Lapbook on health at an early age. Lapbook “Book of Health”



Physical education instructor:

Kinyaeva E.V.

Lapbook “Types of Sports”

Target: Updating ideas about the surrounding reality through introducing children to winter and summer sports.


Form initial ideas about some sports, develop interest in sports;

Enrich knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports;

Learn to make conclusions, generalizations, and justify your own opinion.

To develop the ability to establish simple relationships between sports and their attributes, place of practice and time of year.

Develop the ability to analyze an object, find signs using the method of comparative analysis.

Develop a respectful attitude towards athletes.

Develop cognitive ability, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Strengthen knowledge about sports and sports equipment.

Game content description:

1. Cards according to the Glen Doman system: “Sports”, “Sports equipment”

Goal: Teaching reading, developing memory, attention, developing knowledge in physical education.

2. Pockets with riddles about sports.

Goal: Formation of ideas about various sports, development of auditory attention, quick thinking.

3. Pocket with medals.

Goal: Stimulating the child to achieve success.

4. “The Big Book about Sports” by G.P. Shalaeva.

Goal: To get the child interested in reading.

5. Game “Winter and Summer Sports”

Goal: Consolidating children’s knowledge about sports and their attributes.

6. Game “Riddle-Guess”

Goal: Teaching children to recognize a sport by signs and definitions, guessing the type of sport, developing memory, thinking, and logic.

7. Photo cards “Our Pride”.

Target:Formation of a positive moral assessment of the sporting achievements of the city, country; positive attitude towards the heroes of national sports;

instilling patriotism, pride in one’s city and one’s country.

8. Poems, proverbs and sayings about sports.

Goal: Consolidating children's knowledge about sports through fiction.

9. Guess game

Goal: Teaching children to recognize a sport by pictogram.

10. Coloring pages and sports labyrinth.

Goal: Consolidating knowledge about sports, developing logic and thinking.

11. Game “Repeat”

Goal: To develop interest in independently performing the exercises and physical training depicted on the cards.

12. “Sports shoes.”

Goal: Consolidate the names of sports shoes, correlation with a specific sport.

13. “Rebuses and puzzles”

Goal: Development of logical thinking, imagination and memory.

Children 5-6 years old

Rules of conduct for preschoolers in the gym


Teaching preschoolers the basic types of movements: THROWING

Joint creative project in the educational field “Physical Development”
A little theory and 10 step-by-step photographs

Participants of the laptop project “Book of Health”: children of the senior group, physical education instructor, teachers and parents (legal representatives)

“Coming together is the beginning, staying together is development, working together is success” G. Ford

Goal: To attract parents to voluntarily participate in creative work with their children to develop the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

The “Book of Health” laptop is a form of organizing educational activities for the development of children’s cognitive activity and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

The laptop book “Book of Health” is more likely not a teaching tool, but a special form of organizing educational material in the area of ​​cognitive and practical work with children with the support of parents (legal representatives)

A laptop is a folder on a cardboard base on which mini books are glued - simple and curly, with ties, straps, pockets, envelopes, secrets, accordions, arrows, hooks, etc., which contain material reflecting children's acquired knowledge about a healthy lifestyle life.

The laptop displays the joint creative activity of children and parents (legal representatives): searching for riddles, proverbs, sayings, performing artwork, crafts, designing cards, collecting thematic photographs, postcards, etc.

Expected Result
1. Making a laptop “Book of Health” will unite parents (legal representatives) and children in one idea to collect as much material as possible about ways to improve health, to express themselves creatively in search of interesting forms of introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.
2. Creating a lapbook will help children organize information on the topic being studied at will and better understand and remember the material.
3. Teach children to independently collect and organize information.
4. It will allow you to repeat and consolidate the material covered by looking at an interesting book you made with your own hands.

Stages of work
We picked up 3 thick cardboards of the same size

Cover the cardboard with colored paper

We made holes in the cardboard for lacing, since the cardboard is quite thick; my father’s golden hands and a drill came in handy

Take a closer look

Cardboard was tied together with lacing to create a folding book

We began to select material and place it in a laptop

Files, cardboard covers, boxes, ribbons came in handy, someone brought cards

The work is still in full swing, but something is already emerging.

Lapbook “ABC of Health”

(for senior preschool age)

Compiled by: Senior group teachers

MDOU No. 89 of Petrozavodsk

Pimenova T.A., Khvostikova A.V.

Health- this is not only the absence of diseases, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, that which creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual.

Your gift -healthit must be protected and strengthened by all available means from early childhood.

The priority direction in preschool education is to increase the levelchildren's health, developing their skillshealthy lifestyle, as well as a persistent need for regular physical exercise.

Teachers must teach the child the right choice in any situation, only what is beneficial for him.healthand giving up everything harmful. Instill in a child from an early age the right attitude towards hishealth, a sense of responsibility for it. These tasks must be solved by creating a holistic system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child. Every child wants to be strong, cheerful, energetic - to run without getting tired, ride a bike, swim, play with peers in the yard, and not suffer from headaches or endless runny noses. Our task is to teach them to think about their ownhealth, take care of him, rejoicelife.

To create a healthy lifestyle, in addition to traditional methods, we chose an unconventional and interesting for children - a lapbook.

A laptop is a folder with pockets, windows and all kinds of tabs, in which materials on one topic are placed.

Introduction of technologylapbook for educational purposesthe process allows us to form in children the need to leadhealthy lifestyle.

Lapbook« ABC of health» meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for a subject-development environment.

« Lapbook» :


Suitable for use by a group of children at the same time(including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner);

Has didactic properties.

Variable(there are several options for using each part of it);

Its structure and content are accessible to preschool children;

Provides playful, educational, research and creative activity for all pupils.

The laptop consists of several parts:

Proper nutrition;

Hardening and sports;

Personal hygiene;

Rejection of bad habits;

Emotional balance.

Each section of the lapbook contains various materials and tasks: fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, puzzles, didactic and outdoor games.

Results of use lapbook« ABC of health» in the joint activities of children and teachers:

1. It helps the child, at will, organize information on the topic being studied and better understand and remember the material (especially considering that preschoolers have visualcreative thinking). Observations show that adults will also like this form of learning.

2. This is a great way to review what you have learned. At any convenient time, the child simply opens« lapbook» and happily repeats what he has learned, looking at the book he made with the teacher.

3. A preschool child will learn to independently collect and organize information - good preparation for school.

Results of independent use « lapbook» :

Formation of the concept ofhealthy lifestyle;

Showing increased interest in the content;

Demonstrating independence when working with« laptop» ;

Maintaininghealthy lifestyle;

Rejection of bad habits;

Quick memorization of poems, proverbs, sayings abouthealthy lifestyle;

Development of the ability to analyze, generalize, develop the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions.

Showing interest from parents.

Exhibition participants:

Kopasova Marina Anatolyevna, senior teacher

Khomyakova Lyubov Stanislavovna, teacher

MADO CRR - kindergarten No. 50 in the city of Tyumen

Lapbook “Sports”

The didactic manual lapbook “Sport” is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age.


To form a system of knowledge, skills and abilities of children on the topic “Sport”.


Repeat and consolidate children's knowledge about sports and sports equipment.

Learn about the history of the Olympic Games

Develop observation, independent thinking, and attentiveness.

The lapbook contains materials on the topic “Sports” for educational activities with preschool children. Characters from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” will help us carry out interesting work with the laptop.

The lapbook includes 6 pockets with educational tasks:

1. Blue pocket “Select equipment for your sport.”

2. Red pocket “Riddles”.

3. Orange pocket “Winter Games Card Index” (constantly updated).

4. White pocket “Winter sports”.

5. Blue pocket “Dress the athlete.”

6. Yellow pocket “Television screen” (for children about the Olympic Games).

Lapbook “Health”

The didactic manual lapbook “Health” is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age. At older preschool age, children can already participate together with adults in collecting material: analyze, sort information.


Form the right attitude towards your health.


Introduce children to simple exercises (breathing, articulation, eye exercises) to improve their health.

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communication skills.

Contribute to the development of children's speech, replenishment of children's active and passive vocabulary.

This manual is a means of developmental learning and involves the use of modern technologies: technologies for organizing collective creative activity, communication technologies, technology for project activities, gaming technologies.

The laptop is an exclusive invention originating from the USA. The idea behind this item is extremely interesting. The idea is to teach children through a variety of pictures and drawings. It’s quite easy to make a Lapbook with your own hands; you can download the templates for free from the link at the end of this article.

To begin with, I propose to understand in more detail what kind of invention this is and how best to create it.

Type and purpose of Lapbook

For our baby to explore the world, a variety of things have been invented: books, toys, applications on tablets and smartphones, computer programs. Also, for these purposes, many people make videos on YouTube, where they tell children about various subjects and teach them arithmetic, spelling, and in other ways prepare children for kindergarten, and then for the lower grades of school. You can watch videos, buy expensive games and applications, or you can make a learning item with your own hands! Today we will talk about the second option for the diligent and hardworking.

A laptop is a folder made of cardboard, inside of which there are pockets of different sizes. You can put photographs, visual drawings and applications in them. This presentation will help conduct the lesson with the child in a clear, understandable form and arouse children’s interest.

A laptop can be narrowly focused, specialized in some science, for example, ecology, mathematics, speech development, teaching materials, traffic rules. The purpose of the lapbook is for the child to learn something new, so a lapbook for the younger group and early age can be created based on fairy tales, wild animals or insects. Also popular are the options My Family, My City, Lapbook on safety, music, vegetables - for children 4 years old, toddlers and preparatory groups.

Examples of Lapbooks

So, you have prepared all the materials, shown all your imagination regarding pictures, numbers, and you can safely start making a lapbook, which is quite easy to make with your own hands, starting from our examples, available for downloading at the link below.

An example of a laptop folder plan for the first of September: in it we need to introduce the baby to the names of school subjects; conduct a conversation about the rules of behavior using pictures; tell you how to properly assemble a briefcase; some useful proverbs (exclusively for vocabulary development); and most importantly, talk about the way to school and back home if the child goes without his parents.

In general, Lapbooks can be divided into several types:

  1. Holidays.
  2. For study.
  3. Designed to tell a brief autobiography of a child using pictures.
  4. Make an original gift (by the way, musical accompaniment will be a huge plus).

Shapes and appearance

If we talk about the Lapbook form, your creativity will play a significant role: in the end you may end up with a simple book with an original idea, folders of different geometric shapes and many other shapes. By creating Lapbook folders, you teach your child to be persevering, his imagination develops and the child gets used to neatness.

With the help of this game, the child will learn the alphabet, numbers, geographical location of countries, he will develop logical thinking, and soon you will see an interest in learning new things. Think, create, show your imagination and create masterpieces for the development of your child. Believe me, you will interest your baby and in the future you will make Lapbook folders together. The fact of joint creativity will be even more useful for children.
