White cat breed with blue eyes. Cats of all breeds with photographs, names and character traits

White and fluffy domestic cats have always been valued by residents of Russia and Ukraine. From time immemorial, this color has always been associated by people as the color of goodness and light. Even in Ancient Egypt, the white cat was regarded as a sacred animal, capable of healing people and endowing them with wisdom. More details about this breed, how pets behave in the house, videos, photos - all this is presented in this material.


Special signs

As stated above, the white cat has always been considered an example of the purest color. If you follow international standards, you need to understand that a real white cat should not have any signs of other colors on its body. And even other shades.

A white cat must be exclusively pure white in color, otherwise it will be considered just a mix. Although it should also be taken into account that white kittens at an early age are not always snow-white. A white fluffy kitten may have spots on its body or specks on its head. But they often disappear with age.

It should also be added that white kittens change their eye color with age. If a kitten had blue eyes as a child, then it is possible that with age the white cat will have amber or green eyes. But animals with blue eyes occupy a special place among such pets.

Sometimes a cat may become snow-white over time, but previously its color may have been different. Moreover, such an animal may have red eyes. What does this mean? The fact that a white cat may well be an albino. An albino is a cat whose fur has lightened as a result of failures at the genetic level, that is, in the absence of pigmentation. They are essentially no different from other cats, but their eyes may have a reddish tint.

Variety of white breeds

Snow-white cats can be completely different. After all, it all depends on the breed. What types of snow-white animals do residents of our country prefer to have in their homes today? The breeds of white cats are presented below.

Turkish Angora

Very often, a white Turkish Angora cat comes across different eyes. Therefore, there is no single standard regarding eye color. On average, the weight of an adult is about 3-4 kilograms. A male can weigh up to 5 kg.

The color of such animals can be absolutely any, with the exception of brown or Himalayan color. But, naturally, the most valuable color is white. Breeders do not recommend mixing this breed with any non-white pets. Moreover, snow-white specimens are always more valuable. The fur of such an animal has no undercoat. Its length may vary. As a rule, the fur on the collar and tail is long. There should be so-called panties on the hind legs.

This breed is easy to train. White kittens are smart, well-mannered, affectionate, and quickly become attached to humans. The fur of such pets should be carefully combed. In the off-season, the white cat sheds heavily. In practice, pets with different eyes often have hearing problems.

Foreign White

Foreign Whites are a type of Oriental cat. This white cat first appeared in 1965 in the USA as a result of selection. His ancestors in the Middle East can be found in almost every home. But in Europe and the USA it is not so popular. This variety should have snow-white fur, and there should not be a single sign of yellowishness on it. By the way, this color of Orientals is the only one in which the eyes should be blue. If a white cat has eyes of different colors, then such pets are often not allowed to mate.

If a kitten has eyes of different colors, it means that he received them from Oriental parents. Sometimes there are spots on the top of the head of such kittens that disappear over time.

Persian breed with blue eyes

Animals of the Persian variety can have any color. But if the animal is endowed with snow-white color, then it will have blue eyes. The fur of this pet is fluffy and very long. Such an animal requires regular brushing. The Persian blue-eyed cat has a phlegmatic character; pets become very attached to their owner.

As a result of this, they are very dependent on humans, which makes them lazier. If you don't take care of the fur, tangles will form in it. It is also necessary to wipe your cat's eyes from time to time. A white cat of the Persian breed, as a result of blockage of the lacrimal glands, needs regular eye care.

All white cats are deaf: myth and reality

There is often an opinion that pets with blue eyes are in most cases deaf. Why is this so? It should be noted that there is some truth in this.

Indeed, animals with blue eyes may suffer from hearing impairment, but this does not mean that they are deaf.

Why do people think that white cats are deaf? It has already been scientifically proven that a white cat with blue eyes is more modest and has a timid character. This may be due to hearing impairment. But the fact that animals with blue eyes are completely deaf is nothing more than a myth. According to the results of a study of such pets, only a small part of them - 5% - are born deaf.

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Video “All about Turkish Angora”

You can find out all the basic information about the Turkish Angora.

Most kittens have a gray-blue eye until they are six months old, and by the age of 6 months the iris takes on its final color, most often yellow or green. However, there are breeds of white cats with blue eyes that are highly valued among breeders, and to purchase such a beautiful pet you will have to shell out a tidy sum.

What determines eye color in cats?

White color and blue eyes are a rather rare combination, and are found in kitties, whose bodies produce a small amount of melanocyte pigment, which is responsible for the “color” of the individual. In cases where the level of this enzyme is high, the iris of the animal's eyes turns darker.

In addition, during intrauterine development, the migration of special substances to the skin and eyes of the animal may be inhibited. In such a situation, the coloring enzymes simply do not have time to reach the hair and iris, and the cat’s fur remains uncolored and the eyes turn blue.

For your information. Many breeders are interested in the question of what kind of offspring such unusual cats will have. Since the existence of a paired “blue-eyed and white-haired” gene has been proven, the likelihood of such individuals giving birth to babies with a similar color of hair and iris is very high.

List of common breeds of white cats with blue eyes with photos and names

There are many breeds of cats with white fur and blue eyes. The most common varieties include the varieties below.

Khao Mani breed

The Khao Mani cat with blue eyes is short-haired and has a graceful, slender body with a developed muscular system. The ears of such animals are sharp, and the eyes seem to glow due to the unusual edging. The color of their iris is not only blue, but also yellow-green. Occasionally you can see a Kao Mani pussy with different colored eyes.

Such individuals are very hardy and physically strong, but at the same time they are distinguished by a calm disposition and friendly character. They play with children with pleasure, relate well to other animals and do not conflict with their brothers of other breeds.

In Thailand, which is the birthplace of these unusual pussies, they are considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Scottish breed

The fur of these cute blue-eyed cats with a compact, rounded body is snow-white in color and has a bright, healthy shine. The iris of their eyes can be not only blue, but also amber-yellow.

These individuals can be recognized by their small ears pressed against their round head, as well as by their unusual voice. These pets will not meow to remind the owner of themselves, but will make squeaking sounds with their voices.

Scottish kitties have an easy-going character, they are very attached to their owners, and get along well with children and elderly family members. These individuals never show aggression towards other animals, but prefer to be indifferent-neutral.

This white fluffy cat with blue eyes has the following distinctive external features:

  • large round body;
  • wide chest and powerful back;
  • short and massive legs covered with white delicate “fluff”;
  • small tail.

To the touch, the fur of the Persian variety is very soft and silky, and due to this, the animal resembles a white cloud. Individuals of this breed are not distinguished by high motor activity and playfulness; this is probably one of the laziest varieties of cats. Most of all, they love to spend time on the laps of family members or napping in a warm place, curled up in a ball.

Persian cats are distinguished by their phlegmatic and easy-going disposition; they are non-aggressive, but at the same time they are quite capable of standing up for themselves.

Javanese breed

White Javanese cats can have blue and green irises.

This type of pet can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • smooth, but not too short fur;
  • slender body on long thin legs;
  • elongated strong neck;
  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • large triangular ears.

Such a pet will be devoted to its owner, but will require constant attention, love and care. They love to play and exercise a lot, but families with small children should avoid having Javanese kitties. The fact is that these wayward animals do not like too much when they are perceived as a toy and can give the most decisive rebuff to a naughty baby.

The most common breed of blue-eyed, white-haired cat is the Turkish Angora. The iris can also be green or amber, which is much more common.

These animals can be recognized by the following distinctive features:

  • lean body with excellent muscles;
  • long triangular ears;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • a tail of an unusual shape, vaguely reminiscent of a feather.

These cats are distinguished by their mobility and developed hunting instinct. They love to play and do not tolerate loneliness well, but at the same time they distinguish only one family member, whom they recognize as their master.

The cat will treat all other household members quite friendly, will allow itself to be stroked and held in your arms, but you should not force your communication on the animal if it wants to sleep or go about its business, as this may anger the wayward pet.

British breed

White individuals among representatives of the British variety are quite rare.

You can determine whether an animal belongs to this breed by the following external differences:

  • dense, squat body;
  • developed muscular system;
  • rounded muzzle;
  • small ears;
  • rather short tail.

Since this animal has a thick undercoat, the British cat is very soft and gentle to the touch.

The character of this pet is balanced and patient; they are very devoted to their owners, but at the same time they do not allow themselves to be offended. A kitten that looks like a toy is quite capable of reacting aggressively to oppression, so it is better not to get such an animal for those who have small children. A child can hurt the pussy, for which he will be immediately punished.

Recently, cats of this breed have gained popularity all over the world. They seem arrogant and unapproachable, however, this is only an appearance. Sphinxes are affectionate and devoted to their owners, and they are especially kind to small children.

The body of an animal of this breed can be colored in different ways, including white and pink.

The Sphinx has the following distinctive external features:

  • lean, muscular body with a round tummy;
  • long thin legs;
  • small head;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • huge, almost round eyes;
  • large triangular ears;
  • lack of hair on the body.

Such a cat will become a devoted and good friend of a child or an elderly person, but at the same time it will require special care and increased attention.

Why are cats with white coats and blue eyes often deaf?

It has been proven that almost 50% of white-haired and blue-eyed individuals distinguish sounds very poorly, and about 5% of them are completely deaf. At the same time, such cats have developed other senses, and they are able to recognize steps or voices due to the fact that they perfectly capture air vibrations.

Why are hearing problems so common among white blue-eyed birds? The fact is that the genes responsible for this color create obstacles to the normal development of the auditory organs. It is noteworthy that such individuals can be deaf not only in both ears at once, but also in one.

White cats with blue eyes may have hearing problems.

When one eye of the pussy is blue and the other is yellow or green, the ear that is on the same side with the sky-colored eye will hear worse.

For your information! White pussycats should not be exposed to the sun for long periods of time. This is due to the fact that the fur on their ears is sparse and does not protect the skin well, which is why it can quickly tan, even getting a sunburn. This is dangerous because exposure to ultraviolet rays can provoke cancer in white cats.

How to care for the fur of white cats

Those who have acquired a snow-white pet should know that maintaining the neat appearance of this cat will be much more difficult than caring for the fur of an animal of a different color. Any dirt or stain on the fur will cause the pussy to look dirty and unkempt.

  1. Brush your cat daily, which will help remove dust and prevent the formation of tangles.
  2. Bath the animal using hypoallergenic shampoos, conditioners and conditioners. Under no circumstances should you choose products with a tinting effect; this can cause serious allergies in your pet.
  3. After bathing, dry the cat’s “fur coat” with a hairdryer, otherwise dust will quickly stick to the wet fur, and the animal will look even dirtier than before the “bath” procedures.
  4. Monitor your cat's diet and try not to give her liver, heart, or food supplements containing extracts from carrots or seaweed. This may cause the hairs to appear yellowish.
  5. Do not purchase trays with bars or low meshes for your pet. In such a toilet, the cat will definitely get its paws and tail dirty and will look untidy.

The fur of a white cat, especially fluffy ones, requires regular care.

If, despite all efforts and following the recommendations given, the animal’s fur still turns yellow, you should consult a specialist. This sign may indicate a problem with the adrenal glands or thyroid gland.

Is it true that all white cats are deaf?

No, this is not always the case, but many white cats with blue eyes are deaf. The gene responsible for the white color is dominant and is symbolically designated as W (for white cats). This gene overrides the genes for all other colors, so white cats can be genetically black or red, but white masks these colors.

As noted, the gene responsible for the white color is in this case denoted W, the gene responsible for the non-white color is denoted w.

  • WW (homozygous) gives white color
  • Ww (heterozygous) gives a white color
  • ww - this combination of genes gives a non-white color

A white cat's eyes may be blue, but not blue. Often white cats have copper or gold eyes, or multi-colored eyes (one eye is blue, the other is gold, or even green). Among white cats with blue eyes, deafness is more common than among white cats with other eye colors. This is already formed during intrauterine development. After conception, the embryo splits into three primitive germ layers:

  • Endoderm – the inner layer of cells that form the respiratory tract (excluding the nose), digestive tract, bladder and urethra
  • Mesoderm - the middle layer of cells that form connective tissue, bones, cartilage, muscles, blood, blood vessels, kidneys, peritoneum, gonads
  • Ectoderm - the outer layer of cells that form claws, fur, pigment cells, nervous system, eyes and ears

As you can see, the ectoderm forms the pigment cells, eyes and ears. It is possible that white cats with blue eyes have a defect in the development of the ectoderm, which leads to deafness.

It should be noted that if you are deaf with different colored eyes, then the deaf ear is on the same side as the blue eye.

Deafness usually affects white cats with blue eyes, but not always. A study of 185 white cats yielded the following results:

  • 25% of white cats with yellow eyes have normal hearing
  • 31% of white cats with blue eyes have normal hearing
  • 7% of white cats with yellow eyes are deaf
  • 37% of white cats with blue eyes are also deaf

Albino cats

The gene responsible for albinism is different from the W gene. Albino cats are not deaf at all. There are five known alleles for albinism in cats: solid color (C), Burmese (cb), Siamese (Cs), blue-eyed albinism (partial albinism c/a), and pink-eyed albinism (C/C). Writing with a fraction means that the top gene is dominant, the bottom is recessive.

The cause of albinism is that a cat's fur contains a reduced number of pigment cells (melanocytes), whereas non-albino cats have a "normal" number of melanocytes, but these are masked by the W gene. A partial albino (c/a) will have light blue eyes, a full albino (C/C) – pink eyes.

White cat breeds

  • American Shorthair
  • Oriental white
  • Norwegian forest

How to check if a cat is deaf

If you suspect your cat is deaf in one or both ears, you can get a BAER test at your veterinarian's office. The principle of this method is based on assessing the electrical activity of the brain and recording so-called evoked potentials in response to sound stimulation.

Caring for a white cat

Deaf cats are more sensitive to other signals; they respond to vibrations transmitted through the ground or through the air. They are very attentive to the reactions of their fellow tribesmen to noises that they themselves cannot perceive. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether a kitten is deaf or simply calm if it behaves by imitating its siblings who perceive sounds. Communication between cats occurs more through smell (odors, pheromones) and visually (claw marks, body language) than through hearing.

Deaf cats get along quite well with other cats. For humans, a cat’s deafness is a significant disadvantage, since communication occurs mainly in “verbal” form. Therefore, the owner of a deaf cat will have to radically change his habits regarding his pet. White cats have an increased risk of sunburn and skin cancer. In addition, due to deafness, they can be harmed by cars or some kind of predators. You should not let a deaf cat roam freely.

Breeders need to remove cats with progressive deafness and those producing deaf kittens from breeding.

Names for white cats and male cats

Snowball, Snowflake, Snowball, Lily, Snowdrop, Lily of the Valley, Angel, Angel, Blanche, Blonde, Blondie, White, Whitey, Marshmallow, Winter, Kefir, Edelweiss, Squirrel, Blanca, Bianca, Camellia, Sour Cream. Any word that evokes associations with the color white and has a beautiful sound will do, for example, Ice - ice, Snow - snow, and so on.



Associated with a “bad sign”, white has always been considered its opposite - a sign of approaching happiness. was perceived as a symbol of purity and innocence. This affects the attitude towards owners of snow-white fur coats. In the old days, white cats often accompanied young girls. Such animals lived in aristocratic houses and were considered an indicator of “chic”.

Nowadays, white cats are especially loved by advertising creators - their grace can emphasize the beauty of the interior or the extraordinary cleanliness created by the advertised product.

Snow-white beauties come in different breeds. However, the most popular is this small, very graceful cat, with thin long hair, a muzzle with expressive high cheekbones, fairly long legs and neat small paws. It must be said that this breed was formed naturally, that is, without the participation of breeders. It is the oldest in Iran and Turkey. White color is the main and most popular color for Angoras, although cats of this breed can come in a wide variety of colors.

White color is characteristic of many breeds. Breeders continually breed them based on a white undercoat with additional darker shades. Experts call this color “silver.” Everyone is well aware of the “Siamese” color - all the cat’s fur is white, except for the face, paws and tail. Completely white cats are highly valued by experts and are found in almost all known and popular breeds. Persian cats are considered the most spectacular. Their long snow-white fur makes the animals absolutely charming.

White cats are also born to the most ordinary domestic cats, who inherited genes from an “aristocrat” cat who mysteriously ended up in their pedigree.

Many experts believe that snow-white beauties are more vulnerable and timid than their purebred counterparts. They should be protected from stress and unnecessary worries; when changing their “place of residence” they should be given time to adapt. The attention and care of the owners of “Snow White” is greatly appreciated and they are rewarded with good manners and affection. Usually these cats are affectionate, but not intrusive.

White cats need careful care, especially if they walk outside - their white coat gets dirty very quickly. This is why cats of this color bathe much more often than others.

White cats (photo No. 2) are a rather rare natural phenomenon. According to some data, there are only 5% of them in nature. Despite the fact that Turkish Angora cats firmly hold the first place in popularity, white Persian cats can be considered true aristocrats. The long, thick, snow-white fur makes these animals charming.

In recent years, the number of white cat lovers has been steadily growing. There are even special societies for the protection of snow-white cats. Specialist breeders are breeding these. They are inspired to do this work by a luxurious white cat. Pictures of him can also be seen in our article.

Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora

  • The most popular white cat with blue eyes is the Turkish Angora breed. The pet has an aristocratic appearance: an exquisite profile, large ears, and a wedge-shaped head. The body is slender and muscular. The Turkish Angora can be recognized by its unusual feather-shaped tail. White cats of this breed are real hunters. They are very playful and good-natured, but have strong affection only for their owner. They do not like loneliness and persistently seek human attention. Eye color can be green, blue or amber. Sometimes there are cats with different colored eyes; such pets are held in high esteem in Turkey, they are even allowed to enter the mosque.

Khao Mani

Khao Mani breed

  • A white cat with blue eyes of the Khao Mani breed is a very rare and expensive maternity animal from Thailand. Their eyes glow like diamonds due to their unusual edging. Cats of this breed are very friendly and intelligent, love children and get along with other animals. Khao Mani are short-haired cats with a graceful neck, pointed ears and an oriental build. But despite this, they are very strong. Eye color can be yellow, green and blue. Sometimes there are owners of different colored eyes. Thais believe that such cats bring good luck.

Persian cats

Persian cat

  • Among Persians there are also owners of white fur and blue eyes. Persian cats have a massive body, wide chest, large paws, and a relatively small tail. Persians are loved for their expressive large eyes and fluffy silky fur. Typically white cats of this breed have dark blue eyes. The Persians have an easy-going character and are not vindictive. They are not particularly active, they can even be called lazy. Persian cats love to lie in the arms of their beloved owner for hours or just sleep curled up in a ball.

Snow-white cat with blue eyes named Koby - video

British Shorthair

British shorthair cat

  • A white cat with blue eyes is extremely rare among the British. Those who want to acquire the most devoted friend should get a pet of this particular breed. These cats adore their owners, have an easy-going nature, are balanced and patient. However, the British also have an aristocratic character and will not allow themselves to be offended or their freedom encroached upon. The physique is muscular and squat. This cat breed has its own distinctive features: round cheeks, ears, tail and head. The animal feels like a plush toy to the touch due to the presence of abundant undercoat.


Sphynx breed

  • Magically attractive pets come in many colors. There are also white cats with blue eyes. The Sphynx breed is recognized all over the world; its distinctive features are large, widely spaced ears, huge eyes and lack of hair. The white Sphynx may have a pinkish tint.

Oriental cat

Oriental cat

  • Oriental cats are close relatives of Siamese beauties. They are elegant and graceful in an oriental way, and have beautiful almond-shaped eyes. This cat breed is characterized by large ears and a triangular head. There are both long-haired and short-haired representatives of the breed. There are different colors. Very active and curious cats will not let anyone get bored. In a family, they always single out one person and adore their owner. Cats cannot be alone for a long time and really look forward to showing care and attention from humans.

Scottish lop-eared

Scottish fold cat

  • A white Scottish Fold cat has an even, shiny color. In addition to blue, eyes can be amber or multi-colored. These cats are real aristocrats and have an unusual voice. If the pet needs something from the owner, he will notify him about this not with the usual meow, but with a polite request using creaking sounds. Cats very quickly become attached to their owners and love children and the elderly. In relation to other animals, always take a neutral side, never enter into conflict.

Javanese breed

Javanese breed

  • The Javanese white cat with blue eyes is very similar to the Oriental, but its fur is longer and its tail is bushier. They have large beautiful ears, almond-shaped eyes and a long neck. This cat breed has silky long hair that requires grooming. Typically, Javanese cats have green or blue eyes. They are very devoted, cannot live without attention and care, and are sometimes stubborn. They are very playful and active, love to walk. They are not as loyal to small children as other breeds; they will not allow themselves to be used as a toy.

Care white cat

Those who decide to have a snow-white pet should know that they will have to carefully care for the beautiful fur.

  • A white cat needs to be bathed much more often, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing shampoo.
  • White pets are more likely to suffer from allergies. Cat cosmetics should not be cheap and have a tinting effect.
  • You cannot let an animal of this color out alone for a walk, especially in inclement weather, so a tray with special fillers must be equipped for the cat.
  • Nutrition is an important part of care. For example, the presence of heart, liver or carrots in the diet can give a yellow tint to the fur.
  • A long-haired pet will have to be combed daily to avoid tangles.


  • About 50% of white blue-eyed cats suffer from hearing impairment, but only 5% of pets are completely deaf. Still, when choosing a kitten, you need to remember about a possible health problem. Such animals should not be left alone on the street.
  • Before you get a friend with white fur, you need to weigh the pros and cons, since such cats will need to be given twice as much care and attention.
