Small discharge at 12 weeks pregnant. Natural and pathological discharge during pregnancy

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2016-02-22 13:31:42

Natalia asks:

Hello. I had my monthly period on 01/11/16, with a delay, I did pregnancy tests and all were positive. One fine day, I started bleeding and smeared with brown discharge, I went to the ultrasound, I didn’t see the pregnancy, but I said to take an hCG test, I passed, the first result is 63.8, after three days 324, after a week I went again for an ultrasound and still cannot find a fetal egg

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! I suspect an ectopic pregnancy. I advise you to continue to take an analysis of hCG and undergo a control ultrasound. In tubal pregnancy, the fallopian tube should be visualized on ultrasound. With the results of examinations, you must contact a gynecologist.

2014-04-27 11:38:39

Natalie asks:

Hello. I have this story: the first pregnancy froze at 4 weeks. Found cytomegalavirus and hematoma. Was treated, lowered the level of CMV. She got pregnant a year later. Again at 4 weeks brown discharge appeared. They prescribed duphaston, proginova. The pregnancy persisted. Somewhere at 10-11 weeks there were bacteria in the urine, they prescribed wilprofen, which did not help, then kanefron and nitroxoline. My lupus anticoagulant was also higher than normal. I was given Fraxiparine injections in my stomach. During this period there was a cold without fever. Got herpes on the lip. The first screening ultrasound was normal, there was only uterine tone.

And on the second ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy, they diagnosed Dandy Walker syndrome and recommended termination. I had an abortion. My husband and I did karyotyping. We have no abnormalities in karyothiops, my husband has 46XY, I have 46XX. Please tell me what could be the cause: antibiotics, influenza, herpes, CMV or genetics? Please answer, give advice on what to do in the future, how to plan a new pregnancy in order to give birth to a healthy child. How to deal with CMV? Please give practical and useful advice. How often do such cases occur in your practice and is it possible to give birth to a healthy child, I need to know the truth, do I have a chance or not. I hope you'll give me a hand.

Responsible Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

Let's go in order. CMV was detected by what method and what specifically was revealed? Purely theoretically, Dandy-Walker syndrome can be caused by CMV. However, it cannot be argued that this is the case.
I advise you to first of all consult with a geneticist. Then it is necessary to donate blood for lupus anticoagulant and if it is elevated, then lower it with aspirin and injections of low molecular weight heparin even before pregnancy is planned. Pregnancy fading can be caused by elevated lupus anticoagulant. Neither the antibiotic nor herpes could have a negative effect.

2014-01-10 13:59:53

Julia asks:

Hello, my husband and I are both 27 years old. Gr. blood 2 positive, husband 3 negative. There were no abortions and inflammatory, the pregnancy was the first. She got to preservation at 7 weeks with brown discharge, then there was a frozen pregnancy for a period of 9 weeks, they did a vacuum aspiration. Histology: incomplete regression of the endometrium, chorionic villi with severe degenerative changes. He was treated with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, reducing and physiotherapy in the same place in the hospital. they said that the corpus luteum was only 1.2 cm at 7 weeks, and that because of this there was a lack of progesterone. after she was at the gynecologist's appointment, ultrasound of the uterus and appendages of transvaginal pathology was not detected. Ovulation is, the cycle was restored after 2 months. I also have hypothyroidism, I see an endocrinologist, then I allowed to get pregnant - I take levothyroxine 35 mg, iodomarin 150, ultrasound of the thyroid gland is normal. And at the age of 15 she suffered from mononucleosis, the liver was enlarged, and doctors say, perhaps because of it, then a benign adenoma of the left lobe turned out on the liver, the operation in 2008 was a liver resection. Analyzes three months after the frozen one: PCR cytomegalovirus DNA (urogenital swab) was not detected, Cytomegalovirus blood serum IgM 0.17 negative, Cytomegalovirus blood serum IgG 9.36 positive (carrier), Toxoplasmosis IgM 0.02 negative, Toxoplasmosis IgG Normoflora - Lactobacillus spp. 6.10
Gard/Pre/Porph 5.00, Ureaplasma_spp not detected, Candida_spp. not found, KVM 4.70, M.hominis not found, M.genitalium not found, T.vaginalis not found, N.gonorrhoeae not found, C.trachomatis not found, HSV-1 not found, HSV-2 not found, CMV not found detected, key cells not detected. Microorganisms r. Mobiluncus sp. not found, Microorganisms p. Leptotrix sp. not detected, gonococci not detected, leukocytes 5-10 in the field of view. Blood test: Direct bilirubin 2.70 (µmol/l), Total bilirubin 10.30 (µmol/l). Before pregnancy, my husband and I were also tested for chlamydia, herpes 1.2, HIV, ureaplasma, mycoplasma - all negative. I also have Rubella virus Ig G antibodies. (vaccinated long before pregnancy), ig M negative. Husband's spermogram: everything is normal, except for agglutination + mild. Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands and bladder + TsDK- Pathology was not revealed. Ultrasound of the prostate - Dimensions: 2.5 x 3.3 x 3.8 cm, volume 16.3 cm3, within normal limits. The contours are even, clear, echogenicity is normal, the structure is heterogeneous (hyperechoic inclusions in the left lobe). CDI: the intensity of blood flow is normal. Focal changes: not found, the diagnosis is signs of past prostatitis. Ultrasound testicular pathology was not revealed. Please tell us what other tests we need to pass and what actions to take so that we can safely get pregnant again and give birth? Whether the postponed operation on a liver can be the reason of miscarriage? They also prescribed APS and lupus anticoagulant by ELISA. besides this, do I still need to take a coagulogram, an analysis for Staphylococcus aureus, and what tests are still needed for autoimmune status (and is it necessary at all?) Do I need antibodies to hCG, glycoprotein, fetal antigens, etc.? and homocysteine ​​levels?

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

According to statistics, 10% of pregnancies end in fading in the early stages, unfortunately, and it is not always possible to establish the reason for this. If one pregnancy ended with fading, then this is not a reason to be examined in detail. You checked for infections, they are not, and thank God.
I don’t see the need to check karyotypes and immune status at the moment, this should be done if the situation repeats. It is necessary to be observed by an endocrinologist, regularly take tests and take corrective therapy, because. thyroid problems can affect pregnancy. If you get pregnant without any problems, then donating APS and lupus anticoagulant is also not necessary, but this is my personal opinion.
I advise you to plan the next pregnancy and after its onset donate blood for progesterone in order to know what dose of progesterone to prescribe in maintenance therapy.
Good luck to you and health!

2012-10-18 16:50:31

Oksana asks:

Hello. After unprotected intercourse, I had to take postinor (September 4). After 6 days (September 10), brown discharge appeared, which lasted a week. 28 days after the discharge (Oct 8) a daub (brown) appeared and lasted 3 days. Menstruation never came. Made an uzi. Uterine dimensions 52*61*63; the structure of the myometrium is homogeneous; the structure of the endometrium is homogeneous, the thickness of the m-echo is 29mm; right ovary - size 37*30, follicles -5-6, maximum length 15; left ovary 32*15, follicles 7-8, max. length 10. The fertilized egg is not visualized. The tests are negative. This is due to pregnancy or illness. What tests can be done to get an answer.

Responsible Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

Postinor is an emergency contraceptive drug that can be taken 1-2 times in a lifetime (with rape or other emergency), it contains a high hormone that causes hormonal imbalance. The conclusion of the bonds is normal, there is no pregnancy, and periods may be irregular for some time until your hormone levels are restored.

2008-05-18 14:15:37

SVETA asks:


Responsible Malanchuk Oleg Borisovich:

Hello. If you can still write to our consultation, then the occurrence of the symptoms you indicated is not a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. A ruptured tube or ovary during an ectopic pregnancy is an emergency condition that is accompanied by a very serious condition and requires immediate surgery. But the appearance of these symptoms during normal - uterine pregnancy, may be a sign of the threat of its interruption. Seek medical attention immediately!

2016-11-22 12:30:27

Julia asks:

I am 9 obstetric week pregnant. For a period of 5-6 weeks, I had a uterine tone and brown discharge, they prescribed duphaston, krynon vaginally, magnesium b6, papaverine and tranexam. After the first intake of all these drugs, the brown discharge stopped the next day. Now the situation has repeated itself. At 9 weeks, again began to smear brown and severe pain in the back and stitching in the groin. Yesterday I had an ultrasound, there is a heartbeat, but the tone is also present. They again prescribed papaverine, duphaston, tranexam and magnesium b6. I drink the second day of tranexam, and the discharge does not stop. Could it be that this time they did not prescribe krynon and therefore there are no improvements? Or can it somehow influence the discharge of a tablet from the thyroid gland (I drink l-thyroxine)? After how many days of taking tranexam should the discharge stop?
Thank you for your reply.

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Dufaston did not need to be canceled .... If you started taking it, then you had to take it until 12-16 weeks, without abrupt cancellation, under the control of the level of progesterone in the blood. In addition, if the treatment is prescribed, this does not mean that everything will immediately and quickly work and pass. Pregnancy is not a disease - it is a physiological condition, but on an unprepared woman's body it can have complications. Bloody discharge in a short period of time can manifest as placental dysfunction in long periods of pregnancy. So don't cancel anything. I can’t say when the spotting will stop, because we are all different and each pregnancy proceeds in its own way.

2016-10-19 08:59:56

Faith asks:

Good afternoon! I have 2 pregnancies, 12 weeks. 1 birth was at 35 weeks. In the first pregnancy, there was no mention of a possible CI, and after childbirth, no additional studies were performed. now in the 2nd pregnancy, at 10 weeks after the PA, blood appeared, to which the doctor said that it was not scary at that time, they did an ultrasound at 11 weeks, and they said that everything was in order, the cervix was 33 mm during the abdominal ultrasound. Exactly one week later, for 12 weeks (there was no PA for a week) after stress, pink-brown discharge and heaviness in the lower abdomen began. They again performed an ultrasound, this time transvaginal, where they said that everything was in order with the fetus, but the cervix was 26mm! Could there be such a drastic change in 1 week? The doctor told me to lie down more and prescribed Cyclogest 400mg vaginally in the morning and evening. Is this therapy enough? I live abroad, and there is no such thing as saving. The doctor said that 26mm is not a critical limit. But I'm only 12 weeks old! Screening of the 1st trimester is scheduled for the week. What should I ask my doctor for more details? Or what preparations still it is necessary to accept in such situation except for progesterone?

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Vera! Did the same specialist determine the size of the cervix using the same apparatus? You must understand that examinations are still subjective and may differ slightly from doctor to doctor. The neck shortened from 33 to 26 mm in 1 week for a period of 12 weeks most likely could not! In the presence of pain in the lower abdomen and discharge, a progesterone preparation is usually prescribed. The dose prescribed to you is quite adequate. Screening is planned to rule out a genetic pathology. You don't need to take any more drugs.

The third month of pregnancy ends and in most cases the attacks of nausea and dizziness disappear. It's time to tell the family that there will be an addition to the family. In addition, the tummy becomes noticeable and many friends themselves will be interested in whether you are expecting a baby.

This week is the time to see your baby for the first time on the screen during a scheduled ultrasound. Despite the fact that the fetus has already identified sexual characteristics, it is unlikely that a specialist will be able to see and tell you the sex of the child.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother and sensations

  • But this period, the likelihood of abortion decreases and you are already getting used to the idea of ​​future motherhood.
  • In about 60% of cases, frequent urination becomes less of a concern for a pregnant woman.
  • Mild tachycardia is possible. This is due to an increase in blood volume for the uninterrupted delivery of nutrients, oxygen to the fetus.
  • Hormones are still running your life. Emotionality will not go anywhere and a change of mood is your constant companion.
  • In its normal state, the uterus is flat and relatively small, by 12 weeks it usually increases to a pear-shaped ball 11-13 cm in diameter. In the pelvis, it already does not fit well and begins to rise into the abdominal cavity, which provokes a slight visual increase in the abdomen.
  • The uterus increases rather slowly - by 1 cm in 7 days, but this is still enough for a growing fetus.
  • Most women at this time look especially beautiful: the complexion changes, the hair becomes more silky. This is due to the action of hormones.
  • But the work of hormones does not always bring women only pleasant results. For example, an increase in the level of pregnancy hormones often leads to heartburn, which is almost impossible to get rid of. You can only use preventive measures: small portions, a categorical "no" to fried and spicy dishes.
  • Changes in the condition of the skin may begin. For example, the pigmentation around the nipple becomes darker.
  • Hormonal fluctuations can cause metabolic disorders. The consequence of this is often acne, which can appear on the face, back and even on the chest.
  • Some women develop strange brown spots on their face and neck. This pigmentation will disappear immediately after childbirth.

Discharge at 12 weeks pregnant

White, yellowish discharge is considered normal. If you observe blood impurities, a sharp increase in discharge, itching, burning, an unpleasant odor, you need to contact a gynecologist in the LCD.

  • Remember the ban on unhealthy foods. Do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body. It happens that the body reacts badly to a very ordinary product - for example, potatoes. Eliminate unsuitable foods from your diet.

  • Chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly.
  • Don't eat before bed.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks, citrus juices, and spicy foods.
  • Avoid hot showers as they dry out the skin.
  • Avoid putting pressure on your stomach - sleep on your side or on your back.

Changes in the body of the fetus this week

  • The size of the fetus is now from 12 to 12.5 cm in length, weight - about 14g.
  • At this time, the head and chin of the crumbs begin to straighten, the chin slowly rises from the chest.
  • Your baby makes the first attempts to breathe with amniotic fluid to strengthen his lungs.
  • The baby's digestive system is already starting to function.
  • From that moment on, the fetus in the womb already begins to feel pain.
  • He takes his free time by sucking his finger, reflex movements, reacts to noise and other stimuli.
  • The facial features of the crumbs are becoming more and more defined.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the body length of the fetus reaches 7.24 cm, its weight is 45-50 g, and the diameter of its head is 2.52 cm.

During this period, the active development of the fetal brain continues. The differentiation of the cerebral cortex begins, its vascular network develops, and the main nuclei are laid.

The movements of the fetus become more and more "conscious". He pulls back his pen and shudders in response to the irritation of the uterus. You can register the first movements of the chest, reminiscent of breathing. The heart already has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The frequency of its contractions reaches 150-160 beats per minute, but so far this can only be determined with the help of precise instruments.

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the bone palate is formed. In the bone base of the gums, the rudiments of milk teeth can already be found, and in the larynx, tiny vocal cords.

If until this time the thoracic and abdominal cavities of the fetus were not separated, now a diaphragm is formed between them.

Under the massive action of testosterone produced by the gonads of boys, the external male genital organs - the penis and scrotum - are actively formed. With a lack of this influence, false hermaphraditism can develop.

The thickness of the placenta by the end of the 12th week is 15.4 mm. By this time, the fetoplacental system is practically taking shape and the blood circulation in the mother-fetus system is becoming more and more efficient. The developing fetus receives all the necessary substances from the mother's body in full and grows rapidly. The impact of adverse factors on the mother's body immediately affects the condition of the child. In turn, the development of the fetoplacental circulatory system, which has low resistance, leads to a decrease in blood pressure in a woman by about 10 mm Hg. Art. With each week of its development, the fetus has an increasing effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

12th week of pregnancy: a visit to the doctor

Now you need to decide where you will be observed before childbirth: in a antenatal clinic or in a paid clinic. If you choose the second option, make sure that the clinic issues an exchange card. An exchange card for a pregnant woman is a document that indicates absolutely all the procedures you underwent during pregnancy monitoring, the results of tests, examinations, ultrasound examinations, as well as those of your illnesses that may affect the course of childbirth. At the same time, the exchange card gives you the right to give birth free of charge in any state maternity hospital in Russia. In the absence of this document, according to the current legislation, you have the right to be accepted for childbirth only in the infectious diseases department.

12th week of pregnancy: how a woman feels

The third obstetric month of pregnancy ends, taking with it manifestations of toxicosis, irritability, weakness and other signs of the restructuring of the female body into its new quality. The condition of most pregnant women improves significantly, a period of well-being and enjoyment of every day of waiting for the child begins. Some nervousness still remains, but now it is rather caused not by poor health, but by the woman’s special addictions and the desire to do everything right so as not to harm her child.

At 12 weeks, a woman for the first time fully feels the reality of what is happening, for the first time on an ultrasound she sees her unborn child not in the form of a tiny dot, but in the form of an embryo that looks like a small person. Constant thoughts about the future heir, dreams of pleasant changes in family life, plans for the future occupy the thoughts of a woman so much that her nervous system is not able to quickly rebuild and fully rest at night. In addition, sometimes the stomach pulls here and there. Sleep becomes disturbing, sensitive, colorful dreams arise, sometimes of an alarming nature. It is very important for a pregnant woman to properly organize her bed, get ready for bed ahead of time, limit watching exciting TV shows and drink soothing herbal tea at night. The calm state of the mother's nervous system provides comfortable conditions for the fetus.

The growing uterus gradually increases its pressure on the blood vessels of the pelvis, where venous blood flows from the lower extremities. It is during pregnancy that a woman sometimes notices the expansion of the saphenous veins of the lower leg. Tortuous, blood-filled saphenous veins can become the site of blood clots and cause pulmonary embolism. Pregnant women suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities are recommended to wear tight tights or apply tight bandaging of the lower extremities during the period of bearing a child. Such activities help to avoid overflow of the veins of the legs. To prevent thrombosis, aspirin is usually prescribed in minimal doses, and to strengthen the walls of blood vessels - ascorbic acid, vitamin P and special external agents (phlebotonics).

12th week of pregnancy: discharge from the genital tract

Discharge from the genital tract in a healthy pregnant woman should be moderate, light milky, homogeneous with a slightly sour smell. The appearance of an admixture of pus or mucus indicates the addition of an infection. The most common pathogens are fungi of the genus Candida, which cause thrush. Itching, burning in the area of ​​​​the entrance to the vagina, aggravated after urination, curdled discharge from the genital tract - these are the symptoms of the most common disease of pregnant women. Often, thrush masks other infections, such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis. Now, at 12 weeks, in the case of the presence of these diseases, it's time to undergo a full treatment. The fetus is already formed, the placenta is able to protect it from external influences and antibacterial drugs will not cause any harm.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract, even if it is a slight spotting, especially if, in addition to this, the stomach hurts, is a sign of a threatened abortion and requires the intervention of a doctor. Bloody discharge after intercourse or gynecological examination, rather, indicates the presence of cervical erosion, but is also a reason for additional examination.

12th week of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should not only meet the body's needs for nutrients, but also make up for the loss of vitamins.

A woman carrying a child needs many vitamins every day.

The picture shows the baby at 12 weeks of gestation very clearly. He lies on his back, touching the wall of the uterus with his head and ass. By this time, the baby has almost formed the vestibular apparatus, which helps him move and navigate in the amniotic fluid. There are already internal organs, many of them are functioning, the placenta has completely taken over the duties of the corpus luteum. Around the baby in the form of a dark cloud, amniotic fluid is clearly visible, which is regularly updated. The picture clearly shows the contour of the fetal head, the frontal and occipital bones. The forehead, nose are clearly marked, sponges are beginning to form, the eyelids have taken shape, they are already closing their eyes. The development of the brain and pituitary gland continues, the location and small size of which does not allow it to be seen in the lower part at the base of the skull. You can see the arms folded on the chest - this is the favorite position of babies, in addition, bent legs are visible. The kid in this period moves very actively, he can do real acrobatic stunts, but in this photo he is at rest. A heart is visible in the chest, which by this time is already making 110-160 beats per minute.

The following photo is specially made with an emphasis on the head and face of the baby. Now everything is like adults! The head is a bit too big, but it will get its true dimensions in the near future. The muscles of the mouth are already working, the baby wrinkles his lips, opens and closes his mouth and eyes. The purpose of this ultrasound examination, the doctor sets the measurement of the thickness of the collar space to detect congenital malformations, in particular Down's syndrome. In this picture, the collar space is marked with the number 1.

Helpful Hints

Now the doctor must tell you the expected date of delivery. But keep in mind that few babies are born exactly on schedule.

Keep in mind the day indicated by the doctor, but remember that the baby may want to go out much earlier or later.

The 12th week of pregnancy is coming, all the main systems and organs of the fetus have already been formed, and now they are actively working.

Imagine, your baby is now constantly moving: moving his legs and arms, somersaulting, even sucking his thumb! True, it is still so small that you do not feel it at all. Now, when the pregnancy is 12 weeks, the development of the fetus is at an active pace!

12 weeks pregnant: what's going on?

What does the fetus look like at 12 weeks pregnant?

  • The baby's epidermis (top layer of skin) is renewed, and its old cells will peel off.
  • In place of the cilia and eyebrows, above the upper lip and on the chin, a hair fluff is born.
  • Already formed fingers and toes are covered with small nails, and a unique pattern is created on their pads.
  • The gestation period is twelve weeks, and the thyroid gland and pituitary gland actively produce iodine and hormones.
  • The liver begins to produce bile, the kidneys work.
  • In the blood of the fetus, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes begin to appear.
  • Bone tissue actively matures, muscles become stronger.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid increases, and at week 12 is 50 ml.

Now your baby is growing very fast, which is confirmed by a photo of the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Now its length is becoming more important than weight.

The gestation period is 12 weeks, the dimensions of the fetus are as follows: the fetus is about 6 cm long and weighs about 14 g.

From this period, the woman will begin to gain weight every week about 500 g. Until the 12th week, your weight gain since the beginning of pregnancy was about 1.5 - 3.5 kg.

At 12 weeks pregnant, a photo of your belly will show that your belly is rounded. There comes a time when you need to start controlling yourself in eating.

Nutrition at the 12th week of pregnancy: the expectant mother should forget about various snacks, do not overeat, remember the mandatory daily intake of calcium and iodine, do not forget about the threat of constipation. Drink compotes from dried fruits, eat vegetables, do not forget to do exercises.

Feelings in the twelfth week of pregnancy

If all the time of pregnancy you were overcome by toxicosis, now, finally, the twelfth week of pregnancy has come and you have reached that long-awaited period when its unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear.

From now on, vomiting, nausea, emotional instability and irritability will become an unpleasant memory for the expectant mother. You will have to suffer a little only if a woman is expected to have twins or triplets, then for some time toxicosis can make itself felt.

What happens to a woman's body?

  • All the internal organs of the expectant mother continue to work in an enhanced mode. Increasing blood volumes can cause heart palpitations.
  • The uterus is actively increasing in size, but this has little effect on the size of the abdomen. You may already feel a certain roundness, hardly noticeable to others.
  • Your breasts increase and fill up, so the mammary glands are preparing for lactation. In the process of this preparation, the expectant mother may feel a certain itching of the skin on her chest.
  • Do not be afraid of the appearance of age spots or vascular formations on the face and skin - they will gradually disappear after childbirth. If the pigmentation on the face has become very noticeable, just do not take a photo at 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The uterus has ceased to put pressure on the bladder, and you have become less likely to run to the toilet, in comparison with the beginning of pregnancy.
  • It is time to beware of constipation and increased gas formation, because now the growing uterus presses on the intestines, which leads to a deterioration in its peristalsis.
  • Do not be afraid of the manifestation of heartburn, which is caused by a weakening of the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. In this case, gastric juice, moving through the esophagus, causes a burning sensation in a woman.
  • By the way, a photo of tummies taken at 12 weeks of pregnancy pleasantly pleases all expectant mothers, so do not forget about the picture as a keepsake!

During this period, a woman may experience pain of a different nature and location. Most often, expectant mothers are worried about a painful stomach at the 12th week of pregnancy. We draw your attention to some cases of such pain:

  • If painful sensations are observed periodically and occur on the sides of the abdomen, slightly radiating to the groin or lumbar region, they do not carry any danger. Their cause lies in the effect of progesterone on the stretched ligaments that support the growing uterus.
  • A woman should be alerted by pulling and cramping pains that occur in the lower abdomen. The presence of such pain, accompanied by spotting bloody or brown vaginal discharge, requires immediate medical attention to prevent the threat of spontaneous abortion.

So, we are on the verge of the most fertile period of the entire pregnancy - the second trimester. Now the expectant mother must have a good rest and sleep. Get busy with your new wardrobe, fill it with loose clothes and comfortable low-top shoes. Think more often about the future baby, about a friendly and happy family.

Discharge in the twelfth week of pregnancy

You should know that at this stage of pregnancy there is a norm for vaginal discharge:

  • their texture is the same
  • secretions are slightly thick,
  • their color is light or milky,
  • a slightly sour smell may be present.

Any obvious changes in vaginal discharge require an immediate response from the pregnant woman.

If the color of the discharge becomes green-gray or yellow, an unpleasant odor appears, some flakes and foam are noticeable, pus impurities are present - this indicates the addition of an infectious disease.

Now the immunity of the future mother is weakened, so genital infections are possible, which are accompanied by burning and itching in the perineum.

The exact diagnosis will be confirmed, in this case, by tests at the 12th week of pregnancy. Therefore, you should hurry to the doctor, who will prescribe a specialized treatment that prevents possible infection of the fetus.

We draw your attention to the behavior of the expectant mother if brown discharge or bloody vaginal discharge appears in the twelfth week of pregnancy. If they appear together with aching pains in the lower abdomen, then this indicates an increased threat of miscarriage.

If such spotting is observed after intercourse or a gynecological examination and is not accompanied by abdominal pain, then they may indicate the presence of cervical erosion in the expectant mother. In any of the options, you will definitely need to consult a specialist.

Screening at 12 weeks pregnant

This procedure allows you to identify the risk of developing a child with various congenital malformations. Screening testing will show any hormonal abnormality during pregnancy.

The result is determined by a comprehensive study, which includes:

  • ultrasound indications,
  • blood test from a vein.

Ultrasound at the twelfth week of pregnancy

If up to this time you have not yet undergone an ultrasound scan, now the time has come for a planned study. Ultrasound of 12 weeks of pregnancy: the indicators of such a study provide important information about the condition of the mother and the unborn child.

Right now you will have the opportunity to see your baby on the monitor for the first time! You can ask your doctor to take an ultrasound photo for you at 12 weeks pregnant.

During an ultrasound scan, the doctor examines the condition and tone of the uterus, the location of the placenta, and calculates the estimated date of your birth. With the help of ultrasound, the size of the fetus, the dynamics of its development are determined. Ultrasound of 12 weeks of pregnancy: deciphering the data allows you to determine the risks of developing chromosomal abnormalities or congenital pathologies.

The results of an ultrasound scan for a future mother cannot be regarded as a final diagnosis - the doctor may be wrong! If there are any suspicions after an ultrasound examination by a specialist, a woman needs to be examined in depth and in detail and pass additional tests to clarify them.
