Men's combination skin. Do men need special care for their facial skin?

In the civilized world, you rarely see men who cover cuts after shaving with pieces of newsprint or wash themselves with laundry soap. However, not everyone knows what a facial care system for the stronger sex should actually look like.

Features of men's skin

The skin is a hormone-dependent organ. As a rule, men's masculinity is dense and oily. It is more resistant to wind and sun, frost and heat. But the disadvantage of such skin is increased oiliness and a tendency to rashes, which is most often a concern at a young age. Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes men have dry, thin, sensitive skin. In this case, a special approach is required.

Basics of care

Typically, men are minimalists when it comes to skin care. They don’t like it when there are a lot of jars in the bathroom, and they don’t understand why so many cosmetic products need to be used. In reality, caring for men's skin does not take much time. These procedures do not require extremely complex efforts. The main thing is step-by-step compliance with the following recommendations.

As a result of the accumulation of sebum, as well as increased sweating, the pores become clogged. Therefore, men often experience inflammation on the skin and various blackheads. Therefore, the facial skin is initially cleaned. To do this, use warm water and a special cleansing gel or foam for washing. The procedure is repeated upon awakening and before bedtime. It will remove impurities and oil from the skin. When the procedure is completed, the face must be wiped with a cotton pad previously moistened with tonic or lotion.

True, foams and gels for washing only clean the top layer of skin. Therefore, the next procedure is peeling. In this case, use a facial scrub. The procedure is performed once a week. Solid abrasive particles will allow you to remove the stratum corneum of the skin and make it soft. The scrub will also greatly simplify the shaving procedure. It will lift the bristles slightly. As a result, it will be possible to shave them off to the very root. Moreover, peeling will allow the skin to better absorb all the beneficial components of the cosmetics used.

Hydration plays an important role. This procedure will prolong the youth of the skin. To avoid premature wrinkles on your face, it is important to use healing moisture. After all, shaving opens the pores of the skin. As a result, moisture is lost. To replenish it, you need a moisturizer. It is also used for the skin around the eyes.

Some men do not know how to choose cosmetics, because they believe that such products were originally created for women. In fact, the moisturizing, as well as nourishing, properties of such products are equally manifested on the skin of representatives of different sexes. Therefore, it is necessary to choose tonics or creams based on the composition, as well as indications for use (for normal, oily, dry, combination skin).

We constantly share with you useful information on skin care so that you can properly and... What about men? Have you ever thought about how your man takes care of his facial skin (and whether he takes care of it at all)? Today we will tell you what basic men's facial care looks like. Promise that you will definitely show this material to your man!

Men, we know that you don’t like skincare products just like we women don’t like football. Therefore, we will talk about the most basic things regarding men's facial care. We have compiled a step-by-step guide based on 4 stages of skin care. Below - in detail and simply about each stage of caring for your facial skin.


Men's skin is denser and rougher than women's. It has more sebaceous glands, which cause increased sweating and cause clogged pores, resulting in inflammation and inflammation on the skin. This is why it is important to cleanse your skin regularly.

To effectively cleanse your skin, stock up foam or gel for washing. You shouldn’t wash your face with regular soap: it will only dry out your skin and give you more problems with it. Wash your face once a day with cool or slightly warm water: hot water dries out your skin. After washing, gently pat your face dry with a towel and do not rub your skin with the towel (this will only stretch it.


In simple terms, the exfoliation stage is needed to cleanse clogged pores where dirt, dust and sebum accumulate, remove the dead skin layer and make it soft.

Peelings should be done 1-2 times a week (not more often) after the washing procedure. To effectively exfoliate your skin, use light scrubs or. After exfoliation, proceed to the toning phase.


Toning improves blood microcirculation and makes men's skin fresher, smoother and more elastic. Toning is simple: after washing with foam or gel, moisten a cotton pad tonic or lotion for sensitive skin and wipe your face with it.

Choose a product without alcohol (the composition should not contain the inscription Alcohol). Can be used instead of tonic soothing aftershave lotion. You should wipe your skin 2 times a day - morning and evening.


Any skin, even oily, needs hydration. The drier your skin, the more nourishing the cream should be. And vice versa, the more fatty it is, the lighter and more liquid it should be in consistency. Moisturizing cream helps maintain skin elasticity, makes it soft, and also relieves flaking and a feeling of tightness.

Choose one good moisturizer that suits your skin type and use it once a day (if you have dry skin, twice) after toning your skin and every time after shaving your face. Don't forget to also apply cream to the skin around your eyes.

So, men, your basic skin care looks like this:cleansing - exfoliation(1-2 rubles/week)- shaving - toning - moisturizing.

To complete these steps you will need only 4 means:

Foam or gel for washing;
Tonic (aftershave lotion);
Moisturizing face cream;
Soft facial scrub.

That's all! As promised, nothing too complicated. Four cosmetic products on the shelf in the bathroom are your basic and complete facial skin care. Men, just follow this simple scheme to have beautiful, well-groomed, and most importantly, healthy skin!

The modern man is no longer that inert macho who does not attach much importance to his appearance and stubbornly insists that water and soap are the only things he needs. Now male self-care is no longer perceived as a whim, but is becoming more and more natural and pleasant. Modern men now know that proper care is not only a matter of appearance, but also of health and well-being.

1. Attention to skin needs

Despite the fact that a quick shower and deodorant are no longer enough for most men, not every one of them still knows what type of care to choose. Although this choice is very important. Inappropriate cosmetics can cause harm to both women and men. Men's skin is significantly different from. The reason here is hidden in hormones. It is more than 20% thicker, which increases its resistance to external factors. In turn, a larger number of sebaceous glands makes the skin less susceptible to moisture loss, as a result of which it ages more slowly. On the other hand, men's skin is more easily inflamed and prone to age spots.

In such a situation, it is very important to use only those cosmetics that are intended for men. It not only has a typically masculine scent and packaging, but also its composition, which is ideal for men's needs. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that not every man has normal, mixed or oily skin. There are many people with sensitive and irritated skin. That is why most major cosmetic brands offer special men's lines in their assortment, which take into account the needs of different skin and hair types.

2. Cleansing is very important

Proper cleansing is the most important thing, without which there can be no talk of well-groomed skin. It is not recommended to use regular soap for this purpose, which irritates and dries out the skin. For men's skin, a face mask is best suited, of course, tailored to your skin type. As a rule, it contains microgranules that gently exfoliate the epidermis.

6. For hair and body

Shampoos and shower gels are products that are in every person’s bathroom. But many people don’t even think about the properties of some of these cosmetic preparations. It's not just about cleansing capabilities or aromas. Not every person thinks about the fact that water causes dry skin. After each bath, you should use body lotion to help keep your skin smooth, soft and moisturized. Very few men also use gels for intimate hygiene. This can be considered a mistake, because even men experience unpleasant irritations in certain places.

Hair care is also not a very simple task. Here too, one should be guided by the specific purpose of a particular product. Shampoos for men are usually aimed at getting rid of the main problems related to beauty and hair loss. Men produce much more sweat than women - from 500 to 1500 ml. Therefore, men's shower gels have a more intense smell, which persists even after the washing process. Of course, the shower itself cleanses and oxygenates the skin, and also counteracts the development of bacteria. However, you should always use deodorant after swimming, and in summer - antiperspirant.

7. Legs and arms also require care

Hands are very often perceived as a person’s calling card. Both men and women know this. This part of the body is very susceptible to dryness and irritation, especially in winter. Therefore, you should remember to regularly use restorative, nourishing and moisturizing creams. Remember to also use gloves when the temperature gets too low. Hand cream is one of the few cosmetic products that a man and a woman can use together. Foot care is no less important. If you want to be able to wear sandals in the summer without embarrassment, you should regularly treat your heels with a special grater. And after the bath, apply a rich foot cream or Vaseline. Foot deodorant or cosmetic talc will protect you from excessive sweat.

8. The importance of being systematic

All these principles have one thing in common - their effectiveness is only possible with regular procedures. The main thing is to identify the needs of your skin. Thanks to this, you will be able to choose the most suitable varieties from the range of all available cosmetics for comprehensive care. Over time, daily grooming rituals will become pleasant, natural and obvious. And a good appearance will add self-confidence even in the most difficult moments of life.

Oh, these stereotypes! “A handsome man is a little prettier than a monkey”, “A real Viking should fight, and not paint his skin with cream”, “Cosmetics are for women and gays”... Residents of big cities and developed countries have long woken up and began to take care of themselves. By the way, caring for men’s facial skin is an integral trend of modern Koreans. Yes, those same patriots who have been observing the traditions of Confucianism for centuries and are ready to fight for their homeland at any moment. Try accusing them of being feminine or effeminate!

Why should a man have his own cosmetics?

It is no secret that boys and girls differ in physiology, skin structure, and hormonal levels. And manufacturers select for each individual, the most suitable composition and functional set of cosmetics. For specifics, I give examples.

  1. Men have thicker skin than women. This means that for cleansing they require stronger agents that can penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  2. Only a man's face is subjected to serious stress– regular shaving, which irritates and injures the skin. Therefore, it needs intensive softening and antiseptic action.
  3. The hair of men and women is different structure and life cycle of follicles. Therefore, shampoos intended for the fair sex can behave unpredictably and unpleasantly on men’s heads.

You cannot neglect the psychological criterion when choosing caring products - using the glamorous and elegant tubes of your woman is somehow not respectable. Men's cosmetics are produced in discreet, brutal bottles that are not embarrassing to display in the bathroom. Example: TONY MOLY has an uncompromising product FIELD MANUAL FAST SHAMPOO in the form of... a grenade! An excellent gift for the most courageous.

Stages of skin care for men

It all started with shaving foams and shampoos labeled “For Men.” Then shower gels, gray-covering paints, hygienic lipsticks, eye creams and even powders for the stronger half of humanity began to appear. The use of these products is voluntary, but mandatory men’s skin care should include 3 stages:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • hydration.

Korean brands offer a large selection of different products: lotions, serums, and balms... But men are men, and most often they prefer universal products that can cope with several tasks at once and are as convenient to use as possible. This is exactly the kind of cosmetics I want to introduce you to.

Choosing cosmetics for men's skin

Products for caring for men's skin, cleansing, toning and moisturizing are not just brutally designed. They act more intensely, deeper and even more aggressively than products intended for women. As promised, I present to your attention Korean cosmetics that should be included in the arsenal of a well-groomed man.

1. Foams and gels. Designed to cleanse the skin of impurities and regulate the sebaceous glands. Suitable for men with problematic or oily skin (for example, AHA&BHA PEELING GEL MEN), as well as those who do not mind step-by-step facial care.

2. Liquid soap. A universal product that is used both for cleansing the skin and for shaving. If this is what you need, I advise you to take a closer look at GROOMING DUAL PLAY - an inexpensive, economical and functional soap that, unlike its relatives, does not dry out the skin, but, on the contrary, softens and moisturizes it.

3. Toners and essences. Designed to retain moisture in the skin and prevent cell aging. Apply after cleansing in the same way as a regular face lotion - with patting movements. An interesting product of this stage is MINERAL HOMME BLACK TONER. It instantly turns even the most brutal skin into well-groomed skin. It also smells delicious, and the bottle is original.

4. Vibes and creams. This is the final stage of care: moisturizing, nourishing, protective. The first product is lighter in consistency, the second is suitable for winter care and for those with dry skin. ECO ENERGY MILD EMULSION is a favorite among many Russians, gradually replacing the balms in our mass market.

5. Multifunctional tools. They combine the second and third stages of skin care and are used immediately after washing or shaving. A bright representative of this group is BLACK BONE ALL MIGHTY BLACK ALL-IN-ONE. This is a toner, serum, cream, and skin care around the eyes at the same time.

For those who lack the functionality of the listed products, Korean manufacturers have created super-universal aloe gels. Thus, JEJU FRESH ALOE SOOTHING GEL 99% is both a product for washing, and cosmetics used after shaving, and a fluid for the eyelids. Suitable not only for men, but also for all family members.


Why should everyone take care of themselves, not just actors and public people? A neat appearance is the outward manifestation of a promising and successful person. Nobody forces men to paint their lips, paint their eyes and rouge their cheeks. But it is still worth fighting skin imperfections and stopping age-related changes with regular care, which is gradually being recognized by an increasing number of men. Moreover, the beautiful half of humanity is not against such a trend, but only for it!

That's all, thanks for your attention! Beauty and happiness to all, your Nastya Vorobyova.

Some men perceive age-related changes no less painfully than women. They also want to look young and attractive. Gray hair does not affect the psychological state of the stronger half as much as wrinkles.

Modern cosmetology offers men various procedures and the latest surgical techniques that restore their former youth, attractiveness, and sexuality. At the same time, the methods of surgical manipulations on the male face differ from similar operations for women due to the peculiarities of its structure. Let's learn more about anti-aging facial procedures for men.

Skin features in men

The condition of the epidermis depends on hormones. Men and women have different hormonal levels.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been practicing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous people who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because... Science does not stand still; more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body are appearing, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most affordable alternative.

For more than 1 year, the miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN has been available on the European market, which can be obtained FOR FREE. It is several times more effective than Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and the most important thing is that you will see its effect instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Find out more>>

Men's skin is 20% denser, it contains more melanin and collagen, which significantly delays aging. But the sweat and sebaceous glands work more intensely, and the epidermis needs deeper cleansing. Otherwise, greasy shine and rashes appear.

The skin is more resistant to external irritants - sun, heat, frost. It gets damaged all the time when shaving. You need to choose not only cleansing, but also healing products. Men with thin, dry, sensitive skin are less common.

How to rejuvenate a man's face? First, let's look at the simplest and least radical ways to prolong youth.

Self-facial rejuvenation

There is an important set of measures that will help a man maintain skin tone and health at home:

  1. Water balance. Lack of fluid can negatively affect the body. You need to drink two liters of clean still water daily. Lemon juice, mint, and apple are added to it. Such drinks remove toxins and saturate the body with vitamins.
  2. You need to accustom yourself to washing your face with cleansers every day, using moisturizing creams, making masks twice a week, and sometimes using scrubs. Proper care will help rejuvenate your face, eliminate redness and rashes.
  3. Correction of regime and diet. It is necessary to give up smoking, alcohol, and reduce coffee consumption, otherwise the process of withering will be much faster. You need to establish a clear daily routine, spend more time outdoors, and try to get enough sleep. You should eat small portions 4-5 times a day. The diet includes more cereals, greens, and lean meat.
  4. In the morning and evening during hygiene procedures, you need to perform several exercises: stretch your lips strongly, frown your forehead, raise and lower your eyebrows. With the help of such facial training, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out and muscle tone will be maintained.
  5. You can make skincare masks. White clay can tighten the oval of the face and cleanse the epidermis. Mix white clay, a teaspoon of honey and milk so that you end up with a thick paste. It is applied to the face and washed off after 20 minutes. Other recipes can be used. Masks help cleanse the epidermis, moisturize it, tighten it, and prevent inflammation and peeling.

Anti-aging cosmetics for men

They are selected according to your skin type, with help from a qualified cosmetologist. The price of anti-aging cosmetics can vary from several hundred to several thousand. The most popular brands: Lancome, Vichy, Biotherm, Guerlain, Shiseido and others. It is also necessary to wipe your face with tonic. It will wash away dirt and tone the epidermis.

Let's look at what should be included:

  • Hyaluronic acid will protect, moisturize, and prevent inflammation;
  • Sodium hyaluronate is able to normalize water balance, add elasticity, and deeply moisturize;
  • Collagen and elastin will visually tighten the face.

Also useful:

  • Plant extracts;
  • Dead Sea mud extract;
  • Essential oils;
  • Vitamin complexes.

The creams also contain oils, honey, green tea, coenzyme Q10, and vitamins. These elements should restore water balance, add elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles. Anti-aging masks prevent dryness, irritation, and eliminate minor inflammations. They are used twice a week, no more often. Light peeling with scrubs is done once a week. Exfoliate, help rejuvenate the skin, nourish it.

Active components trigger regeneration processes and improve metabolism at the cellular level. Products must be hypoallergenic. Apply with careful light movements.

All of the above procedures are great for home use.

Salon treatments

Let's find out what procedures modern cosmetology offers for men.

This is a hardware procedure that cleanses the upper layers of the skin, saturates them with useful substances, and rejuvenates them. Indicated for early aging of the epidermis, loss of elasticity, dullness, age-related peeling, pigmentation, wrinkles, scars, blackheads.

First, the skin is cleansed and deep peeled with various bio-ambrasives. Remove the surface layer, removing dead cells. This is a harmless procedure. The cover is rejuvenated and acquires freshness. Fine wrinkles, age spots are reduced, pores are narrowed.

Afterwards, jets of an aqueous solution containing active substances, vitamins, and minerals are introduced. Collagen production is stimulated, blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened, and metabolic processes are improved. The epidermis becomes elastic, acquires an even color, a healthy appearance, and the depth of wrinkles decreases.

Contraindications: acute herpes, open wounds, oncology.


The procedure for local exposure to cold using a special apparatus. Returns natural color, saturates cells with vitamins, makes the face smooth. There is an impact on all layers of the epidermis, facial muscles, and blood vessels.

The skin is first cleaned of impurities. Then they are treated with a cold probe along the massage lines. It feels as if your face has been rubbed with ice cubes several times. The permeability of the cover improves.

Afterwards, a special gel with vitamins, microelements, amino acids, collagen, and hyaluronic acid is applied. The session takes about 20 minutes, the procedure is performed per week. An average of 6 sessions are required. It is recommended to carry out in combination with home care.

Small wrinkles will disappear, the skin will become silky and more elastic. Enlarged pores will narrow.


  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Wounds in the treatment area;
  • Acute infections;
  • Oncology, even if it is cured;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Rosacea.

The technique helps combat sagging skin, loss of elasticity, and changes in the facial contour. The production of fibroblasts is stimulated, which affects the elasticity of the integument. They synthesize elastin and collagen. Usually four procedures are prescribed with an interval of 12 days. First, the top, keratinized layer of the skin is exfoliated.

Then, transport channels are prepared with a low-intensity laser for the introduction of the necessary substances. The drug is administered. They are treated with an electromagnetic field to improve microcirculation, stimulate the production of fibroblasts, and activate metabolic processes. Afterwards, peeling is carried out to eliminate the network of fine wrinkles and tighten the skin.

Ultrasonic lifting

A non-invasive tightening procedure performed using high-frequency ultrasound waves. Local tissue heating occurs, micromassage occurs, muscles are saturated with micromassage. Microcirculation and permeability improve, metabolism is activated. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened. Nasolabial folds, sebaceous plugs, and keratinization are eliminated. About five procedures are required.

Cannot be carried out with:

  • Injuries in the treatment area;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Aggravated herpes, purulent rashes;
  • Oncology;
  • Connective tissue diseases.

Hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, which has a moisturizing, smoothing and tightening effect. The technique can slow down aging, restore the face, improve the condition of the epidermis, and smooth out various negative manifestations on the face.

The laser beam “opens” transport channels and activates the work of acid molecules. Using this method you can get rid of post-operative and chemical burns. Contraindications are acute herpes, ulcers, open wounds.

Surgical rejuvenation

The most radical way of rejuvenation is plastic surgery. This is an invasive procedure that corrects serious cosmetic defects. Natural facial expressions are preserved as much as possible. The likelihood of postoperative sutures and scars is minimal.

A lower face lift is performed on mature men. The surgeon eliminates the double chin, tightens the skin of the neck, and the oval becomes clearer. General anesthesia and endoscopic equipment are required. Endoscopic lifting removes wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial furrows, and corrects drooping cheeks. The latest technologies minimize trauma. The stitches disappear after a couple of weeks.

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery that affects the eyelids and area around the eyes, making the look more open. This type of plastic surgery is performed only according to indications. The overhanging fold in men is partially removed. Fine wrinkles are usually left behind. They give a man an attractive maturity. The patient's gaze should not change, and the veil should not appear too tight.

Upper eyelid surgery is the most common procedure. Lower eyelid surgery involves removing too noticeable tear troughs and getting rid of sagging bags under the eyes. Circular blepharoplasty includes both previous techniques.

Full surgical lifting restores the correct oval of the face, eliminates deep wrinkles, drooping corners of the lips, eyes, sagging, and furrows. A clearer angle is formed between the neck and chin. A man can look 10 years younger. Excess skin is excised, soft tissue is returned to its original place.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, the sight of which in the mirror makes you feel uneasy.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies against wrinkles, ranging from traditional methods to procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

If all the remedies gave, it was only a minor temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything returned.

The only drug that has given significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botex. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is financed by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

The surgeon, when removing wrinkles or giving clear contours to the patient’s face, must remember that a man’s haircut does not hide the stitches.

To preserve youthful skin, it is necessary to carry out a set of procedures, including self-care at home, masks made from natural ingredients, and anti-aging cosmetics. Cosmetic procedures will help cope with more pronounced manifestations. After 40-50 years, men can resort to more radical methods - surgical lifting, which will make them look 10-15 years younger.
