Crafts from garbage bags. Rugs and bags made from plastic bags

Crochet basket and bags made from plastic bags

In order to crochet a basket, a box for small items or a handbag, you don’t have to go to a craft store to buy yarn. Armed with a thick hook, you can use plastic bags and bags for knitting, which are available in every home after grocery shopping. You will learn how to cut bags into one long continuous polyethylene tape from the video master class below. And I’ll show you what you can knit from such a ribbon) If you want a handbag, or if you want a basket, there are plenty of ideas in the publication) Good luck and good mood to everyone)

So, let's watch a video master class on cutting plastic bags into one continuous strip. This video is in a foreign language, but you can understand everything without knowing it. By the way, you can purchase plastic bags, as well as packaging, from the manufacturer - from the Business Capital company. The main specialization of the company is the production of plastic bags, simple and also with the customer’s symbols. If you have your own company, you can order here original packaging with your company logo. You can also purchase eco-friendly biobags here; read more on the website

Red crochet basket made from plastic bags SIZE: 25.5 x 13 x 13 cm, not including handles

You will need:

  • Red and green plastic bag ribbons
  • No. 1 steel hook or suitable size
  • Hook No. G/6
  • 5 m of Christmas ribbon, 1 cm wide
  • Sewing needle and matching sewing thread

12 tbsp. without nac. = 5 cm with smaller hook.

Close the circles Art. unless otherwise stated.
RS = front side
IS = wrong side


Shell: in the indicated art. or arc.

Beginning shell: in the indicated art. or arc.

Flagellum: 2 air. p., art. without nac. in the 2nd stitch from the hook, turn the work half a turn away from you, st. without nac. over a single vertical thread at the top of the work, [turn the work half a turn away from you, st. without nac. above the double vertical thread at the top of the work] repeat to the desired length, fasten the thread.


Circle 1 (RS): With smaller hook and MC: 25 air. p., 2 tbsp. without nac. in 2nd air. p. from hook, 22 tbsp. without nac., 3 tbsp. without nac. in the last air P.; then knit on the reverse side of the chain: 22 tbsp. without nac., st. without nac. in the same air. p., as the first st., close in the first st. without air, air n., turn. (50 tbsp without nak.)

Circle 2: St. without nac. in the same st. as the connection, 3 tbsp. without nac. next Art. without nac. (first corner), st. without nak. in each Art. without nac. to the first st. next. groups of 3 tbsp. without nac., 3 tbsp. without nac. in the first st. (2nd corner), art. without nac. next tbsp., 3 tbsp. without nac. next Art. (3rd corner), st. without nac. in each Art. to the last tbsp, 3 tbsp. without nac. in the last Art., air. n., turn. (58 st. without nak.)

Circles 3-13: Art. without nac. in the same article as the connection, [Art. without nac. in each Art. without nac. to the central station track. groups of 3 tbsp. without nac., 3 tbsp. without nac. to central station] rep. all over the circle, finish st. without nac. in each remaining st. to the first st., close in the first st., air. p., turn, at the end of the 13th circle, close into the back st. of the first st., do not turn. (146 stitches at the end of the 13th circle).


Circle 1 (LS): 3 air. p. (counted as the first st. with nak.); We knit this circle only in the back stitches, st. with nak. in each Art. all over the circle, add 2 tbsp. with nak. through each column, close in the 3rd air. air chains n., turn. (148 st. with nak.)

Circles 2 & 3: 3 air. p., art. with nak. in each Art. around the entire circle, close in the 3rd air. air chains p., turn, at the end of the 3rd round, fasten the thread, turn. (148 st. with nak.)

Circle 4: IS to itself, with a smaller hook: join. CC conn. St. in the same st. as the connection, 5 air. p. (counted as the first st. with 2 nak.), st. with 2 nak. next Art., 2 air. p., skip 2 stitches, repeat. around the entire circle, close in the 4th point of the chain. (37 shells)

Circles 6 & 7: Conn. Art. next Art. and into the arc of the shell, beginning. shell in the same arc, shell in each. arc the shell around the entire circle, close it in the 4th point of the chain; At the end of the 7th circle, fasten the thread. (37 shells)

Round 8: BOS to yourself, with smaller hook, join. CC conn. Art. in the first arc of the shell, 5 air. p., art. with 2 nak. in the same arc, 2 air. p., rep. around the entire circle, close in the 5th air. p. of the initial chain, fasten the thread.

Circles 9 & 10: Rep. Circles 5 and 6; At the end of the 10th round, fasten the thread.

Round 11: BOS to yourself, with smaller hook, join. CC conn. Art. between the first 2 shells, air. p., art. without nac. in the same arc, * 3 air. p., 3 tbsp. with 2 nak. next arc shell, 3 air. p.**, art. without nac. between this and the next. shell, rep. from * around the whole circle, finish with **, close in the first st. without tension, fasten the thread.

HANDLE (2 pcs.)

Using MC ribbons in 2 folds, using a large hook and leaving a 20 cm end of thread at the beginning and end, tie a 25 cm flagellum. Set aside.


Cut 1 piece of ribbon 2 - 3 cm longer than necessary to fit around the outer edge of the basket. Pull the ribbon through the posts of the 40th row; sew the edges of the ribbon from the inside of the basket. Stretch the second ribbon between the columns of the 8th row and sew the ends. Holding the handles inside the basket, use threads left at both ends to attach the handles to the 11th row of the basket.

I'm glad to introduce my new one. This time I made a basket larger than the one I already have and for this basket I knitted a lid. Not big Master Class I suggest you look below.

For the job I needed five 80L garbage bags, copper wire, a hook and a little imagination. The basket turned out to be six centimeters deep, of course I could have made it bigger, but I don’t have that much wire, and you can say I got it just right. I knitted the basket with single crochets, tying wire around the circumference to make the basket stable.

First, I knitted the bottom, then, without interrupting the knitting, I moved to the walls of the basket; to do this, I needed to knit the edge not by pulling the hook through two loops, but by pulling it through one outer loop. In this way, a break is obtained and during subsequent knitting the pattern goes onto the wall of the basket, and then knitted in single crochets in the same way. I also tied the wire all the way to the very top of the basket without tearing it off.

I knitted the lid for the basket in the same way as the basket, only I increased it a little in diameter so that it could easily cover the basket.

This work took me very little time; for those who know how to knit, this work will be a mere trifle, and for those who are just learning, they will be able to gain invaluable experience. If you decide to knit a similar basket from bags, you can contact me for advice, I will be happy to help.

Using this method, you can knit baskets of any size and shape, and the color of the bags can also be chosen to suit your taste. Nowadays there are many bags of different colors on sale; for some craftswomen who are fond of this kind of needlework, this is a treasure. I wish you pleasant creativity, may inspiration not leave you!

Crocheting a basket is quite simple. Even a child can handle this. But if you knit from ordinary threads, the basket will turn out to be too soft and will not hold its shape. You'll have to starch it and then dry it. You can avoid unnecessary hassle if you use ribbons cut from plastic bags instead of yarn. There are quite a few used packaging bags in every home. Here we will put them into action.
Soft plastic bags of any color, including transparent ones, will do. These can be T-shirt bags with handles, or regular lunch bags. The polyethylene basket holds its shape perfectly and, if necessary, is easy to clean.
First we need to prepare the material from which we will knit the basket. We take a plastic bag, fold it and cut off the strips one by one. approximately one centimeter wide. Each strip will be closed into a ring. We take two rings, insert one into the other, as shown in the photo: the right one will be slipped under the left one. Fold the ring on the right in half and pull its lower part into the upper one. Carefully tighten the knot. Do not pull the tape too tightly, otherwise the polyethylene may tear. It is important to ensure that the knot is exactly in the middle.

We connect all the rings in the same way. To make it easier to knit in the future, we wind the resulting “thread” into a ball.
For knitting it is better to use a thick crochet hook. Size No. 7 will fit. It will take no more than an hour.
First you need to weave a chain of eight air loops, then connect its edges together. To move to the second row, you need to cast on two air loops, and then knit twenty-three double crochets.

In the next row we will add one chain stitch after each double crochet. The knitting should be flat because it will be the bottom of the basket.
Then we knit in the same way, alternating a double crochet and a chain stitch, but without adding. Knitting should “grow” from the bottom up. You need to knit three rows. This grid pattern will allow you to make the basket openwork. To make the basket more stable, you can put a circle cut out of cardboard on the bottom.
For the handle we knit a braid of sixteen air loops, which, for strength, we tie with regular stitches.
A basket knitted from plastic bags can be an excellent basis for an Easter composition. You can put, for example, colored eggs and sweets in it. Or decorate with flowers.

There are creative people who know many ways to arrange plastic bags in such a way that many designers and eminent craftsmen can envy. But most of us only have enough imagination to reuse them. As it turned out, this amazingly pliable material can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also to make very useful and truly exclusive things for your home. And if you still decide to get rid of the accumulated pile of packages, then this interesting master class is definitely for you.

Every home is required to have its own package of... packages that are stored in huge quantities. Well, what if it comes in handy?! And when this bag of bags swells to alarming proportions, we begin to think about where to put them so that it will be useful for business, and we don’t want to pollute the environment at all. It will be very useful for such cases master class on making a simple basket, which will certainly come in handy in the household.

1. Materials and tools

In order to weave a very simple basket, you will need:

Plastic bags;
- scissors;
- sewing needle;
- polyester threads with increased strength;
- a large nail or hook (for ease of weaving).

2. Preparatory work

In order to have “threads” for weaving, you need to prepare it. To do this, each plastic bag must be cut correctly. First we cut off the handles and the bottom, then cut strips 4 cm wide along the bias, without interrupting until the end of the bag.

This should create one long strip. You can cut all the material into such “threads” at once, but it is better to do this in several steps, because you don’t know how many of them you will need, and whether you can make a basket in the allotted time.

3. Weaving technique

In order to weave braids from cut strips, you need to find an anchoring point. To do this, you can simply drive a nail into the side of a bedside table, for example, or a table leg (decide for yourself), you can also use any other base from which you can easily remove the finished “yarn.”

To make a braid, take three strips and fold them in half for strength and volume of the finished product. Having hooked onto the existing fastening, we begin to weave a regular braid. Experts on the site advise you to control the tension of the “thread”; you shouldn’t tighten it too much - it will be very ugly, but you shouldn’t do it too loosely either - you’ll end up with a very loose and unstable basket.

You cannot weave to the very ends, because you will need to tie polyethylene “threads” together for continuity of the process. To do this, at the end of the weaving, we connect each of the three strips with a double knot. Thus, you need to braid the braid until all the bags are gone.

4. Assembling the basket

When the braid is completely ready, begin to twist the free edge in a spiral, into a so-called snail, forming the bottom of the basket. Decide on the diameter yourself, but it’s better not to make it small, because the product will turn out unstable.

Each row of the spiral must be secured to each other using a needle and strong thread. When the base is ready, begin to form the sides.

Now the rest of the braided tape needs to be laid in a circle and each row carefully secured. At the same time, try to control the tension of the thread so as not to spoil the appearance, and the strength of the “structure” itself is not affected.

The remaining free edge must be hidden inside the basket and firmly secured with threads. That's all - a simple basket is ready, which you can use as you wish.

Every person, at least once in his life, is faced with the problem of threading a needle, and it arises not only among amateurs, but also among craftswomen. In order not to suffer for a long time trying to do this, look at one interesting and very effective way, or you are doing it for the first time.
