I can’t improve my personal life after a divorce: what to do. Step back from the situation and analyze the reason for the negative attitude towards you

However, to begin with, it is worth remembering the reasons why they should not be started at all:

  • Pressure from family or friends.
  • Loneliness.
  • Naive love. When it seems that love is the solution to all problems and the only meaning of life.
  • Self-doubt or complexes. This inevitably leads to: we love a partner only as long as he makes us feel better. And in such conditions, real intimacy cannot appear.

1. Be realistic

True love is not at all like romantic love, which makes us not notice the shortcomings of a partner. It's a choice. This is the constant support of another person, regardless of the circumstances. This is an understanding that your relationship will not always be cloudless. This is the need to deal with the problems of a partner, his fears and thoughts, even when you don’t feel like it at all.

Such love is more prosaic, it requires much more effort from partners. But still, it gives a person much more. After all, in the end, it brings the present, and not another short-lived euphoria.

2. Respect each other

This is the main thing in a relationship. Not attraction, not shared goals, not religion, not even love. There will be moments when you start to feel like you don't love each other at all anymore. But if you lose respect for your partner, you won't be able to get him back.

Communication, no matter how open and frequent it may be, in any case, someday will come to a standstill. Conflicts and insults cannot be avoided.

The only thing that will save your relationship is unwavering respect. Without it, you will always doubt each other's intentions, judge your partner's choices, and try to limit their independence.

In addition, you also need to respect yourself. Without self-respect, you will not be able to feel that you deserve the respect of a partner. You will constantly try to prove that you deserve it, and as a result, only your relationship.

  • Never complain about your partner to friends. If you are unhappy with something in his behavior, discuss it with him, and not with friends and relatives.
  • Be respectful that your partner may have interests, hobbies, and views that are different from yours.
  • Consider the opinion of your half. Remember, you are one team. If someone alone is dissatisfied, then you need to look for a solution to the problem together.
  • Do not keep everything to yourself, discuss any problems. You should not have taboo topics of conversation.

Respect is directly related to trust. A is the basis of any relationship (not just romantic ones). Without it, there can be no feeling of intimacy and calmness.

3. Discuss all problems

If you don't like something, be sure to discuss it. No one will fix your relationship for you. The main thing for maintaining trust is absolute honesty and openness of both partners.

  • Share your doubts and fears, especially those you don't share with anyone else. This will help not only heal some emotional wounds, but also better understand the partner.
  • Keep your promises. The only way to restore trust is to keep your word.
  • Learn to distinguish between the suspicious behavior of a partner and your own complexes. Usually during one person thinks that his behavior is completely normal, and the same thing seems categorically wrong to another.

Trust is like a porcelain plate. If it falls and breaks, then with great difficulty it can still be glued back together. If you break it a second time, there will be twice as many fragments, and it will also take more time and effort to put them together. But if you drop the plate over and over again, in the end, it will break into such small pieces that it will be impossible to glue them together.

4. Don't try to control each other

We often hear that relationships require sacrifice. There is some truth in this: sometimes you really have to give up something. But if both partners constantly sacrifice themselves, they are unlikely to be happy. Such a relationship in the end will only harm them both.

Each person should be an independent person with their own views and interests.

Trying to make your partner happy (or allowing you to control your own actions), you will not achieve anything good.

Some are afraid to give their partner freedom and independence. The reason for this may be a lack of confidence or self-doubt. The less we value ourselves, the more we will try to control our partner's behavior.

5. Be prepared for both of you to change.

Over time, you and your partner will change - this is completely natural. Therefore, it is important to always be aware of the ongoing changes and treat them with respect.

If you plan to spend several decades together, you need to be prepared for difficulties and unforeseen situations.

Among the significant changes that many couples face may be a change in religion and political views, moving to another country, (including children).

When you start dating, you only know what this person is now. You have no way of knowing what it will be like in five or 10 years. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the unexpected. Of course, it's not easy. But the ability to quarrel properly can help here.

6. Learn to fight

Psychologist John Gottman identified four signs of behavior that indicate a possible breakup:

  1. Criticism of character (“You are stupid” instead of “You acted stupidly”).
  2. Blame shifting.
  3. Insults.
  4. Avoiding a quarrel and ignoring a partner.

Therefore, it is worth learning to quarrel correctly:

  • Do not recall previous scandals during one quarrel. This will not solve anything, but will only aggravate the situation.
  • If the fight escalates, stop. Go outside and walk around a bit. Return to the conversation only when you cool down.
  • Remember, someone in a quarrel is not as important as the feeling that you were listened to with respect.
  • Don't try to avoid quarrels. Express your pain and admit what worries you.

7. Learn to forgive

Do not try to change your partner - this is a sign of disrespect. Accept the fact that you have disagreements, love the person in spite of them, and try to forgive.

But how do you learn to forgive?

  • When the fight is over, it doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong. Leave all conflicts in the past, and do not remember them every month.
  • You don't have to keep an account. Relationships should not have winners and losers. Everything should be done and given free of charge, that is, without manipulation and expectation of something in return.
  • When a partner commits, separate his behavior from his intentions. Do not forget that you appreciate and love in a partner. Everyone makes mistakes. And if a person made a mistake, this does not mean at all that he secretly hates you and wants to leave.

8. Be pragmatic

Any relationship is not perfect, because we ourselves are not perfect. Therefore, be pragmatic: determine what each of you is good at, what you like and dislike to do, and then assign responsibilities.

In addition, many couples are advised to determine some rules in advance. For example, how will you share all expenses? How much are you willing to borrow? How much can each partner spend without consulting the other? What do you need to buy together? How will you decide where to go on vacation?

Some even hold "annual reports" during which they discuss how to run the business and decide what to change on the farm. This, of course, sounds trite, but this approach really helps to be aware of the needs and requirements of a partner and strengthens relationships.

9. Mind the little things

Simple signs of attention, compliments and support mean a lot. All these little things accumulate over time and affect how you perceive your relationship. Therefore, many advise to continue, get out somewhere for the weekend and be sure to find time for sex, even when you are tired. Physical intimacy not only keeps a relationship healthy, it even helps mend it when things go wrong.

This becomes especially important with the advent of children. In modern culture, they are almost prayed for. It is believed that parents should sacrifice everything for them.

The best guarantee that children will grow up healthy and happy is a healthy and happy relationship between parents.

So let your relationship always come first.

10. Learn to Catch a Wave

Relationships can be compared to waves on the sea. Such waves are different, ups and downs in relationships. Some last only a few hours, others several months or even years.

The main thing is not to forget that these waves by themselves practically do not reflect the quality of the relationship. They are influenced by many external factors: loss or change of job, death of relatives, moving, financial difficulties. You just need to catch the wave with your partner, wherever it takes you.

Any changes in the family affect the relationship between the next of kin, and sometimes create problems. And if the mother decided to start building a personal life, then the appearance of a man can be perceived by the child ambiguously. But if everyone makes an effort, the stepfather will be able to take his place in the family and find a common language with all its members.

How the relationship between the child and the stepfather develops: important factors of influence

The following factors influence the relationship between the child and the stepfather:

  • When the parents separated. If the father left the family a long time ago and did not show interest in the child, then it will be easier to accept a new man. If the father and mother broke up recently, then the stepfather will be perceived as an obstacle to family reunification, or a completely unnecessary and alien person.
  • Reasons for separation of parents. Everything here is very complicated and ambiguous. For example, if a dad behaved aggressively, drank and showed physical strength, then a son or daughter may begin to experience distrust and hatred for all men. And in the case of a calm separation, the child can hope for the reunion of the parents and believe that the new man interferes with this.
  • Age of child and father. The smaller the difference, the easier it is for two people to find a common language, but not everything is so simple. For example, it will be difficult for a child to understand where his father has gone, why someone new has appeared in the house. A teenager may not accept change, show discontent and character.
  • Family relationships. If mother and child communicate confidentially and on an equal footing, then a woman will be able to talk about her feelings for a new man and intentions, test the ground and prepare the child for change, and also find out his opinion in advance. It is also important what the situation was in the presence of the biological father.
  • Relationship between child and father. If they communicate, then it is unlikely that the stepfather will be able to take the place of the head of the family, but he is quite capable of becoming a friend for the stepdaughter or stepson. If there is no connection with the father, then the child, thirsting for male support and attention of the male parent, may try to find all this in the stepfather, and here it is important to respond to attempts and show the intention to make contact.
  • Characters of a man and a child. There is such a thing - “they didn’t agree on the characters,” and it applies not only to a couple, but also to a stepfather and stepson or stepdaughter. If people are different, it will not be easy for them to start interacting and find a common language.
  • Gender of the child. If this is a stepson, it will be easier for him to communicate with a representative of the same sex, although a boy or boyfriend may begin to be jealous of his mother for the man who appeared in the family, especially if the mother used to be single. It is more difficult for a girl with an unfamiliar male representative to build communication, and she can be strained or embarrassed even by the presence of a stranger in the house.

How to behave mom?

How to improve the relationship of a child with a new family member, if it is a stepfather? A lot depends on the behavior of a woman, because she is both the mother of her child (or children) and the beloved woman of a new family member. Therefore, her task is to do everything to understand how to build interaction, avoid conflicts and establish contacts.

So how should a mother behave? Follow the recommendations:

  1. Act gradually. You should start getting to know your lover long before living together. As soon as the man's intentions become serious, and he has earned trust, you should introduce him to the child, for example, as an acquaintance or friend (as a new beloved mother, he can be immediately perceived as an enemy). You can often invite your beloved to the house, leave him with the child. If communication is improving, you can change the status of a man to a real one, presenting him as a potential or future spouse. Then the child will realize the changes that have taken place, will be able to get used to them painlessly, since he will already know his stepfather.
  2. Do not demand from the child and the beloved a quick acceptance of each other. It is for a woman that each of them is a native person, but for each other they are, in fact, strangers. It is necessary to give time to get acquainted and get used to the new conditions of life in the family.
  3. Don't compare your father to your stepfather. These are two different people with different statuses. If a dad keeps in touch with his son or daughter, then don't cut him off to keep in touch. But if the father does not participate in the life of the child, then the stepfather can gradually gain trust and respect, becoming, if not a full-fledged dad, then a reliable friend.
  4. Do not require children to immediately accept a new family member. At first, he will be perceived as an outsider, and this is normal. Gradually, subject to the correct behavior of the woman and her new lover, the child will get used to the person who has appeared in the house, will perceive him as a given and an integral part of the family. But it all takes time and patience.
  5. In conflicts between a child and a new civil or legal spouse, a woman should take a neutral position, accept the opinion of both sides.

Stepfather's behavior

A lot also depends on the behavior of the stepfather. Yes, it is not easy for him, because he has to get used to a new house, join another family, get used to life and living together with his beloved woman and her child, build relationships and try to gain trust and authority.

Tips to smooth corners, avoid conflicts and quickly join a new family team:

  1. Participation in family life, genuine interest in everything that happens in the house and with its inhabitants are important. But you should not ask a lot of questions and try to get to the bottom of the truth: if the child does not want to make contact, there is no need to impose. Perhaps the situation will change over time.
  2. The stepfather should talk more about himself and his life so that the stepdaughter or stepson can get to know him better, study his character and habits, learn more about the past.
  3. A man can and should express his opinion, but gently, without imposing it and without proving his case (even if it is obvious).
  4. You need to try to smooth out conflicts and avoid them. In controversial situations, you need to deal with the fact, finding out the reasons for omissions and misunderstandings. Confidential conversations, discussion of what is happening will help.
  5. Children are sensitive and notice falsehood, so you need to behave naturally, the more relaxed, the better. Trying to please everyone can cause dislike and distrust.
  6. Moral teachings are not allowed. Although the stepfather may take part in the upbringing, his role is secondary, the main one is assigned to the mother. A man can express his opinion, offer options, describe illustrative examples.
  7. If the child will be brought up by the mother and stepfather together, it is important to choose and maintain one line, to adhere to a single policy.
  8. It should be understood that a new person in the house must abide by the rules of life in it, take into account the prevailing way of life and not try to change everything (at least immediately, abruptly and drastically).

How can a child build a relationship with his stepfather?

What should a child do to quickly get used to his stepfather and establish normal relations with him? First of all, you need to understand that a mother has the right to women's happiness and personal life, she should not belong to children and devote herself to them entirely. And if the parent is satisfied and happy, it will favorably affect all family members.

It is easier to win the trust of a small child, and teenagers are wary of everything, they react sharply to changes. If a new resident has appeared (or will appear in the future) in the house, you need to try to realize and accept this fact. But do not think that the stepfather will radically change the situation in the house and the situation in the family. If he is wise and smart, he will adapt to the existing way of life. The task of other family members is to help the new person.

If the impression of the stepfather is pleasant, that's good! Most likely, he is really a good person, and you should not assign non-existent negative qualities to him. If a person is unpleasant, you need to try to get to know him better in order to understand the traits of character and behavior, to explain your attitude. If that doesn't work, time and patience will help.

Advice! If your stepfather is behaving strangely or inappropriately, you should definitely tell your mom about it.

Relations in the family will certainly improve if all its members behave correctly and deliberately.

Probably, there is no such person who would be completely satisfied with his life. Some are not satisfied with the financial situation and want more, others - appearance and state of health, others - relationships with family and friends. Our lives can be improved, but concrete actions must be taken to achieve this. This article will talk about 20 steps that can help change it in a positive way, and in all areas.

  1. Stop criticizing other people. When a person is busy discussing the shortcomings of outsiders, he does not see his own problems. Getting rid of this habit will allow you to make a real breakthrough in life.
  2. Analyze your actions. It doesn't take much time to do this. It is enough to do this while standing in a traffic jam on the way to work, before going to bed, while taking a shower, and so on.
  3. Do a 20-minute warm-up or jog every morning. This will allow you to recharge your batteries for the whole day, and after two or three weeks you will simply recognize yourself. Productivity and well-being will be on a completely different level.
  4. Get a notebook and write down new ideas in it. Reread them from time to time. This habit can change your life beyond recognition, as all great undertakings began with ideas.
  5. Leave all grudges in the past. To do this, you can take a piece of paper and write down all such cases on it. After that, you should defiantly burn it, saying aloud the words of forgiveness. It works, and your psychological state will definitely improve.
  6. Clear your home of old rubbish. Remove broken cups and plates, torn things, various old clothes from it, and so on. The energy of the house or apartment will improve and make room for new acquisitions.
  7. Make a plan for your life for 5 years. This will help you focus on the main goals and avoid unnecessary actions.
  8. Constantly receive new in-demand knowledge, skills and improve yourself, as this is sure to come in handy in life. To do this, you can attend English courses on the website www.english-language.ru, which will increase your value in the labor market, subscribe to various literature, purchase trainings and seminars.
  9. To improve your life, get enough sleep every day. Lack of sleep leads to reduced energy levels and low productivity throughout the day.
  10. Start getting up one hour earlier. This habit will give you extra time for self-development and learning.
  11. At least once a week, do good deeds that will surely be credited to you. It can be helping children and the homeless, charity, supporting others with words and actions, and so on.
  12. Smile. Start every morning with a smile at your own reflection in the mirror. This will allow you to always have a positive attitude towards life.
  13. Get in the habit of preparing everything for tomorrow evening. It will allow you to start a new day without stress, which will positively affect productivity.
  14. Appreciate your body. Do not eat fast food and other "empty" calories. Give your preference to natural food and products.
  15. Improve relationships with other people. Make a pleasant surprise or gift for your beloved, help your colleagues at work in any of their affairs.
  16. Learn at least one relaxation and meditation technique. In our turbulent times, it will help calm the nerves in order to more effectively solve emerging problems.
  17. Don't put things off until later. Your efficiency will increase significantly, which will positively affect the achievement of goals.
  18. Create sources of income that will bring you money when you are on vacation. All truly rich people get their millions in this way.
  19. On the weekends, get out to another city or to nature. Such trips diversify life and remove routine from it.
  20. Learn to say "no" when necessary. This will allow you to force out energy vampires and those personalities who are used to doing everything with the wrong hands from their environment.

These fairly simple steps will help improve your life and make it much more vivid and memorable. Subscribe to blog updates and get new useful tips.

The question that worries many women is: “Is there life after a divorce and what should I do to establish a new relationship?” Unfortunately, even after the desired divorce process and a relatively good relationship with, the fair sex faces a lot of problems. This is stress, fear of something new, self-doubt, a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. Such a condition negatively affects not only the well-being of a woman, but can also become a real hindrance to a new relationship.

What to do? First of all, you need to answer yourself honestly why, after a divorce, I can’t establish my personal life in any way. Understand the emotions, and possibly the circumstances that interfere. Read more about this below.

Condition after divorce

Divorce has a very strong effect on the psyche of a woman, much more than on a man's. Some people compare this event with a catastrophe, an accident, or death. But most of all, the state after a divorce is comparable to loss. That feeling when you are about 5 years old, and suddenly in a crowded place you lose sight of your parents. You stare in vain at the faces of passers-by, rush about in panic, and do not know what to do. It seems like the end of the world has come.

It is not surprising that in this state, a woman begins to do rash acts, for example, jumping into bed with the first person she meets or obsessing over revenge on her ex. Need to stop. Loss, anger, fear are quite natural emotions that need to be lived. Do not deny them, do not extinguish them, creating the appearance that everything is in order, but recognize and accept them as the norm. Gradually, the condition will certainly normalize, the main thing is to take the right steps.

dating after divorce

How soon can you meet after a divorce? Psychologists recommend being alone for 6 months to a year. This period of time should be spent rethinking old relationships. It is important to understand your mistakes, learn lessons and finally close the door to the past.

Starting to get acquainted earlier, a woman should be prepared for the fact that her emotional state may be unstable. It is likely to go to extremes, build illusions, revenge through a new acquaintance to the former or the behavior of the victim, self-flagellation. All this can end extremely sadly and lead to even more drama.

New acquaintances will be beneficial if you look for friends, girlfriends, advisers or business partners. This will allow you to quickly feel the taste of life, to see that it does not end, but is still in full swing. And personal life will definitely get better, you just need to wait until the last man stops worrying his heart and mind.

What prevents you from establishing a personal life after a divorce

The main obstacle on the way to personal happiness is ourselves, or rather our worldview and thoughts. Behind the desire to meet a new love, there is often a desire to get rid of tension and stress. It seems that the chosen one will plunge into happiness with his head, save him from pressing problems, and lay the foundation for a happy life.

In fact, if personal life does not add up, then the woman is not ready for this. In a new relationship, you need to open up, not only to take, but also to give. First of all, this is hard work: finding common ground, resolving conflicts, improving life, etc.

Sometimes the cause of unpreparedness is severe psychological trauma, for example, if there was moral or physical violence, betrayal in a previous marriage. If your soul still hurts a lot and you can’t let it go, you should contact a psychologist in order to qualitatively work out emotions and free yourself.

When a new life begins after a breakup

Each new day can be described as a beginning. We write our own life and our own destiny. To feel it in practice, you just need to stop living in the old way. Wake up with a smile, get a new haircut, make-up, join the gym, start running or dancing. You can change jobs or ask for a vacation, complete courses of interest. The main thing is not to return to the old routine and life.

As for new acquaintances, they will certainly be. Do not sit within four walls, be in public, visit interesting places. You can register on a dating site. Dress attractively, be friendly and open, then your personal life will improve.

How to improve your personal life after a divorce

The most important point in solving any problem is the transition from theory to practice. A woman should not only rethink the current situation, but also reinforce internal changes with actions. The simplest thing is to start a notebook where positive conclusions, lessons learned and new achievements will be recorded.

So, how to improve your personal life after a divorce, what exactly needs to be done, practical advice:

By the way, a trip to the mountains, a hike, meditation helps some people to clear themselves of negativity after a divorce. Those who believe in magic can resort to the help of a simple conspiracy: “Let the old go, do not hold, do not affect. I will cut off everything superfluous, bad, evil, cooled down. I invite new and beautiful things into my life. Let it be so". Along with the words, you need to cut off a small strand of hair, or pronounce a conspiracy during a haircut at the hairdresser.

If there is a child (children)

It is very difficult to let go of an ex-spouse, to recover mentally if there are common children. Here, in addition to the usual stress, resentment for the child is added, pangs of conscience in front of him for the breakup of the family, material difficulties, and the need for contact with the father. However, there are no hopeless situations.

To establish a personal life, it is important to immediately dot all the points. Issue alimony, set the time of visiting the child. At first, it is better to exclude any contact with the ex-husband. You can send your mother to meet the father with the child.

It is also important to abandon the idea that children can be a hindrance to a new relationship. If a man is normal and sincerely loves a woman, then he will accept her children. There are many such examples.

Each breakup is followed by a new meeting. Divorce should not put an end to personal life. Yes, it may take some time to recover, and sometimes the help of a psychologist, but, in the end, everything will work out. Everyone deserves happiness and love!

Anna, Ryazan

According to most, constipation refers to an intestinal disorder associated with irregular bowel movements, that is, bowel movements do not occur every day.

Moreover, the causes of this problem may be completely unexpected.

Causes and types of constipation in adults

Constipation (constipation) is an intestinal disorder associated with the absence of a normal stool for a day or more. In a healthy person, the frequency of bowel movements directly depends on his lifestyle, including nutrition and habits.

There are several classifications of constipation. It is worth paying attention to the one based on the causal nature. So, the types of constipation, depending on the causes of their occurrence:

  • Alimentary. It occurs due to an insufficient amount of fiber (vegetable) in the body.
  • hypokinetic. This type of constipation is typical for persons who are representatives of "sedentary" professions (with low physical activity): a driver, an accountant, etc. The same can be attributed to bedridden patients.
  • Toxic. It occurs as a result of chemical intoxication of the body. Long-term use of certain medications can also cause this problem.
  • Reflex. The causes of this type of constipation are various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Endocrine. Periodic stool retention is also possible with thyroid insufficiency, reduced ovarian or pituitary function.
  • Mechanical. Occurs with any mechanical disturbances in the large intestine. These include scars, various tumors, etc.

Well, separately it is worth considering another category of constipation associated with disorders in the nervous system. Oddly enough, but even neurosis, depression or brain injury of various etymologies can provoke a violation in the work of peristalsis.

Is it possible to normalize bowel function without drugs?

To your attention a few simple exercises to improve intestinal motility:

  • Vacuum. Lying on your back, pull in and stick out your stomach with force. Repeat for 1 minute.
  • Vacuum on the side. Lie on your side, while pulling your knees to your chest. Repeat the first exercise. Then turn to the other side and do the vacuum again.
  • Bike. Lie on your back and move your legs like you are pedaling a bicycle.

Exercises can be supplemented with light and pleasant self-massage..

  1. To begin with, several times (act gently, without undue effort) press on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen located under the navel.
  2. Stroke your belly with your hand in a clockwise direction for a minute. There is no need to press on it.
  3. Now we complicate the movements somewhat by moving the hand in a spiral (the movement should start from the navel, moving first to the pubic bone, and then gradually rising up to the solar plexus).

Advice. Do not forget that hands and fingers play an important role in the functioning of the body, and their regular and, most importantly, correct stimulation will help to establish the work of "failed" systems. Try massaging the little fingers on both hands daily, and you will definitely feel an improvement in intestinal motility.

An enema should be used when constipation begins to become permanent or painful. You can use an oil enema (vegetable oil is injected into the rectum), if constipation is not acutely pronounced, or hypertonic (if you need to get rid of constipation urgently).

You can also try it out one of the most effective folk methods of getting rid of constipation:

  • Nutrient mixture of dried apricots (1 tbsp), prunes (1 tbsp), hay leaf (1 tbsp) and vegetable oil (1 tbsp). Mix the ingredients thoroughly. You can add a spoonful of honey. Store in a cool place (can be in the refrigerator) for no more than 10 days. Take 1 tbsp. spoon overnight.
  • Fiber-rich drink. Consists of boiled rhubarb stalks and apple juice. Rhubarb roots (3 pcs.) Must be crushed, brought to a puree-like consistency and mixed with 1 tbsp. apple juice. There you also need to add 1/4 lemon and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey
  • At night, you can drink tea from dried apples, cherries, water in which plums were boiled, etc.

The video shows some simple exercises to improve bowel function at home:

How to adjust the chair with medication?

Medical treatment should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when nothing else has the desired effect. The fact is that with prolonged use of chemicals, the body can simply get used to them, which will lead to the opposite effect. Moreover, dysbacteriosis will gradually appear in the intestines, and the body will begin to lose a large part of the trace elements, because the intestines will simply stop absorbing them.

When choosing a suitable product for normalizing stools, it is better to give preference to products containing lactulose in their composition. Thanks to her, the action of the product will be mild, without a dehydration effect.

Your attention to the list of the best drugs for the normalization of intestinal motility:

To avoid repeated constipation after getting rid of them, you must follow three simple rules.
