Halves - “a shocking TV show, trash, children, as well as people with unstable psyches, are not allowed in! Polish surgeons could not help the girl “without a face.” Transfer of half to a girl with a distorted face.

Hi all! Not long ago on "New" channel a new show has started called "Halves." I usually don’t watch such shows, but a friend of mine told me that they were walking along the embankment and that’s where they were filming this show. I was interested to see.

What is this show about?

Three participants who are conditionally divided into three different categories - ordinary people, people with super powers, and real eccentrics. All program participants find themselves in difficult life situations. Some are too thin, while others feel uncomfortable because of their height. Some are too suspicious, while others fear germs more than death. Some people are ready to challenge the outside world no matter what, while others are simply capable of shocking the civilized world with their behavior and manners. They are not like the others.

In general, in each episode there are new participants who are looking for their love, psychologists of the TV project, communicate with everyone and try to find the first soul mate

I started watching from the first episode, there was a beautiful, pretty girl Masha who suffers anorexia , but is now undergoing treatment and wants to change his life:

This is how she was before her illness:

And here it is now:

Masha, they found a guy named Dima who hosts weddings, a positive, cheerful person who doesn’t mind promoting himself, since I saw Dima before this program, in other programs.

This is how their first date went:

In parallel, psychologists “worked” with Masha, if this can be called work, since they suggested that she lie in a coffin in order to instill a love for life.

At the end they meet in a beautiful hall:

And most importantly, they must make a choice whether to exchange silver pendants with each other, halves from the heart, with each other's names:

Using the example of one couple, I showed what the essence of this program is.

And now about my impressions:

I watched several episodes, there were different people, people with disabilities, people suffering from cerebral palsy, people with poor vision, in general, different people, I feel incredibly sorry for everyone, and I want them to find their true soul mates. But those whom the show’s writers choose to pair with them are outrageous.

They turned everything into a farce and nonsense, and sometimes they mock other people’s shortcomings.

Therefore, I want to bash those who offend, but I want to bash the directors of the show even more.

People come to the show very different, androgynes, Anime fans, relatively famous video bloggers, a forty-year-old virgin, the girl from Weighted and Happy, albinos.

Here is an example of the circus of a vioblogger who eats from the trash, drinks with the homeless, who has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for 5 years. And with him is a lady who is already married. They came to look for their love. Yeah, how about:

There were also touching moments, for example, a girl in a wheelchair of stunning beauty. Unfortunately, I was smoking on the balcony and fell. It sunk into my very heart, I really wish her success, to get back on her feet as soon as possible, especially since I found out that she can already get up on her own.

Hello, dear friends. One of the scariest moments in my life was when my mother had a stroke. Fortunately, we were able to quickly provide assistance, so the consequences were not catastrophic. Mom recovered quite quickly. And only one consequence after a stroke caused inconvenience for a long time - facial asymmetry.

But over time we managed. And gymnastics provided the main help in this. It turns out that it helps in many cases. And this article is about how to get rid of facial asymmetry yourself at home.

What is considered pathological asymmetry?

A slight discrepancy between the right and left halves of the face is present in everyone. The differences are so insignificant that you can only notice them if you look closely. The right eye may be slightly wider than the left, one ear is slightly higher than the other. Have you noticed it yourself?

If the difference is less than 2 mm (or 3 degrees), then this is not a pathology and does not require correction. This is how our face scores points in the personality column.

There is an interesting test to determine how different the left and right halves of our appearance are. I experimented on myself: the result is amazing.

You need to take a photo looking directly into the lens under conditions of uniform lighting. We upload the photo into a graphics editor. Use a vertical line to divide the face in half, making two images.

And in each we make a mirror image for the half, thus obtaining a whole oval of the face. I didn't recognize myself!

But it never occurred to me before that I had slight asymmetry. I agree with the easy one

I won’t show my results, but look at the photo of Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds. Isn't it like it's like three different people? But handsome Brad Pitt (pictured above) is almost symmetrical.

But, alas, sometimes the facial features on the left and right are too different. And they become the reason for dislike of appearance. This means there is a need to work on yourself. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way out.

What facial asymmetry can gymnastics overcome?

Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon. Traditionally they are divided into 2 parts.

1. Congenital

If the bones of the jaw, skull, facial joints, connective or muscle tissue develop incorrectly, this leads to distortion of features.

If the distortion is small, hairstyle and makeup for a woman, beard and mustache for a man will help make it invisible.

In other cases, correction in the form of surgery will most likely be required. Modern plastic surgery works wonders and can fix almost anything.

2. Purchased

Here, the source of asymmetry in an adult or child can be injury, improper “ownership” of one or another part of the face, or disease. Most often this is:

  • the result of severe strabismus;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve, which can occur from walking without a hat in winter, from a draft in summer, or even from stress;
  • clamping of a nerve fiber, for example, due to a stroke - and it must be said that today it can occur not only in an old person, but even in a teenager;
  • dental problems, when the entire row of teeth in the jaw is missing, or an incorrect bite has developed;
  • fractures of the jaw and other facial bones, their improper fusion;
  • torticollis in children;
  • incorrect habits and facial expressions, when a person chews exclusively on one side or always sleeps in the same position, or regularly squints with one eye.

What to do if a stroke or nerve inflammation has caused part of the face to lose sensation and a clearly visible curvature?

First of all, we go to the doctors to accurately determine the cause and agree on treatment.

You should consult with the following specialists:

  • dentist;
  • orthodontist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • maxillofacial surgeon;
  • neuropathologist.

If surgical correction of the pathology is not prescribed, massage and special facial exercises will most likely be indicated, which I want to tell you about in as much detail as possible in this article.

Gymnastics against facial asymmetry

Exercises are general strengthening exercises that have a beneficial effect on the skin and muscles, help fight against a double chin. But there is also special facial gymnastics against asymmetry.

In any case, you can make them at home. The first gymnastics is like exercise, 1-2 times a day. The second - depending on the condition. In principle, the more often the better, targeting problem areas.

A set of general strengthening exercises

  1. Palms on the forehead, raise and lower the eyebrows, as if we were very surprised, 10 times.
  2. We tense our eyelids, opening our eyes as wide as possible for 3 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.
  3. We inflate our cheeks, and then exhale sharply, making them hollow, 10 times.
  4. We alternately inflate one or the other cheek 10 times.
  5. We stretch our lips into a very wide smile, exposing our teeth. Then we collect it into a tube. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Move the jaw forward 10 times.
  7. Move your jaw left and right 10 times.
  8. Open and close your mouth 10 times.
  9. We close the upper lip with the lower lip, pulling the lower one up as much as possible. We feel the tension of the skin under the chin. Repeat 10 times.
  10. Move your chin forward and tense your neck muscles. Repeat 10 times.

A set of exercises against asymmetry

  1. For the affected side, repeat each exercise 20 times. For another - 10 times.
  2. We close our eyes tightly, then relax.
  3. Putting your fingers on your eyebrows at your temple, make an “up and down” motion with your eyes.
  4. We frown - slowly, with serious effort.
  5. We stretch the eyebrows up to the limit, at the same time raising the eyelids.
  6. Place your fingers on the wings of your nose and draw in air through resistance.
  7. Having closed our lips, we stretch them into a thin thread, pronouncing “I”.
  8. We alternately smile with the left and then the right half of our lips.
  9. We roll our tongue into a tube, open our mouth slightly, inhale and exhale.
  10. We move the tongue around the inner circle, moving between the teeth.

Acquired asymmetry can be corrected without surgery. But if these are consequences of the disease and after six months they do not disappear, then you should consult a doctor and consult about the condition of the muscle. The problem may need to be addressed surgically. But often gymnastics is enough.

Now let's digress a little.

Stars with facial asymmetry

If all our celebrities had perfectly symmetrical faces, they would be boring to look at. However, it is doubtful that they would have become famous then. Slight asymmetry adds charm and makes the face special and recognizable.

Look at Meryl Streep: her nose is slightly tilted to the side, as is the oval of her mouth. We see the same thing with Harrison Ford, in addition, his ears are not on the same line. Handsome Jim Morrison had an uneven lip line: on the right they are much thinner.

And even the most famous models in the world - those who have become famous throughout the world - have asymmetrical nuances in their faces, despite their almost ideal appearance.

Just evaluate Cindy Crawford's face: her wonderful smile is far from the mathematical ideal of symmetry. A rather large mole on the lip also adds piquancy.

So you should never strive for a faceless ideal. And it’s better to always remain yourself, correcting only what really interferes with your life and feeling happy. Read this blog - let's learn to enjoy life together!

Natalya Ivanova from the city of Lebedin, Sumy region suffers from a rare disease - neurofibromatosis of the first type. Because of this, the girl is forced to live virtually without... half her face. One side of her face is distorted by a large tumor that continues to grow.

Natalya recently returned from Poland, where she consulted with local medical luminaries. After the examination, the Polish doctors admitted that they could not help Natalya, they advised her to look for a plastic surgeon and a geneticist - after all, her disease is inherited. The good news is that the girl was consoled that she did not have cancer.

"Know"I talked to a girl without a face and found out the details of her life.

Even doctors cannot say for sure where Natalya Ivanova got this disease from. They believe that the disease is hereditary.

This disease begins with invisible brown spots that grow into a tumor and sometimes reach considerable weight. Natalya's father has such spots on his body, but he never suffered from neurofibromatosis. And he didn’t even imagine that such spots could be dangerous for his children.

“I developed the disease in early childhood. Almost after birth, doctors noticed that there was something wrong with my face, and from the age of six months I settled in the hospital. Almost my entire childhood - procedures, IVs, surgeries...” - the girl remembers.

However, she talks about her childhood in the village with warmth.

“We had an ordinary rural family - mom, dad, younger sister. They loved me. And I was always active, such a tomboy. Friends got used to me - I always tried to live like everyone else. My parents made no difference between my sister and me, therefore, I didn’t feel inferior. Mom always convinced me that we would not give up, we would fight and definitely overcome the disease,” says Natalya.

He explains that the other simply cannot imagine himself.

“My fellow villagers got used to me, the children didn’t tease me at school. Maybe because I could stand up for myself. But strangers who didn’t know me sometimes looked at me. My mother came to the rescue: “Don’t look at me like that, people are different,” says Natalia.

Despite her illness, Natalya trained as an accountant, enjoys cooking, and has many friends.

Now the girl’s left half of her face is normal, without changes, but the right half is distorted by the disease. Because of this, Natalya cannot see in her right eye and has difficulty hearing in her right ear. Throughout her life, the girl underwent 14 operations, but this did not produce a noticeable effect. For some time, the disease receded, and then began to progress again - it turns out that the facial tumor grows along with the body.

“At the age of 13, during an operation, I experienced clinical death. My parents didn’t tell me - they didn’t want to scare me. After this treatment they postponed it - they were afraid that I would die, because my body was undermined by anesthesia. In Kyiv, when I was operated on, my carotid artery was damaged “The operation ended in blood loss,” says the girl. Therefore, she and her parents decided to try to look for doctors outside of Ukraine.

“Once I read the story of a girl whose tumor covered her entire face. And recently, a Polish surgeon performed an operation on her, which was successful. This surgeon’s name is Adam Maciejewski, he works in Poland, a world-famous doctor. And then I thought that this is my last chance. I started looking for information about his practice, the operations he performed and became convinced that he was truly a unique surgeon. I read dozens, hundreds of reviews from his patients,” says the girl.

Journalists and concerned people who learned Natalya’s story helped write to the doctor. The answer was not long in coming.

“Dear Natasha! I’m glad that they told me about you. You are a strong person who does not give up in the face of difficulties. I am ready to help you and am waiting for you in my clinic. Sincerely, Adam Maciejewski,” Natalya still keeps the letter- reply from Poland.
