Peeling the nose at home. What types of exfoliation are there?

There comes a time in every woman’s life when she is puzzled by the issue of maintaining beauty and youth. How to maintain elasticity and velvety skin. Now the beauty industry offers a wide range of products and procedures to maintain a woman’s beauty. One of these actively proposed and used procedures is chemical peeling of the face and body.

- This is the process of applying a special composition to the skin, which promotes the burning of the upper layers of the skin, which leads to natural renewal of the epithelium.

Despite the fact that chemical peeling is no longer a novelty and can be found in any beauty salon, however, not all girls have the means and opportunity to visit salons to receive this procedure.

Therefore, the most inventive girls learned how to do chemical peeling at home. But, before you decide to carry out a similar procedure at home, you should familiarize yourself with the types of peeling and the method that is suitable specifically for your skin type.

Types of chemical peeling

There is a procedure for peeling the face, back, hips, and in principle, it can be done on any area. The skin in different parts of the body has different densities; the skin on the face is very delicate and thin, while on the hips it is denser. Accordingly, recipes for cleansing facial skin differ. Thus, three types can be distinguished: deep, middle, superficial.

What is this procedure used for?

  • Facial rejuvenation;
  • Solving the problem of pigmentation;
  • Normalize the structure of the sebaceous glands;
  • And in general, it helps make the skin soft and removes minor imperfections.

Main types of facial peeling

So let's look at the main types.

Superficial facial peeling

This type of peeling is actively used by women who are faced with the first wrinkles. This option is the most gentle. When performing superficial facial peeling, glycolic, fruit or lactic acid is used. Helps with acne and pigmentation.

Superficial facial peeling has a number of advantages, such as: it does not require anesthesia, the procedure is painless, and has no recovery period.

Medium peeling

People with problem skin are recommended to use this type of facial cleansing. But, you should not use it if your skin is dry. Contains trichloroacetic acid. It also helps remove age spots, smooth out wrinkles, and restore radiance to your skin.

Deep chemical peeling

Deep peeling is considered the most effective. It removes expression wrinkles for a long time. But at the same time, this type of peeling leaves a third degree burn. Thus, it acts at a deeper level of the dermis. It uses phenol.

This option has its pros and cons. On the plus side, this is the result immediately after the session, a long-lasting effect, you do not need to specially prepare yourself for this, skin rejuvenation.

Of the minuses, this is, of course, the toxicity of the drug used for deep chemical peeling. Also, redness of the skin and severe peeling. Despite the fact that the result of this type is achieved in one session, the recovery period takes longer.

Preparing for chemical peeling of facial skin

If you decide to carry out a superficial peeling. then you just need to remove all makeup. And to cleanse the skin of dirt, all you need to do is use a toner or lotion.

Preparation for medium and deep chemical peeling is more serious. Because, when using a medium peel, your skin will peel slightly within 4-5 days, but if you follow all the recommendations, it will soon go away.

What needs to be done before undergoing medium and chemical peeling:

  • The specialist must first smooth out the stratum corneum; for this, a series of micropeeling procedures must be carried out using a cream based on glycolic and fruit acids.
  • To avoid hyperpigmentation, after using peeling, a skin whitening procedure is performed.
  • If you have skin problems, such as viral diseases (herpes), then to avoid relapse, you should take a course of antiviral therapy.

These types of peeling can only be performed by a specialist! Otherwise, you may simply end up with serious consequences (chemical burns) if you try to do a similar facial cleansing at home, on your own. Post-peeling skin care procedures, which promote speedy recovery, include treating the skin with a rich cream, healing ointment, as well as the mandatory use of SPF protection. It is best to carry out these procedures in the autumn or winter, when the sun is not so active.

How to choose a chemical peel?

Before peeling at home, you should decide which peeling is preferable for you, chemical or you can still get by with mechanical peeling.

Mechanical peeling– these are scrubs or gommages. If you have problematic young skin, then you can use this type almost every day, the main thing is to avoid inflamed areas. If you are 20-30 years old and have dry skin, then it is better to use gommage once a week. After 30 years, if you have normal or oily skin type, you can use gommages and scrubs constantly; if you have dry skin, it is better to avoid this type of peeling altogether.

Chemical peeling products have an aggressive effect on the skin, so experts recommend using them only from the age of 25.

Salicylic and (Jessner's Peeling) are not so aggressive, so they can be used for problem skin.

Jessner chemical peel (video):

If you have oily or problematic skin, then starting from the age of 25 you can use TCA peeling.

Starting from the age of 35, it is recommended to carry out retinoic peeling. If your skin is thick and porous, you can use a TCA peel of 25% or more, but only a specialist can do it.

Normal skin type. For this type of skin, in principle, any non-aggressive cleaning procedures are suitable; if the skin is aged, then special products can be used. Frequency – 2 times a week.

Dry skin. For this type, peeling made from glycolic and mandelic acids is suitable. This peeling will help keep the skin moisturized, and can be done every week, in a course.

Oily and dull skin. Such skin is suitable for mechanical cleansing of the facial skin, simply exfoliation. Sometimes you can resort to dry cleaning, but not aggressive cleaning.

Peeling at home

Cleaning your face at home is different in that, in principle, it eliminates the possibility of burns. Also, it can be performed by any woman, without special training. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and become familiar with the contraindications.

Typically, peeling at home involves masks or recipes that contain fruit acids and enzymes that help remove dead skin cells.

Chemical peeling of the face - procedure (video):

It is also possible to use devices for home use for a more effective facial peeling procedure:

  • Ultrasound device Gezatone KUS 2000;
  • Massager for ultrasonic facial cleansing at home Gezatone Ionic-Ultrasonic m360;
  • Brushings;
  • Vacuum cleaner Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner.

Important(!), before carrying out the peeling procedure at home, you should still seek advice from a cosmetologist. It is also worth remembering that chemically cleansing the face makes the skin vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, so it is not recommended to carry out this procedure in the summer. If you decide to peel in the summer, then it is mandatory to use SPF protection of at least 40.

Chemical peeling of the facial skin not only cleanses the skin, but also promotes rejuvenation, removes or reduces scars, acne spots, lightens age spots, tightens pores, removes sebaceous plugs, in general, improves metabolic processes and skin renewal.

Contraindications for chemical peeling

There are a number of contraindications for using chemical peeling.

Chemical peeling is strictly not recommended for use in cases of skin hypersensitivity to components, inflammation, thin skin, neoplasms, active herpes, pregnancy, skin diseases during an exacerbation, problems with the cardiovascular system, rosacea or mesh on the face.

Before starting the facial skin cleansing procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction.

To prevent burns, take and apply the solution in a thin layer, evenly over the skin area.

A special composition can either be purchased ready-made in a store or made by yourself.

Cleansing facial skin at home

The most common and affordable chemical peeling of the facial skin at home is based on salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid is isolated from willow bark. The natural product has unique effective properties. Salicylic acid is a powerful antiseptic and also removes dead epithelial cells, penetrating deep into the pores and inhibiting the process of sebum production. Helps produce collagen, which is responsible for skin tone and elasticity.

Salicylic peeling.

Facial cleansing at home, salicylic acid can also be divided into two types of chemical peels.

For superficial peeling, a 15% acid solution is used. This type is suitable for problematic skin suffering from various rashes. Time – up to 15 minutes.

Medium peeling already requires 25-30% in its composition. This cleansing whitens the skin and removes fine wrinkles.

Recipe for preparing a composition for dry and sensitive skin:

  • 1 aspirin tablet;
  • 1 tablespoon of fatty cream;
  • Mash the aspirin thoroughly, then add and mix with a spoonful of rich cream.

Recipe for oily and problem skin:

  • 1 aspirin tablet;
  • 1 tbsp water;
  • A pinch of salt and honey;
  • Again, crushed aspirin should be mixed with a spoonful of water, salt and honey.

Stage of the procedure:

  1. Cleanse your skin using toner or lotion. Make sure there are no makeup residues on your face. For a stronger result, you can make a softening nourishing mask. After that, clean your face with an antiseptic.
  2. Gently spread the resulting peeling mixture over the skin. If you cleanse your face at home, avoid the eye area. Record the required time.
  3. After completing the procedure, rinse your face with water at room temperature. And wipe again with an antiseptic. Do not go outside immediately after peeling, you risk introducing bacteria into open pores.

Here are some reviews after performing this type of peeling at home:

- Elena: “I had a problem - the skin on my elbows was constantly peeling. I searched the entire Internet in search of the ideal product for the skin of the elbows, and came across recipes for peeling with salicylic acid. Two weeks after this procedure, the peeling went away. The skin became soft and smooth. Now sometimes I peel with a 2% salicylic acid solution. I don’t carry out the procedure in the summer. Salicylic peeling and active sun are incompatible.”

— Maria: “This type of peeling is best suited for those with oily skin. It can be harmful to dry skin, since salicylic acid dries out the skin greatly. It’s better to try the composition on the skin of your elbow first, for about 15 minutes. For myself, I make a very simple version. I soak an aspirin tablet and then crush it into powder. Then I mix it with a teaspoon of sour cream (or honey). This gives you the consistency for the mask. I distribute it evenly over my face and leave it for 30 minutes. The effect is that acne marks are less noticeable, the skin is smooth, and the pores are clean.”

Consequences of chemical peeling of facial skin

Carrying out such peeling can be considered one of the first steps in skin care. The consequences of such a chemical peeling procedure are rarely negative (although this is not excluded). Cleansing the facial skin with peeling makes the skin healthy, refreshes the color, gives tone and radiance. If for some reason you cannot afford to carry out this procedure in a salon, then such a simple recipe for skin care at home can keep your skin young and well-groomed. The result may be weaker than in the salon, but if you constantly carry out this procedure at home, you will see the effectiveness of such care. And your skin will “thank you” to you!

Chemical facial peeling is one of the most affordable and effective cosmetic procedures that gives the skin a healthy appearance. With its help, you can eliminate some visual defects, rejuvenate the skin and improve complexion. But is it possible to carry it out at home?

What is a chemical facial peel procedure?

The essence of peeling is to exfoliate the dead surface layer of the epidermis, resulting in young, healthy skin being exposed. The peeling procedure can significantly improve the appearance of facial skin and increase its turgor. At its core, it is a dosed chemical burn. Peeling is advisable to eliminate the following problems:

  • signs of skin aging;
  • enlarged pores with oily skin;
  • flabby dull aging skin;
  • age spots;
  • residual effects after removing pimples and acne - spots and scars;
  • keratinization of the epidermis.

Properly carried out peeling can solve many problems associated with the condition of the facial skin - smooth out wrinkles, make scars and small scars less noticeable, get rid of age spots, optimize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and narrow pores. In addition, this procedure activates metabolism at the cellular level, which leads to rapid regeneration and renewal of the epidermis.

Peeling allows you to completely renew the surface layer of the skin

The procedure can be performed in various ways. Depending on the method used, peeling can be chemical, mechanical, laser, ultrasound, etc. The chemical method of carrying out the procedure can perhaps be considered one of the most common.

Since chemical peeling is carried out using rather aggressive solutions, the procedure is best carried out in beauty salons, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the time and money for this. It is quite possible to try to do superficial facial cleansing at home.

You need to know that after peeling the skin becomes hypersensitive to the sun's rays, so it is better to plan the procedure in the autumn-winter period and early spring. If you still decide to peel in the summer, avoid sun exposure a week before the procedure and for ten days after it. This does not mean that you need to sit in a dark cellar all this time - it is enough to use special sunscreens with a filtering power of at least 40 units before going out into the open sun.

What you need to know about peeling at home

You should know that only superficial peeling is possible at home - i.e. one in which the active substances penetrate no deeper than the epidermis. This type of peeling can give a good result, but subject to the regularity of procedures - once every 7-10 days for 1-1.5 months is enough.

Regular procedures can significantly improve the condition of your facial skin.

As for medium and deep peeling, it can only be carried out in a specialized institution. With these types of cleansing, the drugs penetrate through the epidermis into the deeper layers of the skin. In addition, these procedures are quite painful - medium peeling is performed under local anesthesia, and deep peeling is performed under general anesthesia. Of course, the effect of deep cleaning is much more noticeable.

General rules

  1. Before starting peeling, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. To do this, the drug should be applied to the skin of the inner surface of the forearm, and the reaction should be observed for several hours, or better yet, a day.
  2. In order to prevent possible burns, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended concentration of the drug and apply it in an even layer.
  3. Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin with cosmetic milk.
  4. Under no circumstances should the mask be applied to the delicate skin around the eyes.
  5. If you use purchased products, you must carefully read the instructions before use.
  6. If skin hyperemia and burning sensations appear, you must immediately rinse the drug with warm water, make a herbal compress of chamomile or string and apply a soothing cream.
  7. The procedure should not be done more often than once every 7-10 days (depending on the individual reaction).
  8. During the first two days after the procedure, it is prohibited to use decorative cosmetics. Also, try to touch your face with your hands as little as possible.

What is needed and what is the technology

To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • a cotton or bamboo towel that absorbs moisture well;
  • cosmetic milk;
  • peeling solution with acid;
  • a product that restores the pH balance of the skin;
  • moisturizing cream.

Almost all lines of ready-made peeling products contain such neutralizers, but no one forbids purchasing them separately

Peeling is carried out in three stages:

  1. Cleanse your facial skin with any milk or gel that you are used to using.
  2. Apply the peeling solution evenly to cleansed skin, avoiding the delicate skin around the eyes, and hold for up to 15 minutes. A slight tingling sensation is allowed.
  3. After the required time has passed, you need to rinse the solution with warm water and alternately apply a product that restores pH balance and a moisturizer.

What drugs can be used

For peeling at home, preparations based on a-hydroxy acid or β-hydroxy acid are usually used. The first type includes fruit acids - citric, malic, tartaric, lactic and glycolic acid. Procedures using a-hydroxy acid are recommended for patients with normal to dry skin.

The most common representative of β-hydroxy acids is salicylic acid. These acids are able to penetrate deeper into the skin, which makes it possible to reduce the concentration of the solutions used while maintaining the desired effectiveness, and this, in turn, protects the patient from possible burns. In addition, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, salicylic acid can be used in women with sensitive skin. Salicylic acid has the ability to dissolve in oily bases, which makes it indispensable for working with oily, porous and acne-prone skin.

To carry out peeling at home, you can use ready-made special products designed for these purposes. Most popular brands:

  • Agera RX,
  • Skin Obsession,
  • LA Peel,
  • Mandel,
  • Cosmedix,
  • Mene & Moy,
  • MD Forte,
  • Jan Marini,
  • Dermaceutic.

Examples of professional products in the photo

Skin obsession

Mene & Moy
Jan Marini

How to do it yourself

In addition, you can prepare solutions for home peeling yourself. Here are some of the most accessible recipes and how to use them. Once again we would like to remind you that you should definitely adhere to the general rules discussed above..

Cleaning with a-hydroxy acids

Take two tablespoons of cane sugar, the same amount of lemon juice and mix well, adding a small amount of yogurt. Then this mixture should be evenly applied to the skin of the face in a not too thin layer and left for 10–15 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water. If you feel a strong burning sensation, it is better to stop the procedure early. The products used in this recipe are natural sources of citric, lactic and glycolic acids.

Recipe using β-hydroxy acids (with video)

This recipe uses a familiar aspirin - acetylsalicylic acid. Before you start peeling, prepare a neutralizing solution for washing in advance - dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. To prepare the mask, crush aspirin with lemon juice to the consistency of a liquid paste, which you then apply to your face for up to 10 minutes. After completing the procedure, wash off the paste with a swab soaked in the neutralizing solution that you prepared in advance.

You can see a variation of peeling in the video below.

Cleansing with Glycolic Acid

This recipe calls for the following ingredients:

  • a pineapple;
  • papaya;
  • food grade instant gelatin.

If you are not allergic to honey, you can also add it.

To prepare the mask, peel the pineapple and papaya and cut into small pieces. Then take half a glass of each fruit and grind it to a puree - it is best to do this in a blender. Add two tablespoons of gelatin and a teaspoon of honey to the finished puree if you decide to use it. To completely dissolve the gelatin, the mixture needs to be slightly heated in the microwave. After cooling, the mask is ready. Keep it on your face for no more than 10–15 minutes, then rinse with water. To achieve the effect, 6–8 procedures are necessary.

Professional glycolic peeling at home

If you already have experience peeling at home, you can try to carry out a professional cleansing procedure yourself. To do this, stock up on the drug “Skin Obsession 30%” containing 30 percent glycolic acid. In the future, you can increase the concentration of the solution, but this must be done extremely carefully and gradually.

For the first few procedures, the acid should be applied strictly for one minute. From the third or fourth procedure, you can increase the time to three minutes. If the skin reacts normally, in the future you can increase the time of applying the mask to five minutes. When a positive effect is achieved, it is possible to increase the acid concentration to 40 or even 50 percent, but no more!

Always be careful with the concentration of glycolic acid!

Professional peeling technique. Prepare the neutralizing soda solution mentioned above in advance. Wipe pre-cleansed facial skin with alcohol to degrease, and lubricate lips, eyebrows and nostrils with Vaseline to protect against acid. Then, using a brush, apply the solution evenly to your face, starting from the forehead and avoiding the areas around the eyes. The mask should not be applied to the neck. After the time is up, wipe your face several times with a cotton swab soaked in a neutralizing solution, and then wash with water. The skin can be easily blotted with a soft cotton towel, and when the face is dry, lubricate it with a moisturizing nourishing cream.

What is the expected result:

  • under the mask the skin should tingle - this is a sign that the peeling process is underway;
  • after the procedure, the skin should turn red;
  • If you feel discomfort (pain, burning), you should immediately stop the procedure and wipe your face with a neutralizing solution.

Contraindications to the procedure

  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • colds and inflammatory diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • oncological diseases;
  • undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
  • skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, acne, psoriasis, herpes;
  • infectious and fungal skin lesions;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • recent hardware facial cleansing;
  • fresh tan;
  • mental disorders,
  • period of treatment with immunosuppressants;
  • violation of the integrity of facial skin, abrasions, injuries;
  • diabetes mellitus, poor wound healing;
  • hypertension;
  • intolerance to the components of the peeling drug;
  • vascular network on the face.

In order to verify the effectiveness of home peeling, it is enough to read the reviews of those who have undergone the procedure.

Chemical peeling at home is an excellent way to achieve perfect skin at no extra cost, eliminate problems with acne, blackheads and delay aging. By applying a special composition filled with one or more acids to the face, you can correct skin imperfections. When choosing home peels over salon peels, it is important to consider the risk of complications. Even a minor error in the procedure and exceeding the concentration of the product will leave unpleasant consequences after cleansing.

What is a chemical peel?

Our skin is made up of many cells. The life of each of them is short-lived, only 28 days. If in youth the skin is able to independently get rid of dead cells and replace them with new and elastic ones, then with age this process slows down, and non-working particles accumulate, forming layers. Such accumulations worsen the condition of the skin, clog pores and prevent the flow of nutrients and oxygen into the epidermis. It is at this moment that you should discover what peeling is.

Dead cells are “weights” of the skin; they weaken the internal framework of the integument and interfere with the normal functioning of other, healthy cells. The main task of cosmetology and peeling is not only to eliminate these “weighting agents”, but also to minimally injure the skin.

Chemical peeling is the best way to quickly and efficiently cleanse the skin, but it uses aggressive components (concentrated acids, alkali).

The essence of chemical facial peeling is quite simple: an acidic composition is applied to the face, which burns out the top layer of cells. Damage to the integument causes active regeneration and renewal of fibers. New fabrics differ from previous ones in elasticity and softness, and accordingly the face looks younger. In addition, “new” skin easily absorbs beneficial components from skincare products, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

What types of exfoliation are there?

There are several classifications of chemical facial peels. This is influenced by the degree and depth of acid exposure, as well as the composition of the product used (exfoliant).

Based on the depth of impact, facial skin peels are classified as superficial, medium and deep.

  • Superficial peelings are the easiest and most gentle procedures, because chemical exposure is limited to the upper layers of the epidermis. They are easily tolerated and rarely cause complications.
  • Medium peels are a more serious intervention; the chemical ingredient affects the deeper layers of the skin. This procedure is very stressful for the skin, but the end result significantly exceeds expectations. After a mid-peel, the skin needs good support and high-quality post-peel care. The speed of fiber recovery and the ease of the rehabilitation period depend on this.
  • Deep peeling is comparable in effectiveness even to surgical intervention. Acids affect all layers of the epidermis, right down to the reticular dermis. The slightest violation in performing cleansing. The lack of professionalism of the performer and failure to comply with the requirements for caring for damaged fibers can lead to serious complications and even residual scars, discolored spots on the face and other complications.

Chemical peeling of the face at home is recommended to be done only superficially; in rare cases, deeper effects are allowed. Deep peeling at home is impossible. Such chemical cleaning requires sterile conditions and high professionalism.

Based on the composition of the acid exfoliation product used, they are divided into single-acid and multi-acid.

  • Multi-acid peels allow you to have a comprehensive effect on the skin, strengthen epidermal cells, normalize their functioning and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturize and whiten. Each of the acids used makes its contribution to improving the quality of the skin, so after such procedures the face looks fresh and glows with health.
  • Mono-acid products are recommended for use when the problem is pronounced, in order to eliminate it. For example, to combat acne, dry or oily skin, against the first signs of aging or skin pigmentation.

For home chemical peeling, the following acids are considered the safest, but at the same time highly effective:

  • glycolic;
  • dairy;
  • retinoic;
  • apple;
  • pyruvic;
  • lemon;
  • salicylic;
  • trichloroacetic and others.

The choice of acid for exfoliation depends on your own preferences, the condition of the skin and the degree of the problem. But in any case, before doing facial peeling at home using aggressive components, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Chemical peeling for the face has proven its effectiveness with unambiguous recognition from women and men. This is the most popular procedure in beauty salons.

Today, cosmetic companies offer those who cannot visit a beauty salon to perform it at home. For this purpose, separate, safer acid compositions have been created. Using them according to the manufacturer's recommendations, you can achieve excellent results.

The main advantages of home acid peels:

  • There is no need to wait for an appointment with a cosmetologist, find time to visit a beauty salon, and even postpone your own plans. At-home chemical peels can be done at a time convenient for you.
  • Financial savings. For chemical peeling at home, you can use ready-made cosmetic products and available products (fruit juices, aspirin, inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs). There is no need to overpay for the services of a professional.

There are also negative aspects of home cleansing:

  • High risk of harming yourself due to insufficient experience in cosmetology. An error in choosing an acidic product, improper exfoliation and exceeding the exposure time can negatively affect the skin and cause complications.
  • Systematic implementation is required. One procedure of home peeling with acids will not provide the same result as in a beauty salon. This is due to the lower percentage of acidity of the composition. To achieve a significant effect, be patient.

Chemical peeling at home is not able to eliminate significant skin problems, but it will perfectly complement facial care, delay the earlier appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, partially correct existing imperfections and prevent their deepening in the future.

Indications and contraindications

It is recommended to carry out home facial peeling with acids at the first signs of skin aging. Indications for chemical exfoliation include:

  • grayness, dullness of the epidermis;
  • flabbiness, decreased natural tone;
  • loss of elasticity of soft tissues, their sagging on the cheeks;
  • frequent single rashes, acne and comedones;
  • clogged and enlarged pores, blackheads on the face;
  • first facial wrinkles;
  • oily skin shine.

Before doing facial peeling with chemical compounds, consult a specialist to see if it can be done and how to do it correctly, without complications. During the consultation, the cosmetologist will examine your skin for contraindications.

It is unacceptable to perform facial peeling at home in the following cases:

  • there is an allergy to the components of the product;
  • for ulcers, wounds on the face, as well as for exacerbation of acne;
  • there is herpes on the face or there are oncological tumors, papillomas;
  • there is inflammation in the treated area;
  • for disorders of the nervous system and severe disorders of any of the body systems;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases:
  • the patient feels unwell and has a fever;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • at an early age (up to 18 years).

Safety precautions for home cleaning

How to do peeling correctly so as not to harm yourself and complicate the situation even more? It is difficult to predict all the subtleties and possible questions when performing cleansing, but the basic rules are worth discussing:

  • Before exfoliating at home for the first time or when using a new composition, be sure to test for individual sensitivity to the product used.
  • The preferred time for peeling is late autumn and winter. The sun's rays at this time have less impact on the skin, especially with weakened protective properties.
  • When choosing an exfoliation technique and composition, rely on your skin type, study the comments on the product, and warnings for use.
  • The peeling product is applied evenly in a thin layer. Do not touch the area near the eyes, lips, so as not to dry out the fine fibers.
  • Carefully read the instructions for the product before using it for chemical peeling.
  • The action of acids may cause a slight tingling sensation, but there should be no pain or burning sensation. If they appear, immediately neutralize the effect of the acid and wash off its particles to avoid burns.
  • It is not safe to perform deep facial peels at home, even if they are less intense than in a salon.
  • Home skin cleansing, like salon peeling, is carried out in courses, but not more than once every 10–14 days.
  • Acids have an aggressive effect on the epidermis, after which the fibers are damaged and weakened, so touching your face with your hands in the first days is strictly not recommended. To moisturize the skin, you can use sprays and thermal water.
  • Cosmetics for skin care after the procedure should not contain acids, fragrances, chemical components and abrasive particles. Only soft, natural products will be beneficial for the skin during the recovery period.
  • Any mechanical impact on the integument after cleaning, stripping and scrubbing is unacceptable. This way you will not speed up the peeling of old fibers, but will provoke the formation of scars.

Be careful, low-quality, expired products cause allergies and irritate the skin. It is better to buy peeling ingredients or finished preparations at a pharmacy or from a representative of the manufacturer. At the market and in dubious retail outlets, storage standards are often not observed, as a result of which the products quickly deteriorate.

Popular acid attack methods

Almost all superficial exfoliations performed in a beauty salon can be performed at home without any problems. Cosmetic companies have taken care of their customers and offer separate product lines for home cleansing. Inside each preparation there are instructions with a detailed description of how to do peeling correctly.

Let's consider several popular and worthy methods for home use.

Jessner Peel

One of the most popular acid procedures in modern cosmetology is yellow peeling or Jessner peeling. The composition for facial exfoliation includes several acids at the same time (lactic, salicylic and resorcinol). Their complex action deeply cleanses the skin, normalizes metabolic processes, activates collagen synthesis and prevents the appearance of pimples and blackheads on the face.

The full course of this type of exfoliation is conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Deep cleansing and acceleration of intracellular processes.
  2. Rejuvenating effect, correction of facial surface relief.
  3. Fights extensive acne, deep wrinkles and age-related defects.

Each stage differs in the number of layers of application of the peeling agent and, accordingly, the depth of impact on the skin. However, the algorithm of actions is the same:

  1. Cleanse your face of oil and dust.
  2. Apply an exfoliant.
  3. Neutralize the acid.
  4. We remove the remaining acid preparation.
  5. Soothe the skin with moisturizer.

For the first stage, one layer is enough, for the second - two and for the third - three. Each subsequent layer is applied 5 minutes after the previous one. For patients with sensitive skin, the third layer is applied after a short period of time to prevent the appearance of wounds on the face.

Skin care after peeling is an equally important stage of the procedure. To avoid unpleasant marks on your face from acid exposure, adhere to the following rules:

  • After exfoliation, wash with acidified water. Movements should be as soft as possible, non-traumatic;
  • do not peel off peelings and crusts formed after a chemical burn, wait for their natural rejection;
  • do not visit the bathhouse, solarium, sauna and swimming pool, postpone physical activity and sports until the skin is completely restored;
  • For a month, avoid sunbathing, avoid direct rays of the sun;
  • use sunscreen cosmetics every day for 3-4 months to prevent pigmentation from appearing on your face;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics in the first 7–10 days;
  • Do not use cosmetic products containing alcohol, aggressive chemical additives, or fragrances until the skin is completely restored.

Milk peeling

Lactic acid is contained in small quantities in the cells of the epidermis, so the cleansing technique of the same name is easily accepted by the skin, as a rule, without complications and lengthy rehabilitation. Let's look at how to do a chemical peel with lactic acid at home:

  1. 2 weeks before the planned cleansing, postpone sunbathing, and add a cream with a small amount of lactic acid to your daily care.
  2. Check how the skin reacts to the acidic composition: apply a little product to your wrist and wait for the reaction. Severe burning, pain and irritation are unacceptable.
  3. Cleanse your face with tonic or cleansing gel.
  4. Apply a diluted milk solution (lactic acid concentration should not exceed 10%). Do this with cotton swabs in parallel stripes from the forehead to the chin. It is important to distribute the composition evenly so as not to burn out individual areas.
  5. For the first procedure, limit yourself to 1 minute of exposure to the skin, then increase this time to 3 minutes.
  6. To neutralize the effect of the acid, treat your face with a weak alkaline solution (1 teaspoon of baking soda per 200 ml of water). Rinse off any remaining medication with plenty of water.
  7. Moisturize your face with cream.

Carry out the next cleansing procedure at least 7–10 days later. In general, the course of peelings is up to 5 procedures.

The main rule of the rehabilitation period is that you cannot use products containing retinol, and in the first days, fatty creams are also unacceptable. Otherwise, the recommendations are general: no thermal effects (baths, saunas, compresses, physical activity) and intensive hydration of damaged tissues.

Glycolic peeling

This type of cleansing is safe and hypoallergenic. The procedure allows you to improve metabolism in epidermal cells, smooth out wrinkles and folds on the face, even out your complexion and eliminate acne problems. Visible changes will become noticeable after just a few procedures.

This type of exfoliation will be useful at 25 and 45 years of age. Glycolic acid with a concentration of 10–15% is used for cleansing.

Glycolic acid peeling is performed in the following order:

  1. The face is cleaned of dust and makeup particles.
  2. To degrease the skin, the face is additionally wiped with a lotion based on glycolic acid (5%).
  3. An exfoliant (glycolic acid up to 15%) is applied to the skin in an even, thin layer. Wrinkles and problem areas can be re-treated. Use cotton swabs to apply the product. Start peeling from the forehead area, gradually moving down to the chin. It is better not to touch the sensitive area around the eyes, eyelids and lips.
  4. After applying the product, wait a while for the ingredient to take effect. Then apply a neutralizing gel. Rinse off the remaining acid composition with warm water.
  5. Secure the result with a natural nourishing mask and moisturizer.

Attention! Do not increase the acid concentration above 15% to avoid causing a severe chemical burn. For more pronounced results, contact a specialist, because doing deep peeling at home is very dangerous.

Alternative home cleaning options

Effective peeling can be done using available products. Their recipes are simple and do not require long preparation. Let's look at the best of them.

Aspirin for facial cleansing

This type of cleansing is suitable for problematic and oily skin. After the first session, oily shine will disappear, pores will be cleaned, and acne will become less noticeable and inflamed. All this is thanks to the antibacterial and drying properties of aspirin.

To prepare the peeling solution you will need:

  • aspirin (1–2 tables);
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp. cooled boiled water;
  • egg yolk.

To perform peeling, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Grind the aspirin and dissolve it in water.
  2. Then add the remaining ingredients to the mixture. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Distribute the prepared composition onto the face area like a regular mask. To do this, use a brush.
  4. After applying, leave the mixture on your face for 5 minutes.
  5. The product is removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm water or a weak alkaline solution. Do this delicately so as not to damage the skin.
  6. Follow with a light moisturizer.

Lemon juice instead of chemicals

You can use lemon to remove dirt, dead cells and whiten your skin. Lemon peeling is performed in this order:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and strain it.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the concentrate, and then wipe your previously cleansed face with it. Do not apply the composition around the eyes, lips or eyelids.
  3. After 10–15 minutes, wash with warm water.
  4. Moisturize your face with cream.

Attention! Do not use citric acid for cleansing, only lemon juice.

The procedure is simple but effective. In addition, lemon juice whitens the skin, fills cells with nutritional components, vitamins, normalizes metabolic processes and skin regeneration.

For home peeling, you can use any fruits and berries. They will fill the epidermal cells with life-giving elements and will not harm. Those with dry skin types are recommended to use softer peels with kefir (it contains a large amount of lactic acid). Remember, the secret of long youthful skin lies in high-quality and timely care, which can be provided even at home! Exfoliating your face, body, and hands at home is convenient, affordable and very useful!

Currently, the negative state of the environment and lack of time for proper self-care lead to the fact that the face quickly ages and becomes covered with wrinkles.

At the same time, inexpensive home procedures may well become a worthy alternative to salon procedures, which have a high cost.

Facial cleansing with aspirin and honey, video recipe:

With fruit

Acids (tartaric), contained in many fruits and berries, belong to alpha hydroxy acids and are used to actively cleanse normal and dry skin.

They are found, for example, in pineapple, kiwi, banana, apple, orange, tangerine, pear, grapes, blueberries, strawberries.

They are characterized by anti-inflammatory and whitening effects.


  • clay (blue) – 1 teaspoon;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Dilute the clay with water and leave for 10 minutes, make puree from half a banana. Heat olive oil slightly. Combine all components and mix thoroughly.


  • strawberries – 5 berries;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • coffee – 10 beans;
  • apricot oil – 20 drops.

Crush the strawberries, grind the coffee in a coffee grinder, separate the yolk from the egg and beat.

Mix all ingredients well.


  • grapes (with seeds) – 10 berries;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • grape seed oil – 20 drops.

It is advisable to choose sour grapes for preparing this product. It needs to be crushed together with the seeds in a blender.

Separate the yolk from the egg and beat it well. Combine honey with grape seed oil and heat slightly in a water bath. Mix all ingredients.

Homemade face peeling with lemon:



  • pineapple – 200 grams;
  • papaya – 100 grams;
  • gelatin (ready) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • jojoba oil – 10 drops.

Peel the fruits and remove the seeds from the papaya. Cut the pulp into small pieces and puree them in a blender.

Pour gelatin with water, let it swell, and then heat it in a water bath until it is completely dissolved.

Combine all components and mix thoroughly.


  • kiwi – 1 piece;
  • kefir – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • potato starch – 20 grams;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • almond oil – 20 drops.

Peel the kiwi and crush thoroughly, squeeze the juice from the lemon. Mix honey with almond oil and heat slightly. Combine all ingredients and beat well.

How to do it correctly and how often

In order for the cleaning procedure to be successful, The following recommendations must be strictly followed:

  • Select recipe, which is most suitable for your skin type.
  • One day before peeling You need to remove dead skin cells using a scrub. It can also be prepared at home from natural products. If you don’t have time for this, then you need to buy a ready-made product in advance.
  • Before application Wash the prepared composition with warm water with the addition of a mild facial cleanser, such as soap or gel. After this, wipe the skin with tonic.
  • Recommended if possible pre-steam the skin, visit a bathhouse or sauna. This significantly enhances the cleansing effect.
  • Apply Vaseline to eyebrows, eyelids, nostrils and lips. This is done in order not to irritate the skin in these places, as they are highly sensitive.
  • Cooked cleanser test composition by applying it to the wrist or the area behind the ear. If after one hour there is no allergic reaction or other discomfort, then you can use it for its intended purpose.
  • Apply cleanser to face massaging movements for 5 minutes, then leave it on the face for another 10 minutes, then wash with warm water and rinse with herbal infusion (chamomile, calendula, etc.).
  • Wipe your face with an antiseptic, and after 5 minutes apply moisturizer to avoid the feeling of tightness.

Proper facial peeling at home preferably done in the evening so that the skin has time to recover from the stress it has suffered overnight.

Peeling– an essential part of caring for unpredictable oily skin. This procedure will help you say goodbye to inflammation, blackheads and unwanted shine.

This word came to the cosmetic world relatively recently from the English language (“to peel” - “to cleanse”), but the procedure was known to the ancient Egyptians.
Peeling is a method of deep cleansing the skin. Modern cosmetology has a whole arsenal of beauty methods that allow you to get rid of dead skin cells, eliminate minor defects, cleanse pores, smooth out wrinkles and stimulate the renewal of the epidermis. Regular use of peeling makes the skin smooth and healthy.

How to make at home

Is it not possible to perform peelings in a beauty salon? Take advantage of effective homemade recipes - for every taste and budget. Cleansing and exfoliating with homemade products can be very effective. The main thing is to choose the composition for your skin type and turn the procedure into a healthy habit.

At home, mechanical and chemical peelings are used. Mechanical involves using a special brush to clean the face and/or scrub. A natural scrub may contain crushed nuts, coffee, cereals, salt crystals, sugar. A milder at-home chemical peel (or exfoliation) is based on fruit or lactic acids.

Peeling is especially necessary for those with oily skin that needs cleansing and tightening of pores. The procedure suppresses excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, changing a dull complexion to a radiant and fresh one.

Preparing the skin for peeling

The result you will like depends largely on good skin preparation.

  • Before use, the peeling composition should be tested on the elbow. If irritation occurs, do not use the product.
  • The face should be clean before exfoliation. Remove makeup, wash with a mild product.
  • Do you want to enhance the effect of a homemade scrub or mask? Additionally, warm up the skin before peeling using a steam bath. Pour boiling water over a handful of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile, calendula or string). Bend over the container with the broth and cover your head with a towel. A few minutes will be enough to open the pores.
  • The skin must be moisturized before applying peeling.
  • Apply the composition carefully, without strong friction or pressure. Avoid delicate areas around the eyes and lips.
  • Leave the mixture on your face for the time specified in the recipe. No longer needed. If the product causes discomfort, rinse it off with plenty of warm water.
  • Self-made peeling mixtures cannot be stored. Use them right away.

Recipes for scrubs and masks for oily skin

Almond scrub

You will need almonds, flaxseed and white clay in equal proportions. Grind the nuts and seeds in a blender or food processor. Dilute the clay with warm water, mix in the dry ingredients, massage the resulting scrub onto your face and rinse with warm water.

Citrus mask

Dry the peels of any citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits). Grind in a coffee grinder. Pour 2 tablespoons of kefir or natural white yogurt into a bowl, throw in a pinch of citrus powder and stir. Lightly rub the mixture into the skin and rinse with warm water. Life hack: a supply of ground crusts can be stored in a closed jar, each time using a small amount for the next procedure.

Strawberry and honey scrub

Mix 1 tablespoon of crushed fresh strawberries with ½ tablespoon of honey. Apply to face using massage movements. This is a “quick” mask, you don’t need to hold it on your skin, wash your face immediately with cool water.

Salicylic mask

Crush 3 tablets of regular aspirin in a mortar, add a little water and honey (or use lemon juice as the liquid component). Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes. At this time, prepare a weak soda solution. After washing, wipe your face with it.

Salt and soda mask

Take 1 teaspoon each of salt and soda, add 1 tablespoon of cosmetic cream suitable for your skin, mix. Keep the mixture on your face for 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Coffee grounds mask

Mix coffee grounds and kefir in equal proportions. Apply the mixture onto your face with light massaging movements and let dry. Rinse off first with warm and then cool water. Kefir can be replaced with whey, yogurt, white yogurt without additives.

Citrus and salt mask

Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and 1 orange. Add 1 tablespoon each of salt and milk. Gently massage the acid-rich liquid into skin for 2 minutes. Leave the mixture on your face for 7 minutes. Remove the mask with cool water.

Lemon and cane sugar mask

Squeeze 2 tablespoons of juice from a lemon, add to it the same amount of cane sugar and natural yogurt without additives. Apply the mixture in a thick layer on your face for 10-15 minutes, then wash with cool water.

Coffee-rice scrub

First prepare the rice: rinse well, dry and grind into flour. Mix equal amounts of rice flour and ground coffee, dilute with kefir or white yogurt until smooth. Massage the scrub onto your face for 2 minutes, leave for 5 minutes, remove any residue by washing your face.

Bread scrub with almonds

Mix 1 tablespoon bread crumbs and 1 teaspoon ground almonds. Add some chilled green tea. Lightly rub the scrub into the skin, let it dry and rinse off after 10 minutes.

Cranberry scrub with oatmeal

Crush a handful of cranberries. Add a few drops of almond oil, orange oil and ½ tablespoon of finely ground oatmeal to the berries. Massage your face with a vitamin scrub, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse.

In addition to the above, there are also. Use them to suit your taste and mood.

We consolidate the result after peeling

After finishing the “general cleaning” of the skin, massage a regenerating, nourishing cream into it. Peeling, like a magic wand, kickstarts cell renewal. A cleansed face is more receptive to the beneficial effects of cosmetic products. The following recommendations are easy to follow:

  • Wash with mild products
  • Moisturize your skin morning and evening
  • Use sunscreen in the sun
  • It is not advisable to sunbathe immediately after peeling

When the procedure is contraindicated

Home peeling consists mainly of natural products. The procedure does not violate the deep layers of the epidermis. There are fewer contraindications for its implementation than for professional peeling, but they still exist.

You should not exfoliate if the skin is damaged or there is inflammation on the face. Contraindications include acute herpes, eczema and psoriasis.

For oily skin, two deep cleansing treatments per week are enough. Peeling should not be used more often, otherwise the skin can easily dry out. By exfoliating too frequently, its barrier function is reduced. The opposite effect may occur - the irritated sebaceous glands will begin to secrete secretions even more actively.

To ensure that the reflection in the mirror makes you happy every day, take care of your face correctly: cleanse it regularly and pamper it with homemade masks. Once again, reaching for a can of coffee, think: maybe it would be better to make a scrub instead of a drink?
