Congratulations at the wedding on the transfer of the family hearth. The ritual of lighting a family hearth at a wedding

Modern newlyweds can organize a wedding to their taste without following, however, some customs are still observed unchanged. These include the rite of ignition of the family hearth - it needs a text and a good script. After all, this is one of the touching wedding rituals that you need to try to carry out impeccably so that they are deposited in your memory with warm memories.

The role of traditions in the celebration

Every culture is associated with the process of marriage. They began to emerge from the moment when humanity had just begun its history, that is, in the days of the Ancient World.

Gradually, traditions changed as they adjusted to modern realities, but the basis has always remained the same.

Many customs have been forgotten over time, as they have lost their relevance. Previously, they were called upon to attract the blessing of higher powers to a married couple, since from an early age children were inspired to believe in the supernatural. Some traditions protected the newlyweds from evil spirits, others attracted good luck, happiness, strong and healthy offspring.

Gradually, traditions became a kind of canons - immutable rules that must be followed in order to be known as a pious person. Now these are just symbolic actions that are performed as a tribute to the past.

Most newlyweds do not even think about the fact that couples did the same thing at weddings hundreds and thousands of years ago. Most often, traditions are followed because it is customary, but usually no one is interested in how and why such orders were established.

In other cases, customs are followed in stylized weddings. If the bride and groom organize a celebration in the spirit of any country, they can supplement the surroundings with its traditions to make it more harmonious and spectacular. There is nothing wrong with this - young people have simply become more practical and less superstitious, as the modern world demands.


There are rituals that have survived to this day, practically unchanged. It is noteworthy that in different variations, the ritual of lighting a family hearth at a wedding originated in several cultures. Even in some African tribes there was a similar tradition, which is still revered.

During this custom, families of newlyweds bring fire from their homes to their own to unite and help their children create a family nest.

It is believed that this symbolizes the warmth, well-being and happiness that are born in the marital home. Parents pass on their own wisdom to their children so that the fire in their lives will never go out.

Among the ancient Slavs, the family hearth was lit on the wedding day, and the task of the wife was to keep the fire throughout her married life. This is no less important attribute of a wedding celebration, like a kiss after an official marriage ceremony. Parents give their children parting words and advice on how to make relationships strong and warm.

Previously, this tradition was performed literally, but now not every house even has a fireplace, so it is difficult to bring fire. Most often, it is replaced with candles - ordinary, decorative or even scented. They can be installed on a table, in a special stand with holders located at different levels, or in a fake stylized hearth.

Interesting!, which was used during this ceremony, is carefully stored in the house throughout their married life.

It is lit when the fire of a relationship cools down, or one of the spouses ceases to fully trust the other. Some even advise walking around your house with this lit candle on every wedding anniversary to protect the family from trouble.

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When igniting the family hearth of their children, parents should use only matches, but not gasoline or gas, and even more so decorative lighters. The very sacrament of this tradition suggests naturalness and comfort.

Elena Sokolova


The lighting of a family hearth at a wedding may be accompanied by a text from witnesses or toastmasters. It is better to draw it up in advance and correct it if necessary.


Scenario Options

Usually the ceremony is held at the very end of the wedding banquet.. Scenario lighting a family hearth at a wedding is thought out in advance. And according to him and this can only be followed by a festive salute, if provided. It is important to decide in advance who exactly will light the family hearth.

There are the following variants of the rite of ignition of the family hearth.

After the impromptu family hearth is lit, the newlyweds go around with it all those present. If you wish, you can distribute your candles to all guests, which will be lit from the family hearth. If it is assumed that this ceremony will be filmed on a photo or video, then you need to choose interesting candlesticks or coasters for each.

How to choose candles

For parents, ordinary thin and long candles (not church ones) are most often selected, since with this form it will be convenient to light the family hearth of the newlyweds with them. In this case, it is better to refuse curly and flavored options, as they will attract unnecessary attention and at the same time create problems during the performance of the ritual. The ceremony will turn out to be even more touching and symbolic if the parents still have candles from their own wedding.

For the newlyweds, the most beautiful and richly decorated candle is selected. It can be decorative or flavored. In some wedding salons, they offer to decorate a candle for a separate amount in accordance with the general concept of the celebration, but the newlyweds can do it on their own. In this case, the decor of an impromptu family hearth will turn out to be individual and symbolic.

For guests, you can choose both long and thin candles, as well as small round ones that can be held in the palms of your hands. After the ceremony, friends and relatives can do with the candles at their discretion - some throw them out burnt out, while others leave them as a keepsake. Looks nice and romantic lighting a family hearth at a wedding on video. Therefore, the ceremony is definitely worth filming.

What words are spoken

The toastmaster who leads the wedding, the ignition of the family hearth must be accompanied by poetry or prose. You can tell a parable about the family hearth. An example is below.

“Once happiness decided to leave one house. Nobody knew why it happened, but there was no other way. However, before such a responsible decision, happiness decided to fulfill one dream of each family member. The wife asked for a warm coat, the daughter wanted to marry a wealthy man, and the son lacked a faithful horse. Happiness easily fulfilled all desires and, just before leaving, asked what the owner of the house wanted. The man thought and answered that he wishes that the fire that warms his loved ones never goes out in the family hearth. Happiness appreciated the care and foresight of the owner of the house, fulfilled the desire and remained in the family, since true happiness can only live where the protected family hearth does not fade away.

Parents should also choose words to light the family hearth at the wedding. They say instructions to their children. Do not repeat the words of congratulations that sounded during the main part of the banquet- it is better to stock up on several versions of texts for different stages of the celebration.

Moms and dads give the bride and groom valuable advice based on their own experience so that the newly-made spouses can maintain their happiness and carry it through for many years.

The newlyweds themselves, as a rule, are silent most of the time, and only occasionally and at the end of the speech of the parents insert words of gratitude.

It is assumed that at this stage the bride and groom memorize valuable advice, so that later, if necessary, apply them in their married life.

What kind of music to hold the ceremony

To emphasize the significance and warmth of the moment at the wedding, it must be chosen correctly. The composition should be calm, lyrical, with or without words. The main thing is that the text does not contradict the tradition and concept of the wedding as a whole. M the link for kindling the family hearth can be chosen from the following options:

  • Destination - "In front of everyone";
  • Soso Pavliashvili - "To please";
  • Irina Allegrova - "We are together";
  • Igor Krutoy - "When I close my eyes";
  • Vasily Perebikovsky - “There are difficult moments in life”;
  • Soso Pavliashvili - "The sky in the palm of your hand";
  • Sting - "Shape Of My Heart"
  • Paul Mauriat - "Love is Blue"
  • Libera - "Ave Maria";
  • Howard Shore - "Wedding Plans";
  • Hans Zimmer - "Tennessee".

The bride and groom, together with their parents, can choose a composition that has a symbolic meaning in their lives. In this case, she will mark another important stage in the life of the newlyweds.

Before the tradition is fulfilled, it is necessary to check with the administration of the institution where the banquet will be held whether open fire can be used indoors, since sometimes fire safety rules prohibit this. In this case, the tradition is either replaced or transferred to the open air.

If it is assumed that the ceremony of lighting the family hearth at the wedding will be or, then you need to tell him about it in advance so that he can prepare the necessary equipment for high-quality shooting in a dark room.

Each couple decides for themselves whether they will observe this or that tradition at their wedding. At the same time, lighting a family hearth is one of those customs that are used at almost every celebration on the occasion of marriage. In addition to the fact that such a ceremony looks beautiful and is remembered by both the newlyweds themselves and the guests, it also makes the wedding more comfortable and natural.

One of the wedding traditions is the transfer of the family hearth to the young from the families of their parents. This rite is performed in many countries and gives those very unforgettable moments of joy and magic, soulfulness and warmth to the newlyweds and guests.

The transfer of the family hearth at a wedding is a very beautiful and spectacular ritual, but few people know what it means.

The procedure for lighting a candle for newlyweds (family hearth) from parental ones (2 thin candles) exists in the ceremonies of many countries, but the interpretation is slightly different:

  • In Russia, a candle lit by the parents of the young, in fact, symbolizes the newly created family hearth. Parents give a particle of flame to a young family, after the ceremony, the candle can be left to burn further, or it can be extinguished.
  • In America, two thin candles represent the souls of the young, who must unite in one candle of unity. After that, the long candles are extinguished, as the lovers no longer exist separately, and now they are a single whole.

But despite the slight difference in the interpretation of the rite, the essence remains the same - the transfer of the flame symbolizes the beginning of a new life together. Together with the lighting of a candle (family hearth), happiness, love, harmony and well-being come to the house.

What is needed for the ceremony of transferring the family hearth

For ignition of the family hearth you will need only three candles and matches: one for the young, two for the parents. And candles should be different. A candle for the hearth is taken larger, and for parents - thin long ones. All three candles are decorated in the same style and color scheme. Such a ready-made set of candles can be bought in salons, decorated by yourself or ordered from a wedding accessories designer.

The family hearth (wide candle) can have a different shape. Usually this is a cylindrical candle, but it can also be in the shape of a heart, rings, etc. Candles that are intended for parents should be the same.

Who holds candles during the handover of the family hearth at a wedding

According to tradition, long thin candles are lit by the mother of the bride and groom (parents), pronouncing parting words.

  • According to another version, fathers can light candles, pass them on to mothers, and they, in turn, light the family hearth;
  • Both parents can hold a candle together, and the toastmaster can light it;
  • The groom's parents can also hold candles - a sign that they are accepting the bride into the house;
  • The parents of the bride, passing the flame of candles, symbolizes that the woman is the keeper of the hearth;
  • Candles can be lit by grandparents;
  • If the families are incomplete, then any close relative can light a candle;
  • If the parents of the bride or groom are divorced, then only the mother or father can light the candle.

Which of the young holds the family hearth? The family hearth (thick candle) can only be held by the bride, or the newlyweds together, holding hands.

When and how is the ceremony of transferring the family hearth at the wedding

This beautiful ritual is performed at the beginning or end of the evening. If you choose the first option, then the transfer occurs when the newlyweds accept congratulations from their parents. If you choose the second option, then the most suitable time is when it is already getting dark on the street, but in this case, not all guests will be able to feel the full significance of what is happening, since by this time everyone is a little tipsy.

In fact, the ritual of transferring fire is adjusted according to the script and the wishes of the young are taken into account.

You can turn on slow soulful music, distribute small floating candles to the guests, turn off the lights in the hall, put a heart out of candles on the floor. When everything is ready, the host explains the whole essence of what is happening, the young people hold a candle in their hands and go to the center of the hall, the parents light their candles and approach the young people, bring the lit candles to the hearth. Thus, a new flame of the family hearth is created.

At the time of the transfer of the family hearth, beautiful words and poems sound. Here is an example of one of them:

Here is your hearth - the basis of happiness and goodness

And it's time for you to light it up.

He is a symbol of two merging hearts,

Fulfill your wishes instantly.

As long as he is in your house,

You can overcome all obstacles!

Words of wishes and parting words can be pronounced by both parents and toastmasters. The second option is more suitable, because parents are very worried and can forget the words. You can safely trust the toastmaster.

The hand is trembling and there is a reason - today mom is marrying her son!

She carried under her heart under her, raised from her heart,

Look how all the people froze - after all, mother gives her daughter away!

Keep the fire of your love, through the years, through the centuries!

You take care of your love, you are together forever.

Remember this moment, may it be sacred:

You are now husband and wife!

Here is another parting word with the participation of the toastmaster and two mothers.

Mom 1 (pronounced before lighting):

A serious and important step is to create a home. But you need to kindle it, with the help of our candles.

Mom 2 (after ignition):

You lit the family hearth, now and forever! Let it burn like a light in the eyes, like a heart in a person.


To keep the fire of the native hearth, not burying itself in the fires of others, and our ancestors lived and bequeathed to us through the centuries with such a law: Sacred is the fire of the native hearth!

There are many parables, but this one is perhaps the most beautiful and instructive that can be told during the ceremony:

Happiness decided to leave one house. “But first,” said Happiness, “I will fulfill one wish of each member of the family in which I lived for many years. What do you want?" - Happiness asked the mistress of the house. And she answered that she did not have a mink coat, - and the hostess received a fur coat. Happiness asked the adult daughter of the hostess: “What do you want?” - and she replied that she wanted to marry an overseas prince - and married an overseas prince.

Happiness asked the son of the hostess: “What do you want?” - “I want,” he says, “a bicycle, I will be happy if there is a bicycle,” and the boy got a bicycle.

And already on the threshold of the house, Happiness saw the owner and asked: “What do you want?” The owner thought and answered: “I want the flame (warmth) of the family hearth to never go out in my house.” And Happiness had to stay, because where the family hearth burns, Happiness lives there!

No matter how many parables exist, they all tell us and remind us that the light and warmth from the fire of the family is much more important than from the largest pile of gold.

Then the young, holding a candle in their hand (usually the bride does this), whirl in a slow, short dance. If suddenly someone wants to make a wish over the flame of a candle, they should be allowed to do so. Next, the candle can be left to burn for some time on the table, or you can put it out.

Do not forget that the candle is the talisman of the new family, which must be kept until the wedding of children. Therefore, if you leave a candle burning, make sure that it does not burn out completely.

How to keep a family hearth

At the end of the wedding, the young people take the candle home. Put it in a conspicuous place or hide it from prying eyes - it's up to the young to decide. The candle must be kept as a talisman! During the ceremony, the candle absorbed all the best, received the love radiated from the young. Now she is warm and happy, designed to help maintain family happiness for many years to come.

This candle is recommended to be lit on every wedding anniversary, as well as on other memorable pleasant and happy events, such as the birth of a child. Her happy energy can help bring happiness back to the house in a difficult moment, it is enough to light a candle for just a couple of minutes.

The ignition of a family hearth at a wedding is a very touching, exciting, mysterious moment, during which the talisman of a new family is created.

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A wedding is an old ritual and has many traditions. Some of them are taken from a foreign culture (for example, throwing a bouquet), some are primordially Russian, originating many centuries ago. So, such ancient traditions include lighting a family hearth, the main symbol of which is candles.

This tradition, by the way, has a foreign alternative, known as the "Sand Ceremony" - when the newlyweds leave their bachelor life in the past and reunite in a new life, as if becoming one.

Ignite the family hearth at the wedding

This is a very beautiful, sincere and exciting moment of the wedding celebration. It is noteworthy that both the parents of the bride and groom and all invited guests participate in the rite of ignition and transfer of the family hearth.

Usually, the right to start this ceremony is given to the parents of the couple: they light a candle each and light one large wedding candle of the newlyweds from them - in this way they seem to pass their fire on to the young family. As a rule, at this exciting and truly magical moment, words of parting words from the parents sound to the bride and groom, but also the newlyweds themselves can utter some kind of touching oath.

The text of the oath for lighting the hearth can be drawn up in advance. Or you can improvise if you are confident in your oratory. But when the words come from the heart, everything usually turns out perfectly.

Scenario of the ceremony "Family Hearth"

As a rule, during the performance of the ceremony, candles are carried by women - the mothers of the bride and groom. Which is understandable: after all, for a long time it was the woman who had to keep and protect the family and home hearth. Men - the fathers of the bride and groom - are assigned the role of lighting the hearth. This shows that it is the male half that should be responsible for the family, its creation and strengthening. However, there are cases when one of the newlyweds has an incomplete family, one of the parents is missing - in this case, the procedure for transferring the family hearth can be changed. Moreover, this will not affect the tradition itself, its meaning and depth. The main thing is to write this moment in the script.

Already after lighting the family hearth, the bride herself will have to hold the candle - from now on, it is she who becomes the keeper of the hearth of the new family. However, there are cases when a candle is placed on a separate table - next to a couple.

The time of the ceremony

There is no strict time frame for holding this tradition. This can be done at the very beginning of the holiday. And you can wait until it gets dark outside. Then the ceremony becomes mysterious and carries a touch of good, family magic. It will look especially good to hold such a ceremony, for example, on a summer evening in the open air. And photos from such a ceremony are very spectacular.

Candles to transfer the family hearth

As we said above, it is candles that are the main symbol of this long-standing beautiful tradition. You can buy candles anywhere: in a regular store or in a bridal salon.

Candle design may vary. And the bride herself can do it. Flowers, rings, pearls will look good. If you manage to find a chameleon candle that changes color after lighting and then plays with a variety of colors, it will be an unforgettable sight! Such candles look amazing when the ceremony of the family hearth takes place in the dark. Immediately there is a feeling of some truly magical action!

Requirements for candles for the ceremony

Despite the fact that, in principle, any candles are suitable for conducting the sacrament of transferring the family hearth, there are still some requirements for them.

First, it is important that the candle of the newlyweds is different from everyone else, including the candles of the parents. It will be great if the young candle is the largest, different in shape, diameter and design. By the way, the shape of the candle of the bride and groom can be different - it all depends on your preferences and taste.
By the way, parents can buy long and thin candles, they will complement the large and solid main candle of the young. In addition, with long candles it is easy to set fire to the guests' candles.
As for candles in the form of any figures, this is not the best option - it is inconvenient to set fire to all the others with such candles.

Second: if you want to take a picture with your family hearth after the wedding, prepare a stand or candlestick for a candle in advance. So the photo will be even more original.

Fourth: if this tradition also took place at the wedding of the parents of the bride or groom, then it would be great to use that same candle to set fire to the hearth of the newlyweds. And after the wedding, the young couple should also keep their family hearth - until the marriage of their own children.

And lastly, candles are not the only item for this ritual. Depending on your desire, you can use aroma lamps. If you find it convenient and more effective. And in this case, the shape of the lamps can be chosen differently: from a ball to a house. Which would be very symbolic.

The role of the wedding leader

In the sacrament of the transfer of the family hearth, a significant role is assigned to the wedding host - it is he who will have to explain to the guests during the celebration what kind of tradition it is, why it is needed, where it came from and what significance this moment plays in general. But if you do not want any text to sound during the transfer of the family hearth, you can hold the ceremony just to the music.

How to keep the family hearth after the wedding

We have already mentioned earlier that all guests who received candles can take part in the sacrament of lighting the hearth. After the ceremony is completed, the guests usually stand in a circle or in a line, and the bride approaches each with her own candle and lights all the others from it. Thus, she transfers a particle of warmth to her loved ones and makes it clear that she opens her home and her heart to them. But it is important to consider - the candle should be convenient not only for holding, but also for lighting.

If guests with lit candles stand in a circle, then inside this circle, young people can perform a dance. It looks very beautiful and touching!

It is necessary for young people to keep the candle of the family hearth - after all, this is no longer just some kind of candle, it is a symbol of their family, loyalty and understanding. Lighting a candle after the wedding is also recommended. And not only on the anniversary of the marriage, but also when children appear in the family. As for the storage of the hearth, it must be protected until the children who have already grown up create their own family.

There is a legend that a candle lit from a family hearth can fulfill any, even the most cherished desire. Therefore, all guests who were at the wedding and participated in this ceremony are advised to save their candles. And also - to remember that wonderful day when another wonderful young family was born. And together with the young guests, they can also then heal this candle on the day of the anniversary of the marriage. Both at home and when visiting a couple with a candle.

Photo of the family hearth

The tradition of lighting and transferring the family hearth is not just an old, but also a very beautiful and even wise tradition. Therefore, it is worth capturing it in a photo. The main thing is that the photographer should be warned in advance at what time of day the ceremony will take place (in daylight or in the dark). Also discuss the moment that there will be movement during the ritual - so that the photos do not turn out blurry when the ignition process is in progress. Then the resulting pictures will delight both you and your guests.

And one last piece of advice: if you want your wedding celebration to be remembered by all those invited, so that your most important day will be remembered with warmth by the guests, we recommend that you perform the ceremony of handing over the hearth. It will be unforgettable!

This custom appeared relatively recently and is firmly entrenched in the celebration of weddings. The transfer of the family hearth at a wedding is the creation of a new family in the form of lighting a decorative candle, which symbolizes the flame of the parents' hearth. Newlyweds with this fire receive family values ​​and traditions of two families.

The keeper of the hearth has always been a woman, and therefore they light the hearth for the groom and the bride of their mother. So they pass on a piece of their warmth, wisdom, experience of life in marriage and happiness to the young. Usually this ceremony is performed towards the end of the feast, but it can also be performed at the beginning, it all depends on the desire of the young.

Need to prepare

The ceremony of handing over the hearth itself is not complicated, but it looks exciting and creates a warm atmosphere.

To perform the ceremony, you need to prepare and find out:

- find out in a cafe or restaurant whether it is possible to arrange this ritual with them. For fire safety reasons, the facility manager may not allow the ceremony to take place;

- a table where the family hearth will be located;

- one candle, which must be placed on the table;

- two candles for parents;

- you can decorate the table with candlesticks, lace napkins;

- you need to warn the photographer about the preparation of the ceremony and discuss the scenario of the event with him so that he can tune in to poor lighting in the room.

Choosing candles

The choice of candles should be approached seriously. For example, for newlyweds, a candle should be eye-catching, beautiful and large. You can choose any form, there are candles in the house, which will make the ceremony even more spectacular. Or, if you wish, you can decorate your candle yourself with various shiny rhinestones, patterns. Candles can be decorated with ribbons, various patterns, the initials of the young.

For parents, you need to choose candles that are thin and long, which will be combined with the style of the wedding and differ in convenience when transferring fire. You can choose carved white candles decorated with ribbons, rhinestones or pearls.

How is the transmission of the focus

All traditional customs change over the years, so it is not necessary to strictly follow all the rules and conditions, you can remake something to suit your tastes, but so that the rite does not lose its main meaning.

How does the ritual take place?

– the light in the banquet hall is reduced as much as possible, creating a warm, romantic atmosphere;

- young people stand in the middle of the hall;

- turn on calm romantic music;

- according to custom, candles are lit by fathers, a few minutes before the start of the ritual, this is a symbol of responsibility for creating a family, but they carry the light of the mother of the bride and groom, as they are responsible for creating and maintaining home warmth;

- young people simultaneously take a common large candle. The bride should take it with her left hand, and the groom with his right;

- the parents of the young people each set fire to one candle and bring it to their hearth (candle), symbolically giving away part of their experience and family warmth;

- sharing their spark with the young, the words of the mother are pronounced. Thus, in poetic form or in prose, the mothers of the bride and groom give them parting words.

It is necessary after their speech to express their gratitude and respect to the mothers, if there are gifts for the parents, then hand them over immediately after the “hearth” has been lit, thereby preserving the warm atmosphere of the ceremony;

After the hearth has been handed over, the ritual can continue in a number of ways:

- the newlyweds carry a candle to their place or leave it on a special table;

- the young people perform a slow dance with a lit candle, after which they take it to its place. Sometimes they dance in a circle of lighted candles laid out in the form of a huge heart;

- the bride and groom go through all the guests, share their spark with them;

The newlyweds invite guests to make a wish while holding their hands over their hearth;

- as a variant of the ending of the celebration, the newlyweds leave the ceremony, take the burning hearth home.

When planning the main day of their lives, the newlyweds decide which symbolic rites to include in the script and which not. The family hearth at the wedding is a beautiful ceremony filled with meaning and mystery. It will help create a warm and sincere atmosphere during the celebration.

How to have a ceremony

An important point is the fact who lights the candles. There are various scenarios for the development of events:

  1. Candles are lit by the mothers of the newlyweds or all the women present at the wedding. They carry a lit symbol to give to the newlyweds. The main candle of lovers can be held by the bride, young people at the same time, or she can stand on the table.
  2. The fathers of the newlyweds light candles, then pass them on to their wives. Mothers carry a symbolic fire and present the family hearth to the newlyweds. They do it carefully so that the fire of love of lovers does not go out.
  3. If there are no parents, godparents or close relatives can replace them. The main thing is to discuss the script with the toastmaster and correct the text.
  4. The toastmaster, during the ignition of the family hearth, utters touching words and conveys to the guests the meaning of the ceremony. The facilitator's text should explain where the action came from. A parable or poems about the hearth will help to tell about this. The ceremony should be accompanied by appropriate music.
  5. Then the bride can go around all those present with the main lighted symbol of the evening and light their candles, which they hold in their hands. For convenience, you can use candlesticks or you may need a stand.

Basic moments

Ignition of the family hearth is a process that is mandatory at every wedding. It has ancient origins, besides the action looks bewitchingly beautiful. The newlyweds discuss in advance with the host how to conduct the lighting ceremony, discuss all the pros and cons so that there are no misunderstandings during the celebration. The newlyweds themselves decide what to do after the wedding with candles. They can keep it and in due time give it to their own children for their wedding.

The speech of the toastmaster at the time of the transfer of the family hearth should be understandable and accessible to guests. After all, not everyone knows why this action occurs. A parable can be told about the origin of this tradition. It sounds like this: “Once, Happiness decided to leave the house of one person. And it finally asked what each of the family members wants for themselves. The hostess asked for a fur coat, the child asked for a toy. And the owner wanted the fire of the family hearth to always burn in his house. And Happiness remained, because where there is warmth, love and care for loved ones, there is happiness.”

The family hearth at the wedding can be replaced by. Sand in it acts as an alternative to fire. It also carries a symbol of home comfort and warmth. Recently, this custom has become more and more common at weddings.

Selection of candles

An important point when choosing candles is their design (they can be of any shape and color). There are no rules and restrictions, but there are basic ideas that should be followed:

  1. Candles for the ritual can be made by hand. For example, rustic lighting items can be made from simple materials such as burlap, twine and paper flowers. It will be original and symbolic. They can be saved and fired on each wedding anniversary. Traditions like these help cement family ties.
  2. The main candle should be different from the others. It can be larger and more peculiar, of an unusual shape and bright color. You can decorate it with bows, ribbons and rhinestones.
  3. It is possible to use an aroma lamp. For example, it can be made in the form of a house or hearts.
  4. Candles for parents for a wedding are better to choose thin and long. So it will be easier to perform the rite of transfer of fire.
  5. The set for the ritual of lighting a family hearth also includes small candles for guests. They must be protected from melting wax.
