Start of week 4 what's going on. Baby development in the first four weeks after birth

You learned about pregnancy, which means that right now the most beautiful and exciting time is coming in your life. It is important to spend this time correctly, following simple recommendations and tips.

Most likely, you have already been to the gynecologist's appointment, who informed you about the 4-week pregnancy. In our article, we will analyze in detail all the features of the course of pregnancy at this time:

  • What does four weeks mean?
  • What does the expectant mother feel during this period?
  • What processes take place in her body?
  • How to eat right, what vitamins should be taken?
  • What should be warned about?

So, the first important information that you should know with the onset of pregnancy is its exact period.

At your first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy, the doctor will ask you about your last period. Why do you need this information? Knowing the last day of menstruation, the doctor determines the obstetric gestational age.

This method has been used almost since ancient times. When medicine was still underdeveloped, a simple method was used to find out if a woman was pregnant. A woman was considered pregnant if she did not start her period. Childbirth in this case usually occurred after 280 days (10 months) from the date of the last menstruation.

Due to its versatility, this method is also used in modern gynecology. The doctor finds out the last day of your menstruation, calculates the day of ovulation and thus determines the obstetric gestational age.

In fact, 4 weeks of obstetric pregnancy is equal to approximately 2 weeks from the moment of conception.

Most often, women find out about their pregnancy precisely in the fourth week, because around this time they notice the first delay in menstruation. Some women who already have children notice their pregnancy at an earlier date - literally in the first week. This is due to the fact that experienced mothers already know and feel the slightest changes in their own body. And what should the expectant mother feel at this stage of pregnancy?

Feelings and symptoms of pregnancy

  • Pain in the mammary glands;
  • Deterioration of mood (aggressiveness or, conversely, tearfulness);
  • Minor bleeding is possible;
  • Feeling tired, sleepy.

The expectant mother during this period of time may not even be aware of her situation and simply expect the next menstruation. Moreover, the symptoms coincide 100%. You may feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the stomach itself increases slightly (as happens before menstruation). The chest increases slightly in size, pain from touching may appear. Sometimes it even hurts and feels good from a little pressure underwear.

Many women at this time note increased irritability. Again, such symptoms completely repeat the premenstrual ones, so many simply do not pay any attention to them.

One of the brightest indicators of pregnancy of this period can be called severe fatigue, drowsiness. Performing your usual load, you literally fall off your feet. The body does not feel light, it seems to be loaded with extra pounds.

Have you ever noticed how expectant mothers at very early dates suddenly start walking as if they already have a huge belly? This is due to sudden hormonal changes in the body, which are very acutely felt in the early stages. In addition, many expectant mothers, having learned about pregnancy, are also included in the “psychological” restructuring - they begin to realize that a new life is emerging in their tummy, which must be carefully protected. But what actually happens in the mother's stomach in the fourth week?

Fetal development in the fourth week

The first miracles happen in your body - the fertilized egg turns into a real embryo. So far, its dimensions are still quite tiny - 0.36 millimeters in length and 1 millimeter in width. Now it looks like a small disk in its shape, which consists of three layers of cells. Just imagine, each such layer of cells will eventually turn into organs. So, the top layer of cells will become the skin of the baby, the nervous system, hairline is formed from the same cells. Over time, the digestive system, liver, thyroid gland and other internal organs are formed from the inner layer. And the middle layer of cells will become the skeleton, muscles, circulatory system.

But before all these magical transformations, time must still pass, but for now the embryo only strengthens its position on the wall of the uterus. Chorion, amnion, yolk sac are formed from its cells - they will protect the embryo during its development.

Early pregnancy is considered very important. At this time, the female body is completely rebuilt and "trying" its strength to carry the baby. Therefore, now it is especially important to help your body tune in, nourish the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

What kind of food does the expectant mother need?

It is best to get nutritional advice from your doctor. Why? Each expectant mother has her own individual characteristics. This is the structure of the figure, the presence of any diseases, heredity and many other factors. Even before pregnancy, it is advisable to drink vitamin complexes, but with its onset, you need to be careful with vitamins. In the first trimester, many doctors recommend to refrain from taking multivitamin complexes.

Foods high in protein

Now you critically need a protein that provides the "construction" of a new organism. So feel free to eat meat and fish. However, be careful when choosing these products. It is better to buy sea fish, so you will minimize the risk of infection with opisthorchiasis. Refrain from raw fish (which is so loved to add to sushi and rolls). The meat should be well-done with a minimum of hot seasonings or sauces.


Of course, you know that calcium is simply necessary for the proper formation of bone structure, for good teeth and nails. With the development of the fetus, the baby will receive this element from the body of the mother. Therefore, during pregnancy, many note a sharp deterioration in the quality of nails and teeth. Include fresh cottage cheese, kefir, and varenets in your daily diet.

Beets, prunes, dairy products

During pregnancy, many expectant mothers are prescribed a special diet that helps with constipation (a common problem during pregnancy). This group of products will help you gently and safely solve such a problem.

Fruits and vegetables

Now I really want something delicious! Indulge in fresh fruits and vegetables. Firstly, they contain fiber, which is necessary for proper cleansing of the body. Secondly, they have a lot of vitamins and minerals. The only caveat - do not overdo it with fruits that cause allergies. Strawberries, tangerines and other tasty berries, fruits should be consumed within reasonable limits. Also be careful with fruits and berries that do not grow in your area this season. For example, it is not at all desirable to buy watermelons in early spring. It will be very dangerous for the baby and for the mother to receive a loading dose of pesticides.

Pure water and juices

Drink as much water as possible. This will help you get rid of swelling, reduce bouts of nausea. Remember that the water must be clean and non-carbonated. Try to avoid unhealthy sugary drinks. At least for a while, forget about strong coffee. Better treat yourself to delicious fruit tea, compotes, natural juices. You also have to forget about alcohol.

If before pregnancy you followed a diet to maintain good shape, then during the period of expectation of the baby, you will have to temporarily abandon this idea.

The baby is critically in need of nutrients, therefore, excluding just one product from the diet, you can harm the development of the fetus or provoke any deviations.

In addition to nutrition, you will also have to rethink your lifestyle to include simple but incredibly healthy habits.


To give up smoking

Every mother knows that smoking during pregnancy (and at any other time) is strictly prohibited. If you're a regular smoker and haven't been able to kick the habit before pregnancy, be sure to talk to your doctor. He may prescribe you special drugs that reduce the risk of possible diseases caused by smoking.

Many future mothers easily get rid of addiction at the moment when they see two cherished strips on a test or ultrasound results. One awareness of responsibility for the life of a baby helps to quickly forget about a harmful hobby.


If you live in a metropolis, try to be outdoors during pregnancy. Go to the country, to the sea or to the river.

The future baby, just like you, needs oxygen that is not poisoned by harmful impurities. In the first trimester, it is advisable not to walk too much. Try to rest more, get enough sleep. Now you absolutely do not need extra physical activity. A little later, when the baby will feel confident in your stomach, you can switch to a more active lifestyle. Then it will already be possible to sign up for special water aerobics, to be like yoga for pregnant women. For now, just calm!

Anti-stress programs

In the first weeks of pregnancy, mothers react very violently to absolutely everything, think of a way to calm down for yourself.

Every time you want to cry out of the blue (and only then you will realize that there was no reason to be upset), think about the fact that the baby is suffering with you. Even when he is still very young, he feels that his mother is not well, and he also begins to worry.

If you feel that you are about to burst into tears, turn on a good movie, put on pleasant music, cook something tasty.

It is very good if during this period there will be close people next to you who can take care of you. If possible, go to the spa for an anti-stress program that uses scent and sound treatment for stress. Take a nice relaxing foot bath.

Body and hair care

Even if you're used to going to the hairdresser all the time, try to refrain from dyeing your hair and perming while you're pregnant. Corrosive dyes can harm the baby.

You also need to be more careful when choosing procedures for the body. During pregnancy, you should not do some types of massage that involve strong pressure on the abdomen. It is better to do a light relaxing back massage. Now he can relieve you of tension, because in the first weeks of pregnancy your back often hurts (there is some restructuring of the whole organism).

Airplane flights

As much as you want to fly away to the sea somewhere, get married in the sun and enjoy your vacation, it is advisable not to do this in the first trimester. Now is a very dangerous period when the likelihood of a miscarriage is high. Therefore, experts do not recommend flying on airplanes during this dangerous period. Yes, and a sharp change in climate will not benefit you now. It is best to stay at home and be able to contact your doctor at any time.

Taking medications

Now, when in any pharmacy you can buy almost all medicines without a prescription, many people are used to self-medication. We often do not even notice how we drink another pill for a headache or a potion for a cold. When you are expecting a baby, you will have to be more careful about everything that gets into your mouth (especially when it comes to medicines). Now you absolutely cannot drink strong painkillers, put anesthesia (even during dental treatment) and take the usual remedies for colds or allergies.

Before taking any medicine, you need to ask your doctor for permission.

A real miracle has happened in your life. And now the most important thing is to save it, protect it, grow it and give it the opportunity to come into this world. We wish you to be patient, to go through this fascinating and amazing process of gestation and birth with ease and pleasure.

Video - 4 weeks pregnant

If you have any difficulties or problems - you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

Attached to the wall of the uterus, the egg continues its transformation. This week, the rapid cell division and intense growth slows down somewhat, as slightly different changes occur. The embryo is divided into three layers, the cells of which form the chorion, amnion and yolk sac. It begins to build from the chorion, the formation of which will end by the 12th week. The placenta already secretes hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), but its concentration in the urine is still negligible. A blood test for hCG can already determine pregnancy as well as an ultrasound. However, starting from the 4th week, you can already conduct a home pregnancy test. However, the results of tests conducted from subsequent weeks will be more accurate.

Fetus at 4 weeks pregnant: weight and dimensions

The amnion formed at this time will gradually transform into the amniotic bladder (with amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid). In the same week, the umbilical cord will form, which will provide the embryo with free rotation in the amniotic bladder.

The division of the egg into germ layers ensures the formation of all organs and systems of the child in the future. Moreover, it is male cells that take the most active part in this process, showing the function assigned to the male sex by nature - protection and provision of offspring.

Each layer of the embryonic disc will form a specific group of organs, systems and tissues. So, the skin, tooth enamel, hair, nails, epithelium of the eyes, nose, ears are formed from the outer germ layer - the ectoderm. Later, the spinal cord, or rather the neural tube, will be born from these same cells. The internal organs will naturally form from the inner layer - the endoderm. These will be the liver, lungs, bladder, organs of the digestive and respiratory systems. Other organs will be built from the cells of the middle germ layer - the mesoderm. They will initiate the formation of the heart, large vessels, blood, lymph, muscular system, spine, cartilage and muscles, gonads, kidneys.

The embryo is already fully nourished and lives at the expense of the mother's body. The placenta provides it with maternal protective antibodies and all the substances necessary for life (water, air, vitamins, minerals, salts), excretes its waste products, and also protects against negative factors. Mom's heart, kidneys and circulatory system are already working for two, with an increased load.

By the way, it is at the 4th week of pregnancy that the egg can divide into two zygotes, each of which, depending on the stage at which the separation occurred, can develop in a separate placenta in the future, or identical twins will live under the cover of one common placenta (or whatever it is). called - the child's body or placenta). Now it produces (the follicle from which the fertilized egg has matured) necessary to maintain pregnancy. But from the 12th week, the already fully formed placenta will take over this function.

In general, 4 weeks in the pregnancy calendar is very important. At this time, the heart of the future baby is transformed into a two-chambered one, the head begins to form, and with it many organs.

The development of the baby continues at a rapid pace, and the 4th week of pregnancy is no exception. Its weight now ranges from 0.4-0.5 g. The embryo itself has a size of over 2 mm, a length of 5 mm, and is now called an embryo.

Future mom

Changes occur with the expectant mother. Outwardly, this is still hardly noticeable, and many women still do not even know about their new position.

pregnancy symptoms at 4 weeks

Nevertheless, the mammary glands swell, the waist becomes quite a bit wider, the woman feels increased weakness, fatigue, irritability, a change in appetite, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, and so on.

One of the most obvious, but ambiguous symptoms already at this, such an early stage, is a noticeable engorgement of the mammary glands, which is often accompanied by some sensitivity, soreness of the nipples. Even now, changes in taste preferences can be noted, what is popularly called “drawn to salty”. At the same time, changes can affect appetite: in some cases, a woman is ready to eat constantly and in large quantities, in some cases, her appetite practically disappears, but intolerance to smells makes itself felt.

It is quite possible that at 4 weeks no obvious first signs of pregnancy have yet been observed. But if you are already aware of your situation, take care of sufficient rest, walk a lot in the fresh air, move, adjust your work, nutrition, pay attention to shoes, clothes, emotional state, and so on. Already now you should start taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Taking care of yourself is taking care of your future child. Be responsible and don't be a hero. Ideally, if from now on the lion's share of household chores will be taken over by the future father.

Feelings at 4 weeks pregnant

Moreover, the sensations in the early stages of pregnancy are unlikely to be called pleasant by “experienced mothers”. So, in addition to the above symptoms and signs, both physiological and emotional changes in sensations cause discomfort. Not only does the chest swell and cause inconvenience, but marvelous changes occur with appetite, it also accompanies constant weakness. Often, by the 4th week of pregnancy, increased fatigue makes itself felt: in the morning a woman wakes up, as if not having slept, and drowsiness can haunt her throughout the day.

Against the background of fatigue, apathy develops, there is a loss of interest even in your favorite business. All this is accompanied by increased irritability, a woman can turn into an unpredictable volcano: a minute ago he was dozing, and now he exploded - here you have tears, and whims, and inexplicable nervousness. It would seem that all these phenomena are completely groundless, but in fact, they are associated with a major, constantly ongoing hormonal restructuring of the body.


Vaginal discharge at the 4th week of pregnancy, if their color, smell and consistency do not radically change, are considered a common occurrence. Normally, the discharge at this time may be somewhat more abundant, which is explained by changes in the hormonal background and increased blood flow. The color of the discharge is whitish or transparent, there is practically no smell (normally, the discharge has a slightly perceptible sour smell). If the discharge suddenly acquires an unhealthy yellowish or gray-green color, a sharp unpleasant odor joins them, and curdled flakes are found in the discharge, it is advisable to immediately see a doctor. After all, such changes, indicating the development of one of the genital infectious diseases, do not bring anything good.

It happens that the 4th week of pregnancy is also marked by the appearance of spotting. This period is generally considered one of the critical periods of pregnancy, since it coincides with the days of menstruation. And now, according to the “scheme” debugged for months and years, the body may try to ejaculate the egg - in this regard, an increased tone of the uterus is not ruled out. Again, "out of habit" the body gets rid of a certain amount of blood, which women, not knowing about their future motherhood, mistakenly take for menstruation. Although the amount of blood lost, and the duration of the "monthly" pregnancy, of course, corrects downward.

4 week pregnancy test

Although the 5th week is considered the optimal time for the test and its most accurate results, it is possible to establish the fact of pregnancy by the end of the fourth week. If there is a delay in the "planned" menstruation, and the pregnancy was planned - at the end of the week, you can safely go to the pharmacy for an express test. What is interesting: at the beginning of the week, the test is unlikely to show accurate results, because the level of hCG in the urine is still very low. But, at the same time, it continues to increase every day, and, quite possibly, by the end of the 4th week, the levels of the “pregnancy hormone” will be enough for the second, “defining” strip to appear on the test.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks pregnant

But an ultrasound scan at the 4th week of pregnancy can unconditionally confirm this very pregnancy: the embryo has already completely fixed itself in the uterus, and the ultrasound machine is quite capable of determining it. Ultrasound in this case will show whether the embryo was successfully implanted (uterine or ectopic pregnancy takes place), whether the corpus luteum successfully develops and increases in size.

But, in fairness, it is worth noting that ultrasound at the 4th week of pregnancy is extremely rare: many women at this stage are just beginning to suspect their new status, thinking, first of all, about buying a test.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The period of pregnancy is an important part of a woman's life. During the bearing of a child, the body experiences quite a lot of stress. That is why tastes, well-being, as well as the general condition of a young mother are changing.

The fourth week of pregnancy is the period when the embryo is already fixed, all life processes begin to form. As a rule, it is at this moment that a woman begins to feel changes in her body. With a normal cycle, which lasts a woman for 28 days, a delay of 2 weeks will just mean 4 weeks of pregnancy. If the cycle is irregular, then the exact week can be determined based on tests or ultrasound.

As a rule, it is at this time that a woman begins to feel the changes taking place in the body. The surest sign of pregnancy is always a delay in menstruation. It is easier to assess the situation in this sense for those who have a regular menstrual cycle and menstruation comes every day. But even a healthy woman may have some errors in the cycle. As a rule, this is due to past stresses, weather or climate changes, experiences, and various other reasons.

In addition to the delay, there are also the following symptoms of pregnancy at 4 weeks from conception:

  1. Nausea. Especially a woman worries in the morning. As a rule, this happens due to the fact that the body does not understand what is happening, and it responds with a similar reaction.
  2. Drowsiness. Due to changes in the hormonal background, a woman may notice how she has become sharply tired, that she really wants to sleep, although at first glance it seems that she has had enough sleep. Even after sleeping all day, it won't be enough.
  3. Irritability. It is also associated with a violation and changes in the hormonal background.
  4. Frequent urination.
  5. Change in taste preferences. Movies always show how women suddenly begin to want unusual dishes or just pickles. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen.
  6. Increased salivation.
  7. The basal temperature is above 37 degrees. In order to measure it, it is necessary in the morning, without getting out of bed, to use a thermometer rectally.

Among other things, often a woman feels increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. Sometimes it even hurts to touch the chest. This is also due to the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

After a woman finds these sensations in herself at the 4th week of pregnancy, you can take a test or immediately donate blood for hCG, which will accurately show a reliable result, up to a week.

It is also worth noting that a couple of days before the expected menstruation, a woman may experience not abundant spotting, which may be similar to the onset of menstruation. But, as a rule, they end on the same day. Such discharge may indicate that implantation has occurred, that is, a fertilized egg has invaded the uterine cavity.

Discharge at 4 weeks

As a rule, during pregnancy, the discharge of women becomes more viscous and viscous, and also acquires a whiter color. If these discharges bring discomfort in the form of itching or burning, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Important. Under normal circumstances, this should not be the case. As a rule, the discharge is invisible.

If the girl has abundant clear discharge, then you should also immediately consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that in the body of a woman there is an insufficient level of progesterone, although this should not be the case at the 4th week of pregnancy.

fetus at 4 weeks pregnant

As a rule, at the 4th week of pregnancy, the length of the embryo is only 4 mm. The shape is very similar to a flat disk, which consists of 3 sheets. As a rule, the formation of all the necessary organs and parts of the body will begin from them. Each leaf is responsible for its function and formation.

  • The 1st sheet will subsequently turn into hair, nervous system, skin, eye lenses, and tooth enamel.
  • The 2nd sheet will turn into connective tissue, muscles, skeleton, genitals and circulatory system.
  • The 3rd leaf will form the digestive system.

During pregnancy, the formation of the placenta and the fetal bladder, in which the child will already be, will occur. It should also be noted that at such an early stage of pregnancy, more paternal genes predominate, thereby providing greater protection to the embryo. Thus, he manages to survive.

The formation of the main organ - the heart - is just beginning. At an early stage, it is a tube through which blood passes. As a rule, the circulatory system is not yet particularly developed and has a simple mechanism of action.

Ultrasound and tests

Most often, an ultrasound examination for such a short period is prescribed only according to the testimony of a doctor. Ultrasound is performed using a special probe that is inserted into the vagina at a shallow depth. It is impossible to listen to the heartbeat for a short time, this can only be done from the sixth week. But it is possible to determine the actual presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity.

On ultrasound at 4 weeks from conception, the state of the corpus luteum is also visible, which is with the embryo until the placenta is fully formed. The corpus luteum is responsible for the production of an important hormone during pregnancy - progesterone.

Indications for ultrasound in early pregnancy:

  • Exclusion of ectopic pregnancy. As a rule, such a pregnancy may not be shown on a pregnancy test or give a very faint line. The hCG level will also be quite low. In this case, an ultrasound is prescribed in order to see the presence of an embryo in the uterus at 4 weeks from conception. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus is in the tube. In this case, an interrupt is performed.
  • Not developing pregnancy. As a rule, hCG at this stage stops growing, although it should show higher rates every day. And also the normal formation of the embryo does not occur at 4 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Suspicion of ovarian torsion.

As soon as a woman found out about pregnancy, her daily routine and diet should be reviewed for the successful bearing of a child. First of all, you should give up alcoholic beverages and smoking. It is advisable to consume more fresh vegetables and fruits.

The doctor must also prescribe a course of essential vitamins that are required for the normal course of pregnancy and the formation of the fetus. The most popular drug is folic acid, which is prescribed to every woman during pregnancy planning and during the period of bearing a child.

You should also be careful with intimacy. After all, at the very initial stage of pregnancy, there is a fairly high risk of its interruption. No need to be very aggressive in bed, you should do everything carefully. And if the doctor forbade, for medical reasons, then you should generally refrain from sex for a while.

Important. The use of antibiotics is also dangerous for the embryo, especially at such a short time.


In order for the pregnancy to be wonderful, it is worth listening to the recommendations of the doctor. Only in this way is the safety of the future mother and baby guaranteed.

One of the most important stages in the course of pregnancy is its initial weeks. At this time, the physiology of the female body changes significantly. Also, huge changes occur daily in the body of a small embryo.

Definition of term

3-4 weeks refers to the first trimester of pregnancy. This time is characterized by the initial manifestations of changes in the female body. The presence of a baby in the uterus already contributes to a change in the hormonal background of his mother.

To determine the age of a child during its intrauterine life, doctors use a special counting system. It includes obstetric weeks and months. This technique differs from the calendar method, which is mainly used by expectant mothers.

4 obstetric weeks of pregnancy is equivalent to 2 weeks from conception. Thus, when calculating using the calendar method, the period will always be somewhat less.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

Factors affecting the development of the baby

2 weeks from conception is an extremely important period in the formation of the child. It is important to note that at this time the embryo begins to develop very quickly. This leads to the fact that interesting biological changes begin to occur with mom and baby.

A child's development is influenced by many factors. They can be both internal and external. The intensity of exposure in some cases can be significant, which can lead to disruption of the normal course of intrauterine development of the baby.

The most important internal factor affecting the baby developing in the mother's belly is the woman's emotional mood. From the very first weeks of pregnancy, the emotions and mood of the expectant mother begin to influence the child.

External influences include a whole variety of factors. One of them is the place of residence of the expectant mother. The conditions of the metropolis can have a negative impact on the female body during the bearing of the baby. Polluted air, the presence of highways and emissions in the air do not contribute to the physiological course of pregnancy.

Also, external influences include the features of the lifestyle that the expectant mother leads. Smoking, alcohol, malnutrition have an extremely adverse effect on both the woman herself and her baby.

Taking medications can also worsen the course of pregnancy. It is very important that a woman finds out about her situation as early as possible. Especially if she is forced to constantly take any medications due to the presence of diseases. Many of these drugs can have adverse effects on the fetus.

During the first half of pregnancy, a very important process, organogenesis, actively proceeds in the child's developing organism. It is characterized by the formation of internal organs and systems of the child.

If this process is disrupted for some reason, then this can contribute to the appearance of serious health problems in the baby in the future. So, violations of organogenesis can lead to the development of defects in the structure of important internal organs and various anomalies in a child.

Woman's condition

This gestation period is still very short. In most cases, a woman does not even suspect that she is expecting a baby. However, serious changes are already beginning to occur in her body.

Many of the sensations that arise, a woman “writes off” to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). We can say that they are really somewhat similar. However, the physiology of their appearance is different.

At the 4th week of pregnancy, a woman is already undergoing hormonal changes. An increase in the level of many hormones in the blood contributes to the fact that the expectant mother has very specific symptoms. It often happens that a woman simply does not pay serious attention to them.

In most cases, the development of characteristic symptoms occurs against the background of a delay in menstruation. This is the main clinical sign of pregnancy. However, there are exceptions in every case.

Feelings and symptoms

The well-being of the expectant mother in the first weeks of pregnancy begins to change. One of the characteristic features is change in the emotional background.

Changing emotions

Doctors call mood swings emotional lability. So, a pregnant woman can be very happy about something, and after a few minutes she is already crying. Such specific mood swings are due to changing hormonal levels.

Many women at this stage of pregnancy become overly aggressive and irritable. An increase in the blood of the female sex hormone, progesterone, leads to the appearance of such changes in mood. It is one of the most important hormonal substances during pregnancy.

During this period, a woman also undergoes some changes in mental activity. So, concentration of attention and short-term memory gradually begin to decrease. This is a physiological feature during pregnancy.

In a pregnant woman, the ability to perform complex tasks that require special concentration of attention is reduced. This leads to the fact that at work she can get tired faster.

Doctors often repeat that expectant mothers should not worry. This phrase is extremely important and not at all banal. During pregnancy, a woman's ability to endure intense psycho-emotional influences is significantly reduced.

Due to physiological characteristics, it becomes vulnerable in various stressful situations. To protect your body from stress, The expectant mother should always be in a good mood and have an optimistic attitude.

Changes in the hormonal background contribute to the fact that a woman has increased drowsiness and general weakness. So, in the daytime, she feels that she wants to sleep a lot. Some expectant mothers may have difficulty falling asleep.

Many women note that at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy they strongly felt various smells. In some cases, this change in sense of smell gave them the strongest discomfort. For example, being in a smoky room or dining room could cause them to become severely nauseous or even vomit.

Dyspeptic disorders

A characteristic clinical sign characteristic of this period is the appearance of changes associated with dyspepsia. One of them is nausea. Unfortunately, almost every woman who has already become a mother is familiar with this symptom.

This symptom occurs mainly in the morning. In some cases, nausea can be debilitating. Some women may experience severe nausea throughout the day. This contributes to a decrease in appetite and distortion of eating behavior.

In order to reduce the manifestation of nausea, expectant mothers begin to eat lemons and other citrus fruits, dissolve mint candies. In some cases, such measures only help to reduce this adverse symptom.

Against the background of debilitating nausea, a woman may vomit. It usually occurs in the morning. However, exceptions are possible. In some cases, vomiting develops against the background of complete well-being. The use of any product can also provoke its appearance.

A rather specific clinical sign that can develop at this stage of pregnancy is a change in taste sensations. So, a woman is no longer happy with her usual favorite food. It seems to her more insipid and tasteless.

At this time, the expectant mother may develop cravings for spicy or spicy foods. Also, some pregnant women may want to eat fragrant chips or crackers. The abundance of flavoring flavors makes their taste brighter. Often women begin to feel a strong need for fast food or food generously flavored with various spices.

Some women may experience increased salivation. This phenomenon is largely facilitated by the changing hormonal background. The intensive work of the salivary glands also affects the taste preferences of a woman during this period.

Changes in the functioning of the reproductive organs

In the initial period of pregnancy, the level of female sex hormones begins to change. This is due to nature so that the intrauterine development of the baby proceeds as it should. Changes in the hormonal background lead to the fact that the physiology of the female genital organs begins to change.

One of the characteristic changes is breast engorgement. The mammary glands become denser, swell and slightly increase in size. Some women experience soreness in their breasts. It is especially pronounced during palpation (palpation). However, some women note that by this stage of pregnancy, their chest has already stopped hurting.

These changes are individual, and their severity is different. If the expectant mother has fibrocystic mastopathy or other diseases of the mammary glands, adverse symptoms may be more pronounced.

The appearance of a specific secret from the vagina is also a fairly characteristic symptom of this period of pregnancy. Allocations can be very different. The amount of discharge often also differs.

In the fourth week, the expectant mother is waiting for the appearance of menstruation and, as a rule, does not know at all about the presence of pregnancy. Some women may experience spotting from the genital tract during this time. They perceive them as normal periods and do not go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. Doctors point out that often these situations are genetic in nature.. So, if a mother, grandmother or sister had “menstruation” during the first weeks of pregnancy, then the woman herself is highly likely to develop similar symptoms.

"Daub" from the genital tract can be a symptom of a variety of conditions. Physiological reasons can also lead to its appearance. In this case, the appearance of secretions is due to female pregnancy hormones.

Spotting spotting from the genital tract can also be a sign of some pathologies of the reproductive organs. For example, inflammatory and traumatic injuries of the cervix are accompanied by the development of this unfavorable symptom. Only a gynecologist can distinguish the norm from pathology. To do this, he conducts a clinical examination on the gynecological chair for the expectant mother. During this simple examination, the doctor will be able to identify signs of pregnancy, as well as determine the presence of concomitant diseases of the reproductive organs in a woman.

Discharge from the genital tract is also brown. The appearance of such a symptom can also be quite physiological. If the discharge does not have a fetid odor and is produced in a small amount, then this is usually a consequence of the normal course of pregnancy.

In most cases, the vaginal discharge of a woman at this stage of bearing a baby is light in color. It has no or very little odor. It resembles a light or clear liquid discharged from the genital tract. The amount of allocation may vary.

If, against the background of the appearance of dark brown discharge, a woman has a pulling pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, then she should immediately contact her doctor. Such symptoms may be a manifestation of the onset of spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, a mandatory clinical examination by a gynecologist is required.

Yellow, fetid discharge from the genital tract may be due to the onset of a bacterial infection. In this case, as a rule, the general well-being of the pregnant woman also worsens. She may have a fever or pain in the lower abdomen.

The appearance of profuse yellow discharge is a significant reason to see a doctor. The doctor in this case should take a smear for bacteriological examination. This laboratory test will accurately detect the pathogenic microflora that caused bacterial inflammation in the genital tract.

After establishing the pathology, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment for the expectant mother. The doctor may advise you to normalize the microflora of the vagina and eliminate the pathogenic one with the help of antibacterial drugs. It is impossible to take such drugs on your own, since many antibiotics can have an adverse effect on the fetus. That is why they are prescribed by specialists only for strict medical reasons.

The choice should be made by an experienced doctor. While taking antibacterial agents, the general condition of the mother, as well as her baby, is necessarily assessed.

Abundant spotting is a very unfavorable clinical sign. If a woman has a lot of blood from the vagina, then this may be a manifestation of the onset of spontaneous abortion. Often this symptom is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. With the development of these clinical signs, the expectant mother should urgently call for medical help.

A woman may also notice the appearance of blood on her underwear after having sex. In this case, unpleasant symptoms completely disappear on the second day after intercourse.

Pregnancy does not require a complete restriction of sexual life. If everything is going well, then you should not be afraid for the baby. A couple should only choose more comfortable poses. If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then in this case it is better to discuss the possibility of a sexual life with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Pain in the spine

In the early stages of pregnancy, women may experience slight discomfort in the back. As the fetus grows in the mother's abdomen, this clinical sign will begin to progress.

A woman feels that her back hurts at this time, as a rule, after performing any physical exertion. It is important to note that the intensity of the load, leading to the appearance of pain, can be quite habitual.

Most often, pain occurs in the lumbar region. In some women, the pain syndrome also covers the coccyx area. Unpleasant sensations in these anatomical areas can occur in a woman after a long stay in an uncomfortable position. Often expectant mothers who work in the office and sit for a long time complain about the appearance of pain in the lower back and coccyx.

Lifting heavy weights can also make a woman feel like she has lower back pain. During pregnancy, it is better not to lift heavy objects. This recommendation should be followed not only in the first weeks, but throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

Women suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system may feel unpleasant symptoms somewhat more strongly. So, if a future mother has osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, then even daily household stress can lead to the appearance of pain in her lumbar region.

In order for pain in the spine to bother a woman as little as possible, she needs to carefully monitor her daily routine and get more rest. Intense sports are best avoided during pregnancy.. An excellent choice for expectant mothers will be various breathing practices and exercises aimed at general relaxation.

In some cases, a woman may experience pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. They can have both physiological and pathological causes. The active development of the baby in the uterus leads to the fact that his mother has tingling or pulling pains in the lower abdomen. They usually appear at any time of the day. The severity of such manifestations can be very different. In many women, this symptom manifests itself so slightly that they practically do not feel it.

The pathological course of pregnancy, leading to its spontaneous termination, can lead to the appearance of spasmodic contractions in the lower third of the abdomen. Usually they arise suddenly against the background of the complete well-being of a woman. In this case, it is very important to provide timely medical care.

Hormonal changes can contribute to the exacerbation of many chronic diseases that are present in a woman. So, the expectant mother may feel that her ovary hurts on the right or left side. Usually this symptom is manifested in women who have neoplasms or various cysts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis gonad.

A slight soreness can be present at this stage in all women. However, the progression of the pain syndrome is an extremely unfavorable sign. The appearance of intense pain in the ovary area is a reason for contacting a gynecologist. In this case, the doctor may recommend a transvaginal ultrasound. This is necessary to exclude concomitant pathologies that could lead to the appearance of this symptom in a pregnant woman.

Possible pathologies in the mother

Pregnancy is a special condition for every female body. The changes that occur at this time are necessary not only to ensure the growing need for the work of the vital internal organs of a woman, but also for the possibility of optimal intrauterine development of her baby.

So, during this period, interesting changes in the functioning of the immune system begin to occur. A small embryo, consisting at this stage of its life of only a few cells, already has its own genetic set of chromosomes. This is due to the fusion of female and male germ cells during conception.

The presence of such a biologically alien “object” in the female body should serve as a kind of signal for the immune system to remove it. However, this does not happen. This feature is due to nature so that natural intrauterine development is possible.

In order for the baby to be able to fully grow and develop in the mother's belly, physiological mechanisms are activated. So, the work of the woman's immune system is somewhat reduced. This contributes to the fact that fetal rejection does not occur during the normal course of pregnancy.

However, this change also has a number of negative aspects. Weakened immunity provokes a decrease in the resistance of the female body to various infectious diseases. Therefore, pregnant women significantly increase the risk of possible colds and respiratory diseases.

The peak of the common cold falls on the cold season. If the expectant mother does not protect her body from the piercing wind or is in contact with people with viral infections, then she can also easily get sick.

The symptoms of a respiratory illness can vary. A sick woman usually has a runny nose, a decrease in smell and perception of tastes. The transition of inflammation to the oropharynx contributes to the appearance of redness and perspiration. The woman begins to feel that she has a severe sore throat.

An active inflammatory process contributes to an increase in body temperature. Usually it grows to subfebrile numbers. Against the background of high body temperature, the expectant mother, as a rule, develops fever and chills. Intoxication symptoms are accompanied by increased dryness in the mouth and intense thirst.

SARS during pregnancy can be quite a dangerous disease. The risk of developing complications of such an infection for the fetus is significantly high. It is for this reason that doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to cope with the disease alone. Uncontrolled use of drugs can cause irreparable harm to the baby in the future.

In order to avoid this, it is better to consult a doctor immediately when the first signs of SARS or influenza appear. If a woman's body temperature has risen sharply, then she should not visit the clinic on her own. In this case, it is better to call a doctor at home.

During treatment, it is very important to monitor your general well-being. If, despite the therapy, there is no improvement in the general condition, then the treatment tactics should be changed.

Expectant mothers should not thoughtlessly use the methods of traditional medicine. Some of them can harm the baby. If a woman doubts the possibility of using any method, then she should always consult with her doctor before using it.

The effect of specific hormones on the female body

The hormonal background of a woman is always very labile. During pregnancy, it changes quite significantly.

The menstrual cycle is characterized by a strict alternation of certain female hormones. This is necessary for ovulation to occur. Without this biological process, natural conception is impossible.

After fertilization, the physiology of the female body changes. The next menstrual cycle does not begin, since conception has already occurred. This condition is accompanied by an increase in specific hormones in the blood. The most important of these are progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). These hormonal substances provide the physiological state of the female body necessary for the development of the baby.

About Progesterone

This hormone is an important substance during pregnancy. Its concentration rapidly increases in the bloodstream of a pregnant woman immediately after conception. Progesterone has many different effects on the female body.

It is originally synthesized by the corpus luteum. In the future, the placenta will also participate in the formation of progesterone. This hormone is necessary not only in the first trimester, but also during the entire period of bearing a baby.

  • With the help of progesterone in the female body, the size of the uterus increases.
  • It also affects the contractile function of the myometrium, which is a specific prevention of possible spontaneous miscarriage.
  • Progesterone has an effect on the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. This is necessary so that the expectant mother has enough energy reserves to carry the child.
  • Affects the immune system.
  • Under the influence of progesterone, the mammary glands enlarge and engorge.
  • It also affects the ligamentous apparatus of the small pelvis. This feature is necessary for the gradual preparation of the female body for future labor activity.
  • Participates in the process of intrauterine development of the baby.

About HCG

Chorionic Gonatropin (hCG) is also an important pregnancy hormone. Its concentration in the blood begins to increase after fertilization of the egg. This hormone is secreted under the influence of a special anatomical formation - the chorion.

HCG performs a lot of different biological functions in the female body. It is necessary to maintain optimal functioning of the corpus luteum, affects the formation of steroid substances in the bloodstream of the fetus. Under the influence of hCG, the immune system decreases.

The first weeks of pregnancy are characterized by a fairly intense increase in the level of this hormone in the blood. Such dynamics of increasing the level of hCG in the blood is necessary for the full development of the baby in the mother's belly.

You can determine the level of hCG both in the blood and in the urine. The strips used to determine pregnancy are also based on the method for determining human chorionic gonadotropin. Currently, they can be bought at any pharmacy. At 4 weeks pregnant, a pregnancy test will show a positive result.

Embryonic development of the baby

At this stage of pregnancy, the small embryo is still quite tiny. Little time has passed since conception. But during this time, the embryo has already acquired its specific appearance.

The first 4 weeks of intrauterine life of the baby are characterized by its intensive development. At this time, the children's body is very actively developing and growing rapidly. In a child, all vital internal organs begin to form, and the main systems are formed.

During pregnancy, the baby receives nourishment from its mother. It does not yet have its own autonomous operation of blood vessels. The baby receives all the nutrients through the blood supply system shared with the mother. Oxygen also enters the body through the blood vessels.

The full formation of the cardiovascular system in the fetus occurs somewhat later. In the future, the child will have his own little heart and even develop a heartbeat.

Anatomical features

At this stage of intrauterine development, a small embryo looks like a disk. His body is made up of three layers. These include the yolk sac, amnion, and chorion.

The outer shell is the chorion, which gives rise to the formation of important extra-embryonic organs. From it, the placenta will form in the future.

Amnion is a special cavity. In it, the active development of the baby will continue in the future. Over time, this amniotic structure forms a fetal bladder.

The development of the baby throughout his intrauterine life takes place in the aquatic environment. The amnion is a very important anatomical formation. It protects the baby from the effects of adverse external factors.

The yolk sac until the 8th week of pregnancy performs a very important function: it is involved in the hematopoiesis process necessary for the fetus. The cells of the middle layer will later form the organs of the musculoskeletal system, the circulatory and excretory systems. This layer is also called the mesoderm.

The cells of the inner layer (endodermis) will later participate in the formation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the thyroid gland, and the respiratory system.

Week 4 is characterized by the beginning of the formation of the baby's body. The head of the embryo begins to change. During this period, it is somewhat reminiscent of a droplet. The size of a small embryo at this stage of its development is approximately 4 mm.

At 4 weeks of gestation, the risk of miscarriage is very high. Women with a burdened gynecological history are at increased risk. So, if the expectant mother's previous pregnancies ended tragically, then in this case the risk of spontaneous abortion increases.

If a pregnant woman suddenly has a severe pain syndrome in the lower abdomen and spotting or even blood appears, then in this case she should immediately consult a doctor.

In order to reduce the likelihood of miscarriage, the expectant mother should follow all the recommendations of her doctor. Limiting intense physical activity and the correct daily routine will improve the well-being of the expectant mother.

Blood test for hCG
