Congratulate your son on his 30th birthday in an original way. From the depths of a mother's heart...

30 years. What an adult you are!
Mature, bright, tall.
But in my soul, son,
A child's voice is heard...
The one who called mom
When I was just growing up.
And, of course, there is no doubt
No matter how many years there
You are a child for me.
I love you with all my heart.
And I wish you an anniversary
Millions of bright days
Happiness, sincere love.
Make all your dreams come true!

30 years have gone by like a flash
Since the day I gave birth to you.
I wish you luck son
And, of course, happiness always.

To be a beloved wife, to be cheerful,
Let my grandchildren be smart
May health be heroic
Let the finances be strong.

My dear, beloved son! From the bottom of my mother's heart, I congratulate you on your anniversary! I wish you peace and harmony in the family, health for many years, so that you are respected at work, and at home you are always expected and appreciated, I wish your children justify your hopes and become your pride and support in life!

The years flew by like birds.
For thirty years now
I can be proud of my son
There is no greater happiness.

You spread your wings
To soar above the ground.
The fairy tale becomes a reality
You are under a lucky star.

I wish you success again
Go to new heights.
Difficulties are not a hindrance -
I know you can get through.

Let the children make you happy
May your wife love you
The main thing is in the light.
The main thing is family.

My dear son! That's thirty years
I love you and it's not a secret.
On your anniversary, son, congratulations.
From my mother's heart I wish
To be forever strong, healthy,
Fate should not be harsh on you.
Do not know trouble, do not know bad weather,
So that happiness lives in your house,
The love was mutual, strong.
Keep good luck in your hands!

My son is thirty years old today.
The baby became a big man.
He outgrew mom and dad
Looks proudly, walks straight.

May illness and misfortune
Will bypass you
Let the bird of happiness under the roof
Sings songs loudly.

Let them guide you through life
Only luck and success
Because our son
The very best, the best.

As a father, I wish you -
Drink more tea son
Do not smoke cigarettes -
Take care of your body!

30 years is not the limit
Even though I grew up and matured
You have a wife and daughter
You are waiting for another son!

Glad, my son, I'm for you
I am very proud of you!..
Stay like this
Kind and simple!

Son, you have become an adult,
You are thirty today.
And many things I dreamed of
It has already come true.

But just as much ahead
Hopes, heights and plans.
Let it not be on the way
Deceit and deceit.

Let your surroundings
Worthy, honest.
And definitely love.
It will come to your soul!

Son, before we even looked back,
You are already 30 - men flourish.
Oh, we could return to childhood,
At the time it was born...

And here you are, brave and strong.
Man, what else to look for.
You stand very restrained, straightening your back,
And I want to gently hug you.

We wish you to be the happiest
May your deeds be great!
Whatever path you choose in life
May they all be successful, easy.

My own son
Beloved, dear,
Faith, hope,
good luck, luck,
money, health,
Happiness, patience,
Success at work
And moods
Passion, gifts
And adventure
Cheerfulness, strength
And longevity
I wish you
At the age of thirty.

To you, son, I am in these thirty
I wish you happiness and love,
Strive for the best all the time
May your dreams come true!

I wish you good luck
Health, peace and kindness,
To make you richer
Stronger, wiser than yesterday!

30 years ago God prepared a gift for us. A large envelope, tied with a lacy blue ribbon, was handed to us from hand to hand. In it, a miracle slept and smiled through a dream. Immediately illuminated us with rays of light, joy, warmth. Then every day brought miracle surprises: the first tooth, the step, the first word, the first prank and the "confiscated" ball in the broken neighbor's window. There were unrest, night experiences, but happiness overwhelmed our house. Today, together with you, we rejoice, son, success, good luck. We want to wish on this day that the ship of life sailed in the right direction, the wind blew fair, the sea was calm, the sky was clear. May there always be a reliable team of family and best friends nearby. Faith will serve as a compass, Love as a guide, and Hope as a pilot. Good health to our beloved captain for another 100 years and no seasickness. Know that the cozy bay of the hearth welcomes you in any weather.

Years fly by at the speed of meteorites, only a trace remains on the way. And today you are already a solid man with experience behind you, love in your heart, faith in your eyes. He grew up, got stronger, stood on his feet, success comes close, stretches out his hand, respect shines with the smiles of people. We wish, son, that you take with you in your future life only the necessary things, true friends, loved ones, relatives without which you cannot even a day. Draw conclusions from mistakes, wish your enemies happiness, thank them for the lessons from which you have become stronger and let go. Only sincere, unconditional love, boundless happiness, boundless joy. Let 30 years be multiplied by 5 with a great result at the end. Accept a gift from your father and mother as a talisman and a guiding beacon, it will warm you with the warmth of your native hearts, calm you down, fill you with strength, and become a treasure in difficult times.

30 years is more than 263 thousand hours, almost 16 million minutes. If you ask your mother how much time has passed since the birth of her son, she will definitely answer: "One moment." In the happiness of motherhood, you do not feel how the years fly by. You brought a joyful light to our house and lit it up. Every second filled with surprises, new impressions. This is the first significant anniversary. You are accompanied by success, respect, understanding. Colleagues appreciate, love in the family, parents are proud. Let life always be a full bowl of prosperity, a warm hearth burns without fading, the road to the top will become easy, straight. Believe in your strength and the support of loved ones, work tirelessly for a long, long time, burn like a lucky star. May God extend the earthly term to infinity. Today, receive guests, congratulations, gifts. On his birthday, all the best for the best son.

You saw the world 30 years ago and in the first moment you smiled, marveling at its beauty, only after that you cried to comply with the formalities of birth. Since then, your eyes, heart, soul never cease to amaze and amaze everyone around. Today I look at such an adult, handsome son and joy overflows, happiness overflows. Look around - everyone glows with sincerity, love. They just reflect what you give them. There is no flattery, envy, hatred, no place for quarrels. Always be such a positive charge that success, prosperity, well-being are attracted, health improves, respect grows. Let friends be reliable, wife faithful, loving, beloved, children brilliant, servants and parents alive, healthy, understanding. Be filled with the energy of light, goodness. Be wise, generous, desirable.

Recently you were a baby. He did not walk boldly along the path in the park, holding on to his mother's hand. Today, a confident, energetic, full of strength handsome man has gathered everyone in this hall to have joyful moments of communication, accept congratulations and gifts. We, parents, brought here a huge package, and it contains 30 years of the most vivid memories. Here is the first tooth that bit my father's finger. Here are the curls that I cut myself. A bow from grandfather's fishing rod, a flower given to my mother for the first time, a sketch of a box for a beloved girl (now wife). These are all steps of experience, formation and mastery. So let them become a strong foundation in building your own life, give confidence on the way, warm, please. Be healthy and long-lived, like an oak, let life be filled with happiness, like a blue spring sky. Love surrounds everywhere 24 hours a day. Luck sits in all corners.

The word is short SON, and how much warmth, care, kindness, love, pride is in it. And so for 30 years you have been delighting us with your successes, small and large, giving us the joy of communication, the energy of life. Today we congratulate you on your 30th anniversary. We hasten to wish to receive from fate precious gifts of happiness, endless joy, absolute goodness. Let three guards protect you all your life, Faith, Love, Hope. On difficult sections of the path, angels carry on their wings, in moments of despondency, friends lend a helping hand. Love will surround you with warmth, put in front of you a powerful shield of protection from troubles. Wealth is multiplied, health is added, adversity is subtracted, adversity is shared, disappears at the speed of sound. Everything is easy and simple to solve.

The sun, the wind, the sky above the river, the singing of birds, the twinkling of stars and the fragrance of flowers - all this the world has been bringing you as a gift for 30 years. The best, handsome, smart, kind son. With your appearance in the world, happiness has come to our house and does not leave it for a minute. Neighbors, friends, just acquaintances and strangers daily bring words of gratitude to our doorstep for our son. And from this, the father straightens his shoulders, the mother grows younger with joy. We are proud and admire you. We wish life to creep under your feet as a bright, fluffy carpet woven from pleasant events. Let there be many colors of love, good luck, success, health, human generosity and just a little bit of sadness for contrast. Meet only good, know how to get around and overcome obstacles. May fate keep you, give you important expensive gifts.

“Life is full of unpredictable events, so it is better to have several types of transport, many tools, mechanisms and devices in your arsenal,” an ordinary person will say. “Life is an amazing teacher and an excellent assistant, with whom it is easy and simple,” our son always says. We agree with his conclusions and are proud that he set his priorities right. He is the true master of his destiny. 30 years is very little, but enough to determine the main thing. We wish you strength of body and spirit, joy from friends, respect from colleagues, understanding, support, tenderness from family and love from everyone always. May your dreams come true on time. If chance tells you to cross the ocean, then let luck bring a comfortable ship, a passing caravan is waiting in the desert, a knowledgeable guide in the forest. Live easily, joyfully, with humor. The important and the good will be there, the unnecessary will fall off by itself.

My adult son, you are thirty today.
You are energetic, full of energy, good-looking.
May your dreams come true
And I confess that I'm already proud of you!
And I want to wish you healthy stubbornness,
To jokingly overcome all obstacles!
Be loved in your family kingdom!
Do things in such a way that you do not regret later!

Dear, you are already thirty today,
And you are a long time man.
And I, my dear, often dream at night,
The first time I saw my baby son.
You will always be my boy
And with all my heart, son, I wish you:
Be happy and love always with excess,
Let your heart not know sorrows!

He quickly became such an adult,
And it looks like it just came out.
Let everything that you dreamed come true
In your, my beloved, thirty years!
Dear son, I love you so much.
Be healthy and rich in every possible way,
May true friends be near
Go through life without fear of obstacles!

Thirty years you make me happy
My good, dear, my dear.
You have a family for a long time, and I
Every birthday I remember yours.
May success accompany you
Fulfilling all your dreams!
You will hear my happy laugh
If you are happy in life you.

I can't believe it's true, you're an adult.
Thirty years! Congratulations son!
I'm proud of you: stately, serious.
New goals in life, dear!
Keep your boldness for many years
Your grasp in work, deeds,
Be fervent and young, as before,
And do not know, dear, that there is fear!

This day is like a reward for me -
I wish so much!
Tell me how insanely happy I am
Thirty years to give you happiness.
I congratulate you, my dear.
Let, of course, you have matured,
But the same native and beloved.
Let him grow up quickly.

Thirty years, son, not much yet.
Thirty years, son, is not enough.
Dear, believe your way -
This is, after all, just the beginning.
Keep up with the hectic pace of life
Long life and good health,
Be faithful to your native Motherland!
My wishes to you - with love!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 30 years:

A child will always remain a child in the eyes of the parents. And here it doesn’t matter at all whether he turns 30 or not. A caring parent at any age will give his son love and affection, and also think carefully about choosing a gift and congratulatory words. After all, if not the parents, then who will give the birthday boy the most vivid emotions and memories that will go with him through life for many years to come? Significant other? Maybe. Friends? Absolutely not. One way or another, if you have already visited this site, then you need to bring the matter to its logical conclusion.

When choosing a gift, we recommend not to forget that, despite the fact that you perceive your son as a child, he is already an adult man. Therefore, he needs to make appropriate gifts. Related to work, hobbies, leisure, car - this is the second thing. The main thing is that the thing you choose brings him real benefit.

If we talk directly about congratulations on the birthday of a son of 30 years old, then you can take worthy ready-made options directly. Vlio will help you surprise your son and give him not only material, but also true moral pleasure.

Happy 30th birthday son, congratulations!
I only wish you victories in everything!
Let it never be sad
So that eternal joy lives in the heart!

And even though much is inexplicable now,
Live all the same you successfully, happily!
Let there be no disagreements and disputes in the family,
Love does not put any fences!

Thirty years ago you appeared
And the whole family became happy
After all, when our son was born -
Congratulated relatives and friends.

And today we congratulate our son,
And a lot of life victories
We wish you, beloved son,
And live with dignity for many years!

Happy Anniversary, son, congratulations,
I wish you much happiness.
The years go by fast, don't be sad
All the best lies ahead.

30 years - golden time,
May fate smile on you.
I love you very much son
Happy birthday, I tell you.

It's been thirty years already
Son, we are so lucky to have you!
You are so kind, sensitive, sweet,
Caring and fair.

We congratulate you on your anniversary
We wish you happiness in full,
More happy moments
Good luck and applause!

Time flew by so fast
Didn't even have time to look back.
The thirtieth spring is knocking at your door,
Gives a lot of joy, smiles and warmth.

Let all your plans come true
Let everything bad be forgotten forever
Be happy and desired always
Let life flow like a full river.

You are 30 years old! On a wonderful holiday
Everyone is nearby - relatives, colleagues, friends.
Let there be many beautiful and different words,
But remember one thing, we love you!

Son, you are already a real man,
Everything in life is used to doing only himself.
So let there be no reason for alarm,
So that, seeing success, do not believe your eyes!

Our son grew up
Thirty years you have exchanged!
Happy Anniversary
We do not regret wishes.

To get the job done
And he advanced in the service.
So that the family loves you
The children brought joy.

Happy thirtieth birthday, son!
Life began a new round.
You are also young and strong
Now he has become wiser, smarter.

Let your life beat like a fountain
Be happy and keep moving forward
Towards every moment.
Once again, Happy Anniversary. Happy Birthday!

Happy 30th birthday son, congratulations
I wish you a lot of happiness, joy, kindness.
Let love inspire you
May fate always be kind.

I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart,
May all your dreams come true
Let you be lucky in everything, always
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.

Entries 1 - 15 from 15

Congratulations on your anniversary, my dear son,
You are 30 years old today, I am proud, son, of you!
You are fine in mind and growth, things are arguing in your hands.
And cheerful, and not greedy, you do not fly in the clouds!

I want to wish you health, happiness, joy, love,
May your wishes and all your thoughts come true.
There will be a bright road, you can easily walk along it.
Sorrow, anxiety, grief will run away from your path!

My dear, beloved son! From the bottom of my mother's heart, I congratulate you on your anniversary! I wish you peace and harmony in the family, health for many years, so that you are respected at work, and at home you are always expected and appreciated, I wish your children justify your hopes and become your pride and support in life!

30 years have gone by like a flash
Since the day I gave birth to you.
I wish you luck son
And, of course, happiness always.

To be a beloved wife, to be cheerful,
Let my grandchildren be smart
May health be heroic
Let the finances be strong.

My dear son! That's thirty years
I love you and it's not a secret.
On your anniversary, son, congratulations.
From my mother's heart I wish
To be forever strong, healthy,
Fate should not be harsh on you.
Do not know trouble, do not know bad weather,
So that happiness lives in your house,
The love was mutual, strong.
Keep good luck in your hands!

Happy Anniversary, son, congratulations,
I wish you much happiness.
The years go by fast, don't be sad
All the best lies ahead.

30 years - golden time,
May fate smile on you.
I love you very much son
Happy birthday, I tell you.

My son, I want to tell you
That you are my main person.
And wish you good luck
Health and love forever.

May the road be smooth
Let troubles bypass you
Let worries fly by
And true friends will be!

Our son grew up
Thirty years you have exchanged!
Happy Anniversary
We do not regret wishes.

To get the job done
And he advanced in the service.
So that the family loves you
The children brought joy.

You are 30 years old son. Your wonderful anniversary.
Long life to you dear, joyful nights and days!
And a happy fate. May your path be bright.
Let the star of love burn and not let it turn off!
Fulfillment of dreams! May all dreams come true.
I want you to be loved and healthy forever!

Happy thirtieth birthday, son!
Life began a new round.
You are also young and strong
Now he has become wiser, smarter.

Let your life beat like a fountain
Be happy and keep moving forward
Towards every moment.
Once again, Happy Anniversary. Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on your anniversary
Dear beloved son,
Successful by the age of thirty
You have reached many peaks!

I have a family and I have a job
Career growth coming up
I want to live carefree
Let's drink to this toast.

Dear son - happy anniversary to you,
We wish you a happy day!
Let everything turn out great
And everything in life will not be in vain.

Be beautiful and brave
You never forget your parents
We wish you much success
And let your path be bright.

Happy birthday son
Our family congratulations
We are glad to tell you -
We wanted to wish
Never retreat
And walk steadily through life
With head held high,
Be true to your dream
To be self-confident,
Live honestly with an open mind
Do not regret what happened!

Happy Anniversary My Man
The most important in this world!
I congratulate you, son,
I wish you happiness and love:
So that the bride likes
I managed to find you.
For all dreams to come true
And incomes increased -
Could then you your mother
Take to France.
Happy birthday, beloved son,
Be healthy and full of strength!

And now your long-awaited day has come
How long have you been waiting and now it's here
That day appeared on our white light
The purest crumb is not more divine.
How small you were, now you have matured
He became strong and strong, like copper steel!
We say congratulations on your anniversary:
Be happy and hello, success in work
Do not be humane, be kind and glorious
Let your children and wife always stay with you forever!

The most important day in our life
You have passed another step
Anniversary date knocked on the door,
And gathered guests at the round table,

At 30, you are a little son for us,
We remember your every new step,
And with all my heart we wish you dear,
So that the source of happiness is inexhaustible.
