Lightening hair with cinnamon washes away keratin. Lightening different types of hair with cinnamon

It is possible to give hair of any color a lighter shade not only by chemical means. Lightening hair with cinnamon does not give a quick result, as can be expected after the use of special dyes made in industrial conditions. But it is not harmful to hair, unlike chemicals.

Advantages and disadvantages of cinnamon hair mask

Despite the abundance of chemical hair dyes offered by stores, many tend to use only natural ingredients for the preparation of hair care products. Mask with cinnamon to lighten hair has the following advantages:

  • is affordable;
  • strengthens hair from the roots, does not spoil their structure;
  • makes the scalp healthy;
  • accelerates hair growth;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • safely stains strands;
  • prevents hair loss.

If you pay attention to the shortcomings, then among them are the following:

  • the need for a long wait for the result;
  • the number of procedures should be 5-6;
  • possible allergic effect;
  • composition not suitable for sensitive scalp.

However, the use cinnamon brightening mask is safe when compared with industrial dyes. Usually cinnamon is used as a seasoning, but if you lighten curls with it, they will become shiny, healthy and vibrant.

As a result of staining, the curls acquire a natural look. , like other useful elements, contains minerals and vitamins in large quantities. After applying the mask with cinnamon, the strands become silky and healthy. Split hair is observed less, and their loss stops.

Before cooking cinnamon brightening mask an allergy test should be done. This is due to the fact that a certain category of people has an individual intolerance to the components of the mixture. Despite the fact that it can be quite rare, it is better to conduct a skin test in a timely manner before lightening hair with cinnamon.

A small amount of the substance is necessary to lubricate the area of ​​the epidermis on the crook of the elbow or on the inside of the wrist, where the skin is most sensitive. If burning, redness or rashes occur, the tested coloring agent should not be used.

If the test did not give a negative result, and after applying the product to the hair, a strong burning sensation began to be felt, then it is better to wash it off with a large amount of clean running water. Cinnamon should not be used if the skin on the head is sensitive enough.

How to cook yourself cinnamon brightening mask?

The desired result when staining can be achieved by various types of components that can be added to the paint for curls. After lightening hair with cinnamon and honey you can no longer use chemical dyes or henna.

Ground cinnamon and liquid honey are mixed in a special plastic container. As a result, a chemical composition is formed, the properties of which resemble peroxide if honey was diluted in distilled water.

Natural dye will need to put more honey. The components added to home paint allow not only to lighten the curls, but also to give the strands of brown-haired women beautiful natural shades.

If the scalp is dry, then jojoba, olive or almond oil can be added to the brightening mask. The substance allows you to soften the effects of natural dye, prevent burning. Honey and oil in the prepared composition of cinnamon can have a nourishing effect on the scalp.

In brightening masks, you can add honey, lemon juice or aloe, as well as other useful ingredients. Instead of water, hair conditioner, taken in equal amounts, will do. It should be brought to a state of homogeneous mass by mixing, and then applied to the strands.

Before how to lighten hair with cinnamon, it must be borne in mind that in the process of preparing the paint, metal containers should not be used. You will need to take a bowl and a plastic spoon. You can dilute the composition in glass or ceramic dishes.

The amount of the mixture should be calculated based on the length of the strands. If they are short, then you can take 2 tbsp. l. cinnamon powder. If the curls are up to the shoulders, then it will take 3-4 tbsp. l. powder. For long hair, you need to take 6 tbsp. l. powder or more.

Water must be added in such an amount that the composition is obtained in the form of gruel. This mixture can be easily applied to the strands. Before starting the procedure lightening hair with cinnamon and honey, the composition must be slightly warmed up.

Preparing to use cinnamon

Cinnamon products, which allow you to lighten the strands, are best applied to the head in the form of masks, where different products are added based on existing problems with the scalp. If there is dryness of the epidermis, thinning of the hair, then chicken yolk should be added to the mask, which will help to make the drug not only for coloring, but also for nutrition.

Before how to lighten hair with cinnamon at home, you will need to buy the product. Ground cinnamon is sold in the supermarket or in the spice department. Spice is best bought in sticks, and then grind in a coffee grinder. This allows you to get the best effect. If cinnamon sticks are difficult to obtain, store-bought powder bags can be used.

When staining hair at home you can use the help of an assistant. The assistant should be instructed to apply the foil, as is done in beauty salons and hairdressers. This will allow you to color the strands evenly and avoid getting a large amount of the substance on the scalp.

If a slight burning sensation is felt immediately after applying the drug, it, as a rule, should pass quickly. If the feeling of discomfort increases, the mask must be thoroughly washed off. After that, cosmetic procedures with this tool can not be carried out, as it is not suitable for your skin type.

The coloring procedure ends with a thorough washing of the head using warm water and shampoo. Rinsing is carried out using a decoction of chamomile or water acidified with lemon juice. This allows you to fix the final result.

Algorithm for dyeing hair with cinnamon

When cooked cinnamon hair mask, which is a thick mixture, it can be applied to strands. The composition should be dense enough so that it does not drain, but is evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls. The sequence of the cosmetic procedure is to perform the following steps:

  1. Wash the strands with shampoo and dry them a little or moisten clean, dry strands from a spray bottle.
  2. Comb your hair so it doesn't get tangled.
  3. Apply the mixture evenly with a special brush. It must not be rubbed into the skin.
  4. From time to time use a comb to distribute the solution.
  5. Collect all the strands with the mixture in the tail and fasten the tail with a clip.
  6. Take a cap made of polyethylene or ordinary cellophane and cover your head with it. Wrap your head with a terry towel for a more comfortable waiting for the end of the mask.
  7. Wait 3-4 hours for full exposure of the paint.

For the best result, the mixture can be left on the head overnight, but not more than 8 hours. When the time has already expired, you can wash off the paint with water and shampoo. To do this, the head should be lathered 2-3 times, and then remove the entire mixture. If paint with olive oil was used, then you can prepare for the fact that the applied composition will need to be washed off for 15 minutes or more. If the mixture included hair balm, then this should make it easier to wash off.

The paint can be kept on the hair for 3 hours or more. The desired result depends on the structure of the curls. It sometimes complicates the process of lightening hair with cinnamon: the recipe involves the procedure several times with an interval of 1-2 weeks. With the help of natural remedies, it can be quite difficult to color the strands, but this can be found out during the processing.

Cinnamon Brightening Hair Mask suits, first of all, blondes and fair-haired. Light strands become more intense in color, having a reddish tint. After 1-2 days you can again lighten hair with honey and cinnamon by repeating the procedure. The composition will not be harmful to the hair.

To prepare the paint, you can use the hot method. To do this, take liquid honey and ground cinnamon (3 tablespoons each). Pour 1/2 cup of water into a container, mix everything. The components will need to be brought to a boil, and then slightly cool them and apply to the hair in a warm form. This recipe allows you to change the colored curl by 2-3 tones.

Recipes for masks for lightening hair

There are a large number of different recipes for preparing mixtures that allow you to lighten at home. To prepare the coloring composition, you will need the following components:

  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hair balm - 100 g.

Honey should be liquid, if it is candied, then it will need to be heated in a water bath. When the substance has a liquid consistency, cinnamon and hair balm are added to it. After that, the entire solution is thoroughly mixed, then it can be used.

Many owners of beautiful curls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to prepare a coloring composition with the addition of chicken eggs. If a mixture of honey (2 tablespoons) and cinnamon (2 tablespoons) is mixed with yolks (2 pcs.), Then the composition will provide hair with not only nutrition, but also coloring. After preparation, the solution is brought to a homogeneous state and applied to the strands.

Lightening hair with cinnamon can be done by mixing natural dye (2 tablespoons) with lemon juice (2 tablespoons). Olive oil or jojoba oil (1 tablespoon) and liquid honey (1 tablespoon), preheated in a water bath, should be added to the substance. Due to the inclusion of lemon juice, the effect of cinnamon is enhanced, the clarification process is accelerated. Such a mask should remain on the head for no more than 2 hours.

bleaching the composition can be prepared on the basis of almond oil by adding it in an amount of 2 tbsp. l. in a mixture of honey and cinnamon. The composition is brought to the consistency of a thick slurry by mixing. A mask of uniform consistency is applied after slightly warming up the mixture.

Before how to lighten hair with cinnamon, you can prepare the substance with the addition of hair conditioner. This will require the following ingredients:

  • moisturizing conditioner - 250 ml;
  • liquid honey - 250 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • crushed cinnamon - 2 tsp

All components must be thoroughly mixed so that the mixture becomes thick. This composition is well suited for lightening long thick hair. Juice will need to be taken from a medium-sized fruit.

Lightening hair with cinnamon can be easily done at home, using cinnamon powder available to everyone, which is sold in stores and supermarkets. This type of hair lightening will help not only to whiten the hair for a couple of tones, but also to strengthen the hair.


Subtleties of lightening with cinnamon

Lightening with cinnamon can turn hair reddish brown, so be careful with this natural peroxide agent.

After applying the mask for lightening hair with cinnamon, you should not expect an instant effect. This recipe will help lighten your hair by 1-2 tones, giving your hair a beautiful red-brown hue.

Natural blondes will gain, get a shade of frosty chestnut, and fair-haired and brown-haired women will slightly lighten their shade, saturating it with brown spicy notes.

Masks with cinnamon for lightening hair

There are many recipes for cinnamon masks for lightening hair, reviews of which are very positive.

Lightening hair with cinnamon and honey

  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 3 tablespoons cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons of hair balm

Lightening hair with cinnamon and lemon

  • ½ cup conditioner
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons cinnamon
  • Juice of one lemon

Lightening hair with cinnamon and conditioner

Mix ground cinnamon and hair balm in equal proportions (the amount of mask depends on the length and thickness of the hair).

Lightening hair with cinnamon and water

Mix cinnamon with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 1 (the amount of mask depends on the length and thickness of the hair).

Intensive hair lightening with cinnamon

  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 3 tablespoons cinnamon
  • ½ glass of water
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, cool, then apply to the hair.

How to make a brightening mask with cinnamon?

  1. Prepare containers for mixing ingredients: a non-metal bowl and a plastic spoon.

    Important! If the mixture comes into contact with the metal and oxidizes, it may result in a green hair color.

  2. Choose a recipe from the ones listed above.
  3. Mix all the ingredients until smooth and leave the mask to brew for about an hour.
  4. Wash your hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel.
  5. Comb through slightly damp hair.
  6. Put a towel over your shoulders.
  7. Apply cinnamon to hair with a brush. Do not spare the mixture, because the hair should be abundantly covered with a brightening composition.
  8. Gather your hair into a bun at the crown and cover with a shower cap or cling film.
  9. Put on a warm hat or wrap a towel on top, because the mixture must be warm for the result to appear.
  10. Keep the mask on for at least 3-4 hours. It is advisable to leave overnight.
  11. Rinse the mask off your hair with warm water and shampoo. When using the composition with olive oil, you should wash your hair very thoroughly.

Photos of results

Below you can see before and after photos lightening hair with cinnamon.

In these videos you can see how to make a cinnamon hair mask to lighten your hair yourself.

  • Ladies with dry hair are advised not to use lemon juice, but to pay attention to recipes with olive oil.
  • After applying the mask to the hair, the scalp begins to burn strongly. This effect gives cinnamon, and the addition of olive oil will reduce the burning sensation, although it will pass by itself in 20-30 minutes.
  • The honey will help the cinnamon lighten the hair and enhance the effect.
  • If after the first clarification the result is not too noticeable, you can not be afraid and immediately start re-staining. Cinnamon will not harm the hair, but, on the contrary, will strengthen them even more.
  • It is advisable not to allow cinnamon to get on the skin of the face, otherwise irritation may occur.
  • Don't rub cinnamon on your scalp!
  • Cinnamon promotes hair growth by heating the hair follicles - this contributes to a rush of blood to them.

Chemical dyes are detrimental to hair - this is a known fact. That is why more and more women are looking for methods of lightening with the help of natural ingredients. Masks with cinnamon powder for lightening hair have recently become very popular due to their effective and beneficial effect on the hair.

Useful elements in the composition

Why cinnamon? The spice is a treasure trove of biologically active ingredients that, in synergy, give a powerful brightening effect. It contains a high percentage of unique tannins, which at the same time provide hair strengthening, prevent hair loss, have antibacterial properties, prevent dandruff and irritation. The composition also includes natural resins and essential oils in large doses, useful acids, fortified compounds and trace elements in large quantities. Thanks to this composition, cinnamon is not only able to provide clarification, but also has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the hair, preventing brittleness, delamination of the tips and thinning.

Hair color is determined by the presence of a pigment called melanin. When interacting with cinnamon, melanin is gradually destroyed and, as a result, the color changes.

It should be noted that cinnamon as a clarifier only works in conjunction with honey. Why honey? Dissolving in water, it takes over the properties of a weak peroxide and ensures the destruction of the pigment.

Instructions for use

Clarification with a cinnamon-honey mixture is performed according to the instructions:

  • thoroughly comb and moisten the hair;
  • when applying, step back a couple of centimeters from the scalp, do not rub the product into the roots so as not to get burned;
  • cover with a cap or plastic wrap to enhance the lightening reaction;
  • the minimum duration of the mixture is 4 hours, you can apply it before going to bed all night;
  • rinse thoroughly after the time has elapsed.
  • Dry your hair after the procedure in a natural way.

Important! Do not use metal utensils, in order to avoid oxidation and give the curls a green tint.

Lightening Recipes

When composing a mask with cinnamon, you need to proceed from the density of the hair and its original color. For maximum effect and quality care, mask recipes are supplemented with various natural ingredients. We offer the most effective recipes for masks with cinnamon.

Classic recipe

Honey 70 g
Cinnamon (preferably freshly ground) 3 tbsp. spoons
Any conditioner 1 tbsp.

Thoroughly mix everything until a homogeneous mass, apply and leave for 4-8 hours.

Advice. A homemade cinnamon mask is more effective for those with dark locks, as blondes can end up with a reddish tint.

With butter and lemon

3 tablespoons freshly ground cinnamon
3 tablespoons natural honey
100 ml. oils (preferably olive oil)
100 ml. conventional air conditioner

All components are thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous consistency, applied and left for 4-8 hours. The oil in the composition is designed to neutralize the unpleasant burning sensation and prevent overdrying of the tips. Lemon juice speeds up and intensifies the chemical reaction.

Advice. Owners of the dry type of curls should take the procedure with all caution and supplement the recipe with caring ingredients in order to prevent excessive drying.

With egg yolk

3 art. spoons of cinnamon
3 art. spoons of honey
1 tbsp lemon juice and 1 tbsp olive oil
1 egg yolk

We mix all the components, apply along the length, wash off after 4-8 hours. You can make more funds, the main thing is to observe the proportions. The difference between this recipe is that the mixture not only brightens, but also nourishes, strengthens and gives a natural shine.

hot way

3 tbsp honey
3 tbsp ground cinnamon
half a glass of distilled water

All components are thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil in a water bath, cool to a comfortable warm state and perform the application. Due to the acceleration of the reaction under the influence of high temperatures, the hot method proved to be the most effective.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the procedure

In order for the result of using the cinnamon mixture to please you, it is important to choose a mask recipe based on individual characteristics. Do not despair if, after the first use, the mask with cinnamon powder for lightening hair did not give the expected result. This may indicate that the melanin in the hair resists destruction under the influence of cinnamon. You can repeat the procedure several times (but not more than once a week) or use another natural brightening agent. For example, a mask with lemon juice, a kefir mixture for clarification or a glycerin composition.

The result of lightening depends entirely on the initial tone of the hair:

  1. If initially the hair has a dark shade closer to black, the lightening result will be slightly chestnut.
  2. Natural blondes should expect a slight reddish tint.
  3. Owners of red curls will emphasize the sunny brightness of their shade.

A home procedure with honey and cinnamon, in addition to a brightening effect, will help to add shine to curls and cope with oily hair, and as a pleasant bonus, you will get an unimaginable aroma of your curls.

Effective masks with cinnamon for lightening hair - the procedure is undoubtedly pleasant and similar to an expensive salon spa treatment. The unique cinnamon aroma always evokes associations with a holiday, comfort and warmth. Immerse yourself in the process of caring pleasure, fragrant cinnamon mixture with honey will certainly give the expected result.

Blonde girls are back in fashion, so more and more women are thinking about lightening their hair. But since the use of chemical dyes greatly harms the hair, they prefer to resort to folk remedies for dyeing curls, among which the most popular is the use of cinnamon.

Cinnamon is a spice that is often used to add flavor and aroma to various dishes. On the market, it is presented to us both in ground form and in the form of sticks that need to be ground independently.

Naturally, it is better to use the second option, since you can be sure of its quality, because you will personally make powder from it. But at the expense of the first one, it is worth doubting, since it is not known what, in addition to cinnamon, the manufacturer added to his product.
Therefore, if you want to lighten your curls with this spice, it is better to use high-quality cinnamon, that is, in sticks, even though it is more expensive. But how exactly you need to lighten your hair with cinnamon, you will now find out.

Cinnamon contains many useful micro and macro elements in its composition, which not only have a brightening effect on the hair, but also their structure from the very roots to the very tips.

Hair after applying cinnamon becomes unusually beautiful and silky. And despite the fact that it has a warming effect, which, according to the idea, should dry the curls, they still remain.

And while cinnamon has a lightening effect, it does not whiten hair at all. It gives them a beautiful reddish tint, which is quite difficult to achieve with ordinary paints.

In addition, cinnamon improves local blood circulation due to its warming effect. Thanks to this, more nutrients and hair begin to flow into the follicles:

  • start ;
  • acquire a "live" appearance.

Also, the amazing composition of cinnamon allows you to saturate the scalp, moisturize it and eliminate various microorganisms from its surface that cause numerous diseases (, seborrhea, etc.).

As for micro and macro elements, cinnamon contains the most necessary for normal growth and functioning of hair (especially a lot of vitamin PP in it), vitamins A and C, iron, and magnesium.

And one more thing, if the result of staining with paint did not satisfy you, then it is absolutely not necessary to use the procedure, which today is called a wash. A cinnamon hair lightening mask will help you solve the problem without damaging your curls.

It should be noted right away that the use of cinnamon will not bring such a pronounced brightening effect. And, in principle, cinnamon acts a little worse on colored curls than on natural ones.

If you have never dyed your hair before, regular use of cinnamon can help you lighten it by several tones. However, it does not damage their structure at all. If you still resorted to this procedure, then you can only hope for minor changes in your appearance. But they still will.

In addition, if you are not obsessed with lightening your hair, then using cinnamon will have a good effect on their general condition. It will completely restore their structure and activate their growth. At the same time, it will eliminate and give curls natural and beauty.

Rules for using cinnamon to lighten hair

Cinnamon is a natural dye, so in order to achieve visible results, you need to apply it more than once, but at least 10-14. In this case, there must be breaks of 2-3 days between the procedures.

Another important point. Since cinnamon affects hair color, coloring agents should not be made from it in metal dishes. At the same time, it is also not recommended to use metal spoons or forks to mix the ingredients. And all because a reaction can occur and your hair will turn green instead of the desired shade.

Also, always make sure the ingredients you use are fresh. If at least one of them has an expired shelf life, then you risk severe damage to your hair.

And one more important point. Lightening hair with cinnamon at home often requires heating individual ingredients. This should be done very carefully to prevent overheating. The thing is that with strong heating, volatilization of useful substances occurs. As a result, the tool that you will use will not bring the promised benefits.

Therefore, if the recipe says that you need to heat the oil or some other ingredient, then make sure that it heats up over 50C. It is better to use a candy thermometer.

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking based on cinnamon. Some of them have already gained their popularity among the fair sex.
For example, the classic version of the preparation of a brightening cinnamon mask. To make it you will need:

  • (it is advisable to take liquid, not candied, because it is better to lie on the hair);
  • cinnamon powder;
  • hair conditioner.

Honey and cinnamon powder must be taken in equal amounts. Since you need to apply the product in a plentiful layer, then for medium-length hair you need to take about 3 tablespoons of honey and cinnamon. If the hair is very long, then 5 tablespoons of each ingredient may be required.

As for the conditioner, its amount should correspond to the volume of the resulting mass, prepared from honey and cinnamon. If you take 2 tablespoons of each ingredient, then you need to take about 4 tablespoons of the conditioner.

Apply the resulting mass in a generous layer on the hair. Put on a warming cap over your head and walk in it for about 40 minutes. Then remove and, without washing off the mask from the hair, walk for another 2-3 hours.

After that, the mask must be washed and the curls rinsed. It is also easy to prepare. Two tablespoons of pharmaceutical chamomile should be poured with a liter of cold water, brought to a boil and simmered for 10-15 minutes.

Then let the broth brew for about an hour, strain it and use it for its intended purpose. A decoction of chamomile will fix the result and give the hair a beautiful golden hue. If you want to get a more saturated shade, then the chamomile solution should be made more concentrated. To do this, you can take half the water and several times more chamomile.

Cinnamon-lemon hair mask with brightening effect

To achieve the best result, lightening hair with cinnamon can occur in combination with, which also has a bleaching effect.

In this case, you will also need cinnamon powder, honey and hair conditioner, only now in smaller quantities, about 1-2 tablespoons each. To them you need to add a tablespoon of lemon juice. And since it dries the hair a lot, it is recommended to add more to the mask, just a few teaspoons.

The principle of preparation and application is basically the same. Mix all the ingredients, apply generously on the hair, walk for 40 minutes in a warming cap, and after a couple of hours without it.
After washing off the mask, it is also recommended to rinse your hair with a decoction prepared from pharmacy chamomile. If at the same time you have cosmetic problems, for example, dandruff, then other medicinal plants can be added to the decoction.

Burdock root and urticaria help to fight the manifestations of dandruff. They also promote hair growth, so if you dream of long and beautiful hair, be sure to use them when preparing a decoction for rinsing your hair. Do not worry, adding them to the decoction will not affect the color of your curls in any way.

Lightening hair with cinnamon at home is a fairly simple, but at the same time effective procedure. If you have free time, then it is better to use it, and not chemical paints, which severely damage curls.

Video about lightening hair with cinnamon

Do you want soft light curls, but are you sure that this cannot be achieved without chemicals? There is a way! Lightening your hair with cinnamon and honey will not only lighten, but also strengthen your curls. This time-tested remedy came from ancient Rome. Today, it also remains an assistant to those who care about the appearance and health of girls.

Cinnamon and honey to lighten hair

In contrast to paints, a mask of cinnamon and honey improves the structure of curls, accelerates their growth, gives shine, silkiness. A pleasant bonus will be the spice aroma loved by many, which lasts 2-3 days after the procedure.

Cinnamon is a treasure trove of vitamins, nutrients necessary for healthy hair. Details about the use of cinnamon for lightening hair were written earlier. It consists of:

  • cellulose;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • vitamins PP, C, A.

Preparing the mixture:

  1. Heat honey in a water bath (candied honey will melt, retaining its beneficial substances). It is better to use ceramic or glass dishes. Do not take metal!
  2. Add cinnamon, mix thoroughly.
  3. Add additional components (optional).


In order to achieve the best effect, it is important to follow the sequence of steps.

  1. Carefully comb clean, damp curls.
  2. Dividing hair into small strands, apply the mixture. Do not rub into the scalp: this will cause irritation, dandruff may appear later.
  3. When applying the mask, you need to comb it periodically so that the mixture lies evenly. This is an important point! If neglected, the lightening can be spotty.
  4. Collect curls in a bun. Put on a plastic cap (wrap with cellophane, cling film), on top - a terry towel.
  5. Leave the mixture for at least 4 hours. For the first half hour, there may be some discomfort, you may experience burning and tingling. The longer the mixture acts, the stronger the effect. If your skin is not too sensitive, you can go to bed with a mask.
  6. Wash off the mixture using shampoo. Rinse with chamomile or use conditioner.
  7. Curls should dry naturally (without using a hair dryer).
