Unpleasant musty odor coming from the switch. How to remove the unpleasant odor of gasoline or solvent using vinegar

Mold, scale, unpleasant odor, dirt on the drum - all these misfortunes appear on automatic machines over time if their owners do not take care of them. As a result, the quality of washing deteriorates, fungus grows, bacteria accumulate, and the washing machine may fail. How to clean a washing machine correctly?

A washing machine is an indispensable attribute in the home of modern people. She helps a lot in saving time by washing things without human intervention, it’s just a pity that she doesn’t hang and iron the laundry herself. The miracle technology should be protected and properly looked after, then the washing machine will last a long time without breakdowns and expensive repairs.

The most effective and least expensive ways to clean a washing machine

After each use, the equipment must be washed and periodically carried out preventive cleaning. At home, for these purposes, you can use purchased expensive antibacterial cleaning products for the washing machine, as well as powders or improvised means: soda, citric acid, etc.

Folk remedies for cleaning a washing machine from odors

A musty, unpleasant odor may be felt in the machine some time after washing. Typically, stink occurs due to the use of low-quality detergents. Gels and soap are simply not completely washed off from the inner walls of the drum; they accumulate and provoke the development of fungus.

An automatic washing powder will help to wash off the remaining soap scum; you need to pour a small amount of it into the tray and turn on the “baby clothes washing” mode or any other option with a temperature of 95 °C. After the end of the cycle, wipe the rubber seal and the door itself dry. Such cleaning should be carried out at least once every six months, otherwise, in addition to the unpleasant smell from the washing machine, you can also find greasy stains and stains with soap residues on things.

We clean the heating element, drum and tank from scale with our own hands using citric acid

An effective and inexpensive descaling agent is citric acid. Cleaning the washing machine with citric acid should be done once every four months.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Pour about 60 g of citric acid into the powder compartment.
  2. We turn on the full wash cycle with rinsing.
  3. We turn on the rinse again so that the acid is thoroughly washed out of the drum and rubber seals.
  4. In particularly advanced cases, if the machine has not been cleaned for six months or more, the amount of citric acid is increased to 100 g, and the washing mode is carried out at maximum temperature.

Some people think that citric acid can damage the cuff, or the plastic parts of household appliances. However, this is not the case; with proper cleaning (washing plus rinsing), the product along with the scale is completely washed out without harming the components of the machine.

Vinegar in the fight against unpleasant odors and limestone deposits

Table vinegar can also help remove scale in your washing machine. Two glasses of product are poured into the compartment for liquid powders and the longest wash cycle is turned on. The heating element and drum are rarely cleaned using this method because a strong vinegar smell remains.

Fighting mold in the washing machine with baking soda

Use soda to clean the machine when you need to get rid of mold. In most cases, the fungus develops behind the rubber parts of the machine or in the detergent compartment. To clean the washing machine, use special soda ash or regular baking soda.

Baking soda is mixed with water (1:1 ratio), a rag is soaked in the resulting substance and possible areas where mold accumulates are wiped: the powder tray, the drum, and the rubber seal. Such disinfection will easily rid the washing machine of fungus. To avoid the development of mold, you need to dry the cuvette after each wash cycle.

Household chemicals and other specialized cleaning products for washing machines

Lime build-up on the heating element or drum can cause the washing machine to malfunction. The main root cause of the formation of limescale is hard water. To avoid damage, experts recommend adding Calgon to your laundry every time you wash it.

Chemicals that can be used to clean the machine:

  • "Whiteness" or bleach - fights mold well. A liter of detergent is poured into the washing machine tray and the washing mode with the highest water temperature is turned on. After 10-15 minutes, the washing machine is paused and remains in this position for 1.5 hours. Then the wash resumes. At the end of the cycle, you can additionally rinse with a small amount of vinegar.
  • "Antinscale" - allows you to quickly get rid of scale. The product must be used strictly according to the instructions, since it contains strong acids that can harm the household appliance. Usually a small amount of Anti-Scaling is poured into the powder compartment and the washing mode is turned on, lasting no more than an hour.
  • Copper sulfate solution, Domestos - these chemicals will help remove plaque and mold from the rubber band located between the drum and the door. After each wash, you need to wipe the cuff with a cloth soaked in vitriol or Domestos.
  • Anti-scale agent - used when the drain hose is clogged. This part of the washing machine is usually clogged with lint, hair and soap deposits. On some LG, Samsung and Indesit models, it is difficult to dismantle the hose because you need to remove the bottom of the washer. Therefore, if the drainage system is partially clogged, you can “run” the washing cycle with anti-scale agents; they corrode the accumulated fat well.

After each use of the machine, be sure to clean the filter. It is located at the bottom of the device on the front side. Before unscrewing and removing the filter, you need to prepare a container and a rag; water may leak from the compartment. After washing the part, put it back, screwing the lid tightly.

Proper care of the machine will extend its service life, and therefore save the money of its owners, since professional repair of household appliances is now expensive.

Comment on the article "How to clean a washing machine at home"


I clean with citric acid all the time. One sachet 80-100 g. citric acid instead of powder and turn it on at 90 degrees without pre-washing, but with additional rinsing. I do this once every 3-4 months. The machine is already 11 years old, no problems. And you don’t need to close the door, otherwise not only the smell, but also mold will appear.

Obviously the filter was already clogged and there was sediment on the pipes, I poured a spoonful of table soda into the pipes and then poured citric acid diluted with warm water, you can’t imagine how much dirt and wickedness there was

How to get rid of mold and unpleasant odor from an automatic washing machine. I had my mother’s favorite scent. Mom always smelled something special. I love the smell of laundry dried in the cold and now I love it, in winter even after drying it in the machine, I hang it on the balcony...

Mold on the ceiling - how to get rid of it. Mold causes a lot of inconvenience with its presence in apartments and houses. Apparently, there is still a little moisture coming down the wall from the neighbors. How can I remove the smell? I just read about tea tree oil.

How to remove the smell? Washing, cleaning. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances After some time, a smell from the wallpaper began to appear. but it’s moldy, but some kind of chemical with an admixture of mold.


Continuation.. I invited a friend to visit, I think maybe she, as a new person, will smell the smell (my family can’t smell it). Yeah, he says it smells like new renovations and new furniture, but not mold! It was this wall that we covered with a different plaster, not the same as all the other walls in the house. Apparently, while the heating season has not yet begun, and the humidity in the apartment has increased in every way with the arrival of cold weather, this Ceresite is emitting a smell. So what to do? I can’t constantly sniff, but I also can’t ignore the smell. How to neutralize?

cannot accumulate. If wallpaper and plaster smell, they smell immediately, and not after a while. This means it’s either the smell from the drywall itself or the wall.

How to get rid of mold and unpleasant odor from an automatic washing machine. A musty, unpleasant odor may be felt in the machine some time after washing. Typically, stink occurs due to the use of low-quality detergents.

How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes. Bad smell in shoes must be dealt with in the most decisive manner. How to remove unpleasant odor from new shoes Prevention is the best way to combat bad odor from shoes Clothes, shoes.

Sorry about the mold :). Help. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with Chas will probably spill over into the household... Do you know any radical way to remove mold? I harassed her in flower pots...


I store the bread in the refrigerator. Before use - either in a toaster or in a microwave. I don’t have time to walk around the city looking for bakeries where they sell sliced ​​loaves in half, but a whole loaf lasts us more than a week. At first I threw it away very often, and then I started storing the bread in the refrigerator...

A friend of mine fights with hydrogen peroxide - she assures me that it is successful. and I believe her, to be honest, she is meticulous, and also a doctor.

I recently changed the soil and it started to smell very moldy. There is also a white moldy coating on the trunk at the base of the root. Is there anything you can do with the flower?


Maybe the ficus was moved and he didn’t like the new place. M.b. They got too cold and now he's making a fool of himself. This ficus is thermophilic. Maybe before the “change of land” it had already been replanted unsuccessfully (wrong soil, poor drainage, by the way, what does drainage look like during a “change of land”). M.b. They filled it up before the last transplant, which is why the soil turned sour (it’s easy to “fill it” if the soil is bad). All plants do better with good light. Now it is desirable either a warm and very bright place (without air flow from the battery), or - in a dark apartment - lighting. Water carefully when the soil gets a little wet, although with the ficus it should be constantly wet, but make sure that there is no water standing in the pan and the humidity does not turn into a swamp. And you have another choice: either wash the base of the trunk where the mold is with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate (CuSO4 * 5H2O), or pour the soil with a suitable fungicide and wipe the base of the trunk with it. Copper sulfate is also a fungicide, but it is not suitable for irrigation and is not compatible with many others, but working with it and the trunk is safe for the plant. Other fungicides are very different, many still burn the plants slightly.

It is a big mistake of many housewives to believe that a bad smell from a washing machine is only a problem for old appliances. In fact, such a nuisance can happen to any machine if you don’t take proper care of it. Why a foul odor appears from the machine and how to get rid of it is the topic of the article.

How to remove smell from a washing machine - reasons

The smell of mustiness or dampness is emitted by certain microorganisms that can “settle” in any part of the washing machine. For example, fungi and bacteria often settle in the drain hose, rubber seal or filter.

The following factors contribute to the proliferation of such bad-smelling microflora:

  • Frequent washing at low temperatures - microorganisms on dirty clothes do not die and spread throughout the entire equipment.
  • Spin at low speeds - the machine remains very wet, which contributes to the rapid growth of mold.
  • Storing dirty things in a drum is a green light to all the bacteria that are in pockets and on food stains.
  • Washing things with crumbs, papers, and other debris that have not been removed - dirt particles clump together, settle in the filter and serve as a breeding ground for microbes.

How to remove smell from a washing machine - idle boiling

The choice of anti-odor product and the method of treating the machine depends on the cause and location of its localization. The “idle boiling” mode is an excellent method for getting rid of plaque and mucus accumulation in all parts of the machine. Pour 100-120 g of powder into the drum and turn on the long wash cycle at the highest temperature. You can repeat it twice in a row if the smell is too persistent.

How to remove smell from a washing machine - vinegar treatment

Vinegar neutralizes mold and limestone deposits. You need to do the cleaning like this:

  • Pour 400 ml of vinegar into a tray;
  • select the maximum temperature;
  • after 5-7 minutes, stop the machine for 1 hour;
  • resume washing until the end of the cycle;
  • After washing, treat all available machine parts with a solution of vinegar and water (1:1).
  • Clean the filter and wipe the drum dry.

Advice! If the washing machine has not been descaled for a long time, it is better to use 250 g of citric acid with the same algorithm instead of vinegar.

How to remove odor from a washing machine - treatment with soda ash

The method is suitable for combating mold fungi. The drum, powder container and seal are manually treated with this product:

  • Mix baking soda in water (ratio 1:1).
  • Spread the paste onto the parts of the washing machine and leave for 30-45 minutes.
  • Wash off the soda with a wet sponge.
  • Run a short dry cycle.

How to remove odor from a washing machine - cleaning with copper sulfate

Copper sulfate can completely remove the smell of mold. It can also be used for prevention purposes. The machine is processed as follows:

  • Mix 30 g copper sulfate and 30 ml water.
  • Soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the drum, tray, door, cuff.
  • Leave the machine for 24 hours.
  • Then run the machine once with the powder and once with just high-temperature water.

How to remove odor from a washing machine - household chemicals

Household products can also help remove the eerie odor from the drum of the machine. For example, you can easily clean your equipment with the following detergents:

  • “Kalgon” - tablets, gel and loose powder that eliminate scale, foreign odors, and bacteria.
  • "Alfagon" is a similar product designed to remove plaque and dirt.
  • “Frisch Active” is a liquid chemical anti-mucus agent in a powder tray, drum, hoses.

The simplest solution to the problem of unpleasant odor in the washing machine is prevention. Open the door more often, wash containers, change filters, and your machine will never develop an unpleasant odor.

Unfortunately, even a new washing machine can develop an unpleasant musty smell. How to remove the smell from it and avoid its reappearance? There can be many reasons for the appearance of mold and mustiness, but it all comes down to one factor: microorganisms multiply inside the unit. It could be mold or bacteria, but it is their colonies that become the source of stench. To get rid of the problem, you need to know where such pests appear most often.

Where do bacteria most often settle in an automatic machine?

A colony can form anywhere, but most often microorganisms multiply in certain places where they feel especially at ease. Here is a list of these places:

  • a container for pouring powder or washing liquid and its surrounding walls;
  • a hose leading from the powder container to the tank;
  • rubber sealing ring around the hatch;
  • drain hose filter and the hose itself connecting the tank to the sewer;
  • the bottom of the tank, where a little water always remains after washing;
  • heating elements if a layer of scale has formed on them.

Check each of these areas and give them a good rinse with a bleach solution to remove any foul-smelling bacterial deposits. The unpleasant odor will disappear if you can get rid of the cause of its formation.

What causes should be eliminated: table

Problem area Cause What to do
Loading hatch cuffThe appearance of fungus, accumulation of dirt and soap scumWash the cuff of the loading hatch
Detergent and powder trayMold, accumulation of unused detergentClean the singing agent loading compartment
Hose for draining waste waterBlockageCheck and clean if necessary
Sewage in the houseBlockageCheck and clean
Drain pumpBlockage, accumulation of fabric fibers and small debrisClean the cavities of the drain pump
Heating element (heating element)The appearance of residue from unused detergents or conditionerClean the washing machine with citric acid

Why does it smell moldy, damp, musty?

Most often this happens with machines whose owners prefer to wash in an economical mode, at a low water temperature and a short rinse. At low temperatures, bacteria living on the surface of dirty things do not die. They remain on the walls of the tank, linger on accumulations of small debris from pockets and other debris.

If after washing the car has not yet been dried properly, a green street opens up for bacteria: full of nutrients, as much humidity as you want, dark and warm. As a result, after some time you discover manifestations of their vital activity, that is, that your car smells like a sewer.

Two more factors lead to the formation of bacterial or fungal plaque on the walls of the washing machine: excessive use of rinse aid and the use of low-quality powders.

A rotten smell can also appear if you wash things with crumbs, cookies, candy, or even just a paper napkin forgotten in your pockets. Soaked paper sticks together into a loose lump, which becomes an excellent substrate for a colony of mold or bacteria. Within a week you may notice an unpleasant odor and you will have to think about eliminating it.

Limescale is another reason for the appearance of mold odor. For example, we cleaned the car with descaling agent, and pieces of limescale fell off the heating elements to the bottom. If they remain at the bottom of the tank, they will develop a bacterial or fungal coating with a corresponding odor, which cannot always be removed quickly.

Expert advice

Very often, an unpleasant odor appears due to non-compliance with the installation rules of the washing machine. Incorrect connection of the drain hose to the sewer is fraught with such unpleasant consequences as stagnation of waste water in the cavities of the unit, as well as the unhindered penetration of odors from the sewer system. That is why, before you start cleaning with various detergents, check whether the connection meets the requirements set by the equipment manufacturer.

Proper connection of the drain hose prevents odors from entering the sewer system

For most automatic washing machines, the drain hose must be attached with a bend at a height of 50-80 cm from the floor - this is necessary to prevent spontaneous draining of water. However, the technical data sheet often lacks very important information that the connection to the sewer system should be made using a check valve or a special siphon. The first has a mechanical damper, which opens only towards the drain, and the second is built according to a water seal, thanks to which a barrier is created between the air of the sewer and the washing machine. It is good if the unit is installed next to a washbasin or sink - in this case, the sink can be equipped with a special siphon with an additional inlet pipe for the drain hose. If this is not possible, then the latter can be bent in the shape of the letter U, which will play the role of a water seal. If the U-shaped plastic bracket included in the delivery kit is not used for connection, then it is advisable to use it for this purpose.

How to get rid of an unpleasant smell in a washing machine

The entire inside of the machine must be thoroughly washed with a disinfectant. You can buy special solutions for this, the purpose of which is precisely to remove the unpleasant odor and its sources. But it is not necessary to purchase special products: you can treat with ordinary chlorine bleach. Using special detergent tablets for dishwashers also gives good results.

If you find a black rotten coating on the walls of the machine parts, rinse them thoroughly and dry them.

To get rid of an unpleasant smell from your washing machine, you need to run an empty, no laundry, long wash at maximum temperature, adding bleach or dishwasher detergent tablets. After completing the full cycle, run another short rinse to thoroughly clean the insides of your machine. Most likely, after such treatment, your automatic car will no longer be a source of the smell of mold and rot.

To remove unpleasant odors from a washing machine without the use of special detergents, a method using citric acid and soda has proven itself well, about which there are many positive reviews on the Internet. If you want to use it, then pour 100 grams into the detergent compartment. citric acid and turn on the longest wash cycle at maximum temperature (boiling program or heating to 90 ° C).

Step-by-step treatment of a washing machine with soda and acid is one of the most effective methods for eliminating odors from a washing machine.

After the unit has completed the last stage of washing, turn on the rinse mode to completely get rid of the acidic environment in its cavities. Next, you need to load a glass of baking soda into the detergent tray and, similar to the method discussed above, turn on the high-temperature washing and rinsing modes. As practice shows, such a procedure is enough to eliminate the unpleasant odor completely and for a long time. By the way, sodium bicarbonate (soda), although it fights mold and fungi well, is far from the most effective remedy. In particularly “advanced” cases, sodium bicarbonate can be replaced with copper sulfate. You will need to dissolve 30 g of this substance in 1 liter of water, and then carry out a full wash cycle with rinsing according to the above algorithm.

How to clean a washing machine and eliminate the stench from it: video

Cleaning with dishwasher tablets (video)

What do manufacturers of household chemicals offer?

If you do not trust folk recipes, but are an adherent of radical methods, then you can use special household products, which are presented in a huge variety on the shelves of household chemicals departments. Not all of them are truly effective, so we’ll tell you about those that can really help in the fight against annoying amber.

Complex cleaner for Tiret washing machines. Available in a plastic container with a volume of 250 ml. Effectively removes all types of contaminants, including insoluble limescale and stubborn grease and bacterial deposits. The method of application involves both manual cleaning of the compartments and drum of the washing machine with Tiret applied to a sponge, and automatic processing in the washing mode at a temperature of 60 ° C.

Universal product for dishwashers and washing machines HG (Holland). The drug is a mixture of highly concentrated alkaline substances that effectively dissolve dirt and solid deposits. One package is enough for 2 cleanings. According to those who constantly use this product, for greater efficiency it is necessary to set the heating mode not to 60 degrees (the manufacturer recommends it), but to wash at a temperature of 90 degrees.

Dr. Beckmann - liquid and powder. One of the best hygienic cleaners for eliminating unpleasant odors. Designed specifically to remove stubborn bacterial deposits on the back of the drum, in pipes, on heating elements and other hard-to-reach places. The manufacturer suggests using the product every 2-3 months, however, according to consumer evidence, with average use of a washing machine, treatment once every six months is sufficient.

Doctor Ten Antibacterial. A product for removing limescale and disinfecting the internal cavities of automatic washing machines from a Belarusian manufacturer. It copes excellently with musty odors and, with regular use, allows you to get rid of them forever. The frequency of treatment depends on the salt content in the water - 2-4 times a year for soft water, from 4 to 6 with an average salt concentration and 6-10 procedures if the water is very hard.

Still, we recommend resorting to household chemicals only after traditional methods have been tried. The fact is that special products contain many chemical compounds that irreversibly affect the environment. For this reason, let's use them only when absolutely necessary - this will make the world at least a little cleaner.

Prevention methods

The instruction manual, which is supplied with any automatic machine, lists in detail all the necessary actions. But many people do not read carefully or have long since lost these instructions. Let us recall the main points that will allow you to avoid the unpleasant smell of mold and mustiness in your car.

  1. After each wash, you need to wipe the inside of the machine dry, remove and rinse the powder tray, and rinse the recess into which it is inserted. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of the rubber sealing ring around the hatch door.
  2. Clean and rinse the drain hose filter from time to time. Very often the smell of mold comes from organic residues accumulated there.
  3. Once every 1-2 months, clean the heating elements from scale. To do this, you can use a glass of vinegar or 100 g of citric acid. The acid must be placed inside the drum, and then run the wash cycle at maximum temperature.
  4. At least once a month, run the machine on a long boiling cycle, preferably using chlorine-based bleach.
  5. Don't use too much mouthwash or conditioner. Its remains settle on the walls of the tank and become a substrate for the development of mold.
  6. Avoid using cheap, low quality powders.

There are many ways to get rid of the “flavors of France,” but do not neglect the tips above. Prevention is the best defense.

Gone are the days when clothes were washed exclusively by hand. The washing machine gave housewives more free time. But without sufficient care, like any household appliance, it malfunctions. Let's talk about bad smell. Of course, this is not a critical failure, but it’s difficult to call it a trifle. After all, the smell spreads in the bathroom, is not drowned out by air fresheners and frequent airing, and is also absorbed into clothes, which is especially unpleasant. How to effectively get rid of odor in a washing machine?

Where does the smell come from?

You opened the washing machine door and smelled it. Perhaps its cause lies in the grease and mucus that attacked the hoses and drum of the machine.

This problem is especially relevant if housewives prefer to wash clothes at low temperatures (no more than 40 degrees) and use liquid detergents. New washing machines are especially susceptible to grease and mucus.

An unpleasant odor can also be caused by the habit of keeping dirty and damp clothes in the washing machine tub and closing the door after washing.

Rarely cleaning the pump and heating element of the machine from dirt and scale, which forms very quickly if the water is of poor quality, can also do a bad job.

No matter how common the detergent used to wash clothes is, it is often what increases the unpleasant odor in the washing machine. Try using other, high-quality brands of washing powder. Perhaps the smell will disappear immediately.

Many soap powders and thick rinses contribute to the formation of a foul odor because they are not completely washed off with water when rinsing. If possible, use them less often or avoid these products altogether.

What to do

You can try turning the machine on to the highest temperature setting or boiling it idle, without laundry, adding washing powder so that the drum is thoroughly washed.

Stores sell anti-scale agents for washing machines and effective antibacterial agents. Follow the instructions on the package to use them correctly.

Is it possible to get rid of the smell in the washing machine using folk remedies and how to do it?

Rely on products containing soda crystals. They are great at fighting fat. It is enough to take half a pack of the product, turn on the washing machine with boiling water and do not forget to repeat the procedure every month.

Goodbye mold!

Here is a simple algorithm for combating mold:

1. Remove mold from visible areas of the washing machine. As a rule, the folds of the seal and the powder container suffer from this scourge. By the way, it is better to remove the latter, since mold can get behind the container itself. Not only special branded products will help you wash the areas, but also an aqueous solution of baking soda, a weak solution of copper sulfate, and vinegar. If the mold has not yet had time to thoroughly get into the washing machine, ordinary soap will quickly deal with the foci of odor.

2. Thoroughly clean and rinse the pump filter thoroughly.

3. Set the washing machine to “boiling” mode and start it. Experts recommend enhancing the effect with the help of special cleaning products, and zealous housewives call for help from folk remedies: a solution of bleach with water, citric acid, vinegar.

Killing the smell of gasoline

What to do if the washing machine smells of gasoline or diesel fuel? Most likely, you yourself are the culprit of this “aroma”, since you washed clothes that smelled of gasoline without first rinsing them in running water. Don’t forget about this in the future, but for now write down how to radically remove corrosive “chemical” odors from your car.

We are about to launch a series of “idle” washes. We set the temperature on the machine to 30 degrees, pour half a pack of regular baking soda into the powder container and press “start”. Subsequently, we repeat the “run”, only instead of soda we pour a glass of table vinegar into the detergent container. The final wash takes place in cold water at low temperatures without using any detergents. After washing, open the machine.

The next day, you can conduct a kind of test drive: wash some clothes or household rags that are not intended for wear. The smell remains - the full cycle of “idle” washes will have to be repeated.

Vinegar will help

Experienced housewives advise resorting to a bite when they are asked how to get rid of the smell in the washing machine using folk remedies.

A universal recipe that kills odors of various origins. Pour half a glass of white vinegar into the washing machine, which should be set to the “boil” wash cycle. Here you need to remember that the first batch of water entering the drain hose is immediately poured out.

Therefore, experts recommend, you should wait 30 seconds until the washing machine stops filling with water, and only then pour vinegar into the detergent container so that it is sure to get into the drum of the washing machine.

The Power of Citric Acid

Unfortunately, not a single washing machine is insured against scale. Even perfectly clean tap water will not save the heating elements from settling of undissolved washing powder granules.

Citric acid works well against scale. You just need to use it correctly.

To begin, pour approximately 100-200 grams of citric acid into the powder compartment or directly into the machine drum itself. This is unprincipled.

Select the longest wash at a temperature of 90-95 degrees and press the “start” button. Now watch your wash carefully. There is a danger that large scale deposits will break off and end up in the rinse drain. This process is usually accompanied by a humming sound when draining. Don't be alarmed, immediately turn off the machine and remove the clumps of scale from the drain. After that, press start again.

After finishing the wash, open the drum and examine all the rubber elements. Small pieces of scale were probably hidden under them. Use a damp cloth to go over the problem areas of the drum and look down the drain again. It is possible that a few more pieces of scale have broken off from the heating element.

As a rule, such a procedure helps to return the washing machine to its previous operating mode. The unpleasant smell disappears, and the assistant works silently.

If none of the above helped and you are still looking for an answer to the question: how to get rid of an unpleasant odor in an automatic washing machine, then the problem is more serious. Perhaps the reason is stagnant water, which can be eliminated by a high-quality filter. Call a specialist for advice and troubleshooting.
