Is it possible to make a man love you? How to make a man love you? Working methods

Every woman wants to love and be loved, but, unfortunately, a man cannot always reciprocate. Before you can make a man love you, you first need to love yourself, not make mistakes, give back and extol the man. Before you try to make a man fall in love with you, you need to remember that it will take effort and time to express yourself.

First of all, you shouldn't make mistakes like this:

  1. You should not listen to the advice of friends and acquaintances. You should always act as you see fit, because it’s up to you to live.
  2. You shouldn't appear better than you really are. Try to behave naturally, remain yourself, do not create illusions in front of a man, otherwise he may later be disappointed in you.
  3. Don’t get hung up on your complexes, try not to notice them, and then your man won’t notice them.

How to make a man love you

  1. Do not devote yourself entirely to work, otherwise the man will be jealous of you. It is better to try to spend all your free time with your beloved man. A man should know that you are ready to sacrifice something for him, and in return you will receive no less.
  2. Do not provoke jealousy in a man. Jealousy is not the best way to test feelings. It irritates many men and causes not at all positive feelings.
  3. Don't torment him with constant calls. He, like you, may have a desire to just be alone. There’s no point in being offended by this, and there’s no point in shackling his freedom with constant calls either.
  4. Respond with gratitude to compliments addressed to you, without shyness or embarrassment. Men respect confidence in women.

How to behave when communicating with a guy

  1. Show how glad you are to meet him. A man should feel your sincere feelings.
  2. Try to do what he likes. Find out more about his tastes and preferences and adapt to them as much as possible. If your tastes do not coincide, then try to find compromises.
  3. Praise your man more often. They love it when their significant features are emphasized and they enjoy compliments.
  4. Don't humiliate him. No man will like this, as they do not like to feel weak.

What feminine tricks will make a man fall in love?

  1. As you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Pamper your man more often with culinary delights and his favorite dishes. He will definitely appreciate it.
  2. Don't sweat the small stuff. For example, after work, a man wants to rest, relax, feel desired and loved, and not listen to your comments.
  3. Get rid of bad habits. No man likes women who smoke. For the sake of your loved one, you can eradicate this addiction, especially since this is necessary primarily for your health.
  4. Try to make concessions. In this way, your loved one will be able to regain lost self-confidence and feel like the main one in the relationship, for many this is an important aspect.

What else you shouldn't do

  • Never ask your loved one about his past if he himself does not want to talk about it. Curiosity can be your problem. Try to live in the present and make plans for the future;
  • If a man swears, then this is not a reason to repeat after him. A woman is not colored by obscene expressions;
  • Don't let the apartment become cluttered. A man should not think that you are a slob. Women who take care of cleanliness are always valuable.

What else will help you win a man's love?

  1. You always need to look attractive, as men love with their eyes. A woman should always look good and be well-groomed; in the end, she needs it herself.
  2. Always know how to listen to a man. They love to be listened to. Let him be the main one in the conversation, but take part yourself too. Be interesting to your interlocutor, show him that you are interested in many things and are interested in many things. If your interests coincide, then you will simply charm a man, and he will respect you.
  3. Be reliable for a man. He should always know that he can rely on you and trust you. Don't tell anyone his secrets and desires. Open up to him too, tell him something to make him feel comfortable.
  4. Make jokes and laugh at his jokes more often.

If you follow at least some of the tips, the man will definitely show interest, and you will not be left without pleasant compliments and attention.

Experts' opinion

Experts believe that in order for a man to fall in love with you, you must follow the rules of three. Its essence is that you should combine three roles: a passionate lover, an affectionate mother and a best friend. This feminine combination is ideal for any man

As a mother, you will take care and feel sorry for the man, prepare him a delicious dinner. As a friend it's fun to chat and spend time with him. And as a lover - to kindle the fire of passion in him. Try to maintain harmony so that the roles complement each other, and then you will win any man.

Reasons for resistance on the part of men

The first reason is mistrust. This happens if a man was severely deceived in a previous relationship and stopped trusting his better half. It's time to do something that will change his attitude.

Resistance can also be caused by the fact that a man is already in love with another woman. Then you can use the following steps:

  • Spontaneous act, impromptu. The man you desire may have vulnerabilities where he may need help. It is worth providing such help or service, unobtrusively and without demanding anything in return.
  • A decisive act or a pre-planned action carried out at a convenient moment. It is important that the man is aware of how much effort was spent on this. This will undoubtedly arouse feelings in a man, which can later develop into falling in love. There is no need to be afraid that nothing will work out, because today many women make sacrifices and do brave things for the sake of their chosen one. There is no need to be afraid to be happy.

How to make a guy love you. We adopt experience

And even on on On our website, we have already theorized many times on the topic “How to make a guy love you.” This time we will try not to repeat the hackneyed truths that you need to look good, appear impressive, be organic, moderately inaccessible, etc. etc. You've probably already learned them by heart, and due to their widespread use, these rules work every once in a while.

Today I want to offer you some practical techniques that my friends and I have tested from our own experience. They work. The main thing is to apply them wisely, with a sense of proportion, and to men of a certain type.

Tatyana's method. A sharp minus

If a guy does not respond to your extraordinary attractiveness and charm, intelligence and talents, despite the fact that you have demonstrated them more than once, it’s time to resort to the method of my classmate Tatyana. I personally saw her use it, and it worked flawlessly. Briefly, its essence is that, n Having stepped on the throat of pride, begin to intensively care for the guy, despite his coldness, wait a while, and then abruptly stop your advances.

In our student group, Igor was considered handsome. Tanya immediately liked him, and she immediately tried to attract his attention - she sang beautifully with a guitar, told funny stories, and spoiled our hungry team with various delicious pastries. Igor remained indifferent. Then we all began to notice with surprise that Tanya was practically running after Igor. Invites him to various events, regularly calls him, showers him with compliments, offers help. Sometimes it seemed to us that she had become his tail and he accepted this care with disdainful condescension.

And suddenly, after a couple of months, these “pas” abruptly stop. “Here she was - and then she’s gone!” Igor was wary at first, and then even scared. How is it that he was sure that this girl would not get away from him, and then she disappeared. Why? Have you fallen out of love? Him, so beautiful! Or maybe, God forbid, she fell in love with someone else? All these tossing and turning were easily read on the guy’s face when he asked us about Tanya? And then she appeared and walked past with her head held high. This fashion show completely unsettled Igor, and he rushed to her to sort things out.

I don’t know how the conversation ended, but from then on, neither she nor he followed her like a tail. This was not the only case when Tanya made a guy fall in love with her using the “sharp minus” method and it worked. However, it is applicable only with brutal handsome men. It is unlikely to work on modest and notorious young men. Although, who knows?

Tamara's method. Reflection

Tamara read this method of making a guy fall in love with her in Tracy Cabot’s book “The Way to a Man’s Heart” and immediately adopted it. His task is to instill in a man the illusion that you are his person, his like-minded person, his reflection. That you are on the same wavelength. The method works simply, the main thing is not to lose your sense of proportion. If you start dressing in style of the guy who you like him, carefully copy his demeanor, style of speech, manner of holding himself, sitting and standing, then the man will subconsciously feel trust when communicating with you. It will be as if he is communicating with himself, with his reflection, but it is common knowledge that there are few men who do not love themselves. Automatically this love will spread and on you.

I personally observed how Tamara, in a conversation with a man, imperceptibly took his pose. He is one step at a time. She too. He leans forward, she follows him. The principle of operation of the reflection method is hidden somewhere in the depths of the subconscious. However, the technique works almost flawlessly. If you fail to instantly make a guy fall in love with you, then he is guaranteed to feel deep sympathy for you.

Marina's method. Hunting

This method to make a guy fall in love with himself pretty common. It is well known that all men are hunters, but there are also women hunters. My colleague Marina is one of them. To attract the attention of a man, she surrounded herself with his potential competitors.

Sometimes it happened naturally, because she is a bright girl, but more often it turned out artificially. She carefully organized the appearance that she was constantly followed by a trail of fans. Naturally, in front of the victim. Her chosen one instinctively joined his rivals in pursuit of prey. He had no idea that these were carefully trained colleagues, neighbors, friends and former classmates.

Even when Marina sought mutual love, she did not completely send her male train home. You need to keep your lover in suspense. This method of making a man fall in love with himself works with almost all representatives of the stronger half of humanity, with the exception of the terribly notorious.

Personal experience. Operation method I will never get tired of repeating a truth that has been repeatedly verified by personal experience: “The more a person has done for you, the more attached he is to you.” How can you not love someone in whom you have invested so much effort, money or feelings.

To make a guy fall in love using this method, you need to start with an innocent request. Naturally, you need to know in advance that he can handle it. Help carry, repair, nail, carry out, etc. etc. There are many options. We are always very disposed towards those whom we have done good and helped.

One day I broke my leg and asked a guy to take me to the emergency room. Naturally, he couldn’t leave me there, he sat with me in line and then took me to the hospital and went to visit me quite often. Already on the first day he felt responsible for me. Then, of course, I fell in love. After all, I was living proof of his kindness and nobility. Once upon a time, I had an affair for quite a long time I met near the train when I asked him to bring heavy suitcases to the metro. Word by word, he brought them to my apartment and then met and escorted me so that I would not walk alone in the evenings. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. You don't need to look exploiter slaves, but weak, fragile and tender "

It often happens that a man is courting you, but at the same time you don’t like him at all. Although you objectively understand that he is handsome, good in bed and gives flowers. You see him as a good person and a promising boss. But I don’t like him... And then the question arises: how to love a man? The implementation of this idea can be very difficult.

Love comes to some people by accident, but others can wait for it almost all their lives. Everyone wants real happiness, but sometimes it seems that love constantly passes by your house and looks into the neighboring ones. And yet, how to love a man purposefully, and most importantly, how to want it?

As they say, you can’t order your heart. And we will order the brain, through which we control the whole body. It often happens that one person takes care of you, but the other person likes you.

And this other one will almost always sleep with you and forget, and you will cry for a week. That is why you need to immediately protect yourself from other advances.

You have already chosen your goal and are thinking about how to love a man. Just imagine that you live on a desert island, and there are no other males here, only yours.

Now let’s begin the love programming procedure. Initially, you need to find in a man what others don’t have in order to love a man. Let it be any talent, dignity, property. You need to be proud of this and repeat to yourself every day that you won’t find this with anyone else.

After that, you need to think only about its advantages and forget about its disadvantages. Repeat to yourself before going to bed how good he is, tell your friends. After all, we women are those creatures who are able to find something good even in the lowest bastard.

Loving a man is useful

If you want to force yourself to love a man, you probably think that this is wonderful. Falling in love, according to psychologists, is different from such a feeling as love. They say that this is a process in which you can even move mountains. All planned plans and goals can be accomplished with virtually no effort.

What explains this? Probably, it’s all about the production of pheramones, which are capable of fully using your entire body to achieve and solve any tasks and problems. What do we see when a person is in love?

All feelings and actions are directed towards the person he liked;

Increases mental and physical performance;

A person tries to devote all his time to the person he likes;

There is a heightened sense of sensations that are responsible for the emotional side.

But falling in love depends on whether it is mutual.

At its core, falling in love is a sudden feeling that can occur at any moment. Many people wonder whether it is possible to make love come at will? This question can be answered this way - both yes and no. It all depends on the person himself and his desire to achieve this.

So how to make a man love you? Now we will try to tell you about it.

How to make a man love a woman once and for all

Choosing a worthy object

When choosing a worthy object, consider its reality. You should not fall in love with stars; it is advisable that it be a person from your closest circle. Famous people are constantly within the reach of people's attention, they receive it in abundance, so your passion for a popular star is already doomed to unrequited. The artist is simply not able to honor each of his fans with his attention.

After this, you need to put the photo of your chosen one in the most visible place. To love a man, admire him, try to imagine how wonderful you will be together. Imagine you together and it is quite possible that He will be happy to become the man of your life.

His hobbies

Talk to him more and find out about his hobbies. You won't need to get his attention when you have common topics of conversation. Allow yourself to flirt with him, let him know for sure that you like him, this will push him to courtship and then you will be able to fall in love with a man faster.


Do you want a man to love you? Then change your role and appearance. Try to surprise him. Change your wardrobe, change your image. Surely your potential chosen one has seen you more than once, which means he has had time to study your wardrobe well. Surprise him. Buy heels, change your hair color and try yourself in a different role, for example, a seductress.


Force yourself to ask him out. Don't be afraid to do it first. Set him up on a date. This is the only way you can make your feelings even clearer. Celebrate all his virtues and make it clear that you have long wanted to have an affair with him. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Tell everyone you're dating

Start the rumor yourself that you are dating. Often appear in public together; you will not avoid the interested glances of friends who are not your couple. Create the appearance of a relationship, and very soon from the outside it will look like mutual love. What if this is actually the case? You may not notice the moment when you really fall in love with each other, but then you definitely won’t have to pretend in public.

Experience new relationships

To force yourself to love a man, you don’t need any special effort. You will learn about this feeling when you have at least some experience with it. The game of falling in love should be interesting for you and then you can attract your chosen one into it.

This is one of the most important components for achieving love. Find someone who has many common topics. And then it will not be difficult for you to communicate. Pay more attention to him. Coquetry and flirting will do their job. After all, in this way you will make it clear that he likes you.

Any woman should know how to love a man. This is a special art that will later bring a lot of positive emotions. Thanks to this, you can live your whole life with a worthy person, and not cry into your pillow from constant betrayals and regrets that you didn’t come to your senses “in due time.”

Appreciate those men who are able to create a strong and wealthy family, even if they are not handsome. Handsome people are almost always selfish and fickle.

“Genuine and true love is so rare that when you encounter it in any form, this wonderful thing must be cherished in every way possible.” – Gwendoline Christie

We all talk about love and how we felt it at some point in our lives, but what is the exact definition of love?

According to scientist, psychologist, and author Todd B. Kashdan, Ph.D., “Love is a state of personality in which the interests, values, social connections, and finances of another person become part of your life, and you share them in the same way.” people and their resources. Love does not mean that you give up everything personal for the sake of another person. Rather, it is when you have enough trust to give him the keys to everything to which you yourself have access.”

Gaining that special trust from another person can be difficult. You want to show him that you are everything he dreamed of, but how to do it? Actresses in romantic comedies have been doing just that for ages, but the real world isn't the same. There are a few important things you should always remember if you want to make a guy fall in love with you. And if you take the right steps, you will definitely succeed.

Here are fifteen steps that will make any man lose his head in love with you...

1. Be yourself

Clinical psychologist Merry Lin writes in her book A Fully Lived Life: “A huge mistake in life is believing that if you let people know who you really are, they won’t like you. The stereotypes in your head tell you that if people really know what's going on inside you, they will lose respect for you. As you play different roles, change the masks you have to wear and hide your pain... a tension builds up within you that forces you to continue to pretend that all of this together is you.”

Therefore, no advice will help you if you do not become yourself! After all, you want the guy to fall in love with you, and not with the person you play. So, get out of someone else's image and just be who you are.

2. How to look better

You don't need to go on a diet or change your hairstyle to look better. All you need to do is highlight your best assets and make sure you look great. Your beauty is unique and does not need any changes.

3. Know how to listen

Good communication skills are more than just the ability to speak interestingly. It is also the ability to listen carefully.

Author and journalist Irma Kurtz wrote: “No matter how bad things are, give your partner a chance to have their say. We tend to form opinions before we hear each other. Don't shout, be calm: it makes a big difference. Many issues can be solved simply by learning to listen.”

Men have something to say, and when you show that you're willing to listen to them, they'll be more open to saying what matters.

4. Laughter

It has been proven that laughter is contagious. That is, when you laugh, you activate chemical processes in a guy's brain that make him feel good. And this can be very effective. If you are trying to get some guy's attention, then laughing is the best way.

5. Be positive

Critical people are more likely to be gloomy rather than cheerful. The ability to feel good even about what you don’t like is extremely attractive and charming. The guy will definitely like your ability to maintain a positive attitude.

“Also, by caring about something that interests you personally, you can also bring positivity to your relationships. The other person begins to treat you differently—without the idea that all your energy is focused on your own life,” says health coach and author Susan Bialy.

6. Be kind

We all have the opportunity to show our greed, but there is no reason to do it! Turn off the part of your brain that wants to be greedy and try to be kind instead. Any guy will find this attractive. After all, flies are more likely to fly to honey than to vinegar.

7. Flirt

If you want a guy to fall in love with you, then you need to show that you care about him too! And the best way to do this is flirting.

“When it comes to flirting, it's a mindset. This is the ability to say to yourself: “I like them! I want them to feel good, and I do this through compliments. I'm letting them know I like them.'... You can pull your hair, but if you don't radiate warmth or even look them in the eye, it doesn't mean anything,” says relationship expert and TV personality Rachel Deolto.

Guys are more attracted to girls who show interest in them. Plus, flirting is a fun way to get to know someone.

8. Be different

Being yourself is a great way to be different from everyone else. It may seem like all guys like the same type of girl, but that's not true. If you allow yourself to be different from everyone else and swim against the tide rather than go along with everyone else, then worthy guys will notice this. And they will fall in love with all your unique differences.

9. Be witty

You don't have to agree with everything he says and always agree with him. There is nothing wrong with friendly arguments and challenging each other. The ability to be witty and express your views will only make a guy love you even more.

10. Physical contact

Physical contact doesn't always have to be initiated by guys. In fact, many guys like it when a woman hugs him first.

“Very often, over time, people become more shy with their loved ones. Show your “sexual respect” by making certain sexual practices regular. This will keep your relationship alive and sexy,” says licensed professional and sex therapist Sari Cooper.

Initiate physical contact yourself, and he will want you even more.

11. Don't stifle his freedom

It may be tempting to spend every moment of your life together, but remember that everyone needs some alone time. By giving your guy the opportunity to be alone with himself, you gain confidence that in the end he will always come back to you. If you prove that you are not the type of woman who clings to everything, he will be ready to admit that you are right.

12. Let him call you himself

If you want to talk to him or have something to say, then calling yourself is fine! Quite normal! But sometimes a guy needs to feel like he's the one making the first move. So even if you're dying to pick up the phone, let him call you. He will be delighted by how happy you are to hear his voice and will fall even more in love with you.

13. Make eye contact

“A meeting glance and a smile is all you need! Three to four seconds of eye contact, plus a smile, and you're golden. Most guys like to estimate their odds of success, and these nonverbal cues let them know the odds are in their favor,” Deolto adds.

If you're trying to get a guy to fall for you, make sure you glance at him often. He will feel more and more contact between you, even if you don't know each other yet.

14. Don't despair

Cool down! Relax! Don't feel like your whole life depends on this relationship. Remember that you have your own friends and personal hobbies. It’s nice to meet a guy, but establishing a life together with him is even better. But if you feel desperate, it will put an end to any further relationship.

15. Be reliable

According to love and marriage experts Charles D. Schmitz and Elizabeth A. Schmitz: “Trust is not where all love relationships begin... But one thing is for sure: the foundation of all happy and successful marriages is trust. Trust is so integrated into everyday life that it doesn’t even give rise to thought. He is always expected. And it is always there. It's part of the relationship."

Be a reliable partner and keep your secrets. If he can trust you, there will be no problems in your love.


Attracting the guy you like has a lot to do with being yourself and showing off your positive side, and not a lot of gimmicks. As long as you are confident that you are a good and kind person, you will be attractive to any guy you like.

If you are interested in the question " How to make a guy love you", then this article will probably be useful to you. It often happens that you fall in love with a person, but, unfortunately, unrequitedly. In this case, there are only two options: give up trying to win the favor of your object of adoration and suffer in silence until the love passes, or do everything possible to attract his attention. Often this is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can only scare the guy away and make the situation worse. Let's look at the ways that will help you make a guy love you, as well as the reasons why this did not happen.

How to make someone love you?

Sometimes making someone love you seems like a completely impossible task. But the main thing in this matter is not to despair and not to retreat after the first failure.
To please the object of your affection, you need to take into account his temperament, character, habits and hobbies in order to know exactly which levers to pull. To understand this, let's try to look at the main types of guys.


How to charm


You can recognize this type of guy right away. He is constantly busy, his phone is always ringing with calls, and most often you can find a folder with some papers on him. He also often looks at his watch.

The requirements of such guys for their future beloved are quite high. Convince him that you are an excellent housewife, you know how to cook several varieties of borscht, bake delicious pies, and vacuum the apartment at the same time - and he is at your feet. These guys are looking for a reliable girl who won't hang out in clubs every week. She should pay attention only to him and always find time to meet with him, because he always has very little free time.


Guys in this category almost never sit still. They know everything about everyone, have been to almost every place you can name, and have a pretty decent list of hobbies in their arsenal. It usually does not include quiet gatherings at someone's home. Most often he likes to spend his leisure time on the move.

Charming such a guy is quite difficult, since even catching him will be difficult, because he never sits still. But if the long-awaited meeting does happen, try inviting him for diving, cycling or an ice skating rink. Rest assured, he will appreciate the offer to spend an active holiday together. And during this pastime, don’t be shy to mention several times that you really like playing paintball, throwing snowballs, and in general, you often roller skated as a child... He needs an active chosen one who will share his lifestyle with him.


This type of guy is visible from afar. He is unshakable, calm, always knows what he is doing and knows how to achieve what he wants. Perhaps a little pushy. Likes to make plans for a long time ahead and carefully adheres to them.


He most often looks unhappy, something happens to him all the time, and he doesn’t mind complaining to someone about his villainous fate. Quite touchy, not very talkative. In any conversation he will find a place where he will mention himself and his problems.

He needs a psychologist. Try to listen to him and, if possible, help with advice. Show that you really sympathize with him, and he will see in you the one with whom he wants to start a relationship. After all, not every girl will agree to carry the burden of other people’s problems on her shoulders. Show that you are strong and cheerful. He needs a ray of positivity in his dark and hopeless life.

Lover Hero

There are always a lot of girls around him, he loves to bask in the rays of popularity and does not hide it. Most often, he already has a girlfriend. Or two. He always looks good and is very concerned about his appearance.

Don't fall for his charms, show your disinterest in him. But at the same time, take an active interest in his hobbies and try to “accidentally” get involved in what he likes. Thus, he will see you often, and he will not have the opportunity to charm you. Then he will most likely “push” and do everything to make you fall in love with him. And if you let him close to you in time, and then take a step back, then this race can develop into something more than just a sporting interest.

He is always with books, surfs the Internet only for information, does not like noisy companies and discos, preferring the library or watching some scientific film at home.

Such guys don’t like pushovers and “girls”. He needs a simple girl who will understand his hobbies, or at least try. Try inviting him to a museum, an exhibition, or a cinema to watch some intellectual film. Learn new information from him and don’t forget to sometimes admire how he knows so much and how cool it is. He will definitely appreciate it.

Bad guy

The most common type of guy. Around him you can most often see a crowd of his friends. He likes to hurt people and demonstrate his superiority. He is selfish and proud, rarely takes other people's opinions into account, and his ego knocks down satellites in orbit.

If you decide to conquer this ignoramus, then you need to be prepared for the fact that this nut can’t be cracked just like that. If you are a vulnerable and tender person, it is better to immediately abandon these attempts, otherwise your psyche will certainly suffer. But if you are a girl who is confident in herself, show him that he can neither hurt nor offend you, and in general you are amused by his stupid attempts to assert himself. But don’t overdo it, otherwise if you hurt this guy’s pride, he may harbor a grudge and there will be no talk of any relationship. Try to become “his guy” for him. Share his interests, try to instill new habits, suggest a new hobby. Perhaps you will be able to re-educate him and conquer him.

    Men, no matter what you say, love with their eyes first. Therefore, if you want to attract the attention of the guy you like, try to always look good. Face, hair, nails, clothes - everything should be beautiful.

    Don't overdo the first point. The fact that men like beauty does not mean that they need to smear all the cosmetics they have on their faces, wear revealing outfits and behave provocatively. Guys love natural beauty.

    Don't act too pretentious.

    Be an interesting conversationalist. Don’t talk only about yourself, know how to listen and interest.

    Use physical contact. For example, during a conversation, accidentally touch any exposed skin of your crush with your fingertips.

    Don't be pushy. Try to make sure that the guy is the initiator of subsequent meetings. Don't be intrusive, don't offer your number first,

    Show that you have a good sense of humor. There is no need for downtrodden or vulgar jokes, it’s enough just to joke carefully at the right time, make him smile, and half the job is done.

Using these simple tips, you will surely be able to charm the guy you like and make him love you. The main thing is to remain yourself. We hope our article helped you solve your problem.
