped shape, choosing the right size for the bottle, so that the head does not seem too small or large. Then we stick the shape to the neck.

We make the nose using the pinching and pulling technique from the main shape. Mary's hairstyle is next, her hair will be long and loose. We need to roll up a lot of thin sausages from which we will make hair.

Now we will sculpt a hat for Mary, a hundred years ago it was simply unthinkable and completely indecent to appear in public without a hat, so the ladies wore them both indoors and outdoors. Ladies' hats gave endless exercise in wit. It is not surprising, because the styles of hats changed with dizzying speed: Even at the beginning of the last century, on hats - around the crown and in wide fields - one could see whole flower beds, fruit baskets and stuffed birds of paradise. All this splendor was fastened with many pins and hairpins.

To make a hat, you need to roll a ball, flatten its edges with your fingers, so that you get the brim of the hat. Then we stick the hat to the right place and decorate it with small flowers from balls, we sculpt them separately.

From thin separately molded sausages we lay out a beautiful and even bang.

Now hands, roll up sausages of sufficient width (depending on the size of your bottle) and stick to the intended shoulder line. From plasticine cakes of a triangular shape we sculpt short sleeves of a dress. It is necessary to stick the blanks to the product, then with your fingers give them the correct and desired shape.

Our doll will have a dress in the style of "Natasha Rostova". This is a long A-line dress with a high waistline and fitted bodice. Its characteristic elements are a large semi-circular neckline, short puffy puffed sleeves, and a wide frill at the bottom of the hem.
However, few people know that in fact, “the style of Natasha Rostova” is just a conventional name. There are versions that this style was created in France by a European beauty - Josephine Beauharnais (wife of Emperor Napoleon). Therefore, the French call such dresses “dress a la Josephine”.
To highlight the high waist of the dress, you need to fashion the chest line from separate pieces of plasticine. For a wide frill at the bottom, we will roll up a long sausage, flatten it and put it on the bottom edge of the bottle.

When modeling is finished, you need to degrease the plasticine. We cover our doll with a thin layer of toothpaste and give it time to dry. Apply toothpaste with a brush.

After drying, we cover the doll with the first colorful layer, the plasticine will shine through.

Behind you need to draw hair.

After the first layer dries, apply the second, equalize the color over the entire surface of the doll. And we proceed to the decor of the aunt's costume, decorate the dress and hat.

It remains for us to draw eyes and a mouth, and after the paint has dried, varnish the doll.

Every little girl will surely have dolls that are no longer suitable for play, but it's a pity to throw them away. In order not to get rid of your favorite toys, make a do-it-yourself doll box with your child, the master classes of which you will find in this article. It looks like an ordinary Barbie doll in a magnificent dress, but few will guess that this is actually a treasure trove. In childhood, all girls love to collect all kinds of small things, and if you make a doll-box with your own hands, this will put things in order in the child’s room, because now things will not be scattered everywhere.

To create a box various improvised materials will be used:

How to make a box doll: master class

Do-it-yourself doll-box from a plastic bottle in stages

Before starting work, make sure you have all the required materials.

Such small chest for small items not only your child will like it, for example, the Snow Maiden doll-box will be an excellent gift for her girlfriends for the New Year. To do this, you just need to decorate it in the appropriate style.

For the base of the box, not only plastic bottles are suitable, but also mayonnaise buckets, plastic bowls, scotch spools, unnecessary round boxes. The base can also be made from thick cardboard.

Making a doll-box, the master class of which you just got acquainted with, is very quick and easy, but if you don’t have a suitable doll, we suggest making from a plastic bottle.

Gallery: do-it-yourself doll box (25 photos)

Do-it-yourself plastic bottle doll master class

You will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • flour;
  • gouache.

Manufacturing steps:

It will take you no more than half an hour to make the next toy from the bottle. Her master class is very simple.

You will need:

  • the smallest bottle
  • textile;
  • rope 15-20 cm long;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • two black beads;
  • yarn.

Manufacturing steps:

A chic box for trinkets can be made from ribbons using the kanzashi technique. It is very easy to master, any beginner craftswoman can handle it. The same materials can serve as the basis, as for the box doll, only we will decorate it differently.

Kanzashi box master class

You will need:

  • base for the box;
  • textile;
  • ribbons of different colors and widths;
  • tweezers;
  • thermal gun;
  • beads.

Stages of work:

  1. First, glue the base of the box and its lid with lining fabric. From the previous master classes, you already know how to do this.
  2. Cut the ribbons into squares and make petals out of them. To do this, fold the square in half, fold the resulting triangle again. Bring the edges of the folded triangle to the center and glue them with a heat gun. At an angle of 45 degrees, cut off the excess part of the petal and singe the edges with a candle. It will be more convenient to do these steps with the help of tweezers. In this way, make as many petals of different colors as to be enough for the entire box.
  3. When all the petals are ready, start gluing them in rows to the lid, forming a flower. Do the same with the base of the box.
  4. Decorate the box with beads if desired.

With the help of our master classes of caskets you can decorate the interior of your room or a child, as well as put things in order. Now all the little trinkets will be in place. Surprise your loved ones with this wonderful handmade gift.

Natalia Kafanova

For work we need:

1. Plastic bottles of various configurations, the appearance of the doll depends on the configuration of the bottle;

2. Sculptural clay;


1. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle;

2. We cover the lid with a pancake from sculptural plasticine (it is better to warm it up on batteries first, it will become softer and easier to sculpt);

3. We roll out a large pancake and wrap a bottle in it;

4. We stretch the plasticine evenly over the bottle, thereby fixing it to the bottle;

5. We make a ball out of plasticine and fix it on the covers (this will be the head of the doll);

6. We roll a sausage from sculptural plasticine (these will be hands);

7. We attach the sausage to the lid;

8. To make a hairstyle for a doll, we roll thin sausages of various lengths, depending on the choice of hairstyle;

9. We put the sausages on the head of the doll and create a hairstyle that fits the meaning;

10. Sprinkle the doll evenly with flour, gently sweep the doll with a soft brush;

11. We select a color palette for painting the doll with gouache for various types of painting (Dymkava, Filimonov, Gzhel, etc. or in a free style).

I wish you creative success!

P.S. Get the kids involved, they love it. This develops fine motor skills, creativity, imagination, instills in children a love for Russian folk crafts and culture.

Thank you for your attention!

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