How to let go of a surname at a wedding. "Air" ideas for your bachelorette party

The new tradition of parting with the maiden name is actively included in wedding celebrations. This uncomplicated the ritual symbolizes the bride's farewell to a past unmarried life and joining a happy family.

The timing of such an event depends to a greater extent on the readiness of the newlywed. If she is used to the idea that she will bear her husband's surname, then the ceremony can be performed on.

It is also interesting to beat the farewell to the surname during or immediately before the official ceremony at the registry office. Perhaps, nevertheless it's better to do it after marriage to re-emphasize a fait accompli.

Who can host such an event? There is nothing complicated in it, so they can easily cope with it. Otherwise, you can trust the professionals from the wedding agency or the host of the holidays.


You can beautifully carry out the farewell ritual by launching balloons into the sky, on which either individual letters or the entire surname itself will be written.

As an option letters can be printed and sequentially fixed on the balls, placing them vertically or horizontally so that the word is easy to read.

The inscription looks original, carved from wood It's easy to order online. An almost weightless sign attached to a bunch of bright balls looks very impressive.

Unusually and cheerfully, farewell to a bachelor's life takes place at the wedding itself. The bride is invited to burst a wonderful composition of balloons with her maiden name an ordinary fork.

The idea with balls captivates with the simplicity of its implementation. Prepare and you can do the whole ritual with your own hands by connecting friends.

What is required for this:

  • Order balloons in advance with helium. This can be done at a wedding agency, private decorators, or holiday decor stores.

Important! It is worth picking up ready-made balloons a couple of hours before the event.

  • If you want to create lettering yourself, then you need to think about how you will fix the letters or the entire surname on the balls. This can be done in different ways:
    • The easiest way is just write letters separately on each ball. For this, a high-quality permanent marker of a beautiful color is suitable;
    • More complex options using self-adhesive or adhesive tape. From self-adhesive paper carefully cut out the letter and carefully stick it on the ball. You can write letters on paper, and then fix the cut ones with adhesive tape. Remember the spherical surface of the ball! It is quite difficult to paste the letters so that they do not wrinkle. If you apply letters with a marker or paint, use a stencil;
    • Letters can also made from thick cardboard and attach them to the base of the ball with decorative tape. They do the same with a surname made of wood, only it is tied to all the balls at once;
  • Do not forget to decorate the air composition with decorative elements! Bright ribbons, graceful flowers or smaller balls will help make it original and beautiful.

Advice! To simplify your life, it is better to immediately order balls with letters printed on them.

sky lattern

This option is similar to the ritual with balls, but looks more romantic. Letters are attached to a Chinese lantern and launched into the sky.

Paper boat

From ordinary paper, the bride folds a boat, on the “board” of which she writes her last name. She lets such a boat float freely on the river.

Message in a bottle

The maiden name can be “sharpened” in a bottle: write a surname on a piece of paper, put it in a bottle and seal it, and then let it go down the river or throw it into the sea.

Tasty goodbye

This method is suitable for a bachelorette party. Girlfriends can order with a surname inscription or unique cupcakes with the corresponding letters. During the evening, the bridesmaids will easily “destroy” the bride’s maiden name, and she will have no choice but to say goodbye to the past.


Girlfriends can give the bride a gift in the form of name candles made to order. The candle is lit at the very beginning of the evening and does not disperse until it burns out completely, and all the letters of the bride's former surname melt with it. This option will fill the atmosphere of the bachelorette party with special warmth.


You can just burn your maiden name. The bride brings a piece of paper with letters from a past life to the flame and burns it.

Poetic or prosaic method

Solemnly looks pronouncing a kind of oath by the bride, in which she mentions happy moments in life when she bore her maiden name, says goodbye to her and promises to proudly carry a new name. Such a speech can be written in verse or prose, it can be sentimental or humorous. The main thing is that the girl pronounces it from the heart.

Important! The text is best kept at hand. You can read it expressively or occasionally look into it if some words are forgotten from excitement.

Video: pyrotechnic method

A very spectacular method that combines balloons and the skill of pyrotechnics:

The tradition of farewell to the bride with the former surname can be easily turned into a small holiday with soft notes of sadness for the departing and jubilant joy, hopes for a happy future. The simplicity of its organization will allow close friends to make such a surprise for the newlyweds on their own.

The most impressive option looks like farewell to sky lanterns. It will be tasty and fun to indulge in sweets with a surname at a bachelorette party. Both options are original and will give only positive emotions.

The ritual of farewell to the surname is always very touching. And no matter what ritual you prefer, it is always a bright and memorable event. Let go of a part of yourself and leave in the past that part of life with which life before marriage was connected, life with a maiden name. Although today it is possible to get married legally leaving the former surname, all the same, most married couples prefer to live under the same surname, as if under the roof of one house.
Today we will tell you how to worthily say goodbye to your dear and close to your heart maiden name, in what form to carry out this ritual, and most importantly, when it is most appropriate to do it.
It is believed that you need to say goodbye to your maiden name at a bachelorette party. However, after the bride said goodbye to her surname, right up to the wedding itself, she will have to live psychologically “without a surname”, and this is not entirely correct. Therefore, we suggest going through this ritual either before the groom appears at home on the wedding day, or at the exit registration.
How to say goodbye to your maiden name.
In addition to changing your last name on social networks, you can approach this moment with imagination, using all your creativity. So, the first way to say goodbye to a surname is to burn it. The bride writes her last name on a piece of paper, and then burns this piece of paper. It is at this moment that she realizes what is really happening in her life. It is at such moments that a complete reassessment of values ​​​​occurs. This ritual is just right for the home version of it. (The main thing is to observe fire safety measures and not ruin the dress before the wedding ceremony.) After this ceremony, you can call the groom, who then goes to the registry office with the bride. Surely, the bride will be very excited for his arrival, but this will only add vivid emotions to the moment of the birth of a new family.
Releasing a surname into the sky. For several years now, many presenters have been using the ritual of farewell to the surname, resorting to the help of an ordinary balloon filled with helium. The bride signs her last name for the last time and releases the balloon into the sky. The groom also does not need to stand aside, he can release the ball into heaven, symbolizing bachelor life. However, now this ritual is being approached more carefully. And in order to surprise the guests, and so that the photos are successful and beautiful, in advance, in the laser processing workshop, three-dimensional letters are ordered - the name of the bride, to which bundles of balloons will then be attached to take her into the sky. If it is not possible to make large letters, you can seal this name in an envelope, after writing it on a beautiful piece of paper.
Sending the family on the voyage. We live on the banks of the wonderful river Kama. If your wedding takes place just on the pier or just in the immediate vicinity of the reservoir, you can call all the guests to the shore and arrange a whole show out of this ritual. First you need to take a bottle and put a message in it, in which there will be only one word - your maiden name. Of course, you can send to the depths and everything that you would like to say goodbye to forever, write together with the groom on pieces of paper everything that symbolizes your former life, lower the bottle in order to start family life from scratch. You can take, say, a boat and go on a short voyage so that the name in the bottle sinks deeper. As a result, this ritual will not become another competition during the evening, but a really important, touching moment that will help you realize the seriousness of your joint decision.
Contact our agency and we will tell you where you can order the details for this ritual, as well as tell you other interesting ways to say goodbye to your last name.

Ceremony of farewell to the maiden name The ceremony of farewell to the maiden name is a beautiful and, at the same time, a simple ritual that can be performed in various ways. For many brides, this rite becomes not so much an on-duty wedding competition, but an awareness of the upcoming changes in their personal lives. But depending on how and where it is planned to carry out this ceremony, it can be romantic or humorous. Now for the details... When can I say goodbye? Many of the brides are ready to say goodbye to their maiden name at a bachelorette party, after the redemption of the bride or immediately after the wedding ceremony, not far from the doors of the registry office. Persons who are patient can carry out the ritual at the very end of the gala evening. How to spend "Farewell to the maiden name"? The meaning of the ceremony is extremely clear: the bride symbolically says goodbye to her past, free life, and for this she needs to “let go” of her old surname. Of course, this ceremony is logical to carry out when the bride takes her husband's surname. Here it will be important to conduct this ceremony not in dull silence, but nevertheless to prepare a touching, or, conversely, a cheerful farewell speech-oath. For example, like this: I, (full name), solemnly say goodbye to my maiden name (the surname is called). I promise to always honor and remember her, no matter what happens in my life. In the name of my happy family life, I undertake not to return my old surname under any circumstances. Or like this: I, (full name), being here today in my right mind and memory, make this decision. I say goodbye to my maiden name - (surname) and undertake, despite all the hardships and hardships of family life, to proudly wear my new surname. I swear to groom and cherish her, not to disgrace and wear with honor. Honestly, honestly! I swear! Or here is such a touching option: Dear mom and dad! Dear, my good, Only recently I was a baby. I was raised, they sang songs, When I was sick, I didn’t sleep at night. Then you took me to school, I took out sticks in a notebook And read my first books - And you also experienced childhood. I somehow imperceptibly matured, And you didn’t even have time to look back, And now I have become a bride, Dreams and dreams have now come true. We cannot change the law of life, Children cannot live forever with their mother. Now I walk through life with my husband, And at a solemn hour I remind you, How much I love you, you know yourself. I say goodbye to the surname, not to you! Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with water - Boat The bride prepares the boat in advance. And here, in general, it does not matter what it will be: paper or wood, small or large. The main thing that needs to be done is to write your old maiden name on the sail of your boat and let it sail freely. Ideal for a wedding by the sea or river. - Surname "in a bottle" After marriage, champagne is usually uncorked. Don't throw away the bottle - use it for your maiden name farewell wedding ritual. Everything is extremely simple - we take a piece of paper, write our maiden name on it, fold the piece of paper and cork it into a bottle. And the bottle itself is immersed in the "abyss of the sea" well, or in any other body of water that comes across on your wedding route. Both options are good because they do not require any costs. But, in the case of a bottle, you will have to think about the environment. The rite of "farewell to the surname" associated with fire Since ancient times, people believed that fire is able to purify and regenerate. And even today, the flame retains some special magic for us. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that some brides associate the farewell ceremony with their maiden name with fire. The ritual is no more difficult than the previous two. The bride takes a piece of paper, writes her last name on it and then burns it. You can at the same time burn everything that you would like to say goodbye to before starting a new family life, leaving only the best in your new family. Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with the air - Chinese lanterns Who among us has not seen how quickly small lights of Chinese lanterns fly into the sky during the holidays? Beautiful, romantic and affordable at the same time. All you need is a Chinese flashlight (or rather a few) and a marker. The bride, to the storm of applause of the guests, writes her last name on a flashlight and, with the support of the groom, launches her maiden name into the sky. Of course, it is better to carry out such a ritual in the evening and in calm weather. - Balloons Perhaps the most popular incarnation of the ceremony of farewell to the maiden name is her launch into the sky in balloons. But even here you will find many options for implementing this idea. From budget solutions, when the bride seals her last name in a postal envelope and signs her old name on it, to rather expensive volumetric letters that professionals can make and that are launched into the sky with many balloons. But in fact, if you really want to, you can easily and simply make such a garland with your own hands. - Let's burst?! If you are not ready to let go of your maiden name on all four sides, there is such an option. You will need two balloons of different sizes. A bundle with the new surname of the bride is placed in a small ball, or they simply write a new surname on a small ball. Now the small ball is placed inside the large ball. The balls are inflated. The bride then writes her maiden name and signs on the large balloon. The task of the bride is to arrange so that the balloon with her old name simply bursts. But if the guests want a little fun, the task can be complicated - ask the groom to help his beloved get rid of the old surname, for example, without the help of hands. - Or ... let's eat! In this case, you will need small cakes, macaroons or chocolates. We write letters from the maiden name with edible pencils and joyfully eat. Only here the snag can be if the bride's surname turns out to be very long. I'll have to call my husband for help ...

Quite a popular and fun ceremony among many brides is farewell in the maiden name at a bachelorette party. This tradition has become widespread quite recently, but has already recommended it to many brides.

The farewell ceremony with the maiden name takes place as follows. The bride, together with her bridesmaids, attaches her last name to balloons inflated with helium.

The bride's surname can be written on a regular sheet of paper, or originally designed in beautiful bright letters. After all the preparations are ready, the bride must go outside and release balloons into the sky, to which her maiden name is attached. The interpretation of this rite is quite a lot. So, for example, a bride can write her last name on a sky lantern and also launch it into the sky. If a girl lives near a body of water, she can write her maiden name on a piece of paper, put it in a bottle, and throw it into the water.

By the way, many brides often use this rite during the wedding ceremony, ordering a ball with her last name for this. During the wedding banquet, the bride must burst the balloon with her maiden name.

And inside such a ball, as a rule, there is a smaller ball, on which the husband's surname is written.

The ceremony of farewell to the maiden name is a beautiful and, at the same time, a simple ritual that can be performed in various ways. For many brides, this rite becomes not so much an on-duty wedding competition, but an awareness of the upcoming changes in their personal lives. But depending on how and where it is planned to carry out this ceremony, it can be romantic or humorous. Now for the details...

When can you say goodbye?
Many of the brides are ready to say goodbye to their maiden name at a bachelorette party, after the redemption of the bride or immediately after the wedding ceremony, not far from the doors of the registry office. Persons who are patient can carry out the ritual at the very end of the gala evening.

How to spend "Farewell to the maiden name"?
I think the meaning of the ceremony is extremely clear: the bride symbolically says goodbye to her past, free life, and for this she needs to “let go” of her old surname. Of course, this ceremony is logical to carry out when the bride takes her husband's surname. Here it will be important to conduct this ceremony not in dull silence, but nevertheless to prepare a touching, or, conversely, a cheerful farewell speech-oath.

For example, like this:
I, (full name), solemnly say goodbye to my maiden name (name is called). I promise to always honor and remember her, no matter what happens in my life. In the name of my happy family life, I undertake not to return my old surname under any circumstances.

Or like this:
I, (full name), being here today in my right mind and memory, make this decision. I say goodbye to my maiden name - (surname) and undertake, despite all the hardships and hardships of family life, to proudly wear my new surname. I swear to groom and cherish her, not to disgrace and wear with honor. Honestly, honestly! I swear!

Or this touching one:
Dear Mom and Dad!
My dear, my good ones,
Only recently I was a baby.
I was raised, they sang songs,
When I was sick, I didn't sleep at night.
Then you took me to school
I drew sticks in a notebook
And I read my first books -
And you also experienced childhood.
Somehow I've grown up
And you didn't even look back
And now I became a bride,
Dreams and dreams have now come true.
We cannot change the law of life,
Children cannot live with their mother forever.
Now I walk through life with my husband,
And at the solemn hour, I remind you
How much I love you, you know yourself.
I say goodbye to the surname, not to you!

Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with water

The bride prepares the boat in advance. And here, in general, it does not matter what it will be: paper or wood, small or large. The main thing that needs to be done is to write your old maiden name on the sail of your boat and let it sail freely. Ideal for a wedding by the sea or river.

- Surname "in a bottle"
After the wedding, champagne is usually uncorked. Don't throw away the bottle - use it for your maiden name farewell wedding ritual. Everything is extremely simple - we take a piece of paper, write our maiden name on it, fold the piece of paper and cork it into a bottle. And the bottle itself is immersed in the "abyss of the sea" well, or in any other body of water that comes across on your wedding route.
Both options are good because they do not require any costs. But, in the case of a bottle, you will have to think about the environment.

Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with fire
Since ancient times, people have believed that fire can purify and regenerate. And even today, the flame retains some special magic for us. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that some brides associate the farewell ceremony with their maiden name with fire.
The ritual is no more difficult than the previous two. The bride takes a piece of paper, writes her last name on it and then burns it. You can at the same time burn everything that you would like to say goodbye to before starting a new family life, leaving only the best in your new family.

Ritual "farewell to the surname" associated with air
- Chinese lanterns
Who among us has not seen how quickly small lights of Chinese lanterns fly into the sky during the holidays? Beautiful, romantic and affordable at the same time. All you need is a Chinese flashlight (or rather a few) and a marker. The bride, to the storm of applause of the guests, writes her last name on a flashlight and, with the support of the groom, launches her maiden name into the sky. Of course, it is better to carry out such a ritual in the evening and in calm weather.

- Balloons
Perhaps the most popular incarnation of the ceremony of farewell to the maiden name is her launch into the sky in balloons. But even here you will find many options for implementing this idea. From budget solutions, when the bride seals her last name in a postal envelope and signs her old name on it, to rather expensive volumetric letters that professionals can make and that are launched into the sky with many balloons. But in fact, if you really want to, you can easily and simply make such a garland with your own hands.

— Let's burst?!
If you are not ready to let go of your maiden name on all four sides, there is such an option. You will need two balloons of different sizes. A bundle with the new surname of the bride is placed in a small ball, or they simply write a new surname on a small ball. Now the small ball is placed inside the large ball. The balls are inflated. The bride then writes her maiden name and signs on the large balloon. The task of the bride is to arrange so that the balloon with her old name simply bursts. But if the guests want a little fun, the task can be complicated - ask the groom to help his beloved get rid of the old surname, for example, without the help of hands.

Or... let's eat!
In this case, you will need small cakes, macaroons or chocolates. We write letters from the maiden name with edible pencils and joyfully eat. Only here the snag can be if the bride's surname turns out to be very long. I'll have to call my husband for help ...
