Witty phrases about love. Phrases about love cool aphorisms

  • A woman's whole body is the heart. And even the head. J. Paul
  • Men love little by little, but very often. Women love a lot, but very rarely.
  • Lovers complain of pain in the heart, but in fact they are not all right in the head. Thomas Fuller
  • "It often happens that after a woman has given the key to her heart, she changes the lock the next day." S. St. Bev.
  • The woman you love the most is not always the woman you want to love the most.
  • A woman should never choose a lover without the consent of her heart and husband - without the consent of her mind. -
  • The best remedy for unrequited love is incurable diarrhea!
  • It's hard to be friends when you want to kiss ...
  • "Love forgives everything except voluntary absence" Stendhal
  • Even the severity of the beloved woman is full of endless charm, which we do not find in the happiest moments for us in other women.
  • When people love each other, they are ready to take off and crash together! You took off with me ... but only I crashed, you chickened out ...
  • "Love flees from those who pursue it, and those who run away, throw themselves on the neck." W. Shakespeare.
  • Love wounds in the heart do not always kill a person, but they heal for a very long time, painfully and painfully, bleeding from time to time and reminding of themselves even after years ...
  • It was enough for one man to fall in love with a woman for the world to become what it is. Voltaire
  • A woman does not want to be talked about her amorous affairs, but she wants everyone to know that she is loved.
  • Where there is no love, everything is a mistake. Where there is a lot of love, there are a lot of mistakes. T. Fuller
  • I love not "for something ...", but I love "no matter what ..."
  • You need to love your best friend so much that, having met an even better and more worthy person, pass by and not look back. A. Saint-Exupery
  • Angels call it heavenly joy, devils call it hellish torment, and people call it love. Heinrich Heine
  • The world of the universe appeared after an act of love. A. Besant
  • “Love is a drug that is not forbidden, but it’s still very difficult to get your dose ...”
  • Great love inspires deeds, but it also prevents them from doing! Dumas
  • It is possible to remake a man only with an affectionate attitude and kindness, patience. And nothing else. G. Sak
  • He loves her more than anyone else, but he needs others to make sure of it. Natalie Clifford Barney.
  • The people we love almost always have more power over our souls than we do ourselves.
  • I am a girl, and therefore, purely girlish, I believe in true love. J. Lopez
  • I don't care who and when you sleep with. You only have to love me.
  • Love cannot be hidden with the help of even the most sophisticated deception, if it exists, and love cannot be depicted if it is not really there. La Rochefoucauld
  • If love is not in the head, but in the heart, it is real and beautiful. V. Belinsky
  • For a woman, the first kiss is the end of the beginning; for a man, the beginning of the end. Helen Rowland. -

To kill her, as some expected, I certainly could not. You see, I loved her. It was love at first sight, at last sight, from eternal sight. Nabokov

True love is the cure for lust. And lust is the cure for true love

He who is poor in love is stingy even with his politeness. Friedrich Nietzsche

To be together means to be together in everything and to the end.

People give flowers to a friend because they contain the true meaning of love. Anyone who tries to take possession of a flower will soon see how it withers and loses its beauty. And the one who just admires it in the meadow will receive it forever. Love is above all freedom.

Paulo Coelho

Nothing conquers, softens a man's heart like the consciousness that he is loved.

I'm strong, I can handle it.
- I will be strong, and you be gentle and just love me.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Everyone dreams of beautiful love, but few people understand that it does not begin with the words: "I", "me", "mine", "I want", but with the question: "What can I do for you?"

If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will do anything to be with her...

You can't trust a photograph or a mirror. Our only true reflection is in the eyes of a person who loves us.

Oscar Wilde

The best place on earth is in the arms of a loved one..

“I love you” - this phrase has become pop, like Pepsi and cocaine. You say it at the level of "How are you" and "You look good."

They could not reach each other, but they were able to touch the soul. Ariel Buteau

You won't waste love. The more you give, the more you have left. When you draw from a living spring, it becomes more generous every day.

No woman in the world is able to resist the man she sincerely loves.

The man asked the sage: “Which woman is the most beautiful?”… He thought and answered: “Beloved”…

It is very difficult to sleep with someone you do not love, and almost impossible - with someone you have stopped loving.

An ideal couple sometimes resembles a children's puzzle, in which such seemingly different pieces, when combined together, form a whole picture.

I want the story of our love to run around the house.

If a guy loves, a girl feels it.

I will not be your most gorgeous ex, but I will be the only one who understood you and loved you for who you are.

…They sealed their relationship with an inextricable, diabolical bond of round-the-clock conversations. Jack Kerouac. "On the road".

A real man is like a wolf…either alone or with one she-wolf forever. And running after sheep is the lot of sheep.

If you love and you don't, let go. If you are loved, but you are not - rate and take a closer look. If love is mutual, fight. Osho

Happiness is to find the one who was looking for you. author unknown

First, just a "friend request", and then "you are my everything"!

Under the layer of pride and self-love lies a thin layer of love with caramel taste and vanilla smell...

How nice it is to freeze, then to warm up in the arms of a loved one.

And when I say that you are my favorite, perhaps this is not true love either; love is what you are to me a knife with which I dig into myself. Franz Kafka

Never go back. There is no point in going back. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts sank. Even if it pulls you to where everything was so nice, don't go there ever, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this - forget it, you never go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, once they left you. They killed faith in the soul, in love, in people and in themselves. Live just what you live and even though life is like hell, look only forward, NEVER GO BACK ...

All of us, deep down, are actually afraid of love, because it gives not only pleasure. It makes a person be moral, it makes you forgive and sacrifice, take care and educate. It forces us to change, and change is often accompanied by loss and suffering. Love makes us be responsible for loved ones, for the family, for all of humanity.

Agree, Paul, that the happiness of a loved one brings us much more joy than our own. Balzac Honoré

We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or his love.

Love is just not enough. She has happiness, but she wants heaven, she has heaven, she wants heaven.
O lovers! All this is in your love. Just try to find. Victor Marie Hugo

Relationships become happy not because people get along so well with each other, but because they persevere through those moments where they do not get along.

To swear eternal love to a woman is as absurd as to say that you will always be healthy, or you will always be happy. Charles de Montesquieu

When someone tells you about love, it means that he loves you today. And tomorrow he might run away with your best friend. Cassie Kind

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

They lived happily ever after until they met each other! Mikhail Zadornov

How much does a person need to be happy?
- A lot of! A whole other person.

"When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start to feel like the most beautiful person in the world."
Angelina Jolie

Happy is not the one who has many girls, but the one who needs only one for happiness.

I'm jealous of you, to put it mildly, I honestly love you. M. Wright

Love just like that, and not for any reason. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

He would be quiet, submissive in everything, such,
to be happy from rare meetings,
but God sent him - restless,
and strictly ordered to take care of me.

The main thing in life is to find: yourself, yours and yours ...

“Before you judge me, take my shoes and walk my path, taste my tears, feel my pain, stumble on every stone that I stumbled on ... And only after that say that you know how to live correctly ... ". Adele

Indifference is the only cure for madness and despair. Dean Koontz

Manage to fall in love with one so as to pass by thousands of the best, and not look back.

Turn a big scandal into a small one, a small one into nothing.

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Love is when good people feel bad. Spleen

“He realized that she was not only close to him, but that he now does not know where she ends and he begins.” L. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”

I do not know how to half love or be friends, or I will give my whole soul, or nothing.

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a petty soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

It happens that the person who can save you drowns. Frederic Begbeder

What I am to you, you will be to me. Heinrich Mann

Women love only those they don't know. Mikhail Lermontov

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Love does not end with the fact that people may not see each other for a long time. After all, we believe in God all our lives without seeing him ...

You can survive everything. The main thing is to have the person next to you who will survive it with you.

Love is when you are not compared with anyone, because they know for sure that there is no one better than you and cannot be.

And the hour comes when you want to destroy what you love so that it no longer torments you.

Love is a battle. Lost in advance.

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A real man loves dominating; a real woman loves to obey.

They repeatedly tried to make love, but for some reason it always turned out to have sex.

I want to forget all this. I need love. I need to love - and nothing else.

Love is at first as fragile as a cobweb, and then it acquires the strength of a rope.

We all only talk and read about love, but we ourselves love little, and this, really, is not good.

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Don't be afraid to change anything in your life if your heart and soul desire it. Otherwise, you will have to live, changing both the soul and the heart ...

One breaks his plans in order to be free for you at any moment. And the other just lives his life and writes you into his free moments.

What kind of love does not happen in life, but you cannot love the same way twice.

Love... It's like a cup of hot coffee on a cool spring morning. You can get warm, but you can get burned ...

Love is built on trust and mutual understanding, not on deceit!

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Nothing ruins a relationship like breaking it down.

The less people know about your relationship, the stronger it is!

The difference between love and friendship - for the latter there is no expiration date ...

Love is a disease with new symptoms each time.

Love is worthy only of that which, despite the distance, remains faithful to you.

Love begins where nothing is expected in return.

The one who is to blame does not always ask for forgiveness. The one who values ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship asks for forgiveness.

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And tell me why, despite how many relationships we had behind us, when we hear a quote or a phrase about love, we remember only one single person from the past. And everyone has his own.

If the day ever comes when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll be in it forever.

Never put sad statuses. After all, every beast wants to see how lousy you are.

Once I killed love... Now it's back and slowly killing me...

In love, as in nature, the first colds are the most sensitive.

It is not difficult to kill love in yourself, it is difficult to kill memories.

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Love is not when he tells you: "I love you", but when you just look at him and understand - he loves.

Love is like a cat. She scratches us until we bleed, even if we just wanted to play with her.

Mother's love is the only love from which betrayal cannot be expected.

The richest thing in the world is the wind. People throw money at him, hopes, words, love.

Do not confuse love and desire. Love is the sun, desire is the flash.

Don't rush to get close, don't rush to fall in love, don't rush to reject, don't rush to leave. In a hurry, you can miss love, mistaking it for a random episode in your biography.

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It's hard when you put an end to a relationship, and someone very close draws two more.

The man asked the sage: "Which woman is the most beautiful?"... He thought and answered: "Beloved"...

Love is like a flower - it needs time to bloom.

Love is like a flower that at some point can only be given to one person.

To live and not love is impossible, one must live and love, but only carefully.

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I believe in you. You believe in me. Why don't you believe in us?

Relationships fail when a person is partly with another, and partly with someone else imaginary.

Humanly, we can sometimes love ten, lovingly - many - two. Inhuman - always one ... (Marina Tsvetaeva)

Where there is no love, there is no soul.

A man is cruel when he doesn't love anymore. Especially if he loves another.

Love is fire: it does not shine - everything is dark, but it shines - it is not surprising to burn out.

Love without pain is not love.

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If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will get her no matter what.

Looking for a man who will make my life easy? I'd rather have someone who makes her interesting.

A true king only needs one queen.

Someone lacks one woman, and he switches to the fifth, tenth. And another does not have enough life - to love the one and only. (Konstantin Khabensky)

If in the absence of a person you are completely indifferent to him, and his presence intoxicates you with happiness, what is really happening?

They didn't even live... They crept after each other, afraid to lose each other and get too close.

Hold me tight, hold my world in your palm, don't let go...

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it is not important who you live with, but without whom you cannot live ...

A handful of people incapable of physical intimacy. It's so easy to tell the monitor about the most intimate, but saying "hello" at a meeting is a colossal problem.

Respect and love are capitals that must be placed somewhere. Therefore, they are usually conceded on credit.

But most of all I regret that I did not fight for us, while you never gave up.

Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.

After all, nothing is more important between two people than the desire to be together. Give each other everything you have, everything you have left.

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Love is a sweet trap that no one leaves without tears.

If love doesn't make you cry, love.

Still, a wonderful thing is first love, especially if you manage to get rid of it in time.

Nothing burns like you.

It happens that love will lead you so far that you will not find a way back.

The love we have in our hearts is the only myth that never changes.

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It's not love, it's a habit. And as they say, bad habits need to be abandoned.

If anyone says that love and peace is a cliché that went away with the sixties, that will be their problem. Love and peace are eternal (John Lennon)

As long as we love, we can forgive

Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past, the doubts of the present.

When you love someone, no one will force you to believe that the one you love can not love you.

I wanted to see you to see if it would be nice to see you again.

All love is happiness, even if it is not divided.

There is a bright shelter on earth. Love and loyalty live there. Everything that sometimes we only dream of - settled there forever!


When you marry a good man - what difference does it make what color Bentley he has

A woman loves victory over a man who is not hers!

Love for a neighbor is something different than love for a neighbor.

She: Hi, how are you?
He: you're fucking with your stupid questions!
She: what????
He: Hi, how are you?
She: ok.

Love is like lunch: a woman first serves cold, then hot ... but a man is like a child: he wants to start right away with sweets. And if a woman allows him this, he will quickly lose his appetite.

Again he stepped on the same rake ... cute, blue-eyed, flirtatious rake.

What does it mean to love? To love means to stop comparing. B. Grasse

Love is the desire to achieve friendship with someone who attracts with his beauty

You have the most powerful weapon on Earth - Love and Prayer.
John M. Templeton

Indifference to the fair sex in old age is a punishment for being too able to please in youth.

I'm in the arms of a sweetheart
I forgot about the glory of the motherland -
everything faded, faded.
Only a star in the sky turns purple,
let the corollas of lilies turn white ...
Yosano Tekkan, "I'm in the arms of a cute..."

Perhaps love can sometimes be defined as the desire to share everything with just one person.

Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past, the doubts of the present.

it's scary when a person has already changed, and you continue to love him. The former one...

Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it.

We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or his love.

Love is like a wild cat, try to play with it, and it will scratch the heart to blood.

"It always seems to us that we are loved because we are good. But we do not realize that they love us because those who love us are good."
L. Tolostoy

Women are sincerely men, and always give themselves away almost immediately.

"Do not grieve that no one knows you, but strive to be someone who can be known" (Confucius)

Love is when you kiss all the time. When you get tired later, you still want to be together and talk more. My mom and dad are like this. They kiss really badly.
(Emily, age 8)

Lust is what makes you want her, even when you don't want to be around her. Love is what makes you want to be with her even when you don't want her. Judith Wiorst

Love is a promise, a souvenir, once given, never forgotten: don't let it disappear. John Lennon

When there is no identity between what really is and how it manifests itself
outwardly - then there is no authenticity.

Love languishes under duress, its very essence is freedom, it is incompatible with obedience, jealousy or fear.
P. Shelley.

Love is a traitor: it scratches the soul to the blood even when you just wanted to play with it. (Ninnon de Lanclos)

Happiness is not your best friend, it comes when you feel good and leaves when you feel bad.

"The more you love, the more you suffer." (c) A. Amiel.

Don't love him, but be his love. Don't look for him, he will find you. Don't follow him like the others do. If he needs you, he will come to you.

Separation is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes a weak fire and fanns a strong one.

You can only romanticize unhappy love without experiencing a happy one.

"Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we could probably win if we weren't afraid to try." Shakespeare

If you love me, then I will move mountains! if not love, then the neck ...

“Love and doubt will never get along.” – D. H. Gibran

I don't like boors. Why do I need competitors?

A wife who does not know how to influence her husband is a goose. A wife who does not want to influence her husband is a holy woman. (M. Ebner-Eschenbach)

Everything that is good in life is either illegal, or immoral, or leads to obesity. (pardo)

Another day without you...
Not longer than yesterday, not shorter
The nights just seem long
If you know that the day is spent in vain.

People really need each other. They need each other by the commonness of their nature, which is love, and by the difference of their gifts they are called to mutual replenishment. Arch. John (Shakhovskoy).

Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to step up and pluck it from the edge of the abyss.

I will love you forever
Today, tomorrow and always
Believe me, I won't forget you
Don't forget me too

Painful, embarrassing, unfair? Shut your mouth, don't think about it... Just smile, don't give them a reason to rejoice in your failures... Just smile... Always... Just...

Sadness comes, sadness
Doubt gnaws at the Soul,
And someone's black veil,
Love is trying to destroy.

And it won't come in vain
And not instantly forgotten
Love lives for many years
And it doesn't go away gradually.

Strong binding thread
Do not break it with "libel",
And you just need to love
Not following anyone's advice.

Funny love statuses

The desire of a woman is the law ... while the desire of a man is a woman!


Treat yourself with love, and treat everything else with humor!


Alcohol and falling in love are the official sponsors of stupidity.


A man does not forgive, he forgets, and a woman - she forgives everything, but never forgets.


Love is when sex becomes so amazing that you can no longer have it with anyone else ...


"Baby, I love you!" - excellent status! And all the suns are pleased, and you do not burn ...


I want to fall in love, I'm looking for a victim ...


There are no cold women, there are men with damp matches!


Does love have its own laws? According to my observations - most often there is complete chaos.


Love cannot be "Download" or "Copy"
And rashly in the "Delete" basket.
“Block” cannot be, “Format”,
But we can save love...


People who see each other in a dream should wake up next to each other ...


And how good it starts for everyone: beloved ... cute ... cute ... little ... stupid ... fool ... fool ... idiot ... stupid ... cattle ... bastard ... bastard ... I hate ...


A real girl should have a real man, not a rag! Rags must be with mops!!!


Love comes... Love goes... Love comes... Love goes... Look, stop messing around!


There are no irreplaceable ones. There are unforgettable ones.


In a love triangle, one corner is always obtuse!


There are no ideal relationships ... There is female wisdom not to notice male stupidity. There is a man's strength to forgive women's weaknesses. And ideality ... Leave it to the series ...


The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office.


The wise man was asked: "If a person loves, will he return?" The wise man replied: "If a person loves, he will not leave"


The ideal relationship is if you… fight like husband and wife, chat like best friends, flirt like 16 year olds, and take care of each other like brother and sister


A little boy says to a little girl: - I love you! - Just like an adult? - No, I really love you.


Love is a fairy tale, and a year later a stroller


We think we stop falling in love when we get old… No! We get old when we stop loving...


Only time will make it clear who is a friend, who is an enemy, who is a loved one, and who is just like that ...


In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved person, even virtues annoy.


It is better to have one person in your life for whom you are the sun, than a million people for whom you are just a star.


It doesn't matter who you sleep with. What matters is who you think about when you close your eyes.


People must be loved, and things must be used. And not vice versa!


Do not look for the rich, do not look for the beautiful, but look for the worthy and forever loved ... Do not look for the capricious, do not look for the "brilliant" and then you will find your... REAL!!!


Any fool can love when everything is good in a relationship… True love is tested when everything is bad…


If you do not strive to change for the sake of a loved one ... perhaps he is not so beloved ....


Have you seen my happiness?


Love is six letters: 2 vowels, 3 consonants, a soft sign and two crazy ones!


Happiness is when the same person is in the house, in bed and in the head ...


For the joys of love sensations, having once paid with acute pain, we are so afraid of new hobbies that we wear a condom in our souls.


Love is when you give a person freedom of choice and he chooses you!!!

Save water - shower together.


Love triangle: two legs, the third ... Does not roll.


The only person whose declarations of love I unconditionally believe is my child.


What is the difference between fake love and real love? Fake: - I like snowflakes on your hair! Real: -Fool, why without a hat?


For a strong union, a couple needs a toddler! Funny SMS on Valentine's Day
