Why do men like to talk about their exes? Do men love their exes? The whole truth in the first person

    Why does a guy talk about his ex

    We all have a past. Mixed good and bad, with different number of sexual relationships, impressions from the former, with regrets, mistakes and joys. Living in the present, a person should not constantly return to the past, much less tell the details of his personal or even intimate relationships to his current soul mate. In the end, it's just bad manners. And then - if a guy is in love, then he should only think about his current beloved - without comparing her with anyone, without upsetting her with stories about his exes. I think so. And yet, I see that many girls complain about the fact that her boyfriend always returns to his former mistresses, constantly devotes her to the details of their relationship, even compares her with the former one. Why does a guy talk about his ex - let's figure it out.

    To begin with, we note that it is necessary to respect the past of any person. And the fact that a person can return somewhere in his conversation to some situation or person is normal. Sometimes it happens involuntarily, casually, like a memory. The narrator himself may not attach any importance to this. Moreover, since he talks about THIS so easily, it means that THIS no longer matters to him.

    But here are the guys who go into details, tell their current girlfriend about their past lover, moreover, they can utter: “But my ex did it this way ...” behave, at least, not tactfully. First, they are poorly educated. Secondly, since the past does not let them go, since they constantly analyze it and introduce it into their real life, then there are reasons for that.

    Reasons a guy talks about his ex


    If a guy talks about his ex all the time, he wants to. Even if he tells you that this is not so, he beats his chest, that this is all long in the past - he still, perhaps even on a subconscious level, misses his former relationship. Do you think it's worth wasting your time on this guy? Moreover, if he has not let go of his former relationship for several years, this may be a pathology. And he will return to the former one all his life. If not out loud, then silently. Don't know which is worse...


    If a guy talks about his ex, he's just showing off. Like, that's what kind of womanizer I am, what kind of women I had, and the quantity, but the quality ... Oh, forgive the immature young man for baby talk. Do not be offended, but rather, like a boy, pat on the head and say: “Boasting is ugly.” Perhaps, over time, he will grow up, although the point here is not the age, but the immaturity of the personality. Such "children" remain "children" for the rest of their lives.

"Old relationships should stay in the past!" wise people say. But in practice, most often, former men appear in our lives and are not forgotten. They can appear by chance: in memory, in conversations with friends. The former are like ghosts, it seems they are not there, but they are always there. Before you think about a former relationship, remember why you broke up, who was the initiator, and whether you regret it. what happened?

Why become an ex?

He changed. Betrayal is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. There are few girls who can forgive physical betrayal. Even fewer who forgive the spiritual. You changed. If you cheated, then you don't love him. So you can live your whole life without it. And throwing it off on a fleeting clouding of the mind - these are excuses.

You realized that you are too different. In interests, in hobbies, in conversations. He doesn't hear you, you don't want to hear him. You seem to be from other planets. Opposites attract, of course, but only when they are mutually agreed. You are bored with each other. At the beginning of the relationship there was at least passion. Passion subsided, and there was nothing left. If you can’t interest each other in anything, then it’s better not to waste time.

Why do we remember the former?

Because exes are part of us. We loved, or were in love. They cared and were happy, at least for a short time, but they were. And our memory remembers the good. Or the former relationship was terrible, and memory helps not to forget this relationship so that you do not repeat your mistakes again. Former men are an adventure that happened and about which impressions and memories remain, good or bad. Past relationships are always life experiences that need to be remembered and applied to the future.

The former is in the past?

Periodically, there is a feeling that past relationships are the only ones that you have been waiting for all your life. Therefore, sometimes it happens that relationships are given a second chance, and maybe even a third. Why is this happening?

First, because in this relationship you know the man. You know his pros and cons, and you know where and when you can expect a trick or support from him.

Secondly, you can be led by despair. Despair that you can't find that one man and you'll never have a real relationship. And the past is easier to return than to build the future with something new. Therefore, you will gladly return to your past love.

Thirdly, you can fall in love with your ex again. Let's say you broke up when he stopped taking care of himself, lost interest in life, and recently you saw him, handsome and successful, and feelings surged again. Why not try? Perhaps people change.

But in the former love there are also disadvantages. They can destroy your present and future. And all why? Because the ghosts of the past must be left where they should remain, and not dragged along.

Why can a former love destroy a real one?

If you talk to your man about the past, he will get irritated, mad, and ultimately jealousy will lead to your breakup. If you really value real relationships, then do not delve into the past: neither in yours, nor in his.

It may also happen that a former young man wants to return you and will bother you with SMS, phone calls. Will try to talk like a man with your real boyfriend. What should you do? Choose who is dear to you and stay with him!

Starting a relationship anew is a very laborious process. There will always be something that will not suit you and you will be very worried about it. But if you feel that you love this person, then you can try. Nothing is possible. And there are many examples of former relationships becoming real.

Some men even cry at the thought that the woman he loves so much wants to leave him. Women have developed intuition, but men also have feelings that we sometimes don’t even think about. Which of the women has ever thought, but what will a man be like after a breakup? Can he live without us? Will he find his future chosen one, or will he sit at home and dream of a lost love?

Men are very sensitive to the departure of their beloved, and rarely can calmly look at her when they see their ex. Most often, they do not know how to properly respond to the presence of their former, but still beloved woman. And most importantly, what do women think at this moment, how do men react when they see them? And this is very important sometimes, when a woman hopes to return him if she does not find a future chosen one.

In our life, it often happens that men have mistresses, which, of course, no one knows about, or only his close associates who communicate with him constantly know. But after a while they part, leaving behind either pleasant memories, or not so much. And then men do not know how to react when they see a former lover.

There were many cases of such meetings. Here it is necessary to recall one, but it is painfully remarkable. One day a man came to a party hosted by his friend. It was very good and fun, until he met the eyes of Helen, who had once abandoned him. Their eyes crossed, and as if some old and forgotten feeling slipped out. Nobody expected this. Half an hour later, both of them were gone, and in the morning the neighbors saw them leaving his apartment. It seemed that the past love never left. He was happy and did not want to part with her. In the end, they got married and are still happy. But such happy endings are only good for certain occasions, and in fact it rarely happens that Cinderella finds her prince.

So how do men react when they see an ex-lover? No one will tell you this, but it is known for sure that if their relationship was beautiful and tender, he will look at her with bated breath. It may not last long, but it is there.

Thinking about how men react to such a situation should prompt us to think about what kind of relationship they had in reality. Sometimes it is easy for them to endure such meetings, but there are cases that are very difficult. This is perfectly demonstrated by the next couple, albeit a former one.

One summer, a man came to the store with his new lover to buy a new thing for his new darling. All the staff saw how he looked after her, kissed her at every turn and hugged her. It seemed that their relationship could be more beautiful, but ... Alas, none of them thought that his former lover was standing nearby and looked at them with bated breath. She was terribly hurt, and he wanted to show it to her that he was happy. But according to psychologists, it's just for show. By this he wanted to show that he had found his new favorite. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to read between the lines of young people, to think why they are doing this, in fact it is very important. You ask how men react in such cases? Yes, in different ways, quite unexpectedly. Always look carefully into their eyes to find out what's going on in their head. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, they will tell you how to behave in such a situation. And don't forget that men are just as vulnerable as you are.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 months. He is very caring, enterprising, it is clear that he likes me and he values ​​me. He makes nice gifts for me, introduced me to his friends and brought me home, calls me every day, asks how the day went, etc. But sometimes, in a heart-to-heart talk, he talks about his past passions. He doesn’t say that he regrets the girls, he just somehow mentions in a conversation that there was such and such a situation, and I really don’t like it - hearing about his previous girls. When I was offended by him and said that this was unpleasant for me, he apologized and promised that he would not say a word on this topic again. He said that I loved him. But I wonder if he really takes me that seriously if he talks about the girls he had? (although he emphasized that this is all in the past).

TheSolution psychologist's answer:

You write that the guy mentions ex-girlfriends in a heart-to-heart conversation.

Suppose that your man is not a narcissist, not a socially adapted psychopath, but a completely ordinary good man, with a mosaic personality type and a healthy value system.

The first question that is important to ask yourself when a man discusses his past with you is in what context, why and why does he tell you this. Does this indicate his sincere openness towards you, or does he just want to let you know what a sought-after guy he is.

Openness and trust are important signs of a man's serious attitude towards you.

If he speaks about ex-girlfriends sincerely good, there is a possibility that he does this because he trusts you. His openness and trust will also be evidenced by the fact that he can mention his weaknesses or fears. If a man talks to you about the secret, this can be a good signal, a sign that the relationship is developing.

An egocentric man with a low level of emotional intelligence may simply not think about your feelings.

The second question that is important to ask yourself is whether your man understands that talking about ex-girlfriends always causes unpleasant emotions in the chosen one. If he does not understand such things, then it is time to think about whether he is egocentric (thinks only about himself and his feelings) and then assess whether he has developed emotional intelligence (that is, whether he knows how to anticipate what emotional impact his words will have on You).

By derogatory comments about ex-girlfriends, you can recognize the narcissistic nature of a man

The third question that is important to ask yourself is: did he hear your request not to talk about this topic? If, after an apology and your mention that this is unpleasant for you, he continues to talk about his previous relationship, it will be important to analyze whether he is trying to unconsciously humiliate you (men with a narcissistic character do this even in the early stages of a relationship).

The fourth question that is important to ask yourself is what emotions a man experiences for his former passions. It’s bad if he plays a role in front of you, portrays that everything is fine when he internally hates them (this is a sign of a misogynist). And it’s bad if, after parting, he treats his ex-girlfriends badly, not only internally but also externally, which is manifested in his speech, facial expressions and intonations, for example, when he accuses them or arrogantly and dismissively comments on their character traits - this should very much alert, because it characterizes him as a person.

It is important to understand why other girls did not want to be with him.

You are now at the stage of assessing each other, the qualities of character, material and everyday status. Through one and a half to two years you will begin to notice in him those qualities of character, because of which he did not have a previous relationship. If you carefully analyze the words and motives of your young man, you will understand why his previous girls did not want to be with him. The fact is that without psychotherapy and work on oneself, the situation will repeat itself, he will apply all the same models of communication and behavior in relations with you. So, if you notice his habit of blaming previous women for something, not taking responsibility - this may be an early sign that a man, after a period of falling in love, will offer you tyrannical form of relationship.

A man can misunderstand his feelings and mislead you.

Your concern about the seriousness of the man's intentions is quite reasonable. Two months is too short a time to judge the feelings of your chosen one, even if he is an honest and decent young man. Up to a year and a half of relationship, they can be led by banal love. The feeling of falling in love tends to pass in one and a half to two years, so before this period you should not even take the situation of courtship seriously. During this period of relationship, as a rule, a man can present himself in the best light, not show unsightly features of his character. At this stage of the relationship, he can confuse the delight of meeting with a beautiful girl with falling in love or love. Moreover, without understanding himself, or being an immature person (for example, a codependent person), he can very sincerely believe that he has the most serious intentions and genuine deep feelings towards you, although in reality everything may turn out differently.

You can watch for signs of a man being serious. A very important sign of the seriousness of a relationship is how strongly a man insists on intimacy. Someone who is practically indifferent to you wants to quickly persuade you to have sex. A man who takes you seriously, despite the fact that he likes you and sexually arouses you, will readily wait for your natural readiness for sex won't push or rush you.

Because of my extreme lightness, they often and fiercely jealous of me - to acquaintances, little-known and completely unfamiliar young ladies, to friends, to relatives, and even to work. But the most perverse form of jealousy was jealousy of the so-called "ex".

And since I have quite a lot of “former” ones and you won’t remember them all at once, then there is plenty of space where you can unfold to the full extent the complexes and fears of the “real” one. And since I have a strong and rejecting immunity to possessive seizures, such a “real” quickly passed into the category of “former”. I hope that at least then she understood the groundlessness of her accusations - they don’t return to such.

Of course, in trying to reason and direct our relationship in a mutually satisfying direction, I blamed her nourishing inferiority complex, the insecurity in me that I fed with my superficial attitude towards the institution of marriage. To the desire to drive me into blinders and hobble me, I objected with sincere bewilderment - is it possible that someone will like me hobbled, and why does she need a blinkered man. But most importantly, with resentment at the distrust expressed to me, I argued that the past was gone and there was no return to it. In a sexual sense. And for communication there are no boundaries by age, gender, or “something happened” on the basis. Since all my best mistresses became good friends to me, I saw no reason not to communicate with them at the end of the novel. So I spoke to the one who was listed as "real" on this moment.

But I was lying. Since the end of the novel did not mean the end of friendships, they often relapsed into sexual ones. And what could be better than friendly sex with the one whose magical points you already know, and she is aware of your preferences! Sighting contacts are long gone and sex is at the pinnacle of technique and intimacy. And the farewell is not burdened with post-coital tears in the style of Anna Karenina, which cannot but rejoice. And since such a woman has a lot of positive sides, it’s worth promising her that she will correct her negative ones, because of which, in fact, they parted, it may well be that I would prefer to return to her than listen to the jealous tantrums of the “real” .

But those “former” ones who left me really “cling” me. Imagine, this happened even to me. I still can’t understand how - I, so smart, beautiful and sexy, could be abandoned in the midst of a stormy relationship. Offended male pride cries out for satisfaction, and therefore it’s worth calling such a “former” and saying that she didn’t find it better than me, I will immediately rush to console either her or my wounded ego.

But the most dangerous "former" is the one that rejected outright and never gave. But I had some feelings, and not just any, but the most sublime, and I didn’t even have a chance to show myself. And the image of a failed beloved is drawn to me in the most pink colors and it seems that she is completely devoid of flaws, which compares favorably with today's "real" one. But most importantly, she comes into my sexual fantasies and does things there that make all my most frank teenage dreams fade. Here they go to such a “former” at the wave of a finger. And I will go. I need to make sure that it matches the image from which I have wet dreams at night.

Most of all, I am touched by the “former”, with whom they parted peacefully and calmly, and who did not make themselves felt for a long time. But as soon as the next young lady appeared in my life, such a “former” immediately reminded of herself. Of course, how could I forget her and find a replacement so quickly! Insulted female vanity drives her to prove to me, and most importantly, to herself, that she is better than this random upstart in my life, and I understand and admit this. Well, why not please a woman? I understand, I admit and I will prove it with deeds.

And what I really think, I'll keep to myself. There were pleasant moments in the past, and they overshadow unpleasant memories. But this is not a reason to return to them forever. And occasionally - why not?

anna base

Why go into details and remember past relationships with former lovers? There is no point if now you love the one you consider unique and irresistible. It happens that men share stories of their former relationships with a girlfriend in order to gain trust. If a person is decent, he will tell that he had a girlfriend before her or was married. This will be perceived by the girl as honesty and frankness on his part.

But there are also situations when girls complain that men tell all the details. They want to praise themselves with this, brag: look, they say, what I am, many girls ran after me. There are many notorious men who embellish the facts. This is an ill-conceived and wrong step on their part. This behavior repels girls and in their eyes they become immature personalities and behave like youngsters.

Sometimes, there are such situations that men, without attaching great importance to the former connection, store photographs without thinking that they can be destroyed. But if the beloved is smart, she will not attach any importance to this. due to non-existent connection.

There is another situation in which he often remembers and compares the former relationship of his chosen ones with his new lover and regrets that this happened. In such a situation, it becomes clear that for him past connections are of considerable importance, and he is not able to forget it. Therefore, there can be no successful developments in relationships.

In many cases, men are frank about their ex-girlfriend, whose breakup was initiated by her. He wanted to see her again, but she wouldn't let him. Therefore, he cannot calm down at the thought that the girl left him. He meets another girl so that the former finds out about this and becomes jealous. He is sure that she will soon come running to her.

If a man is strong, balanced, he will not constantly talk about the former companion, the initiator of whose separation he was. Rely on him and continue the relationship.

Men often talk about their victories at the wrong time. So, during a feast with comrades or a family quarrel, this is another reason for him to show both himself and others that he is the main one in the relationship and at the desired moment will find a suitable passion, even among the former.

In their opinion, memories and stories about their victories can lead you to frankness and offer to talk about your former hobbies. But, do not get too carried away with this and do not provoke him to violent jealousy, because remember that men, although they are considered the stronger sex, they often behave like children.

To exclude this kind of conversation, be sure to praise your lover, and inspire him that wonderful periods came exactly when she met him. Past memories are irrelevant. Since you love each other, ask your knight to talk less about your former connections, because it offends her.

Men's revelations

In the revelations of the representatives of the stronger sex, you will hear:

description of the external data of a woman;
about the sensations he felt next to this girl;
about what he liked about the appearance of his former companion, as well as the manifestations of emotions in relations with her.

Women need to know

What is the wrong position of a woman in this situation?

She should not allow her partner to constantly recall past victories and analyze with him. You do not want to offend him and therefore listen and support? You're wrong and you're doing it wrong. A man needs a spectator who would listen to the failed victories.
She has to speak up. If she listens to her lover, nodding her head approvingly, commenting positively on the stories, then it seems that she is going to be the partner's interlocutor. Set priorities clearly, and express your opinion on this matter.
If your partner’s face tenses up or distorts in a grimace during memories, remember what he was talking about and do not do this with your lover.

Respect yourself and those around you. In this case, the need for any kind of self-affirmation will disappear. Dear women, be more prudent and insightful and use the revelations of the representatives of the stronger sex in relation to yourself for good. Although they are considered the stronger sex, they, like all people, have weaknesses.

A strong and noble man is not the one who gives flowers and compliments, but the one who is responsible for past, present and future actions.

February 12, 2014

But not all is lost! We have prepared for you 50 tips that will help you get to know a man better, understand how he thinks, what he enjoys, and what he does not accept at all.

  1. Men are not psychics and can't read our minds.
  2. Men in no way want to be used as pawns in women's intrigues and manipulations.
  3. Men tend to be possessive and used to woo us. Give them this opportunity.
  4. One of the most annoying things for a man is when a girl smells like cigarettes.
  5. It is also important for a man whether a girl leads a healthy lifestyle and takes care of her physical form.
  6. Girls, if you do not want to hear the truth, which may be unpleasant for you, then try not to ask a lot of curious questions.
  7. If you don’t want a cooling relationship with a man, don’t end the quarrel with the phrase “the conversation is over!”, and even more so, get rid of the habit of leaving by slamming the door forever. Any quarrel should only contribute to identifying problems and solving them, and not turn into a war of the sexes.
  8. If you want sex, just say so.
  9. Do not think that men will only say sweet phrases to you, like in movies.
  10. Don't expect a man to look like a fashion magazine cover model. Remember that he agreed to see you in a bathrobe and without makeup.
  11. The man you like wants to be the only person you talk to.
  12. A man is ready to donate his last money just to give you a few roses.
  13. Men, just like us, want to hear that they are still needed and loved.
  14. A man doesn't care how beautiful and wonderful a woman is as long as she acts like a "bitch" all the time.
  15. All people are different and ready to learn something new, so enjoy your communication with your man and see how much it will bring you together.
  16. Men are more emotional than you think. If they truly love, it will take them much longer than you think to let go of you in case of a breakup, and they will be hurt every time they try to build a new relationship.
  17. A man is ready to do almost anything to make you pay attention to him.
  18. Men don't pay attention to details. So don't expect that if you cut 2 to 10 cm of your hair, it will be immediately noticed.
  19. Men tend to like films with elements of porn.
  20. Everything that was said six months ago is unacceptable as arguments. All comments expire after seven days.
  21. If your man is a football fan, then don't expect him to happily jump in and discuss your mom's visit while the World Cup is on TV.
  22. Cooking, and especially the preparation of delicious dishes, makes a girl more attractive to a man.
  23. You can't be mad at your boyfriend for not wanting to introduce your not-so-attractive girlfriend to one of his cute friends.
  24. Do not try to control your man always and in everything. Even the most weak-willed male representatives want to feel like commanders.
  25. The only thing that needs to be said after sex with the man you love is "good night." Do not discuss with him at such moments the progress of children and plans for the weekend.
  26. Computer games help men develop finger motor skills, which increases their performance.
  27. Criticizing a man while driving is simply unacceptable.
  28. A bachelor party is a sacred event, the whole point of which is to spend time without women, even if they are loved ones. That's why men don't like to answer a bunch of questions about how it went and what they did there.
  29. Believe it or not, 99.5% of the time, men don't want to hurt you on purpose.
  30. Men may flirt with other girls during the day, but before going to bed, they always think about the girl they really love.
  31. Men hate it when women talk about their ex-boyfriends and their sexual preferences.
  32. If a man tells you about his problems, it is simply important for him to be listened to. You don't have to give him advice.
  33. Be sympathetic to the fact that a man can laugh out loud after watching a good comedy movie or shed a tear after a heartfelt drama.
  34. If you are having a conversation with a man in uniform: “You know what?!… Although no, nothing…. It doesn’t matter ... ”and at the same time assume a mysterious look, then be prepared for the fact that the man will make a completely wrong conclusion from your hints. It is better to use simple and clear phrases in order to get a predictable result.
  35. It's common for a guy to love you, and sometimes you can annoy him.
  36. Men love us more than we love them.
  37. No matter what men say about hot and sexy women, this is not a key factor for them.
  38. When a guy says he's crazy about a girl, it's true. Because men rarely talk about it.
  39. If a guy starts a serious conversation, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, maybe something happened.
  40. Men have a lot more problems than you can see with the naked eye.
  41. Men talk about women more than women talk about men.
  42. You enjoy it when a man calls and invites you to dinner and pays for you, don't you? Well, men would love that too, once in a while.
  43. It's only natural for men to look at other women. Men love with their eyes.
  44. It's not that men don't want to make their girls, it's just that sometimes they don't know how to achieve it.
  45. A man is ready for a lot to learn how to read a girl's thoughts for at least one day.
  46. Not all men are "goats", "fools" ... just because you had a bad experience. You can't treat them all the same.
  47. When a man sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, it shows his warm attitude towards you. This means that he loves you more than you can imagine.
  48. Even if you left a man who loved you a month ago, he probably still loves you. And if there is a strong desire, then you have a chance to be in his life again.
  49. Men love smart girls more than girls in miniskirts.
  50. Men don't like retellings of women's romances and news about your favorite cosmetics, just like you don't like spending hours discussing his favorite football team's game and shooting games.

As you know, men are not inclined to talk about their feelings, preferring to keep little secrets from their beloved. Want to know your partner's innermost thoughts? Join the reading of our next publication.

A man talks about his feelings indirectly

For a strong half of humanity, it is much easier to talk about your feelings not directly, I indirectly. You can ask him leading questions, and you will definitely find out how he felt at your first meeting and how long he hesitated before the first kiss.

He confesses his love through actions

Indeed, some men do not use words with a declaration of love in their vocabulary. However, this does not mean at all that they do not experience this feeling. For them, actions mean much more than words. Such a man will do everything for his beloved: clean the apartment, cook dinner and even take out the trash.

They are thinking about a serious relationship

Men are terribly afraid of making a mistake by entering into a serious relationship. But they really want to get married. It's just that they are looking for the only one with whom they could share the rest of their lives longer. According to statistics, 90% of married men say that if they were to marry again, they would still choose their current spouse.

The man really listens

In order to show the interlocutor that you hear him, it is not necessary to insert remarks into the dialogue every two minutes. A real man knows this. If he doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean he's suspended. He's just digesting information.

They bond with their partner through joint activities.

Any joint business, be it skiing, house cleaning or sex, makes the stronger sex feel closer to their partner. For men, it is much more important to do something together than to exchange thoughts and feelings.

They need time for themselves

As it turned out, common activities are crucial for rapprochement. However, on the other hand, a man should always have a piece of personal space. If he loves fishing, don't ban weekly outings with friends. Support and encourage all his hobbies, because you, in turn, will have time to take care of yourself.

Their fathers are an example

If you want to know how your partner will be in a relationship in 20 years, take a look at his father. The way the parents of the chosen one interact with each other will be the model of your relationship after a while.

They forget negativity faster

Women painfully perceive negative experiences, remember their mistakes longer, worry and grieve about the consequences of a wrong decision. Unlike girls, guys are less likely to dwell on bad experiences, not taking negative events to heart. Therefore, if you pull out the echoes of the last quarrel, be sure that he remembers almost nothing.

Men are less receptive to non-verbal cues

Only a woman can "read between the lines", notice the sadness on the face or masterfully recognize the tone of voice. Men do not attach much importance to this. If you want him to know about your condition, just tell it like it is.

They are more willing to participate in processes if they feel a return.

Express your gratitude to your spouse for the work done, and you will definitely feel the difference. Remember that men, like children, need praise.

They regularly think about sex

Perhaps now we have not revealed a big secret. Girls already know that their chosen ones regularly think about sexual pleasures. According to statistics, even at 60, men think about sex at least once a day. For comparison: such fantasies overtake only a quarter of women of the same age category. But that's not all. Men's sexual fantasies have absolutely no boundaries, and mysterious strangers may be present in your chosen one's erotic dreams. However, this does not mean at all that dreams are necessarily embodied in reality.

Sexual intimacy means a lot to them

It is erroneously considered that sexual intercourse for a man is, albeit a pleasant, but an ordinary physical process. In fact, sex for them is something more. In a serious relationship, intimacy is regarded as an important act of people devoted to each other. That is why long-term partners know everything about how to please their soulmate.

They love it when a woman initiates sex

Most guys are tired of the role of the eternal initiator of sexual pleasures. They dream of their partner taking on the role of "ringleader" as often as possible. Do not hesitate to show a playful mood in front of your beloved. This will lead to a higher level of satisfaction for both of you.

Guys are not always in the mood for sex

Now consider one curious nuance. It turns out that men are not always in the mood for intimacy. They may be unwell, or they may be thinking about how to pay their bills on time. The boss put forward the next requirements, or something is not going well with colleagues at work. Heavy thoughts or physical pain significantly reduce libido. Therefore, if a man says “Not today”, this does not mean at all that he has lost interest in you. He simply does not want to have sex in this period of time.

They like to please their lovers

Your pleasure is more important than anything in the world for a man. However, he is not clairvoyant, so be direct about your desires. This applies to things, entertainment, as well as intimate relationships. Get over the awkwardness and be open about what you like and don't like. This should in no way hurt his pride, because your partner strives to ensure that you feel as good as possible.

They fear becoming insolvent

Over the years, men have an increased sense of anxiety and fear for their own male viability. A man is also worried about loose skin on the body, lack of stamina or erectile dysfunction. Just help him relax and the tension will go away.

Men go to the side only when they do not feel satisfied

For representatives of the strong half of humanity, it is so important to feel like the most important and significant person. If they do not receive satisfaction of their needs in the family, they look for it on the side. True, this does not mean at all that he will immediately run to look for his mistress. He can really stay up late at work, thus finding an outlet. Also, a man can switch to sports or get hooked on video games.

He relies on his chosen one

Most men really value long-term relationships. For him, all those years that he spent with his beloved together are important. He doesn't intend to lose it all. That is why he is interested in strengthening the marriage.
