Plastic suede. Flowers from foamiran

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Foamiran is an unusual and pleasant to the touch material. Faux suede is used to make interior decorations, luxurious bouquets, decorate cards, and create unique hairpins and headbands. Today the editors of the magazine site have prepared for their readers 11 step-by-step instructions on how to make flowers from foamiran with your own hands. We will offer you useful recommendations from the craftsmen, and also talk about how to properly care for finished products.

Incredible, exquisite and vibrant foamiran jewelry attracts at first sight

Ranunculus is a very delicate creature with lush buds and a variety of colors. This flower can now often be found in the most luxurious bouquets. The size of the ranunculus is from 7 to 10 centimeters in diameter, and in appearance it looks a little like a peony or rose. A blooming ranunculus can look like a poppy.

How to make a ranunculus from plastic rubber:

IllustrationDescription of action
To give texture to the petals, the foma leaf needs to be ironed through crepe paper. This way it will become a little thinner and get a characteristic relief.
You can pull out the petals on bottles or a small light bulb.
Trace the petal templates. It is better to do this with a white pencil, this way there will be no marks left on the material. Do not use sharp objects for tracing; they may tear the sheet.
Before cutting out the petal, shape it on a convex object, slightly stretching it in the desired direction.
After stretching, cut out the petal so that the template mark line is not visible.
After making petals of different sizes, make several of the smallest blanks, shading them with a sponge and pastel.
Make the core of the flower from a bead or a foil ball. Wrap the workpiece with foamiran and stretch the material so that there are no folds.
Secure the center of the flower with hot glue.
Trim the head with scissors at the base.
Secure the base to the wire for the stem and glue it with second glue.
Wrap the stamens around the head and glue them with hot glue.
Fasten the tinted petals together so that you get a small circle with a diameter the size of the center of the flower. When gluing, make sure that the petals are about halfway over each other.
After creating the core of the ranunculus, glue the petals sequentially from smallest to largest in a circle.
The gluing technology is simple - each petal should be approximately halfway over the previous one.
In this way, glue 4-6 layers of petals. The more petals, the larger the flower.
Cut out the sepals from the green fom and lightly pull them to shape.
Glue 5 sepals onto the base of the flower; they can be lightly tinted with powder.
Place a floral tube onto the wire and secure it with instant glue.

How to make a rose from foamiran

Rose is the queen of flowers, a recognized standard of beauty and sophistication. The delicate petals of the rose are protected by sharp thorns.

This flower has many varieties with different colors, uniform or at the tips of the petals. The most popular workshops on crafts made from foamiana are related specifically to rose buds.

Templates and patterns for roses from foamiran

You can make your own template by simply disassembling a living flower into petals. Please note: no two shapes will be the same. For the template, choose thin cardboard or thick paper. Simply trace the petals spread out on cardboard and cut them out along the outline. You can use ready-made templates and patterns. Just print them on your printer.

In handicraft stores you can find solid templates that you can use to cut them directly onto a sheet of paper.

How to make a large rose from foamiran

IllustrationDescription of action
Cut out petals of three sizes and sepals according to the template.
Protonate the blanks: petals along the edge, sepals over the entire surface.
Heat the petals on a warm iron to give them the desired shape.
The petals are shaped by twisting and stretching the material.
Make a stem out of wire and wrap it with green duct tape.
Make a teardrop-shaped core from foil and secure it to the stem with hot glue.
Stick the petals of the bud sequentially onto the core so that they completely hide the foil. Gradually leave the ends of the pieces free to imitate blooming.
Heat the sepal blank on the iron too and give it a shape.
Make a hole in the center of the sepal for the stem and thread the stem through.
Glue the sepal with a glue gun so that it fits tightly to the bud.
To create a full rose, continue to glue the petals, gradually increasing their size.
The more layers of petals, the larger the rose.
The final touch to a full rose is the sepals.

From such a rose you can make a decoration - a brooch or a hairpin.

Small roses from foamiran - video master class

Small roses are the basis for decorating small hairpins, brooches and even rings. They are easy to make. You can even use a special hole punch with a ready-made mold. How to do this easily and quickly - in the video:

Related article:

Types of material and options for its use; hairpins, headbands, flowers and dolls from Thomas, how to use the material for scarpbooking and children's creativity; where you can buy and which one is better to choose for needlework - read the publication.

Master class on making lilies

Lily is the princess of the flower world. Its large bright inflorescences are a recognized symbol of purity and innocence.

Step-by-step production of an artificial lily in a master class:

IllustrationDescription of action
For a lily you will need to stock up on ready-made stamens and pistil.
The base of the flower is held together with adhesive tape. The pistil is in the center, the stamens are around it.
After fastening the parts, unfold them as shown in the photo.
To create the texture of the petals, you will need special molds - they can be found in handicraft stores.
Place the mold on the mold and heat it with an iron, then press the parts tightly until they cool.
Cut the petals with veins along the contour with scissors.
Each petal will need a rigid frame so that it bends in the desired direction. For the frame, thin wire is used, wrapped in material to match the petal.
Gif 2 The wire is carefully glued in the center of each petal.
SKR 8 The workpiece needs to be slightly bent, as shown in the photo.
SKR 9 Using a lighter, heat and slightly stretch the edges of the workpiece.
SKR 10 Lightly tint the base of the petals with pastel.
SKR 11 Make lily leaves in a manner similar to petals. Use appropriate molds.
SKR 12 Collect the petals and leaves using a strip of green masking tape.

Hydrangea from foamiran - video instructions for making

Lilac or hydrangea - these inflorescences of small flowers are gorgeous. The work of making them is long and painstaking.

To make small flowers, it is better to stock up on a figured hole punch; it will greatly simplify the task. The process of creating a hydrangea flower in this detailed video:

Do-it-yourself growth flowers from foamiran

Huge foamiran flowers are an interior decoration for a home or retail space. Such unusual decor will immediately attract the attention of guests. To create such a flower, you need to use the same templates, only increased in size. For cutting, it is better to take rolled foamiran; it will not limit you in the dimensions of the workpieces.

Using this technique, you can create an unusual interior, a fashion store, or a living room.

Related article:

The simple magic of wildflowers

Wildflowers, with all their simplicity, can become part of a very sophisticated composition, fresh and delicate. They look good if you choose a variety of flowers of different colors and shapes.

Find out how to make some of your favorite flowers in our instructions.

How to make a chamomile flower - instructions for beginners

Chamomile is just a seemingly simple flower. It is not so easy to make it from Thomas - it will require patience and many miniature parts.

IllustrationDescription of action
Using the miniature template, draw and cut out 30 small petals from white foam foam.
Make a fringe from a strip of yellow fom. Carefully cut the material with scissors at a minimum distance.
Give relief to the chamomile petals using tweezers. Just heat up the workpieces and run tweezers over the hot material.
Bend the stem wire at the tip to form a hook. Insert the tip of the fringe into it.
Rotate the stem, gluing the fringe to create the core of the flower.
Heat the finished core over a candle. The fom will become thinner and the core will look very natural.
Hot glue the first row of petals.
Attach the second row so that the lower petals fit between the upper ones.
Cover the reverse side of the flower with a curly detail. You can then attach a hairpin or brooch pin to it.

Poppy flower from foamiran: pattern and video instructions

Another favorite wildflower is the bright poppy. It looks great both in company with daisies and on its own in hairpins and brooches.

The peculiarity of this flower is its middle. How to make it correctly from plastic suede is described in the video instructions:

Aerobatics: peony flower

Delicate and luxurious peony is a complex design made of many petals of different shapes and sizes. In the center there are sharp parts with uneven edges, along the edges there are rounded blanks.


My mother and I made artificial flowers back in my childhood - for her it was part of the profession, but for me it was a hobby. At that time we used fabric soaked in gelatin, which was shaped by means of rolls heated over a fire.

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, but today we will make flowers from newfangled plastic suede, otherwise called foamiran. The advantage of this material is that with the right skill you can create quite realistic flowers.

I don’t have much experience working with this material, about six months, so for now we’re learning the basics of creativity.

The company's plastic suede was used in the review. Mr.Painter size 60/70, thickness 1 mm.

Price one such roll - 151 rubles, purchased in the store " Needle".

Production : Istanbul, Türkiye.

Description from the manufacturer:

Characteristics and impressions:

It is quite convenient to work with the material, because... it is easily deformed under the influence of high temperatures and the warmth of hands, and is pleasant to the touch. After manipulations, it retains its shape for a long time.

The material does not get wet and does not absorb moisture, which allows you not to be afraid of the products getting caught in the rain.

When working with the material, you need to be careful; if there is too much tension, it can break.

For work we need:

Sheets of plastic suede in various colors;

- iron to give the desired shape to the petals;

You can use a mold to form veins on the leaves. I use scissors;

Glue "Moment", if desired, you can purchase a glue gun.

In addition, it is advisable to use pastels for tinting. What do I plan to do next?

You can use wire for fastening. If you want to make a brooch, there are special blanks.

In outline flower making process very simple :

If necessary, you can make a template. I have been making flowers since childhood, so I cut out blanks of petals and leaves by eye;

We heat the iron (I use the mode for silk fabrics) and apply the blanks for a few seconds, after which we quickly shape the petal with our fingers;

We glue each petal to each other;

With the sharp end of the scissors I press out the veins in the center of the leaf and from the center to the tips of the leaves. I also apply the sheet to the iron to give it a natural shape;

Glue the leaves to the base of the flower and form a composition.

We admire the result

Blanks for roses:

If you want to go deeper into the process, I advise you to watch master classes on YouTube, of which there are a great many.

Some things were given away as gifts, this is what I can present as examples of work. Examples include our joint creativity with my mother. It’s difficult for me to isolate what is hers, what is mine, we create together.

Flowers of varying degrees of readiness:

Examples of roses:

Foamiran is an artificially produced material that has found wide application in various fields of needlework. Due to its delicate and elastic structure, foamiran is often called plastic suede. Thanks to the large palette of colors and the possibility of tinting, this material can be used for decorating interior items, making jewelry or wedding accessories.

Today, the main producers of fom are China, Türkiye and Korea. Choose plastic suede based on porosity and thickness, depending on the type of work being carried out. In this article we decided to offer you several master classes on making flowers from foamiran with your own hands.



  • stamens for flowers;
  • foamiran in two shades;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • pastel.

1. Take foamiran of a suitable color for the future flower. Divide it into equal 2x2cm squares. This can be done using a ruler and a toothpick.

2. Cut the material into squares that will be used to create the petals.
3. Divide each square into 4 parts and make cuts with scissors.
4. The result is squares with petals. The core can be tinted with green pastel.

6. After heating with an iron, the petals can be tinted with pink pastel.
7. Insert a stamen into the middle of each flower and collect beautiful inflorescences from 5-6 flowers.
8. Cut out leaves from green foamiran and make cuts on them.

9. We also heat the leaves and give them texture using a mold.

The result is a beautiful sprig of hydrangea that can decorate the interior or be used instead of a boutonniere.

Peony from Thomas step-by-step master class with photos

Peony from foamiran


  • pastel;
  • foamiran;
  • iron;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun

1. Draw petal patterns on a piece of paper and then transfer them to foamiran. You should get 6 types of petals. For one peony you need to cut 10 petals according to the first three templates, 8 petals according to the fourth template, 17 petals according to the fifth and 7 petals according to the sixth.

2. Tint the petals with pink or purple pastels. When tinting, keep in mind that the further the petal is from the center of the flower, the darker it should be.

4. Take a piece of wire and bend the end with pliers. Let's start gluing the petals on this wire clockwise and overlapping.

The result is a neat peony that can be glued to a hoop or hair band, and can also be used for interior decoration. If you use a Turkish fom, the petals will turn out even thinner and more realistic.

You can do absolutely anything yourself foamiran flower. You can use real petals from a wilted flower as a template.

Useful video: Foamiran flower for beginners

The principle of making flowers is quite simple, you need to cut out parts from foamiran, then apply them to the heated surface of the iron and give them shape. After practicing on simple models, in the future you will be able to create real masterpieces from plastic suede.


Today, needlewomen are given another type of creativity - compositions from foamiran (fom). This ornamental raw material is a new invention of the physical and chemical industry and is similar to foam rubber and plastic suede. If you are interested in this material, then study the instructions below on what is made from foamiran.

How to make flowers from foamiran with your own hands

The main area of ​​application of foamiran is floral design. The material is used to make realistic compositions from field daisies, exquisite roses or other flowers. Various souvenirs and crafts are also made from foamiran, such as:

  • magnets;
  • dolls;
  • hair clips in the shape of flowers, butterflies, hearts, etc.;
  • gift packaging.

Thanks to the pliability of this ornamental material, even a novice craftswoman will be able to create something special from it, for example, a bouquet of flowers. Finished products, giant or very small, are distinguished by special realism and accuracy. The whole process of creating such crafts consists of drawing a stencil, followed by cutting out and shaping the petals of one flower. For beginning craftswomen, it is better to print ready-made templates. The list of necessary materials and tools for foamiran crafts includes the following:

  • floral wire;
  • cardboard;
  • iron;
  • glue gun;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • foamiran in blue, yellow, white and other colors that are required in a particular master class;
  • thick needle;
  • foil;
  • satin ribbon;
  • additional decorative elements;
  • acrylic paints;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • toothpick.

Roses from foamiran

In this master class you will be able to create a bouquet of yellow tea roses with delicate green foliage. To do this, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Take a piece of cardboard or thick paper, draw on it diagrams of 4 petals of different sizes. Set the dimensions of the largest one depending on the size of the bouquet you want to make.
  2. Cut out the petals according to the template, then trace them with a thick needle on foamiran. There should be 10 of the smallest, and 8 of the rest.
  3. Form 5 drop-shaped pieces from foil. Then place them on cut floral wire.
  4. Warm up the iron and apply the petal to it for 2 seconds, then immediately twist it in 2 opposite directions. Next, straighten and gently stretch the center. Do this with all the petals.
  5. Glue the foil blank into the middle of the largest leaf, secure the upper part in the center with a corner. This will be an unopened bud. Using the same method, glue the second element; it should fit tightly to the foil. Next, attach the remaining parts, making them more open.
  6. Form all the remaining roses by completing unopened or already blossomed buds.
  7. Take another sheet of cardboard, draw sepals on it, cut them out, and then transfer them to a sheet of green foamiran. Cut the finished elements along the edges, repeating the fold lines.
  8. Twist the sepals and straighten them like the petals, then string them onto the same wire and glue them to the small buds.
  9. Assemble the bouquet by gluing individual buds, decorate it with leaves, wrap the remaining part of the wire with a green satin ribbon, securing it with glue.

Lily from foamiran

To create a lily, you need a form of white and green flowers. Additionally, you will need stamens, a pestle and a felt-tip pen. The sequence of creating such a craft from foamiran is as follows:

  1. Draw and cut out a lily petal from cardboard. The length of the part should be approximately 6 cm. Make 6 such blanks. Make 3 leaves from green.
  2. On both sides, darken the elements with felt-tip pens.
  3. Heat the parts with an iron, give them a more realistic shape, and use a toothpick to draw veins.
  4. Place a few dots at the base of the leaves with a brown felt-tip pen.
  5. Make pistils and stamens from wire and small pieces of fom, painted black. Collect them into a single composition.
  6. Glue the first row of 3 petals around the stamens. Then in a checkerboard order all the rest. Attach green leaves at the bottom.

Snowdrops from foamiran

It is very easy to make a craft from foamiran in the form of a bouquet of snowdrops. Templates for it are made like this: you need to draw a heart 1.5 cm high and a drop 2 cm high and remove their pointed ends. These will be the stencils for the main parts; all that remains is to cut them out of cardboard. Using an awl, needle or toothpick, trace the blanks onto the shape, making 3 pieces of each element. Further instructions for creating the craft are as follows:

  1. Heat the petals over a candle to give them volume.
  2. From a small rhombus, form 3 stamens, secure them to floral wire, previously cut into pieces.
  3. Color the top edge of the top size petals using pastels or green eye shadow. Glue them around the stamen.
  4. Then decorate the flower with large petals, aligning their edges with the small ones.
  5. Wrap the wire with green tape and secure it with glue.
  6. For the leaves, cut out pieces of arbitrary sizes from green fom, glue several to each flower, and then combine everything into a bouquet.

What can be made from foamiran

Foamiran flowers are used to decorate shoes, bags and clothes. They are also used to decorate the interior with paintings, panels or other interesting elements. Crafts from foamiran will be an interesting activity for any child. It can create appliques, toys, magnets and more. A separate area of ​​using such material is scrapbooking. DIY foamiran hairpins look original. They are especially often used by brides, because ready-made flowers will not wither, unlike live ones.

Foamiran toys

One of the actively developing areas is the production of dolls from Thomas. It has nothing to do with the technology of creating flower arrangements. Judging by the reviews of needlewomen, beginners in this field should order raw materials from a Chinese manufacturer, because their products are denser and brighter. It is better suited for making dolls and other toy crafts.

Foamiran dolls

For one of the simple options for toy crafts, you will need sheets of black, flesh-colored and red color. Additionally, you need the same material, but with some kind of print. Also prepare 3 foam balls with a diameter of 40, 50 and 75 mm. The instructions for making crafts from foamiran sheets are as follows:

  1. Print out the pattern shown in the photo and cut out all the details according to it.
  2. Place the largest ball on the stand, then cover the top with a heated sheet of foam and pull the edges down to about half the ball. Remove the excess, repeat the same with flesh-colored sheets and glue both parts. Make a neat joint.
  3. Fold the body pattern into a cone, insert half of the smaller ball there, and cover it with the panty template.
  4. Cover 2 bamboo sticks with flesh-colored foil.
  5. For the shoes, glue the halves of the medium balls with the remains of the smallest ones, and also decorate them with flesh color. For the sole, glue black sheets of foam to the bottom and then cut along the outline of the shoe.
  6. Place the head on a toothpick, connect it to the body, glue the arms, dress, and attach the legs.
  7. Make a tail for the doll from black fom, add details to the craft, and draw a face.

Christmas tree for New Year

The next master class is also very simple, so even beginners can handle it. He describes the creation of a Christmas tree. The sequence of creating the craft is as follows:

  1. Cut the green foamiran leaf into 2 cm strips.
  2. Make a fringe out of them by making cuts, leaving 3-5 mm to the edge.
  3. Heat all strips with an iron.
  4. Roll the cardboard sheet into a cone, securing it with a stapler.
  5. Cover the craft with green fringe from bottom to top, then decorate the Christmas tree with red beads.

Foamiran jewelry

Floral crafts made from foamiran are used not only as substitutes for fresh flowers. They are also used to decorate hairpins, brooches or headbands. In general, almost any jewelry can be decorated with foamiran - a hair tie, ribbons, comb or crab will look great with this design. Check out some of the tutorials below and try to create one of the jewelry yourself.

Camellia brooch made of foamiran

A stylish and sophisticated accessory is a brooch. You can make it yourself in the form of a camellia flower, for which you will need foamiran in lemon and green shades. You need to take pastels of the same colors. Additionally, it is worth preparing the base for the brooch. The work is as follows:

  1. Draw and cut out patterns of leaves, taking an amount that is 2 times larger than indicated in the photo.
  2. Using a toothpick, transfer everything onto sheets of paper. Next, cut out all the parts.
  3. Tint each leaf with dry yellow pastel.
  4. For the core of the flower, cover a ball of foil with foamiran.
  5. Heat each petal with an iron and give it a realistic shape. Repeat the same with the leaves.
  6. Cover the core with small petals, and arrange the rest in a checkerboard pattern, more freely than the previous ones. Attach the last 2 with the convex part from the center.
  7. Glue the green leaves, then use a heat gun to secure the flower to the brooch base.

Recently, handmade flowers have become very popular among needlewomen. The abbreviated name is fom, this delicate material came to us from Iran. In the talented hands of a craftswoman, any detail from foamiran turns into an elegant petal or leaf, the curves of which are practically no different from the real ones. There are many ideas for inspiration: refrigerator magnets, toys, you can also use it in scrapbooking or for. Today, Homius editorial experts will conduct several master classes and share their secrets on making elegant flowers.

The ranunculus flower is often included in large compositions; there are a lot of varieties of it for growing in open ground and in quality, as well as options for making it yourself. Let's start the learning process with the simplest flower shape. For work we will need:

  • marshmallow foamiran;
  • foil and wire;
  • glue gun

marshmallow foamiran

glue gun

The process of making a flower is performed as follows:

Illustration Description of action
Shape the foamiran and thin it. To do this, place it between layers of textured paper and iron it with an iron.
Cut the shapes into squares, mark the future petals and give them a three-dimensional shape.

Cut out all the petals along the contour.
To create the middle, take a bead or foil, give it a round shape, then cover it with a piece of foam and secure it to the wire.
Glue the finished stamens.

Glue the smallest petals together one by one.
Glue all other rows in ascending order.

Cut a sepal from green foamiran.
Upon completion of all work, pull the floral sleeve onto the wire.

Rose from foamiran - master class

On the Internet you can find many patterns for making roses with your own hands: a regular rose, a small one, an interior rose, a peony rose, a multi-color rose, with a transition of shades, in the form of a bud and in a bouquet group.

Templates and patterns for roses from foamiran

Before you make a rose from foamiran, you need to decide on the shape of the flower and choose a suitable design.

Schemes of interior roses:

Schemes of small roses:

Large rose made of foamiran

To make a large rose from foamiran with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • pink and green foamiran;
  • glue gun

pink foamiran

green foamiran

The step-by-step process for making a flower is as follows:

  1. Transfer the diagram of a small rose onto the cardboard; the diameter of the pattern should be 6, 7 and 9 cm. Cut out the petals.
  2. Heat as for silk, attach each petal to the sole, then use your hands or on a blank to give them a slight convexity.
  3. Fixing the petals begins with the smallest one, then close the bud on the opposite side, then glue them on the right and left.
  4. Then you need to make a backing in the shape of a five-leaf clover, paint it with bright green paint, make small cuts and fix it.

DIY small rose flowers from foamiran

The following master class will help us make small roses from marshmallow foamiran. For the blanks, you need to transfer them to the diagram, then cut out 2 pieces of petals of each size, 3 green leaves and 1 sepal. Iron all samples between napkins with a warm iron and give them a wave-like shape.

Small petals should be pinched slightly at the base. Then fold the workpiece into one leaf, scrolling slightly, stretching out the edges. Glue 3 petals onto the bud, the foil should be completely closed, then fix the remaining elements sequentially at the same distance. Finish the work with sepals and leaves.

Lily from foamiran - master class

The process works as follows:

  1. Cover the base of the bud with white foamiran and tint it with pink pastel.
  2. Cut leaves of different sizes at the rate of 2-3 pieces for each flower.
  3. Apply an imitation of veins on each leaf with an orange stick, stretch them lengthwise and glue them onto a thin wire.
  4. For 1 lily flower you will need 3 small and 3 large elements. Pre-tint the base with a pale pink pastel and add specks using a toothpick.

Hydrangea from foamiran - master class

To make hydrangea, cut foamiran into strips 18 mm thick, then into rectangles 46 mm long. Next, bend the pieces in half and cut out the petals in the form of a drop; when unfolded, you should get the shape of a bow. Thus, prepare at least 35 blanks.

Heat each petal on the soleplate of an iron, then tint one edge with a purple pastel and the middle with a blue tone. Blend everything well. Process both sides of each element in the same way. Next, form the flowers: connect 4 stamens on one flower and secure with 2 petals. There can be 3-4 flowers on one stem, and in hydrangea there are up to 35 inflorescences. They are assembled on a wire, which is decorated with a green ribbon.

Life-size flowers from foamiran - master class

You can make large flowers from foamiran, they will become real flowers, and the next master class will help us with this. You need to choose a diagram, trace the petals according to the template and cut them out. To give the shape, heat the workpieces on an iron, then form bulges with your hands, and also slightly bend the edges. You can use pastels to make smooth shading transitions and use a toothpick to draw veins.

You need to collect the flower on a cone-shaped center made of foil, starting with the smallest ones. The more elements, the more magnificent and natural the finished product should be. The composition should be completed with a green sepal.

Related article:

In the publication you will find master classes on making roses, tulips, lilies, bouquets with sweets, what materials and tools are needed, as well as recommendations from specialists.

How to make wildflowers from foamiran

Many people love wildflowers; they decorate compositions, they can be attached to headbands or hairpins, and also used as room decor. To make them, it is important to strictly adhere to the recommended patterns, then the appearance of the flower will be more natural.

How to make a chamomile flower - instructions for beginners

To make field chamomile you will need yellow and white foamiran. We make the middle out of yellow, for this you need to cut a strip of 1x15 cm, cut the fringe on the real side and secure everything to the wire. Cut out a blank from white foamiran according to the diagram, iron it so that the edges rise a little. Using a stick, draw two stripes along the edges and secure them to the wire. Cut out a sepal from a green fom, after heating, give it a shape and glue it at the base. The wire is decorated with green ribbon, and leaves can also be attached.

Poppy flower from foamiran - master class with pattern

To make a poppy flower, we will need:

  • bead with a diameter of 15 mm;
  • wire;
  • fom green and red;
  • black threads;
  • glue gun, scissors.

First of all, you should form a leg from wire. After this, wrap the bead in green material. Next, in the middle of the bead you need to tie it so that you get 8 segments. Then form stamens 2.5-3 cm long using threads, as shown in the diagram.

Cut out 5 poppy petals according to a template measuring 60x50 mm. To give it a shape, you need to fold it into an accordion and scroll in different directions, slightly stretching the middle. Assembly begins by uniformly fixing the stamens at the base of the bead, then gluing 3 petals, after which the volume is supplemented with two more. You need to cut out leaves about 80 mm long from a green fom, fix them on a wire and decorate the leg with green ribbon.

How to make your own peony flower from foamiran using diagrams and templates

To make a beautiful peony flower, you need a little more time, as the work is quite painstaking. In addition, for clarity, it is nice to have a live sample in front of your eyes. Select 4-5 types of petals from the diagram and cut them out, the total number should be at least 40 pieces.

Form all the petals using an iron, then twist the leaf into an accordion and rub it in a spiral. The sides of some samples can be screwed back. Assembly begins immediately on the wire. The first row is made from elements of the same size; to form each next row, petals of different designs are taken. The middle of the peony is filled to give it a convexity. At the final stage, the sepals are glued and the wire is decorated with ribbon and leaves.

Tulip flower from foamiran - step by step instructions

To make a tulip from foamiran we will need:

  • foamiran red and green;
  • wire;
  • foil;
  • glue gun and glue;
  • pastel and acrylic paints;
  • tape and sponge.

acrylic paints

Illustration Description of action

Cut out 6 petals.

The base of the petals should be tinted with green pastel.

By heating the petal, we give it a natural shape.

We cut out the leaves according to the pattern.

You need to form a bud from foil on a wire.

Use Foma tape to decorate the wire, then glue the tape.

Shape the leaves.

Fix the petals.

You need to glue the leaves at some distance from each other.

This master class can be watched in the video below.
